Proposals for improving the marketing activities of ATP. Improving the marketing activities of Style Plus LLC. The purpose of this work is to, based on the theoretical foundations of marketing and the current market situation, evaluate the

JSC "Tander", whose activities are based on the principles of marketing, has developed a program of marketing activities. The goals of the enterprise are achieved through assessing and satisfying customer requirements. Marketing not only creates conditions for entering the market, but also helps to consolidate the company’s position in the market, expand sales, and rapidly change product characteristics under the influence of technological advances and consumer requirements.

Competent development of a marketing program is the most important element of the technical and economic activity of an enterprise.

The marketing program includes sections: summary of benchmarks; presentation of the current marketing situation; list of hazards and opportunities; list of tasks and problems; marketing strategy; action programs; budget and control procedures.

The basis of the plan is marketing goals and intended tasks. The marketing program should reflect: goals and benchmarks (for example, increasing the share of sales in a given market, increasing sales profits, etc.); forecast of market conditions for the planned period; characterization of areas of marketing work to obtain data necessary for drawing up marketing plans in the future (marketing research); action program (where, who, when and how should act and how much it will cost); assortment policy of the enterprise; policy in the field of working with suppliers of materials and components; price policy; goods distribution policy; advertising and sales promotion policies; characteristics of budgets (forecast of profits and losses); breakdown of activities by time of their implementation; control procedure.

The marketing program should form the basis on which more detailed plans (programs) can be developed for the functional purpose and for each type of product.

To solve various marketing problems, an enterprise develops a general budget for marketing costs. Typically, the total amount of marketing deductions is determined as a percentage of estimated turnover. An enterprise must determine how best to distribute the total amount of deductions for the marketing of a particular product and for individual marketing elements: advertising, promotion of the product to the market, direct sales to customers, etc.

Particularly important is the issue of tasks and costs for the development and development of new or improved types of products and improving their quality. The marketing service studies the requirements of consumers and, through feedback from them, identifies shortcomings in the design and manufacturing quality of products, evaluates product reliability indicators, and formulates tasks for the design, technological, testing and other departments of the plant. The effectiveness of the enterprise’s marketing activities in the market depends on the implementation of these tasks.

It is advisable to include in the marketing plan the main tasks for the development of new or modernization of manufactured products, the necessary refinement of technologies, improvement of product testing, control of its production, service development, etc. indicating performers and deadlines.

A marketing plan is formed for the coming year and for the future (2, 5 or more years); necessary clarifications may be made to it as it progresses and the market situation changes.

Monitoring the implementation of the marketing plan is carried out by the management of the structural divisions of the enterprise carrying out marketing activities and by the management of the enterprise (director).

A report on the implementation of the marketing plan for each half-year is presented to the head of the enterprise.

Despite the presence of a marketing and sales department, providing it with appropriate documentation for positions provided for in the staffing table, the regulations on this service, one of the reasons for the unstable financial position of the enterprise is the lack of permanent sales markets, both internal and external.

A marketing program, like any other, connects the tasks facing various structural divisions, but aimed at a common result. Moreover, the marketing plan is intended, for the most part, to combine these disparate, at the departmental levels, tasks into a single, enterprise-level whole.

Problems in communication regarding the plan negatively affect its implementation. Employees' motivation to implement the plan increases when they actively participate in its development.

It is advisable to appoint the head of each department or division involved in the implementation of the plan responsible for the implementation of the planned activities. The person responsible for developing the marketing plan conducts conversations with these individuals to ensure that they have a correct understanding of the document's outline and required details, thereby providing feedback at all levels of the organization.

All heads of commercial services, economic services and production directors should familiarize themselves with the marketing plan.

The results of the implementation of the marketing plan for the past month, a report on the implementation of product programs, and costs within the marketing budget are heard collectively. The meeting is chaired by the commercial director of Tander CJSC. Based on the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up, in which activities that are adjustments to the current marketing plan are recorded. The marketing department prepares the protocol. The protocol is signed by the Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs. All services that take part in the implementation of the plan are familiar with the protocol.

It is planned to hold final meetings on the implementation of the marketing program for the six months. The preparation of materials for the meeting is carried out by the marketing department. The meeting is chaired by the Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs. The General Director gets acquainted with the minutes of the meeting on the results of the half-year.

In a modern market economy, an enterprise uses many tools to achieve a competitive advantage, and it was not immediately understood that it is marketing that provides a clear mechanism for its (competitive advantage) planning and implementation; over the course of several years, marketing has “grown” from a simple sales department into the most important functional area activities of the company, let's look at how the marketing departments are developing, how they are organized, and how they interact with other services of the enterprise.

For a more successful implementation of the marketing program at Tander CJSC, it is necessary to analyze in detail the possible options for the intra-company marketing system. Note their advantages and disadvantages, link the possibility of their implementation with the capabilities of the enterprise.

The development of an intra-company marketing system can be divided into six stages.

Stage 1. Simple sales department. Small companies, as a rule, create a deputy position. sales director, whose task is to manage the sales staff. However, the deputy himself Directors are directly involved in trading. When a company needs to conduct marketing research or an advertising campaign, Deputy. The sales director hires specialists from other companies.

Stage 2. Sales department performing marketing functions. As a company expands, it must add or strengthen some marketing services. She needs to conduct market research to understand the needs of local customers and the market potential. After this, you need to conduct an advertising campaign in the selected area - present yourself and your products. To carry out these tasks, the deputy. The sales director hires specialists - a marketing research manager and an advertising manager. He may also hire a marketing specialist to manage these and other marketing functions.

Stage 3. Independent marketing department. Continuing to grow, the company can afford additional investments in marketing research, development of new products, advertising and sales promotion, and improvement of service.

Gradually, the director of the company comes to the understanding that, from a profit point of view, separating marketing into an independent department will be beneficial. A deputy position has been created to manage the department. Marketing Director. As does the deputy. Sales Director, he reports to the Director. At this stage, sales and marketing are already two different functions, which, nevertheless, should be closely related to each other.

This balance of power allows the director to assess the opportunities and problems of his company in a more balanced manner. Let's assume that sales are falling and the director is looking for a solution to the problem. Deputy The sales director may suggest hiring more sales workers, increasing their salaries, holding a competition like “who sells the most,” training, or reducing the price so that the product sells better. Deputy The marketing director must analyze the current market situation.

Stage 4. Modern marketing department. Although the deputy sales and marketing directors and must work together, the relationship between them is often strained, based on mistrust of each other. Deputy The sales director is indignant that the sales staff is given less space in marketing, the deputy. The marketing director asks for more funds for non-trade activities.

The marketing manager's job is to identify targeted growth opportunities and create marketing strategies and programs. Sales employees are responsible for implementing these programs. Marketers start from marketing research, try to identify and understand market segments, plan, and always keep the long term in mind. Their goal is to increase market share at a profit for the company; sales workers, on the contrary, rely on their work experience and try to reach each specific customer. The bulk of their working time is spent on personal communication with clients and customers. They live for today and try to fulfill their sales plan.

If too much friction arises between sales and marketing, the director of the company can, having sorted out the conflict, either return marketing under the leadership of the deputy. sales director, or entrust the head of the marketing department to be responsible for everything, including the sales staff. The latter decision lies at the heart of the modern marketing department - a department headed by the executive director of marketing and sales. All those who perform any marketing functions and sales managers are subordinate to him.

Stage 5. Effective marketing company. A firm can have an active marketing department and still fail in the marketplace. It all depends on how other departments of the company look at customers and how they perceive their marketing responsibility. If they consider all this to be the direct responsibilities of the marketing department, then the marketing of such a company cannot be called effective. Only when all employees understand that they owe their jobs to the customers who choose their products can we talk about an effective marketing campaign.

The paradox is that when a company begins to cut costs and change its structure, the main blow falls on the marketing and sales departments. At the same time, their task remains the same - to provide as much income as possible. To maintain effectiveness and position within the company, marketers and salespeople must be creative in how they reach customers and generate profits.

Stage 6. A company based on processes and results. Now many companies are changing their organizational structure again, focusing it on core processes rather than departments. Organization by department is increasingly seen as an impediment to core business functions such as new product creation, customer acquisition and retention, order processing and customer service. To achieve certain results in all these processes, companies create mixed teams and appoint their leaders. Marketers and salespeople are increasingly spending more time working in such teams. As a result, they report to two “bosses”: the team or teams and the marketing department. Each team periodically sends performance characteristics of its members to departments. Marketing departments are responsible for training their employees, assigning them to new teams, and overall evaluating their work.

Based on the information collected, we made an analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise. The company ZAO "Tander" is a developing company and one of the largest companies in trading activities throughout Russia. She does not stop developing and every day everything develops and develops.

You can offer the managers of all sales points of the company several recommendations for improving marketing activities. First of all, this is a large and painstaking work with cashier salespeople. It is required to carry out training on maintenance techniques with them, and also with the sellers of the sales area. The director of the branch needs to instruct the marketing department to engage in advertising promotion of the company and enter into an agreement with an advertising agency. Also carry out sales promotion methods, such as tastings, coupons, promotions.

Event 1

First of all, the company undoubtedly needs to introduce a marketing service into the management structure. Marketing makes it possible to combine the company's strategic planning with marketing planning, subordinating organizational forms of management to strategic goals and objectives. As a result, the organization can act as a single mechanism.

The growing importance of marketing in the activities of an enterprise is ultimately reflected in the construction of organizational and management structures and their functions. World experience shows that restructuring the organizational structure of an enterprise for its subsequent reorientation towards marketing is a long and complex process in which it is necessary to take part not only management, but also all personnel.

The introduction of marketing into the organizational structure of an enterprise can occur through the creation of a specialized service, that is, a marketing department, or through the modernization of basic services in order to adapt them to market conditions and a changing external environment.

Event 2

Undoubtedly, for the further growth and development of Stroy Contact LLC, it is necessary to develop a marketing plan, both tactical and strategic marketing plans. They may consist of:

1. Product plan. Stroy Contact LLC should pay attention to what is planned to be released and at what time, what services will be provided.

2. Research and development of new products. Here, Stroy Contact LLC needs to pay attention to innovative products in the construction industry that have various effects. For example:

The use of heat-saving materials that allow you to maintain a stable temperature in the room with less energy consumption. This innovation is designed to reduce the amount of total costs while maintaining the magnitude of the effect. Defined as cost-saving innovation;

Installation of air conditioning and supply ventilation systems. This type of innovation is aimed at increasing the effect while maintaining the amount of total costs. Can be defined as an effect-adding innovation.

3. Advertising and sales promotion plan. During the analysis, it was found that recently the Stroy Contact LLC enterprise had problems with the volume of construction work associated with a decrease in the number of investors and customers. It also turned out that the company does not have a department for attracting clients, which is, in principle, typical for the construction business, where personal connections of management play a significant role. However, in order for the company to keep up with the times and not miss any opportunity to attract investors, it is proposed that after creating a marketing department, significant attention should be paid to advertising the company on the Internet. Namely, it is necessary:

Create and maintain a company website;

As well as monitor ongoing tenders, collect the documents necessary for them and submit applications for participation in tenders.

This marketing ploy will bring not only economic, but also social benefits: the creation of a website will allow Stroy Contact LLC to acquire the image of a modern enterprise, advertising on the Internet will make it possible to convey the activities of the enterprise and the services it provides to the general public, participation in tenders will allow it to declare itself as a about a serious enterprise that will help attract customers.

4. Plan for the functioning of distribution channels.

5. A pricing plan that includes future price changes. Stroy Contact LLC is characterized by a flexible system of prices and discounts for regular customers. To determine the cost of a construction project, an estimate is initially drawn up, which is confirmed by both parties: the customer and the contractor.

6. Marketing research plan. Stroy Contact LLC should pay attention to the demand for certain goods and services in the construction market. That is, it is necessary to determine the competitive positions of specific types of enterprise products. For example: today monolithic housing is very popular, and monolithic construction is one of the promising technologies for the construction of buildings and structures.

7. Plan for the operation of the physical distribution system. It should be noted here that Stroy Contact LLC has its own warehouse necessary for storing equipment and building materials.

8. Marketing organization plan.

Event 3

The SWOT analysis made it possible to clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as to identify existing problems in the enterprise. Many of these problems can be solved by entering new market segments. Therefore, as marketing activities, measures to reach new target segments are proposed. There are several opportunities to develop new target segments.

The most profitable segment for an organization should have:

High level of sales;

High rate of profit;

Weak competition and the possibility of free access.

In reality, such a successful combination is extremely rare, so an enterprise should be able to make compromises. After an enterprise has identified segments that are attractive to it, it should highlight those that are most relevant to its strengths. At the same time, the enterprise needs to realize that not only attractive segments must be selected, but also those in which the enterprise has everything necessary to operate effectively.

Having selected certain segments, the construction organization must come up with a plan to penetrate these segments. If the segments are established, with competing enterprises present in them, then before deciding on its own positioning, the organization should determine the positions of competitors. Taking into account the position of competitors, the organization has two possible options:

1. Positioning yourself with existing competitors and fighting for market share. This strategy is acceptable: if the market is large enough so that there is enough space for all competing enterprises; and if the enterprise has strong competitive advantages.

2. Offer a material or technology that is not yet on the market or is in insufficient quantity, which will cause great demand. Therefore, offering the consumer a product based on a new product with its special characteristics will help attract the consumer to your side. But first, the management of the enterprise needs to make sure that the enterprise has the ability to work with such a material or technology, the ability to produce goods within the planned prices, and a sufficient number of potential consumers whose preferences will be on the side of the enterprise. If the results are satisfactory, then the enterprise must take measures to fill the market niche.

To keep the company afloat, during periods of insignificant volumes of work or their absence, it is proposed to create a subsidiary construction organization engaged in the construction of private houses, cottages, repairs and decoration. This will allow the company to occupy a new segment of the construction services market.

The creation of a subsidiary company will allow Stroy Contact LLC to: avoid long periods of downtime, make a profit from the company’s activities, use its existing construction equipment, and save jobs. Do not disband construction teams, distributing them over several small orders, with the possibility of their subsequent use when a large order appears.

Thus, the implementation of the listed activities: technical, commercial, marketing and organizational will allow Stroy Contact LLC to increase sales volumes, achieve planned indicators in gaining market share, and also strengthen its position in the market.

Nesterov A.K. Analysis and improvement of the marketing activities of an enterprise // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

Practical aspects of analyzing and developing directions for improving the marketing activities of an enterprise operating in a dynamic market. This article discusses possible areas for improving marketing activities at an enterprise operating in the cellular services market, using the example of the SARLINK network of communication stores.

Marketing activities as a tool for enterprise development and management decision making

Marketing is primarily a practical discipline that arose, developed and was constantly improved as a result of the economic activities of enterprises in the market. In a market economy, the main advantage may be the possession of information about consumers, both existing and potential, competitors, counterparties, various intermediaries, etc. It is also necessary to adopt the successful experience of companies operating in this market. This will largely allow you to avoid negative aspects in the activities of the enterprise.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of an enterprise are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Marketing activity is very multifaceted: it begins with the embodiment of consumer desires in a specific product or service, the organization of its production, upon completion of which it is necessary to present your products to the market in such a way as to attract sustained consumer attention to it, which requires a guarantee of high quality service.

It is especially important to improve marketing activities for enterprises operating in dynamically developing markets. What consumers needed yesterday will no longer be relevant tomorrow. Therefore, for all companies operating in dynamic markets, it is necessary to constantly conduct marketing research to identify the directions in which they should develop, where to put the greatest efforts, where to invest money to expand their activities and how to build their policies to attract new consumers. In conditions of almost complete market saturation, a tough competitive environment and intensified competition, there is an urgent need for continuous improvement of marketing activities.

Marketing is more than just promoting products and services to the market. Now we need to focus on producing goods and services that consumers really need. Marketing is a two-way process that is based on the relationship between production forces and the consumer. Therefore, modern market activity requires managers and specialists of enterprises to have decision-making skills based on interaction with consumers and identifying needs. Without a good knowledge of modern management methods within the framework of the social and ethical orientation of the marketing activities of an enterprise, the long and successful existence of an enterprise in the market is impossible.





on the topic: Analysis and improvement of the marketing activities of the Nadezhda Trading House

Performer: full-time student of group 551

Specialty: 02/38/04 “Commerce (by industry)”

Laletina Alexandra Evgenievna

Moskaleva Victoria Ivanovna

Head of work: Rev. O.S. Seletskaya

Ulan-Ude, 2017



1. Features of marketing activities at the enterprise

1.1 The essence and basic principles of marketing

1.2 Features of the marketing mix

1.3 Formation of competitive advantages

2.Analysis and improvement of the marketing activities of the Nadezhda trading house

2.1 Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the Nadezhda trading house

2.2 Analysis of marketing activitiestrading house "Nadezhda"

trading house "Nadezhda"

2.4 Competitiveness analysistrading house "Nadezhda"

3.Ways to improve marketing activitiestrading house "Nadezhda"


List of sources used


In a competitive environment, the main task of the enterprise management system is to ensure that the organization wins and maintains a preferred market share and achieves the organization's superiority over its competitors. In order to strengthen the competitiveness of an enterprise, it is necessary to actively use a marketing approach to solving management and production problems. It is the relationship between consumer demands and enterprise capabilities that should form the basis for developing the right directions, goals and strategies for business activities, as well as marketing programs and strategic plans at the highest level.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that in conditions of acceleration and complexity of processes occurring in the market, the enterprise needs to develop qualitatively new methods for solving emerging problems of a managerial and other nature. The problem of strategic success of an enterprise, creating and maintaining competitive advantages is one of the most pressing. Marketing is designed to help solve such problems. Managers and specialists must study its essence, main aspects and concepts, have a good knowledge of the organization of marketing activities, use the methods and techniques of this activity, and also use with maximum efficiency all the positive things that the market gives, and smooth out its negative aspects. The efficiency of an enterprise in modern market conditions depends on how well the marketing system is structured. Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that the chosen topic is very relevant and requires special study and attention.

It should be noted that one of the main directions of the enterprise development strategy in the city of Ulan-Ude is to meet the needs of high-quality products, a competitive enterprise that meets the range and effective demand of various segments of the population.

It is possible to achieve such a high level of development provided that enterprises have an effective marketing service and a well-structured strategic policy of the enterprise.

The purpose of this work is that it is necessary to analyze and improve the marketing activities of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda", identify opportunities in organizing marketing activities and determine ways to improve them.

The object of the study is the Nadezhda Trade House (Ulan-Ude), which produces and sells food products. The subject of the study is the organization of marketing activities at this enterprise.

1 Features of marketing activities at the enterprise

1.1The essence and basic principles of marketing

Marketing(from the English market - “market”) is the original unity of strict science and the ability to work effectively in the market.

Marketingis a unified complex of organizing the production and marketing of goods (services), aimed at identifying and satisfying the needs of a specific group of consumers in order to make a profit.

Naturally, this was all at a primitive level. And only in recent decades has a new movement emerged in management science, with clearly defined boundaries, functions, goals, and methods, called “marketing.” This term first appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. in the USA, and after only 15 - 20 years it penetrated and began to be actively used and developed in many countries around the world.Marketing begins its development in 1960–1970, influenced by both external and internal factors:

a) increased standard of living;

b) an increase in the share of disposable income;

c) improving the quality of social services provided;

d) development of communication systems (people actively begin to travel, bringing with them not only new goods, but also new needs);

d) the desire to spend your free time profitably.

Marketing is a production philosophy that is constantly subject to market, political, economic and social influences. With a correct “understanding of the environment”, the ability to quickly respond to market changes, and the ability to accept flexibility in solving strategic and tactical problems, marketing can become the foundation for the long-term and profitable activities of any company.

The very essence of marketing contains certain concepts: need (need), request (demand), exchange of goods. The initial component of human nature is need: the need for food, clothing, warmth, safety, etc. i.e. need is the human feeling of scarcity. But a need that has taken a specific form under the influence of the level of culture and personality of the individual is called need.

A need backed by purchasing power is called demand. Demand is a variable quantity. It is influenced by factors such as price levels, income levels, fashion and many others.

Any transaction takes place on the market. In modern society, the market is not necessarily a physical quantity (place).

From herethe role of marketing for the economy– this is an increase in trade and market efficiency.

Basic principlesare:

1) achieving the final justified result of the company’s activities;

2) taking over a certain market share in the long term;

3) effective sales of goods;

4) choosing an effective marketing strategy and pricing policy;

5) creation of market novelty goods that allow the company to be profitable;

6) constantly conduct market research in order to study demand for further active adaptation to the requirements of potential buyers;

7) use an integrated approach to linking the goals set with the available resources and capabilities of the company;

8) searching for new ways for the company to increase the efficiency of the production line, the creative initiative of staff to introduce innovations;

9) improving product quality;

10) cost reduction;

11) organize the supply of the company’s products in such a volume, at such a place and time that would most suit the end consumer;

12) monitor the scientific and technological progress of society;

13) achieve advantages in the fight against competitors.

So, the main goals of marketing are the following:

1. Maximizationpossible high level of consumption - firms are trying to increase their sales, maximize profits using various methods and techniques (introduce fashion for their products, outline a sales growth strategy, etc.).

2. Maximizationconsumer satisfaction, i.e. the goal of marketing is to identify existing needs and offer the maximum possible range of homogeneous goods. But since the level of consumer satisfaction is very difficult to measure, it is difficult to evaluate marketing activities in this area.

3. Maximize choice.This goal follows and is, as it were, a continuation of the previous one. The difficulty in realizing this goal is not to create branded abundance and imaginary choice in the market. And some consumers, when there is an excess of certain product categories, experience a feeling of anxiety and confusion.

4. Maximizing quality of life.Many are inclined to believe that the presence of an assortment of goods has a beneficial effect on its quality, quantity, availability, cost, that is, the product is “improved”, and therefore, the consumer can satisfy his needs as much as possible and improve the quality of life. Supporters of this view recognize that improving the quality of life is a noble goal, but at the same time this quality is difficult to measure, which is why sometimes contradictions arise.

Marketing tasks:

1) research, analysis, assessment of the needs of real and potential buyers;

2) marketing assistance in developing a new product (service);

3) provision of service;

4) marketing communications;

5) research, analysis, assessment and forecasting of the state of real and potential markets;

6) research of competitors’ activities;

7) sales of goods (services);

8) formation of assortment policy;

9) formation and implementation of the company’s pricing policy;

10) formation of a company's behavior strategy.

1.2 Features of the marketing mix

The marketing mix is ​​a set of tools (objects, processes and functions), by manipulating which marketers try to best satisfy customers. The marketing mix refers to the variables that are under the control of marketing. The marketing mix usually includes the following elements:

Product (goods, service);

Its price (in relation to competitors and market needs);

How the product reaches the consumer;

The way the product is promoted.

The "7P" marketing mix includes all the elements of the "4P" marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion), as well as elements such as "people" - people, all those who are directly or indirectly involved in the marketing process, "process" - procedures, mechanisms and sequences of actions that provide marketing, "physical evidence" - the setting, environment in which a service is provided or a product is sold.

The marketing mix was first proposed in 1953 by Neil Borden in his presidential address to the American Marketing Association. Borden used the work of James Culliton, which described the marketer as a person who coordinates processes and combines various elements in the work. It was assumed that a diverse combination of elements could lead to positive market performance. In 1960, McCarthy formulated a classification called the 4Ps, which combines four elements (product, place, price, promotion)..

The marketing mix applies to both commercial and non-commercial activities.

Development of a marketing mix.

Having made a decision regarding the positioning of its product, the company is ready to begin. to planning the details of the marketing mix. The marketing mix is ​​one of the basic concepts of a modern marketing system.

The Four Ps of the Marketing Mix

A product is a set of “products and services” that a firm offers to its target market.

Price is the amount of money that consumers must pay to receive the product..

Distribution methods are all kinds of activities through which a product becomes available to target consumers.

Stimulation methods are all kinds of activities of a company to disseminate information about the merits of its product and persuade target consumers to buy it.

All decisions regarding the components of the marketing mix largely depend on the specific product positioning adopted by the company. The marketing mix is ​​a set of controllable marketing variables that a firm uses together to elicit the desired response from its target market.

The marketing mix consists of five main groups of activities:

1. A product is a set of products and services that a company offers to its target market.

2. Price is the amount of money that consumers must pay to receive a product. The price a firm charges must be consistent with the perceived value of the offering, otherwise customers will buy competitors' products.

3. Distribution is all kinds of activities through which the product becomes available to target consumers. There are two types of activities: distribution of goods and the process of goods circulation.

4. Stimulation methods (communication policy) are all kinds of activities of a company to disseminate information about the achievement of its product and persuade target consumers to buy it.

5. Implementation of marketing activities.

Conditions for the implementation of programs:

    influx of information;

    establishing strategic and tactical planning;

    determine the structure of the marketing department organization;

    control system.

External, internal and bilateral marketing complexes according to the traditional 4P concept have their own specific product categories, prices, distribution channels and product promotion.

The internal marketing complex describes the company-personnel relationship strategy. The two-way marketing mix describes the strategy of the “personnel-consumer” relationship.

Thus, the manageable parameters of the two-way marketing complex are:

    product - the process of providing a service and, as a consequence, its quality;

    price - the degree of consumer participation in the process, as well as the real price of the service received by the company;

    the method of bringing the product to the consumer - the style of behavior chosen by the company employee to communicate with the consumer;

    product promotion - information flows created and supported by company employees.

Comparison of the proposed approach with some service industry marketing models.

1.3 Formation of competitive advantages

Competitive strategies focus on creating a competitive advantage. Competitive advantage refers to advantages over a competitor by offering greater value to consumers. Great value is when an organization offers consumers a product or service greater benefits or the same benefits at a lower price than its competitors. There are three options for competitive advantage - in marketing, in costs, in a niche:

1) advantage in marketing in the market as a whole. Marketing advantage is a competitive advantage in products or services that better satisfy customer needs than those of competing firms. Marketing advantage in the market means that some properties of a product or service of a given organization are preferable to the consumer than those of a competing organization. Typically, marketing advantage is based on product uniqueness;

2) cost advantage in the market as a whole. Cost advantage is a competitive advantage that is achieved through lower production and marketing costs than competitors. This allows the company to reduce prices or use the savings for advertising and distribution. An organization that achieves a marketing advantage is typically more customer oriented than an organization that strives for a cost advantage. This is because superior product or service requires greater consideration of customer needs. However, an organization seeking cost advantages cannot completely ignore customer needs. If an organization is focused solely on production and is concerned only with cost efficiency at the expense of customer needs, any benefit gained from cost savings will be questionable;

3) niche advantage is based on either marketing leadership or cost leadership.

There are various ways to gain a competitive advantage with the help of more preferable goods and services - brand, service, technological leadership, assortment:

1) if it is possible to achieve a strong reputation for the brand, this will lead to securing a place for the product on store shelves, and consumers will be encouraged to purchase new products. The basis of a brand's reputation is the quality of the product;

2) another way to gain a competitive advantage can be to provide a higher quality service due to speed of delivery and quick response to customer requests;

3) one of the sources of competitive advantage can also be technological leadership, when a company is constantly one of the first to offer customers products with new characteristics;

4) a company that offers the most complete range of goods on the market has a better chance of achieving customer recognition than a company that produces a fairly limited range. Availability of a complete assortment is of great importance for institutional buyers, as they often require a variety of products in accordance with technical specifications.

Market attractiveness factors

When identifying opportunities for competitive advantage, there are three attractive factors to consider:

1) strengths and weaknesses of competitors in the market;

2) the company’s ability to achieve advantages over competitors;

3) the degree of attractiveness of the market as an object for obtaining benefits.

A company's ability to take advantage of marketing opportunities and competitive weaknesses is determined by the strengths and weaknesses of the firm itself. For this purpose, a marketing audit is used - a comprehensive analysis of the company’s marketing operations and resources. A marketing audit analyzes production, R&D, sales, distribution, product development, and resources for promoting products.

The following main types of competitive advantages are distinguished according to the source of their occurrence:

1. Competitive advantages based on economic factors, determined by:

Favorable general economic state of the markets in which the enterprise operates; stimulating government policies in the field of investment volumes, credit, tax and customs rates;

Objective factors stimulating demand;

Economies of scale, effects of experience;

The economic potential of the enterprise, the ability to find and effectively use sources of financing.

2. Competitive advantages determined by the system of state institutions and administrative measures: laws, regulations, special privileges and other decisions of government and administrative bodies, restrictions on the part of state and municipal authorities in the issuance of patents and licenses, quotas, complicated procedures for registering enterprises, obstacles in the allocation land plots, provision of production and office premises, etc.

Competitive advantages determined by the level of development of market infrastructure.

3. Technical (technological) competitive advantages.

4.Competitive advantages obtained through good information.

5. Competitive advantages based on geographical factors.

2 Analysis and improvement of the marketing activities of the Nadezhda trading house

2.1Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the Nadezhda trading house

The organization was registered on September 21, 2011 by the registrar Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 9 for the Republic of Buryatia. The general director of the organization is Alazhinov Mikhail Alexandrovich. The TDN Plus company is located at the legal address 670033, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Pishchevaya street, 10b. The main activity is “Retail trade in food products, drinks and tobacco products in specialized stores”; 25 additional types of activity are registered. Type of property - private property, organizational and legal form - society with limited opportunity. Authorized capital – 10,000 rubles. registration data:

OGRN: 1110327011167

INN: 0323358474

Gearbox: n/a

OKATO: 81401368000

OKPO: 90040730

The display of goods is observed according to the product neighborhood, acceptance of goods. The store has all the necessary equipment for selling food and non-food products - cash registers, refrigeration equipment, counters, display cases).

The organizational structure is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Organizational management structure

Trading House "Nadezhda" has sufficient experience in managing the trading process; the established management structure of the enterprise ensures stable activity of Trading House "Nadezhda" produces the following types of products:

Production of meat and semi-finished meat products and finished products;

Production of milk and dairy products;


Production of bread and bakery products.

Supply of goods such as: tea, coffee; marinades; canned foods (pineapples, apricots, strawberries, green peas); canned food: (saury, stewed meat, sprat in tomato, herring in oil, sprats, pate, etc.); dairy cream, cheese, products (butter, cheese, sausage cheese, processed cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, kefir, milk powder, cream powder); condensed milk, jam (condensed milk, condensed cocoa, jam in buckets, jam in soft packaging, ice cream); snacks (chips, squid, amber fish, yellow minke whale, anchovies, roach, corn sticks, salted pistachios, sweet and salted peanuts, vinegar); cereals, porridge (rice, buckwheat, semolina, millet, rolled oats, oatmeal, sun muesli, quick porridge, minute porridge, peas, pearl barley, pasta, spaghetti); drinks (natural juices, cola, sprite, fanta, cold tea, mineral water, vodka, beer 0.5l, 1.5l, 2.5l, cognac, wine, champagne); tobacco products – different; vegetables, fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, apples, tangerines, bananas, grapes, etc.); seasonings (black pepper, salt, sugar by weight, raffinate, bay leaf, chili ketchup, mayonnaise, tomato paste, vegetable oils); dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dates, apples of paradise, dried bananas, a mixture of dried fruits, halva, kozinak (seeds, peanuts), etc.

Trade House "Nadezhda" is mainly focused on the production of dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, whey, curd cheese, etc., as well as semi-finished meat products - cutlets, cabbage rolls, poses, dumplings, manti, hedgehogs. Sausages – sausages, bacon, wieners, smoked sausages, boiled sausages, semi-prepared sausages, mixed sausages. Bakery products - pies, bread (1st grade, 2nd grade, tower), buns, loaf, pie with filling, pizza. Confectionery – cakes, pastries, cookies.

The main activity of TD "Nadezhda" is the production of products from its own and imported semi-finished products. Produces and sells:

    Production of meat and semi-finished meat products

    Production of milk and dairy products

    Sausage production

    Production of confectionery products;

    Production of bread and bakery products.

To ensure production of products, it uses two types of main raw materials - meat and milk. TD "Nadezhda" allows you to obtain finished products from raw materials. This process involves special equipment that allows the production of these products and the premises in which these manufactured products can be stored.

The volume of production and sales of products is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 – production and sales indicators


(+,-), thousand rubles

Growth rate, %

Growth rate, %

Production volume, thousand rubles






Sales volume, thousand rubles.






Finding the change:

About pr. = 1675.3-1256.7 = 418.6 thousand rubles.

About real = 1456.4-1198.8 = 257.6 thousand rubles


T real.=1456.4/1198.8*100%=1.21%

T at.

T at. Volume real=121-100=21%

The change in production volume +418.6 t.r. increased by 33% and sales volume +257.6 t.r. increased by 2 1% in 2016 compared to 2015, this is due to an increase in demand for the goods produced.

Table 2-Change in sales profit

Change p\p=2100-1800=300 thousand rubles.

Change h\p=1762-1423=339 thousand rubles.





Based on the data found, we can conclude that net profit for 2016 increased by 300 thousand rubles compared to 2015, the growth rate was 116.7%, and the growth rate was 16.7%, due to an increase in production volumes and sales of products and the emergence regular customers.

Table 3 - Change in trade turnover

Change P/t=51476040-46375884=5100156 rub.

Change O/t=4375345-3654765=720580 rub.


T.r. O/t=4375345/3654765*100=119.9%



Based on the given tabular data, it turned out that retail turnover increased over the year by 10.9% and wholesale turnover by 19.9%. Based on the data, we can say that the enterprise does not hold losses, but increases turnover and tries not to exceed the norm of inventory by warehouses

2.2 Analysis of marketing activities trading house "Nadezhda"

In the process of development, the Nadezhda trading house created two types of marketing service departments:

Marketing and Development Department.

Department of Foreign Economic Activity.

The marketing service is built on a product-market type. There are both individual product managers and market managers. Individual product managers plan profit sales volumes for products, receive information about sales volumes from market managers. Individual market managers, in turn, are responsible for developing profitable markets for the organization's existing and potential products. The advantage of this marketing organization is that management attention is paid to each product and each market. However, this organization of marketing management increases management costs, does not have sufficient organizational flexibility and gives rise to conflicts.

The Marketing and Development Department works with an emphasis on the domestic market, mainly with the aim of expanding sales and finding promising developments for serial production. The Department of Foreign Economic Affairs searches for promising products and contacts on the foreign market, and also monitors and accompanies the implementation of previously concluded contracts for foreign trade supplies.

The task of the marketing service is to stay focused on the consumer, constantly monitor the activities of competitors, determine their strengths and weaknesses, determine areas for improving marketing activities, develop and achieve the implementation of plans and programs for marketing activities, and communicate marketing information to other departments of the enterprise . Negotiations with consumers confirmed the need for the product. Correct placement of advertising and management of advertising in the Nadezhda Trade House depends on the ability to evaluate its effectiveness. Most advertising measurement methods are of an applied nature and are applicable only to certain types of advertising.

The store is interested in finding out how low or high their advertising costs are. This means that a share of advertising revenue serves the share of votes that a store casts through advertising.

The dynamics of product sales is important for assessing the implementation of programs.

There is an increase in sales volume, it is necessary to start promoting the product on the market, develop a number of strategies, tactics and methods to create sustainable demand and stimulate sales, develop a pricing policy that would be attractive to both the buyer and the seller, and find reserves to increase the level of competitiveness products. Sales volume, sales revenue, and the amount of profit received also depend on the sales markets. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dynamics of the position of each type of product.

The vigorous activity of the enterprise in recent years has had a stabilizing effect on the economy of the enterprise, fueling the production and development of new types of products with cash.

2.3 Analysis of marketing results trading house "Nadezhda"

Of fundamental importance in ensuring the life of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" in the conditions of retail trade is the justification of the strategic course and tactics of behavior in the specific situation. The well-being of an enterprise depends on many factors: the economic and political situation in the city, consumer demand for food products, the degree of “cruelty” of competition, the quality of the material and technical base, personnel qualifications, the level of organization and technology of food production.

The marketing activity of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" is a short-term policy of the enterprise as a subject of a market economy, which consists in developing a specific course of its behavior based on an analysis of the external conditions of its functioning, assessment of the internal capabilities of the enterprise, and careful development of organizational and technical results. When developing a direction, the main task is to long-term coordinate the capabilities of the Nadezhda Trade House enterprise with the market situation in order to occupy an appropriate position in the market and solve the problems facing the enterprise.

The presence of a long-term program of their actions allows the managers of the Nadezhda Trade House enterprise to make systematic, targeted decisions in the field of operational activities (participation or non-participation in specific tenders, directions of diversification, production and credit policies, etc.).

The direction of marketing activities is determined by programs.

At the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" there are short-term and medium-term marketing programs.

Short-term programs are designed for one or two years and, because of this, practically do not affect the strategic goals of the enterprise, that is, those main goals that it must achieve. In other words, they are generally unable to influence the strategic goals of the trade organization.

However, this does not mean that they should not be aligned with strategic goals. In fact, it is short-term programs that are the means to achieve strategic goals.

Medium-term programs are programs designed for a period of two to five years, long-term - for a period of more than five years.

At the Nadezhda Trade House there is a marketing and sales department, which reports to the director.

The marketing and sales department is headed by a director, who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda". It carries out:

Search and study of potential markets for profitable sales of products;

Reveals the dissatisfaction of demand in the market under study, as well as the capabilities of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" to satisfy it;

Identifies the requirements, requests, wishes of consumers for the quality, assortment, design and methods of selling the company’s products;

Participates in the development of a strategy for market behavior TD "Nadezhda" collects, studies, evaluates, analyzes and develops potential markets for products, the possibility and economic feasibility of entering these markets;

Engaged in the collection and systematization of data on enterprises producing similar products, the behavior of competitors and their intentions in the markets being studied; conducts a comparative analysis of the properties and quality of products of the Nadezhda Trade House enterprise and competing stores; organizes the study of consumer ratings, opinions, claims of consumers regarding the quality and range of goods offered, their receptivity to advertising;

Identification and accounting of unsatisfactory demand and need for goods that the enterprise can master;

Respect the commercial interests of the enterprise, and not allow the disclosure of information that constitutes a commercial or other secret of the enterprise protected by law.

The marketing system is fundamental for the economic, technical, production, commercial, organizational policies and activities of the Nadezhda Trade House enterprise, since the financial and economic condition of the entire enterprise depends practically on the sale of manufactured products. The marketing concept is based on identifying needs and real consumer assessments of the range and quality of goods and recognizes the need to produce and sell to these needs and assessments, better and more efficiently than competitors do.

The basis of the marketing system is a set of organizations that interact in the process of providing necessary goods: suppliers of components, the public, financial circles, the press and advertising agencies, government organizations and legislative bodies, marketing intermediaries, the consumer.

Product quality management based on the marketing concept includes the following stages:

1. Study of the market and assessment of the enterprise’s capabilities to meet its requirements (“situation analysis”);

2.Development of market behavior of the enterprise in conditions of competition from manufacturers of similar products;

3. Coordination of the activities of enterprise divisions for flexible adaptation of production and sales in accordance with constantly changing market conditions.

The task of marketing specialists is to develop a plan and strategy for the creation and sale of goods, monitor their implementation, monitor the results and make the necessary adjustments to the marketing program.

Completing this task involves the following steps:

Development of long-term and annual marketing plans (including sales volume forecast) for a specific product;

Studying the need for a product and demand for it;

Collection of information about the attitude of consumers and trade workers towards the product;

Constant work to improve the product in order to meet changing consumer requirements, contacts with product developers and manufacturers, economic and other services;

Adjustment of the marketing plan, etc.

The main objectives of marketing activities are:

Search and study of the state of markets for products, identification of consumers, formation of the enterprise’s market policy;

Formation of a data bank for making informed marketing decisions;

Planning, participation in the implementation and control of the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the activities of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" in market conditions;

Development of necessary control actions.

The main functions of the marketing service are:

Determining the market situation, establishing markets for products;

Assessment of the need for products similar to the enterprise’s products and the possibility of meeting this need by market segmentation and for each type of product;

Determination of the optimal product range;

Determination of market share for each type of product;

Determining the reasons for demand for all types of products;

Forecasting and determining market demand for the company's products;

Study of buyer groups and their purchasing power;

Information about products that are promising for sales markets;

Searching for information about competitors, their methods of work, technology development trends;

Preparation of reports on marketing activities to the management of the enterprise.

2.4 Competitiveness analysis trading house "Nadezhda"

In order to analyze the competitiveness of the Nadezhda trading house, a survey was conducted among residents of the Oktyabrsky and Sovetsky districts. The questions concerned the recognition of the trading house among the population, and were also aimed at identifying shortcomings in the operation of this store.


1. Do you know about the Nadezhda store?

2. Do you know that TD implements its own production?

3. Do you buy products from the Nadezhda Trade House?

4. What products do you most often purchase?

6. Do you like the quality of the products?

7. Are you satisfied with the prices in the store?

8. Are you satisfied with the service of the staff in the store?

9. What doesn’t suit you about the Nadezhda shopping center?

120 people took part in the survey: 60 people each in the Oktyabrsky and Sovetsky districts, respectively.

Based on the data obtained, we can draw up diagrams that clearly reflect the results of the study, as well as draw conclusions and suggestions for the further work of the Nadezhda Trade House.

Figure 2 - Do you know about the Nadezhda store?

Thus, based on this diagram, we see that in the Sovetsky district there is absolute (that is, one hundred percent) recognition of the Nadezhda trading house. No proposals are required at this stage as this is the highest possible outcome.

Figure 3 - Do you know about the Nadezhda store?

Based on this diagram, we can observe that in the Oktyabrsky district, 5 respondents out of 60 respondents answered the question about knowledge of this store negatively, which amounted to 9% in numerical equivalent. Perhaps this deviation from the 100% indicator is due to the fact that there are fewer outlets of the Nadezhda store in the Oktyabrsky district.

Figure 4 - Did you know that the Nadezhda Trade House sells its own products?

At this stage of the survey, we found that in the Sovetsky district, 32% of respondents answered negatively to the question about knowledge of how a store sells its own production, and 68% of respondents answered positively. We think that it would be rational to propose to the Nadezhda Trade House to change the display of goods in the store, moving its own products to more prominent places or to the center of the hall, in order to increase the concentration of customers’ attention on these goods.

Figure 5 - Did you know that the Nadezhda Trade House sells its own products?

At this stage of the survey, we found that in the Oktyabrsky district, 45% of respondents answered negatively to the question about knowledge of how a store sells its own production, and 55% of respondents answered positively. Compared to the survey in the Sovetsky district, there is a tendency to increase the number of respondents who do not know about their own products. We think that it would be rational to suggest that the Nadezhda Trade House increase the volume of advertising of its own products in this area of ​​the city, as well as change the display of goods in the store, moving its own products to more prominent places or to the center of the hall, in order to increase the concentration of customers’ attention. on these products.

Figure 6 - Do you buy products from the Nadezhda Trade House?

In these diagrams, we observe that in the Oktyabrsky district this store is visited by fewer people than in the Sovetsky district, the difference is 18%. Most likely, as previously assumed, this discrepancy in the data appears due to the lack of retail outlets in the area.

Question No. 4. What products do you buy most often?

On this issue, in the Sovetsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude, we found out that the greatest demand among consumers is: baked goods, dairy products, home-produced products, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, socially significant goods, snacks, baked goods, confectionery, fruits, vegetables. There is also impulse demand.

In the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude, the situation is almost the same. The greatest demand among consumers is: dairy products, household chemicals, bakery products, tea, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, socially significant goods, breakfast cereals, semi-finished products, own production, cereals, confectionery products. Similarly with the Sovetsky district, there is impulse demand.

Having analyzed the answers of respondents from the Sovetsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude, we found out that consumers, for the most part, are absolutely satisfied with the completeness of the assortment currently available in retail outlets in this area, but at the same time we would like to see more dairy products and fruits in the assortment , alcoholic products of elite varieties, products of our own production.

Based on the results of a survey conducted in the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude, we also saw that consumers, for the most part, are absolutely satisfied with the completeness of the assortment currently available in retail outlets in this area, but at the same time we would like to see more fruits in the assortment , vegetables, dairy products, tobacco products.

Figure 7 - Do you like the quality of the product?

Based on the analysis of this issue, it can be seen that in the Oktyabrsky district there is higher discontent than in the Sovetsky district. For both cases, we suggest that the management of TH Nadezhda conduct an in-depth study to identify dissatisfaction with specific products, and then change the production method or storage conditions.

Figure 8 - Are you satisfied with the prices in the store?

According to the survey results, there is high dissatisfaction with the established price level in the Sovetsky and Oktyabrsky districts of the city of Ulan-Ude, which negatively affects the overall store attendance by potential consumers. In this case, as proposals, we can put forward a revision of the pricing policy in the Nadezhda Trade House, holding promotions with the establishment of discount prices for products, and establishing “social” prices for certain categories of goods. Also, when following these recommendations, you should advertise reduced prices on goods to attract new customers and show the changes.

Figure 9 - Are you satisfied with the service of the staff in the store?

Dissatisfaction with staff in the Sovetsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude fluctuates within the normal range, since it is impossible to ensure complete customer satisfaction in one aspect or another. In the Oktyabrsky district, dissatisfaction with staff shows a fairly high result, so we can also propose conducting an in-depth study of consumer opinion on this matter to identify a specific retail outlet whose staff does not meet consumer requirements, as well as holding a conversation with the staff asking for more polite treatment of customers.

Based on the results of a survey in the Sovetsky district, we found that the main dissatisfaction of consumers is service, high prices for socially important goods, and non-compliance with sanitary standards.

In the Oktyabrsky district, consumers are not satisfied with: staff service, high prices, lack of luggage storage.

According to the survey data, we see a clear distribution of ratings given by consumers in the Sovetsky district to the Nadezhda trading house.

The majority of respondents rated the store 5 points, which is undoubtedly an excellent result. You should not ignore the existing percentage of consumers who rated the store 2 points, but their dissatisfaction is expressed in the data provided above and is removable.

Thus, the average rating for the store was 4.3 points.

Figure 11 - Store analysis

In this diagram we see the analyzed responses of respondents in the Oktyabrsky district, expressed in a visual representation of the ratings given by the respondents to the Nadezhda store.

There is a slight preponderance of the maximum score of 5 points over the score of 4 points, which is demonstrated by the result of the analysis for the Oktyabrsky district provided above.

The average score for the store was 4.4 points, which exceeds the average score for the Sovetsky district.

3 Ways to improve the marketing activities of Trade House "Nadezhda"

The largest event in the development of marketing of the Nadezhda trading house was the reorganization of the marketing service, which took place in 2012. The share of sales through the trade and commercial department (that is, products intended for the consumer market) in the total volume of revenues from product sales has increased.

Thus, the influence of marketing services on the economic activities of the entire Nadezhda Trading House is increasing; it cannot be said that at the moment this influence is only positive. The negative thing is that, given the fall in wholesale orders, the marketing service cannot yet ensure a sufficient volume of retail sales.

However, since marketing is still in its development stage, it is obvious that there is a real opportunity to eliminate the consequences of this lag in the medium term.

One of the main problems of the Nadezhda Trading House in reorienting the enterprise to retail products is that in order to obtain the same amount of profit and pay off the same amount of overhead costs, it is necessary to increase the number of ways to sell products. And the enterprise now has enough opportunities and experience to implement this. In addition, to increase sales volume, the turnover rate must be increased.

A favorable factor is that the reduction in wholesale orders does not occur instantly, that is, the marketing services of the enterprise are thus given some time to understand the problems, reorient, and reorganize the production and sales activities of the enterprise.

Current problems of improving marketing and the possibility of solving them in the Nadezhda Trade House:

    It is necessary to try to apply methods from global experience in the marketing system, and not just Russian ones.

    The management and marketing organization system of the Nadezhda trading house is characterized by a number of features that can be classified as specific and must be resolved collectively.

    New economic research services have been created to search for information on sales markets.

    Recently, the influence of the pricing system and price marketing has especially increased.

For effective marketing, it is necessary to monitor the results of marketing activities and develop specific marketing activities.

The enterprise currently has marketing services involved in assessing the company’s own capabilities, market research, holding presentation events, image formation, etc. At the same time, marketing management, in fact, is not centralized, so control over the effectiveness of marketing is also not centralized and is carried out subjectively, that is, the main criteria for effectiveness have not been formed and depend on the current situation.

In addition, the influence of the current moment, which arose as a consequence of the development of trends that arose in the past, is also formed as a result of the priority of selling an already produced product, which was created yesterday in the absence of the priority of studying market requirements. There is no marketing and there will not be any if the producer strives for market success, only at the stage of marketing an already created product.

On the other hand, marketing services are acquiring more and more coordinating and controlling functions. Therefore, we can say that the question of whether the Nadezhda trading house will join the number of enterprises successfully operating in market conditions based on the marketing concept is being decided right now.

Therefore, the goal of the marketing activities of TD “Nadezhda” is to increase sales volumes, expand market share, and increase profits.

To achieve this goal, the marketing department solves the following tasks:

Develop a strategy for marketing activities;

Increase the competitiveness of the enterprise;

Generate demand, stimulate sales;

Control over the production of quality goods;

Conduct marketing research on the food market of Buryatia once every six months.

Moreover, if you use marketing research data to determine competitive advantages, you can build the correct tactical plan for the development of the Nadezhda trading house.

It is planned to intensify sales on the basis of analysis of sales and monitoring of the market in Buryatia and nearby regions, which practically becomes the basis for analytical conclusions.

A management tool that allows you to coordinate the actions of services is a marketing plan. Based on the identified shortcomings, market research at the level of trends and in accordance with the planned development strategy, the economic justification of the goals that the enterprise sets for itself, an operational plan for the marketing activities of the enterprise has been drawn up, which identifies specific activities of the marketing department for the year.

Particular attention in the developed plan is paid to the work of promoting the product, namely, carrying out advertising activities and organizing public relations. Priority, organization and competent implementation of advertising and sales promotion activities will allow the enterprise to significantly increase its own gross income, and the marketing department will “justify” its own necessity and effectiveness, and cover the primary costs of its own formation and maintenance.

It should be noted that in order to maintain its position in the market, it is advisable for the Nadezhda trading house to:

Maintain a wide range of products offered;

Maintain a carefully considered pricing policy;

Select the most optimal suppliers;

Apply all possible methods of generating and stimulating customer demand (promotions, tastings, discounts, drawings, lotteries, etc.).

The proposed marketing activities will increase trade turnover by approximately 50%. Consequently, when using the proposed ways to improve the marketing service, the Nadezhda trading house will receive higher profits and opportunities for further development, which is simply necessary in modern market conditions.


The modern development of a market economy is the need to develop qualitatively new methods for solving management problems. Marketing contributes to strategic success and the creation and maintenance of competitive advantage.

Managers and specialists must be familiar with the organization of marketing activities, apply the methods and techniques of these activities, and also benefit from all the positive things that the market gives, align, and smooth out its negative sides.

The basis for managing the marketing activities of TH "Nadezhda" includes:

Planning of marketing activities;

Organizational structure of enterprise marketing services;

Implementation of planned marketing decisions;

Assessing their performance;

Control and adjustment.

In the course of analyzing the financial results of the Nadezhda trading house and researching consumer preferences, it was found that:

    TH "Nadezhda" is a dynamically developing enterprise; the volume of production increased by 33%, the volume of product sales increased by 21%, the profit from sales increased by 16.7% and turnover increased by 10.9%;

    In connection with the sanctions applied to Russia, the demand for domestic products has increased, contributing to an increase in demand for goods from TD Nadezhda, and therefore an increase in profits;

3) Trade House “Nadezhda” is not the last in terms of production volume in the Republic of Buryatia, which confirms the above study;

5) the degree of readiness of TH “Nadezhda” to implement the marketing strategy is average;

6) the market concept for managing the production, sales and scientific and technical activities of TD “Nadezhda” has not been defined;

7) TH "Nadezhda" takes an active part in the process of forming competitive advantages and image;

8) the specialized network of branded stores is expanding

9) Attracting customers through a wide range and inventory of finished products and semi-finished products.

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