Entrepreneurship concept objects subjects the purpose of entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurial activity: concept, forms, principles, objects and subjects. What will we do with the received material?

In the first part of the Civil Code Russian Federation(Civil Code of the Russian Federation) states that civil law regulates relations between persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity, or with their participation. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation comprehensively defines the essence of entrepreneurial activity: it is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at systematic obtaining profits from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law (clause 1, article 2).

Character traits and business features:

First of all, it is an independent activity of capable citizens and their associations;

Secondly, it is not just an independent, but initiative activity aimed at realizing one's abilities and meeting the needs of other people and society;

Thirdly, this is a risky activity, so the future entrepreneur must remember that he will take risks and overcome the resistance of the environment, besides, the state does not take responsibility for possible failures;

Fourth, Entrepreneurship is not a one-time transaction, but a process aimed at the systematic extraction of profit in a legal way. This is professional activity, since in order to “systematically make a profit”, you need to act competently, professionally for a long time;

Fifth, is an activity carried out by persons (individuals and legal entities) registered as individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, therefore, this activity is legal, carried out in accordance with legal legislative acts;

At sixth, civil law establishes the main motive for doing business - making a profit, and in order to achieve this, it is necessary to offer (sell) goods (works, services) to consumers;

Seventh, the legislation formulates ways to make a profit: through the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services.

Entrepreneurship as a phenomenon reflects the totality of relations (economic, social, organizational, personal and others) associated with the organization by entrepreneurs of their business, with the production of goods (performance of work, provision of services) and obtaining the desired result in the form of profit (income).

These relations objectively arise between business entities with each other, with consumers, suppliers of all factors of production, with banks and other market entities, with employees and, finally, with the state represented by the relevant executive authorities, as well as with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government(Fig. 1.1). Entrepreneurship as an economic phenomenon reflects the commodity nature of entrepreneurs' relations with other economic entities based on the operation of the economic laws of a market economy (supply and demand, competition, cost, etc.) and all the instruments of commodity production and circulation.

Rice. 1.1. Entrepreneurial environment

Entrepreneurship as a process- a complex “chain” of purposeful actions of entrepreneurs starting from the moment of emergence (birth) of an entrepreneurial idea and ending with its embodiment in a specific entrepreneurial project.

Entrepreneurship - this is the process of creating new goods, works, services that have value for consumers; the process of meeting ever-growing needs; a process carried out on the basis of a constant combination of factors of production, the efficient use of available resources to achieve the best results.

Table 1.1 Participants in entrepreneurial activity, interests and ways of their implementation

Participants in the entrepreneurial process Interests of participants in the entrepreneurial process Implementation of the interests of the participants
Entrepreneurs Receiving benefits (profit, income) Through the production and sale of goods
Consumers Acquisition of goods, works and services By establishing contacts with entrepreneurs with benefits in the form of goods and possible cost savings
Wage-earners Extraction of personal income in the form of payment for invested labor Through employment
State bodies, state organizations General state and general economic interests (health, defense, social protection, education, communications, transport, roads) Through the collection of taxes and the redistribution of funds through the state budget and off-budget funds

This process is continuous, constantly renewed, because the needs that entrepreneurs satisfy are constantly changing. This process requires large expenditures of all factors of production, is often doomed to temporary failure, but in the end the entrepreneur receives personal satisfaction from the monetary income (profit) he has achieved.

According to the American scientist R.S. Ronstadt, entrepreneurship is dynamic process of wealth accumulation. Wealth is created by those who risk their money, property, career the most, who take the time to create their own business, who offer buyers new product or a service.

Famous American scientists professors R. Hisrich and M. Peters give a definition of entrepreneurship, which covers all types of entrepreneurial behavior: “Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new that has value; a process that absorbs time and effort, involving the assumption of financial, moral and social responsibility; a process that brings monetary income and personal satisfaction with what has been achieved. And then the authors write that the life of a person who decides to start his own business is full of hopes, disappointments, worries and hard work.

According to the Russian scientist-economist A.V. Busygin, entrepreneurship is the art of doing business. business activity, is, first of all, a thought process implemented in the form of business design. In a professional sense, in his opinion, entrepreneurship is seen as the ability to organize own business and quite successfully carry out the functions associated with running their own business.

Entrepreneurship is a fundamentally new type of management based on the innovative behavior of the owners of the enterprise, on the ability to find and use ideas, to translate them into specific entrepreneurial projects. This is usually a risky business, but one who does not take risks cannot, in the end, succeed.

Entrepreneurship First associated with the effective use of all factors production for economic growth and to meet the needs of individual citizens and society as a whole. The main function of entrepreneurship in Russia should be to produce, “bring” goods (services, works) to specific consumers and receive material and moral rewards for this.

In a developed market economy entrepreneurship performs the following features: general economic, creative search (innovative), resource, social, organizational.

The determining factor is general economic function, which is objectively determined by the role of entrepreneurial organizations and individual entrepreneurs as subjects of the markets. Entrepreneurial activity is aimed at the production of goods (performance of work, provision of services) and their bringing to specific consumers: which, first of all, predetermines the general economic function. The progressive development of entrepreneurship is one of the conditions for economic growth, an increase in gross domestic product and national income.

Also important resource entrepreneurial function , because the development of entrepreneurship involves effective use both reproducible and limited resources, and resources should be understood as all material and non-material conditions and factors of production. Of course, first of all, labor resources(in the broad sense of the word), land and natural resources, all means of production and scientific achievements, as well as entrepreneurial talent.

Entrepreneurship is characterized creative search , innovative a function associated not only with the use of new ideas in the process of entrepreneurial activity, but also with the development of new means and factors to achieve the goals. The creative function of entrepreneurship is closely related to all other functions and is determined by the level of economic freedom of business entities, the conditions for making managerial decisions.

Entrepreneurship acquires social function, manifested in the ability of each capable individual to be the owner of the business, with the greatest return to show their individual talents and capabilities

The most important function of entrepreneurship is organizational, which is manifested in the adoption by entrepreneurs of an independent decision on organizing their own business, its diversification, in the introduction of intra-company entrepreneurship, in the formation of entrepreneurial management, in the creation of complex entrepreneurial structures, in changing the strategy of an entrepreneurial firm, etc. The organizational function is especially clearly manifested in the rapid development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as in "collective (network) entrepreneurship", in the creation of people's enterprises.

Entrepreneurship can develop if there are certain external and internal factors (conditions) in the country, which together provide favorable opportunities for the development of a civilized successful entrepreneurship, i.e. if a certain business environment(Fig. 1.1)

economic freedom is a leading element and a determining condition for the development of entrepreneurship. The essence of economic freedom is to establish guarantees from the state at different levels of economic management (of course, the word “management” cannot be understood in an absolute sense, since “management” itself means subordination, organization, control, etc.) to capable citizens and their associations (legal entities) to carry out legitimate business activities.

Economic freedom means that all citizens are guaranteed the full use of their abilities, personal qualities, property for active economic activity. In this regard, the practical implementation of the provisions of legal norms that do not allow the organization of economic activity aimed at the monopoly position of individual economic entities and unfair competition and advertising is of great importance.

An important role in ensuring economic freedom and, consequently, the development of entrepreneurship has the implementation in practice of the provisions of Art. 35 of the Constitution of the country, which establishes the following fundamental provisions:

1 The right to private property is protected by law.

2 Everyone has the right to own property, own, use and dispose of it both individually and jointly with other persons.

3 No one may be deprived of his property except by a court decision. The expropriation of property for state needs may be carried out only on the condition of prior and equivalent compensation.

4 The right to inherit is guaranteed.

As you know, the presence of movable and immovable property is a material and technical condition for creating one's own business, a condition for the development of entrepreneurship. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 209) states that the owner has the rights to own, use and dispose of his property. The owner has the right, at his own discretion, to take any actions in relation to the property belonging to him that do not contradict the law and other legal acts and not violating the rights and legally protected interests of other persons, including alienating their property into the ownership of other persons, transferring to them, while remaining the owner, the rights to own, use and dispose of property, pledge property and encumber it in other ways, dispose of it in another way

Important for ensuring the rights of economic freedom of business entities is the provision of paragraph 4 of Art. 212 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes that the rights of all owners are protected equally. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this provision is formulated as follows: “In the Russian Federation, private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership are recognized and protected in the same way” (clause 2, article 8).

The classics of economic theory were, as a rule, against state intervention in the specific economic activities of entrepreneurs, especially in the domestic market, but were supporters of state regulation foreign economic activity entrepreneurs.

History of development modern economies in developed Western countries - this is the practice of development free enterprise. In Western countries, entrepreneurs (firms, companies, corporations) are the leading subjects of a market economy that develops on the basis of economic laws and freedom to choose the subject of activity, freedom to choose markets for factors of production, freedom to consume. The freedom of behavior of entrepreneurs is based on the state protection of their property, guarantees of the existence of all forms of ownership of all factors of production, including land.

Well-known reformer of the German economy Ludwig Erhard in his book Welfare for All, he wrote: individuals, does not order individual entrepreneurs ... it exempted from resolutions, permits, concessions and licenses. The state proceeds from the principle: an entrepreneur, just like a worker, like any citizen in the state, must be free in the field of his personal activity.

As practice shows, entrepreneurial activity in Russia is still tightly regulated. Unfortunately, the number of administrative measures of regulation and control is growing. So, in the country, especially at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government, there are about 50 different bodies that control the activities of entrepreneurs. It is characteristic that if the Law of the Russian Federation “On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activity” contained an article on guarantees to entrepreneurs, which clearly established the types of guarantees, then in subsequent legal acts there is no clear system of guarantees for Russian entrepreneurs.

Of course, absolute economic freedom cannot be granted to citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities, and the state, expressing the interests of the whole society, solving the problems of the country's economic development, must, through organizational, legal and economic institutions, norms and rules, taking into account the interests of the whole society, establish certain limits in the formation of the economic order, so as not to constrain the progressive development of entrepreneurship,

“The economic order is characterized by a division in some form between different government agencies and individuals the rights to make economic decisions - especially the rights of disposal production factors, decision-making rights regarding production (i.e. what, in what quantity and what quality, where and how should be carried out) and decision-making rights regarding the satisfaction of needs. Income, and thus the actual degree of freedom of economic action, is also distributed in a certain way in society. Similar differences in form economic freedom to make a decision and carry out an action mean at the same time differences in the form political freedom of decision-making and action between the state and individuals, on the one hand, and differences in the degree of freedom of decision-making and action between individuals, on the other.

According to X. Lampert, the economic order is a component integral life order of society(including political, state and legal), inextricably linked with it (realized). Its components are a set of institutions and norms related to economic organizations and types economic behavior(not all of which are of an economic nature) and regulating relations between elements National economy(households, enterprises, state and economic-political institutions and foreign economic units). The tasks of the economic order are to create and ensure the ability of the economy to function, optimal control economic process within the framework of the system of non-economic and economic goals of society, as well as contributing to the achievement of socio-political goals.

In Russia, with the formation of a new economic order, business entities, on the one hand, receive more and more economic freedoms, Russian economy in terms of specific weight, privately owned enterprises and organizations dominate, the owner of which has the right to freely, in accordance with independent decisions, dispose of the results of their activities and enjoy economic rights. On the other hand, there is a need to tighten state control and regulation of the activities of enterprises, since many economic entities do not pay taxes on time, the provisions of contracts are violated, and the number of insolvent enterprises is increasing.

As mentioned above, the country's fundamental law guarantees the freedom of economic activity of business entities, with the exception of illegal business, pseudo-business, and illegal banking.

The most important conditions for the protection of economic freedom and the development of entrepreneurship are established in Art. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which formulates the most important conditions and principles that guarantee economic freedom for business entities:

Firstly, civil legislation is based on the recognition of the equality of participants in the relations it regulates, the inviolability of property, freedom of contract, the inadmissibility of anyone interfering in private affairs, the need for the unhindered exercise of civil rights, ensuring the restoration of violated rights, their judicial protection;

Secondly, citizens individuals) and legal entities acquire and exercise their civil rights by their own will and in their interest, they are free to establish their rights and obligations on the basis of the contract and to determine any terms of the contract that do not contradict the law;

Thirdly, civil rights may be limited on the basis of federal law and only to the extent necessary to protect the constitutional order, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of others, to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state;

Fourth, goods, services and financial resources move freely throughout the country, and restrictions on the movement of goods and services can be introduced in accordance with federal law, if it is necessary to ensure safety, protect the life and health of people, protect nature and cultural values.

Hence, limits of economic freedom subjects of entrepreneurial activity are established by the civil legislation regulating all types and spheres of entrepreneurial activity.

Thus, autonomy and economic freedom as characteristics of entrepreneurship and the conditions for its development mean:

The independence of individuals in organizing their own business in any economic sphere, except for activities prohibited by law;

Free choice of the subject of activity and type of business;

Entrepreneurs have a set of rights and guarantees that allows them to organize and develop their business, use its results at their own discretion in accordance with constituent documents and regulations.

The independence and economic freedom of business entities do not mean their self-will, therefore, the legislation establishes measures of state regulation of business activities and the responsibility of entrepreneurs for violation of relevant legal acts, which both economically and in legal relation absolutely justified. The only question is what are the limits of the restriction of economic freedom, the stability of the operation of legislative acts.


1 Entrepreneurship is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at systematically making a profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law (clause 1, article 2).

When setting limits economic freedom entrepreneurial activity should be the main fundamental principle: entrepreneurship develops on the basis of independent decision-making by its subjects within the framework of the law, and the state should not interfere in a specific business life entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship is understood as an activity carried out by individuals, enterprises or organizations for the production, provision of services or the purchase and sale of goods in exchange for other goods or money for the mutual benefit of interested persons or enterprises, organizations.

In the economic literature, one can find others in the form of the definition of the concept of "entrepreneurship", but the essence of this concept does not change. So, in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of an Entrepreneur, we find the following definition: “Entrepreneurship (fr. entreprise) is an initiative independent activity of citizens aimed at making a profit or personal income, carried out on their own behalf, under their property responsibility or on behalf and under the legal responsibility of a legal entity . An entrepreneur (fr. entrepreneur) can carry out any type of economic activity not prohibited by law, including commercial mediation, trade-purchasing, advisory and other activities, as well as operations with securities.

One of the successful and concise definitions of entrepreneurship is given in the book "Market Entrepreneurship":

"Entrepreneurship ... is an activity that is associated with the investment of funds for the purpose of obtaining profit on the basis of a combination of personal benefit with the public good."

Business entities can be both individuals and associations of partners. Individuals as business entities act in this capacity usually by organizing a sole proprietorship or family business. Such entrepreneurs can limit themselves to the cost of their own labor or use hired labor.

Associations of partners as business entities can act in the form of various economic associations: rental collectives, joint-stock companies of open and closed types, various partnerships, etc.

An economic association is a contractual association of enterprises created in order to coordinate production and economic activities in order to solve certain problems. Its participants combine only a part of their financial and material resources. They may also be members of other economic associations of enterprises without agreement with other members of the association. This form of association of enterprises is less rigid than the concern.

Entrepreneurship is understood as an activity carried out by individuals, enterprises or organizations for the production, provision of services, purchase and sale of goods in exchange for other goods or money for the mutual benefit of persons, enterprises, organizations.

Business entities can be both individuals and various associations of partners.

  1. Business history

The history of entrepreneurship begins in the Middle Ages. Already at that time, merchants, merchants, artisans, missionaries were beginning entrepreneurs. With the rise of capitalism, the desire for wealth leads to the desire for unlimited profits. The actions of entrepreneurs are taking on a professional and civilized character. Often an entrepreneur, being the owner of the means of production, also works in his own factory or plant.

In Russia, entrepreneurship arose and began to spread widely in the 17th-18th centuries. It received the greatest development during the reign of Peter I. In the 90s of the XIX century. in Russia, the industrial base of entrepreneurship is finally taking shape, it is becoming a mass phenomenon. After the revolution of 1917, a course was taken to eliminate market economic relations. And only in the 90s of the XX century. the restoration and development of entrepreneurship in Russia began.

What is entrepreneurship? This is a special type of economic activity, and it should be understood as an expedient activity organized for profit, and based on one's own initiative, entrepreneurial idea and responsibility. In the conditions of the current market economy, it is difficult to conduct entrepreneurial (economic) activities without understanding the basic concepts and principles, first of all, these are objects and subjects of entrepreneurship.

Business entities. These are such subjects in civil legal relations that carry out activities at their own peril and risk. Such activities are aimed at making a profit by using property, performing any work, selling goods, and also providing services. Entrepreneurship entities must be officially registered and can work both as individuals or private individuals, as well as legal entities, as well as state, municipal organizations and bodies that issue permits for the right to engage in entrepreneurship.

Individuals. Important Subjects economic activity- citizens, they are also individuals who are engaged in commercial activities by registering themselves with the tax authorities in the status of individual entrepreneurs.

Legal persons. Enterprises or organizations engaged in entrepreneurship are formed and operate in various organizational and legal forms, such as joint-stock companies, business partnerships and companies (the most common form), as well as production cooperatives (based on membership, share contributions) and unitary enterprises (there are state or local government).

Associations of business entities. In practice, together with legal entities, entrepreneurs and foreign companies, in Russia there are also such business entities as associations of business entities. They cannot be called a separate organizational and legal form, although they act as a special way of organizing commercial activities.

Unions, associations, financial and industrial groups. Among associations of business entities, unions and associations are of particular importance, which are associations of several legal entities based on corporate principles to coordinate their work and protect the interests of participants. Separately, it should be said about financial and industrial groups - these are associations of enterprises that operate as one main and one or more subsidiaries, or can fully or partially combine their intangible and tangible assets by signing an appropriate agreement.

Business objects. The types of activities that entrepreneurs are engaged in are called business objects. In this case, the activity can be any, if it is not prohibited by law. Some types of commercial activities require special permits from local governments, such as a qualification certificate. Objects and subjects of entrepreneurship are inherently different parties one and the same process - the process of making a profit. The subjects are the entrepreneurs themselves, and the objects are what they do.

To date, there is no generally accepted definition of entrepreneurship in the world. From a philosophical point of view, entrepreneurship can be characterized as a special mood of the soul, as a form of business romance, as a means of realizing a person's inherent potentials.

In the professional sense, entrepreneurship is seen as the ability to organize one's own business and quite successfully carry out the functions associated with running one's own business.

The American scientist Professor Robert Hisrich defines entrepreneurship as the process of creating something new that has value, and an entrepreneur as a person who spends all the necessary time and effort on it, takes financial, psychological and social risk, receiving money as a reward. and satisfaction with what has been achieved.

English professor Alan Hosking argues that “an individual entrepreneur is a person who conducts business at his own expense, personally manages the business and is personally responsible for providing necessary means makes decisions independently. His remuneration is the profit received as a result of entrepreneurial activity and a sense of satisfaction. But along with this, he must assume the entire risk of losses in the event of bankruptcy of his enterprise.

Thus, entrepreneurship is a special kind of economic activity (which is understood as an expedient activity aimed at making a profit), which is based on independent initiative, responsibility and an innovative entrepreneurial idea.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activity” provides the following definition of entrepreneurship: “Entrepreneurship is an independent activity of citizens aimed at making a profit. It is carried out by citizens on their own behalf at their own risk and under their property responsibility.

According to the Law, citizens of the Russian Federation and the CIS states, foreign citizens and associations of citizens can be business entities. Since the entrepreneur must interact with the consumer as the main counterparty, as well as with the state and employees, they also belong to the subjects of entrepreneurial activity.

The object of entrepreneurial activity is most often associated with an entrepreneurial idea. An object can be a commodity, a product, a service, that is, something that can satisfy someone's need and what is offered on the market for purchase and use.

The purpose of entrepreneurial activity, therefore, is the production and offer to the market of such a product that would arouse market interest and bring entrepreneurial profit.

Forms of entrepreneurial activity:

1. Production

  • may be focused on the production of traditional goods, but using some new elements or techniques related to the organization of production, or the use of the qualitative characteristics of the goods produced;
  • may be innovative in nature (development and transfer to direct producers new technology and technology (engineering, consulting, design activities)

2. Intermediary Entrepreneurial activity allows in the shortest possible time to combine the economic interests of the producer and consumer. The inclusion of an intermediary in the relationship between the producer and the consumer reduces the period of capital turnover, and therefore took away. profitability of production. Intermediaries include:

1. Sales agents, purchasing agents, brokers, wholesalers: for example,

  • Distributor is an intermediary specializing in the acquisition of goods from manufacturers and selling them to their regular customers;
  • Dealer- an intermediary who resells goods on his own behalf and at his own expense;
  • Broker- this is an intermediary who himself does not participate in the conclusion of the transaction, only indicates the possibility of its conclusion.

2. Exchange entrepreneurship is also a kind of intermediary activity. This is a special form of wholesale trade. Depending on the profile of activity, the exchanges are divided into the following types:

  • commodity exchange - specializes in wholesale trade bulk goods;
  • stock exchange - specializes in the sale and purchase of securities;
  • currency exchange - operations for the purchase and sale of gold and currency;
  • labor exchange (purchase and sale work force)

3. Special forms of entrepreneurial activity include real estate or real estate business.

4. Entrepreneurship in financial sector occupies a special place in entrepreneurial activity. On the one hand, it belongs to the category of intermediary activity, and on the other hand, to the provision of services, without which the implementation of any activity becomes practically impossible.

Entrepreneurship in the financial sector is carried out by bankers and financiers through the establishment of banks, investment companies and funds.

5. Integration of enterprises: varieties and organizational features.

Business entities are persons who can engage in this activity, i.e. entrepreneurs, their associations and associations. Entrepreneurial activity can be carried out by any citizen, not limited in rights; any foreign citizen and stateless person within the powers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as associations of citizens - collective entrepreneurs (partners).
The status of an entrepreneur is acquired through state registration entrepreneur in the manner prescribed by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Carrying out entrepreneurial activity without registration is prohibited.
Entrepreneurial activity carried out without the involvement of hired labor is registered as an individual entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurial activity involving hired labor is registered as an enterprise. If a citizen acts solely and on his own behalf without creating an enterprise, then he is responsible for the obligations associated with entrepreneurial activity with all his property, with the exception of that which cannot be levied in accordance with legislative acts. In the event that an enterprise that is a legal entity is created or acquired for entrepreneurial activity, the entrepreneur acts on behalf of and under the property responsibility of the enterprise, i.e., for the obligations of the enterprise - legal entity the enterprise itself is responsible (within authorized capital), and the entrepreneur is not responsible for his personal property.
There are certain restrictions in business entities. Thus, the law "On competition and restriction of monopolistic activity on commodity markets» prohibits officials (and not just heads) of bodies government controlled engage in independent entrepreneurial activity, own an enterprise, independently or through a representative vote by means of their shares, shares, participation shares when making decisions general meeting joint-stock company, partnerships, hold positions in the management bodies of the economic entity. Entrepreneurs have certain rights and obligations.

Rights: an entrepreneur has the right to create any type of enterprise, the organization of which does not contradict the legislative acts of the Russian Federation; acquire property and rights from other business entities and other persons and participate in their activities; independently determine the program of its economic activity; choose suppliers and consumers; fulfill orders for state needs; hire and fire employees on the terms specified in the contracts (of course, subject to labor law); set prices and tariffs for their products (works and services); open accounts in any banks (without the permission of the bank at the location); to carry out settlement, cash and credit operations of all kinds; freely dispose of income (profit), the amount of which is not limited (after paying taxes and other obligatory payments); participate in foreign economic relations and carry out currency transactions in the manner prescribed by the legislation on currency regulation. Thus, the rights granted to entrepreneurs provide for the creation of the conditions necessary for the freedom of economic activity - the sovereignty of the entrepreneur. The economic sovereignty of the producer includes the right and a real opportunity to choose the sphere of economic activity, to decide what and how much to produce, to whom and at what prices to sell. The economic sovereignty of the consumer is the right and a real opportunity, within the available funds, to acquire everything that the buyer deems necessary for industrial consumption, the freedom to choose the seller, place, time and other conditions of purchase.

Responsibilities: the entrepreneur is obliged to pay for the work of persons working for hire, not lower than those established by law minimum dimensions; he has no right to prevent the unionization of workers and the conclusion of collective agreements; is obliged to make payments for social insurance of employees; ensure the working conditions stipulated by the legislation and contracts.

Also, the subjects of entrepreneurial activity are consumers of goods, associations and unions of consumers. Consumers of goods are equal, and not passive or secondary participants in entrepreneurial business, with their own business interests. The business interest of consumers - the acquisition of goods (works, services) is realized through the independent establishment of contacts with manufacturers and sellers. Benefit for consumers consists in purchasing goods, receiving services that most effectively satisfy their needs.

Consumer business reflects the total participation of people in the system business relations and the interest of all citizens in the final results of production.

Consumer business is a stimulant of entrepreneurial business, forcing manufacturers to reckon with the demands of consumers as natural business partners.

The entrepreneurs themselves act as participants in the consumer business as consumers of the products of other enterprises.

From the point of view of the efficiency of the entrepreneurial process, the consumer plays an active role.

Among the subjects of entrepreneurial activity, there are citizens who are employed, their trade unions and federations. The business interest of employees - receiving income - is realized through work in an entrepreneurial firm. The salaried business features are as follows:

· the subject of the business relationship between the entrepreneur and the employee is the labor force of the latter. It is, as it were, rented out on a “term lease”, where the terms and conditions of the “rent” of the labor force are stipulated;

· workers and entrepreneurs take economic risks, exchange their wealth, impose their interests on each other, use various methods of pressure on each other. Both parties carry out their strategy and tactics to achieve compromise options, which is the basis of the relationship between these two business entities;

· employee can change his social status by buying shares in the company.

The subjects of entrepreneurial activity are also state and municipal bodies acting as direct participants in transactions. They are participants in business relations when they directly enter the market with business proposals.

The business interest of the state lies in the need to implement priority nationwide scientific, technical, scientific and production programs (capital-intensive and knowledge-intensive) that can bring benefits to the state and its citizens.

The state encourages entrepreneurs to participate in priority programs of national importance different ways: preferential centralized loans, orders, purchases, preferential taxation, etc.

The objects of entrepreneurial activity are the types of activities in which the entrepreneur is engaged.
An entrepreneur may carry out any type of economic activity not prohibited by law, including commercial mediation, trade and procurement, innovation, consulting and other activities, transactions with securities. However, some types of business activities require special permission from the local government. For example, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity may require a qualification certificate, etc.
The permit may specify the period of its validity. Permission may be refused if the production does not comply established by law Russian Federation environmental or medical standards, as well as in other cases provided for by law. Refusal to issue a permit, as well as to provide land and other natural resources, can be appealed in court within a month.
In addition, there is a list of activities that can only be performed by state enterprises. This is the production of weapons, ammunition, explosives, pyrotechnic products, as well as the repair of military weapons, the manufacture and sale of narcotic drugs, the processing of ores precious metals, radioactive and rare earth elements, etc. Separate types activities can be carried out only on the basis of special licenses, the procedure for issuing which, as well as the list of relevant types of activities, is determined by the government of the Russian Federation or authorized bodies (for example, banking, exchange, insurance, construction activity etc.).

Also, the object of entrepreneurship is the products produced by the entrepreneur, the work performed or the service offered. In a market economy, all these three varieties of the object of entrepreneurial activity are called goods.

A product is everything that can satisfy a need or need and is offered to the market in order to attract attention, purchase, use, consumption. These are products, services, work, ideas, information, cash and non-cash money, currency, securities.

With the goods, the entrepreneur enters the market as a producer (seller), and for the sake of its production - as its consumer (buyer). From the position of production (origin), a commodity is a product of labor intended for exchange and in the possession of which the consumer is interested. For example, water in a river is not a commodity, but water in a pipeline that meets the needs and needs of a person is a commodity.

A product has a consumer value (utility), which can be:

high: basic foodstuffs, clothes - interested in them a large number of of people;

low: canned food in the USSR - people took them when they could not buy anything else;

limited: wheelchair, etc. - these products are produced for a certain group of people;

· individual: goods are produced on the basis of a pre-order - some brands of cars.

Home hallmark the market price of the goods is the amount of monetary units that the buyer agrees to transfer to the seller in exchange for the right to own and use at his own discretion such goods.

Price is an indicator that is a historical fact, i.e. refers to a particular moment and place. Depending on the financial possibilities, motives or special specific interests of the buyer or seller, the price may deviate from the cost. Cost is the most likely selling price, reflecting the basic properties of a good, its utility, and the costs required for that utility.