Presentation on the topic of public management of dhows. State-public administration in preschool educational institutions State administration Public administration - the state determines the conditions for the functioning of educational institutions; - presentation. Application of the principle requires

State and public administration in preschool educational institutions Public administration Public management- the state determines the operating conditions of the OS; - controls the activities of educational institutions - associations of citizens pursuing public educational policy on the basis of democratic procedures of self-government and co-government; - are free from government control and can be influenced by interaction

The governing board of the preschool educational institution is a collegial governing body of the preschool educational institution that solves problems strategic management platform for coordinating the interests of all participants educational process develops norms, rules, regulations within the institution on various aspects of activity and monitors their implementation

Legal basis creation of a governing council Articles 32 and 35 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” Charter of a preschool educational institution Regulations on the governing council of a preschool educational institution Regulations on the election of members of the governing council of a preschool educational institution

Composition of the governing council of the preschool educational institution Elected members Appointed members Co-opted members parents employees of the preschool educational institution head of the preschool educational institution representative of the founder Candidates are approved at the general meeting of the educational institution The Chairman of the governing council cannot be: the head of the educational institution; employees of educational institutions; founder's representative.

Operating procedure of the governing council 1. Meetings of the governing council are held as needed (at least once every 2-3 months) 2. Notification of the meeting is sent personally to each member of the council in writing, indicating: - date, time, place of the meeting; - agenda; - list of information materials prepared for discussion of issues; - draft decisions on agenda items put to vote; - all materials necessary for making decisions at the council meeting are attached

1. Organization and planning of the work of the governing council. 2. Presiding over meetings of the governing council. 3. Distribution of responsibilities between members of the governing council. 4. Preparation of materials and draft decisions of meetings of the governing council. 5. Signing of decisions of the governing council. 6. Monitoring the implementation of decisions of the governing council. 7. Organization of informing all participants in the educational process and the local community about the activities of the council. 8. Preparation of the final report on the activities of the council

Approximate list of responsibilities of the SECRETARY of the governing council 1. Assisting the chairman of the governing council in the performance of his functions. 2. Everyone's solution organizational issues related to the preparation and conduct of meetings of the governing council. 3. Ensuring proper compliance with the procedure for holding a meeting of the governing council, maintaining and drawing up minutes of the meeting. 4. Ensuring proper notification of members of the governing council about the date, place of the meeting, etc. 5. Communicating the decisions of the governing council to all participants in the educational process. 6. Organizing control over the execution of decisions, informing the chairman of the governing council about the progress of execution of decisions. 7. Keeping records and ensuring the storage of documentation of the governing council, minutes of meetings, voting ballots.

Documents of the governing council - extracts from the Charter of the preschool educational institution concerning the governing council; - regulations on the governing council; - list of members of the governing council and their contact information; - list of committees of the governing council and their powers; - schedule of meetings of the governing council for this year; - minutes of meetings of the governing council; - decisions of the governing council; - work plan of the governing council; - minutes of meetings of commissions and temporary working groups; - annual reports on the activities of the governing council, its commissions and temporary working groups; - other documents that may appear during the work of the governing council.





Quality management in preschool educational institution


Quality management in a preschool educational institution

System preschool education in the public consciousness is perceived as services sector :

  • care and supervision of preschool children;
  • their education;
  • their training;
  • their development.


Senior teacher of MBDOU No. 20 Sidorenko Tatyana Vladimirovna

Service - this is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer and the performer’s activities to satisfy the consumer’s requests.

Service consumers - children and their parents (guardians), society, state, etc. educational organizations next stage of education.


Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Systematic quality management - new approach in management in the field of preschool education, associated with the promotion of quality among the priority tasks of the functioning of the educational institution system.

Quality management in a preschool institution is a coordinated activity for the management and management of MBDOU in relation to quality, which allows one to overcome emerging difficulties and obstacles through continuous improvement of the institution's system, anticipating and preventing possible crisis situations.

The institution's QMS IS A TOOL for achieving the goals and solving the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of an educational institution.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management principles:

ISO 9001:2015

  • customer orientation;
  • customer orientation;


  • leadership;
  • leadership;

GOST R 9001-2015

  • staff involvement;
  • staff involvement;
  • process approach;
  • process approach;
  • improvement;
  • improvement;
  • making decisions based on evidence;
  • relationship management.
  • relationship management.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

1. Customer focus




Formed and implemented activities of MBDOU aimed at satisfying REQUIREMENTS And NEEDS consumer

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

2. Management Leadership

Senior management should:

- demonstrate leadership and commitment to the quality management system;

- demonstrate leadership and commitment to customer focus;

- establish, implement and maintain a quality policy;

Ensure that responsibilities and authority for significant roles are established, communicated to staff and understood within the institution

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

3. Staff involvement.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

4. Process approach

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

4. Process approach

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

4. Process approach (risk-oriented thinking)

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

5. Improvement

A preschool educational institution must:

Identify and select opportunities for improvement;

Implement any necessary actions to fulfill customer requirements and increase customer satisfaction.

This activity should include:

a) improving products and services to meet requirements and taking into account future needs and expectations;

b) correction, prevention or reduction of undesirable consequences;

c) improving the operation and effectiveness of the quality management system.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

and data

Application of the principle requires:

  • measuring and collecting data and information relevant to the task
  • ensuring confidence in the reliability and accuracy of data and information
  • using proven methods to analyze data and information
  • understanding the value of appropriate statistical methods for making decisions and taking actions based on a balance of factual analysis, experience and intuition

In this regard, DOW should determine :

  • what should be monitored and measured;
  • monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation methods necessary to ensure reliable results;
  • when monitoring and measurements should be carried out;
  • when the results of monitoring and measurements must be analyzed and evaluated.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

7. Relationship management

Mutually beneficial relationships with partners (including partners who are also consumers of preschool education services, for example, parents who are members of Councils, as well as suppliers of goods and services)

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

Festival "Park of Innovative Technologies"

Thank you

for your attention!


Sections: School administration

“...The interests of society and the state in the field of education do not always coincide with the sectoral interests of the education system itself, and therefore the determination of directions for modernization and development of education cannot be confined to the framework of the educational community and the educational department... All citizens of Russia, family and parent community, federal and regional government institutions, bodies local government, professional and pedagogical community, scientific, cultural, commercial and public institutions.”

(From the “Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010”)

Relevance of the problem

The changing social and political environment has an impact on all institutions of life and, above all, on education and culture.

Education goes beyond departmental affiliation and becomes a sphere of direct interests of various social groups and public structures. Real life has proven more than once that the institution of education in no case can exist separately from state institutions of economics, law, mass communication, and demographic development. Therefore, education develops taking into account all the changes and trends that occur in society and receives a social order for a new quality of education.

One of the main problems of a modern preschool institution is the gap between the changing educational needs of society and the real capabilities of the education system. The path to a new state and a new quality of education is impossible without organizing a dialogue between the education sector, guardianship institutions and the parent community. Recently, much attention has been paid to state and public management in educational institutions.

Objective of the project:

To form a model of interaction between public authorities in preschool educational institutions.

Project objectives:

  • Determination of the functions of public administration bodies in preschool educational institutions.
  • Delimitation of powers and competencies of public administration bodies.
  • Determination of levels of management of preschool educational institutions by public authorities.

Expected results

  • Changes in educational environment, which will ensure the implementation and satisfaction of educational needs.
  • Realization of the interests of all participants in the educational process, incl. social partners.
  • Sustainable growth activity and interest of heads of various departments, organizations, representatives of associations, manifested in the desire to help preschool educational institutions.
  • Increasing the level of professional competence of managers, management skills in conditions of cooperation and interaction.

Modern education cannot be closed and self-sufficient. Educational practice must correspond to the processes occurring in society and the real needs of life.

Preschool education is the first stage of the general pedagogical system, and the preschool educational institution itself, like the school, can be considered as a socio-pedagogical system. Being a state or state-public institution, a kindergarten is created by society to fulfill specific goals and therefore fulfills its social order.

According to the law Russian Federation“On Education” educational institutions carry out their activities in the interests of the individual, society and the state. Each of the subjects of educational legal relations should have the opportunity to influence the functioning and development of the education system, but at the same time bear their share of responsibility for creating the conditions necessary for the education system to fulfill its social and educational functions.

The totalitarian unity of command in all spheres of life of educational institutions has been replaced by a public-state form of governance (page 3). According to the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010, “All citizens of Russia, the family and parental community, federal and regional government institutions, local governments, the professional, pedagogical community, scientific, cultural, commercial and public institutions should become active subjects of educational policy "

Sl. 4. State-public management in the education system, namely in the system, as defined by Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, consists of two components, when in reality there are two different subjects of activity and management of this activity: on the one hand, the state subject and municipal, on the other hand, is a public subject.

Sl. 5. Based on the norm of Article 35 of the Federal Law “On Education”, the management of state and municipal educational institutions is based on the principles of unity of command and self-government. The procedure for electing self-government bodies of an educational institution and their competence are determined by the charter of the educational institution.

Regulatory legal framework of public administration.

  1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 2).
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2001 No. 196 “On approval Model provision about a general educational institution.”
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1999 No. 1379 “On approval of the Model Regulations on the Board of Trustees of a General Educational Institution.”
  4. Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 30, 2000 No. 22-06-378 “On boards of trustees of educational institutions.”
  5. Letter of the Ministry of Education dated December 27, 1999 No. 22-06-1211 On work with the “Model regulations on the board of trustees of the education development fund under the education management body.”

Sl. 6. In preschool institutions of ZATO Seversk, public administration is represented by the following bodies:

  1. General meeting.
  2. Pedagogical Council.
  3. Parent meeting.
  4. Board of Trustees.

The general meeting carries out the general management of the institution and represents the powers of the labor collective. Decisions of the general meeting of the institution, adopted within its powers and in accordance with the law, are binding on the administration and all members of the team.

The General Meeting includes all employees of the Establishment.

Representatives of the Founder, public organizations, municipal and state government bodies may be invited to the meeting of the General Meeting. Persons invited to the meeting enjoy the right of an advisory vote, can make proposals and statements, and participate in the discussion of issues within their competence.

Pedagogical Council - determines the direction of educational activities, prospects for the development of the institution, contributes to the improvement of the educational process in accordance with the requirements modern science and best practices. Taking the main directions of activity in organizing the educational process, incl. and additional services, the teaching council thereby determines their supply on the educational services market. The pedagogical council interacts with self-government bodies of preschool educational institutions on the functioning and development of the institution, makes proposals on the content, methods, system of means of education and training, and the mode of its functioning in the self-government system.

Parents' meeting - collegial body public self-government A preschool educational institution operating for the purpose of developing and improving the educational and educational process, interaction between the parent community and the preschool educational institution. The Parents' Assembly includes all parents (legal representatives) of pupils attending preschool educational institutions. The parent meeting carries out working together parent community and preschool educational institutions on the implementation of state and municipal policies in the field of preschool education, reviews and discusses the main directions of development of preschool educational institutions, coordinates the actions of the parent community and the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions on issues of education, upbringing, health improvement and development of students.

The Board of Trustees is one of the forms of public management of a preschool educational institution, created on the initiative of the administration or interested parties. The Board of Trustees contributes to the formation of a sustainable financial extra-budgetary fund for the development of the institution, promotes the organization and improvement of the educational process, monitors the intended use of donations, and ensures public control over compliance with current legislation, the individual rights of students, parents and teachers.

The board of trustees may include parents (legal representatives) of pupils, teaching staff of the institution, representatives various forms property. The activities of members of the board of trustees are carried out on a voluntary basis.

Public governing bodies are vested with the right to make certain decisions. They are real representatives of the customer (society) and have leverage on the strategic directions of the activities of administrative bodies.

Sl. 7. B this project The most common public authorities that operate in many preschool institutions in the city are highlighted. Their functions and powers are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and local acts of preschool educational institutions.

The proposed model of interaction between public authorities allows us to trace their interaction and mutual influence, and also helps to strengthen the role of the public in solving educational problems, which is one of the main trends in the development of education as an open state-public system.

Thus, society, acting as a partner in the diverse process of educating and training preschoolers, not only formulates a social order for education, but also shares responsibility for the state of the educational process in a preschool institution. The partnership of the preschool educational institution team, parents, and trustees for the purpose of education has a long-term educational impact on preschoolers, giving children practical example and articulating the values ​​and traditions of socially oriented initiatives.

Management is the purposeful activity of a leader to create the necessary conditions for the optimal functioning and development of a preschool educational institution, which is why improving management should become a priority in every educational development program. The head of a preschool educational institution faces many questions at the same time, so he must be aware of the importance and content of the main management functions.

Information acts today as one of the main resources, along with material and personnel. The head of a preschool educational institution must not only possess up-to-date, accurate information, but also analyze and effectively use it in management decisions. To really ensure the effectiveness of this activity is possible, firstly, by timely receipt of a set of necessary reliable information, secondly, by analyzing this information, thirdly, by adopting management decisions, based on the analysis and, fourthly, the implementation of the decisions made. Any control action goes through management information, therefore the collection of information, its analysis and decision-making are fundamental in the management process and are present in each of the management functions.



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Project goal: To form a model of interaction between public authorities in preschool educational institutions. Project objectives: To determine the functions of public administration bodies in preschool educational institutions. To delineate the powers and competencies of public administration bodies. Determine the levels of management of preschool educational institutions by public authorities Expected results: Realization of the interests of all participants in the educational process, incl. social partners. A steady increase in the activity and interest of leaders of various organizations, manifested in the desire to help preschool educational institutions. Level up professional competence leader, management skills in conditions of cooperation and interaction

“...The interests of society and the state in the field of education do not always coincide with the sectoral interests of the education system itself, and therefore the determination of directions for modernization and development of education cannot be confined to the framework of the educational community and the educational department... All citizens of Russia, family and parent community, federal and regional government institutions, local governments, professional pedagogical community, scientific, cultural, commercial and public institutions.” (From the “Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010”)

PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF PRE-School Educational Institution General Meeting Pedagogical Council Parent Committee Board of Trustees Regulatory and legal framework Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” Model Regulations “On a Preschool Educational Institution”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from “On approval of the Model Regulations on the Board of Trustees of a General Educational Institution”; Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 30, 2000 “On boards of trustees of educational institutions”; Letter from the Ministry of Education on work with the “Model Regulations on the Board of Trustees of the Education Development Fund under the Education Management Body”; Local acts preschool educational institution

Functions of the public administration bodies of the preschool educational institution GENERAL MEETING PARENTS COMMITTEE PEDAGOGICAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Determines the directions of the pedagogical activities of the preschool educational institution, contributes to the improvement of the educational process. Represents powers teaching staff Preschool educational institution Contributes to the formation of a sustainable extra-budgetary fund, carries out public control for the intended use of donations. Represents the powers of philanthropists Provides general management activities of preschool educational institutions Represents the powers of the labor collective. Coordinates the activities of the parent community and the teaching staff on the issues of upbringing and education of preschool children. Represents the powers of parents of pupils

An approximate model of interaction between public management bodies of a preschool educational institution in preparation for the new school year. Parents Committee Teachers' Council General Meeting Hears a report from the head of the preschool educational institution on the results of work for the past school year. year Makes proposals for improving the educational process. Makes suggestions for planning joint events with parents Makes suggestions for organization additional education, its types Makes proposals for planning work with children for the new school. year Reviews and approves children's education programs, incl. and additional education Develops and approves programs for the targeted use of charitable funds. Considers issues of organizing additional paid services at school year. Makes proposals for improving work in the new academic year. The Board of Trustees Hears a report from the head of the preschool educational institution on the results of work for the previous academic year. year Considers issues of advanced training for teachers Forms an extra-budgetary fund that contributes to the organization of the educational process and professional growth teachers Monitors the intended use of donations. Creating conditions to ensure the educational process in preschool educational institutions in the new academic year