Presentation about completing teaching practice. Presentation on the topic: Report on teaching practice. Presentation software

IV course

- deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired by students at the university and
teach to apply this knowledge in practice in educational work with
- equip students with the ability to observe and analyze educational
work at school;
- teach how to plan all educational work at school;
- teach students to work on studying the personality of individual students and
class groups;
- prepare students to conduct lessons of various types using
various methods
and technical means providing a solution
educational and educational tasks;
- teach students to conduct elective classes and extracurricular activities;
- teach students to perform the functions of a class teacher, work with
groups of schoolchildren, carry out individual educational work with
- develop students’ interest in research work;
- to instill in students the skills of a careful attitude towards protecting the health of schoolchildren.

1) familiarization with the school, conversations with the school director, his deputy,
organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
2) study of the class in which the student will undergo pedagogical training
practice, familiarization with the work of teachers and class teachers;
3) familiarization with school documentation (class register, personal
student files and medical records);
4) attending lessons of all teachers in the assigned class;
5) attending lessons of teachers in their specialty in other classes and
participation in their analysis;
6) attending extracurricular activities and participating in their analysis;
7) preparing and conducting lessons various types using
various methods and technical means of teaching;
8) use of various forms of organizing training sessions;
9) organization of extracurricular activities in accordance with the class plan
leader for this academic quarter: conducting conversations, classroom
meetings, excursions, film discussion, work with class activists;

10) leadership of a subject group at school, participation in the organization
a thematic event in your specialty;
11) carrying out individual educational work with students;
12) conducting extracurricular activities in the subject;
13) performing all the functions of a teacher and class teacher in the class
to which the student is assigned;
14) study and analysis of the work experience of the teacher and his colleagues;
15) based on your lessons, the lessons of trainees and teachers, make
conclusions about the level of their organization and ways of improvement;
16) work with class assets, assistance in planning work, preparing and
holding events;
17) participation in school-wide educational activities;
18) completing a task in psychology: studying the class team and
student’s personality through psychological and pedagogical diagnostics;
psychological and pedagogical
team of students;
19) completing an assignment in computer science.

- a detailed summary of one credit lesson in mathematics
visual aids and handouts prepared for it;
-methodological analysis of a mathematics lesson;
- report on the work done in any form.

Approximate diagram of a pedagogical diary

Student _______________________ course __________________ faculty
(Full Name)
Pedagogical practice is carried out in _______ grade of secondary school
No. _______ city _______________ in the 2007\08 academic year.
Group practice manager _____________________________________
Mathematics Methodist _____________________________________________________
Methodologist in computer science _________________________________________________
Methodologist in psychology _____________________________________________________
Head teacher ___________________________________________________
Deputy Director for Educational Work _______________
Organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities _______________________
Mathematic teacher _______________________________________________
IT-teacher _____________________________________________
Classroom teacher ____________________________________________
School address _____________________________________________________

List of class students
Academic performance for the second quarter
Item No.
Last name, first name,
Russian language
Bel. language

in circles,
Public errands
Schedule of lessons in the attached class
Item No.
Math teacher lesson schedule
Item no.
Student lesson schedule
Item no.

Student's lesson schedule

Lesson type
Lesson topic
Student credit lesson schedule

Lesson topic
Call schedule
1st lesson
Lesson 2
Seating students in the classroom
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
1st row
(last name, first name)

2nd row
(last name, first name)
3rd row
(last name, first name)

Approximate diagram of an individual student plan

Approximate diagram individual plan trainee
I approve
Group practice manager
"_____"___________ 2011
Plan of educational work for the period of teaching practice
from “___28__”__February 2011 to “_23____”__April____________________ 2011
student of the _______________ course of the Faculty of Mathematics of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. M.Tanka
(Full Name)
in ______________________ class ___________________________________ school
(number, name, address of school)
Control dates
The content of the work
Mark about
1. Getting to know the school and class in the first week of practice
2. Educational work on the subject
3. Working as a class teacher
4. Methodological work
Trainee's signature

Work plan of the class teacher in the assigned class for the internship period

Next are the student’s daily notes about his
work during practice:
a) getting to know the school, observing the class,
individual students during lessons, breaks,
time for extracurricular activities, at home;
b) conversations with students, parents, teachers;
c) analysis of lessons and extracurricular activities conducted
teacher, class teacher, trainees,
analysis of lessons and extracurricular activities,
conducted by a trainee.
For everyday recordings, it is advisable to divide
Each notebook sheet is divided into two parts. In the first part
reflect the progress of a lesson or extracurricular activity,
everyday educational and organizational
working with students. In the second part write down
comments during a lesson or extracurricular activity,
daily work carried out.

Sample form of entries

Topic, purpose and course of the lesson
or extracurricular
student work

Sample report layout

Report on teaching practice
5th year student of the Faculty of Mathematics
(Full Name)
Pedagogical practice was carried out at school No. ___ in Minsk
during the period from February 28, 2011 to April 23, 2011.
1. Implementation of the teaching practice plan. What deviations from it took place, what was not fulfilled, why, what
done outside of plan.
2. The number of lessons taught, including lessons for mastering new knowledge, lessons for consolidating knowledge,
combined lessons, excursions. What type of lessons caused the most difficulty?
3. Conducted extracurricular activities by subject: club activities, theme evening, quiz, etc. Their brief
4. What was the main educational task that was solved during the practice period? Conducted extracurricular educational
activities (topic, content, educational effectiveness).
5. Individual work with students. Her results.
6. Assessment of personal skills acquired by the end of teaching practice. How well does the trainee cope with
the following activities:
A) Drawing up a lesson plan;
B) Selection of literature and visual aids necessary for the lesson;
C) Rational selection of teaching methods and techniques in the classroom;
D) Maintaining current records of knowledge;
D) Checking homework completion;
E) Solving problems and performing other exercises on the subject;
G) Checking and evaluating written work;
H) Maintaining students' attention in class and activating their activities;
I) The ability to put forward to students a goal, a perspective for a collective cause,
based on current
educational tasks;
J) The ability to determine the means and methods of achieving it in accordance with the goal
K) The ability to rely on the initiative and independence of students;
7. Comments and suggestions for practice. Signature.

- development of schoolchildren’s speech, enriching it with mathematical terms,
formulations of theorems, laws;
- memory development;
- development of thinking (in particular, logical thinking, reasoning skills,
justify your opinions, prove);
- development of mathematical abilities of schoolchildren;
- development of spatial imagination of students;
- formation of skills to apply acquired knowledge to real things (such
formulation is possible when including tasks with practical and
professionally relevant content);
- stimulating interest in the school mathematics course (solution
the assigned task involves the use of teaching methods such as
educational game, entertaining situation, analysis of life situations,
encouragement; preparing and conducting non-standard lessons; implementation
the principle of historicism in the content of mathematical material; Creation
situations of academic success; use of technical means).

- formation of a culture of oral and written speech among students;
- equipping students with the skills and abilities of a culture of educational work,
rational use of time, scientific organization lesson and
extracurricular activities (this problem is solved in a complex, in addition, each
one of the listed aspects may be the task of a specific mathematics lesson);
- development of students’ aesthetic views;
- formation of discipline in schoolchildren, demanding
yourself, a responsible attitude towards learning;
- orientation of students towards organizing self-education based on
universal human values, national culture and traditions (task
it is advisable to specify for the lesson system, guided by
content of the material, needs and characteristics of schoolchildren,
implementation of the potential inherent in the very process of organizing educational -
educational activities of schoolchildren and teacher capabilities).

1. Read the section curriculum to be studied.
2. Study the material in this section and topic in depth, focusing on its
educational, developmental and educational value.
3. Formulate the lesson plan in terms of what you would like to achieve
4. Mentally imagine the class team, specific students. Try
make the content of the material accessible, stimulating interest in the subject.
5. Outline the path to solving the formulated problems. Choose teaching methods.
6. Don’t forget about the developmental and educational aspects of tasks throughout the process
lesson. Consider methods for monitoring your activities for this purpose.
7. Balance the chosen methods and techniques with your capabilities.
8. Think over the structure and make a plan - a lesson outline.
9. Repeat to yourself and out loud the content of the material, the elements of the plan.
10. Prepare visual and teaching aids. Check the serviceability of the TSO.
11. Give yourself the mindset to conduct the lesson joyfully, ensuring that the children are ready to leave
leave the lesson with acquired knowledge and desires to come to the next lesson.
12. After the lesson, analyze its effectiveness: what was achieved
what failed and why, what changes would be desirable to introduce, what
tasks will be solved in the next lesson from a position of efficiency
lesson taught?

Geometry, 9th grade
Topic: “Area of ​​a triangle”
Lesson objectives: continue working on the formation of mathematical concepts and speech development
logical thinking of students, formation of a culture of educational work.
Equipment: drawing tools, crayons, overhead projector.
Area of ​​a triangle
Cl. R.
Section 124, tasks 15, 16.
Repeat step 57 (theorem

Lesson structure:
Organizational moment (1 min).
Checking homework and consolidating what has been completed (15 min).
Explanation of new material (12 min).
Consolidation (15 min).
Summing up the lesson and homework(2 minutes).
Lesson content:
Org moment.
“Hello, sit down, get ready for a frontal interview.”
2. Checking homework and consolidating what has been completed.
“Give answers to the following questions: (questions are reproduced on the screen with
using an overhead projector)
What is the area of ​​a simple figure called?
What are the formulas used to determine the area of ​​a parallelogram?
How to calculate the area of ​​a rhombus?
(Students answer questions).
“For today’s lesson you had an interesting homework assignment that involved
derivation of the formula for the area of ​​a rhombus as half the product of its diagonals.
Please offer your conclusion to the formula..."
(Individual survey at the board.)

“While the derivation of the formula is being prepared, you and I will solve problems orally, the text of which is presented on the screen.”
Task 1.
ABCD is a parallelogram, AB=4cm, BC=6cm, h=5cm.
The teacher begins work with the text of the problem according to next plan: gets the answers suggested
students (they may give the wrong answer, not paying attention to the fact that VM is not equal to 5 cm.)
To lead the children to the correct solution, the teacher asks the question: “How many solutions does this
task?”, “Can VM be equal to 5 cm?”
Students are asked to justify their answers.
Suggested answer: The problem has one solution, since the VM<ВА. (Если к прямой из одной точки
If a perpendicular and an inclined line are drawn, then any inclined line is greater than the perpendicular.)
That's why
SABCD = DC*BK=20(cm2).
The text of task 2 is shown.
Task 2.
ABCD is a parallelogram, angle A is 600,
AM is the bisector of angle A,
VM=3cm, MS=9cm.
Students solve the problem orally. If difficulties arise, it is advisable to formulate
the following questions (in order to develop thinking and speech):
“What elements of a parallelogram do you know that you can find?”

The following student answer is expected: angle A is known in the parallelogram ABCD, it is easy to find
side BC equal to VM+MS: BC=12cm. Since in a parallelogram opposite sides are equal, then
AD=BC=12cm. Side AB can be found from triangle ABM, in which angle ABM is equal to 1200, since in
in a parallelogram, the sum of the angles adjacent to one side is 1800, and angle A is 600. Angle BAM
is equal to 300. since AM is the bisector of angle A. Then angle ABM is equal to 300 and triangle ABM
isosceles. This means AB=3cm. Then
SABCD=AB*ADsinА=3*12sin600= 18 3
Task 3.
One of the angles of a rhombus is 600. The smaller diagonal is a. Find the area of ​​the rhombus.
(Students decide independently and then check the answers. If the task caused difficulty, then
the solution is analyzed.)
“Now let’s look at the derivation of the formula for the area of ​​a rhombus as half the product of the diagonals.”
1st method.
Let's complete the triangle DCB to a parallelogram.
Triangle DBC=DBA=CKB on three sides. Then
“Who solved the problem in a different way?”
2nd method.
Let's build triangle DOA to a rectangle.
3. Explanation of new material.
“Open your notebooks, write down the date,
BD is perpendicular to AC,
BD=h, AC=b.
Find: SABC.

“What formula is used to calculate the SABC?” Who guessed?
“Prove that SABC=1/2AC*BD.
Proof. Let's complete the triangle ABC to the parallelogram ABCC. Triangles ABC and SCR are equal
(according to the third criterion.) SABC=1/2SABKC=1/2b*h.
We have proven the theorem that the area of ​​a triangle is equal to half the product of the side
triangle to the height lowered to this side."
(The wording is repeated by the students.)
“Prove another theorem about calculating the area of ​​a triangle.
The area of ​​a triangle is equal to half the product of any two sides and the sine of the angle between them:
How many cases must be considered to prove the theorem?
What could be the angle Q? (Three possible cases are considered below.)"
4. Consolidation of new material.
“We solve problems using these formulas.”
Task 1. Draw a random triangle. Draw a straight line through vertex B so that it
split the triangle into two equal triangles.
Task 2.
Given a parallelogram. Draw its diagonals and compare the areas of the resulting triangles.
Problem No. 17 (from a school textbook.)
Given: Triangle ABC, AB=AC, AC=120m, AB=100m.
Find: Area of ​​triangle ABC.
5. Summing up the lesson, homework and assessment of knowledge.
“So, today in class we reinforced mathematical concepts such as area and equal area
figures, repeated the area formulas, derived a new formula for the area of ​​a rhombus, for the area
Homework: paragraph 124, tasks 15, 16. Repeat paragraph 57 (Thales’ theorem).
Grades for the lesson..."
The teacher comments on the grades and puts them in the journal.
“The lesson is over. Goodbye!"

Algebra, 8th grade
Topic: “Factorization using the formula (a b) a 2ab b"
Objectives: summarize and systematize students’ knowledge on the application of the formula;
develop independent work skills; continue work on
formation of a culture of oral and written speech among schoolchildren.
Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization of students' knowledge, skills and abilities.
Equipment: record player, blackboard, textbook “Algebra - 7”/Pod. Ed.
S. A. Telyakovsky. – M.: Education, 1989.
Board design:
(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2 .
(a-b)2=a2-2ab+b2 .
Factorization with
using the formula (a b) a 2ab b
Cl. R.
P.31, 32
№908, 879, 1035
(a b) a 2ab b

Lesson structure:
1) Organizational moment (1 min)
2) Setting the lesson goal (2 min)
3) Updating basic knowledge (8 min)
4) Exercises on the practical use of formulas (20
(a min)
b) a 2ab b
5) Summing up the work in the lesson (2 min)
6) Independent work (10 min)
7) Homework (2 min)

Structural elements of the lesson
Organizing time
Setting a lesson goal
Updating reference
Hello guys!
Sit down.
Today in class we will remember everything
what do we know about abbreviated formulas
multiplication, strengthen skills and
skills to apply these formulas
when solving examples. At the end
lesson you will write a short
independent work.
Frontal survey.
1) What are the formulas for the abbreviation
do you know multiplication?
2) Why
apply these
3) What is the square of the sum of two?
4) What is the square of the difference of two
5) What type of polynomials are we
we can factorize with
using abbreviated formulas
Write it down
polynomials on the board.
They listen carefully.
The students answer.
1) Formulas for the square of the sum and
the difference between two expressions.
2) To square the sum
and the difference of two expressions, for
3) Orally pronounced:
(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2 .
4) Orally pronounced:
(a-b)2=a2-2ab+b2 .
5) Go to the board and write down
a2+2ab+b2 ,
a2-2ab+b2 .

consolidation of skills to apply
the square of the difference of two expressions:
standard view
B) Factorize:
4. Practical exercises
abbreviated multiplication.
No. 1. Calculate (without using
a) 1012=
b) 5012=
Conditions a), b) are written on the board before
consistently orally
The teacher controls the front
Performs oral tasks independently
exercises, mentally checks
your readiness to justify
performed actions. On call
The teacher gives the rationale out loud.
25x2-10xy+y2= (5x-y)2
1-y2-2y= (trick)
Creates a problematic situation in
“let down”
students to the solution: “Try
apply abbreviation formulas
multiplication. To do this, imagine
number 101 as a sum or
differences of some numbers, but
so that it would be convenient later
calculate their squares and doubles
work. ”
a) 1012=(100+1)2=1002+2*100*1+12=
= 10000+200+1=10201;
b) 5012=(500+1)2=5002+2*500*1+12=

c) 992=
No. 2. solve the equations:
If necessary, he explains: “For
transform the solutions to the equation
(simplify) the left and right sides.”
a) 12-(4-x)2=x(3-x)
b) (2-x)2-x(x+1.5)=4
5. Summing up.
(of a testing nature).
Requirements for tasks for 1 and 2
the options are the same.
Do you and I know multiplication?
But this is our introduction to
multiplication does not end. On
let's meet some more of
Now to check how you are
have mastered these formulas, we will write
Turns on the player.
c) 992=(100-1)2=1002-2*100*1+12=
= 10000-200+1=9801;
Performs actions step by step
saying the “rules” out loud.
a) 12-(4-x)2=x(3-x)
b) (2-x) -x(x+1.5)=4
the square of the difference of two expressions.

1 option
Represent as a polynomial
standard view:
Find the unknown term:
25x2+9y2-*, *=30xy.
36x2+36xy+*, *=9y2.
Option 2
(3a+b) =9a +6ab+b2;
49a2-28ax+*, *=4x2 ;
9x2+25y2-*, *=30xy ;
A2-10ab+25b2=(a-5b)2 ;
P. 31, 32
№ 908, 879, 1035.
Moving around the classroom
checks for correctness
answers and gives grades.
Write math
dictation. Reads assignments
announcer whose voice
recorded on tape.
In students' notebooks
At the end of the dictation
offers students
some of the answers
Dictates homework.

As in the case of coursework, sometimes a presentation is required to accompany the internship report. It all depends on the preferences of the teacher.

Presentation software

The undisputed leader among programs for creating presentations is Microsoft PowerPoint, which is part of the MS Office package (along with Word, Excel and other programs). This application has many advantages:

  • Large collection of templates. Users around the world post sample presentations, and they are free to download and use.
  • Wide functionality. You can configure the appearance and disappearance of slides or individual elements with various special effects (by timer or click), add sound and video.
  • Prevalence. If you need to urgently correct something in a presentation not at home, there is a high probability of finding PowerPoint on a computer at an educational institution.
  • Ability to create demos. The demonstration file (unlike a presentation - a ppt or pptx file) cannot be edited, but it runs even without PowerPoint installed.
  • Import objects from other office programs (in particular, beautiful diagrams from Excel).
  • Access to cloud storage for team work.

Figure 1. Practice PowerPoint Presentation

The only drawback for students is that the program is paid. But if you purchase an office package, it is already included in it, you don’t have to pay anything extra.

The free OpenOffice package includes Impress. It is similar in functionality to PowerPoint.

There are also separate (not packaged) applications - paid and free, for example, Kingsoft Presentation, PromoSHOW and others.

Structure of the practice presentation

A presentation is a strictly structured document. Each page (slide) must contain certain information.

The first page is the title page. It should include the following components: Name of the university. Name of the department. Author's full name. The name of the report on the internship and its type (educational, industrial, pre-graduate). Full name of the scientific supervisor. City and year.

This slide is similar to the title slide in a printed report. It performs the same function (to present the work to the audience) and contains the same information.

Note 1

You need to check the data on the printed title page and title slide. Most often, errors occur in the topic or name of the company when the student writes them from memory.

The second sheet is usually devoted to the goals and objectives of practice, the practice task.

The third and subsequent sheets contain a description of the practice base (the enterprise where the intern worked) and the results of the work. Specific information depends on the specialty and location of the internship.

Example 1

For example, economics students must study in detail the company in which they were accepted to practice. To do this they will need financial statements. Based on it, ratios are calculated and conclusions are drawn about the financial condition. Student teachers briefly describe the school or kindergarten, focusing on the children's team and the lessons held there. In production and pre-graduation practice, the organization pays more attention than in educational (introductory) practice.

In general, you need to analyze the literature on the topic of your practice and suggest ways to improve the organization’s activities.

At the end, the student must state the conclusions on the completed practice, which he presented in the conclusion of the practice report.

To make a truly high-quality presentation, first of all, after writing the practice report, read it carefully in its entirety. This will help you highlight the main points that need to be visualized. The main focus should be on the introduction and conclusion of the report. They contain the essence of this document, the most important data on which to rely in the report.

In addition, select suitable illustrative material. It should be enough to diversify speech, and, at the same time, not too much. The key here is relevance and significance. You shouldn't insert pictures just for the sake of having them.

Example 2

It is appropriate to replace rows of numbers with a diagram; this form of presenting material is more convenient for perception. Schemes related to the work performed at the enterprise or characterizing its activities in general (for example, the structure of management bodies) can be useful. Ornaments, flowers and other decorations will be unnecessary in this presentation.

Well, finally, it is worth recalling that you should not abuse the technical capabilities of PowerPoint. Various animation effects are good, but there is no need to overdo it. Firstly, when everything flies and sparkles, it is annoying and interferes with the perception of information. Secondly, not all projectors display animation correctly.

When preparing a presentation, do not forget that it is most often accompanied by a defensive speech. Therefore, there is no need to print huge pieces of text - it is better to tell them. Put on the slides only what needs to be conveyed visually, what is difficult to perceive by ear.

A presentation is not a handout. People look at her from afar; not everyone has perfect vision. Therefore, the font should be large and easy to read. It’s best to choose something simple – Arial, Times New Roman. Fonts with monograms are not needed.

The font size is closely related to such a characteristic as the fullness of the “sheet”. No need to overload it. If there is a lot of information, break it up into several pictures. It is optimal to post no more than 1-2 pictures or 1-2 short sentences of text. Don't try to fit a 20-page report entirely into 10 slides.

Colors should be contrasting. This is especially valuable for classrooms where the windows are not covered with thick curtains. In bright light the projections look quite pale. Light blue font on a white background will turn into completely unreadable. In this case, dark letters on a light background are preferable, and not vice versa. Eye-catching combinations like red on light green are also undesirable.

Figure 2. Projection in an undarkened room

The template must correspond to the theme and at the same time be quite strict. Ideally, do without “curls” and limit yourself to strict geometry.

Design diagrams in the same style. The purpose of a presentation is to convey information, not to demonstrate the ability to change styles and colors.

To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
Pedagogical practice Hand. practice: Bessonova Yu.A., Ph.D. Philol. Sciences, Associate Professor Oryol State Institute of CultureDepartment of Socio-Cultural Activities Goal and objectives of teaching practice Goal: acquisition of practical skills in teaching disciplines of the technological cycle, as well as courses of ethical, aesthetic, sociocultural orientation, skills in organizing educational work in educational institutions of various types. Objectives: deepening students’ knowledge, development their skills in subjects that determine the content of practice; formation of pedagogical skills of students in organizing and conducting educational and educational activities; development of professional creative abilities in students; creating conditions for self-actualization and self-development of students; the formation of sustainable interest and respect for the chosen profession, the need for self-education and self-improvement. Contents of teaching practice Organization of student trainee activities according to the methodology of teaching technological cycle disciplines in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions; become familiar with the State educational standard of higher and secondary vocational education, with thematic planning in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions; draw up a schedule of training sessions for the period of practice; attend training sessions of teachers of technological cycle disciplines, as well as classes of fellow students (10 hours) throughout the internship; take part in the discussion of the training session; check lecture notes of students; conduct the required number of educational (lecture and practical) classes: in a secondary specialized educational institution - develop under the guidance of a teacher and methodologist and conduct 1 lecture lesson (2 hours); 3 seminar (practical) classes (6 hours). Organizing the activities of a student trainee according to the methodology of teaching disciplines of an ethical, aesthetic and sociocultural orientation in a general education institution and institutions of additional education; get acquainted with the thematic plan of disciplines of an ethical, aesthetic and sociocultural orientation in a secondary educational institution and institutions of additional education; draw up a schedule of training sessions for the period of practice; attend lessons of subject teachers and lessons of fellow students throughout the practice (10 lessons), take part in discussions of lessons; check students' notebooks; conduct the required number of lessons: 1 trial lesson, 8 intermediate lessons, develop independently and conduct 1 test lesson. Organizing the activities of a student intern to educate students to meet and talk with the administration of the educational institution; study and analyze the documentation of the educational institution; get acquainted with the material base of the educational institution; get acquainted with the forms of work with parents in institutions of various types; plan extracurricular activities in the taught disciplines in accordance with the plan of educational work of a school class, a student group of a university or college; take part in the organization and conduct of elective classes in subjects; actively participate in the organization and conduct of extracurricular activities in the subject; develop and implement one educational event; conduct a psychological and pedagogical study of a student group (class) with recording of research data in a report on teaching practice. Organization of teaching practice The first week of practice is holding an orientation conference at a higher educational institution. Its purpose is to get acquainted with the practice program; hold an orientation conference at the educational institution, where the administration and teachers get acquainted with the practice program, and students get acquainted with the passport of the educational institution, its internal regulations, curriculum, work plan for the year, methodological unification plan, etc. etc., schedule, student groups, classes, curators, class teachers, teachers, teachers, administration; acquaintance with thematic planning, work plans of teachers, teachers, curators, class teachers, with personal affairs; attending educational and extracurricular classes, educational events in your class or student group; drawing up a schedule for conducting training sessions and educational activities for the entire internship. The second - seventh weeks of practice: conducting training sessions according to an individual plan-schedule; conducting educational activities according to an individual plan-schedule; attending educational and elective classes, educational activities in one’s class or student group, conducted under the guidance of experienced subject teachers; visiting and discussing educational and elective classes, educational activities in their class or student group, conducted by student interns. Eighth week of practice: completion of the practice program; preparation of practice documents; conference on the results of teaching practice, held on the basis of practice. Reporting on practice: an individual schedule; a report on the completion of the internship; notes from one lecture and one seminar lesson (for trainees at a higher educational institution) and their self-analysis; notes from two diverse lessons (explanation of new material, consolidation of new material, control of knowledge, etc.) P. ) (for trainees in a secondary educational institution) and their self-analysis; a summary of the educational event and its self-analysis.

Attached files

Report on educational practice for the professional module PM 01. “Processing of industry information” taking place at OAO SPO Borovichi Pedagogical College Completed by: Student of group 3 P Specialties 230701 “Applied informatics (by industry) Nikita Grigoriev Goal and objective of the practice General provisions 1.1. Industrial practice for students in specialty 230701 “Applied Informatics (by industry)” is an integral part of the educational process provided for by the State educational standard for training specialists with secondary vocational education in the specified specialty in the industry “Applied Informatics in Education.” Goals and objectives of students' practical training 2.1. Industrial practice is aimed at consolidating and deepening the knowledge acquired by students in the process of theoretical training, acquiring the necessary skills and abilities to independently solve information problems in the conditions of an educational institution. 2.2. The objectives of the practice are: – acquiring experience in organizational, information and communication, legal and psychological work in the field of information activities of an educational institution in order to develop the skills of independent work to solve the problems facing them; – development of information and communication culture, as the most important condition for successfully solving the problems of future professional activity; – study of best practices in the chosen specialty; – collection of necessary materials for preparing and writing a course or final qualifying work. HISTORY of OJSC Borovichi Pedagogical College Borovichi Pedagogical College has glorious traditions. This is one of the oldest educational institutions in the city and region. Its history begins in 1916, when, by decree of Tsar Nicholas II, a teachers' seminary for 29 students was opened. In 1950, a physical education department was opened. OAO SPO Borovichi Pedagogical College In 2000, Borovichi Pedagogical College (Pedagogical College) was transformed into the State Educational Institution Borovichi Pedagogical College (GOU BPK). My workplace was the psychology classroom. I set up the antivirus on the teacher’s computer. Speeded up the work of the computer itself. Worked in this area. Work with documents. Formatting this information. An outlet for searching for questions of interest via the Internet. Conclusion After two weeks of practice, it should be said that it was uninformative and not useful in terms of gaining experience. During this time, I completed a lot of different tables on psychology. During the entire period of my internship at OAO SPO BPK, I did not learn anything new for myself; I performed the same actions every day that I learned in grades 8-9. In general, I didn’t like the internship; I plan to do my next internship at OJSC BKO or FOC Olimp.

Now in many educational institutions of the country, teachers and scientific supervisors of practice have introduced a new requirement, in which a mandatory aspect of writing a report on practice is the presentation made for it. There are a huge variety of programs in which this can be done, but the most common is Microsoft PowerPoint, since this program is immediately available on the computer when installing the operating system. But making a good presentation is not easy, and if you doubt your abilities or are sorely short of time, there is no shame in it - you can order it on our website, and we will complete it in the shortest possible time, with high quality and at a reasonable price.

But if you are still going to do it yourself, then we offer you detailed instructions on which you can prepare your presentation.

Presentation of the practice report - more details

  • Slide No. 1

    It must contain certain information, which includes the name of the educational institution, the name of the department where you are studying, your last name and initials, the name of your practice, the initials of your supervisor of the practice, the city and year in which you completed your internship.

  • Slide No. 2

    Indicate the enterprise or company in which you completed your internship, as well as who was your supervisor at the enterprise.

  • Slide No. 3

    The goals and tasks that you had before completing the internship are indicated here.

  • Slide No. 4

    In this slide you need to indicate the results that you achieved after completing your internship at this enterprise, and here you need to indicate the points at which your work was assessed by the curator of your internship.

The following slides show how best to do it

As is customary in coursework and dissertations, in the report and presentation about the practice, you also need to indicate the relevance of your practice and the work you have done at the enterprise. Also review the literature and documents regarding your practice to support it with theory and offer solutions and a forecast for the future activities and operation of the enterprise. Provide an outline of your report in the presentation.

Design of the last slide

Here the student provides the findings and conclusions he came to after completing the internship. This is the most difficult part of writing a practice report. At this final stage, you need to systematize and summarize all the data that you processed while writing the report. Here you need to apply all the analytical talents that you have and make every effort to ensure that the conclusions are succinct and fully reveal the essence of the report. And again, if you think that you are not savvy enough to analyze the work yourself, we invite you to provide this work to us and the authors who already have experience in writing such works and preparing such presentations will do this as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Tips for writing the conclusion and final slide of a presentation

In this part, the student must show what he understood and what knowledge he received after completing the internship and shows how he can analyze the information provided to him, both regarding the enterprise and regarding his work. And therefore you need to be guided by some rules regarding its writing:

  • Review what was in the main part of your report and then make short and succinct conclusions on the tasks assigned to you, show whether you have achieved the goals.
  • Provide the methods you used to analyze your work.
  • Tell us what you learned during your internship.
  • Don’t forget to tell us about the difficulties you encountered during your internship.
  • Point out positive aspects during practice.

Remember that the presentation of the internship report must be both beautiful and time-consuming in order to interest your supervisor and the committee. But, if you cannot cope with the task on your own, contact us, we will be happy to help you!