Presentation on physics - efficient use of electricity. Efficient use of energy. Presentation on the topic: Electricity and its efficient use

Use of electricity The main consumer of electricity is industry, which accounts for about 70% of the electricity produced. Transport is also a major consumer. All large quantity railway lines are being converted to electric traction.

About a third of the electricity consumed by industry is used for technological purposes (electric welding, electrical heating and melting of metals, electrolysis, etc.). Modern civilization is unthinkable without the widespread use of electricity. A disruption in the power supply to a large city during an accident paralyzes his life.

Electricity transmission Electricity consumers are everywhere. It is produced in relatively few places close to sources of fuel and hydro resources. Electricity cannot be conserved on a large scale. It must be consumed immediately upon receipt. Therefore, there is a need to transmit electricity over long distances.

Energy transfer is associated with noticeable losses. The fact is that electric current heats the wires of power lines. In accordance with the Joule-Lenz law, the energy spent on heating the line wires is determined by the formula where R is the line resistance.

Since current power is proportional to the product of current and voltage, to maintain the transmitted power, it is necessary to increase the voltage in the transmission line. The longer the transmission line, the more beneficial it is to use a higher voltage. Thus, in the high-voltage transmission line Volzhskaya HPP - Moscow and some others, a voltage of 500 kV is used. Meanwhile, alternating current generators are built for voltages not exceeding kV.

Higher voltages would require complex special measures to insulate the windings and other parts of the generators. That's why step-up transformers are installed at large power plants. To directly use electricity in the electric drive motors of machine tools, in the lighting network and for other purposes, the voltage at the ends of the line must be reduced. This is achieved using step-down transformers.

Recently, due to environmental problems, the shortage of fossil fuels and its uneven geographical distribution, it has become expedient to generate electricity using wind power plants, solar panels, and small gas generators.

"Distributed generation" - Reliable solutions. Highest efficiency in class. Ensuring the BMW plant's own production needs. Work on non-standard gas fuel. Engine container solution. Equipment. Urgent input of power. Gas engines. Stable growth in the share of small-scale generation. GE Power & Water. Solutions for distributed generation.

“Power Lines” - Solve the problem. Electricity consumers. Length of lines. Electric current heats the wires. The end. Electrical stations. Step-up transformers. Electricity transmission diagram. Electricity transmission. Transformation coefficient.

“Electric energy production” - Wind power plant. Flaws. Energy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Hydroelectric power station. Solar power plant. Thermal power plant. Production electrical energy. Tidal power station. Wind farm. PES. NPP. Solar radiation energy. Hydroelectric power station. A nuclear power plant uses the energy of nuclear fuel to generate steam.

"Electricity in Moscow" - Renewable energy sources - RES. Prospects. Tariff menu. Green suppliers. Price dynamics. Green energy project at MES. Organization of a project to sell electricity to customers. Work organization. Classification of renewable energy sources. Certificate. Moscow region.

"Electric power" - Fluctuations in water levels near the shore can reach 13 meters. The first geothermal power plant was built in 1966 in Kamchatka, in the Pauzhetka River valley. Solar energy uses an inexhaustible source of energy and is environmentally friendly, that is, it does not produce harmful waste. Use of renewable energy sources in the electric power industry.

Sort things according to material. Tidal ES. Energy of sun. If you wash at 30 degrees, you can save up to 40% of energy. Energy saving. Disadvantage: Weak solar energy density. Wind energy. Buy devices that are classified as Category A in terms of electricity consumption. Read the labels carefully!

There are a total of 23 presentations in the topic

Slide presentation

Slide text: Production, transmission and use of electrical energy. Developed by: N.V. Gruzintseva. Krasnoyarsk

Slide text: Project goal: Understanding the production, transmission and use of electrical energy. Project objectives to consider: Generation of electrical energy. Transformers. Production and use of electrical energy. Electricity transmission. Efficient use of electricity.

Slide text: Introduction: Electric current is generated in generators-devices that convert energy of one kind or another into electrical energy. Generators include: Galvanic cells. Electrostatic batteries. Thermopiles. Solar panels. and so on.

Slide text: If a body or several interacting bodies (a system of bodies) can do work, then they are said to have energy. Energy is a physical quantity that shows how much work a body (or several bodies) can do. Energy is expressed in the SI system in the same units as work, i.e. in joules.

Slide text: Electromechanical induction alternating current generators predominate. Mechanical energy Electrical energy To obtain a large magnetic flux, generators use a special magnetic system consisting of: Stator; Generator; Rings; Turbine; Frame; Rotor; Brushes; Pathogen.

Slide text: The conversion of alternating current, in which the voltage increases or decreases several times with virtually no loss of power, is carried out using transformers. Transformer structure: Closed steel core assembled from plates; Two (sometimes more) coils with wire windings. primary, secondary, applied to the source, an alternating voltage is connected to it. load, i.e. appliances and devices that consume electricity.

Slide text: Energy source at thermal power plants: coal, gas, oil, fuel oil, oil shale, coal dust. They provide 40% of electricity. Internal Energy of wires TPP CONSUMER

Slide text: At hydroelectric power stations, the potential energy of water is used to rotate the rotors of generators. They provide 20% of electricity. HPP CONSUMER Internal energy of wires

Slide text: industry transport industrial and domestic needs mechanical energy ELECTRIC ENERGY

Slide No. 10

Slide text: Electric power stations in a number of regions of the country are united high voltage lines power transmission lines that form a common electrical circuit to which consumers are connected. Such an association is called a power system. Electricity transmission. noticeable losses Consumer transformer voltage decreases; transformer voltage increases; the current decreases.

Power transmitted along the three-phase current line P f = U f I f cosφ f Power of three phases with a uniform load: P = 3P f = 3U f I f cosφ f When the loads are connected by a star, then: U f = U l /3; I f = I l P = (3U l I l /3) cosφ f = 3IUcosφ. When connected by a triangle: I f = U l /3; U f = U l Three-phase system power: P = 3*IUcosφ

The power factor or cos φ of the electrical network is the ratio of the active power to the total load power of the design section. cos φ = P/S Only in the case when the load is exclusively active in nature, cos φ is equal to unity. Basically, the active power is less than the total power and therefore the power factor is less than unity. Low consumer power factor leads to: 1. the need to increase the total power of transformers and power plants; 2. to a decrease in the efficiency of generating and transforming elements of the circuit; 3. to an increase in power and voltage losses in wires. It is necessary that as much of the total power as possible be made up of active power, in which case the power factor will be closer to unity. To increase the power factor, you can: change the power and type of installed electric motors; increase the load on electric motors during operation; reduce the idle operating time of equipment consuming inductive power.

Electrical substation Electrical substation is an electrical installation designed for receiving, converting and distributing electrical energy, consisting of transformers or other electrical energy converters, control devices, distribution and auxiliary devices.

Step-up and step-down substations A step-up substation, which contains step-up transformers, increases the electrical voltage with a corresponding decrease in the value of the current, while a step-down substation reduces the output voltage with a proportional increase in the current. The need to increase the transmitted voltage arises in order to save metal used in power transmission line wires. A decrease in the strength of the passing current entails a decrease in energy loss, which is in direct quadratic dependence on the value of the current strength. The main reason for increasing voltage is that the higher the voltage, the greater the power and the greater the distance that can be transmitted along the power line.

Direct current power transmission The most promising way is to use direct current. DC power lines make it possible to transmit more energy through the same wires, in addition, the difficulties associated with inductive reactance and line capacitance disappear. Alternating voltage increasing alternating voltage (transformer) constant voltage alternating voltage (rectifier) ​​(inverter) decreasing to the desired value. (transformer)

Power systems Power systems power stations several regions of the country, united by high-voltage transmission lines, forming a common electrical network, to which consumers are connected. The power system ensures uninterrupted supply of energy to consumers, regardless of their location. Now almost all of Russia is supplied with electricity by unified energy systems.

Integrated energy system Integrated energy system (IES) is a set of several energy systems united by a common operating mode, having a common dispatch control as the highest level of control in relation to the dispatch controls of the energy systems included in it. As part of the United energy system Russia is allocated six IPS, the seventh - IPS East - operates in isolation from the Unified Energy System. IPS Center (Astrakhan, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanovo, Tver, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Oryol, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tula and Yaroslavl energy systems). IPS South (formerly IPS North Caucasus), including the Dagestan, Kalmyk, Karachay-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkarian, Kuban, Rostov, North Ossetian, Stavropol, Chechen and Ingush energy systems.

IPS of the North-West, which includes the Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Kola, Komi, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Kaliningrad energy systems. IPS of the Middle Volga, which includes the Mari, Mordovian, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Tatar, Ulyanovsk and Chuvash energy systems. IPS of the Urals, which includes the Bashkir, Kirov, Kurgan, Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Udmurt and Chelyabinsk energy systems. IPS of Siberia, which includes Altai, Buryat, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kuzbass, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Khakassia and Chita energy systems. IPS of the East, which includes the Amur, Far Eastern and Khabarovsk energy systems.

Use of electricity in transport Completed the work: students of 11 "a" class KSESH No. 1 Kryazheva Kristina Perfilova Dasha TulikYulya
Zatolokina Masha
Head: Arshakyan R.Sh.

Goals and objectives:

Show need for use
new types of engines –
Electric vehicles

Relevance of the topic:

problems related to
air pool.
-Water pollution.
- Soil pollution.
-Noise pollution.

What can it lead to?
use of thermal
-Greenhouse effect.
-Increasing temperatures on the planet.
-Thermal pollution of water bodies.
-Air pollution.


Development of public transport.
Other types of fuel.
Cleaning filters.
Development of cycling
or on foot.
Creation of “green corridors”.
Electric cars.

Thomas Edison inspects a Detroit Electric electric car. The electric car was mass produced from 1907 to 1927, there were

More than 20,000 copies were produced. Maximum speed
was 32 km/h, range on one charge
battery 130km.

La Jamais Contente (French: Always dissatisfied) 1899 - an electric car with a light-alloy streamlined body - the first car,

La Jamais Contente (French: Always dissatisfied) 1899 electric car with a light-alloy streamlined body, the first car to accelerate over 100 km/h

The Indian-made Reva Classe electric vehicle is one of the most successful modern mass-produced electric vehicles.

The Lightning company presented the Lightning GT electric sports car at the London British Motor Show, from which

impossible to withdraw
The sporty Lightning GT has over 700 hp. and accelerates to
100 km/h in 4 seconds. Maximum speed is about 210 km/h. Automobile
received an environmental rating due to the absence of emissions into the atmosphere

The car is driven by motors installed in the wheels, which makes it possible to better transmit torque and

eliminate the transmission, clutch and braking system. During
braking engines act as generators, charging
batteries, this creates resistance, due to which
braking occurs.

Weighing 300 kg (including driver), the Xof1 is powered by a 96-volt electric motor and runs on a 3.8 liter lithium-ion battery.

kW. It is capable of accelerating from 0-60 mph in 6 seconds,
Top speed: 75 mph, full charge
The battery lasts 125 miles.

We look confidently into the future of electric transport:
oil and gas prices are rising, and the transition to mass
usage alternative types transport not for
An indicator can be the attitude of European countries
to this problem:
More and more different serial models are being produced
electric vehicles,
legislative support is introduced for owners of clean
The population's environmental awareness is growing.
Electric vehicle enthusiasts already have wide
opportunities to realize your dreams - everything
necessary for converting a car into an electric vehicle
can be purchased quite easily for relatively little