Example of filling out 13001 when increasing the authorized capital. Which sheets to fill out in form p13001 - how to fill them out. Increasing the authorized capital at the expense of LLC property

In case of business expansion, as well as for various other needs, there is a need to increase the authorized capital of the LLC. This procedure is not particularly complicated, but it takes several stages, and a number of nuances are definitely worth paying attention to.

In what cases is an increase in capital required?

There are, relatively speaking, two reasons for increasing the authorized capital:

  1. the desire of the business owners themselves, or the entry of a new participant into the business;
  2. statutory duty.

Thus, there is a mandatory threshold in the amount of authorized capital for banks to obtain an alcohol license, and for other cases. In any case, the procedure is approximately the same, there is only a slight difference in two cases - in the case of an increase by the forces of existing participants, and by the forces of existing and new participants.

Ways to increase authorized capital

The authorized capital of an LLC can be increased either with money, or property, or non-property rights, or all together. In any case, a non-monetary valuation requires an appraisal by an independent appraiser. Formally, the appraiser’s report does not need to be submitted to the tax office, but in fact they may ask.

How to increase the authorized capital of an LLC

Sheet B contains new information on the size of the authorized capital

Sheet E page 1 for changing participant information

Sheet E page 2 for changing participant information

Sheet E page 1 for a new participant

Sheet E page 2 for a new participant

Any changes to the company's activities should be formalized. When amendments relate to the articles of incorporation, the tax authority must be notified. For this, form p 13001 is used.

General rules for filling out the form

To notify about changes in the company's activities, it is approved special sample. You can use the current sample in 2018 on our website.

The Federal Fiscal Department explained how to fill out an application on form R 13001. Order No. IMB -7-6-25 was approved in January 2012.

Rules for filling out the form:

  1. You can enter data by hand or using computer technology.
  2. Put block letters, write with black ink.
  3. If data is entered via computer, Courier New font is used, height eighteen.
  4. Please indicate the company name in full. Example: Limited Liability Company “Pasker. Ltd."
  5. Avoid mistakes. One mistake means you have to start filling out again.
  6. Place letters, numbers, and quotation marks in the boxes.
  7. Make continuous numbering.
  8. Stop using duplex printing.
  9. Have the signature certified by a notary.
Important! You can do without notarization if the entrepreneur applies in person. To confirm your identity, you must have your passport with you.

You can specify multiple transformations at the same time. For example, changing the type of activity, as well as increasing the authorized capital.

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Sample of filling out form P13001

Subtleties of filling

The design of each innovation has its own characteristics that should be taken into account.

Conversion Rules for entering information
Name change Fill out pages 001, sheets A, M.

The current company name is written in full and abbreviated.

Address Fill out pages 001, sheets B, M.

Entered actual information about the executive body. If only the city is indicated in the charter, then there is no need to notify inspectors when changing the street.

Example. The company was previously located at the address: st. Kuusinen, then moved to Vernadsky Avenue. Since the enterprise remains in Moscow, the charter is not adjusted. When specifying detailed information down to the street and house number, adjustments will have to be made.

It is advisable to provide a rental agreement or a guarantee from the property owner. Officials often require these documents, although legal grounds for this purpose no.

Kind of activity Fill out pages 001, sheets L, M.

It is written which OKVED codes have been added or excluded, if the areas of activity are clearly indicated. Sample R 14001 is used if it is approved by the charter that the company can carry out other types of activities.

Example. Stroyservis LLC was engaged in construction. The director wants to expand the list of services and do repairs. Since the official line of business is construction, adjustments will need to be made.

Using large quantity codes, additional sheets are used.

Amount of authorized capital Sheets 001, B, M are filled in. When reducing capital, sheet I is used.

If desired, you can specify information about the shares of each participant here.

Capital reduction is important information that concerns the company's counterparties. Therefore, it is first necessary to advertise the information. Paid publication of the publication “Vestnik” state registration" The advertisement is published twice.

Branch When information about a branch is corrected, as well as other information specified in the charter, an application is filled out in form R 13001.

If the innovations do not affect the constituent information, form R 13002 is used, plus the company saves because it does not pay a fee.

How to fill out the form correctly

If there is only one participant, then he alone makes the decision. When a decision is made by several participants, a protocol is drawn up.

It is important to know! Information about the company changes, which means that the charter also needs to be changed. A new edition is adopted or a separate annex with amendments is drawn up.

7 useful tips by design:

  1. Fill out sample P 14001 when information changes that are not related to changes in the statutory documents.
  2. Use the address classifier (KLADR) to avoid errors when specifying the address.
  3. Enter the subject index and code.
  4. Use acceptable abbreviations. Explanations are contained in the appendix to the order of the Federal Tax Service No. SAE -3— 13/594@, dated November 2005. For example, the words “house”, “apartment”, “alley” are not abbreviated.
  5. Use form P 14001 when the passport details of the participants have changed and the authorized capital remains the same.
  6. Use a separate sheet for each participant: Russian and foreign companies, citizens, government organizations.
  7. Enter data only to the manager or management organization.

Finally, the desired method of obtaining the certificate is indicated.

How to submit documents

Payment of the fee is the responsibility of the applicant. A receipt can be generated through the tax department website. The amount to be paid is 800 rubles.

Advice! You can avoid overpayments if you report several changes affecting the company at once.

After paying the fee, the package of documents is submitted to the specialists of the multifunctional center public services(MFC) or tax inspectors. The application is accompanied by a new charter or changes to the old one, a lease agreement when the address changes.

It is necessary to notify government officials no later than three days from the date of the decision. The deadline is established by Art. 5 of the Law “On State Registration”.

If the documentation is completed correctly, then after six days a certificate is issued with another copy of the charter.

The certificate is issued in the manner chosen by the applicant when filling out sheet M.

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Watch the video about filling P13001

On the same topic

Form P13001 was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@, which came into force on July 4, 2013. This form filled in by existing organizations in cases where it becomes necessary to make changes to constituent documents.
The P13001 form itself consists of statements about changes and applications to him. The application contains information about the organization before changes are made. The necessary changes themselves are indicated in the appendices to the application.

The appendices consist of sheets marked with the letters of the Russian alphabet from A to M, some sheets may contain several pages. Each sheet of the application is intended for a specific type of change, except for sheet M. Sheet M must contain information about the applicant.

Thus, the application and Sheet M are always filled out, the remaining applications are filled out depending on the necessary changes. It is allowed to indicate several changes made in one application. To do this, you need to fill out the application sheets corresponding to these changes.
Only those sheets that correspond to the changes being made are filled out. Unused sheets are not filled out and are not attached.

Page numbering must be indicated at the top of the application, as well as on each sheet of the application. In the application, the number is already indicated - 001, then only the pages used are numbered consecutively in the same (three-digit) format.

Application requirements

To fill out the fields of the application, you must use font Сourier new, size 18, all letters are in capitals only. Filling out by hand is also allowed, but only in black ink and block letters. When moving part of a word to a new line, there is no hyphen; you just need to continue the word you started on a new line. If a line ends in such a way that there is not enough space for a space after the finished word, then the new line begins with a space. Separate cells must be allocated for brackets and quotation marks.

When specifying fractional numbers, the characters to the left of the decimal point are aligned to the right side of the field, and the characters after the decimal point are aligned to the left side. If the specified number does not have a fractional part, zeros after the dot are not written.

When filling out the “series and document number” field, first write the series, then the document number through an empty space.

No corrections or blots in the application not allowed. Nothing, including a dash, is entered in the field “For official notes of the registering authority.” Double-sided printing of completed forms is also not permitted.

The applicant's signature must be certified by a notary.

Payment must be made before applying state duty for making changes. It can be paid at any bank without commission; the payer must be the applicant. The receipt for payment of the state fee is pinned to the top of the first page of the application.

Filling out the application

On the first page of the application you need to enter the OGRN and TIN of the organization. The form of ownership and name are indicated in full. You should pay attention to paragraph 2 of the statement. The checkbox next to this item is placed if it is necessary to bring the constituent documents into compliance with Federal Law No. 312 of December 30, 2008.

Change of name

Changing your name is probably the easiest option to complete. To do this in Sheet A you just need to enter the new name in full in Clause 1, and its abbreviated form in Clause 2.

Change of legal address

Sample of filling out form P13001 Sheet B. Shift legal address

To change the legal address, fill in Sheet B. To fill it out, you need to specify the index and code of the federal subject of the new legal address. Next, enter into the appropriate fields new address. When filling out fields from three to six, the abbreviations approved by the Order are used; when filling out fields from seven to nine, all types of address objects are indicated in full, without abbreviations.

When submitting an application, you will need to attach supporting documents (if the organization is the owner of the new premises, attach a copy of the certificate of ownership, if the premises are rented, the owner will be required letter of guarantee).

Change of authorized capital

To change the authorized capital, fill in Sheet B. In the first paragraph, you need to indicate the option for forming the authorized capital, which was chosen when registering the organization. In the second paragraph, the type of change required is an increase or decrease in capital. The third paragraph is intended to indicate the new amount of authorized capital. Filled in accordance with the already specified requirements for numeric values, that is, the sum before the point is aligned to the right edge, after the point - to the left. If there are no kopecks in the new amount, zeros are not added after the dot.

Points 4 and 5 are intended for cases of capital decrease; accordingly, if capital increases, these points do not need to be completed.

Changing the composition of participants

To change the composition of participants are intended sheets G, D, F, Z, I. The appropriate sheet is selected depending on the organizational and legal form of the organization and the legal status of the participant. Please note that in relation to joint stock companies These sheets are not filled out.

For LLCs, they are used only to reflect the changed shares of owners in the event of a change in the authorized capital. For other forms of ownership, these sheets are used to register information about new participants or the departure of existing participants from participation in a legal entity.

Sheets D, D, G, Z, I are not used to indicate changed passport details of participants, changes in place of residence (for individuals) or legal address (for legal entities).

It should be noted that the specific rules for filling out sheets for changing the composition of participants may differ slightly depending on the region of registration, since the paragraphs of the Requirements regarding these sheets may be interpreted somewhat contradictorily. If possible, before submitting the application, it is better to contact the registration authority for additional clarification regarding filling out.

Changing OKVED codes

Two pages are used to change OKVED codes Lista L. Clause 1.1 and 2.1 on these pages are intended for changing the main activity. In order to register the new kind activity as the main one, it must be indicated on the first page of sheet L, while on the second page of the same sheet in paragraph 2.1 you need to enter the code of the main activity before making changes. Only one activity code can be registered as the main type.

For change additional types activities, paragraphs 1.2 and 2.2 are used. If you need to add new code, it must be indicated on page 1 in paragraph 1.2. To exclude a valid code, it must be entered on page 2 in paragraph 2.2.

Additionally, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that OKVED codes do not necessarily have to be indicated in the constituent documents, therefore, changes in activity need to be registered only if they are already included in the constituent documents.

Changing information about branches

To change information about branches and representative offices, use Sheet K. Field 1 indicates the type of unit in respect of which changes are being made, field 2 indicates the type of changes, then fill in information about the unit. If we're talking about about several branches or divisions, regardless of whether they are created or closed, a separate sheet is filled out for each division.

Information about the applicant

Sheet M“Information about the applicant” is mandatory to fill out, regardless of changes made. It must contain information about individual, submitting the application. Section 1 of this sheet requires you to indicate who the applicant is in relation to the legal entity whose information is being changed. If option 3 is entered in this section, you will then need to provide information about the legal entity that is the authorized organization.

Section 2 does not require completion if the application is filled out by the head of the organization on his own behalf, or by another person who has the authority to represent the organization without a power of attorney.

When indicating the address of the applicant’s place of residence, the same filling principles apply as were stipulated for indicating the address legal entity.

Clause 3.6.2 is not required to be completed if the documents are submitted to the registration authority on paper. In cases where the application is sent via the Internet by electronic file, this item must be completed.

Section 4 must be completed by the applicant by hand and in black ink, even if all other sections are completed using word processing programs.

When filling out this sheet, you will be able to choose the method of receiving completed documents from the registration authority, namely: in the hands of the applicant, in the hands of the applicant or the applicant’s representative, or sent by mail. In cases where sheet M is filled out in relation to several applicants, and accordingly on several pages, the choice of method for obtaining documents is indicated only on the first completed page.

Section 5 will be completed by the notary when certifying the applicant's signature.

When all the necessary pages are completed, continuous page numbering is performed. After this, the application is certified by a notary, a receipt for payment of the state duty is attached to it, and the necessary documents are attached.

Video: How to fill out the form

The following video discusses in detail step-by-step instruction filling out form P13001 when making changes to the constituent documents.

The charter for a legal entity (using the example of an LLC) is the main document according to which it will function until liquidation. And if there is a need to change something in it, an application is used in the standardized form P13001, code according to KND 1111502, KND - Tax Documentation Classifier (Departmental KND, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of October 12, 1999 No. AP-3-14/319) . Actually, its purpose is to make changes to the constituent documents of a legal entity.

The authenticity of the applicant's signature on specified form certified only by a notary for “paper” filing, or electronic signature applicant or notary for electronic filing.

Prepare P13001 online

If you do not have the time and desire to independently understand the intricacies and nuances of filling out the application P13001, as well as the accompanying documents for amending the constituent documents of the LLC, use the online service for preparing documents for state registration. Using this service, you will prepare a package of documents within 15 minutes. The cost of the kit for one company is 1,490 rubles. All documents are checked by qualified lawyers and comply with current legislation. Thanks to the service, possible errors are eliminated that could lead to refusal of state registration if filled out independently.

Options for registration actions using form P13001

Actually, there are a lot of options for using it. Any change affecting the charter is the application of form P13001.

Let's break it down into its components to illustrate the changes being made:

  • Page 001 - Information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. That is, legal. the person must already be properly registered. Clause 1 indicates the assigned OGRN and TIN, as well as the full company name (see the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and from there everything is a carbon copy). In paragraph 2, a tick is placed if you bring the charter into compliance with 312-FZ or 99-FZ, although the first case is already extremely rare, and in the second, a new version of the charter is usually simply adopted.
  • Sheet A. To be completed if you decide to change the corporate name of the legal entity. Accordingly, if you change both the full and abbreviated form, fill out paragraphs 1 and 2, if you change one or the other, fill out what is changing.
  • Sheet B. Required to be filled out in the following cases:

Change of location of the company, if the charter specifies only the location;

Changing the company's address if the address is specified in the charter.

  • Sheet B. Must be completed if the size of the authorized capital changes. In paragraph 1, select the option that corresponds to your company (98%, which is the authorized capital), in paragraph 2, select the action - increase or decrease, in paragraph 3 - the amount of the authorized capital, which we contribute to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Points 4 and 5 relate to the reduction of the authorized capital; read about them in a separate article.
  • Sheet G - information about the participant - Russian legal entity. face. Applies if the share in the authorized capital belonging to such a participant changes, since other information is changed through P14001 (from July 2010, information about participants in the charter may not be indicated). The same applies to sheets D, E and J.
  • Sheet 3 - information about a mutual investment fund, the property of which includes a share in the capital of your legal entity. faces. An extremely rare use case.
  • Sheet I - information about the share in the management company owned by the company. It is used when registering the exit of a participant(s) to enter into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities information about the share transferred to the company, as well as information about its distribution among the participants, if this information must be indicated in the charter.
  • Sheet K, with its help, information about a representative office or branch is entered into the charter and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, if you decide to include them in the charter (not necessary, in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is sufficient).
  • Sheet L, information about OKVED codes, if they are specified in your charter, which again is not mandatory.
  • Sheet M - just like page 001, is always filled out. The applicant is indicated here this species registration, which, most often, is the sole executive body (director).

Read also: Documents for registering an LLC in 2019

Change of name (LLC name)

The simplest action. Sheet 001, sheet A, sheet M are filled out. To P13001, a decision (protocol) on changing the name, a new charter in 2 copies, and a receipt for payment of the state duty are attached. The charter must contain the new name on the title page, as well as inside.

A separate issue is the execution of the decision (protocol) on changing the name. Formally, at the time of making the decision, the company’s name is old, which means we write the old name in the header. But according to the text, one of the issues on the agenda must contain a new company name, depending on which of them changes, full, abbreviated, foreign language, all at once.

Change of legal address

Fill out page 001, sheet B, sheet M. Unfortunately, sheet B is imperfect, since since mid-2017 tax authorities have been demanding detailed filling out of all details of the address object, down to the floor, basement, room, etc. Because of this, “monstrous » options when, for example, when moving to the address Moscow, Lobnenskaya street, building 13, building 3, building 2, floor 4, room 8, office IX, the filling will look like this:

As we can see, there is a violation of the mentioned Order of the Federal Tax Service, since in paragraphs 7-9 the elements of the addressable object are indicated without abbreviations.

This is not the most difficult option, the real “creativity” begins when you need to indicate “attic”, “ground floor”, “part of the room”, etc.

By the way, everything will be entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, with the indicated abbreviations.

To the set of documents for changing the address, do not forget to attach the documents on the basis of which you are using this address - a copy of the lease agreement (if sublease, then the landlord’s consent to sublease), a letter of guarantee from the owner, a copy of the Civil Registration Certificate or a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register (USRN) unified register real estate). And the address details must be listed the same as in the specified documents.

Increase the authorized capital

According to the Federal Law “On LLC”, the authorized capital can be increased at the expense of contributions from existing participants, at the expense of new participants, at the expense of the company’s property, or by combining these capabilities together.

Fill out page 001, sheet B, about the amount of the authorized capital, sheets D, D, E or F, depending on the composition of participants, sheet I, if the share owned by the company appears or changes, and sheet M, for the applicant.

P13001: increasing the authorized capital
We continue the series of articles about filling out applications for all occasions. This time we will look at filling out form P13001 to increase the authorized capital through additional contributions from participants.

As usual, let's start with the input data.
A common investment practice in Russia is the acquisition of shares in the authorized capital of a company in which investors invest. Moreover, in addition to investments at the start, young projects often need significant investments in the process of their activities. Naturally, investors are interested in guarantees, and one form of guarantee of invested funds is an increase in the investor’s share in the authorized capital.
Of course, the situation may vary. Often, the main partner of a company wants to consolidate its leadership position in the company and increases the size of its share in the authorized capital.
For these and many similar situations, it is necessary to register changes in the constituent documents of the company, and we will find out what and how exactly. The central issue for us will be filling out form P13001.

Our LLC has an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles, which is divided into shares of two participants, 50% each. One of the partners, moreover, CEO.
As I have written more than once, the easiest way is to fill out an application in the program from the Federal Tax Service, but if you don’t have the time and desire to understand this convenient product, the application can also be filled out in Excel.
The rules for filling out the form in Excel (the Federal Tax Service program will do everything itself) are described; they are the same for all types of applications.
Let's start filling it out.

1. Simple rules: everything is written in capital letters, pages are numbered consecutively, and cells that are not filled in are left empty. Each character has a separate cell, including space.
On the first page we indicate the full name of the organization, its OGRN and TIN.

2. On the second page we actually reflect the changes being made.
In paragraph 1 statements we indicate “1”, since an LLC has only an authorized capital. In paragraph 2 We indicate “1” again, since we are registering an increase in the authorized capital. In paragraph 3 We indicate the final amount of the authorized capital after the increase. For us it is 13,000 rubles.

3. The next four pages are dedicated to our members. Although only one of the participants, Leonid Sergeevich Lopatkin, made an additional contribution to the authorized capital, the ratio of shares will change for both participants, and we need to reflect this. Since we only change the size and ratio of shares among participants, we do not fill out the remaining sections.
In paragraph 1 indicate the reason for entering the information - “3” - making changes.
In paragraph 2 We indicate the information in accordance with the previously entered information, as indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - full name and tax identification number (if available). Since we are not introducing anything new, we will leave the remaining sections on this page empty.

4. On this page we must indicate exactly how the shares of our participants have changed. Lopatkin L.S. made an additional contribution of 3,000 rubles to the authorized capital, so the nominal size of his share increased from 5,000 to 8,000 thousand rubles. Lopatkin L.S. shares in the new authorized capital of 13,000. 8,000 rubles will be (rounded to hundredths, although no one forbids leaving more decimal places) 61.54%.
We indicate the nominal value of the share in paragraph 4.1., and the percentage expression is in paragraph 4.2.1. It must be remembered that, unlike other values, numeric values ​​are aligned to the right rather than to the left, as usual.

5. Fill out two similar pages for the second participant. Everything is the same, just different names.

6. Although nominal cost for the second participant - Lavrentiy Georgievich Krikunov - remained the same, the ratio of the share to the share of Lopatkin L.S. has changed. IN clause 4.1. indicate the size of the share - 5,000 rubles, and in paragraph 4.2.1.- new percentage expression.

7. The following are three pages dedicated to the applicant. There is nothing new or complicated here; you need to carefully fill out the information for the applicant, who in our case is the General Director of the LLC. The data is filled in completely - both full name and passport details.

8. Filling out contact information is at your discretion - in some regions this does not cause comments from the Federal Tax Service, in some regions it may lead to refusal.

9. On this page you must select a method for receiving documents. The most universal one - “2” - will allow you to receive documents both personally and through a representative.

In addition to the application to the Federal Tax Service, you will need to submit:
- 2 originals of amendments to the charter or 2 charters new edition with a new amount of authorized capital;
- application of the participant to make an additional contribution to the authorized capital;
- protocol general meeting participants, at which decisions are made to increase the authorized capital, change the ratio of shares and adopt amendments to the charter or new editions of the charter;
- confirmation of making an additional contribution. Options are possible here, since an additional contribution (subject to the provisions of the charter) can be made to various forms- money, property, rights;
- receipt of payment of state duty.
In the attachment to the post you will find an Excel form with data as in the example, as well as a file generated in the Federal Tax Service program.

form 13001 new sample filling 2015