Examples of estimates for vols smd. Drawing up local estimates for laying cables and wires. An example of drawing up an estimate for installing a cable in a cable duct indoors

Used in electrical work great amount cable products: wires and cables, as well as cable ducts, corrugated pipes, trays and boxes used to protect them. Largest assortment Of course, the cable products themselves have: there are thousands of product items that differ in type, brand, cross-section and purpose of the cable. In this essay, naturally, we will not be able to select prices for all types of cables and wires. Let's try to take a better look at the most popular types of cables most often used in cost estimates:

UTP twisted pair;

Fiber optic cable;

Optical cable (FOCL);

SIP wiring;

Overhead line wires and lightning protection cables;

Power cable type VVG (ng) (LS);

Control KSSP, KVVG;

Wire PV3 yellow-green for grounding.

The listed cables, especially VVG power cables, have many modifications, differing in cross-section, number of cores, inflammability, power, etc. Almost each of them can be laid in different ways: openly and hidden under wallpaper, in ceilings, trays, corrugated pipes, cable ducts. To protect cables where they pass through walls, steel sleeves are often used, which are cut from pipes with a diameter of 20-50 mm. Many power cables adapted to the conditions external environment, can be laid in a trench on a sandy base or without it. Places where cables pass through the ground are often marked with warning tape. Let's consider the option drawing up estimates for cable installation using the example of UTP and fiber optic cable (FOCL):

An example of an estimate for the installation of fiber optic cables and computer UTP

Rationale Name Col. Basic Salary EkMash Salary Fur Total
TERm10-01-053-01 Rope laying for external cable wiring 100 m cable or wire 56,23 2,63 0,1 123,82
Rope cost Rope for external cable wiring m 0.00 0 25
TERM10-06-035-03 Optical cable laying, weight of 1 m cable up to 2 kg 100 m cable 275,28 1287,5 1,14 2326,31
Commercial offer for Optical cable, LSZH Optical cable 4 fibers, LSZH m 0.0 0.0 30
TERm10-04-089-01 Cutting fiber optic and UTP cables with continuous insulation into SFP and RJ45 connectors 10 cable ends 0.00 134,65
TERm10-06-055-01 Welding of fiber optic cable with number of fibers: 4 1 USSLK 1250 8,84 3,53 1371,8
TERm10-01-055-02 UTP cable laying, weight 1 m: up to 1 kg 100 m cable 181,49 87 4,2 0.00 1545,6
Price list for Twisted pair UTP 5E outdoor (copper) Twisted pair UTP 5E outdoor (copper) 1 m cable 0.00 35

Please note that in our example, the optical cable is laid along a cable, which is very typical for outdoor installation. Thus, we came across another type of cable laying, which can also be used when drawing up estimates - this is cable wiring. Note that the work on setting up the laid fiber-optic cable lines is placed in the section of installation, not commissioning, which, however, is very typical for Part 10 “Communication Networks”. Here, installation prices are often combined with commissioning and configuration of devices, low-current networks, communication devices and telephone installations.

Another typical option that can be found in almost any estimate for electrical work is laying power wires in corrugated pipes.

Drawing up an estimate for laying power wires in a corrugated pipe

Rationale Name Col. Basic Salary EkMash Salary Fur Total
TERm08-10-010-01 Laying corrugated PVC pipes to protect wires and cables 100 m 112,02 40,77 0,1 426,28
TSSC-103-2408 Flexible corrugated lightweight pipes made of self-extinguishing PVC (IP55) FL series, diameter 25 mm 10 m 0.00 0 23,41
TERm08-02-412-02 Pulling wires into laid pipes with a total cross-section of up to 6 mm2 100 m cable 40,69 4,66 1,14 61,87
TSSC-501-8482 Power cable with copper conductors with polyvinyl chloride insulation and sheath, flame retardant, low smoke emission, brand VVGng-LS, with the number of cores - 3 and cross section 1.5 mm2 m 0.0 0.0 5,52
TSSC-507-2838 Pipe clamps 1 PC. 0.00 7,4

Often the cable needs to be laid not in flexible corrugated pipes, but in more durable protective devices, for example, trays or cable ducts. For this purpose, the TER territorial database has other prices. Laying cables and wires in trays is especially important for external wiring. The following example of an estimate demonstrates the laying of cable products not inside the premises, but from the outside (more precisely, at the place where the cables enter the building).

An example of drawing up an estimate for external cable laying on trays with sealing and wiring and connection to devices

Rationale Name Col. Basic Salary EkMash Salary Fur Total
FERm08-02-147-11 Cable up to 35 kV on installed trays with fastening along the entire length with a weight of 1 m of cable up to 2 kg 100 m 166,23 61,33 0,1 264,17
FERm08-02-155-01 Sealing passages when introducing cables into a room with sealing mass Sealing passages when introducing cables into explosive areas with sealing mass 3.66 0 18,73
FERm08-02-160-04 Epoxy end seal for 3-4-core cable voltage: up to 10 kV, cross-section of one core up to 185 mm2 1 PC. 26,74 4,66 1,14 32,14
FERm08-03-574-07 Wiring of devices and connection of cable cores or wires with a cross-section of up to 150 mm2 100 pieces. 782,69 34,74 0.0 953,37

In the previous example of drawing up an estimate, we installed an outdoor cable in a tray and brought it into the building, sealed it and connected it to devices in the right places. Now let’s consider the option when a UTP, power VVG or control KVVG cable needs to be laid in a cable duct indoors. For this case, there are direct prices, both for laying the cable channel and for installing the wire itself. Let's look at the example below:

An example of drawing up an estimate for installing a cable in a cable duct indoors

Rationale Name Col. Basic Salary EkMash Salary Fur Total
TERm08-02-390-03 Lining of plastic boxes up to 120 mm wide 100 m 155,12 37,42 0,1 226,78
FSSC-509-1840 Cable channel (box) "Electroplast" 100x60 mm m 0.00 0 15
TERm08-02-390-01 Laying a plastic box up to 40 mm wide 100 m 124,29 29,9 1,14 175,75
FSSC-509-1841 Cable channel (box) "Legrand" 20x12.5 mm m 0.0 0.0 8
TERM08-02-398-01 Wire laying in trays, cross-section up to 6 mm2 100 m 22,9 2,33 0.00 22,9
TERM08-02-398-02 Wire laying in trays, cross-section up to 35 mm2 100 m 15,55 4,66 3,53 33,79

We looked at several examples of wiring, incl. in trays, boxes, corrugated pipes, on a cable, in a cable channel, as well as an external installation method. I would like to dwell on the method of laying wires in a trench on a finished sand base. For these types of work there are direct prices from Part 8 of the collection for the installation of electrical devices - they are easy to find in the collection. The only point is that these prices for laying wires in a trench are intended for power cables designed for a higher voltage than most control and control cables. Therefore, it is not recommended to lay low-voltage cables along them, but for power cables, these prices will be just right. On this slightly optimistic note, I would like to end our short excursion into the industry of estimated pricing in terms of laying VVG, UTP, SIP, PV3, KVVG cables and many of their analogues. Without in any way claiming to be the ultimate truth, we just tried to describe several of the most popular solutions when searching for prices on this topic. In general, as we have noticed, one of the features of using the TER, FER, GESN databases is the multi-variability when selecting prices for the same work (of course, in the absence of a direct price), so nothing prevents you from independently selecting one or another standard from the database , and perhaps it will be more accurate and appropriate than what we proposed. Thank you for your attention.

When drawing up estimates for the installation of a fiber-optic cable, you need to take into account the technology of its installation, which, by the way, is in many ways similar to the installation of a standard copper cable. Of course, there are differences between the laying of VVG cable and fiber optic cable, because it is not for nothing that fiber-optic lines are considered a new generation of cable products with increased performance and efficiency characteristics compared to their predecessors. So, when laying a fiber optic cable, you need to take into account that it “does not like” too large a bend radius. The minimum bending radius is usually described in the technical parameters included with the cable when sold. Of course, when drawing up an estimate for laying a fiber optic cable, there is no need to directly take into account such a feature as the minimum bending radius. This is more relevant to the design area, when the trajectory and length of the route for laying a fiber optic cable is determined. But even in the matter of drawing up estimates, it is quite possible to take into account such a nuance as the special care required when working with fiber-optic lines. It is not advisable to stretch the cable or bend it too much, as this may damage it and the entire coil will have to be replaced. When selecting a price for laying a fiber-optic cable, you can set a price not only based on a similar installation technology, but also in connection with the increased labor costs for installation.

It doesn’t seem interesting to me to talk for a long time exclusively about the prices for laying fiber optic cables used in different estimates. It is better to look at this work as part of a complex of works for installing and configuring a complex digital equipment. After all, a fiber-optic cable is classified as an information cable and, unlike power and other types of wires, is laid between various devices of higher and lower order to transmit information.

An example of an estimate for the installation of digital information transmission devices with the laying of optical, linear cables and jumpers

Rationale Name Basic Salary EkMash Salary Fur Total
TERm10-03-001-01 Rack, half-rack, rack frame or cabinet, weight: up to 100 kg approx. installation of a 19" 42U floor-standing hardware cabinet complete with accessories 61,15 43,89 2,78 160,09
TERm11-03-001-01 Devices installed on metal structures, switchboards and control panels, weight: up to 5 kg approx. installation of a shelf (2 pcs.), socket block, busbar) 4,14 5,13
TERm10-01-001-10 Payment for various purposes with preparation of places approx. installation of an optical primary multiplexer 43,77 25,25 1,7 72,48
TERm10-03-001-04 Additional board installed in the finished rack location approx. installation of the transceiver and submodules 15,66 10,33 0.7 26,3
TERm10-06-050-01 Laying, checking attenuation and entering the ShSS into USSLK approx. Fiber optic patch cord, single mode, duplex 30,88 31,5
TERm10-02-051-01 Cable jumpers length: up to 6 m 185,28 0 0 188,99

As a bonus to this section, we will briefly outline the options for applying prices for laying fiber optic cables for various types of installation. For example, it happens that a fiber optic cable is laid in a protective corrugated tube. How to lay corrugated pipes along structures, ceilings and walls is well known: the price TERm08-02-409-01 or the direct price for corrugated pipes, located at the very end of the 8th part for the installation of electrical devices, is suitable. But as for laying a fiber optic cable in a corrugated tube, there may be difficulties. After all, the price TERm08-02-409-ХХ, usually used for laying power cables in pipes, is divided into types based on the number of cores and their cross-section. And the fiber optic cable is designed differently than power type VVG, with which everything is always clear in terms of the number of cores and the size of sections. The territorial database also has a quote TERM08-02-148-01, but it is from the section “Cable lines up to 500 kV”, so it is not suitable, although it is convenient to use, since it is differentiated by weight. Prices from the collection “Communication Networks” like TERm10-06-048-01 TERm10-06-049-01 are suitable at first glance, since they are calculated directly for fiber optic cables. But here you need to take into account that these prices are intended for drawing up estimates for the outdoor installation of fiber optic cables in a polyethylene pipe in the sewer, which, naturally, is not suitable for laying fiber optic cables indoors.

In general, the topic of drawing up estimates for laying fiber optic cables is highly discussed among estimators. After all, not everyone can obtain direct prices for the installation of fiber optic cable indoors in collections of unit and resource prices. But there are standards for laying fiber optic cables in polyethylene pipes in sewers. In addition, the fiber optic cable can still be laid on supports. For this, the prices TERM 10-06-035-01 and TER33-01-024-07 are more or less suitable. However, none of these prices take into account the measurement of the fiber optic cable at the site, the installed section and the construction length, as well as the installation of couplings for the fiber optic cable. This can be done by charging additional prices for the listed types of work.

Our prices

The cost of developing an estimate
It is quite difficult to determine the cost of developing an estimate without considering primary documents. To estimate the cost of the estimator's work, send the initial data to email, indicated at the bottom of the page.

Useful materials

Briefly about how estimates are prepared
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Considering the fact that fiber optic lines (FOCL) are the most complex mechanism for transmitting information in large volumes, estimate for fiber is compiled individually for each project.

Vols laying estimate compiled by estimate organizations that have positive experience in implementing similar projects of different levels of complexity. No matter how difficult it is estimate for laying fiber optics, the work of drawing up estimates involves the initial determination of the tasks and goals of the fiber-optic communication line.

Main features of estimating fiber-optic communication lines

Therefore before sweep the Vols, it is necessary to compile technical documentation for the entire fiber-optic communication system or in other words technical task VOLS. It is quite clear that only highly professional specialists can cope with a task of this level of complexity. highly qualified with decent work experience.

Before make an estimate for the fiber, the customer must understand what level and type of fiber optic network he needs to solve certain problems. This way of asking the question will help later make an estimate for the fiber and control all previously planned expense items.

Competently and correctly composed estimate for laying fiber optics at the same time it will also help the contractor construction organization present the very essence of the upcoming construction, correctly plan its main tasks.

Estimate for laying fiber optics for the contractor, in other words, it is a visual “sample” of the planned facility, based on which he will draw up an installation and commissioning plan during the construction of the entire fiber-optic communication system.

Vols laying estimate is equally important for both the customer and the contractor, since this is an official strictly regulated document, based on the sections of which all types of costs are determined, strict control and accounting is carried out over all types of work performed, the compliance of the activities carried out with the previously planned project, the use of certain materials and equipment.

Modern customers understand that sweep the Vols It is extremely important, first of all, for them themselves, since the high cost of the estimated work will be justified already in the first years of operation of the fiber-optic communication system.

What you need to consider when drawing up estimates for fiber-optic lines

Make an estimate for the fiber professional estimators will be able to - they will take into account the indexation of the cost of materials and equipment, the high productivity of the entire system. After all, the fiber-optic communication system today is the most productive system for transmitting constant flows of information volumes over long distances at the highest possible speed.

Sweep the Vols is also necessary because on their own Consumables are not cheap, so the customer will initially know the estimated cost of the fiber-optic communication system project. At the same time, the high cost of fiber-optic lines is justified by the high quality, fire resistance, burglary resistance and security of the entire system. Even electromagnetic interference to the fiber-optic communication system is not dangerous, so the flow of information reaches the recipient without hindrance.

At the same time, many specialists, before make an estimate for the fiber, they try to study the construction project thoroughly, because subsequently the system should work “like a clock.” Therefore, it is not worth saving on inexpensive components and equipment for the fiber-optic communication system.

These are the unwritten rules on the basis of which the estimate Vols gaskets- to equip the future mainline of the system, use only high-quality materials and components.

Before to sweep the ox, it is necessary to contact in advance the contractor who will be involved in the installation and installation of the entire system. After all, copper cable (despite all its advantages) is quite easily damaged if installed and laid incorrectly. Therefore to installation work it is necessary to attract highly qualified professionals with decent experience in this field.

It is quite clear that fiber laying estimate should take into account the high cost of remuneration for experienced workers, as well as other important aspects:

  • installation costs of the entire system;
  • selection and supply costs necessary materials to create a fiber-optic communication network;
  • payment for the cost of materials and network equipment;
  • payment for the cost of commissioning works (up to certification of the entire system);
  • remuneration of maintenance personnel during the operation of the fiber-optic communication system.

Above, in paragraph 2.6, the cost of laying and installing the fiber optic cable was assessed, taking into account the cost of the cable. To fully calculate economic costs, you should take into account: prices for POM and PROM; number of couplings used during installation; possible work on optical fiber welding; cost of auxiliary equipment and tools; cost of measuring and testing devices.

Table 4.1. Estimate for laying and installing a fiber optic cable


Total quantity

length, pcs

Price per piece, $

Price for the entire line, $

Optical connector FC/APC SM

(1 or 3 mm) (8 degree angle)

Port termination with connector: FC SM

KRN-8 wall-mounted for 8 FC/SM ports

(adapters, pigtails, KDZS sleeves)

Telecommunications cabinet 22U 600x600x1200, glass door

Fujikura FSCO-CB coupling for 24 welds

(with 2 splice plates)

FSCO-CB coupling repair kit

Set of tools NIM-25 for

fiber optic cable cutting

Precision cleaver Fujikura ST-07 for optical fibers

Welding machine Fujikura FSM-16S,

automatic, shell adjustment


ANDO AQ-7240D+AQ-7245A (1.31/1.55µm, 37/34 dB), single-mode

Portable power meter

1.31/1.48/1.55; -53...+23dBm

Intercom, FULL DUPLEX, 1.55 SM, 40dB, pair

Laying and installation of FOC

including cable cost

Total for the entire length

Prices are as of October 23, 2001. A newer price list can be viewed at http://www.optik.ru - regional office"TKS" - "TKS-URAL".

Table 4.2. FOCL maintenance

It should be noted that the above calculation is rough. To more accurately estimate costs, you need to carefully analyze the market for fiber optic cables and cable laying and installation services.

Project payback period (approximate calculation):

To calculate the payback period of the project, you should take into account the cost of communication services in this region (telephone communications, data transmission and cable television). Let all PD channels be distributed, and for cable television the number of users is 20,000 for each channel in Seversk and 20,000 for each channel in Tomsk. Next, we will calculate the monthly profit from communication services, data transmission and cable television.

Cost of 1 minute of telephone conversation between cities: 2 rubles/min.

Average talk time per user: 10 min.

Cost of 1 Megabyte of information downloaded via the 1st PD channel: 3 rubles.

Cost of using 1 TV channel per month per user: 50 rubles/month

Table 4.3. Net profit from fiber optic lines per month

As can be seen from Table. 4.3 profit per month is 2 times (!) higher than the costs of laying and installing a fiber optic fiber optic cable. But it’s not that simple; along with such a huge profit, there are also costs that arise in the process of servicing the line.

Table 4.6. Costs per month

Payment for external traffic, telephone calls outside the region, etc.

Most of the income was “eaten up” by taxes. Now let’s summarize and calculate the payback period of our project:

Static expenses: $123,810.49.

Dynamic monthly expenses: $103,798.65.

Net revenue per month: $155,139.

Profit per month: $51,340.35.

Payback period: 2.5 months.

It should be remembered that the payback period is calculated after the project is put into operation! The calculation was carried out roughly; for a more accurate one, we need to conduct a detailed analysis of the market related to our project, etc.

Is it fiber optic Research Institute of Communications (FOCL) - a system based on a fiber-optic cable, designed to transmit information in the optical (light) range. In accordance with GOST 26599-85, the term FOCL has been replaced by FOLP (fiber-optic transmission line), but in everyday practical use the term FOCL is still used, so in this article we will stick to it.

FOCL communication lines (if they are installed correctly) compared to all cable systems are distinguished by very high reliability, excellent communication quality, wide bandwidth, significantly greater length without amplification and almost 100% immunity from electromagnetic interference. The system is based fiber optics technology– light is used as an information carrier; the type of information transmitted (analog or digital) does not matter. The work primarily uses infrared light, the transmission medium being fiberglass.

Scope of fiber optic communication lines

Fiber optic cable has been used to provide communications and information transfer for more than 40 years, but due to its high cost, it has become widely used relatively recently. The development of technology has made it possible to make production more economical and the cost of the cable more affordable, and its technical characteristics and advantages over other materials quickly pay for all the costs incurred.

Currently, when one facility uses a complex of low-current systems at once (computer network, access control system, video surveillance, security and fire alarms, perimeter security, television, etc.), it is impossible to do without the use of fiber-optic communication lines. Only the use of fiber optic cable makes it possible to use all these systems simultaneously, ensures correct stable operation and performance of their functions.

FOCL is increasingly used as a fundamental system in the development and installation, especially for multi-storey buildings, long-term buildings and when combining a group of objects. Only fiber optic cables can provide the appropriate volume and speed of information transfer. All three subsystems can be implemented on the basis of optical fiber; in the subsystem of internal trunks, optical cables are used equally often with twisted pair cables, and in the subsystem of external trunks they play a dominant role. There are fiber optic cables for external (outdoor cables) and internal (indoor cables), as well as connecting cords for horizontal wiring communications, equipping individual workplaces, and connecting buildings.

Despite the relatively high cost, the use of optical fiber is becoming more justified and is becoming more widely used.

Advantages fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL)) before traditional “metal” transmission means:

  • Wide bandwidth;
  • Insignificant signal attenuation, for example, for a 10 MHz signal it will be 1.5 dB/km compared to 30 dB/km for RG6 coaxial cable;
  • The possibility of “ground loops” is excluded, since optical fiber is a dielectric and creates electrical (galvanic) isolation between the transmitting and receiving ends of the line;
  • High reliability of the optical environment: optical fibers do not oxidize, do not get wet, and are not subject to electromagnetic influence
  • Does not cause interference in adjacent cables or in other fiber optic cables, since the signal carrier is light and it remains completely inside the fiber optic cable;
  • Fiberglass is completely insensitive to external signals and electromagnetic interference (EMI), no matter what power supply the cable runs near (110 V, 240 V, 10,000 V AC) or very close to a megawatt transmitter. A lightning strike at a distance of 1 cm from the cable will not produce any interference and will not affect the operation of the system;
  • Information security - information is transmitted via optical fiber “from point to point” and it can only be eavesdropped or changed by physically interfering with the transmission line
  • Fiber optic cable is lighter and smaller - it is more convenient and easier to install than an electrical cable of the same diameter;
  • It is not possible to make a cable branch without damaging the signal quality. Any tampering with the system is immediately detected at the receiving end of the line, this is especially important for security and video surveillance systems;
  • Fire and explosion safety when changing physical and chemical parameters
  • The cost of the cable is decreasing every day, its quality and capabilities are beginning to prevail over the costs of building low-current fiber-optic lines

There are no ideal and perfect solutions; like any system, fiber-optic communication lines have their drawbacks:

  • Fragility of glass fiber - if the cable is strongly bent, the fibers may break or become cloudy due to the occurrence of microcracks. To eliminate and minimize these risks, cable-reinforcing structures and braids are used. When installing the cable, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations (where, in particular, the minimum permissible bending radius is standardized);
  • The complexity of the connection in case of rupture requires a special tool and the qualifications of the performer;
  • Complex manufacturing technology of both the fiber itself and the components of the fiber-optic link;
  • Complexity of signal conversion (in interface equipment);
  • Relative high cost of optical terminal equipment. However, the equipment is expensive in absolute terms. Value for money bandwidth better for fiber-optic communication lines than for other systems;
  • Haze of the fiber due to radiation exposure (however, there are doped fibers with high radiation resistance).

Installation of fiber-optic communication systems requires an appropriate level of qualification from the contractor, since cable termination is carried out with special tools, with special precision and skill, unlike other transmission media. Settings for routing and signal switching require special qualifications and skill, so you should not save money in this area and be afraid to overpay for professionals; eliminating disruptions in the system and the consequences of incorrect cable installation will cost more.

Operating principle of fiber optic cable.

The very idea of ​​transmitting information using light, not to mention the physical principle of operation, is not entirely clear to most ordinary people. We will not go deeply into this topic, but we will try to explain the basic mechanism of action of optical fiber and justify such high performance indicators.

The concept of fiber optics relies on the fundamental laws of reflection and refraction of light. Thanks to its design, fiberglass can hold light rays inside the light guide and prevent them from “passing through walls” when transmitting a signal over many kilometers. In addition, it is no secret that the speed of light is higher.

Fiber optics is based on the effect of refraction at the maximum angle of incidence, where total reflection occurs. This phenomenon occurs when a ray of light leaves a dense medium and enters a less dense medium at a certain angle. For example, let’s imagine an absolutely motionless surface of water. The observer looks from under the water and changes his viewing angle. At a certain point, the viewing angle becomes such that the observer will not be able to see objects located above the surface of the water. This angle is called the angle of total reflection. At this angle, the observer will only see objects underwater, it will seem like he is looking into a mirror.

The internal core of the fiber optic cable has more high rate refraction than the shell and the effect of total reflection occurs. For this reason, a ray of light, passing through the inner core, cannot go beyond its limits.

There are several types of fiber optic cables:

  • With a stepped profile - typical, the most cheap option, the distribution of light occurs in “steps”, while the input pulse is deformed, caused by different lengths of the trajectories of light rays
  • With a smooth “multi-mode” profile – light rays propagate at approximately equal speeds in “waves”, the length of their paths are balanced, this allows improving the characteristics of the pulse;
  • Single-mode fiberglass - the most expensive option, allows you to stretch the beams straight, the pulse transmission characteristics become almost flawless.

Fiber optic cable is still more expensive than other materials, its installation and termination is more complicated, and requires qualified performers, but the future of information transmission undoubtedly lies in the development of these technologies and this process is irreversible.

The fiber-optic line includes active and passive components. At the transmitting end of the fiber optic cable there is an LED or laser diode, their radiation is modulated by the transmitting signal. In relation to video surveillance, this will be a video signal; for the transmission of digital signals, the logic is preserved. During transmission, the infrared diode is modulated in brightness and pulsates according to signal variations. To receive and convert an optical signal into an electrical signal, a photodetector is usually located at the receiving end.

Active components include multiplexers, regenerators, amplifiers, lasers, photodiodes and modulators.

Multiplexer– combines multiple signals into one, so a single fiber optic cable can be used to transmit multiple real-time signals simultaneously. These devices are indispensable in systems with insufficient or limited number of cables.

There are several types of multiplexers, they differ in their technical specifications, functions and areas of application:

  • spectral division division (WDM) - the simplest and cheapest devices, transmits optical signals from one or more sources operating at different wavelengths via one cable;
  • frequency modulation and frequency multiplexing (FM-FDM) - devices that are quite immune to noise and distortion, with good characteristics and circuits of medium complexity, have 4.8 and 16 channels, optimal for video surveillance.
  • Amplitude modulation with partially suppressed sideband (AVSB-FDM) - with high-quality optoelectronics, they allow you to transmit up to 80 channels, optimal for subscriber television, but expensive for video surveillance;
  • Pulse code modulation (PCM - FDM) - an expensive device, completely digital, used for the distribution of digital video and video surveillance;

In practice, combinations of these methods are often used. A regenerator is a device that restores the shape of an optical pulse, which, propagating along the fiber, undergoes distortion. Regenerators can be either purely optical or electrical, which convert an optical signal into an electrical signal, restore it, and then convert it back to optical.

Amplifier- amplifies the signal power to the required voltage level, can be optical and electrical, carries out optical-electronic and electron-optical signal conversion.

LEDs and Lasers- source of monochrome coherent optical radiation(lights for cable). For systems with direct modulation, it simultaneously performs the functions of a modulator that converts an electrical signal into an optical one.

Photodetector(Photodiode) - a device that receives a signal at the other end of a fiber optic cable and performs optoelectronic signal conversion.

Modulator- a device that modulates an optical wave carrying information according to the law of an electrical signal. In most systems, this function is performed by a laser, but in systems with indirect modulation, separate devices are used for this purpose.

Passive components of fiber optic lines include:

Fiber optic cable acts as a medium for signal transmission. The outer sheath of the cable can be made of various materials: polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene, Teflon and other materials. Optical cable may be armored various types and specific protective layers (for example, small glass needles to protect against rodents). By design it can be:

Optical coupling- a device used to connect two or more optical cables.

Optical cross- a device designed for terminating an optical cable and connecting active equipment to it.

Spikes– intended for permanent or semi-permanent splicing of fibers;

Connectors– to reconnect or disconnect the cable;

Couplers– devices that distribute the optical power of several fibers into one;

Switches– devices that redistribute optical signals under manual or electronic control

Installation of fiber-optic communication lines, its features and procedure.

Fiberglass is a very strong but brittle material, although thanks to its protective shell, it can be treated almost as if it were electrical. However, when installing the cable, you must comply with the manufacturers' requirements for:

  • “Maximum elongation” and “maximum breaking force”, expressed in newtons (about 1000 N or 1 kN). In an optical cable, most of the stress is placed on the strength structure (reinforced plastic, steel, Kevlar, or a combination of these). Each type of structure has its own individual characteristics and degree of protection; if the tension exceeds the specified level, the optical fiber may be damaged.
  • “Minimum bend radius” – make bends smoother, avoid sharp bends.
  • “Mechanical strength”, it is expressed in N/m (newtons/meters) - protection of the cable from physical stress (it can be stepped on or even run over by vehicles. You should be extremely careful and especially secure the intersections and connections, the load increases greatly due to small contact area.

The optical cable is usually supplied wound on wooden drums with a durable plastic protective layer or wooden strips around the circumference. The outer layers of the cable are the most vulnerable, so during installation it is necessary to remember the weight of the drum, protect it from shocks and falls, and take safety measures during storage. It is best to store the drums horizontally, but if they do lie vertically, then their edges (rims) should touch.

Procedure and features of installation of fiber optic cable:

  1. Before installation, it is necessary to inspect the cable drums for damage, dents, and scratches. If there is any suspicion, it is better to immediately put the cable aside for later. detailed study or rejection. Short pieces (less than 2 km) can be checked for fiber continuity using any flashlight. Fiber cable for infrared transmission transmits ordinary light just as well.
  2. Next, examine the route for potential problems (sharp corners, clogged cable channels, etc.), if any, make changes to the route to minimize risks.
  3. Distribute the cable along the route in such a way that the connection points and connection points for amplifiers are in accessible, but protected from adverse factors, places. It is important that sufficient cable reserves remain at future connections. Open cable ends must be protected with waterproof caps. Pipes are used to minimize bending stress and damage from passing traffic. A portion of the cable is left at both ends of the cable line; its length depends on the planned configuration).
  4. When laying a cable underground, it is additionally protected from damage at local load points, such as contact with heterogeneous backfill material and trench unevenness. To do this, the cable in the trench is laid on a layer of sand 50-150 cm and covered with the same layer of sand 50-150 cm. The bottom of the trench must be flat, without protrusions; when burying, stones that can damage the cable should be removed. It should be noted that damage to the cable can occur both immediately and during operation (after backfilling the cable), for example, from constant pressure; an unremoved stone can gradually push through the cable. Work on diagnostics and search and elimination of violations of an already buried cable will cost much more than accuracy and compliance with precautions during installation. The depth of the trench depends on the soil type and the expected surface load. In hard rock the depth will be 30 cm, in soft rock or under the road 1 m. The recommended depth is 40-60 cm, with a sand bed thickness of 10 to 30 cm.
  5. The most common method is to lay the cable in a trench or tray directly from the drum. When installing very long lines, the drum is placed on vehicle, as the machine moves, the cable is laid in its place, and there is no need to rush; the pace and order of unwinding the drum is adjusted manually.
  6. When laying the cable in a tray, the most important thing is not to exceed the critical bending radius and mechanical load. The cable should be laid in one plane, not create points of concentrated loads, avoid sharp angles, pressure and intersections with other cables and routes on the route, and do not bend the cable.
  7. Pulling fiber optic cable through conduits is similar to pulling conventional cable, but do not use excessive physical force or violate manufacturer specifications. When using staple clamps, remember that the load should not fall on the outer sheath of the cable, but on the power structure. To reduce friction, talc or polystyrene granules can be used; for the use of other lubricants, consult the manufacturer.
  8. In cases where the cable already has an end seal, when installing the cable, you should be especially careful not to damage the connectors, contaminate them, or subject them to excessive load in the connection area.
  9. After installation, the cable in the tray is secured with nylon ties; it should not slip or sag. If the surface features do not allow the use of special cable fastenings, the use of clamps is acceptable, but with extreme caution so as not to damage the cable. It is recommended to use clamps with a plastic protective layer; a separate clamp should be used for each cable and in no case should you tie several cables together. It is better to leave a little slack between the end points of the cable attachment rather than putting the cable under tension, otherwise it will react poorly to temperature fluctuations and vibration.
  10. If the optical fiber is damaged during installation, mark the area and leave a sufficient supply of cable for subsequent splicing.

In principle, laying a fiber optic cable is not much different from installing a regular cable. If you follow all the recommendations we have indicated, then there will be no problems during installation and operation and your system will work for a long time, efficiently and reliably.

An example of a typical solution for laying a fiber-optic line

The task is to organize a fiber-optic communication system between two separate buildings of a production building and an administrative building. The distance between buildings is 500 m.

Estimate for installation of fiber-optic communication system
No. Name of equipment, materials, work Unit from-i Qty Price per one. Amount, in rub.
I. FOCL system equipment, including: 25 783
1.1. Cross optical wall (SHKON) 8 ports PC. 2 2600 5200
1.2. Media converter 10/100-Base-T / 100Base-FX, Tx/Rx: 1310/1550nm PC. 2 2655 5310
1.3. Optical coupling through passage PC. 3 3420 10260
1.4. Switching box 600x400 PC. 2 2507 5013
II. Cable routes and materials of the fiber-optic communication system, including: 25 000
2.1. Optical cable with external cable 6 kN, central module, 4 fibers, single-mode G.652. m. 200 41 8200
2.2. Optical cable with internal support cable, central module, 4 fibers, single mode G.652. m. 300 36 10800
2.3. Other consumables (connectors, screws, dowels, insulating tape, fasteners, etc.) set 1 6000 6000
IV. Transportation and procurement costs, 10% *item III 5078
V. Work on installation and switching of equipment, including: 111 160
5.1. Installation of banners units 4 8000 32000
5.2. Cabling m. 500 75 37500
5.3. Installation and welding of connectors units 32 880 28160
5.4. Installation of switching equipment units 9 1500 13500
VI. TOTAL ESTIMATED (item III+item IV+item V) 167 021

Explanations and comments:

  1. The total length of the route is 500 m, including:
    • from the fence to the production building and the administrative building is 100 m each (total 200 m);
    • along the fence between buildings 300 m.
  2. Cable installation is carried out in an open way, including:
    • from buildings to the fence (200 m) by air (hauling) using materials specialized for laying fiber-optic lines;
    • between buildings (300 m) along a fence made of reinforced concrete slabs, the cable is secured in the middle of the fence using metal clips.
  3. To organize fiber-optic communication lines, a specialized self-supporting (built-in cable) armored cable is used.