Selling household appliances as a business. How to open a household appliances store and not get lost among the mass of competitors. A ready-made business plan for a household appliances store from scratch with examples of opening calculations

Experts say that today it is becoming increasingly difficult to open a household appliances and electronics store due to high competition, which continues to increase. This situation is especially relevant for offline stores. Competition among online stores is not so high, but it is expected that the situation will soon level out.

Case registration

A business plan for a household appliances store, first of all, should provide for solving the issue of registering an enterprise. If you are planning to open large store or even a chain of stores, it is worth choosing a form of registration such as LLC. For a small format establishment it is enough individual entrepreneur, but such a scale is considered unprofitable. However, if you are planning to open an online electronics store, then you can get by with an individual entrepreneur.

In the offline format of doing business, before opening an electronics store, you will need to bring the premises into compliance with fire safety requirements and equip them with a burglar alarm. This will cost at least 2 thousand dollars.

In addition, you are required to create a buyer's corner, which will be checked by the consumer rights protection society. You will also need to purchase cash registers for trading floor, each of which must be registered with the tax office.

Store space

To open an offline store, you need to find a suitable premises. The requirements for its location are typical for such activities. It should be located in a passable place where many people want to make purchases. There should be a convenient transport hub and parking nearby. It is believed that this business tolerates proximity to competitors. As a rule, customers do not make a purchase on their first visit to a store, but tend to get acquainted with the assortment and offers of similar stores in order to choose the right one for themselves.

The business plan for a household appliances store must provide for the rental of premises with an area of ​​at least 250 square meters. m., which is mostly allocated to the trading floor. But for comfortable placement of goods, a store area of ​​500 square meters is considered optimal. m. It is advisable that the premises be located in the city center, then you can count on a profit of 45 thousand dollars per month. A good option is the area of ​​new buildings. But you need to understand that the maximum sales here will be when the apartments are occupied. Then the flow of visitors will gradually decrease, and the profit per month will be no more than 30 thousand dollars.

Hall layout

Before opening a store, it is worth considering the layout of the sales area. Typically, an electronics store offers small and large appliances, as well as video and audio equipment. All this product must be placed in separate zones. To do this, the premises can be zoned conditionally, divided by partitions, or goods can be placed on different floors. It all depends on the space occupied. The absence of partitions and walls, when the sales area is completely visible, is considered a more optimal solution. Firstly, the buyer can immediately find out what and where is located inside the store. Secondly, sales consultants can monitor the workload of their colleagues and come to the rescue at the right time, without leaving customers unattended.

Certain funds must be allocated for the renovation of the premises. How much this expense item will cost depends on the initial neglect of the premises. But you shouldn’t spend a lot of money on repairs. A design that is too pretentious can scare off not very wealthy buyers. Therefore, it is enough for the hall to look neat.

Retail store equipment

We need to approach purchasing much more seriously. commercial equipment for the hall. Each type of electronics requires its own type of equipment. The easiest way in this sense is to sell large household appliances - podiums that cost $25-45 per square meter are sufficient for them. m. As a rule, for an average electronics store you need 15-30 sq. m of such equipment.

Small electronics will require shelving. They cost $180-400 each depending on the size, dimensions and configuration. It is recommended to purchase shelving units with glass doors that can be locked. For video and audio equipment, deep open shelving is required, which will cost approximately $120-$220 each. Of course, if you open an online electronics store, these expense items will be of little relevance.

We select the assortment

The assortment of an electronics store depends on the space occupied. The smaller the area, the more highly specialized the product should be. For example, you need to focus exclusively on an inexpensive range of goods or, conversely, present exclusively elite equipment. If you decide to open a store on an area of ​​about 1 thousand square meters. m, it is advisable to sell the widest range possible.

Each type of equipment has its own characteristics of consumer demand. For example, washing machines More often they ask for a drum type with revolutions of more than 600 per minute. As practice shows, about 60% of the equipment that is popular are inexpensive household appliances costing up to $450. Average cost equipment, up to $650, is of interest in 15% of cases. The remaining share comes from expensive goods costing more than $650.

As for refrigerators, in most cases they are interested in single-compressor, two-chamber ones made domestically or in CIS countries. They are a little less interested in imported ones. A very small share falls on two-chamber and two-compressor units, especially imported ones.

The range should include gas and electric stoves. Their ratio depends on the gasification of the area. If it contains mainly high-rise buildings with electric stoves, then the share of gas stoves in the range should not exceed 30%. Among audio and video equipment, the most profitable products are radio tape recorders, followed by audio players.

In addition, when forming a product range, it is important to take into account brands and the intensity of advertising campaigns. The more intense and extensive the advertising, the higher the markup the manufacturer puts on its product, the less profitable it is for you to sell it. Of course, if you decide to sell equipment online, you can present the maximum possible range of different equipment, since you are not limited by the rented space.


A stock of small-sized goods can be kept in the store's utility room. For large equipment it is necessary to provide a warehouse. As a rule, it should occupy approximately the same area as the store itself. In order for the goods to remain here for a long time and not deteriorate, the room must be dry, heated and well ventilated. Typically, such premises are rented, and it costs about the same as retail space.

You can save on it by renting a warehouse on the outskirts, and not next to the store. As a rule, the delivery time for large goods is 24-36 hours, so it does not make much difference where it will be delivered from - from a store or from a warehouse.

Organizing the work of a retail outlet

The first thing to think about before opening ready store- his work schedule. A point of sale in the city center must be open until late, seven days a week. In outlying areas, you can end the working day at 20.00 and make Sunday a day off. If we're talking about about an online store, you need to set a schedule for receiving and delivering orders. The more flexible it is, the more competitive your business will be.

Particular attention should be paid to the placement of goods on the sales floor. Usually, small household appliances are placed in the most visible and accessible place, which are often bought spontaneously as a gift. It is placed in closed glass shelves, the lower part of which can be used as a mini-warehouse for goods.

To demonstrate video and audio equipment, you need a spacious hall where the buyer will have the opportunity to move away and evaluate the operation of the equipment from afar. Always have test programs or recordings on hand to demonstrate the product's capabilities.

Large equipment can be placed in the far corner of the hall, since buyers are willing to go far to get it. Usually refrigerators are installed under the walls, and stoves and washing machines are installed in the center of the room, but only in one row.


Recruiting staff for such a store is a complex and painstaking task. First of all, you need to choose from people aged 25-30 years. A consultant who is too young looks unconvincing; obviously, a consultant who is too old causes mixed feelings. To the department household appliances they try to hire women because they are closer to the use of such technology and have some experience in using it. Therefore, men are more often hired into the audio and video equipment department. It is advisable to hire them in departments of large-sized goods, where they can also act as loaders.

New employees are hired for probation no more than two months. Accordingly, they receive payment in the amount of 50% for the first month, 75% for the second. During this time, the consultant must thoroughly study the technology of the department in which he works, as well as the peculiarities of communication with clients. Each department typically employs about two salespeople. But all department consultants must be approximately familiar with the entire assortment of the store in order to be able to help colleagues when they cannot cope with the influx of visitors.

The work of online store consultants is organized a little differently. They must be familiar with the entire range and be able to conduct telephone conversations.

Business advertising

Especially if you are starting a business on the Internet, you need advertising campaign. According to experts, it should last at least three months and cost at least 5 thousand dollars. Only in this case can one count on some kind of effectiveness.

For an offline store, it is important to choose a good sign. A retail outlet in the city center should have a bright and catchy sign, but for outlying areas you can save on exclusivity and pretentiousness. For an online store, it is imperative to develop a unique and recognizable logo.

It’s rare for a business like this to employ a promotional ploy such as handing out leaflets, especially if the bearer of the flyer is offered a discount. They should be distributed in crowded places during rush hour for a couple of hours twice a day. It is advisable to do this from Thursday to Saturday. Every day we need to distribute new leaflets that talk about different information regarding new point of sale: about the opening, about discounts, about upcoming promotions.

Some numbers

As practice shows, to open a store you will need at least 200 thousand dollars, the ideal amount for a startup is 500 thousand dollars, but you can spend much more. In order for a store to have a greater chance of success, it must be opened closer to the city center in a walkable location on an area of ​​about 500 square meters. m. In accordance with these requirements, the amount of initial investment also increases. For example, the cost of renting a square meter in the city center costs on average 25 dollars, and purchasing it costs a thousand. Cheaper premises can be found in areas remote from the city center. The price is also affected by the availability of nearby parking, the condition of the premises, and the layout.

It is logical that purchasing premises is much more profitable for business. When setting the price for a product, you will have to factor in the cost of rent. If the premises are your own, the price of the products may be lower and, accordingly, more competitive. However, when purchasing a premises, the size of the investment doubles or even more, especially if we are talking about a large premises. A business located in the city center can bring in from $45 thousand.

Of course, these questions will not worry you much if you decide to open an online store. Then it is enough to agree with manufacturers or dealers on the supply of goods, receiving a percentage of sales. At the same time, there is no need to spend money on retail space or warehouses.

The only thing you will need funds for when opening an online store is the development, content and promotion of the site, as well as its technical support.

Trade has always been one of the most attractive areas for small businesses. However, competition growing every year, and in some cases the need for fairly large financial investments complicate the implementation of the idea of ​​​​opening your own trading enterprise. To create a successful business in the field retail, you need to have not only the so-called commercial flair, but also a certain amount of knowledge in the field of economics, marketing, and taxation.

This article will talk about how to open an electrical goods store from scratch and turn it into a profitable business.

How to open an electrical goods store - where to start

If you are seriously considering the idea of ​​creating own store for the sale of electrical appliances and devices, we recommend that you initially develop a project for its opening, taking into account all the features of such activities.

Requirements for opening a store and list of required documents

When the issue of store location has been decided, it is necessary to adapt the selected premises to meet the requirements, established by law. Despite the fact that electrical goods belong to the group of non-food products, the requirements for opening a point of sale cannot be called modest.

Today there is no single document containing all the necessary conditions for the operation of such an enterprise. However, there are a number of legislative acts and SanPiN that reflect the requirements for non-food stores regarding lighting, ventilation, prevention of infection transmission, compliance with work and rest hours, etc. Get up-to-date information to organize everyone necessary conditions possible by directly contacting the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor.

Documents that an entrepreneur will need to open an electrical goods store:

  • or individual entrepreneur (depending on which form of business you choose) - issued by the Federal Tax Service;
  • premises rental agreement or Certificate of ownership (if it belongs to a businessman);
  • conclusion of the SES;
  • permitting document from the fire inspection service;
  • agreement for waste removal and disposal;
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor to open a store;
  • if you plan to place it on the outside of the store building advertising sign, you need to obtain permission from the local administration.

Each of the listed documents is associated with certain costs. So, the fee for legal registration will be 800 rubles. persons – 4000 rubles. Therefore, before collecting necessary papers, you should study all the cost items for opening a store to derive the total amount.

How much does it cost to open an electrical goods store, and when to expect profit?

The organization of a trading enterprise for the sale of electrical goods cannot be called excessively expensive. The main expenses when opening a store include:

  • preparation of documentation and obtaining all necessary approvals and permits - 10 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises - approximately 50 thousand rubles. (for a small store with trading floor about 40 sq. m) depending on the area;
  • carrying out renovations on the premises, and preparing the retail space for installation of equipment - 100 thousand rubles. ( Alternative option– rent a premises for a turnkey store, but in this case the rent will be higher);
  • equipment and software– 150 thousand rubles;
  • the first batch of goods – from 300 thousand rubles. and higher depending on what assortment you choose;
  • settlements with personnel and communal payments– 80 thousand rubles. per month;
  • advertising costs – 20 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - the amount depends on the legal entity. person and income level.

Having studied the amount of costs, we can conclude that to open a small electrical goods store, an amount of 700 to 800 thousand rubles will be enough. The payback of such a project, according to reviews from practicing businessmen, is achieved on average within a year of work.

Profitability will largely depend on how accurately you match the proposed product to the needs and preferences of customers.

How to properly formulate a store’s assortment

When opening an electrical goods store, it is better to choose a highly specialized area, since the items general purpose and small items (light bulbs, switches, etc.) are sold in hardware stores.

The range of electrical goods is very wide and varied. What to put on the shelves also depends on the location where the store will be located. If there are construction sites nearby, then you should focus on all kinds of tools, extension cords, insulating and fastening materials, etc. If the outlet is located in a residential area, fill the store consumables, lamps, elements of the “smart home” system, etc.

You should not immediately purchase too expensive goods in large quantities. The assortment can be adjusted during the work process by monitoring demand and identifying current customer needs.

Electrical household products can be included in the assortment of a retail outlet selling electrical goods, but opening a household appliances store as a separate independent trading establishment is still a more interesting solution.

This direction has its own nuances. The fact is that, according to analytical agencies conducting surveys among the population, more than 50% of Russians prefer to purchase household appliances in large specialized chains, this especially applies to residents of large cities. Therefore, before organizing a business selling such goods, you should carefully study the local market, the relationship between supply and demand, strengths and weak sides competitors, etc.

Important! For a household appliances store, it is advisable to choose a narrow specialization, for example, selling only kitchen appliances, or household electrical goods for cleaning, etc. This will allow you to create good conditions for choice, because it is important for the modern consumer that the product is presented in wide range(different manufacturers, different price categories, different designs and functionality).

A household appliances store, the business plan of which will differ from the project of opening a point of sale of electrical goods mainly in its investment part, although it requires large expenses, the profit can also bring much higher.

Advice: when opening a household appliances store, enter into agreements with several reliable banks on the possibility of purchasing goods in your establishment on credit and in installments. This is the most effective measure to attract people to the store a large number of buyers.

Opening an online store selling electrical goods

In the absence of free time and the desire to travel around the city in search of a suitable product, for many buyers today the Internet is becoming a kind of godsend, a way to solve the problem. All large quantity Every year, people purchase products for a wide variety of purposes through the Internet.

In this regard, the idea of ​​organizing trade via the Internet makes sense.

How to open an online store for electrical goods or household appliances? To do this, you first need to find suppliers offering the most favorable prices. If you can contact the manufacturer directly, this is an ideal option.

Next you need to take care of the organization logistics system. Purchasing goods online requires their subsequent delivery. Consider the terms of cooperation with transportation companies and with courier services. The faster delivery is made, the more interesting your store will be for customers.

In addition, you will need space to store goods. Considering that household appliances also include large-sized goods, its area should be considerable.

It is equally important to open a bank account and set up a system for paying for goods and delivery. There are several ways to organize payments to consumers:

  • e-commerce (Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex money, etc.);
  • Internet acquiring (online payments using a bank card).

One of the most important stages of organizing trade via the Internet is the development of a website on which a catalog of goods will be presented. And this is an expense item on which you cannot save. The site should be bright, attractive and informative. It is better to entrust its development to professionals.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

Store area:

from 200 sq.m

Net profit:

Payback period (excluding working capital):

A household appliance store can hardly be called a promising undertaking for small businesses in Russia. The share of single stores is decreasing, while the share of chain stores is growing. The same trends are observed in Europe.

Household appliances are an indispensable companion in every person’s life. By saving time and effort on household services, we thereby improve the quality of our lives. Many manufacturers and rapid progress in this area encourage households to constantly update their household appliances. Organizing a business selling household appliances does not require special knowledge and work experience; rather, it requires entrepreneurial experience. This business, due to high competition in this segment, especially from federal retail chains, requires serious knowledge in the field of people management and selection of the best product range.

What applies to household appliances: concept and grouping of assortment

Home appliances are electrical or mechanical machines that perform household functions such as cooking, cleaning, or helping to store or process food. This is the simplest definition. Let's take a closer look at what applies to household appliances.

Household appliances, which include any appliance from a list of numerous and varied electrical, electromechanical, mechanical or gas devices, mainly became widely used in the 20th century to save labor and reduce household maintenance time.

These devices, for example, make it easier to create single-person households; in two-parent families, they allowed parents to enter the labor market and otherwise freed up large amounts of time and energy that housewives were previously engaged in cooking and mopping floors, cleaning the house and general homework. Consequently, a further result was a significantly reduced occupation of persons engaged in household work. The trend of using automatic and powered household appliances to facilitate basic household chores, once introduced, soon spread to additional areas such as personal hygiene and grooming.

The most frequently purchased household appliances are a microwave oven, a washing machine, an electric kettle, a blender, and a vacuum cleaner. Large household appliances, such as, for example, a stove or refrigerator, are purchased less frequently due to their long service life.

Household appliances market in Russia

As a rule, data on the household appliances market is presented together with the electronics market, since large retailers that have firmly occupied this market usually trade together with these two groups of goods - household appliances and electronics, the so-called household appliances market.

The volume of the market for household appliances and electronics (H&E) in the Russian Federation in 2017 showed an increase of 6% in in value terms by 5% in unit terms compared to the previous 2016, as GfK Rus indicates in its study. The growth was mainly driven by online sales, which increased by 13%, while offline sales through traditional retail outlets grew by only 4%.

The process of consolidation continues in the H&E market, as is typical for a market with a tightening competitive environment, this is a general trend characteristic of both Europe and Russia. According to experts, in 2017 in Germany there were six large networks for the sale of consumer goods and electronics, making the bulk of the turnover, instead of 28 networks in 2000. There are only five major chains left in the UK, down from 22 in 1985.

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In 2017, the share of large Russian networks in total sales of household appliances in value terms increased to 47%, from 44% a year earlier, while the share of medium-sized networks decreased to 21%, that is, by two percent a year earlier, and the share of other networks decreased to 32%.

In 2017, the small household appliances market remained at the level of 2016 in monetary terms, and in units showed an increase of 7.5%. The increase in demand for small household appliances was caused by a 5% decrease in the average price for a number of product categories, which was associated with the stabilization of the ruble exchange rate.

2018 in the H&E segment, apparently, will show growth, which is associated both with pent-up demand and the low base of 2017, as well as with an increase in the number of goods purchased on credit.

Thus, the household appliances market in last years is at a stable level and shows slight growth. At the same time, the share of non-chain stores in sales of household appliances is quite small and continues to decline.

In which segments is it profitable for a household appliance store to operate?

Large network players clearly dominate the household appliances market. A small store will not be able to compete with them on price or assortment. Expanding the range of products sold even to the assortment of a small chain selling household appliances is very expensive, since working capital in goods will amount to tens and hundreds of millions of rubles.

In our opinion, the only fairly profitable niches in this segment are either a small mono-brand household appliance store or exclusive premium-segment appliances, which chains, as a rule, do not offer in sufficient assortment.

The price in the premium segment of household appliances is 4 or more times higher than household appliances with similar consumer characteristics, but in the ordinary, economy segment. That is, this technique is designed for wealthy people with income levels significantly above the middle class.

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When trading mono-brand goods, as a rule, one or several product lines of one manufacturer are offered for sale. Often these are household appliances of the economy segment.

Choosing premises for a household appliances store

First of all, household appliances are large, so their retail space requires quite a lot of space. If you want to present a fairly wide range of products, you will need at least 200 m2 of space.

It is desirable that the store be located on the ground floor, either on a central shopping street, or in the center of a local microdistrict. An open-plan space is required; there must be parking in front of the building for at least 10 cars. To deliver goods, convenient access for freight vehicles is required, preferably from the back of the building, so as not to block the entrance to customers. Square storage facilities should, as a rule, be 20% of the sales area.

It is also possible to locate a household appliances store in mall, but the cost of renting premises of such area in the passage areas of the shopping center will be quite high.

Ready ideas for your business

To operate a store, less than 60 kW of electrical power and a good ventilation and air conditioning system are required.

If you focus on sales of small household appliances, such as kettles, blenders, mixers and other types, then the store area can be reduced by 2-3 times. In this case, you can consider renting premises in a shopping center.

Once again, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that for the business we are considering, the choice of a niche for the goods sold is very important. Operating in the economy segment, as most retail chains do, is usually unprofitable. Therefore, when choosing the location of a household appliances store, first of all, pay attention to the absence of chain hypermarkets that sell similar products in the immediate vicinity of your point of sale.

The façade of a household appliances store should face the passage or roadway of the street and be convenient for placing advertising, which should be clearly visible from intersections and public transport stops.

Requirements for hardware store personnel

The store staff consists of accountants, administrative staff, cleaners, loaders, sales consultants and security guards. The number of personnel in each area of ​​activity is determined based on specific indicators and the size of each store in particular.

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the requirements that apply to sales consultants, since, as practice shows, the volume of store sales depends on the quality of their work.

It should be noted that there are increasing negative trends that are intensifying for sales consultants, especially in large chains. Sellers are loaded with any kind of work, from receiving and loading goods, to cleaning premises and conducting cash transactions. In our opinion, all this distracts the sales consultant from performing his main functions - consulting and selling goods. Such a load reduces the motivation of sellers and, accordingly, sales.

Ready ideas for your business

Significant differences in the cost of household appliances from different manufacturers can differ very significantly and necessitate high-quality consultation with the client on the features and advantages of each product.

Main responsibilities of a sales consultant:

    advising buyers on technical issues regarding household appliances sold;

    discharge everyone necessary documents for the product, including warranty certificates;

    Assisting the client in packing household appliances for transportation;

    acceptance of new goods and their placement on stands and racks of the sales area;

    Participation in the inventory of remaining goods.

In addition, a sales assistant at a household appliances store must have a set of personal competencies, such as communication skills, stress resistance, good memory, and others.

The average salary of a sales consultant in Moscow is about 40-50 thousand rubles, in large cities it is about 20 thousand rubles. If you pay slightly above the market average and provide good working conditions, you will be able to choose the best of those working in this field.

Important and correct material motivation sales consultants. Experts in this field believe that wages must be divided into three parts. The first part is a permanent salary, accounting for about 40% of total earnings. The same percentage is the second part, which is calculated based on the percentage of personal sales. The remaining 20% ​​is calculated based on the store's total sales. In this case, we encourage personal selling and motivate the employee to help colleagues to obtain maximum results. For a small store you will need 2-4 sales assistants.

The profitability of the household appliance store as a whole will mainly depend on the correct selection of professional sales consultants and the competent definition of their responsibilities.

Financial indicators of a household appliance store

The financial investment in a hardware store is quite large. First of all, these are working capital that must be invested in goods for sale in circulation. The specific amount of such investments depends on the assortment offered in the store and the price category of the goods. But on average for this segment it is about 35 thousand rubles per square meter of sales area.

That is, for an area of ​​200 m2, it is necessary to invest about 7 million rubles in working capital. This is a significant amount, so the choice of assortment must be approached especially carefully to avoid being overstocked with illiquid goods.

The revenue of a store of this size is about 36 million rubles per year or 3 million rubles per month. The average markup varies and depends on the price segment of the product. As a rule, it ranges from 20 to 40%.

Let's consider the current costs of opening a household appliances store, per month:

    The cost of paying employees will be about 350 thousand rubles.

    Contributions for social needs will amount to about 100 thousand rubles.

    Costs for routine maintenance of the building and utility bills will amount to about 50 thousand rubles.

    Rent of premises will depend on the location of the store. If its location is good enough, it will cost about 100-150 thousand rubles.

    Payment of UTII (single tax on imputed income) will be about 100 thousand rubles, depending on the region. You can reduce this amount by the amount of contributions for social needs, but not more than 50%. Thus, the actual amount of tax paid will be about 50 thousand rubles.

    Other expenses, for which we will allocate about 30 thousand rubles per month.

In total, the current costs of maintaining a household appliances store will be approximately 700 thousand rubles per month.

Let's calculate the amount of investment required to open a household appliance store of the format we are considering.

Investment costs include the cost of purchasing commercial equipment and furniture for the store, redecorating the premises and the cost of opening a company. The cost of purchasing commercial equipment will be approximately 300 thousand rubles, since the equipment will mainly consist of shelves, racks, and cash register equipment and equipment for goods accounting. Cosmetic repairs will cost about 350 thousand rubles. The cost of opening a company will be about 20 thousand rubles.

The total amount of investment costs excluding the cost of purchasing goods will be 670 thousand rubles. Taking into account the purchase of goods total amount the required investments will be approximately 7.8 million rubles.

The average monthly profit of a household appliance store with an area of ​​approximately 200 m2, according to our calculations, will be about 200 thousand rubles per month or 2.4 million rubles per year. With the calculation data we have indicated, the payback period for the main investment, which does not include the initial investment in the purchase of goods, will be about 4 months.

Legal registration of a household appliances store

To open a household appliances store, the best option, in our opinion, would be to register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). We recommend choosing a single tax on imputed income (UTI) as a taxation system. A clear and simple scheme for calculating and paying taxes makes this form of taxation the most attractive.

The amount of UTII payable for a store with a sales area of ​​about 200 m2 will be about 300 thousand rubles per quarter, deviations are possible depending on the region where the store is located. You can determine the tax amount yourself by using the calculator on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

When opening a household appliances store, you must comply with SES requirements(sanitary and epidemiological station), Rospotrebnadzor and fire inspection. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of documents that may be required to open a store at the regional divisions of these organizations at the place of registration of the household appliance store, due to the fact that the requirements may vary slightly for each region.

The main OKVED code used is 47.54 “Retail trade in household electrical goods in specialized stores.”

Don't forget that according to Federal law“On Advertising” dated March 13, 2006 N 38-FZ, it will be necessary to coordinate the signs and advertising materials that you will place on the facade of the building.

Let's summarize. The business of selling household goods is quite profitable, but requires large initial investments in working capital. This increases the barrier to entry into this business, but thereby reduces the number of competitors in this segment. The greatest risks in this business arise due to competition with large federal networks.

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Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Download business plan for a household appliances store

An aspiring entrepreneur from Ryazan region Mikhail Filimonov, owner of a small store selling household appliances. Mikhail opened a small store in a large shopping center. The store employs four salespeople. Mikhail handles the purchase and delivery of goods on his own; his wife does the accounting. Thanks to the excellent price/quality combination, as well as unusual household appliances, the business is thriving.

Introduction. The store is not like everyone else’s, or how did I decide to start my own business?

It’s quite difficult to find work in Ryazan, and therefore, after graduating from college, I worked in a household appliances hypermarket as a manager-consultant for more than three years.

It was hard at first, but over time I got involved and fell in love with household appliances with all my heart, and even began to follow new products in order to be competent in this matter.

But working as a manager (or, more simply, as a salesperson) does not bring crazy earnings. To tell the truth, the money from the labor is enough to eat and dress somehow.

Therefore, I saw only one way out - to start own business. I didn’t see any other ways to improve my own well-being.

I began to seriously think about starting to sell household appliances myself. Of course, compete with large networks stupid in this area, and I decided to open a store (or rather a small department in a shopping center) selling Chinese mobile phones.

Chinese manufacturers have made a huge leap, and their phones do not differ in quality from Korean and American smartphones, but at the same time they are much cheaper. At low cost and high quality I made a bet.

How to start your own business or get nowhere without a business plan

I am excellent at mobile phones. I know them specifications and prices are approximate, but I have absolutely no idea how to start a business correctly.

Fortunately, my wife will be in charge of accounting, but I am going to make decisions on all financial issues alone.

My initial capital is extremely meager, and it is only enough to purchase a batch of telephones and rent premises.

Therefore, I cannot afford to financially throw myself from side to side, and I need a clear plan that will answer the following questions:

  • How much will you have to spend on the initial purchase of goods?;
  • How many salespeople and electronics technicians should you hire initially?;
  • How much will you have to spend on renting premises for a store?;
  • What legal issues need to be resolved when registering an individual entrepreneur?

How I solved my business plan problem

I realized that I needed a quality business plan.

Without it there is no point in trying to start a successful business.

At the same time, I cannot afford to fork out for an expensive financier and pay for his services in full.

Those worthless plans that can be freely downloaded on the Internet are also unsuitable. It's simply a waste of time and a terrible risk.

My clever wife found the solution.

She found a wonderful website where you can download a business plan for mere pennies.

Business plans on the site are drawn up by professionals, but require personalization.

Actually, the issue with personalization was resolved quite quickly. My wife and I finalized the plan in a week, gave it some personality, and thanks to it we were able to start our own small business.

Household appliances in the USA (brands, stores)

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the business plan for a household appliance store:

Summary of a business plan for household appliance repair

Here is a business plan that covers the budget and prospects for creating and developing a household appliances store.

Creating an enterprise of this kind pursues 3 goals:

  • Complete satisfaction consumer market those in need of high-quality household appliances, their repair and service;
  • Foundation of a highly profitable enterprise;
  • Receiving a profit.

Russia and Ukraine - this is the first step towards the beginning successful business with an easy and simple start.

When making a decision to purchase a franchise, you need to consult the professional recommendations in this section:

About the most latest news and trends in business with a franchise can be read

Full financing of the project can be carried out by obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 2,410,000 rubles at 14% per annum, which will fully ensure the launch of the enterprise and the creation of all the necessary conditions for this.

At the same time, the investor’s estimated income will be about 154,972.82 rubles for 2 conventional years life cycle enterprises.
Loan payments must occur from the first month of launch.

According to experts, a household appliances store will eventually generate an income of 29,722,717.4 rubles.

Overview of the expected assortment:

1. Sale of household appliances for the home: computers, televisions, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, washing machines, irons and so on.
2. Household appliances for the kitchen: microwave ovens, meat grinders, juicers, yogurt makers, bread makers, coffee makers, etc.
3. Personal equipment: electric toothbrushes, bathroom scales, curling irons, epilators, razors.

Table No. 1. Dynamics of entrepreneurial confidence in retail trade in Russia

Services provided by a company of this kind:

1. Repair of audio-video equipment.
2. Dishwasher repair
3. Repair of washing machines
4. Air conditioner repair
5. Repair of gas and electric stoves
6. Home renovation
7. Equipment diagnostics
8. Warranty repairs
9. Sale of spare parts for various household appliances
10. Sale of accessories for equipment
11. Complete installation and connection of large household appliances and equipment of any complexity.

The path to implementation of the selected project. Step by step:

1. Choosing a special form of ownership of the enterprise.
2. Registration of a new enterprise with tax and administrative authorities.
3. Determination of the main direction for goods and types of repairs provided.
4. Determination and conclusion of contracts with suppliers.
5. Global procurement of goods
6. Search and further hiring of employees in the quantity required.
7. Conducting an extensive marketing campaign, allowing the average person to learn about the existence of your company.

Table No. 2. Assessment of factors limiting entrepreneurship in trade in Russia

IN marketing company it is necessary to include:

1. Creation of a website with which you can familiarize yourself with the assortment without leaving home.
2. Participation in various fairs and exhibitions with your product.
3. Placement of your advertisements in magazines and newspapers.
4. Creation of advertising booklets and their further distribution to potential buyers.
5. Advertising on television.

The more extensive the PR campaign, the more benefits it will bring.
All these actions will help you convey to ordinary people the information that it is in your store that they can purchase the necessary goods and perform all the necessary repairs at affordable prices.