The project migratory birds senior group is short-term. Short-term project “Migratory Birds!” Making up stories based on pictures

Antonina Zheleznova
Educational project “Spring is walking across the planet. Migratory birds»

Type project: creative, short-term.

View project: family, group.

Relevance of implementation project.

Currently, issues of human interaction with nature have become an environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy our planet. And in order for this not to happen, you need to preschool age bring up ecological culture and the responsibility of children, since the knowledge acquired in preschool age is later transformed into strong beliefs. By introducing children to nature, we cultivate an ecological and cultural personality.

Problem and hypothesis.

In the process of working with children of the senior preschool age group, an insufficient level of knowledge about migratory birds, features of their life.

Hypothesis: it can be assumed that in order to increase the level of knowledge and ideas of children about migratory birds it is necessary to use not only traditional forms of working with children, but also modern approaches(independent search for information by children together with parents, exchange of information in a group between children.

Target project:

Formation of children's ideas about the features of life migratory birds;

Development educational interest in native nature;

Cultivating a caring and caring attitude towards birds;

Development of a sustainable interest in Russian in preschool children folk culture in the process of becoming familiar with folk customs and traditions.

Tasks project:

Expand and consolidate ideas about appearance and about body parts migratory birds;

Expand and consolidate ideas about life migratory birds in natural natural conditions and adaptation to your environment a habitat: what they eat, how they escape from enemies, how they adapt to life in the spring after the flight;

Introduce children to concepts: fly "wedge", "chain", "flock";

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, learn to draw conclusions;

Cultivate interest in living nature, develop curiosity;

To arouse in children a desire to get acquainted with oral folk art (chants, call poems, nursery rhymes, round dance songs, etc.);

Develop artistic and creative activity by familiarizing yourself with objects of decorative and applied art of Russian culture;

To foster in children a sense of belonging to Russian culture, a society that values ​​its past as an asset;

Activate joint activities parents and children.

Expected results:

Children will develop knowledge about life migratory birds;

Children will develop a sustainable interest in wildlife and the culture of the Russian people;

Children’s knowledge of oral folk art, songs, decorative and applied arts of the people;

Children will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in productive activities;

Creating a presentation « Migratory birds»

Stages project:

Stage 1: Preparatory.

Determine children's current knowledge about migratory birds;

Creating a developmental environment in the group;

Selection of didactic games;

Selection of children's and scientific literature, presentations, illustrations;

Stage 2. Activity planning.

Di "Name migratory birds» , "Name the chicks migratory birds» , "Oh yeah bird, what the bird Activate names in speech migratory birds and their chicks

Reading stories:

D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray Neck", G. Snegirev « Birds of our forests» , V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar", "Whose nose is better". Practice using comparisons, selecting definitions, synonyms for a given word. Develop expressive speech.

P/n « Birds, nests, chicks", "Flock", « Bird times, bird two» , "Birds in Nests", "Grandma-Yozhka", "Lark", "Duck". Teach children to imitate voices birds

Riddles about migratory birds. Teach children to guess riddles about migratory birds, built on description and comparison.

Compiling a story based on a painting by A. K Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived". Develop coherent speech, activate the verb dictionary and vocabulary of signs.

Salt dough modeling and painting "Lark". Teach children to sculpt bird, passing on the oval shape of her body, conveying the shape of the head, beak. Develop figurative representation. Will introduce children with types of painting birds"larks".

Consultation for parents "Want to know everything". Introduce parents with program requirements on the topic « Migratory birds» .

Application « Migratory birds» , “We are waiting for guests” (3-D applique with design elements). Learn to create an image birds using the application. Learn how to create a composition correctly.

Exhibition of books on the topic « Migratory birds» with illustrations. Generate interest in the book. Explain how important drawings are in a book, show how much interesting things can be learned by looking at book illustrations.

Conversation about life migratory birds what they eat, where they breed, why birds fly to warmer climes. Form an idea of ​​what birds adapt to changes in weather conditions. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Application of a non-traditional shape for an exhibition in kindergarten "Rook", "Martin", "Swans", "Ice drift". Continue teaching transmit characteristics birds using an application."

Learning nursery rhymes "small birds", nicknames "larks", « Spring-spring red» , finger gymnastics « birds» Develop expressive speech and hand motor skills. Teach smooth movements during a round dance song.

Stage 3. Final

Project activities Objectives

Entertainment “The larks will arrive - bring red spring» Summarize and systematize knowledge about migratory birds. To form a sustainable interest in wildlife and Russian folklore.

Exhibition of children's works. Present the result of children's creative activity.

Disc presentation « Migratory birds of our forest» Promote the desire to talk about birds, express your emotions.

During implementation project children developed an interest in searching for new information and a desire to share their acquired knowledge;

Knowledge and ideas about the peculiarities of life have expanded migratory birds; vocabulary on this topic will increase;

The card index of games, pictures with information about birds.

During the work, the children developed a desire to create conditions for birds(building birdhouses, feeding birds) .

Tatiana Lebedeva
"Migratory birds". Project in the senior group with a compensatory focus

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 39"


« Migratory birds» .


Teacher I qualification

Arzamas 2014

1. Information card project.

2. Summary project

3. « Migratory birds»

4. Passport project.

5. System web project.

6. Summary of joint activities of the teacher and children senior preschool age with OHP on the topic « Migratory birds» On air TV show"nature experts".

7. Definition of prospects.

8. Literature.

9. Application.

Information card project.

View project: cognitive and creative.

Duration: 7 days.

Participants: educators groups, preschool specialists, parents, children senior group with OHP.

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Problem: The concept of migratory birds. Incompetent parents’ knowledge on the issue of forming an ecologically holistic personality in children, i.e. a personality associated with the surrounding world of living nature.

The teacher says children:

Guys, an artist I know loves not only to draw nature, but also to photograph it. And then one spring, he managed to see and photograph several birds. But the problem is, the film is stuck in the camera and you can get the photo only when you name it correctly bird. Will you help me find out birds and get some photos? Children look at photographs birds. The teacher puts before them a problematic situation and asks questions:

How can you call all these in one word? birds? (migratory) .

Why are they called that?

Why in the spring the birds are returning?

What do we know about birds of our region?

Do you need help? birds in spring living next to a person?

Who and what will help us find out about birds?

Relevance: children with speech disorders have insufficient understanding of migratory birds, about their cubs, features of appearance, living conditions, habits. They find it difficult to compose a coherent statement about a subject because they do not have sufficient knowledge and vocabulary; they need the help of an adult in planning a story. Children's participation in project« Migratory birds» will enrich knowledge and ideas about migratory birds and their young, their characteristics of life; develop coherent speech and creative abilities of children; develop self-control over correct sound pronunciation.

Target: creating conditions for the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities in the process of developing child-adult educational project« Migratory birds» ; formation of preschoolers' ideas about life migratory birds, their relationships with environment, identifying benefits and harms during observations and conversations.


For children:

Learn to formulate a goal project, plan your activities;

Increase your knowledge about migratory birds.

Develop self-control skills, the ability to work in a team, cooperate, and negotiate.

For teachers:

Expand your understanding of migratory birds, their image life: establish a connection between changes in natural conditions and arrival birds. Introduce names into speech birds: starling, nightingale, cuckoo, swan, stork.

Continue work on teaching the agreement of words in a sentence in gender, number, case on the topic « Migratory birds» .

Develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

To teach mastery of origami techniques, to improve children’s skills and abilities in modeling and drawing birds;

Encourage children to develop emotional interest in activities and positive interaction skills with peers and adults;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, teach them to express their care for them in useful activities.

For parents:

Help children acquire new knowledge and skills in the process project activities ;

(enrichment and deepening of ideas about migratory birds of our region).

Engage in joint activities with children when creating products project activities.

Form and name of the final event project:

unconventional occupation - TV show"Nature Experts"

Products project

For children:

Drawings, crafts, group work.

For teachers:

Making didactic games on the topic,

For parents:

– joint production of wall newspapers and baby books by children and parents, with the compilation of a story about migratory birds, making birdhouses.

Expected results project.

For children:

Acquisition necessary knowledge and ideas about migratory birds;

Ability to solve proposed problems in joint activities;

The child's desire to participate in design research and creative activities;

Demonstration of emotional responsiveness to the results of one’s activities;

(cognitive, search, creative, gaming activities);

Children’s mastery of the necessary communication skills and skills of interaction with adults and children;

The desire of children to show curiosity and activity in the proposed activities (cognitive, search, creative, gaming);

Voluntary regulation by children of their actions and emotional states;

Children's mastery of ways to make a general decision.

For teachers:

Realization of the main goal project, its full reflection in project.

Increasing the level of children's knowledge on the topic « Migratory birds» .

Activating the dictionary by lexical topic « Migratory birds» .

Formation of skills in modeling, drawing, origami;

For parents:

Establishing emotional contact with children;

Productive interaction between parents and children in the process of joint activities.

Nomination " Pedagogical project in a preschool institution"

Dates:03/15/2015 - 03/31/2015.

Project type: creative, short-term.

Project type: family, group.

Number of project participants: teachers, children - 13 people, parents - 8 people.

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Relevance of the project implementation.Currently, issues of human interaction with nature have become an environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy our planet. And in order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cultivate an environmental culture and responsibility in children from preschool age, since the knowledge acquired in preschool age is later transformed into strong beliefs. By introducing children to nature, we cultivate an ecological and cultural personality.

Problem and hypothesis.In the process of working with children of senior preschool age, an insufficient level of knowledge about migratory birds and the peculiarities of their life was revealed.

Hypothesis: it can be assumed that in order to increase the level of knowledge and ideas of children about migratory birds, it is necessary to use not only traditional forms of work with children, but also modern approaches (independent search for information by children together with their parents, exchange of information in a group between children

Objective of the project: To form in children ideas about migratory birds and their habitat.

Project objectives:

Expected results:

  • Expanding children's knowledge about migratory birds and the peculiarities of their life.
  • Formation on this basis of a moral and personal attitude towards the surrounding reality, caring attitude towards birds;
  • Development of speech competence of preschool children;
  • Unlocking the creative potential of the family;
  • Expanding the communicative sphere and practical joint experience of the child and parents.

Stage 1: Preparatory.

  • Creating a developmental environment in the group;
  • Selection of didactic games;
  • Selection of children's and scientific literature, presentations, illustrations;
  • Selection of recommendations for parents on completing creative homework;

Stage 2: Project implementation. Work with children.

  • Looking at illustrations, viewing presentations
  • Reading fiction and scientific literature about migratory birds.
  • Learning outdoor games based on words (on this topic).
  • Learning nursery rhymes and calls about birds.
  • Classes: Familiarization with the environment “Our feathered friends”;Speech development “Examining the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”, “Drafting a descriptive story using a diagram”; Drawing “Swallow” (watercolor), “Birds of Migratory” (colored pencils);Application (modular) “Swan”;Construction (origami technique) “Rook”, “Swan”, “Goose”;Modeling from plasticine “Birds of Migratory”.
  • Organization of children's play activities with didactic games on this topic.
  • View a presentation about migratory birds.
  • Review of scientific literature.



  1. Learn to lay out silhouettes of birds from various details, geometric shapes according to a model, imagination.
  2. Name migratory birds.
  3. Continue to learn how to sketch birds according to the model.
  4. Develop attention and logical thinking.
  5. Exercise children in writing a story on a given topic.

Organization of children's play activities. List of games and exercises:"What is missing?"; “Recognize by the shadow”; “Who didn’t melt”; "Compare the Birds"; “Whose house?”; "4th extra"; "Cut pictures"; “Draw by dots”; “What first, what then”; “Complete what is missing”; “Build according to the model”; “We are inventing migratory birds.”

Conclusions.During the implementation of the project, children developed an interest in searching for new information and a desire to share their acquired knowledge; knowledge and ideas about the characteristics of the life of migratory birds have expanded; vocabulary on this topic has increased; The card index of games and pictures with information about birds has been replenished. During the work, the children developed a desire to create conditions for birds (building birdhouses, feeding birds). Thus, the put forward hypothesis was confirmed in the process of work.

Appendix 1. Project at the preschool educational institution “Migratory Birds”.

Appendix 2. Presentation.

Marina Borsyakova
Project in the middle group of the preschool educational institution “Migratory birds in autumn”

Design activities with children average preschool age « Migratory birds in autumn»

Description project: short-term, group.

Participants project: children, teachers.

Children's age: middle group.

Relevance project: preliminary diagnostics showed that the children have insufficiently developed knowledge about migratory birds. Children often confuse wintering and migratory birds, do not know the reasons for departure migratory birds in warmer climes . Find it difficult to answer what benefits they bring birds what for harmful to birds and what is useful. Real project will help to fix names in children's memory migratory birds, deepen and expand knowledge about migratory birds, introduce children to such a phenomenon as autumn flight of birds and understand its reasons, will serve to foster a caring and careful attitude towards birds.

TARGET: expand and deepen preschoolers’ knowledge about life migratory birds in autumn.


1. Educational

Consolidate and expand children's knowledge about appearance, nutrition and behavior birds;

Study the characteristics of departure migratory birds

2. Developmental

To develop word formation skills when working with diminutive meanings of words;

Develop children’s coherent oral speech in the process of answering questions and composing sentences;

To form the artistic and aesthetic perception of children based on listening to the text of the story, looking at illustrations on the topic, drawing and coloring pictures;

Replenish children's active and passive vocabulary by introducing new words and concepts.

3. Educational

Develop skills in educational activities;

Develop a caring attitude towards nature.

Implementation project.

Starting to study migratory birds, you should explain to children why they are called that.

Migratory birds They fly away to winter in warm regions.

It happens in autumn.

Usually migratory birds They fly to warm regions in a flock, but they can also fly in an arc, singly, in a wedge, or in a line.

Insectivores leave us first birds. The word insectivores hides two words: eat insects. They eat chafers, butterflies, wasps, dragonflies and bees.

The earliest birds to fly away are swallows, wagtails, thrushes, larks, buntings, and starlings. These are flying away birds immediately after the first frost, as soon as insects disappear.

When bodies of water (rivers, lakes and ponds) freeze, waterfowl head south birds - geese, ducks and swans.

The word waterfowl also hides two words - swim in the water.

Practical part.

Outdoor games in the fresh air air: "Sparrows and the car", "Birds in Nests", "The Birds Are Flying".

A game "Call me kindly"

study of structure birds and the formation of nouns with diminutives suffixes:

bird - bird

head - head

neck - neck

wing - wing

paw - paw

tail - ponytail

beak - beak

A game "Who has what body"

Look, it's a starling. What kind of tail does he have? So what kind of starling is it? Short-tailed.

This is a swallow, it has a long tail. So, what kind of swallow? Long-tailed.

ACTIVE GAME "Skvorushka"

Autumn is bad weather,

The poplar has turned yellow.

Suddenly there is a squirrel on a branch

Sang a song.

The branch sways a little,

The rain doesn't stop.

The old skvorushka is with us

Says goodbye until spring.


We raised our hands up;

body bends

left - right;

hands to the side;

body turns

left - right;

arms extended forward;

bending back and forth;


GUESS! (Puzzling riddles about migratory birds)

There is a palace on the pole.

There is a singer in the palace.

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he doesn’t remember the chicks.

The gray bird lives in the forest,

He is known everywhere as a wonderful singer.

Everyone migratory birds,

He clears the arable land of worms.

He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp.

Finger game "Ten birds - a flock"

Children sit on chairs.

Fingers of the left and right hands

connected to each other.

Sing along, sing along:

Ten birds are a flock.

(Clap our hands)

This bird is a nightingale,

(Alternately bend

fingers on the right hand,

starting from the little finger)

This bird is a sparrow.

This bird is an owl

Sleepy little head.

This bird is a waxwing,

This bird is a crake,

This bird is a birdhouse

(Alternately bend

fingers on the left hand,

starting from the little finger)

Gray feather.

This one is a finch.

This one is a swift.

This one is a cheerful little siskin.

Well, this one is an evil eagle.

(Connect big and

index fingers,

like a predatory beak)

Birds, birds - go home!

(Waving our arms,

like wings)

Articulation gymnastics

LI-LI-LI, LI-LI-LI - the cranes flew away,

OL-OL-OL, OL-OL-OL - it started raining heavily in the morning,

AY-AY-AY, AY-AY-AY - open the umbrella quickly.

Exercise "Finish the sentence" (drawing complex sentences)

The weather outside is cold and rainy because...

Swallows are the first to fly south because...

Last to fly away swans in autumn, geese, ducks, because...

- Birds needs to be loved and protected because...


1. Children recognize from pictures, photographs and can name most migratory birds living in our region;

2. Preschoolers have formed a correct idea of ​​such a phenomenon as flight birds south in autumn;

3. Most of the guys in group are able to talk about features of appearance and habits migratory birds, can make up descriptive story according to the picture;

4. Group learned new movement, finger and situational games, gymnastics, nursery rhymes, riddles;

5. The children acquired new skills in artistic creativity, learned to paint different parts of an object one by one;

6. During implementation project preschoolers got acquainted with wonderful fairy tales by Russian and foreign authors.

Vera Beloglazova

Project« Migratory birds»

Integration of educational areas

"Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Reading fiction» . "Music"

Type project


Target project

Form at children generalized idea of migratory birds, their habitats. Develop interest in life birds.

Tasks project:

Expand and consolidate ideas about appearance and body parts migratory birds;

Expand and consolidate ideas about life migratory birds in natural conditions and adaptation to their environment a habitat: what they eat, how they escape from enemies, how they adapt to life in the spring after flight;

Development of visual and tactile perception, visual memory, attention;

Strengthen the ability of visual examination and the ability to analyze, classify objects according to their main characteristics, visually distinguish and name groups objects with homogeneous characteristics;

Visual and finger gymnast training;

Introduce children with concepts: fly "wedge", "chain", "flock";

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, learn to draw conclusions;

Cultivate interest in living nature, develop curiosity;

Intensify joint activities of parents and children.

Age of preschoolers: 5 – 6 years (senior group )

Participants project: children, typhlopedagogue, educators groups, parents.

Approximate duration project

Short: 10 days.

Expected result

U children knowledge about life will be formed migratory birds in natural conditions.

U children a sustainable interest in living nature will be formed.

Children will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in productive activities.

Implementation project.

Sections project

Types of children's activities

Play activity

Role-playing game: "Forest School".

Didactic games: "What is this bird» (classification migratory birds, wintering); “Is there a fourth wheel?”; “Who eats what?” (pick up food)

“Guess whose footprints?”; "Guess bird in silhouette» ; “Find whose house?”; "Find a part of the whole".

Board-printed games: "Feed me birds» , "LOTTO", "Logical chains".

Speech development

"Evening of mysteries", “Lesson on the topic « Migratory birds» , "Education retelling"Nest Builders"(improving skills retelling using diagrams, “Composing a story based on a painting by A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"", reading poetry about birds and learning poems for the holiday, reading stories and fairy tales.

Game exercises: “Whose tail?” (rook's tail, etc.); “Who will become who?”, “Who has who?”, “Who cares about whom?”, learning finger gymnastics "Martin", "Woodpecker", counters “A cuckoo flew past the garden...”, "Burn, burn clearly..."

Reading fiction

Decorating a book corner; collection of postcards, reading by V. Bianchi "Bird calendar", "What the Magpie Saw", "Who Sings What", "Bird Talk"; A. Tumbasov "Nest", G. Skrebitsky "Winged neighbors", I. Tokmakova "Ten birds flock", G. Snegirev « Birds of our forests» , N. Sladkov “The starlings are great”, W. Flint « Birds in our forest» , M. Prishvin "Guests", O. Driz "Bird Festival".

Artistic and aesthetic development

Application « Birds» .

Modeling from puff pastry "Larks".

Paper construction "The Rooks Have Arrived", from natural material "Small Birds".

Decorative drawing

"Decorate the bird".

Drawing using strokes and stencils, coloring outline images, drawing by dots, through tracing paper.

Game exercises to develop visual perception “What didn’t the artist draw?”, “Complete the image”, "Drawing from semolina", “Laying out pebbles and buttons along the contour”, folding cut pictures, "Labyrinths", looking at “noisy pictures”

Labor activity

Collection of natural materials for crafts. Collection of houses for birds.

Direct educational activities

Getting to know birds, their habits, listening to the singing of different birds, identifying them by voice. Observations of the appearance of insects. Expanding ideas about the Earth, about its inhabitants, who need our support and care. Nurturing love for birds, desire to help them. Communion children To folk art, learn to make riddles.

Social development

Examination of nests, hanging on the site birdhouse groups.

Physical development

Russian folk games: "Geese", "The Owl and the Birds", "Kite".

Outdoor game « Bird migration» , "Frogs and Herons", "The sparrow flew, flew", "Find Your Nest", "Owl".

Theatrical game

“Oh, gotcha, birdie, stop!”, "Martin".

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Learning songs, dances, games; listening to a romance by Russian composer A. Alyabyev "Lark".

Interaction with parents

Co-creation children and parents in the design groups for the bird festival, making costumes, birdhouses, selecting materials for a book, making crafts for an exhibition from recycled material.

Creating a book-album « Migratory birds» .

Teachers, children, parents worked on creating a book-album « Migratory birds» , in which information about life and habitat migratory birds, games, sketches, logical tasks.

The result design activity became a holiday at which the pupils groups shared their knowledge with guests.

List of used literature:

1. Bondarenko T. M. "Comprehensive classes for secondary kindergarten group» . Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions - Voronezh:PE Lakotsenin S.S., 2007

2. Granovich M. Educational games. "Thematic classes « Migratory and wintering birds» .

3. Davydova G. N. “Plasticineography. Animal painting".- M.: LLC "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2009

4. Computer atlas guide birds, bird's nests and voices birds of the middle zone.

5. Lobodina N.V. “Comprehensive classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Average group. Publishing house: Teacher. Series: FGT in preschool educational institution: from theory to practice. 2012

6. "Silhouettes birds in vector» .

7. "Animal tracks, tracks birds» .

8. Shvaiko G. S. Classes in visual arts in children’s garden: Medium group: Program, notes. M.: VLADOS, 2000