Professional standards in construction. Professional standards in construction Professional standards for VET engineers in construction

Professional standards in construction are presented in a list that includes several dozen items. In what cases are these professional standards required to be applied and for what professions are they approved?

Professional standards in construction: specific application and code structure

A professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications that an employee of an enterprise needs to carry out his work. professional activity. It is mandatory for use if it is prescribed in the provisions of one or another federal legal regulation (Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). All professional standards are entered into the state register, available on the website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Now it is mandatory to use professional standards:

  • state and municipal institutions, funds (clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2016 No. 584);
  • corporations, companies and enterprises in which a share of more than 50% belongs to government agencies and funds;
  • private business entities whose activities are regulated by relevant legal regulations and in which there are jobs with benefits, preferences or restrictions on working conditions (Article 57, 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If there are no regulations on the mandatory use of professional standards in the laws, then, nevertheless, employers should use professional standards as a basis for determining the requirements for the qualifications of employees, taking into account the specifics of production.

Each professional standard recorded in state register, is presented as a 5-digit code in which:

  • the first 2 digits indicate the code of the area of ​​professional activity;
  • the next 3 digits indicate the activity code.

In all professional standards in the construction industry, the beginning of the 5-digit code is represented by the number 16. In total, about 93 professional standards have been approved for the construction industry - for each, therefore, a separate 3-digit code of the type of activity is established in values ​​​​between 001 and 093.

Professions corresponding to the types of activities in the construction sector for which professional standards have been approved can be very roughly classified into the following main groups:

  • technical specialists and administrative personnel;
  • electromechanics;
  • machinists;
  • installers;
  • operators;
  • engineers;
  • workers;
  • locksmiths;
  • workers;
  • leadership positions.

Let's look at these groups, as well as the codes that correspond to them, in more detail.

Professional standards in construction: specialists

Currently in the construction industry there are standards for specialists (technical profile and those performing administrative functions):

  • for assessing the safety of elevators (code 16.001);
  • on the operation of elevators in buildings (16.004);
  • to ensure the functioning of solid fuel boilers (16.005);
  • on waste disposal (16.006);
  • for the operation of water treatment stations (16.007);
  • for the operation of street gas pipelines with low pressure (16.008);
  • on housing stock management (16.009);
  • on the operation of gas supply equipment in residential premises (16.010);
  • for the operation of residential buildings (16.011);
  • to ensure the functioning of gas, liquid fuel and electric boilers (16.012);
  • on the operation of water supply pumping stations (16.013);
  • on the operation of heating networks (16.014);
  • to ensure the functioning of water intake infrastructure (16.015);
  • for the operation of treatment infrastructure (16.016);
  • for subscriber services for infrastructure users (16.017);
  • on management of a residential building (16.018);
  • to ensure the functioning of transformer and distribution infrastructure (16.019);
  • on the operation of power lines (16.020);
  • in the field of supplying construction with machinery and mechanisms (16.031);
  • in the field of production and technological supply for construction (16,032);
  • in the field of planning and economic supply of construction (16.033);
  • in the field of supplying construction materials and structures (16.034);
  • on dispatch control infrastructure (16.051);
  • on planning and economic support for water supply and sanitation service providers (16.057);
  • in the field pricing policy in housing and communal services (16,060);
  • on chemical analysis of water (16.063);
  • on control of anti-corrosion systems in construction (16.093);
  • on the safety assessment of elevators (code 16.002);
  • to ensure the functioning of the emergency dispatch service (16.049).


Professional standards for electromechanics have been approved:

  • for elevators (code 16.003);
  • for operation, maintenance, repair of escalators and conveyors (code 16.050).


Professional standards for drivers have been approved (codes 16.022, 16.024, 16.027, 16.028, 16.058):

  • motor graders;
  • asphalt pavers;
  • bulldozers;
  • excavators;
  • pipelayers.


Professional standards for installers have been approved:

  • ventilation systems (code 16.029);
  • equipment installed in boiler rooms (16.030);
  • structures made of concrete and metals (16.047);
  • elevators, lifting platforms for disabled people, escalators (16.052);
  • formwork platforms (16.053);
  • frame-sheathing elements (16.054);
  • street pipelines (16,061);
  • turbine equipment (16.062);
  • process pipelines (16,088);
  • sanitary infrastructure (16,089);
  • electrical systems in residential buildings (16.090);
  • technological infrastructure and structures (16.091);
  • automatic control infrastructure (16.092).


Professional standards for operators have been approved:

  • horizontal drilling platforms (code 16.040);
  • on management of tunneling platforms (16.041);
  • water intake infrastructure (16,056);
  • on grates, sand traps, and grease traps (16.071);
  • on drainage systems (16.072);
  • ozonation devices (16.073);
  • for additional treatment and disposal of wastewater (16.074);
  • for processing raw and sludge sludge (16.075);
  • to ensure the functioning of elevators and lifting equipment (16.037).


Professional standards have been adopted for engineers specializing in design:

  • heating networks (code 16.064);
  • infrastructure for boiler houses, heating points, combined heat and power plants (16,065);
  • pumping equipment for water supply and sanitation (16.066);
  • water treatment infrastructure (16,067);
  • gas equipment in boiler houses, combined heat and power plants (16.068).


Professional standards for workers have been adopted:

  • for sorting solid waste (code 16.069);
  • to ensure the functioning of solid waste landfills (16.070);
  • waste sorting workshops (16,076);
  • on waterproofing, thermal insulation of water pipes, heating systems (16.081);
  • for repair of transformer devices in the power supply infrastructure (16.082);
  • for maintenance of electricity and heat consumption metering devices (16.083);
  • for servicing pumps and compressors in water supply systems and heating systems (16.084);
  • for maintenance of water treatment infrastructure in heating systems (16.085).


Professional standards for mechanics in the following specializations have been approved:

  • construction mechanic (code 16.045);
  • sanitary infrastructure mechanic (16.086);
  • mechanic for repairing devices in boiler rooms (16.087).

Work specializations

Professional standards for workers in the following specializations have been approved:

  • road worker (code 16.043);
  • worker for cleaning the territory of common property in residential buildings (16.077);
  • gas infrastructure operation worker (16.078);
  • roofing worker (16.021);
  • asphalt and concrete laying worker (16.023);
  • fitter (16.026);
  • parquet worker (16.035);
  • insulation worker (16.036);
  • worker installing glass structures (16.039);
  • bridgemaker (16.042);
  • concrete worker (16.044);
  • painter (16.046);
  • mason (16.048);
  • plasterer (16.055);
  • hydraulic worker (16.059);
  • refractory worker (16.079);
  • boiler cleaner (16.080).

Leadership positions

A number of professional standards for management in the construction sector have also been approved. Namely:

Professional standards in construction: application features

It is worth noting that many professional standards developed for the construction industry are characterized by an obvious imbalance - in particular, from the point of view of establishing requirements for length of service, which can be a criterion for assigning a professional rank to an employee, or, for example, conditions for admission to a responsible position.

Thus, the professional standard “Installer of formwork systems” states that in order to be assigned the 5th category, an employee must have a secondary education in the relevant profile, as well as cumulative work experience as an installer, respectively, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. 1st category, 10 years. In practice, a very small number of specialists may have similar work experience in the specified position, and a young or even averagely experienced employee may not agree to the salary established for the lower ranks, for which, in accordance with the professional standard, he has the right to apply.

Another example: requirements for the professional standard “Manager” construction organization» drawn up without applying the differentiated approach necessary in this case to the appointment of managers of small and large enterprises. A person who has a higher education, work experience in construction for at least 5 years, can apply for the corresponding position. leadership position- 2 years. It turns out that a person who decides, for example, to open his own Building bussiness from scratch, without having the specified experience according to the professional standard, will not be able to officially head his company as CEO earlier than 5 years of work in a management position.

As part of the interaction between executive government structures and the expert community (builders), discussions continue on the subject of improving professional standards in the construction industry - on the noted nuances and more. Therefore, it is possible that in the course of cooperation between interested parties, updated requirements for the qualifications of specialists in various fields in the relevant segment of the economy will be developed and fixed at the level of legal acts.


There are about 93 professional standards in force in the construction industry. All of them have a professional activity area code of 16 according to the Register of Professional Standards. It is possible that adjustments may be made to the legal norms establishing the relevant professional standards based on the results of collaboration experts and government officials.

You can learn more about the features of using professional standards in the articles:

Note 1

The professional standard of production engineer applies to educational institutions and in the industrial labor market.

It is on the basis of this document that methodologists, teachers, and scientists formulate curricula for training personnel and increasing their competitiveness. It is the professional standard that will help the employer establish clear criteria for selecting an applicant for the position of production engineer. Requirements for his educational and qualification level and professional competencies written out in the type of work activity card.

Professional Standard Features

The professional standard describes the position of a production engineer in national classifiers of types economic activity and professions, and current ones are listed regulations regulating labor activity.

In the professional standard, a production engineer performs the following main functions:

  • plans production work, participating in the creation of long-term annual and monthly work plans for the enterprise (department), new technological processes and parameters, in drawing up annual requests for equipment and materials;
  • ensures compliance with technology in accordance with current regulatory documentation, and also prepares operational information about production for management and monitors the availability of the necessary technological documentation at workplaces;
  • carries out work to improve technological processes, preparing technical specifications to develop technology for new types of products, conducting experiments with strict compliance with the requirements and instructions, DSTU, TU and studying best practices in the field of technology and production;
  • carries out work to reduce downtime and eliminate the causes of defects;
  • assesses the efficiency of use of equipment and production space, calculating economic efficiency from the introduction of new technological processes and materials;
  • complies with labor protection and industrial safety requirements, monitoring the use of personal and collective protective equipment by employees, developing environmental safety measures and participating in the elimination of accidents and their consequences.

The professional standard applies to:

  • establishing and maintaining uniform requirements for the content, working conditions and quality of the “Production Engineer” activity;
  • carrying out certification, assessment (attestation) of professional qualification "Production Engineer";
  • development of qualification (educational and qualification) standards;
  • formation of training programs, in particular advanced training programs;
  • development of educational, methodological and other materials, curricula and etc.

This professional standard is a national (by type of economic activity) standard and applies, among other things, to applicants for the position of “Production Engineer” and various specializations for it.

Exceptions to the application of this standard may include enterprises and industries work activity which are subject to special regulation.

Professional engineer standard: basic requirements

The professional standard combines the main labor actions and their corresponding qualification requirements to the professional activities of engineers.

All units professional standard(main job functions) are divided into five key groups:

  • ensure compliance with technology in accordance with current regulatory documentation, as well as the quality of products;
  • plan production work;
  • organize work to ensure occupational safety and health;
  • comply with labor protection and safety requirements at the enterprise;
  • carry out work to improve technological processes, reduce downtime and eliminate the causes of defects.

Proposed structure production activities production engineer fully reflects the entire range of generally accepted engineering activities, namely:

  • technological activities (technological engineer);
  • planning, organizational and analytical activities (technological engineer);
  • labor protection activities (labor safety engineer);
  • design and research activities (design engineer).

To analyze changes in production, assess risks and plan new technological processes, a production engineer will have to constantly study advanced domestic and Foreign experience production. At the same time, his ability to establish interpersonal communication in the process of developing new technological processes, skills of creative, innovative thinking and mastery of the latest information technologies becomes important.

To minimize defects in production practice, an engineer must collect, process and analyze information about the causes of defects, draw up his own conclusions and proposals, and use the experience of industry enterprises. At the same time, he must have personnel management methods and methods of persuasion regarding compliance with technology requirements.

The list of main job functions of a production engineer is quite wide. A person applying for this position must demonstrate high performance, initiative, combine organizational and communication skills with the ability to work in a team, make decisions quickly and take responsibility for them. The authors of the professional standard describe in detail the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding that constitute the professional-regulatory, professional-production, managerial, labor protection, social and personal competencies of a production engineer.

Is a separate professional standard approved for the chief engineer? What standard can regulate the work of the chief engineer? Let's consider orders approving the professional standard of an engineer in various industries, which can be applied to the position of “Chief Engineer” at any enterprise.

Professional standard for the position of “Chief Engineer”

The professional standard for the chief engineer has not been developed separately, since this position is found in almost every enterprise engaged in production. A specialist working in this position will have a set of specific requirements that do not depend on the type of activity of the company.

In order to determine which professional standard is suitable for a chief engineer in a particular organization, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. Determine what area of ​​activity the company belongs to;
  2. for this area. Basically, these are standards that have the name of the position “engineer” or “specialist” in their title;
  3. Study section 3 of the selected documents: “Characteristics of generalized labor functions.” Typically this section consists of several subsections. In each of the subsections there is a table called: “Possible job titles.” In them you need to find the position “Chief Engineer”. It is this subsection that can be taken as a professional standard for the chief engineer.

If several directions can be used for a particular enterprise, then several professional standards can be combined.

Orders approving the professional standard of an engineer or specialist for various fields of activity can be found in open sources or on the Internet.

Watch a video on the topic:

What professional standards can be used for a chief engineer

The professional standard of an engineer can be found in almost every industry. Below are two examples of standards that can be used for a Chief Engineer

Chief engineer in the field of maintenance of a multi-storey building

In this industry, the standard approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated April 11, 2014 No. 238n for “Specialist in the operation and maintenance of an apartment building” is suitable for the chief engineer.

This standard has 3 subsections containing. For the chief engineer, the third one is suitable: “Management of a complex of operations and maintenance works common property Houses".

According to him this specialist must meet the following requirements:

  • Level of education – bachelor;
  • Availability of additional advanced training;
  • At higher education no work experience required;
  • Otherwise, he must have at least 12 months of work experience in the housing and communal services sector.

Chief engineer in the field of oil and gas refining

In this industry, for the chief engineer, you can use the standard approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated November 21, 2014 No. 926n for the “Specialist in chemical processing of oil and gas.”

Section 3 of this standard provides 4 generalized labor functions. The position of chief engineer is indicated in two of them at once:

  • Subsection 3 “Ensuring the production of oil and gas processing products”;
  • Subsection 4 “Ensuring the implementation of the organization’s technical policy.”

According to them Chief Engineer in this industry must meet the following requirements:

  • Level of education of a specialist or master;
  • Have advanced training in additional vocational education;
  • Have no medical contraindications and are not registered in drug and mental health clinics

Although the professional standard for the chief engineer is not approved in a separate document to determine the requirements for this position, you can use other approved standards in this or that area of ​​production activity.

To do this, it is necessary to study all the generalized labor characteristics, which are located in section 3 of all standards, and find in which of the characteristics the title of the position of chief engineer is possible.

In one area of ​​activity, there may be several standards that are appropriate for a given position.

The requirements specified in the standards will apply only to newly hired employees. They do not apply to those already working in this position, but the employer can send the employee for additional training and.