Profession meteorologist presentation. Abstract of GCD on the surrounding world for the preparatory group “Polar explorers and meteorologists. Equipment for the lesson

"EUP" - "Nature". Analysis and evaluation of the results of testing the EUP. Specific Features EUP as a teaching tool junior schoolchildren. Monitoring and evaluation of learning results in the process of using EUP. Forms of organization of training. Subject content of the EUP “Nature, man, society”. "Society". "Human".

“Set of laboratory equipment” - Magnetic posters. Water filtration. Digital laboratories for natural science subjects. The world. Weight measurements. Laboratory in a suitcase. Additional training equipment. Equipment for practical and laboratory work. Weather observation. From the embryo to the adult plant (organism).

“Course program “The world around us”” - Observation. Natural communities. Elementary justification. Basic standard general education. Practical orientation. Federal component. Creative works. Integration of course content. The history of homeland. Nature. Home country. Junior schoolboy. Amount of information. Carrying out measurements.

“The world around us “Harmony”” - 4th grade. Features of the program on the surrounding world of the educational complex "Harmony". 3rd grade. I admire it. Amur river. Achievements of technical progress. Plants of the Amur region. Rules for working with text. Skeleton of a dinosaur found in the Amur region. I'm surprised.

“Working with a textbook” - The formation of skills in working with a textbook on the subject “the world around us” should be carried out systematically. Conducting a survey and processing the results. Independent work stalks with a book common goals training, education, development of younger schoolchildren. Awareness of theoretical material, development of cognitive activity, formation of practical skills.

Summary of the organized - educational activities in the preparatory school group “Introduction to the profession of a meteorologist”

Subject: Introduction to the profession of meteorologist
Educational: to form children’s ideas about the profession of meteorologist, to help them understand the peculiarities of business and personal qualities To introduce people in this profession to various meteorological instruments.
Educational: to cultivate respect for the work of adults, interest in studying nature and the surrounding world, and cultivate interest in unusual professions.
Educational: develop the ability to understand the social significance of the work of a meteorologist, its value and necessity, and promote independent thinking.

Progress of educational activities

“On the golden porch sat the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor - who will you be?”
- Guys, do you know this children's rhyme?
-What professions of people does it talk about? (king, shoemaker, tailor, king...)
In the old days there were few professions, and all of them could easily fit on one porch. The first king appeared in Rus' 600 years ago. His name was Ivan the Third. Tsar is one of the first professions. Here are the professions that existed in those ancient times: shooter, cook, merchant, stoker, clerk, baker, duck maker, gardener, miller, clerk... (slide show)

- What do you think the stoker did? Khlebnik? Pipemaker? Shooter?
Now all professions will no longer fit on one porch. There are already many thousands of them.
- What do your parents and grandparents do? (children's answers)
Today we will get acquainted with a profession that is quite rare, but the work of people in this profession is very necessary and significant.
Every day, waking up and getting ready for school, kindergarten, to work, to the store, both adults and children ask the same question: “What is the weather today?” What should I wear?”
- How do you and your parents get answers to these questions? (we look at the thermometer, parents listen to the weather forecast on radio or television)
- How else can you find out about the weather? (read in the newspaper, look on the Internet, phone)
- Why do people want to know what the weather will be like? (children's answers)
- Do you know who makes weather forecasts? (answer options)
People who study weather are called meteorologists. Meteorologists try to find out all the features of the weather condition: wind direction, air temperature and humidity, and the presence of clouds.
People's attempts to predict the weather have been known since ancient times. To predict the weather in the old days, people used signs, that is, knowledge that certain atmospheric phenomena often follow one after another. Many of the ancient signs have survived to this day.
- What weather signs do you know? (answer options)
The sun sets behind a cloud - expect bad weather. The starry sky means cold weather or frost. A bright sunset means the day will be hot, etc.
IN modern conditions meteorologists, in addition to signs, use various technical devices. Among them there are, for example, a special weather balloon (aerosonde), weather stations and even space satellites.
A weather balloon is an unmanned flying object. It contains instruments that measure pressure, temperature, air humidity, wind speed at different altitudes... The weather balloon can rise to a height of 30-40 km. (slide show)

-What does a weather balloon look like? (answer options)
-Who knows what instruments are used to measure pressure? Air humidity? Wind speed? (answer options)
The weather station is located on the ground. On it is great amount devices.

Presentation "Meteorological station"
One of the devices is a thermometer.

- When do we use a thermometer?
-What do you think is the purpose of a thermometer at a weather station? (measure air and soil temperature)
The next device is a precipitation gauge. Its name speaks for itself.

- What is this device used for? What does he look like? (per flower)
A weather vane is placed high above the ground on a pole.

- Who knows what kind of device this is and what it is used for? (to measure wind strength and direction)
- So we suddenly got a strong wind!
Physical education lesson “Wind”
The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,
Tilts left, right.
Once - tilt
And two tilt.
The maple leaves rustled. Hands raised up, movements along the text.
All strong air movements from space are noticed and observed by the satellite. (Demonstration)

A meteorological satellite is an artificial Earth satellite created to receive meteorological data about the Earth from space, which is used for weather forecasting. Satellites carry instruments on board with which they monitor, in particular, the temperature of the Earth's surface and cloud, snow and ice cover, and take photographs of the Earth. (showing slides showing a meteorological satellite, photographs from space of cloudiness, the movement of cyclones, the birth of typhoons, hurricanes….)

Despite the fact that the main processes are automated, they cannot replace a person, therefore, to clarify the indicators of the instruments, employees carry out observations every three hours, night and day, in any weather.
The results of observations are called measurements, and meteorologists record them in a diary. This is an observation diary.
– Guys, do you think it’s difficult to work as a meteorologist? (answer options)
In any weather: in rain and snow, in frost and heat, in strong winds and hail - the meteorologist must take measurements in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. Sometimes one person works at a weather station. He doesn't even have anyone to talk to. But he cannot leave and leave his post, because people’s lives and health depend on his work. This is how important and necessary profession- meteorologist! (show of slides showing the only hard-to-reach weather station “Aibga” on the territory of Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana on the Aibga ridge at an altitude of 2225 meters above sea level)

Guys, but the weather forecast is necessary not only so that people know how to dress tomorrow and whether to take an umbrella.
- Why do you think it is still necessary to predict the weather?
Children reason and make assumptions. If necessary, the teacher clarifies their answers. Possible answers:
- without a weather forecast it is impossible to ensure the safety of aircraft flights at the airport, the movement of ships in the seas and oceans,
- a forecast of rain or drought, impending frost helps gardeners and farmers prepare for unfavorable conditions,
- without a weather forecast it is impossible to properly debug the work municipal services cities that are responsible for providing heating in homes and removing snow from the streets during the cold season,
- thanks to an accurate forecast, you can prepare in advance for natural disasters.
- What natural disasters can happen in nature? (tornado, avalanche, tsunami, hurricane...) (slide show)

- Guys, we looked at a huge number of slides, learned a lot of interesting things about the profession of a meteorologist, what qualities do you think a person in this profession should have? (children express their opinions, the teacher makes clarifications: a meteorologist is a specialist whose work requires attentiveness, perseverance, and the ability to process a large number of information, such a specialist needs to be smart, with a good memory, working directly at a weather station requires good health and physical endurance, a meteorologist must be ready to work in difficult natural conditions, at any time of the year and day, he will need to be prepared to travel, lack of comfort, In addition, a meteorologist should be responsible, since weather forecasts are of great importance in many areas of human activity).
- Do you think you can be called little meteorologists? (you can, we watch the weather, mark our observations in the weather calendar)
- What can be done on the site to make our observations more accurate and interesting? (place a weather vane, a sundial, hang a thermometer, make devices for measuring snow depth, a precipitation gauge....)
- Do you have a desire to make a mini weather station on your site?
- Guys, does anyone else know anything interesting about the profession of meteorologist?
- What do you especially remember and like about this profession?
Even though the hot sun is shining,
Even if it's twenty degrees below zero,
The meteorologist is watching
The weather forecaster writes his forecast.
Are there cyclones, or menacing storms?
No matter the flood, no matter the heat
Nothing can stop them
Issue forecasts for the year.

This presentation will introduce children to meteorology as a science; about the profession of meteorologist; about meteorological instruments, their importance in determining air temperature, pressure, direction and strength of wind. This knowledge will help children use weather instruments to observe the weather. The presentation shows such weather instruments as: anemometer, barometer, hydrometer, rain gauge, wind hose, weather vane, hourglass, etc.



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Slide captions:

Weather instruments Teacher: Evgenia Petrovna Yakovleva Date: 02/19/2019

Meteorology Meteorology is the science of the atmosphere and the processes and phenomena occurring in it.

Meteorologists Meteorologists are people who study weather. They know everything about the weather: wind direction, air humidity, whether it will snow or rain today or tomorrow, whether cloudy weather will change to clear in a few days.

Professional weather station A weather station is a place where instruments for determining the weather are located.

Weather booth The weather booth protects weather instruments from precipitation.

Anemometer Anemometer is a pibor that determines the strength of the wind.

Barometer A barometer is an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure.

Pinwheel The pinwheel is used to determine the wind force.

Wind sleeve The wind sleeve allows you to determine the strength of the wind. A quiet wind - individual leaves sway, the sleeve sways. Moderate wind - the wind moves thin tree branches, stretching the sleeve.

Hydrometer A hydrometer is an instrument that measures the temperature of water.

Rain gauge The rain gauge measures the amount of precipitation after a rain.

Compass A compass is a device that determines the cardinal directions (N, S, W, E, NE, NW, SE, SW)

Hourglass The hourglass determines the length of a minute.

Snow gauges and snow weight gauge The snow gauge measures the depth of the snow cover. A snow weight gauge measures the weight of the snow cover.

Room thermometer A room thermometer is used to measure the air temperature in a room.

Outdoor thermometer An outdoor thermometer measures the air temperature outside.

Weather vane A weather vane shows the direction from which the wind is blowing. The weather vane is oriented to the cardinal points using a compass.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The presentation will help make the lesson more fun....

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce the features natural conditions Arctic (North Pole);
  • to form new and clarify children’s ideas about human activity in the Arctic, about the peculiarities of movement;
  • develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between living organisms and their environment;
  • introduce the heroes of the Arctic: I. Papanin, V. Chkalov.

Equipment for the lesson:

  1. presentation for the lesson “Travel to the Arctic” displayed on a Smart board;
  2. globe;
  3. toy – Umka bear (or polar bear)
  4. “snowballs” for physical education

Lesson plan:

1. Arctic landscape

2. Features of Arctic transport, human habitation and clothing.

3. The man at the North Pole is a researcher.

4. Arctic phenomena (polar day, night, hummocks, northern lights)

5. People are the heroes of the Arctic (I. Papanin, V. Chkalov).

6. Fauna of the North Pole.

Progress of the lesson

The presentation for the lesson is turned on on the Smart board (see. Annex 1)

Guys, Umka the bear cub came to visit us today. Do you remember where he lives? At the very top of our Earth, at the North Pole. This is his homeland. And he wants to tell us about it. ( The class is taught in the name of Umka)

Children look at the toy. What is another name for the North Pole? Arctic. This is the top of the Earth, the place where they put on a hat ( Umka shows the place on the globe and explains to the children)

Guys, what do you think the Arctic looks like?

Slide 2, Slide 3, Slide 4 Children's answers and reasoning

There is a lot of snow, ice, land and water are hidden under the snow, you often cannot see it when you walk on the ground or on the ice above the water. Do you think there are cities in the Arctic? Why? Large houses are difficult to build, there is no support (lots of snow), difficult to live (very cold), no schools, shops, nothing can be grown (short cold summers).

And yet people live in the Arctic, although not all the time. They come here to study, explore the land, climate, water, air. But a person cannot live here for a long time, it is very difficult, very cold, very strong winds. People in the Arctic live at research stations. These are small houses. They can be easily disassembled and transported by helicopter to another location.

Let's look at one of these houses - the station. What colour is he? And the people studying the soil and taking measurements in the ground wear what color clothes?

Why? Children's answers

The red color is clearly visible on the white snow. If a person gets lost or loses his way to the station, then from afar he will be better visible. His comrades will be able to find him.

Let's look at the transport that operates at the North Pole.

Slide 7, Slide 8.

What is the name of this ship? That's right, icebreaker. What is an icebreaker for? Why can't ordinary ships sail in the Arctic seas? An icebreaker makes its way through the ice of the Arctic Ocean, and ships follow it along the water path.

What other type of transport is used at the North Pole? What colour is he? Why? What does an airplane have instead of wheels? Why? (children’s answers and reasoning).

People from different countries come to explore the Arctic. They often leave behind marks that they worked and lived here. These are flags of different countries. They are stuck into the snow and secured to each other (protection from strong winds). Or...

At the very top of the Earth there is a pillar on which scientists nail planks in the shape of an arrow. From them we can find out directions to different cities on the mainland and how many thousands of kilometers are away from them.

It is very dangerous to be in the Arctic. Why do you think? You can get frostbite, a person can be covered in snow... And there are also impassable snow hummocks. Huge blocks of snow and ice lying on the path and preventing a person from going in the right direction. Often, when a person overcomes hummocks, he can fall into watery slurry, get wet, get frostbite, and if such a block breaks off, it can even overwhelm and crush a person. Here is another feature of the Arctic.

What is this, guys? This is the aurora against the background of the polar night. Do you remember what the polar night is?

The aurora occurs even during the polar day.

Physical education minute

Umka the bear invites the kids to play snowballs with him and have a physical education session. The guys take turns throwing “snowballs” into the basket, trying to get into it from a given line.

Guys, let's meet one unique person, a scientist and explorer of the Arctic. His name is Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin. Together with other polar explorers, he lived for a long time not just at the North Pole, but on a floating (drifting) ice floe at the North Pole. Polar explorers studied the Northern Ocean, its currents, weather, air pressure...

Life for polar explorers was very dangerous. The ice floe on which these people floated, although it was large, moved, floated and cracked. Towards the end of the expedition, it became very dangerous to be on it and spend the night. But the people were real heroes. They continued to conduct studies, do experiments and study the ocean.

After 8 months, an icebreaker came for Papanin and his team and sent everyone to the mainland. Look how the polar explorers are dressed.

This is Ivan Papanin planting a flag on an ice floe before leaving for the icebreaker. For 8 months this ice floe was home to all the people on his team.

Another hero of the North is pilot Valery Chkalov. He flew for the first time by plane over the top of the Earth from Russia to America. His flight lasted 63 hours, and he flew 10 thousand kilometers. Show the children on the globe. The flight was very difficult and difficult. It was very cold, the plane's body, glass, and propeller were icing up. It was very difficult to breathe at altitude.

Look at the plane on which Chkalov made a dangerous flight. You see, it is very light, fragile, without modern devices.

So we met the heroes of the Arctic I. Papanin and V. Chkalov. And Umka wants to introduce you to her friends...

Animals of the North Pole. Who is this? Walrus. Why do walruses have tusks? To:

Using tusks to stay on ice floes, clinging like hooks

Protect yourself from polar bears

With its tusks, the walrus explodes the mud at the bottom and feasts on the microorganisms that live in it.

Why is the walrus fat? Children's answers. Subcutaneous fat warms it.

These are my relatives - polar bears. What do they eat? Fish.

And these are my friends - narwhal dolphins. How are they different from ordinary dolphins? That's right - a long horn on the head. Why do they need it? To break through the ice. Guys, are there any animals at the North Pole that we call herbivores? Why? No grass, no plants.

And these birds are my friends. These are tern birds. What do you think they eat? Not grains, fish. Tern birds are amazing birds. They live at both the North Pole and the South Pole. And they can fly across the globe from the Arctic to Antarctica (show on the globe) and back.

Well, guys, what I wanted to tell you about my homeland, the Arctic. Did you like our trip? Tell your parents about where we were and what we saw.

Together with these birds we are flying away from the Arctic, saying goodbye to Umka and looking forward to meeting him again.