Rosatom production system criticism psr tools. See what "PSR" is in other dictionaries. What is PSR: decoding

We bring to your attention an interview with Sergei Obozov, where he talks about the origins Production system Rosatom provides comments on the goals and features of the RPS implementation process.

Look at the end of the article bonus— video report “Production Efficiency Management. The role of the Rosatom Production System.”

– Sergey Alexandrovich, what is the AKP and where did it come from?

– The Rosatom Production System (RPS) as a system was not invented or borrowed from other countries and companies. The AKP is a logically complete vision set out in a modern context effective management production processes.

AKP is the successor scientific organization labor, production and management (NOTPiU) and developments of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, thanks to which our industry managed to achieve a multiple increase in labor productivity. In addition, the RPS includes and adapts to our industry the best achievements and tools from other modern methodological platforms.

The Rosatom Production System (RPS) is the methods, ideologies and specific tools for increasing the production and management efficiency of the Rosatom State Corporation and its member enterprises.

Rosatom Production System (RPS)— a methodologically integral industry complex of interrelated production processes, in which non-value-creating activities are minimized through incremental improvement through principles, rules, tools, and techniques.

Even before the revolution, the Russian method of teaching practical skills was developed at the Imperial Technical School (now Bauman Moscow State Technical University). Russian factories began to widely use the Taylor system. The revolution gave impetus to the development of an integrated approach to the organization of labor and the rational use of resources.

The famous scientist Kerzhentsev considers time as the most important resource and in 1923 he created the “Time” League. Working time tracking and analysis of its consumption are being introduced everywhere. Organizer, scientist and poet Alexey Kapitonovich Gastev in the late 20s and early 30s created the Central Institute of Labor, where he researched work operations and rationalized them. A model of continuous training in rational work is being created. It's about on mass training of skilled workers.

Then, already in the 60s, the topic “Ministry of Medium Machinery and NOTPiU” appeared. The scientific organization of labor, production and management, which was introduced in the 60s at the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, gave a multiple increase in labor productivity.

In addition to Soviet experience, we have attracted the best foreign experience, which has shown its effectiveness. First of all, this is the Toyota Production System and other production systems based on lean manufacturing.

– Tell me, what exactly in the AKP was taken from the Soviet NOT system?

– Let’s start with the fact that the Japanese experience, the same “Toyota”, is essentially based on our domestic NOTE. It includes everything from rational organization the workplace, in order to eliminate unnecessary movements and any kind of loss, to ergonomics, that is, the most correct in terms of convenience and rational organization of equipment and workplaces.

This was all in the history of NOT. The experience gained in Russia was actively studied, including by Western scientists. One of Taylor’s comrades, Gilbrett, admitted: “The Russians are deeper into NOT than us. Original Russian methods were two decades ahead of the WEST!”

For example, according to the brick laying method developed at the CIT, the Russians were three times ahead of their US colleagues who worked using the Taylor-Gilbrett method.

Domestic experience was then published in journals on the scientific organization of labor abroad, including in Germany, which was then one of the most advanced in the field of implementation of scientific and technical labor. It was said that it was the Soviet experience in the scientific organization of labor that deserves to be studied very carefully. The results were indeed very impressive for that time.

– In which production facilities were these systems implemented?

– This system was implemented everywhere. It was promoted and implemented not only at machine-building enterprises, but also in office activities, in the activities of ministries, and in construction.

Gastev’s memo “How to work” is widely known - these are the so-called 16 precepts, many of which we still use in the AKP.

Similar methods were then introduced in all other industries. In particular, a further continuation was the Stakhanov movement. Despite the fact that the achievements of Stakhanov and his brigade contained a lot of propaganda, it turned out to be a strong propaganda move, and it had its effect.

“One was chopping coal, but three were helping him.”

- That's right. He and his team were freed from all auxiliary work and so on. But, nevertheless, the approach itself, the very desire to increase labor efficiency and achieve the highest possible productivity in each specific area has borne fruit.

The Stakhanov movement had its effect, and in the country as a whole, labor productivity then doubled. These are our roots, our history.

Even in those years, the Japanese and Americans carefully studied the Soviet experience, took a lot from it and managed to build on that foundation to give impetus to the further development of labor organization systems. New modifications of them appeared, first this happened in the East, in Japan, and then returned to the West, in the USA. Moreover, the Japanese, paradoxical as it may sound, were taught immediately after the war by American scientists - Deming and Juran.

Production systems such as the Toyota Production System emerged, which later spread to American automobile plants and other industries around the world. The Japanese were the first to synthesize everything that had been achieved before them and were able to develop the ideas of their predecessors further. The result was not just a set of certain tools, but a whole philosophy industrial relations in any type of industry, in any type of production.

Now Rosatom, in fact, is returning to our roots. Gastev’s theses such as “We are raising the question of creating a certain kind of psychological and general biological adaptation of the worker to constant improvement” and “The task ... is to constantly hear the call for continuous improvement” directly formed the basis of such a Japanese concept as “kaizen”, and we are now laying it in the basis of the Rosatom Production System.

But they have tried to use domestic NOT experience in our industry before. Gastev was shot in April 1939, and the NOT movement did not develop in our country for a long time. In the 60s, the Ministry of Medium Machine Building again raised this issue, thanks to which it was possible to significantly increase labor productivity in the entire nuclear industry.

Rosatom is now making a new attempt, but on a much larger scale and taking into account the organizational mistakes of that time. And one of the conclusions that we made by studying the experience of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building in the 60s is that the chief production worker should be responsible for the RPS at enterprises, and the first person should be in charge. This is exactly the organizational structure that currently operates in the state corporation.

– We can’t help but ask a question. From a formal point of view, the AKP came to Rosatom through Japan. Did their Fukushima production systems help the Japanese?

– The Japanese have impressive experience that definitely needs to be studied and adopted. I am aware of how these words sound against the backdrop of recent events, but there is an indisputable fact - Japan is one of the world leaders in the field of nuclear energy and a country that provides record time for the construction of a nuclear power unit in 37 months from the first cube of concrete to power start-up.

This record was set at the sixth power unit of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP. Moreover, in this achievement they used our experience - this is the experience of serial construction of the Zaporozhye NPP.

The Fukushima accident began as a natural disaster. The course of the accident is quite well known today and is described, among other things, in your publication. Fukushima will change a lot, but, first of all, in another area - in the area of ​​global views on security issues. If earlier many people relied on probabilistic approaches, today we need to operate in terms of absolute reliability.

Production systems, be it the system of Toyota or any other large company, are aimed at ensuring that quality is built into the process itself. And by quality here we mean not just issues of purely consumer properties of the product, but A complex approach. The product being created is considered holistically, including from a safety point of view.

Those new safety requirements that will appear as a result of Fukushima will be laid down in nuclear power plants throughout life cycle this object. Not only at the construction stage, but at the design stage and even concept development.

If this is done effectively, if the ideology of the Rosatom production system is applied in full - and this will happen! — then throughout the entire life cycle of a nuclear power plant, the facility will be built into the inevitable fulfillment of safety requirements under new conditions.

I don’t see any contradictions here. The Rosatom production system contributes to the most effective solution of any issues if it is applied in full. In particular, issues of reliability and safety are also within the scope of activities of the AKP.

Second stage of implementation

– Next question. Okay, we figured out what the RPS is, but for what purpose is it being implemented in Rosatom?

– The Rosatom State Corporation positions itself in terms of strategy for the coming years as a global technological leader in the field of nuclear technologies. The goal is very ambitious, the deadlines are extremely tight. To achieve our goals, a lot of work remains to be done.

Rosatom, due to its historical development, was created in conditions when economic issues were not a priority, there were completely different goals and other tasks.

There were deadlines, yes. It was necessary to solve the problem of ensuring the nuclear security of our state in two or three years, that is, to create a nuclear shield. This task was solved successfully. But economic issues related to the efficiency and activities of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building and the nuclear industry as a whole were not a priority.

Now the world has changed, conditions have changed. Rosatom must become a world leader in nuclear technology. In order to solve these problems under new conditions, new methods are needed, new approaches are needed, and the key issue is the issue of efficiency.

Accordingly, Rosatom’s production system is precisely aimed at achieving maximum efficiency in all types of activities of our diversified corporation. I repeat - in all forms, from nuclear medicine to electricity generation.

Moreover, Rosatom must not only be effective. It must be competitive with the world's leading players, including in terms of innovation.

Therefore, it is wrong to neglect the experience of foreign colleagues who have achieved success in one or another field of activity. And Rosatom absorbs all foreign experience in improving operational efficiency, but relies primarily on domestic roots.

– Where exactly does the implementation of RPS begin?

– The Rosatom production system began to be implemented in 2008. The first pilot sites were the machine-building plant in Elektrostal and ZIO Podolsk.

– That is, these are machine-building enterprises. One of them produces fuel assemblies, the other, accordingly, works with steam generators and other heavy equipment.

– In both cases, the implementation of the RPS has shown its effectiveness. There is an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in production costs, and a reduction in production time.

I can give an example of MCP welding at the fourth power unit of the Kalinin NPP, when it was possible to reduce the MCP welding cycle from 255 days to 127 thanks to the use of PSR tools.

-Where did they cook this? In Podolsk?

- No. This was already cooked on site. This is another example of the implementation of RPS in addition to the first two mentioned.

If my memory serves me correctly, then in 2010 a total of 54 projects were successfully implemented through the RPS. At the first stage of implementation, pilot sites were selected at a number of enterprises. Now the second stage is coming, when the system will be implemented in the main production chains of enterprises. We are moving from test, trial implementations to a full-fledged full-scale implementation of RPS.

The system has already proven its effectiveness and has brought a certain economic effect, although, as you understand, it is not always easy to measure it during pilot implementations.

By way of illustration. Let’s say that in a workshop at a particular enterprise, production space has been halved due to the rational placement of equipment or a change in its layout. How to calculate the economic effect in this case?

The workshop is half vacant, but it continues to be heated and maintained. The enterprise may be closed, and tenants cannot be allowed into the vacated space. It is quite difficult to calculate the effect of implementation here.

However, I have certain numbers. For the pilot projects that we implemented at the first stage, a total of about 3 billion rubles was achieved.

– Is this for two enterprises? Elektrostal and Podolsk?

- No. As I said, in the first stage there were 54 pilot projects to implement the Rosatom Production System at 51 enterprises. They gave us a cumulative effect of about 3 billion rubles. By comparison, this is more than 30 times the associated costs of implementing a production system.

– A question about a specific enterprise, about Podolsk. Where exactly did the RPS implementation take place at ZiO Podolsk? In what specific area?

– At the ZiO Podolsk plant, the system was implemented at the site for the manufacture of steam generator modules. Before implementation, productivity was two units per month. In October 2009, that is, less than a year after the start of implementation, productivity reached three units per month. The figure has now reached five units per month.

– These are modules for steam generators for...

– ...for BN-800, your publication’s favorite reactor.

– How many modules were released in total?

– Before the advent of the AKP, 72 units were produced in 41 months. After implementation, the same 72 pieces were made in 18 months. There is a reduction in production time.

Manufacturing area for studs for BN-800 reactor units in workshop No. 33. In 2008, two sets of studs were produced per month. In October 2009 - three sets of hairpins per month. In 2010 - five sets of hairpins per month.

The reduction in numbers occurred by half compared to 2009.

- People were fired or...

- Nobody fired people. There was a reduction in the number of participants in this process, and not in the total number of personnel. People were not fired; they were transferred to other production areas.

At the same time, there was a reduction in warehouse stocks. From 2008 to 2010, the reserves in the flow decreased by 30 times.

Another example from Podolsk. The production area for air cooling units in workshop No. 16 of ZiO Podolsk. In 2008, nine sets were produced per month. In 2009, we moved to the level of 12 sets per month. In 2010 - 15 sets per month. The production cycle time for air-cooling devices decreased by 20% by 2009, by 25% by 2010. Flow stocks have been reduced by 25 times.

Different sides of the AKP

– The question is: what changed with the introduction of the RPS?

– The main idea at the first stage of implementation of the Rosatom Production System is the reduction various types losses. That is, these are unnecessary extra movements, these are unnecessary stocks and overproduction of products, as we like to say, “for future use.” But this is frozen money!

I recently visited one of our enterprises - OJSC NIKIMT-Atomstroy, and for several years now they have had stainless steel sheets with a total value of more than 12 million rubles lying around on their site. And so far, unfortunately, this is not an isolated case.

The RPS identifies seven classic types of losses. Unnecessary human actions, unnecessary extra transportation, waiting losses when a person or equipment is waiting for the next part to arrive, excess inventory (essentially frozen money), unnecessary unnecessary processing steps, defects or corrections, overproduction.

These are the seven classic types of losses. Due to their reduction, due to proper organization workplaces, due to the correct placement and layout of equipment, the effect is achieved.

– Doesn’t the intensity of people’s work increase? Putting too much stress on people is not always the right thing to do. The French got burned by this.

– In this case we are talking about unnecessary work of people. That is, people worked, but they worked in vain or in vain, that is, they produced losses. We remove unnecessary labor and replace it with necessary, useful labor that brings added value to the product.

Due to this, without changing the intensity of labor, the efficiency of activity increases.

– Do we understand correctly that Rosatom, by introducing the RPS, does not want to increase sweatshop labor, but, on the contrary, to remove excess and unnecessary labor?

– In fact, that’s exactly what it is.

– You helped increase the production rate of modules for BN-800 steam generators by several times. Has the demand for modules increased?

– The subtext of the question is clear. Yes, if we are building only one block with BN, your irony makes sense. But even in the case of BN, there is also a Chinese order for two blocks. And there is an understanding that we need to be ready to occupy a niche in the market, to be ready for new orders that will definitely appear.

By the way, after Fukushima, Rosatom gained new opportunities. At a time when many countries, including Russia’s competitors in the nuclear market, have slowed down their activity, Rosatom has a “window of the possible.” This is one of the tasks that, among other things, falls on the AKP.

– What is the difference between the implementation of RPS on various enterprises State Corporation Rosatom? We imagine how it can be implemented at a factory. But how will you implement RPS in the design bureau? Or at a research institute?

– This question is often asked. If we are talking about mass production large quantity products of the same type, then everything is clear there. There is a conveyor belt where there are repeating operations that can be improved from operation to operation.

At the same time, both Russian and Soviet experience, as well as the experience of foreign colleagues, shows that production systems can be implemented not only in serial or mass production.

The Toyota production system was used not only in the workshops, but also at the R&D stage. Moreover, the efficiency of production processes was laid down precisely at the R&D stage.

The designers considered how efficient the production of this or that design, this or that product would be, that is, issues of manufacturability are put at the forefront even at the stage of formulating the concept. A similar approach was used in the design bureaus of the Soviet period, but the requirements of the technologists were not always strictly observed. Changes were made, including from the point of view of production efficiency. At the R&D stage, those costs are laid down, the cost that the finished product will have during its production.

As the experience of developing new models at Toyota shows, through the use of methods lean manufacturing in R&D they manage to significantly reduce development time. Let's say there are world records for the development of new models, and they belong to Toyota, when in 10-12 months they create new model. While on others foreign enterprises The R&D cycle when developing a new model takes up to 40 months.

- But we don’t need new project reactor every 10 months.

– But we need to achieve a reduction in the construction time of blocks to 40 months in order to be competitive. And this will require the introduction of production system tools so that at the design stage, a short construction timeframe is included in the project itself.

The same can be said about the cost of a facility in a fiercely competitive market, when Koreans win competitions for the construction of new power units, giving a low price for the unit.

Of course, at the R&D stage it is necessary to take into account the cost of the future facility and its construction. This is one of the aspects of introducing a production system at the R&D stage.

The second aspect concerns the effectiveness of interaction between groups of specialists, designers and scientists, and their communications with each other. The Japanese have a concept called “obeya” - when all specialists gather in one large room and solve problems together. Moreover, designers often solve technologists’ problems and vice versa. Unfortunately, we do not have such experience yet.

In the R&D cycle, there are also technological chains for the design of certain parts of the object. If one design bureau is developing a reactor, another is developing steam generators, and a third is developing a turbine, then their effective interaction with each other is very important. So that the R&D product of one development group is completed exactly on time when another group needs it. This is the so-called “pull” method - the same tool of lean manufacturing.

Organizing clear interaction is one of the tasks of the Rosatom Production System at the R&D stage.

– Can you name examples of institutions where the Rosatom Production System will be introduced?

– Now I am visiting NTK enterprises. We started working, for example, at NIITFA, at VNIIHT, at NIIEFA named after Efremov. Ultimately, it is expected that I will visit all or almost all NTK enterprises. Specific projects and products are outlined. And these are the main products developed by certain organizations included in the STC block of the state corporation. All enterprises included in this block will be covered by the RPS.

– What exactly can PSR help the NIIEFA Institute with?

– Several projects were planned. For example, cyclotrons that help diagnose cancer. Today NIEFA makes two cyclotrons a year. By 2014, the institute will have worked out the flow and will produce a series of 10 products per year. This task will be solved using RPS.

The next projects are optimization of the production of gamma tomographs and linear therapeutic accelerators. Considering a possible future order, this could be a series of 25 pieces per year, each worth a million dollars. In addition, NIIEFA participates in the ITER project, and components for the thermonuclear reactor account for 70% of the institute’s orders. Accordingly, RPS will also be implemented there.

– What will be done to ensure that employees of the state corporation are more willing to switch to work new system? Will incentives be provided? Or will this happen by order?

– Let’s start with the fact that the experience of introducing RPS shows that when people get acquainted with this production system, when we teach them, already at the training stage they have intrinsic motivation implementing these tools into your work.

Simply because increasing one’s own effectiveness is inherent in a person’s character. If this is a conscientious worker, he strives to ensure that he has order in the workplace, he strives to do his work more efficiently and efficiently. Internal motivation works, and this is the main thing.

At the same time, the task has been set - and it is already being implemented, in particular, at TVEL - to amend the existing regulations on motivation that have been adopted at enterprises in order to take into account the contribution of each employee to the development of the enterprise’s production system, to take into account specific proposals for improvements, which every employee does. Such “Provisions on motivation for RPS” have already been implemented in a number of enterprises of the Civil Code, for example at the Balakovo NPP, at VNIINM and others.

Of course, we will take into account previous experience. In particular, the Soviet one, when for the so-called “ratsuhi” ( rationalization proposals) a specific employee received a bonus.

Of course, these employees, interested in implementing the tools of the Rosatom Production System, actively participating in our programs, should be considered as personnel reserve in terms of their career growth in the enterprise.

– Both are important. Because a good mechanic will not necessarily become a good boss, but he will not refuse a good bonus.

- Absolutely so. As I already said, there is experience in this kind of activity. And this process will continue.


Video report by Sergei Obozov “Management of production efficiency. The role of the Rosatom Production System"

About the author:
Head and Chief Editor. At the Institute for Comprehensive Strategic Studies, he is responsible for the development of a publishing direction - books on lean manufacturing. Teaches "lean manufacturing" at Tomsk Polytechnic University.


Justice and Development Party

Great Britain, political, Türkiye

Source: newsid_2397000/2397053.stm


complete mixed ration

  1. Social Revolutionaries

Socialist Revolutionary Party



search and rescue work


silver solder


programmable rhythm synthesizer


pre-design cost of repairs;
pre-design cost of reconstruction


Rosatom Production System;
Rosatom production system

state, RF


. Academician 2015.

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The status of the Rosatom Production System has been finally determined - it has been recognized as a culture of continuous improvement. How to increase the level of RPS culture in the industry, what role managers play in this process and what are the prospects for lean production were discussed at the RPS Leaders forum.
The RPS Leaders forum is a discussion platform for lean manufacturing professionals. They don’t agitate here, they don’t explain the principles of the production system, they don’t tell how to use the tools - in general, they don’t chew on the methodology. Participants in competitions for RPS projects and PPU, employees of RPS departments, methodologists, heads of RPS enterprises, activists of change support teams - about 200 people in total - gather once a year to discuss strategy, goals and objectives. It was on this site that several years ago they decided to systematically deploy RPS.


Until recently, there was no consensus in the industry about what RPS is - a system or a culture. This year, everyone seems to agree that RPS is more than just a collection of projects and tools to improve the manufacturing process. “The AKP is, of course, culture. That legendary Hayashi (Nampachi Hayashi is a former vice-president of Toyota, a consultant on lean manufacturing - “SR”), who comes and regularly scolds us, for me is a symbol not so much of specific practices, how to organize stocks, how to organize chains, but of the spirit and belief that there is no end to improvements,” said Rosatom General Director Alexey Likhachev.
What is the meaning of the concept of AKP culture? in simple words explained First Deputy General Director for Operations Management Alexander Lokshin: “Culture is a set of rules, norms of behavior, patterns that are considered the norm. A cultured person is one for whom deviation from such norms causes irritation and who has a need to comply with these norms. The AKP culture is a need to do well. From my point of view, it is impossible to force someone to achieve this. When we can create a culture where continuous improvement becomes a requirement for everyone, we will achieve our goals.” Alexander Lokshin even suggested changing the abbreviation PSR to PKR - “Rosatom Production Culture”.
For several years now, participants in the AKP movement have been puzzling over how to increase involvement in the AKP, what needs to be done so that everyone believes in it. Here are the most popular answers from forum participants: be patient and wait for the results of the RPS deployment, explain, convince; train immediately upon hiring, for this purpose attract authoritative people. The logic of the answers is clear: creating an RPS culture in the industry is not a quick task. A special place is given to the head of the enterprise - he must become a role model. Every leader must be a mentor.

Nikolai Solomon, First Deputy General Director for Corporate Functions and Chief Financial Officer of Rosatom, also expressed his opinion on how to change the culture: “We need to clearly show what we praise and scold for, and who we promote.” At the same time, you need to not just declare these principles, but follow them, otherwise people won’t believe you. Nikolai Solomon noted that through the application of the principles and tools of the RPS, the values ​​of the state corporation are manifested and cultivated. Forum participants agreed that the main focus next year- creation of exemplary flows in production, office and engineering, education and development of employees, building long-term relationships with suppliers.

The AKP protects the thrifty

RPS Development Director Sergei Obozov briefly spoke about the progress of the federal project “Lean Clinic”, in which Rosatom RPS specialists are participating: “Replication is being carried out in 23 regions. There are no longer two clinics, as in the pilot projects, but in some places there are three, in others there are four, in others there are five. We provide basic training. We suggested that the Ministry of Health create its own project office according to the AKP."
The activities of the AKP office were highly appreciated by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Further more. The authorities have attracted Rosatom as a general partner to work on a program, which is being implemented under the leadership of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Maxim Oreshkin, to increase labor productivity in industry and construction.
“We are taking two budget-generating enterprises in each pilot region. Our main condition was “not a single person on the street,” so we selected factories whose production volume should increase sharply in 2018. The second condition is that the owners and management really want to improve results. We will show them a master class on how to make an increased volume with the same number of personnel,” Sergei Obozov shared his plans.
In this project, interaction will be structured differently than in the Lean Clinic. Rosatom invites students to join us. Sergei Obozov calculates: “Seven regions, two factories each - 14 factories, we are ready to accept 28 people into our teams to work on Rosatom’s exemplary flows.” Somewhere before mid-December, I think, we will complete these teams, and from January 10, 2018, we are waiting for them at our factories.” The program will be implemented in Tyumen, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Samara regions, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.
The head of the Rosatom Academy, Yulia Uzhakina, added that nuclear closed cities can become lean cities. “The mayor of Zarechny is starting to do something, Ozersk is joining. We need to help them understand this matter: how it’s done, what examples there are,” she said.
As Nikolai Solomon noted, best practics Rosatom needs to be presented in a very simple and understandable way so that people who have never heard of RPS become interested in this system. “We are discussing with the Ministry of Economy and VEB the creation of a platform in which these cases will be publicly available,” he noted.
“Next year is a year of expanding our practice; our experience will be replicated. But we ourselves must not forget to continue to replicate it within the industry - for this it is necessary that each RPS director, RPS leader has two or three sponsored directors,” concluded Alexey Likhachev.

AKP as a way of thinking

Nikolai Kmitto
Chief engineer of the directorate at Kursk NPP, branch of NIKIMT-Atomstroy
- An unfavorable situation arose during construction and installation work during the construction of a complex for processing radioactive waste at the Kursk NPP: at the time the installation of metal structures began, the lag behind the schedule was 90 days. We needed to eliminate this backlog at all costs. According to the schedule, the installation and application of a fire-retardant coating on the load-bearing metal structures of the storage frame takes 240 days, and we had to finish it in 150. According to the classical scheme, work at height is provided, the protective coating is applied to already installed metal structures - in some places it turned out to be unpainted. Plus, gusts of wind and other adverse weather conditions led to excessive consumption of the fire retardant when spraying.
RPS tools and common sense helped us cope with the task. We parallelized the processes of installation and coating, and began to apply the composition during the enlarged assembly in the workshop, at the construction site - only on unpainted areas and places where elements were welded. The backlog from the schedule was eliminated. We saved on scaffolding and increased safety, as we practically eliminated work at height. In addition, the quality of the applied coating has improved due to dust removal and degreasing of metal structures in workshop conditions. It became possible to control the thickness of the coating, which reduced material consumption. Previously, the composition was applied in 20 minutes, now it takes five. Economic effect proposals amounted to more than 13 million rubles. But the main thing is that this solution can be replicated to other capital construction projects.
RPS for us is a production necessity. The desire to use RPS tools must come from within. Instilling a culture of lean work ethic is difficult. I believe that a little time will pass and every employee will understand that RPS is a science that explains how a culture of continuous improvement works.

Vladimir Rogozhin
Advisor to the General Director for long-term production planning, OKBM im. Afrikantova
- We have prepared a project to optimize document flow in the manufacture of a pipe system for ship reactor plants, which is assembled from modules. The goal is to reduce the production time of pipe systems from 494 to 442 days. Before you begin assembling the module, you need to create a set of parts and prepare a package of relevant documents, and complete the documentation after delivery of the finished product.
We have set ourselves a goal - to reduce the time required to complete documents when manufacturing a module from 20 to five days. With the help of barcodes, processes were automated: if previously documents were prepared by sampling, an inventory was made, which took up to 90 minutes, but now the entire package is formed by simply scanning barcodes in just a minute. Labor productivity increased by 30%, the economic effect - 6.4 million rubles per year. At the beginning of the year, we launched two more projects aimed at optimizing document flow. By the end of the year, we will reduce the time it takes to create a package of documents for the production of modules to three days and reduce the volume of documentation by almost half.
I have been involved in ASR since 2009. At first, many of us were skeptical about the AKP; no one understood why it was needed. I myself did not immediately understand that this was an effective tool. But after several successfully implemented projects, people got used to it and started using it. Today we can say that a culture of continuous improvement has taken root at OKBM. I am motivated to use RPS by a clear methodology, a systematic approach to identifying inconsistencies, deviations and eliminating them with proven tools.

Sergey Trofimov
Repairman, UEHK
- Since 2015, about 500 of my PPUs have been sold. This year, in our workshop, we prepared an improvement proposal for reusing the lubricant, since it did not lose its properties. The amount turned out to be small, only 70 thousand rubles. But it's still a saving. The use of RPS is motivated by constant improvement of one's work. I have been working at UEIP for 25 years and have been systematically engaged in innovation even before the introduction of RPS. When the production system began to be actively implemented in our country in 2012, it became easier to draw up your proposals.
The RPS culture can only be promoted through training, explanation of the principles and advantages of the systems approach. And only by personal example, and not as an order or as an obligation. I instilled a culture of continuous improvement in my brother. This year in our workshop he took second place in the supply of polyurethane foam after me, he has about 70 polyurethane foam. People are already starting to look up to him.
When you get used to working in a new way, you see what else can be optimized. Whenever possible, I try to help colleagues from other areas.
Sergey Mikheev*
Engineer 1st category, ASE
- The project is aimed at reducing the cost of forming an artificial foundation for hydraulic structures Kursk NPP-2. Having assessed the soil replacement scheme for the foundation foundations, our team proposed replacing the material adopted in the project, a sand-gravel mixture, with sand. The point is that in Kursk region There are no problems with the delivery of sand, but the sand and gravel mixture would have to be transported from other regions. Having changed the configuration and assessed how efficiently it would be possible to construct an artificial foundation from the point of view of organizing construction, we recalculated the strength. We concluded that our solution meets all requirements. The total economic effect from the implementation of the proposal amounted to 275 million rubles.

Evgeniy Ratz*
Engineer 2nd category, ASE
- The idea of ​​soil replacement arose between Sergei Mikheev and me during the design process for the construction of Kursk NPP-2. We asked ourselves why this particular solution was chosen and whether it could be optimized. In our work, we actively use RPS tools. With their help, you can solve any issue, including arguing for cost reduction to designers, who are often not ready for criticism and consider their solutions optimal. Any project can always be optimized if there is a desire. There are no perfect projects.

Andrey Salnikov
Installer of building structures, "RosSEM"
- We needed to install 118 eight-meter columns weighing 300 kg each at the zero level of the reactor compartment of the Belarusian NPP. These columns support the reactor process equipment. Previously, we fed columns into an opening with a diameter of 1 m from the eighth mark, then moved them in a horizontal position using improvised means to the installation site, lifted them, secured them, and built scaffolding. The mounting loop for fixing the column had to be cleaned, welded, then the column was mounted - this is work at height, it is inconvenient. Then take everything apart and repeat 117 times.
Therefore, we developed and implemented a device for vertical movement of columns - we got a star-shaped cart on which the column was fixed. Three installers calmly roll a trolley with a load to the installation site. We significantly accelerated the process: if we installed all the columns in the old way on the first block in 59 days, then on the second block we completed it in 18 days. It would seem like a simple cart, but the effect is colossal.
This is not my first project. Laziness is the engine of progress, and I’m probably a big lazy person. When I see a problem, I immediately think about how to solve it or how to simplify the process. Everyone helped, I couldn’t have done anything alone. The economic effect amounted to about 780 thousand rubles. The main thing is that the experience will be replicated for other construction of units under the NPP-2006 project. I have a lot of developments, and I plan to implement them at the next construction sites.
We began to implement the production system at the end of 2014 at the Belarusian NPP. I immediately joined because it is a clear working tool that makes work easier, saves resources and develops a person. Today it is already a culture of continuous improvement.

Sergey Sachkov
Head of the production site for fuel rods and fuel assemblies of VVER-440, MSZ
- When I worked at another site, we created a device that allows us to use scales to determine the number of technological tips removed when assembling a bundle of fuel elements for RBMK reactors. During the assembly process of the bundle, fuel rods are inserted into the cells of the frame in three pieces. To ensure that they fit strictly in the center and with minimal friction, technological tips are used - they are put on the fuel rod before assembly, and after assembly they are automatically removed. The assembler monitored whether all the tips were removed. Since three fuel rods are inserted into the frame in 100 seconds, the mechanic waited all this time instead of starting to prepare the next bundle, then counted the tips and only then gave a signal to continue the operation. With such an organization of labor, in order to assemble 30 bundles per shift, two mechanics had to work at two assembly stands.
We proposed to determine the number of tips removed by weight. The scale accurately determines whether all tips have been removed and gives a signal to continue working. The mechanic does not need to be present all the time next to the beam assembly stand and count the tips; at this time he can assemble the frame of the next beam. As a result, the same amount of work can be done by one mechanic at one stand. The freed-up assembly fitter became a production planning engineer.
I think this practice can be replicated for other types of fuel. I am interested in self-development and benefiting the company. Therefore, I do not divide my activities into RPS and job responsibilities. For me this is a working tool. At first, people perceived the AKP negatively, but now I see that attitudes are changing. Previously, they thought that it was imposed, but now they see how I implement my ideas, see the result and get involved. Good example contagious.

The implementation of the Rosatom Production System (RPS) is a large-scale industry project designed not only to increase labor productivity to the level of foreign competitors of the Rosatom State Corporation and reduce costs, but also to increase wages and form new rules career growth.

The RPS is based on NOTPiU of the Ministry of Medium Engineering of the USSR - a system of scientific organization of labor, production and management. In addition, the RPS includes and adapts to industry specifics the best achievements and tools from other modern systems, in particular, the principles of the Toyota Production System of the Japanese automobile company Toyota. The main principle of the RPS, like the Toyota production system, is to meet the needs of the consumer in the shortest possible time with the minimum possible expenditure of resources at the required level of quality.

The purpose of introducing RPS is to create, based on the best examples of domestic and foreign experience universal methodology for the management system for complex optimization of production and management processes, testing it at the enterprises of the Rosatom State Corporation. Further development of the RPS will take place in the form software solutions aimed at increasing the production efficiency of key products, as well as replicating RPS experience in other sectors of the economy.

The objectives of the RPS are:

  • Identification of key Rosatom products and parameters of their competitiveness;
  • Setting goals for key products;
  • Development of methodological documents on the use of tools for optimizing production processes, diagnosing the production management system and labor resources;
  • Optimization of production processes;
  • Carrying out comprehensive diagnostics of production for key products in order to identify reserves for increasing production efficiency;
  • Approval and launch of comprehensive programs to increase the production efficiency of divisions based on the results of the diagnostics;
  • Creation of industry infrastructure to ensure the process of increasing production efficiency.

The system ensures the implementation of strategic goals through personnel training, as well as through continuous improvement and continuous improvement capabilities to increase productivity, improve quality, reduce costs and meet customer requirements. The introduction of RPS is aimed at embedding the ideas of efficiency and optimality into the logic of adoption management decisions in production, and through production - into other processes and structural units companies.

RPS is designed to maximize productive activities per unit of time at each workplace by consistently eliminating losses in production and management processes. RPS ensures a progressive increase in the productivity of production processes, a reduction in production costs and an increase in the quality of working and managerial work. In addition, the RPS is aimed at combating any losses: unnecessary stocks, inter-operational backlogs, downtime, unnecessary movements.

The development and implementation of the RPS began in the second half of 2008, when general director Sergei Kiriyenko set the goal of the Rosatom State Corporation to increase labor productivity in the industry by four times by 2020, reduce costs and, as a result, reduce the cost of products. On December 29, 2008, the order “On the implementation of the Rosatom production system in industry organizations” was signed.

Since 2009, the production system has been actively implemented at Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. It was in the Concern that the first learning programs on RPS tools and the training process has been launched. Moreover, it has started practical work at pilot sites of nuclear power plants under construction and in operation, and in the machine-building complex.

In 2010, 54 projects were successfully implemented through the RPS. At the first stage of implementation, pilot sites were selected at a number of enterprises.

Since August 2011, the second stage of RPS development has been launched, when the system is being implemented in the main production chains of Rosatom enterprises.

Currently, the system is deployed at 79 enterprises in the industry, which are divided into three groups, in order of priority (groups A, B and C). Among the enterprises of group A, the highest priority ones have been identified, which have received the status of reference ones, where promising projects are being carried out, the results of which are planned to be transferred to other enterprises. Many Rosatom enterprises have already achieved certain positive results in implementing the system.

The Rosatom Production System (RPS) is a lean production culture and a system of continuous process improvement to ensure competitive advantage at the global level.

The RPS is based on five principles that encourage employees to be attentive to the customer’s requirements (not only in relation to the final consumer, but also to the consumer site, consumer workshop and even the subsequent operator); solve problems where they arise; build quality into the process, do not produce defects; identify and eliminate any losses (excess inventory, interoperational backlogs, downtime, unnecessary movements, etc.); be an example for colleagues.

These principles were formulated on the basis of the best examples of domestic and foreign experience, in particular, the system of scientific organization of labor, production and management (NOTPiU) of the Ministry of Medium Engineering of the USSR and the Toyota Production System of the Japanese automobile company Toyota. The Rosatom production system is aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the State Corporation, and industry RPS projects are aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving product quality. Knowledge and ability to use RPS tools is prerequisite for professional and career growth of nuclear industry employees.

At the beginning of 2015, it was decided to apply a systematic approach to the deployment of RPS at enterprises: decomposition of goals to the level of the site manager, optimization of the production of the enterprise’s main products (production flows), implementation of RPS projects, training and motivation of employees. By 2017, the system deployment contour grew from 10 to 23 RPS enterprises. By 2020 there will be about 30 of them, their products will form about 80% of Rosatom’s total cost.

According to the concept of development of the Rosatom Production System, all enterprises where the system is being comprehensively deployed are divided into three levels: “PSR Leader”, “PSR Candidate” and “PSR Reserve”. Enterprises - “PSR Leaders” receive a package of privileges (visits of a business coach to the enterprise, the opportunity for employees to travel to exchange experience at foreign and Russian leading enterprises, family vouchers, certificates for training at the Rosatom Corporate Academy, participation in the “Workspace Design” project and etc.).

Currently, the implementation of RPS at industry enterprises has already made it possible to achieve significant savings, reduce inventories in warehouses and reduce the timing of scheduled preventive maintenance at Russian nuclear power plants.