I freaked out and made $5,000 on binary options. I freaked out and made $5,000 on binary options Remote work on the network has such advantages

Earn $5,000 a month? You will be able to receive such income monthly if you create a website / blog and promote it. Read below to find out how realistic this is.

Each of us has our own specific goals, but many of us have one thing in common: we strive (secretly or explicitly) to earn a living through websites and blogs. If you're planning on making enough money from a website/blog to support yourself or grow a business, you're certainly wondering how much time and effort it takes to start making money.

So how much do you need? How many Facebook visitors, followers, comments, tweets and fans do you need to reach your goals?

There are many various ways make money online and the model you choose will influence how many visitors you will need to support yourself or your business. “How many visitors do I need” is a question that can only be answered when you know how much revenue your site will earn per client, how many visitors will become clients, and generally how much you are trying to earn.

Different approaches to earn $5,000 a month on a website or blog

  1. Build a site big enough to attract advertisers

When people first start thinking about making a living online, advertising is the first source of income that comes to mind. “I'll just build a popular site and then slap a few ads on it,” aspiring entrepreneurs often think. But here's the reality of online advertising: Advertising isn't going to get you anything of value unless you get massive traffic. And even if you have massive traffic, the payouts are likely to be much lower than what you can earn with other income models.

Typical CPM rates (the amount an advertiser will pay you per thousand page views) can be around $5 or less, depending on the size of your site, the theme, and the demographics of your visitors. This means that if you're just trying to make $5,000 a month, you'll need over 1 million page views. Can you raise your website traffic to this level? Sure, but it's going to take a lot of effort, and maybe $5,000 won't seem like much of a reward for the job.

Also, note that advertising is generally not an option for smaller sites. Advertisers want to reach a wide audience, and they don't link much to sites that have less than 100K page views per month. Google AdSense and some other ad networks work with smaller sites, but CPM rates tend to be very low.

  1. Forget about advertisers and increase the value created by each visitor

Let's compare our example ($5,000/month from ads) to other revenue models.

The three other most common online income models are: sales of products, sales of services and affiliate marketing. You certainly know what sales of products and services are, but you may be new to the concept of affiliate marketing. The essence of affiliate marketing is that another business pays you a commission for referring customers. If you want to earn $5,000 per month, you also need to know how much revenue you will earn from each client and how many of your visitors will become clients.

Let's take affiliate marketing as an example. Let's say you submit an affiliate offer that fits well with the purpose of your site, and if you help a customer buy that product, you'll earn the standard 50% commission on the sale price (for example, $50). It's $25 per client.

So you will need to make 5,000 / 25 = 200 sales per month to reach your goal of making $5,000 per month.

Next, you need to know how many visitors will end up buying the product you represent. This will largely depend on how you offer the product and how relevant it is to your visitors.

For example, if you just slap a 125x125 banner on the sidebar, you won't get many sales per visitor. If you blog about the offer and include some useful information, good reasons why your visitors should buy this product, you will make a lot more sales.

So let's say you write a big post about your affiliate product and 25% of your visitors go to the affiliate product page. Then, 1% of those visitors end up buying that product.

So 1/(1% x 25%) = 400. This means that 1 out of 400 visitors to your website or blog will buy the product, resulting in a $25 commission. To reach your goal of 200 sales, you need 200 sales * 400 visitors or 80,000 visitors who see your offer.

Your CPM, or revenue per 1,000 visitors (just to compare with our ad example) would be 25 / 400 * 1000 = $62.50. This is the income from 1000 visitors. If each visitor views an average of 2 pages on your site, you should further divide by 2 (because CPM is measured in terms of page views, not visitors). This will make your "CPM" equal to $31.25. But this is also 6 times better than the result of the ad example.

These are simple calculations, and your actual results may be better or worse. Some bloggers claim to be able to achieve $500/1000 affiliate marketing results for a well-targeted product and a very specific audience.

  1. More realistic approach

In fact, your revenue model is likely to be more complex than offering a single affiliate product to your audience. Instead, you can use a combination of affiliate marketing, selling your own products, and some services. You can even include some ads if that makes sense. In this case, you will be able to improve the performance of our affiliate marketing example. For example, you can earn $5,000 per month on your site with just 10,000 monthly visitors. This means $500 per 1000 visitors. Combine multiple products and affiliate offers and that number can go even higher.

The main thing:

The most important thing in all of this is how interested your visitors are in what your site has to offer. This is called "targeting". Essentially, the more interest visitors have in your topic, the more likely they are to buy something or take other actions that you expect. The simplest example of this is if the topic of the blog you're guest posting on is closely related to your own blog, you'll find that guests of that other's blog are more likely to subscribe to your blog. These visitors can be said to be correctly “targeted”.

Now you understand, earn $ 5,000 a month? Lastly, don't think in terms of "visitors" and "traffic". Instead, think in terms of "people" and "relationships" and your "audience." Your visitors won't buy anything from you if you don't think about each of them and create value for each of them. To really increase your revenue per visitor, you must first maximize the value you deliver to them through content, products, and services.

Like 5000 dollars a month. Is it real?

Another divorce? – you will say.

Attendance: More than 3500 per day

RSS subscribers: over 4000, SR: over 25,000

Blog indicators: TIC - 190, PR - 3

Average number of comments per post: 150-200.

Average income in the network: 150,000-170,000 rubles per month.

Selling A.Borisov's course "How to Become a Thousander Blogger 2.0" just started. There are already first reviews. To be honest, they are impressive.

Read them!

Alexander, I listened to your audio course and it was as if I had been shot in the brain! Just super!

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Friends, when I was going to promote my blog, I re-read a lot of information and thought that I understood a lot. When he studied Alexander's course, he realized that he would have done such things with his amateur performances ... There are a lot of subtleties. I think it will be the same with this course. I think that now, in terms of earnings, I understand how to act, but for sure, having studied Alexander's course, there will be the same understanding, for sure, there are a lot of subtleties in earning money. Sasha, thanks for your hard work. You need to learn from practitioners, that's for sure !!!

I am a well-formed personality, who realized in my youth that no one will help you, except for yourself (well, my parents initial stage), trying to achieve everything with her mind, knowledge and strength.

But damn, with the first seven video lessons of the new course, you broke my brain. Seriously. Although I disagree with you on some points, you have opened my eyes to many things.

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Learn from the best!

Repeat the actions of those who are already earning very decent money.

P.S. Read, study, order Alexander Borisov's course "How to become a Thousander 2 blogger"

All in your hands.

If you have a small amount of money and do not know where to spend it, the most The best decision- beneficial to her invest. If you approach the issue correctly, you can get a good additional source of income. There are several options for investing capital, and the choice depends on the amount of investment.

No one will tell you the truth about where it is better to invest a thousand, three or five thousand dollars.

This is such a funny moment. You think where to invest your $1000, ask, and they tell you dozens of options from your head, but real stories Hardly ever. Yes, this is true, if someone knows where you can invest a small amount of money, such a person will not tell everyone about it. First, it must be financial secret, secondly, there is always a risk, and if a loss occurs, it will not be pleasant when everyone knows about your failures.

Where is the best place to invest a lot of money?

The answer is not always to be found in the financial markets.

There are also many opportunities around, it all depends on your social circle. For example, if you have a seamstress friend who has an education and practice, you can invest several thousand dollars in clothing industry . Yes, it will not seem interesting to everyone, but you will not work. You can make small items like slippers, scarves, hats, gloves, children's clothing ... in bulk.

For example, my friend did just that - he bought fabric and took it to a seamstress to a homeworker, which he found from ads. After 3 weeks, I picked up 400 pieces of children's clothing and took it to the wholesaler. His profit was 20% . I must say that a relative working as a technologist helped him make the model and patterns.

This example shows that you can use the environment to understand where you can quickly and profitably invest small money.

To understand where it is better to invest money, look at who your inner circle works for, perhaps by joining efforts, you will be able to profitably invest money with a competent person in the team.

Another life example animal husbandry. I know what you will think, especially if you are a young city man.

Through a series of acquaintances, I accidentally came to visit a family who lives 10-15 km from the city. We came to visit a guy whose parents at that moment were resting in France, and they are engaged in animal husbandry and strawberry cultivation. The house was very seriously furnished, and there was a swimming pool in the yard.

  • But here are the numbers - in our region, one cow pays off for 300-400% per year!

By the way, I also live in the city, but some of my friends' grandparents live in villages that are not far from the city. Some people won't find it hard to invest $400 into a cow
some more funds for the construction of a small barn and a salary for a shepherd and a milkmaid, who will also be able to feed her in the morning and evening all year round. That is, if you do this minimally and pay people for care, then the payback drops to the minimum. 100-130% per year.

  • At the same time, if there are already people who will work, it is reasonable to increase the number of goals.

If there is an opportunity to live nearby or some other opportunities, for example, relatives or village acquaintances ... then milk can be given for cooking and made from it cottage cheese, cream, butter - all this costs much more to sell than just milk. Of course, if you do it yourself, then the payback will be over 500% per year.

Many city people have a big problem - parking Or rather the lack of a garage. An investment of $1,000 in this business will not be enough, but $5,000 can be managed. Again, it all depends on the situation, for example, you can make an extension to the house or you already have additional options.

Where to invest 1000 dollars

Despite the appreciation, $1,000 is a fairly small amount to invest. But a thousand dollars is no longer zero, and it can also be invested. Many well-known investors started with small amounts, and this is what allowed them to achieve wealth and independence.

So where can you invest $1,000?

Where to invest $1000 for progressive investors

You can buy shares in the stock market. Look at the stock chart Amazon or Sberbank- this is already more profitable than bank interest by an order of magnitude.

Yes, Tesla shares are worth $249, and Amazon shares are worth $830, but Sberbank shares are worth 170 rubles!

In addition, there are many Russian companies on the stock exchange that cost only a few rubles apiece. That is, it turns out that $ 1,000 can be invested not only in one issuer, but to collect a portfolio of shares, say 5-10 issuers - this is quite possible to do.

In general, you can not stop at Russian issuers, since there are a lot of foreign shares that can be bought for $ 5-10, if the shares of the Microsoft stand within 50-65 dollars. By the way, exactly a year ago they stood 42 dollar, and today $63 .

In order to invest in foreign stocks, I would recommend a broker, with whom I myself work. Minimum deposit with a broker $100. Here you can also buy futures for commodities and indices and other assets.

Here you can easily build your stock portfolio

I believe that this is a good opportunity for progressive investors who are looking for where to invest their thousand dollars, and for progressive ones, because when investing in securities, you still need to analyze the asset, understanding why you need to invest in this particular issuer, and not another.

Where can I invest $1,000 online?

PAMM accounts are a type of Forex investment that is becoming more and more popular and where I also have . The principle of working with PAMM accounts is as follows: you give cash in the management of an experienced trader, and he works with them for a fixed percentage of transactions.

by the most large quantity PAMM accounts are owned by a broker who has received a license from the very TSB RF. In the accounts, you can see that the top 50 invest 100-700 thousand dollars.

Fine! Initially, my blog was dedicated to PAMM accounts, and minimum amount investment here is very small - from 10 dollars.

But in practice, $1000 is a normal amount for investments, because the zero risk of investing in PAMM accounts is achieved only by a portfolio, that is, investing simultaneously in 10 or more PAMM accounts. The bottom line is that if one manager shows a loss, the rest will cover it with their profit.

I do not want to write the same thing in different articles, so if you are interested, you can read about it here:

Bank deposit is more suitable for investors over 40 years old

In Russia there is a large number of banks with interest on deposits from 5% to 12%. The easiest and most reliable investment method. Its principle is as follows: you give money to the bank at interest. The bank puts the funds to work, it generates income, and you receive a predetermined percentage of the profit. For example: you put money for a year under 10% per annum. The bank issues your funds to another person as a loan and after 12 months returns your amount with interest, and keeps the difference.

The main advantage of this method of investing is that you are sure of the deposit and know how much money you will receive through set time. In addition, contributions up to 1.4 million rubles undergo an insurance procedure so that in the event of bankruptcy, customers do not lose money, so the risk is minimal.

But it is also difficult to get a big profit here - by investing small amounts in the bank, you will not get rich.

Where to invest 3 and 5 thousand dollars

I could start making lists of possibilities, like Mutual Funds, venture funds, own business, advise to invest in precious metals or, but that's not what you're looking for! Changing the amount of investment from a thousand to three or five does not make a radical difference, you can also invest this money in PAMM or animal husbandry, simply by increasing the amount of investment.

Of course, $5,000 is five times more than $1,000, and I would like to see the difference in capabilities. Of course there is, but as I said, it all depends on the situation and often the choice falls on small businesses, since it is here that there are many opportunities, because for 5000 you can rent a room, put a machine and produce something, or start trading, providing services for hire ...

For example, my first business was clothing repair)), I bought a kiosk with equipment for $900, hired a seamstress, controlled the revenue myself for the first two weeks, and then set a plan based on statistics. As a result, I received stable money every day, and everything that was on top was taken by a seamstress, and I suppose sometimes this amount was more than mine.

Viewed: 430

High yield investments are a tempting target for many investors. Of course, who would turn down an opportunity?

Some believe that this is unlikely, others - that this goal is easily achievable. Both those and those will turn out to be right from the point of view that investments in highly profitable objects can really bring a lot of income, however, this requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions related to the presence of certain experience and knowledge, as well as initial capital. It will be very difficult to reach such a bar without having a large amount, but this is quite possible, it may just take more time. However, if we talk about profitability, then there are several very profitable investment areas that will allow earn up to $10,000 per month or even more.

Ways of high-yield investment

Now let's talk about investment directions that can bring big profits and increase investors' funds.

  1. Cryptocurrency. This direction remains one of the most demanded and promising in recent times. Moreover, the focus from investing in bitcoin due to its high cost and the difficulty of mining has shifted to newer digital currencies. Profit in this instrument is achieved due to the growth in the cost of the course. Some electronic money can increase the price many times over, as a result of which the investor may become the owner of capital several times greater than the original one. The only thing is that this method is unlikely to guarantee a stable monthly income, because they differ in volatility.
  2. Own business. This direction can really bring the investor a fairly stable and sometimes even passive income. But this, in most cases, can only be achieved after a certain time, when the organization reaches the new level. However, in order to successfully run a business, the investor must have sufficient experience and a certain amount of funds sufficient to launch and develop the project.
  3. microfinance organizations. In this case, investments are associated with deposits and MFIs at a high percentage. Here the profits can be really impressive. An investor invests in an MFI at a certain percentage, after which his funds are issued to clients at an even higher percentage, as a result of which a profit is formed.
  4. Trust management of capital. This financial instrument is optimal for those entrepreneurs who seek to make a profit without having to study all the nuances of investing. In simple words, investing in mutual funds, you buy a share in the property of a Ford. Further, the participant's capital is directed to real estate, securities, deposits or other areas. At the same time, many investors seek to reduce the risks of investing by creating a portfolio of several deposits in mutual funds. The investor's profit is the difference between buying and selling a share.
  5. HYIPs. HYIPs are a relatively new area of ​​investment. Disputes about him do not subside to this day. Everything is connected with the fact that many people consider them to be a simple pyramid scheme, a scam. Others, on the contrary, consider HYIPs as a promising tool. The truth is that HYIPs are projects with a high risk of capital loss. At the same time, this is a great opportunity to earn money with a competent approach. Despite the risks, by investing in multiple projects, you can earn and $10,000 and more, depending on the size of the initial investment. However, this profit is also unstable. The investor needs to constantly monitor the development of the HYIP in order to withdraw funds on time and not lose them. You also need to deal with new promising projects, which require both time and experience.
  6. Hedge fund. This financial instrument is an activity that is aimed at making a profit not only on the growth of the market, but also on its fall. A financial expert manages investors' funds. A distinctive advantage of this direction is the possibility of wide diversification, since funds are invested not only in securities, but also in real estate, land and other objects.
  7. Issuance of loans. An investor can lend his funds at a certain percentage for small or medium-sized businesses, depending on the size of the loan and the terms of the loan.
  8. . The presented financial instrument is an investment process in which investors invest their funds for their management by a professional trader. The profit that a trader receives from trading is distributed among all investors in proportion to their contributions. The manager's commission is also deducted from the profit.


Any highly profitable projects in almost all cases are associated with a high probability of risk. Diversification will help minimize their impact on capital, that is, the distribution of funds between several. As for the directions for investing, we have considered only the most common and profitable ones. Of course, these are not all available investment options with high expected returns. But even from the listed investors only on the basis of personal experience and preferences will be able to choose the most suitable option. In any case, do not forget that the entire responsibility for the investment lies solely with you. Invest wisely!

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Around one bad luck! At first I tried to invest 2000 dollars in PAMM - Forex accounts and lost everything, then I lost 500 bucks on my own on the same Forex. And now there are 230 dollars left, which now lie in a stash of dead weight. But I wouldn't be writing this article if it were the end of the story. This is where the fun started!

How I eluded the tenacious hands of Forex

I am Mikhail Alekhin. I think there is no need to tell why it is impossible to make money on Forex. There are many reasons, they are long to list, but you can be sure of one thing, they are all aimed at making the trader lose and lose his money. The result of this is an empty wallet and complete disappointment in stock trading.
I am no exception and have been through it all! One morning I saw that the PAMM accounts in which my money was invested successfully went bankrupt. Oh, I don't even want to think about it! I'd better move on to the pleasant part of the story.

How to make money on binary $5,000 in just a month and a half from a stash of $230.

In general, while I was crying over the money lost on the money invested in Forex, my friend was cutting coupons for binary options trading. I could not get from him how he does it! That is OK! By and large, when I decided to try options trading, in principle, I already knew all the principles of exchange trading and did not need the advice of such “friends”.
I opened a trading account with a brokerage company, where I could trade with a deposit of $10 and lots of $1 each, I uploaded all my $230, which simply could no longer save my financial condition, and started trading with minimal lots.

How do I trade binary options

I decided to trade at night, there were several reasons for this. I worked and had free time only at night and, in my own way, not very rich experience in Forex, I knew that quotes do not move so rapidly and quickly at night. As it turned out, forex was good for something. I applied the knowledge gained there to options trading!
I started trading options for the first time when the clock struck midnight. There is even something mystical in this (although you can start night trading earlier, at about 22.00). In general, I started trading. And by 6 am, in some incredible way, I already had 387 dollars in my account.
I didn’t even believe it right away, I thought it would seem like a lot of sleep, but after sleeping a little before work, I checked the balance, no, everything is right! After work, I slept a little and at 23.00 I was already at the computer. And again by 6 in the morning my account increased, but already up to 540 dollars!
In general, I traded in this mode for six weeks and, almost all the time, such dynamics of deposit growth remained, my trading result during this time was a good profit. Now I have 5073 dollars in my account! To all doubters and unbelievers, I show a screenshot of the trading terminal:

Now, that is, 6 weeks after I started trading options with the Binomo broker, I can say with full confidence that my life has changed. I am confident in trading, I make good money, and most importantly, I quit my main job and switched completely to binary options trading.
I think my company will successfully find a replacement for me, and if not, then sell your TVs yourself, for the pennies that you paid me! I will earn decent money and live happily and fully by trading options!

Trade at night

As I said a little earlier, it is better to trade at night, when quotes calm down and move in a side channel, while forming such a “gut”. Yes, it sounds, of course, ridiculous, but at the same time it brings considerable profit.
Quotes very slowly and calmly either rise or fall within the night price channel. And in the meantime, I make deals every time the price approaches any of the borders, towards the channel. Everything is simple! Define the boundaries using graphic lines:

You can see how the quotes touch the lines that outline the boundaries of the channel, at this moment it is necessary to draw up contracts inside the channel:

I think this method is available even to children who can turn on the computer and click on the mouse button at the right time! Therefore, if you have a head, hands and some money, you can also make good money on it! I wish you success in this!
And finally, I consider it my duty to thank the Binomo broker for his excellent trading terminal on which I was finally able to earn!