Calculate the calendar plan. Composition and purpose of calendar plans. What is a calendar plan

When developing a project, it is necessary to draw up calculation of labor costs and wages. It determines the complexity of the planned work and its cost. The latter is less important for us, since these figures are not presented in the calculation in modern prices.

The most important thing is the time limit and, accordingly, the complexity of the work. The latter is necessary when preparing calculations for economics (on its basis it is calculated wage), as well as when calculating the calendar plan.

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First step in creating a cost estimate– determination of upcoming work on the construction of the facility. This stage includes work from cutting the plant layer to installing a blind area. It is important to determine the type of building - frame or not, what kind of ceilings, floors, coverings, etc. ready-made calculations, from which you will learn what needs to be included in the calculation. Pay attention to the example of construction costing.

Next you need to calculate the amount of work. Write down all calculations, do not do triple work. Recording calculations is necessary when compiling a table in explanatory note“calculation of work volumes”. Of course, you won’t calculate everything exactly, but basically the results should converge. When making calculations, it is important to remember the unit of measurement, for example, if it is 100 m2, and in total it is necessary to do 1000 m2, then the amount of work is 1000/100 = 10. This value is sequentially multiplied by the time standard and price.

The work schedule is a table showing all types of work required to implement a specific project. In addition, the schedule shows in what order the work will be performed and links it to a specific date. Typical projects indicate the time period required to complete each type of work. It also contains information about what resources are needed at any stage of construction - basic materials, equipment and personnel.

Drawing up a calendar plan is the responsibility of the management of any construction organization. High accuracy and indication of all details of future work in the schedule guarantees high quality carrying out the planned work. Creating a work production schedule refers to construction industry, however, knowledge of the principles of its compilation allows you to optimize the activities of any company.

Main functions

Drawing up a work schedule fulfills numerous functions:

A work schedule schedule allows you to develop a construction project for an object of any level of complexity, calculate the necessary financial, human resources, technical support . The development of such documentation for the construction of a specific object occurs within the established time limits associated with the order of execution construction work.

The plan sets specific goals. They are divided into tasks of an independent nature, which can be completed without developing a plan, and tasks of a dependent nature, which without planning impossible to perform. The plan reflects the priority and duration of construction installation work, installation work, electrical installation work, excavation work, finishing works.

Here included timing and order of execution of all construction work, both general and special, which are necessary for construction construction projects. The schedule is drawn up taking into account the time required to complete each type of work, taking into account the composition and quantity of basic resources - people and equipment, as well as a number of individual factors. It allows you to monitor the progress of work and coordinate the work of teams.

How is it compiled?

The head of any company whose field of activity is related to construction must know how to draw up a work schedule. Design has its own sequential execution plan. First, initial data is selected based on a specific project, then the work is detailed, and production standards for labor intensity and material costs are determined.

Then the initial network model is developed. His role is played by a schedule consisting of design, preparation, basic work process and material equipment of each object. They are divided into stages, and the plan is put into operation.

After this, using the initial data, specialists develop local, more detailed graphs, and then a local and general network. The basis for their connection are reference points. The created plan is calculated and analyzed. At the final stage, it is optimized (corrected). The bottom part of the graph shows how capital investments are being absorbed and the labor force is moving.

The following data is processed as initial data:

  • projects that the organization needs to complete;
  • directive tasks, standards for the duration of each construction stage;
  • working drawings and estimates;
  • information about companies, the number of people involved, financial resources, technical base.

The calendar plan is developed according to the following plan:

Construction example

To calculate the network diagram parameters, certain formulas are used. In the calendar production plan two parts are used - calculation and graphic (linear, cyclogram or network).

Column 1 indicates the order in which the work is performed; they are grouped depending on the types and periods. Due to the compressed scope of the schedule, works are combined regardless of their performers. Only parts connecting the work of different brigades are indicated.

Columns 2 and 3 indicate the required amount of work. Unified standards and prices provide a common nomenclature. The volume of specialized processes is determined by their cost (production or performance indicators).

Column 4 consists of the labor intensity of the work, and 5 and 6 - the cost of computer time. The above units of measurement are used and possible productive growth is taken into account. It is also possible to use departmental standards and prices. To simplify calculations, production calculations are used in the form of aggregated standards, taking into account the achieved production level.

By the time the plan is developed, the choice of production methods and the choice of equipment and mechanisms takes place, their intensive operation is taken into account, in accordance with productivity. Therefore, first, the duration of the work is determined using equipment, on which the constructed schedule completely depends, and then the duration of the work performed manually is determined.

The duration of the work process using mechanized equipment is determined by a certain formula. From the number of machine shifts (can be seen under point 6), the figure obtained by dividing the number of units by the number of shifts per day is subtracted. The required amount of equipment is determined by the quantity and nature of construction and installation.

Execution duration handmade also has a formula - labor capacity is divided by the number of people participating in the work process. Column 8 indicates the number of shifts. If special technical devices are used, a two-shift work process is optimal. This figure depends on the requirements specific project and the period of its implementation.

Columns 9 and 10 indicate the number of workers and the composition of the team. Required amount depends on the complexity and duration of the work. At the same time, it is taken into account that the numerical and qualification composition does not change. Professions and qualification levels in one group are placed as rationally as possible.

The team is formed after drawing up an approximate set of works, in accordance with column 1, calculating their labor intensity, according to column 4. Then they select necessary professions and discharges, their optimal combination is determined. The duration of the work process is established, and the number, professional and qualification level working staff.

Development method taking into account reduction of construction time

Construction time is reduced by the method of ceiling-parallel and simultaneous construction and installation. If certain types of work are not related to each other, they are performed simultaneously. However, the workflow remains independent. If there is a technological gap between certain types of work, combined areas are performed together. At the same time, strict control over compliance with labor safety rules is necessary. For example, if installation and finishing are carried out simultaneously, finishing is carried out in the first half of the day, and then the structures are assembled, or vice versa.

The calendar plan (schedule) is one of the main documents as part of the PIC and PPR. The calendar plans, based on the volume of construction and installation work and the adopted organizational and technological decisions, determine the sequence and timing of construction, as well as the necessary material, technical and labor resources. Construction deadlines are established as a result of rational coordination of the implementation of individual types of work, taking into account the composition and quantity of basic resources, as well as specific features construction of the facility.

Based on the calendar plan, they monitor the progress of work and coordinate the activities of performers. The work dates calculated in the calendar plan are used as starting points when developing more detailed planning documents: monthly and weekly-daily schedules, shift assignments.

Schedule plans are drawn up for the construction of the entire facility or for the construction of individual structures included in this facility. The sequence and timing of work according to local schedules must be linked to the general calendar plan for the construction of the facility. The initial data for the development of schedule plans as part of the PPR are: schedule plans as part of the PSP, standard or directive duration of construction, technological maps for road construction work, working drawings and estimates, data on possible performers of work (sections of senior superintendents, foremen, foremen), the composition of teams and the productivity achieved by them, information on available mechanization means and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary material resources.

The work production schedule consists of two parts - calculation and graphic, therefore such plans are often called schedules (Fig. 3.3).

Rice. 3.3. Schedule for the construction of road pavements and sidewalks

The development of a calendar plan begins with establishing a list of works (Column I) performed in a certain technological and organizational sequence. Work should, if possible, be combined and enlarged to make the schedule more compact and convenient. However, it is impossible to combine work performed by different performers, and in a set of works performed by one detachment or brigade, it is necessary to highlight that part that opens the front of work for the next performer.

Then, according to working drawings and estimate documentation determine the scope of work (columns 2, 3). The complexity of the work (column 4) and the cost of machine time (columns 5, 6) are calculated according to the current production planning standards. In urban road organizations They widely use planning standards drawn up for large complexes of interrelated work.

The duration of work (column 7) is established, starting with the main road construction work, the rhythm of which determines the progress of the entire construction. This can be done if the methods of work were previously determined and the means of their mechanization were selected. The number of shifts (column 8) is determined depending on the adopted work technology, time of year, availability of equipment, workers, etc. In this case, it is necessary to strive to use the basic construction machines not in one, but in two shifts.

Depending on the labor intensity and duration of the work, the number of workers required to work during a shift and the composition of the team are determined (Column 9). When calculating the composition of the brigade, it is assumed that the transition from one occupation to another should not cause changes in the numerical and qualification composition of the brigade. The range of work entrusted to the team must include the organization of uninterrupted operation of the leading machines in all technologically related operations.

5.1. Scheduling production of work, depending on the degree of complexity, involves the development of:

complex network schedule for the construction of a complex object or part of it, which determines the sequence and timing of work with the maximum possible combination of them, as well as the standard operating time of construction machines, determines the need for labor resources and means of mechanization, the stages and complexes of work entrusted to teams (including those working using the team contract method) are identified, and their quantitative, professional and qualification composition is determined;

calendar plan for the production of work for the construction of a residential or cultural building or part thereof, for the performance of types of technically complex and large-scale work, including a work schedule and in linear or cyclogram form; the calendar plan identifies the stages and types of work entrusted to complex and specialized teams, and determines their quantitative, professional and qualification composition;

calendar plan for the production of work for the preparatory period of construction, including a work schedule in linear or cyclogram form or a network schedule.

5.2. Approved materials for providing the objects of the annual production program with labor, material and technical resources serve as the basis for the development of work projects for the construction of individual objects. The timing of development of the PPR for each facility is determined in accordance with the construction priority. Among the tasks of a work project, it is advisable to distinguish independent tasks (the solution of which is not related to the development of a calendar plan for the annual program of a construction organization) and dependent tasks (the solution of which is possible only after the development of a calendar plan for the annual program).

5.3. The development of comprehensive network schedules is carried out on the basis of decisions made in the construction organization project and the work schedule for the annual program of the construction and installation organization.

A comprehensive network diagram should reflect:

sequence and timing of construction and installation work, installation of equipment and its testing;

sequence and timing of providing work with material and technical resources and deadlines for commissioning installation of equipment, devices, cable products; deadlines for transfer to the customer after completion of individual tests of the installed equipment for its comprehensive testing.

The development of a comprehensive network schedule is carried out in the following order.

Initial data from the project (including the construction organization project) with the necessary detail of work are selected; labor intensity is determined according to ENiR or production standards; and according to estimates developed on the basis of working drawings, costs.

An initial network schedule (network model) is being developed, which should show the design, preparatory, main work and supply of equipment for each of the facilities, broken down by main stages, as well as commissioning. Based on the initial data, local graphs with greater detail are developed, and then the local networks are “linked” with the general network using the reference points of the original graph. After this, the network diagram is calculated and analyzed.

The final stage is optimization (adjustment) of the schedule; at the bottom of the graph the development of capital investments and the movement of work force.

5.4. The calendar plan for the construction of a residential or cultural building is intended to determine the sequence and timing of general construction, special and installation work carried out during the construction of the facility. These deadlines are established as a result of rationally linking the timing of individual types of work, taking into account the composition and quantity of basic resources, primarily work teams and driving mechanisms, as well as the specific conditions of the construction area, a separate site and a number of other significant factors.

According to the calendar plan, the time demand for labor and material and technical resources is calculated, as well as the delivery time of all types of equipment. These calculations are performed for the facility as a whole and for individual construction periods. Based on the calendar plan, the progress of work is monitored and the work of performers is coordinated. The work dates calculated in the calendar plan are used as starting points in more detailed planning documents, for example, in weekly-daily schedules and shift assignments.

5.5. The initial data for the development of schedules as part of the work project are:

calendar plans as part of the construction organization project;

construction duration standards or directive specifications;

working drawings and estimates;

data on organizations participating in construction, conditions for providing workers for builders in the main professions, the use of collective, team contracting for the performance of work, production and technological equipment and transportation of construction goods, data on available mechanisms and opportunities for obtaining the necessary material resources;

calendar plans for the production of work for the annual program of the construction and installation organization.

The procedure for developing a calendar plan is as follows:

compiles a list (nomenclature) of work;

in accordance with the nomenclature for each type of work, their volumes are determined;

the selection of methods for producing basic work and driving machines is made;

standard machine and labor intensity is calculated;

the composition of brigades and units is determined;

the technological sequence of work is determined;

work shifts are established;

the duration of work and their combination are determined, the number of performers and shifts are adjusted;

the estimated duration is compared with the standard duration and adjustments are made;

Based on the completed plan, schedules of resource requirements are developed.

5.6. If technological maps are available, they are linked to local conditions. Input map data is accepted as calculation data for individual work packages on the facility’s calendar plan. Thus, having a technological map for the installation of a typical stage and the roof of a residential building, to draw up a schedule for the construction of a house, they take the installation deadlines and resource requirements included in the maps.

5.7. The schedule plan for the production of work at the facility consists of two parts: the left - calculated (Table 21) and the right - graphic. The graphic part can be linear (Gantt chart, cyclogram) or network.

Column 1 (list of works) is filled out in the technological sequence of work execution, grouping them by type and period. In order for the schedule to be concise, work, with the exception of those performed by different performers (SU, sections, teams or units), must be combined. In the complex of works of one performer, the part that opens the front for the work of the next team should be shown separately.

Table 21

Scope of work

Labor costs

Required machines


Number of workers

Operating schedule




number of mash. - shifts

work, days

(days, months)

The scope of work (columns 2, 3) is determined according to working drawings and estimates and are expressed in units adopted in the Unified Standards and Prices (ENiR). The volume of special work is determined in monetary terms (according to estimates), if labor intensity is calculated based on output; when using aggregated indicators - in the corresponding meters.

The labor intensity of work (column 4) and the cost of machine time (columns 5, 6) are calculated according to the current ENiR, taking into account the planned increase in labor productivity by introducing a correction factor for exceeding standards. Along with ENiR, local and departmental standards and prices (MNiR, VNiR) are used.

To simplify the calculation, it is advisable to use aggregated standards developed on the basis of production calculations. Integrated standards are drawn up by type of work on a building or part of it (section, span, tier), a structural element (installation of floors with welding of embedded parts) or a complex process (for example, plastering of internal surfaces of houses, including plastering of walls, slopes, traction of rustications with partial notching the surface, carrying the solution).

Integrated standards take into account the achieved level of labor productivity. In the absence of consolidated standards, first a calculation of labor costs is made, the calculation results of which are transferred to the schedule.

By the time the schedule is drawn up, methods of work must be determined and machines and mechanisms selected. When drawing up the schedule, the conditions for intensive operation of the main machines must be provided for. The duration of mechanized work should be determined only by the productivity of the machine. Therefore, first the duration of mechanized work is established, the rhythm of work of which determines the entire construction of the schedule, and then the duration of work performed manually is calculated.

Duration of mechanized work T fur, dn, determined by the formula

T fur = N mash.-cm /( n mung bean m), (28)

Where N mash.-cm – required number of machine shifts (group 6); n mash – number of cars; m- quantity job changes per day (gr. 8).

The required number of machines depends on the volume and nature of construction and installation work and the timing of their completion.

Duration of manual work T p, day, calculated by dividing the labor intensity of the work Q r, person-days, per number of workers n h, which may take up the work front

The maximum number of workers who can work on a site is determined by dividing the work front into plots, the size of which must be equal to the shift productivity of a unit or one worker. The product of the number of plots and the composition of units gives the maximum number of brigades in a given occupation.

Minimizing the duration has a limit in the form of three restrictions: the size of the scope of work, the availability of workers and the technology of work. The minimum duration of individual works is determined by the technology for their implementation.

The number of shifts is reflected in gr. 8. When using main machines (installation cranes, excavators), the number of shifts is at least two. The shift of work performed manually and with the help of mechanized tools depends on the scope of work and the workforce. The number of shifts is also determined by the requirements of the project (continuous concreting, etc.) and the target construction deadlines.

The number of workers per shift and the composition of the team (groups 9 and 10) are determined in accordance with the labor intensity and duration of the work. When calculating the composition of the brigade, it is assumed that the transition from one occupation to another should not cause changes in the numerical and qualification composition. Taking this into account, the most rational combination of professions in the team is established. The calculation of the composition of the brigade is carried out in the following order: a set of works assigned to the brigade is outlined (according to group 1); the labor intensity of the work included in the complex is calculated (column 4); labor costs are selected from the calculation by profession and category of workers; recommendations are established for the rational combination of professions; the duration of the leading process is set based on data on the time required by the leading machine to complete the intended complex; the numerical composition of units and brigades is calculated; The professional and qualification composition of the team is determined.

The range of work entrusted to the team includes all operations necessary for the uninterrupted operation of the driving machine, as well as all technologically related or dependent ones. When constructing the above-ground part of large-panel houses in two cycles, the first, along with installation, includes all the work associated with installation: carpentry, special work, etc., ensuring the preparation of the house for painting work. When constructing brick buildings in three cycles, the first is assigned to the team (along with installation and related) general construction work, providing preparation for plastering. In the second and third cycles, plastering and painting work are performed, respectively.

In order for the size of the team to correspond to the productivity of the leading machine, the calculation basis must be based on the period of work determined by the estimated operating time of the machine.

Quantitative composition of each link n sv is determined on the basis of labor costs on the work assigned to the unit, Q p, person-days, and duration of execution of the leading process T fur, days, according to formula

n sv = Q R / T fur m. (30)

The quantitative composition of the brigade is determined by summing the number of workers at all levels of the brigade.

Labor costs by profession and category are established by sampling from the calculation of labor costs. Number of workers by profession and category n pr is determined by the formula

n pr = N br d, (31)

Where N br - total number of brigade; d– the share of labor costs by profession and category in the total labor intensity of work.

5.8. Work production schedule - the right side of the schedule clearly displays the progress of work over time, the sequence and linkage of work to each other.

Calendar deadlines for the completion of individual works are established based on the condition of observing a strict technological sequence, taking into account the submission of the scope of work for the completion of subsequent ones within the minimum time frame.

The technological sequence of work depends on specific design solutions. Thus, the method of laying internal electrical networks determines the technological sequence of plastering, painting and electrical installation work. Hidden electrical wiring is carried out before finishing work, and with open wiring, plastering work precedes the installation of electrical wiring.

The period of readiness of the work front in some cases increases due to the need to observe technological breaks between two successive works. If necessary, the amount of technological interruptions can be reduced by using more intensive methods.

The technological sequence of performing a number of works also depends on the period of the year and the construction area. On summer period it is necessary to plan the production of the main volumes of earthen, concrete, reinforced concrete work, in order to reduce their labor intensity and cost. If finishing work occurs in the autumn-winter period, then the glazing and heating installation must be completed before the start of finishing work. If external and internal plastering can be done in the warm season, then internal plastering is done first, as this opens the front for subsequent work. But if external internal plastering cannot be completed during this period, then before the onset of cold weather, external plastering work is accelerated, thereby creating conditions for performing internal plastering work in the autumn-winter period, etc.

5.9. The main method of reducing the construction time of objects is the parallel and combined execution of construction and installation work. Work that is not related to each other must be performed in parallel and independently of each other. If there is a technological connection between the work within the common front, the areas of their implementation are shifted accordingly and the work is performed combined. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe labor safety rules. For example, when performing installation and finishing work on one work site during the day, it is necessary to provide for the finishing work to be completed in the first shift, and the installation of structures in the second or third shift.

5.10. Aligning the demand schedule for workers for the facility as a whole is achieved by redistributing the start and end dates of work. But this leveling is relative and is performed only within the limits of a rational technological sequence of work.

5.11. Drawing up a schedule (right side) should begin with the leading work or process, on which the total duration of construction of the facility decisively depends. By comparing with the standard, it is possible, if necessary, to reduce the duration of the leading process, increasing the shift and the number of mechanisms, or the number of performers in work performed manually. Depending on the period for which the schedule is designed and the complexity of the object, there may be several leading processes. The timing of the remaining processes is tied to the leader. All non-leading processes can be divided into two groups: those executed thread-by-thread (usually in an equal or multiple rhythm with the leading thread) and off-thread.

In the first group, the number of performers is determined as the quotient of labor intensity divided by the duration of the leading process. This is how plumbing, electrical installation, carpentry, plastering and other works are designed during the construction of a residential building. Here it remains to bind the start date of one or another specialized thread in relation to the leading one, i.e. set - with a lag of how many captures the next process should start.

The solution lies between the minimum determined by safety considerations and the minimum allowed by the established construction time of the facility.

The duration of processes performed outside the flow is assigned within the technologically determined work periods for them, taking into account the general construction time of the facility.

5.12. The schedule of work carried out during the preparatory period is developed taking into account the accepted construction sequence and scope of work; The data of the construction master plan are also taken into account, since it establishes the range of temporary construction objects and the scope of work. The methodology for developing this plan and the initial data are similar to those adopted for the construction schedule.

The composition and procedure for performing the work of the preparatory period depend on the adopted technology and local conditions. The on-site work of the preparatory period includes work related to the development of the construction site and ensuring the normal start and development of the main construction period, including: creation by the customer of a supporting geodetic network - red lines, benchmarks of the main axes of buildings, supporting construction grid; development of a construction site - clearing the territory, demolishing buildings, etc.; engineering preparation of the site - planning of the territory with the arrangement of organized surface water drainage, construction of permanent or temporary roads, relocation of existing networks and construction of new ones to supply construction with water and electricity; installation of temporary structures; installation of communication means (telephone, radio and teletype) for construction management.

5.13. When designing the work for each specific object, additionally take into account the following main factors: diagram of load-bearing structures (with longitudinal load-bearing walls, with transverse load-bearing partitions, frame-panel, etc.); building construction material (brick, prefabricated or cast-in-place concrete); number of storeys; length and configuration in plan; specified construction deadlines; seasonal conditions of work; the current level of technology and work organization; degree of specialization.

Typically, the construction of a residential building is planned in three cycles.

The first cycle is the construction of the underground part of the house; The leading process is the installation of basement structures. In difficult geological and hydrogeological conditions, the leading work is to construct an artificial foundation. Depending on the design of the basement and the volume of work, divisions are made into sections. To divide the work and organize its continuous execution, it is advisable to have at least two grips.

In buildings with up to four sections, soil excavation is planned in one excavation, and for longer ones - in two or more. In the latter case, the installation of foundations begins after the completion of mechanized soil development at the first site. In the case of a small gap in time between cycles or an insignificant pit depth, when the crane can be installed outside the collapse prism, it is advisable to use a crane designed for the construction of the above-ground part of the building for the installation of the underground part. In any case, the feasibility of choosing a crane must be economically justified.

Installation of prefabricated foundations is carried out simultaneously with manual removal of soil and adding a sand bed.

When using a pile foundation, a multi-grip system should be adopted, optimally with 6 grips - according to the number of processes: striker (1), cutting and preparation of heads (2); cleaning the base of the grillage (3); formwork and reinforcement works (3); concreting (4); concrete curing (5); stripping (6).

Installation (or masonry) of basement walls and partitions includes, in addition to the main work, work on installing horizontal insulation, reinforcing belts, porches, and pits.

Filling the pit cavities from the inside and backfilling under the floors are carried out after the installation of the first row of wall blocks and are planned in a schedule parallel to the installation of the walls.

The installation of outlets and inputs of communications (sewerage, drainage, water supply, heating networks, gas, electricity, telephone, dispatch communications) is provided before filling the pit bosoms from the outside.

Waterproofing the walls is carried out after the installation of the walls is completed, before filling the external sinuses. It is advisable to plan the adhesive waterproofing according to the grips, and the coating waterproofing, taking into account the high productivity of asphalt distributors, can be shown in an out-of-flow graph.

Installation of floors and welding work on them are planned after finishing the concrete floors in the basement. It is impossible to divide the installation of floors into sections equal to those adopted for the installation of walls, since the machine intensity of installation of floors is insignificant compared to the volume of work on the foundations and walls of the underground part of the building.

In table 22 shows a calendar plan for the work on the underground part of a residential 9-storey 6-section house of series I-515 on a strip foundation.

Table 22

Scope of work


Machine capacity


Work days

unit of measurement


capacity, people days

name of the machines

number of machine shifts

duration of work, days

your shift

workers per shift


Excavation of soil with loading into dump trucks


Pom. driver

Digging trenches manually along transverse axes


Removal of soil manually under the base with cleaning

Laying a sand base for foundations


Installation of foundation


tny blocks

Concrete workers

Installation of wall blocks and plinth panels with auxiliary work



Horizontal insulation device on two levels

Concrete workers


Construction of porches and entrances to the technical underground

Concrete workers

Installation of outlets, inputs and transit communications in the technical underground



Backfilling and preparation for floors


Concrete workers

Installation of staircase ceilings


marches and platforms with welding and auxiliary

Concrete workers

heavy duty work

Installation of monolithic seals


Vertical coating waterproofing of walls with bitumen for

Asphalt distributor

Concrete carpenter


Concrete workers

Filling the sinuses from the outside


from dump trucks with manual compaction


Note: One ruler – 1st grip; two lines – 2nd grip.

The second cycle - construction of the above-ground part of the house - includes: construction of the above-ground part with related work; civil works; special (sanitary, electrical, etc.). The leading process of this cycle is the installation (or masonry) of the structures of the above-ground part of the house (box). Depending on the structure and volume of the house, division is made into sections. When installing the frame, single-section buildings (towers) are not divided into sections in plan. Related work (welding, sealing and sealing joints, jointing) is carried out simultaneously with installation in different areas. Vertically, the box is divided into tiers equal to one floor, except for frame buildings with columns 2 floors high; in this case, 2 floors are taken as a tier. Extended buildings are divided into sections, the size of which is taken to be equal to the minimum floor - section and the maximum floor of the house. Usually, half a floor is taken as an occupation in houses with 3 to 6 sections.

The basis for the construction of multi-section buildings, regardless of their design, is the following technological principles: installation of structures in two parallel streams (3, 4 and 5 sections in each) using two tower cranes; combination with installation of subsequent general construction and special works. In this case, the building is divided into two sections, and each section, in turn, is divided into occupations. Construction work, combined with the installation of structures, is carried out simultaneously in two areas, but at different stages and areas.

When drawing up a schedule, in addition to purely installation work, it is necessary to provide for the supply of various component materials and parts to the floor - prefabricated elements of ventilation ducts and garbage chutes, electrical panels, heating devices, pipework blanks. In parallel with the installation of structures, it is recommended to carry out work on the installation of fencing for stairs and balconies. With a delay of 1 - 2 floors, general construction work should be planned; their composition is listed in the attached calendar plan for the construction of a large-panel house, table. 23.

Table 23


Volume of work

Crane operation,

Labor intensity,





Installation of floors with welding and sealing of joints. Supply of materials to floors

Roof installation, floor insulation, supply of materials

Joining the seams of external walls from the inside and outside

Welding of railings for balconies and stairs

Filling door and window openings, installing cabinets, building extensions, installing appliances, covering overhangs

Caulking of junctions of panel partitions

Waterproofing of bathrooms and balconies with preparation for floors

Plastering and tiling works

Soft roof installation

Electrical installation work

Plumbing work

Linoleum flooring in the room

Painting works

Continuation of table 23


Brigade composition

Work days


Installation of floors with welding and sealing of joints. Supply of materials to floors


Roof installation, floor insulation, supply of materials



Joining the seams of external walls from the internal and external


on this side

Concrete workers

Welding of beam fencing

new and stairs


Filling door and window openings, installing cabinets, building extensions, installing appliances, covering overhangs


Caulking of junctions of panel partitions

Preparation device for floors with screed

Waterproofing of bathrooms and

Concrete workers

balconies with preparation for floors


Plastering and tiling works


Soft roof installation



Electric installation work

Electrical installation-

Roof floors 1–5 cycle II

Plumbing work

Roof floors 1–5 cycle III

Linoleum flooring in the room

Painting works


Painting works



The design of special works - sanitary and electrical installations - is carried out in conjunction with general construction and finishing works. Special work is carried out in parallel on two floors:

Stage 1 – before plastering work with a delay of one or two floors from installation. The work is planned in sections with steps equal to the rhythm of floor installation.

Stage II - according to the cycles of readiness for painting work (does not coincide for sanitary and electrical work). The completion of all special work must correspond to the finishing deadlines. Work at this stage is carried out, as a rule, outside the flow - without division into tasks.

Stage I of sanitary work includes installation of internal cold and hot water supply, heating and gas supply systems. In winter, additional work should be provided to install temporary systems for heating the floors being finished.

Stage II of sanitary work begins after the first cycle of painting work, when preparations for the final painting in sanitary units and kitchens have been completed, which opens the door for the installation of sanitary equipment. All sanitary and technical work is carried out by one team, which does not exclude internal specialization (unit for assembling sewer cast iron pipelines, unit for welding steel pipes).

Stage I of electrical installation work includes: marking routes, punching and drilling sockets, grooves and furrows, laying risers, pipes and sleeves for hidden wiring, laying out wires with partial embedding in walls and in preparation for floors, installation of junction boxes, floor cabinets and panels and etc.

Stage II of electrical installation and low-current work begins after painting the ceilings and ends after pasting (painting) the walls. Work at this stage is carried out outside the flow without division into sections. After painting - “opening” the ceilings in the apartments, hanging sockets and lamps is carried out. After pasting or painting the walls, switches, sockets, bells, and lampshades are installed. Upon completion of the finishing work in the house, low-current wiring for the radio broadcast network, dispatch communications, and fire alarms is carried out. As a rule, both high-current and low-current work are performed by the same units, but in conditions of high concentration of construction, low-current devices are installed by specialized organizations.

Elevator installation work is carried out by specialized subcontractors. Elevator tubing is installed by the complex team that installs the house. Elevator installation mechanics begin to align elements and install elevator components during the installation of the upper floors within a time frame that ensures timely completion of the work. The start of these works in 9-story buildings occurs after the completion of the assembly of seven floors. Alignment of elements and installation of elevator assemblies are carried out on grips free from the installation of house structures.

The third cycle is the production of finishing work in a residential building. Plastering work in brick buildings is carried out by specialized teams (units) of finishing control systems, and in prefabricated buildings - by complex teams. Depending on the established deadlines and the availability of labor, plasterers occupy the entire front of the work at once or perform the work using the continuous method, taking the floor of the house as the occupation and moving in steps equal to the installation of the floor. Tiling work is carried out in one cycle with plastering.

Painting work is carried out on all floors simultaneously, divided into two stages. At stage 1, puttying and painting of ceilings, painting of loggias, balconies, external window slopes, preparation for wallpapering and painting of walls and carpentry are carried out. The laying of parquet and linoleum with the sewing of skirting boards can begin after the last wet process - “opening the ceilings” and, like painting work, can be carried out outside the flow. As these works are completed, the front opens for stage II of painting work.

At the second stage of painting work, wallpapering, painting of walls and carpentry are carried out.

The combination of plastering and tiling, painting and parquet, painting and special works is achieved by dividing the scope of work within a section, floor and even apartment. Carrying out painting work, especially those related to stage II, divided into sections by stages is impractical. Stage II of painting work must be carried out immediately throughout the house, in a short time, before putting it into operation.

The work schedule is one of the main documents of the project. It was developed on the basis of the standard construction period, the nomenclature of construction and installation work, the volume and cost of labor for their implementation, accepted methods of work, compliance with labor protection and safety requirements.

The calendar plan is made in linear form.

Work in the calendar plan is recorded in the technological sequence of their implementation. Selected species works that can be performed jointly are combined.

We take the number of grips equal to N=4.

Works 3 to 5 are organized in a continuous flow with a multiple rhythm.

The name of the machines, their brand and quantity are adopted according to the chosen methods of work. The need for machine shifts of driving machines of an excavator and bulldozer is determined by the statement (Table 1). The number of machine shifts of auxiliary machines and mechanisms (cranes, pipe-laying cranes, welding machines, etc.) is determined by the duration of the work where they are used:

where: t – duration of work on which the machine (mechanism) is used, days;

n cm – number of work shifts per day;

m – number of machines (mechanisms).

We select the composition of units for each job or their complex in accordance with the recommendations of EniR.

The duration of work performed manually T p (days) is calculated by dividing the labor intensity of the work Q p (person days) by the number of workers N who can occupy the work front, and the number of shifts per day t cm:

The duration of mechanized work is set based on the productivity of the machines:

where: Q fur is the complexity of mechanized work, the need for machine see.,

m – number of cars.

The quality of the developed calendar plan is assessed by the coefficient of uneven movement of workers:

, (11)

where: N max – maximum number of workers according to the labor movement schedule, people;

N avg – average number of workers, people, which is determined by the formula:

where: Q is the total shift labor intensity of construction and installation work, defined as the area of ​​the diagram of the labor flow schedule;

T – duration of work on site, (days).

Justification of the work schedule

Work in the calendar plan is recorded in the technological sequence of their implementation. Work begins on May 18. Before the main construction, preliminary work lasting 6 days is provided. Next comes the excavation work from May 22 to 26: cutting off the vegetation layer of the soil, loosening the soil and its development; these works can be performed together, so they are combined. One tractor or bulldozer is provided for each type of work, the total duration will be 4 days.

Manual excavation work (layer-by-layer manual excavation, cleaning the bottom of the trench), which follows mechanized work, is also combined, 5 excavators will work 8 days in 2 shifts. The assembly of pipes into links on the edge, welding and welding of joints are carried out jointly by a team of 6 people from May 25 to June 6: 3 welders and 3 installers. Next comes the construction of wells, this work performed by 2 teams of 6 installers in 2 shifts from May 29 to June 12. After this, from June 8 to June 22, the pipe links are laid in a trench, the pipe joints are grabbed and welded (these works are combined into one).

After completion of welding work, hydraulic tests are carried out in 2 shifts for 2 days starting from June 22. Next, fixed supports are arranged. Then, from June 27 to July 10, valves, compensators are installed and anti-corrosion insulation of joints is carried out. These works are combined into one and last 9 days. This is followed by thermal insulation work (18 days starting from July 4): installation of thermal insulation, installation of a wire mesh frame, plastering of the insulation surface. The above listed works are performed separately with maximum overlap in time. Next comes backfilling the trench, first by hand and then with a bulldozer. Next, final hydraulic tests are carried out for 3 days - from August 24 to August 26 inclusive.

The work, from layer-by-layer manual development to welding of pipe joints in a trench, is organized in a continuous manner with a multiple rhythm of 4. The remaining work is combined in time as far as possible, except for hydraulic tests, which begin after the completion of all work, and subsequent work begins after the completion of hydraulic tests. The total duration of work is 73 working days.