Breeding partridges at home. Advantages and disadvantages of breeding. How to make your own brooder for small chicks

Breeding wild partridges is a very competitive and profitable business, as the demand and prices for meat and eggs of this bird are growing. To make a profit, beginning farmers will only need to properly equip a chicken coop and purchase several adult birds.

It is believed that in Russian village there is no work, so those who want to earn good money must leave for the city. In fact, if you have at least a minimal entrepreneurial spirit, hard work and ingenuity, you can have a stable high income even in the most remote village. IN last years Among village residents, this type of income is gaining popularity: raising partridges. And although caring for this bird, somewhat exotic for our villagers, is more difficult than caring for chickens, market price partridge meat and eggs are much higher.

Where to begin?

By and large, anyone who has at least a small utility room can start breeding and keeping partridges at home. If you wish, you can even set up this business in a garage, although it would, of course, be better suited for these purposes Vacation home with two dozen acres of adjacent land. Moreover, if the business is illegal at first, as is often the case with us, it is much easier to hide from the tax authorities in the village than in the middle of a metropolis.

The first thing any commercial project begins with is drawing up a clear business plan. Before purchasing building materials for a chicken coop and looking for poultry suppliers, you should carefully calculate all costs, find out how to sell finished products and current prices for them. Only after making sure that the project will be profitable under current circumstances can you begin to create a farm.

Since not many enterprises are engaged in breeding partridges in Russia (which, in fact, is good, because the competition will be low), you may have to go to another region several hundred kilometers to get the first batch of young animals. It is better to purchase several pairs (unlike most poultry, partridges are monogamous), having received offspring from which in the future it will be possible to form the required number of livestock.

Usually, at the start, 4-5 pairs of adult partridges are purchased, but you can purchase chicks or even eggs. Purchasing adult birds carries less risk, although it will cost much more. On the other hand, an entrepreneur with extensive experience in breeding poultry, can safely start with incubation.

For partridges, the same room is suitable as is usually used for ordinary chickens. That is, they can be kept in a spacious enclosure, which is adjacent to a barn where the bird spends the night, and in a completely enclosed room. The second involves breeding partridges in cages without the opportunity to walk freely in the fresh air.

Today, this area of ​​poultry farming has just begun to develop, so there is no consensus among farmers regarding the more preferable technique. Some argue that partridges definitely need to go for a walk, since they are still a wild bird. Others are confident that partridges can easily live in compact isolated cages. Thus, the final choice remains with the entrepreneur himself.

In any case, partridges need a warm room without drafts. The floor of the chicken coop (or cage) must be covered with dry straw or hay so that the bird feels warm and comfortable. The flooring needs to be changed regularly - at least twice a week. If the bird is raised not for meat, but for eggs, laying hens require a room with good sound insulation so that the bird is not frightened by external sounds and lays normally.

It is important to note that, unlike chickens, partridges fly well, so for walks in the fresh air they need not just a pen, but an aviary, even covered with netting on top. At the same time, at the entrance to the aviary it is necessary to arrange a small canopy or vestibule with a second door, so that the bird does not fly out at the moment when a person enters.

The diet of partridges is generally similar to that of chicken, although it has some peculiarities. At the same time, you should also strictly monitor the cleanliness of feeders and drinkers. It is unacceptable for food and dirt to accumulate in them for many days. If you do not clean feeders and drinkers daily, there is a risk of infectious diseases that are quite difficult to fight.

Pros and cons of partridges

From an organizational point of view production process raising partridges is fundamentally no different from raising chickens, ducks or geese. Partridges have their own specific characteristics that should be taken into account, but in general they are no more difficult to deal with than ordinary poultry. At the same time, the business of breeding them has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. This bird is quite unpretentious in food and living conditions. By and large, raising partridges is no more difficult than raising chickens or geese.
  2. Partridge meat and eggs are valued higher than chicken eggs. In other words, with comparable volumes of investment, the profit margins will be much greater.
  3. The demand for partridge meat and eggs significantly exceeds supply. At the moment, very few farms in Russia are engaged in breeding partridges. Hunters also meet part of the demand. But in general, the level of competition in this segment is simply not comparable to the level of competition in the chicken business.

To be fair, it should be noted that raising partridges also has some negative aspects:

  1. The cost of one adult bird is about a thousand rubles. And to start a business, you need to either buy about a dozen individuals and spend more than a year forming a full-fledged herd, or buy several dozen individuals at once, which will cost a very significant amount.
  2. Since the industry is quite new for Russia, there are no well-developed methods and technologies for breeding partridges at home as such. Each farm develops its own approach.
  3. There are no specialized drugs against infectious diseases in partridges, and therefore it is critically important to prevent outbreaks of diseases in such a farm. Otherwise, the territory of the enterprise will become unsuitable for raising partridges for many years to come.

Planting eggs and raising young animals

While a chicken business can be built entirely on purchased young animals, chicken farming farms are forced to form a livestock exclusively on their own. At the start, you can purchase several adult individuals for breeding, but each time buying young animals from the outside will be too expensive. In view of this, an entrepreneur who decides to start breeding partridges should carefully study the process of incubating eggs.

Since the partridge is a wild bird, which today cannot even be considered domesticated, it hatches eggs only from March to July. Under natural conditions, a partridge's clutch does not exceed 15 eggs, but in captivity, a partridge can produce about 60 eggs, which can be turned into chickens using an incubator. True, for a bird to produce so many eggs, it needs a balanced diet and daylight hours of at least 15 hours (that is, it will have to be artificially extended with the help of fluorescent lamps).

Those chicks that have hatched from eggs hatched by the partridge herself can be left with their mother for several days. But then they should still be transplanted into a separate cage. In the future, until they mature, young birds should be kept separate from adult birds.

You can learn more about raising partridges at home in specialized books and magazines.

Expenses and income

Poultry farming is a fairly common type today. family business, not to mention that 90% of villagers keep chickens, geese and ducks to meet their own needs for meat and eggs. However, partridges are wild birds, the breeding of which in captivity has not yet been established. Consequently, those who decide to take up this particular bird species can count on very low competition and consistently high demand. True, consumers of partridge meat are concentrated almost exclusively in large cities, so it makes no sense to look for markets in regional centers.

Concerning starting investments, then if there is a village estate with outbuildings, the volume of investments will be initial stage may limit itself to purchasing a batch of adult birds for their further reproduction. And you can adapt any barn as a chicken coop using only available materials and a little wire mesh.

But even if the partridge barn has to be built from scratch, the costs small chicken coop will hardly exceed 50 thousand rubles. Adding in 10-12 thousand rubles for the purchase of several pairs of partridges and about 20 thousand rubles for an annual supply of food for them and their chicks, we get about 80 thousand rubles in start-up costs. Compared to other types of business, this is very little.

Now about income. Partridge eggs cost about 15 rubles apiece, which is several times more expensive chicken eggs. Considering that each female produces about 50 eggs in the first year, the very first batch of adult birds purchased externally will produce 200-250 eggs. In the first year, all of them will have to be used to expand the herd, therefore, in the second year the herd size will be about 200 individuals (we make a significant allowance for marriage). If they are all immediately used up, the average profit from one carcass will be about 1,000 rubles. Gross income from the sale of meat will be equal to 200,000 rubles per year.

Of course, this calculation is very conditional. Specific financial results Breeding partridges at home depends on what percentage of eggs goes to expand the population and what percentage is sold. Also, profit margins depend on the presence or absence of other expense items - wages, transportation costs, etc.

Due to the ease of maintenance, domestic quail enjoys the status of being a favorite of owners, providing them with healthy products. Proper arrangement of housing for these birds is a guarantee good growth and reproduction, allowing to obtain a sufficient amount of meat and eggs. You can make cages for quails with your own hands using simple diagrams and drawings.

Basic requirements for quail cages

When deciding to have quails, it is advisable to worry in advance about the availability of durable and comfortable cages that will provide the necessary conditions for the birds to live. The designs can be purchased in specialized stores, but for those who like reasonable savings the best option will be creating them with your own hands. This will not only save money, but also optimize the space as much as possible.

There are certain requirements for the living conditions and cages for quails.

  1. Absence of dampness in the room, compliance with certain temperature regime within 18–20 degrees. This significantly reduces the number of bird diseases that lead to death.
  2. When placing quails in cages, it is important to maintain their number. So, a dozen birds selected for breeding will need a cage of 15–17 dm². And to obtain edible eggs and meat, the planting density should not exceed 10–12 dm².
  3. The size of the mesh cells should be selected depending on the age group of the birds. Too large is not suitable for young animals; chicks will easily get through it.

When creating a cage, you should remember that quails are very shy and do not tolerate a large number of external stimuli. Protect them from exposure to drafts, loud noise and excess light. Regardless of the type of construction chosen, the cage should be as closed as possible and made of durable material.

Materials from which you can make your own cells

The most acceptable options for creating back and side walls are boards, galvanized, plastic and plywood. And the front part of the cage is traditionally made of medium-sized mesh or rods located at a short distance from each other. There is a hanging feeder at the front.

The front of the cage is made of lattice, leaving a hole for birds to feed.

To maintain cleanliness in the quail cage, its bottom is made of fine mesh, under which a tray should be installed to allow the removal of accumulated droppings. Such homemade cages can be installed on top of each other, which saves space in the room.

As the experience of most bird owners shows, cages made entirely of mesh material are completely unsuitable for keeping them. In such structures, quail behave restlessly, due to constant stress they practically do not lay eggs, gain weight poorly, and crush each other.

Cell parts are made from different materials:

You can make a cage from combined materials yourself Frame cages are made from metal profiles The mesh cage must be reinforced with dense materials: wood, plywood or fabric Quail battery helps save space

When making cages for quails, it is very important to take into account the age of the birds and final goal content. There are several main types of structures:

  • brooders: for small chicks from birth to 10 days;
  • cages for young animals up to 45 days old;
  • structures in which adult birds are kept;
  • cells for producing food eggs;
  • separate quarters for the parent flock;
  • special cages for fattening meat.

Professional breeders immediately place newly hatched chicks in specially equipped brooders. They allow you to maintain the necessary temperature for the harmonious and proper development of young animals. In addition, such structures must be additionally equipped with a round-the-clock lighting system, without which the full growth of chicks is impossible. These cages must be closed type with a mesh cell size of 10x10 mm. The feeder and drinker are placed inside the box. It is advisable that quails remain in such conditions for 2–3 weeks from the moment of birth.

Quail brooders - gallery

It is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature and lighting inside the brooder. A brooder helps raise up to 90% of young quails Brooder provides good conditions for the growth and development of quails

Grown-up quails should be transferred to a new cage equipped with a larger floor mesh, which allows for thorough cleaning. The recommended cell size is 16x24 mm. The structure itself can also be made from a mesh with a cell size of 24x24 mm.

The best option for adult quails is combined cages made of plywood and mesh. To ensure the comfort of the hens, the bottom of the structure should be located at a slope of 7 to 8 degrees to the drinking bowl. The cage requires an egg collector, which can be organized by extending the length of the bottom, equipped with a limiter. The cell size of the bottom mesh should be 16x24 mm, and to create the side walls, a mesh with a cell size of 32x48 mm is suitable.

Sizes and layouts of cages depending on the number of birds

The main task of a poultry farmer who breeds quails for the purpose of obtaining meat is to create conditions under which the birds will be inactive. To do this, during the manufacture of the cage, the parameters of its height are reduced. Such structures are traditionally made of mesh with a mesh size of 32x48 mm, which provides a sufficient level of illumination that affects the growth of the bird.

Cage size depending on the number of birds bred for meat - table

The optimal height of the structure is usually 240–250 mm. For one quail to live, according to rough calculations, 1.5 dm 3 of the area of ​​the entire structure is required. With closer planting, it will not be possible to achieve good egg production and weight gain.

If we are talking about keeping adult individuals in order to obtain the maximum number of eggs, then specifications cells can be like this:

  • height - 170–240 mm;
  • width - 1 thousand mm;
  • depth - 600 mm;
  • watering front - 10 heads per drinking bowl;
  • feeding front - 25 mm per head.

A homemade feeder, used both for raising poultry for meat and for increasing egg production, must correspond to the optimal dimensions:

  • width - 50 mm;
  • outer side height - 80 mm;
  • the height of the inner side is 50 mm.

Multi-tier cell batteries

Often, to rationally use space in a room, cells are placed on top of each other, creating a single block with several tiers.

When creating cell batteries, consider some nuances:

  • raise the lowest cage above the floor by 80–100 cm. This allows for comfortable maintenance and protects the birds from the unwanted effects of drafts;
  • the maximum number of tiers in a battery should be five, provided there are no more than 30 quails in one cage. This way it is possible to avoid pushing through the mesh floor, as a result of which the eggs stop rolling into the egg collectors.
  • Place the door at the front of the structure. This option is convenient if you have several cell batteries standing nearby.
  • To achieve maximum stability, attach the battery to the wall of the room. This will help prevent the entire structure from suddenly falling.

Drawings and step-by-step manufacturing instructions

One of the simplest cages for quails is a structure made of galvanized mesh. It is useful for temporarily keeping older birds and can act as an element of a multi-tiered structure. To make it you will need:

  • galvanized mesh - 1 m²;
  • wire or plastic clamps;
  • cutting tool.
  1. Measure 105x70 cm of material and cut out the main blank.
  2. After this, cut out two side walls measuring 30x30 cm from the remaining parts of the mesh.
  3. On the main workpiece, make bends corresponding to the following parameters: front wall height - 16 cm, back wall - 14 cm, width - 30 cm.
  4. The rest of the material will be useful for organizing the egg collector. When creating it, be sure to bend the end to a height of 3 cm to prevent the eggs from rolling out.
  5. Fasten the structure using plastic clamps or pieces of wire.
  6. Equip the floor of the cage with an additional mesh with a smaller cell, cut to size. Secure it with wire staples.
  7. At the top of the structure, cut out a door, the dimensions of which will allow you to easily place the bird inside.

When bending the mesh, it is not always possible to make right angles. You can cope with this problem by using two edged boards connected by loops. Carefully insert the mesh into the gap between them and, having measured the required length, fold the boards together.

Making a cage from galvanized mesh - video

To make a litter box, you can use any materials treated with antiseptics. In this case, the side walls of the structure act as a support, allowing you to easily insert a manure container of the required size.

Cages made of plywood or wood for young and adult birds

Cages made of plywood are no less convenient and functional. The low cost of this material allows for significant savings on their production. Such structures are suitable for containing not large quantity birds are the best option for young animals.

The process of assembling a plywood cage involves the initial creation of a reliable frame. However, in some cases, the walls can be secured using wooden blocks.

Instructions for making a cage from plywood with your own hands.

Several of these cells, installed one on top of the other, create a battery that saves space in the room.

DIY version of a plywood cage - video

Plastic cage

A plastic quail cage is a simple and cost-effective option. It can be made from ordinary lattice boxes used as packaging elements. The advantages of a plastic cage are its low cost, ease of manufacture, maintenance and durability.

To create such a cell you will need:

  • three boxes of equal dimensions;
  • flexible strong wire;
  • file for working on plastic and metal;
  • sharp knife.

When choosing suitable boxes, you should take into account that the height of one of them should be 30 cm. It will be located in the center of the structure, and all the rest will become its parts, including the ceiling, lid and tray.

Instructions for assembling the cage.

  1. Cut off any protruding parts of the main box along the top edge.
  2. Connect it to the bottom drawer using the existing legs and grooves.
  3. Secure a second low box at the top. Use double-sided mounting tape, rope or wire as fastenings.
  4. Attach a door cut like a hatch to the roof of the cage. To do this, make slits on three sides and bend the fourth up. It is advisable to attach a wire lock loop to the hatch.
  5. Cut the outer front wall in several places for birds to feed.
  6. Below, mount a hanging feeder in the form of a trough and a drinking bowl.

The holes in the front wall should be of sufficient size so that the bird can easily stick its head through and reach the feeder.

Making a simple plastic cage - video

How to make your own brooder for small chicks

Quail chicks require special conditions, which the brooder can provide. To make it you will need:

  • plywood sheet 10 mm thick, size 1525x1525 mm;
  • wooden beam with a section of 20x30 mm and a length of 1200 mm;
  • galvanized mesh with a cell of 10x10 mm;
  • PVC panel;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • two piano hinges 300 mm each.

Dimensions of required parts - table

Details Quantity (pcs.) Size(mm)
Side walls 2 480x500
Rear wall, bottom and ceiling 3 700x500
Pallet slides and mesh bottom 6 4 things. - 460x20, 2 pcs. - 660x20
Top part 1 640x50
Bottom part 1 640x60
Sidewalls 2 400x50
Frame for mesh bottom 4 2 pcs. - 660x20 and 2 pcs. - 480x20
Doors 2 400x445
Rails for pallet frame 4 2 pcs. sizes 655x20 and 475x20
Facial detail 1 700x95

Instructions for making a brooder.

  1. First you need to make blanks from which the main structure, equipped with a pallet, will be assembled. To do this, cut four planks measuring 460x20 mm from plywood. They will serve as side walls. You will also need two end strips measuring 960x20 mm.
  2. Then fasten the planks using self-tapping screws as shown in the photo in steps 2 and 3.
  3. Create a frame from pre-prepared parts, which you will install as shown in the photo (step 4 and 5). Install door hinges on the front of the side strips. Attach the structure to the main body.
  4. Next comes the stage of making a mesh bottom resembling a sandwich. Fix the cut piece of mesh between the wooden planks using self-tapping screws (step 6).
  5. The manure catcher is made in the same way as the floor, but instead of mesh, use solid material. On the front side, equip the structure with an additional bar to prevent droppings from spilling out (step 7).

DIY brooder for quails - video

Growing and breeding partridges for the sale of eggs and meat can be classified as a competitive and quickly profitable business due to the constant demand for its products. To get started, it is enough to properly equip the chicken coop and purchase adult birds. This solution will allow you to achieve a stable income that can be received even in a remote village. When choosing a business niche, many avoid the field of breeding and caring for wild birds, since caring for them is not easy, but the market value of partridge meat and eggs is much higher than similar products.

Breeding exotic birds as a business

Business relevance

Raising partridges is actual business due to the high cost of products and the lack of need to create special conditions for keeping exotic birds.

Many entrepreneurs do not want to work in this niche because they consider it complex and narrow, so there are practically no competitors in it. By engaging in this type of activity, you can earn income not only from selling meat, but also from eggs.

Business registration

Before equipping the premises and purchasing poultry, it is necessary to register the planned activity. At the initial stage, opening is enough individual entrepreneurship. As your business expands, you may think about changing your status to entity. When preparing documentation, you should indicate the type of activity “poultry breeding”. After renting a premises for poultry planting or its construction, it is necessary to obtain permission to begin work from the authorized bodies of the SES and fire inspection. The document will be issued subject to certain conditions being met. In the general package of documents, the entrepreneur must submit for consideration:

  • lease agreement or papers on ownership of buildings;
  • an insurance contract in case of fire, in which the third party beneficiary is the lessor or owner of nearby facilities;
  • contract for disinfection and deratization work.

At the stage of product sales, it is necessary to control it by the veterinary service, so you will have to draw up another contract to check the meat for compliance with the regulations of legal acts. During the operation of the farm, at the stage of slaughter and preparation of meat for sale, as well as during the storage of eggs and their packaging, SES checks are possible. Their competence includes monitoring the compliance of storage areas for finished products with regulatory requirements, as well as the absence of pathogenic microorganisms in them.

Entrepreneurial risks

Partridge eggs

Breeding and keeping partridges at home involves risks due to the nuances of the business. Financial losses may be associated with the death of birds due to their diseases, as well as due to a decrease in egg production. Partridges are susceptible to various infectious diseases due to weak immunity. Diseases can be prevented by introducing vitamins and microelements into the diet, as well as by timely preventive feeding of poultry with medications.

Females lose the ability to lay eggs after 9 months, so if the entrepreneur does not prepare a change in livestock in advance, he will have to suffer losses due to the lack of product for sale. A negative point can also be the loss regular customers, for which the product manufacturer is its supplier.

A bird may lose weight or stop laying eggs in stressful situations caused by strong noise, changes in food, or inconsistencies in the temperature and humidity conditions in the room where the partridges are kept. For this reason, before purchasing poultry, an entrepreneur needs to become familiar with the peculiarities of its maintenance.

Read also: Breeding ostriches as a business: where to start, how to succeed

The negative side of business is the need to receive permits for doing business. When selling products, you will have to cooperate with the veterinary service to obtain certificates of product compliance with the regulated legal acts requirements.

Premises requirements

Breeding partridges at home for beginners will not cause difficulties if the entrepreneur is competent in this matter.

He needs to study the relevant literature and also consult with people specializing in this field. One of the conditions for ensuring the normal life of the bird is the arrangement of outbuildings in which the bird will be housed. There should be no drafts in the room, it should be warm and ventilated on one side as needed. It should contain clean and dry bedding. An area for poultry walking should be set up next to the pen.

Partridge cages

When determining the size of the required area, you should focus on standard norms, according to which one square meter of space is needed for the normal life of one individual. Only chicks can be kept in a cage, and it is better to place an adult bird in an aviary.

Where to begin

Before registering a business activity, you need to try in practice what kind of business it is and whether it is suitable. To do this, it is recommended to buy partridges for breeding, lay the eggs under the female and raise the chicks to adults. This solution will allow:

  • assess your own capabilities and desire to engage in activities in the chosen niche;
  • gain practical skills in caring for partridges;
  • identify possible difficulties that may be encountered;
  • calculate business profitability.

Hatching chicks

In order for a poultry farming business to bring constant profit, it is necessary to take care of updating and increasing the number of livestock. You can buy chicks, however, it is more profitable to breed the offspring yourself. When planning a large number of livestock, it is recommended to purchase an incubator in which chicks can be hatched from partridge eggs.

Female exotic birds are excellent mothers, so they can hatch chicks on their own. One individual can carry a load of incubating up to 25 eggs. To do this, they need a basket filled with hay. Place the required number of eggs in it. They should not touch each other. You need to place a hen on the eggs, which, due to the special physiological cycle in the body, is ready to become a mother. She will perform all other actions independently.

Caring for chicks

Chicks hatch from eggs on day 25. If they were hatched by a hen, then she can be trusted to care for them during the first days of their life. After a maximum of a week, it is recommended to place the chicks in a separate enclosure. They should not be placed together with an adult bird.

In the first days, babies should be fed boiled yolks. Gradually, greens in the form of nettles, dandelions and cabbage should be introduced into the diet. On the fifth day of life, you can introduce boiled meat, larvae and white bread crumbs into the diet. Little by little, crushed raw grain should be added to the mixture. Chicks should be fed twice a day.

Feeding the bird

Proper feeding of poultry is a guarantee of the success of a business project. Partridges should receive a balanced diet that would improve their body’s immune response to various infections, and would also ensure maximum body weight gain and egg production parameters.

Partridge dish

Partridges are unpretentious eaters. It is enough for them to include mixtures of wheat, oats and corn in their diet. You should not overfeed partridges, so as not to provoke diseases of the digestive system in them, which will cause the cessation of egg production and a decrease in body weight. Lack of food can lead to the same problems. Its quantity must be calculated in such a way that in the warm season one individual receives 300 calories of food. During the cold season, the figure should be reduced to 90 calories.

And although partridges are mainly kept in enclosures and in small rooms, you may need a cage for temporary winter housing of birds or for short-term housing of several pairs. For this, of course, you don’t need to buy anything, since you can make cages for partridges with your own hands. How? Find out with us.

If you are seriously interested in breeding and raising these birds, then you have often come across information that a cage is not the best home for partridges. Yes, that is right. They are not very suitable for long-term keeping and as the main breeding place, since, unlike an aviary, they are far from natural conditions bird habitation. Do not forget that the partridge is, first of all, a wild bird that requires special attention.

In different countries, partridges are kept in all kinds of cages and cages. For example, in many French farms it is customary to build mesh enclosures for these birds, raised above the ground by about 70 centimeters. The side walls of such houses are made of plywood or plastic, the floor is made of mesh with a cell of 1x1 centimeter, the ceiling is made of fine mesh and also covered with a sheet of plastic. Such enclosures contain up to 50 birds at the rate of 3 individuals per square meter.

In Hungary, for example, wild birds at home they are kept in floor enclosures with plank walls and a mesh top. Outside the breeding season, five individuals live in such enclosures, females separated from males. In Italy, it is customary to raise partridges in battery cages for ordinary chickens. As you can see, the concept of keeping and growing these “beauties” in many foreign countries fit differently. Our experience in breeding birds still shows that it is better to raise partridges in aviaries or special raised cages.

So, to make cages for partridges with your own hands, first of all, you need to prepare required material and tools. How much material to take depends on how many partridges will live in the cage and how many total livestock you have. It is best to calculate 1 square meter for three individuals. For construction we will need:

  • wooden blocks or boards;
  • plywood sheets;
  • mesh with a small cell for walls and ceilings, with a medium cell for the floor;
  • woodworking tools;
  • wire;
  • nails.

  1. The first thing we start with when making a cage with our own hands is a frame made of wooden blocks. First, we need to make three compartments, the middle of which (length about 120 centimeters) will be covered on all sides with mesh (cell size approximately 1.5-2 centimeters), the rest will be covered with plywood.
  2. We make two side compartments, each 40 centimeters long.
  3. There is a frame, now we cover it with material: the floor is mesh, the top and side walls of the middle compartment are mesh, the remaining two compartments are covered on all sides (except the floor) with plywood sheets.
  4. We attach special fastenings to both ends of the cage, on which we hang feeding boxes. We also make them from plywood or, if possible, from plastic. Feeder size: height – about 50 centimeters, width – 15 centimeters. We make sure to install a comfortable drinking bowl inside. Automatic is possible, but regular is better.
  5. Now we make the supports-legs for our cage and everything is ready. All that remains is to plant the partridges.

DIY drawing with dimensions of a partridge cage

For more details on how such a cage should look, see the photo and drawing. Good luck!

In this video, using Boris Kravchik’s Don Zoo nursery as an example, you can see how crowned partridges live in a cage. Find out what space should be and what such a house could look like.

Pheasants on the site: making an aviary with your own hands

Partridge in the home garden

Basic methods for catching partridges

Need some advice?

I apologize right away, but as soon as you start reading, it’s clear that the author has probably never made anything himself. With step-by-step instructions it is difficult to understand what is what. If there had not been a design drawing, I would not have understood how to make a cage at all. Correct the instructions, because not everyone knows how to read drawings!

Hello. My question is, does it matter what kind of glassware you use for watering partridges? For example, in your photo they are drinking from a tin bowl, but what else can you make drinking bowls and feeders from?

Hello. I live in Rostov. Tell me, what other materials can be used for a homemade cage? Can I use plastic?

    • Expenses and income for laying hens
    • Meat chicken diet
    • Diet of productive geese
    • Diet of breeding turkeys
    • Guinea fowl diet
    • Quail diet
    • Diet of pheasants for meat
    • Income from the sale of eggs
    • Baby rabbit
    • Farrowing sow
    • Sheep lambing
    • Calving cow
    • Foaling mare
    • Lambing of a goat

  • The partridge is a representative of the pheasant family, a relative of the chicken. This prolific bird is unpretentious in nutrition and care. In addition to the benefits from partridge waste products and monetary benefits, breeding them is an interesting and unique activity. For breeding more often used gray representatives. It is not difficult to keep red specimens at home. But this breed is considered decorative.

    Attention! Entrepreneurial activity breeding must be registered with the tax office!

    Breeding Basics

    To breed partridges at home, birds are caught by hunting. Another option is to purchase a pair of birds from a farmer. You need to purchase an equal number of females and males. Therefore, hunting is not entirely the right option. Another way is to buy eggs.

    To grow and keep partridges at home, attention is paid to several aspects.

    Growing space

    You need to choose the right room for breeding and keeping partridge Houses. The aviary is connected to a chicken coop, where the bird spends the night and hides during the cold season. Requirements for the pen:

    • Maintain a warm indoor climate at any time of the year and eliminate drafts;
    • the enclosure must be dry and need a canopy;
    • It is better to place the home in a quiet place, they are afraid of sharp sounds;
    • the height of the enclosure is at least 2 m;
    • correct decor close to the habitat (shrubs, grass);
    • per 1000 individuals an area of ​​at least 20 square meters is required. m;
    • organize feeders and a drinking area.

    Some farmers install cells. But it is believed that outside small spaces, offspring grow better and faster. In addition to the feeders, place a container with sand. They bathe in the sand, thus ridding themselves of ticks and other insects.

    Cover the floors in the room with dry hay and change the flooring regularly. It is better to carefully close all the cracks to protect the bird from the cold and rodents. To domestic partridges natural lighting is necessary. It is better to resolve this issue in advance when arranging a room for wintering birds.

    How and what to feed

    Room for keeping partridges at home equipped with feeders for food and drink. Feeders must be kept clean. This is the key to health. Make sure you don't run out of clean and fresh water. To feed with minerals, use a separate feeder. Experienced farmers advise sticking to a two-meal diet.

    They are unpretentious in food. Their diet differs little from the chicken menu. Favorite treats are wheat grain, barley, sunflower seeds. He will not refuse vegetables and fruits. It will happily peck at apples and pears, beets, cabbage, and cucumbers. Of course, don’t forget about fresh grass - dandelions, clover, nettle leaves. I also like the compound feed for feeding turkeys and chickens.

    To maintain calcium levels in the body, add egg shells and chalk to food. Birds are offered sand for digestion. You can purchase a ready-made mineral supplement that contains the necessary substances.

    Breeding partridges and caring for chicks

    The mating season begins at the end of April. A month before the eggs are hatched, vitamins A and E are added to the food. This stimulates the sexual activity of pets. During the breeding season in nature, they unite in pairs. In its natural habitat, a partridge can lay up to 25 eggs. At home, they lay up to 60 eggs.

    Important! At the beginning of spring, place the female and male in a separate cell. They need to be planted in mid-summer. Provide birds with good and long-lasting light!

    Methods of hatching eggs

    To hatch chicks you need to prepare a wicker box or basket. Cover the bottom of the container with dry straw. Within two to three weeks after the bird begins to lay eggs, chicks are born. On average, babies hatch after 18-20 days from the start of incubation. After 3-7 days, they need to be taken away from their mother and placed in a separate cage.

    The female incubates only 15-20 eggs per clutch, so the remainder can be placed in an incubator. Modern incubators are equipped with humidity and temperature devices, some models are equipped with an egg turning system. A person can only select the correct testicles and place them in the device.

    It is not recommended to take eggs that are too small or with damaged shells. To determine quality incubation eggs purchase a special device - an ovoscope. They stay in the incubator for 19-22 days.

    Feeding and caring for chicks

    In the first days after birth, chicks need a special diet:

    • on the first day, the chickens are fed boiled chicken yolk, having previously crushed it;
    • on the second day, plant foods are added - nettle and dandelion leaves, cabbage;
    • on the third day they give grated unsalted cottage cheese;
    • It is advisable to add insects to the chicks' diet.

    The brood is fed this food for a month. A month after birth, the chicks are transferred to an aviary with adult birds and fed the same as everyone else.

    3 days after hatching, the chickens in the cage are taken outside. Chicks need Fresh air and ultraviolet. But you need to protect your offspring from direct sunlight. On particularly hot days, the cage with the chicks is left in the shade. A month later, the chicks are released from the cage for a walk.


    Breeding and maintenance partridge at home won't cause much trouble. But failure to follow the rules can lead to illness in the bird.

    Due to lack of experience and knowledge, beginning farmers feed them with one compound feed. This will lead to the bird having digestive problems and the stomach atrophying. Domestic birds a balanced diet is necessary. Also, don’t forget about small shells and gravel. They are needed for normal digestion.

    Due to a lack of plant foods and the absence of insects in the diet, young animals may develop vitamin deficiency. To avoid this, add fresh greens to the feeders.

    Sometimes birds experience respiratory failure. This is a consequence of poor air circulation in the room. Excrement contains a lot of ammonia. Even frequent cleaning of the poultry house will not solve the problem of poor ventilation.

    Partridges should be kept separately from other birds and animals. This will help protect birds from infectious diseases.

    Advantages and disadvantages of breeding

    There are a lot of positive aspects in breeding and keeping. This:

    1. There is no need to obtain special knowledge. Growing will not be difficult for farmers who have experience in raising poultry. For a beginner in this area, advice from experienced poultry keepers will be enough.
    2. Unpretentious in food.
    3. A two-month-old chick is already laying eggs and you can get meat from it. Breeding partridges at home fits For quick profit.
    4. Large premises for keeping birds are not required.
    5. Two individuals are enough for breeding. This is a great help for farms with limited financial resources.
    6. Demand is constantly growing.

    Troubles you may encounter when growing:

    1. Predisposed to infectious diseases. To avoid this, you must do everything conditions of detention.
    2. These birds are susceptible to stress. Frightened, the hen does not lay eggs for several days.
    3. If you grow eggs and meat for sale, you must obtain certificates from veterinary authorities. This will take time.

    Breeding partridges requires a minimum of knowledge and interest. Such an activity will not only delight loved ones with dietary products, but will also bring profit.

    For more information about raising partridges, see this.

    Bird in nature

    The habitat is large - Eurasia, Siberia, and was brought to America and Canada. Outwardly, this bird looks like a small chicken. Body length is only 25-32 cm, weight 400-650 grams. The color is gray-brown, and the belly is white. The male is larger than the female. Distinctive feature Gray partridges are identified by a horseshoe-shaped spot of reddish color. In males this mark is brighter. The tail is brown.

    In their natural environment they live among small bushes and grass. They don't sit on trees. They feed on plant foods and insects. In winter they gather in flocks. Spring breaks the birds into pairs. They make nests from dry branches and leaves and lay eggs.