Rating of world submarines. Personal submarines: Submarines have become the favorite toys of oligarchs Maximum immersion depth of a submarine

Developed new model a bionic boat, not only in appearance, but also in its “habits” reminiscent of a shark. The high-speed new product, called Seabreacher X, will be produced in limited edition.

About the company Innespace and its developments. The main thing: its two-seater, five-meter vehicles with a sealed cockpit have positive buoyancy, but due to the operation of underwater wings they can pull themselves to depth.

The company has already sent its boats of previous versions to customers in a number of countries, not counting the United States, from Korea to the UAE. Buyers were captivated by deep turns, barrel rolls, jumps and dives. Also, the company has not abandoned its long-standing idea of ​​​​organizing dive boat races, only participants must buy their own Seabreacher. Now the date of the first such competitions is indicated “somewhere this year.”

The new device with the X index (at the top and below the title it is shown in the final “toothy” coloring) is equipped with a video camera in the dorsal fin, so that when moving underwater the pilot can navigate by the image on the screen. In addition, the boat is equipped with a stereo system and GPS satellite navigation (photos by Rupert Thorpe, Innespace).

If the previous model (it is still produced) - Seabreacher J - looks like a dolphin, then Seabreacher X is a shark. Its gaping mouth is a porthole under the pilot’s feet, made of tinted glass. "X" is capable of developing 80 km/h on the surface and 40 km/h under water. For this we should thank the 260-horsepower engine (model J, for comparison, is equipped with engines of 155 or 215 hp).

Like its predecessors, Seabreacher X can jump out of the water a little and “frolic” in every possible way. And, of course, one of the main highlights is the ability of the car to move for a long time near the surface under water, with only the fin exposed (through which the internal combustion engine receives air) and crashing waves onto the transparent cockpit canopy. Moreover, a special system prevents water from entering the motor and stopping it during short dives to a depth of 1.8 meters.

These pictures show the predecessor of the “shark” - the “dolphin” Seabreacher J. By the way, a common question: what will happen if I dive too deep on such a boat? It’s simple - in about twenty seconds the engine will stall, and since the boat is lighter than water, it will float up.
It is also interesting that the hull’s buoyancy reserve is such that the device will not sink, even if the pilot leaves the cockpit hood open and the cabin fills with water (in fact, there is a bilge pump). And one more thing - the device is designed to work in both sea and river water (photos by Innespace).

The company says the J Dolphin Dive Boat is available for pre-order. Prices depend on engine power, trim options, and so on. Range - $65-85 thousand. As for the new “shark,” the Americans plan to build only 10 copies of it. The price tag, accordingly, is more substantial - $93,500. What the client gets for this money can be seen in the video below.

The underwater world has still been very little explored by humans. People come up with all sorts of possibilities to explore the ocean and sea depths. Here are some of the possible (the possibility depends on the thickness of the wallet) devices with which you can calmly and comfortably go underwater to admire the fish...

Phoenix 1000 is a 65-meter luxury submarine that was
originally built for a client and is now awaiting a buyer. According to some reports, Roman Abramovich became one of the customers. The submarine is intended to be the single largest privately owned submersible vehicle ever built. The very first clause in the purchase and sale agreement is the preservation of the client’s anonymity. The price is about 80,000,000 dollars.

Submarine Dolphin Inspiration

Innespace has created a private submarine in the shape of a dolphin.
capable of immersing in water, jumping out of water, diving and swimming like
a real dolphin. In a tightly sealed cabin, you can enjoy speeds of 40 mph and submerged speeds of 20 mph for $48,000.

Stylish holiday on the blue sea.

Spanish design firm Guillermo Sureda-Burgos made a concept
submarines that will allow you to take one or two more people on board for an underwater trip.

The small submarine C-Quester from U-Boat Worx can dive to a depth of 50 meters and swim, using an edectomotor, at a speed of 4 knots. With a price tag of $65,000, the length of the single-seater version is 9 feet, and the length of the two-seater version is 11.
Model C-Quester 3 accommodates up to 4 people.

Falcon-style submarine

Graham Hawkes presented to the public the winged device Deep Flight Super Falcon (falcon flight into depth) for exploring the underwater world with the principles of raising and lowering an aircraft capable of diving to a depth of 500 meters and remaining under water for 8 hours. Rich nature lovers can buy a “flying” submarine for $1,500,000.

Personal submarine Triton 1000

American manufacturer U.S. Submarines invites anyone (who has $1.69 million to spare) to purchase a small submarine, the Triton 1000, for personal use. This comfortable submarine is about 3 meters long and 1.8 meters high and allows a crew of two to dive to depths of up to 300 meters. gadgetblog.ru

Different submarines developed by EXOMOS for military or private purposes.

Project 44m/144ft Luxury Submarine

Allows you to view coral reefs, shipwrecks and much more underwater in comfort. The luxury boat is propelled by dual pumps, injectors and powered by hydrogen fuel cells. In emergency conditions, the boat can submerge to avoid the effects of weather conditions and continue its journey unhindered.

Goldfish - the world's first solar-powered submarine

The boat has solar panels with an area of ​​300 square meters, which provides 30 kilowatts of energy.
The boat can dive to a depth of 300 meters and spend up to
half an hour.

The first Hyper-Sub speedboat capable of diving to a depth of 3.5 km

Speed ​​72.42 km/h, dives to a depth of 3,650 m.
1. To load the boat, the pilot opens the hull gate and pumps 13,600 kg of water into the ballast chambers.

2. The front chambers are filled first, tilting the boat at an angle of 5
degrees and plunging at a speed of 18.29 m per minute.

3. Once under water, the pilot turns the fins of the vessel, tilting them down using the joystick, and taxis for a faster dive.

4. To surface, the pumping system fills containers with 11 m³ of air from
tank with liquefied gas, seals the body and ends up on
surfaces in 30 seconds. forceful.ru

Triumph - Underwater exploration device for 3 people

Undersea Hunter - classified apparatus for exploring the underwater world
Dives up to 457 m

Paul Allen's Yellow Submarine

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is a big fan of sea cruisers.
The latest toy in a billionaire's playground - in full
operational 40-foot yellow submarine he paid for
a huge amount of $12 million

Among the expensive “toys” of eccentric millionaires you can now see not only luxury cars, giant mansions and villas, first-class private jets and amazing ships, but also personal submarines!

10. Private submarine Nautilus VAS - $2.7 million

This luxury "military-grade" submarine can accommodate up to 8 people, is capable of diving to depths of 2,000 meters and can remain underwater for 4 days. The submarine is equipped with an airlock compartment that allows divers to leave the boat and explore the deep sea. Nautilus VAS also has a latrine, stairs, minibar, digital television and a stereo system.

9. Submarine Triton 3300/3 - $3 million

The three-seater Triton submarine, measuring 4 meters long and 3 meters wide, is capable of descending to depths of up to 1000 meters. Bubble shaped submarine is great for sea trips and scientific work, since the transparent acrylic capsule offers a panoramic view of the undersea world. To illuminate the dark underwater depths, Triton uses powerful LED headlights.

For $3 million you will not just buy a comfortable underwater vessel: the price also includes four weeks of training on its operation and maintenance. The famous Discovery Channel used Tritons to film a documentary about the legendary terror of the seas - the giant squid.

This deep-sea vehicle is a cross between a submarine and a boat. On the water it can develop maximum speed up to 40 knots with a maximum cruising range of 920 kilometers, and is also equipped with a diesel engine of 440 horsepower. Using a self-charging electric/hydraulic dive system, the vessel can descend to depths of up to 76 meters. The volume of the boat allows it to accommodate a small crew of 5 people, who will have leather seats and wooden trim at their disposal.

The inventor of the boat, Reynolds Marion, stated that the prototype he created is suitable for both marine research and excursions, and for military purposes.

The Nomad 1000 is an autonomous submarine that can float (powered by powerful diesel engines) one minute and then disappear underwater the next. The submarine is capable of covering up to 1,000 nautical miles (1,850 kilometers) and remaining underwater for 10 days.

One and a half meter high acrylic viewing windows offer an impressive view of the sea. Lying on the double beds, passengers can enjoy an “underwater movie”, while 1000-watt quartz halogen underwater lights will clear up the darkness. On the decks of the submarine, designed for 30 passengers, there are cabins with a bathroom, as well as spacious living rooms with a dining room.

Former French marine Hervé Jaubert, who heads the UAE company Examos, which produces private luxury submarines, has designed an “underwater bus” called Proteus, which can accommodate 14 passengers and combines the functions of a luxury yacht. Such a 19-meter device looks like an “underwater limousine” with wide sofas, panoramic windows and a jacuzzi. It is quite possible to organize cool parties or conduct secret negotiations.

Having shot two box office blockbusters and conquered Hollywood, director James Cameron does not rest on this and decides to conquer the ocean. Famous for his love of everything large and expensive, in 2012 he single-handedly reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench - the deepest point on Earth. Such a journey became a reality thanks to a specially designed single-seat submersible called Deepsea Challenger, equipped with special equipment for photo and video filming under water. The device, weighing 11 tons and over 7 meters long, was designed and built for James Cameron over 8 years in Australia.

This was the second manned dive into the Challenger Deep in history, as well as the first solo and longest of all. The descent into the Mariana Trench took 2 hours 36 minutes; Cameron spent about 3 hours at a depth of 11 kilometers. During the dive, the director filmed a 3D video, which he then edited into a documentary.

This “Yellow Submarine” is the property of one of the founders of Microsoft, Paul Allen. The 12-meter vessel can remain underwater for a week. A big fan of sea and underwater travel, the entrepreneur claimed that he discovered the wreckage of shipwrecked ships at the bottom. He also owns a $200 million yacht called the Octopus, which can accommodate two helicopters, seven boats and a crew of 60 people. And its weekly maintenance costs Allen $384 thousand.

The Seattle 1000 is a huge vessel, 36 meters long and as tall as a three-story building, that can remain underwater for 20 days. Its cruising range is 3,000 nautical miles (5,550 kilometers), which means the submarine can go on a transatlantic voyage. The mega-deep submarine also boasts 5 cabins, 5 bathrooms, 2 gyms, a wine cellar, a kitchen, an acrylic deck for passengers to relax, and an aft compartment for divers. The portholes of the large living room reach 2.5 meters in diameter. Perhaps this submarine can be called one of the most luxurious in the world.

In terms of interior decoration, the Phoenix 1000 is comparable to a superyacht, but technologically it is superior to it, since it is both a yacht and a submarine. The 65-meter vessel has 10 bedrooms, several gyms, a wine cellar, a Jacuzzi and many other amenities. The “yacht” is capable of diving to a depth of up to 300 meters, and the mini-submarine integrated into its hull is capable of diving to a depth of 600 meters. The mini-submarine can also transport passengers from the surface to a submarine located at depth and back.

Due to extensive internal space With an area of ​​more than 460 square meters, this sea giant is called the world's largest luxury submarine.

Yes, you read that right. This modern luxury private vessel is one of the most expensive Vehicle and the most expensive boat in the world.

Migaloo combines the functions of a submarine and a yacht, although the vessel is more like a “floating city”. The length of the white hybrid is a record 115 meters, and it received its name in honor of the white albino humpback whale. On the aft deck there is a three-meter swimming pool and a landing pad for a helicopter. All this is closed with special mechanisms before the hybrid is immersed in water. Other amenities include split-level cabins, a movie theater, VIP suites, a library, a gym, game room, laundry, private lounges, elevators that take passengers to different deck levels.

The main exclusive feature of this floating structure is its ability to “dive” to a depth of 240 meters, which no other superyacht in the world has been able to do. Unfortunately, the six-deck Migaloo is not yet plowing the seas and oceans, but is under construction.

Submarines have always differed from other ships as a class. They attract the attention of researchers, directors, and writers. This is due to their special purpose, the main task– covert surveillance, or attack on the enemy. Leonardo Da Vinci hatched a project to create a certain vessel under water, but due to fears of a new war, he decided to destroy his drawings.

The pioneers in the creation and use of the submarine were US citizens. Horace L. Hanley author of this project, the submarine later received his name. These weapons were used during the Civil War on the side of the Confederacy. It was immersed in water thanks to two large water tanks, and during an emergency ascent, ballast was dumped. Seven sailors turned the propellers using the crankshaft. Observation was carried out through two small towers, and the weapon was armed with only one mine. It was the Hunley that was used in the real battle; the first ship sunk was the sloop USS Housatonic. Unfortunately, the submarine also did not survive and soon sank after the battle, but thanks to this the whole world saw that these submarines could also be used in battle.

The world's first submarine "Hunley"

How many submarines are there in the world?

It is from this period that the construction of submarines begins; there are already about 1271 submarines.

At the moment, this branch of the armed forces is quite well developed in many countries, but the following states stand out:

  1. Russia: This country has about 30 submarines in its reserve, and the total fleet consists of about 65 submarines, the country has one of the longest maritime borders and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a reform was carried out that gave a new branch of development.
  2. China: Eastern country is very developed and has one of the largest armies, and over 30 years their army has undergone great changes and modernization, at the moment there are 69 submarines. In order to deter the nuclear weapons of competing countries, they have several ballistic missiles on which nuclear warheads are installed.
  3. USA: All submarines are nuclear-powered, which means the duration of the crew’s work under water is limited only by the amount of fresh water and food. In total, the United States has 71 such ships.
  4. North Korea (DPRK): They have 78 submarines. They are diesel-electric and have been considered obsolete since Soviet era, but North Korea nevertheless showed the power of its army underwater in 2010, when a submarine sank a South Korean surface ship.

Submarine use

Most submarines have a military purpose, but in addition to this area, they are also used in Peaceful time Thus, according to their application, submarines are divided into:

Military applications

One of the most basic areas that has been used since the very first experience of using them. Submarines are used to perform a variety of tasks:

  • Destruction of important commercial, industrial and administrative centers, naval bases;
  • Attack of enemy ships of different classes;
  • Deploying a mine area in stealth mode;
  • Obtaining intelligence data;
  • Maintaining communication, relaying;
  • Landing of sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

Peaceful use

They are used by many scientists to conduct their research, not to be confused with military tasks; in this case, they often study physical, biological and other data necessary for scientific activity.


In some cases, it is easier to deliver cargo, a group of people, this is exactly how Russia planned to create year-round transport links with Norilsk.


In some conditions it is easier to deliver cargo under water; Germany and the USA had underwater communications in the First World War. This type mail took longer and was more expensive, but it was thanks to submarines that the British blockade was broken. On June 7, 1995, the K-44 Ryazan ship launched a launch vehicle with equipment for scientists. It was delivered from to Kamchatka from Barents Sea, the transfer process lasted 20 minutes and was recognized as the fastest in the history of recorded cargo delivery.

Tourist and private submarines

Nowadays, underwater tourism has become popular, where everyone can explore the bottom of a body of water with their own eyes. As a rule, such objects do not stay close to the shore and sink only to a depth of one hundred meters. In Russia, similar excursion devices were also created. “Neptune” was operated in the Caribbean Gulf in Central America in 1992, but due to the high cost of use, after 4 years it was returned to Russia, to the city of Severodvinsk, where it remains idle. The next similar tourist ship was the Sadko, it was created in 1997 in the northern capital of Russia, it was a work on the mistakes after the Neptune and served for 4 years on the island of Santa Lucia, and then it was sent to Cyprus.

Criminal direction

The last item on the list is criminal activity. All underwater vessels are hidden from prying eyes and are also quite quiet, so it is not surprising that Pablo Escobar, as the most famous drug lord, used this type of ship to deliver his illegal cargo. The navies of many countries regularly detain submarines carrying drugs.

Nuclear submarines by country

With the development of progress, the fleet was improved, and after filling the arsenal of countries with nuclear weapons, nuclear submarines (NPS) were created. They use a nuclear reactor to operate, and they can also carry nuclear weapons and conventional torpedoes. Only 6 countries have nuclear submarines.

  1. USA – 71
  2. Russia – 33
  3. China – 14
  4. UK – 11
  5. France – 10
  6. India – 2

The largest ATP Shark is 172.8 meters

Among these boats there is the largest nuclear submarine in the world, it was created in the USSR in the city of Severodvinsk and was popularly nicknamed “Shark”, since this sea predator was painted on its bow, which disappeared from view under the veil on September 23, 1980 water. At the helm of the country was L.I. Brezhnev, and even on this occasion he made a statement that the United States has the Ohio submarine, but at the moment Russia also has similar weapons with the name Typhoon. S. N. Kovalev supervised the construction and design. The displacement of this giant was 23,200 surface, submerged 48,000 tons, it accelerates to 25 knots under water. The submarine is capable of operating at a depth of 400 meters, and the maximum permissible diving distance is 500 meters. The nuclear submarine can sail without land for 180 days, which is equal to six months, during which time the ship can carry up to 160 people, 52 of whom are officers. Its dimensions shocked many; NATO troops even coded this boat with the name SSBN “Typhoon”. It is 172.8 meters long, for comparison we can give an example of a football field, the distance of which is from 100 to 110 meters, and the width of the “Shark” was 23.3 meters. The submarine's arsenal included torpedo-mine armament 22, Vodopad or Shkval missile-torpedoes. Air defense - 8 Igla MANPADS.

The most dangerous submarines in the world

Also among the nuclear submarines are the most dangerous inhabitants of the seas. Among the most terrible predators, 4 can be distinguished.

  1. Perhaps the most unpleasant encounter on the high seas can be with the Yasen submarine; it has no equal in battle on the high seas. Its diving depth is 600 meters, and its armament includes: 10 torpedo compartments and 8 missile compartments in which 32 cruise missiles are waiting in the wings. Their power could be observed firsthand when in 2014, at a distance of 3,000 kilometers, the Yasen struck terrorist groups in Syria. Among the disadvantages there is not even high noise during movement; if a silent attack is needed, then the submarine has low-speed electric motors.
  2. The Borei submarine is not only one of the most powerful, but it is also the quietest submarine in the world. It is armed with missiles of enormous range, the target can be taken 8,000 kilometers away, and it is almost impossible to shoot them down, since they can change their course up to 10 times. The submarine's immersion depth is 480 meters, and with the help of a self-powered reactor, the submarine can survive for 3 months.
  3. The United States also does not stand aside and America considers its Virginia submarines to be one of the most powerful, at least within its own submarine fleet this title cannot be taken away from her. Their range and autonomy are not limited; the only obstacle can be the hunger of the crew, which has 120 people on the submarine. "Virginia" replaced the "Seawolf", which could dive to a depth of 600 meters. Very often, many people compare this nuclear submarine and the Yasen, but if the Russian device is intended more for open combat, then the Virginia will be more useful when collecting intelligence. In place of the standard periscope, retractable masts with cameras are installed that support excellent resolution. The submarine also picks up speed up to 46 kilometers per hour, and under water even 65. There are not many of these nuclear submarines, seven, but at the moment the armed forces of the states are actively introducing these ships.
  4. Other countries besides Russia and the United States are somewhat behind in the development of the submarine fleet, but also have their own convincing arguments under water. So the UK built the “Astyut”, which means “Astute”, there is only one such example and it is inferior to its counterparts from Russia and America, but nevertheless, on the island state it is considered the best and is armed with 38 Tomahawk missiles, and its nuclear and water-jet engines provide navigation autonomy of up to 90 days (three months). Its speed under water is 54 km/h, and its crew of 98 people can dive to a depth of 300 meters.

The fastest submarine in the world

Submarines must have stealth and a minimum noise threshold, but occasionally these factors can be neglected and more emphasis can be placed on the speed of the vessel. So in 1971, the surface ship Saratoga was coming from the Mediterranean Sea, it was overtaken by one of the submarines and the command was given to leave the submarine, when the American aircraft carrier had already moved a long distance, the team discovered not only that the ship had not increased the distance, but the submarine "Anchar" completely caught up with them.

At that time, the whole world was amazed how a ship under water could reach such a speed, which was 44 knots (82 kilometers per hour), and on the water it accelerated to only 19 knots, “Anchar” (K-222) was nicknamed “golden” fish" for its high cost of construction, according to some sources, 1% of the entire military budget of the USSR, 2 billion rubles at the 1968 exchange rate, went to the ship. N. N. Isanin created this submarine, which was launched on December 21, 1968. NATO even codified the submarine "Papa" from the Russian for "Papa". After the world was amazed by the speed of the submarine, many attempts were made to break the Anchar's record, but no one managed to do it. The Papa could accommodate 80 people, and it could sail without land for 70 days. The length is 106.9 and the width is 11.5 meters. It dived to a maximum of 400 meters. At the moment, the submarine has been scrapped and no other country has produced similar devices due to the high cost of construction.

Maximum submersion depth

If you study submarines for a long time, you will notice that the maximum diving depth of a submarine in the world is 1027 meters. This record was set by the K-278 Komsomolets vessel. The submarine was laid down in 1966 according to the design of chief designer N.A. Klimov, and in 1977 his work was continued by Yu.N. Kormylicin. AND I. Tomchin was the chief observer, captain of the second rank navy, then N.V. Shalonov replaced him in this post. The project was completed on Victory Day, May 9, 1983, when the Komsomolets was launched.

Its difference from many other similar ships was that its hull was made of titanium, which made the ship lighter by 35%. Its working depth was listed as 1000 meters, and its autonomous navigation was 180 days. The crew size was relatively small, 60 people, 31 of whom were officers. On the water the displacement was 5880 tons, and under it - 8500 tons. Length and width – 110 and 12.3 meters. At the moment, K-278 is in the Norwegian Sea, or rather at its bottom; on April 7, 1989, it tragically sank due to a fire on board, only 30 sailors were saved, and the remaining 16 died before the rescuers arrived.

Since the submarine was nuclear, there was a risk of environmental contamination. At first they wanted to raise the entire ship, but then they limited themselves to only boxes with radioactive substances. In the first expedition, a group of sailors lifted all the waste 200 meters, but then the cable broke and they had to return to land. The next expedition was undertaken in 1998, but those who arrived at the scene of the tragedy only limited themselves to studying the radiation background, without lifting the boxes, assuring that environment nothing is in danger.

Maximum depth of human immersion

If we are talking about the maximum immersion of a submarine, then we should figure out why a submarine cannot descend to the deepest point of our planet, into the Mariana Trench, as we know, the thickness of water puts pressure on objects, therefore, when the maximum depth of a vessel is indicated, it means how far the liner can go into the water without negative consequences for the team and itself. Maximum depth is one of the most important tactical qualities of submarines; the lower it is, the greater the chance of being undetected by opponents, and also the lower sound vibrations can be created in the water, which are detected by sonar. Sonar works on the principle of searching for objects at depth, including it is used to search for submarines, but the less the submarine creates vibrations, the more difficult it is to detect, for this reason, sonars are being improved and improved, increasing their sensitivity.

The smallest submarines

Therefore, in addition to large giants, small submarines are also popular; they are most often used when landing sabotage groups, or for collecting intelligence data. In World War II, Germany used very small submarines, the type of which was designated “Bieber”; they were not armed with impressive weapons, two torpedoes, or mines. It contained only one person, who controlled it. She developed a speed under water of up to 5.3 knots and dived only to 20 meters. With a length of 9.04 meters and 1.57 meters, it floated in coastal waters; it was planned to destroy opponents with this boat, but in reality only one submarine succeeded.

Submarine Bieber

The Americans also paid attention to this segment of submarines, but unlike the Germans, they allocated only a small amount of budget for the creation of this segment of the fleet. So the X-1 sample was only in a single copy; it did not even have weapons installed, not counting the personal weapons of the soldiers. It accommodated 5 people along with one commander and was about 15 meters long and 2 meters wide. The X-1 was subsequently written off and placed in a museum.

Also, a small miscalculation awaited the Wellman eyeliner. It, like the German one, contained one person within itself. In 1943, during testing, the designers noticed their most important mistake: they did not add a periscope to the ship, which became a big problem.

At the moment, the development of the submarine fleet is gaining momentum; if previously the specific power of your army had more weight, now a more cunning and quiet opponent who will win the battle even before it begins has a greater chance of victory. Submarines are a similar tool for espionage and undermining strategically important enemy targets. At the moment, many records have been set in this branch of the world's armed forces. But each country strives to make its arsenal of equipment better than that of competing states, so we should expect more and more new types of equipment in the submarine forces. After cold war Many believed that the arms race was completely established, but as long as in newspapers and television news reports we see the presentation of a new type of weapon from one of the countries, we can be sure that the race is underway, albeit not as rapidly as before. Russia and the United States are developing very rapidly, but countries such as China, North Korea, and India should not be neglected. So Pakistan, Iran and Brazil decided to build nuclear submarines in their countries, so new achievements and peaks in diving will not be long in coming.

Submarines are certainly not the most common type of transport, but perhaps that is why so many luxurious submarines have been created in the world. Today we present to you the 10 most famous civilian submarines.

1. Nautilus VAS - $2.7 million

This luxury submarine can accommodate up to eight passengers. Nautilus VAS can stay underwater for four days, while diving to a depth of 2 kilometers. The submarine has an airlock that allows divers to exit underwater. The submarine is also equipped with a toilet, minibar and cinema.

2. Triton 3300/3 - $3 million

The Triton 3300/3 submarine measures only 4 x 3 meters in length and can accommodate 3 people, but the tiny submarine can dive to a depth of up to a kilometer. Thanks to the transparent cabin made of durable acrylic, the submarine's three passengers can enjoy panoramic views underwater. And to disperse the darkness that reigns at such depths, Triton is equipped with powerful LED floodlights. The $3 million price also includes training for the buyer to operate and maintain the submarine. Interestingly, it was in this submersible that people first encountered a giant squid deep underwater.

3. Marion Hyper-Sub - $3.5 million

The next unit is a hybrid of a submarine and a speedboat. On the surface, it can reach a speed of 40 knots thanks to its 440-horsepower diesel engine. At the same time, the power reserve is enough for 500 miles. Marion can dive to depths of up to 80 meters using a self-charging electric-hydraulic submersible system. The 9.5-meter Hyper-Sub can accommodate up to five people, and for their comfort, the cabin is equipped with leather seats and a wooden interior.

4. Nomad 1000 - $6.5 million

The Nomad 1000 is an autonomous submarine that can stay underwater for 10 days. Moreover, it is capable of sailing up to 1000 nautical miles. The submarine boasts one and a half meter acrylic observation windows, sixteen 1000-Watt quartz-halogen underwater spotlights, a toilet, shower, double bed and galley. Nomad can accommodate up to 30 passengers and can dive to depths of up to 300 meters.

5. Proteus - $8 million

Proteus was designed and created by an ex-French Navy commando named Hervé Jaubert, who is currently general director Dubai-based company Exomos, which produces luxury submersibles. Jaubert calls Proteus a "submarine bus", but in reality it is a fully functional luxury yacht. The 18-meter submarine can accommodate up to 14 passengers, 8 of whom can be in the observation cabin at the same time.

6. Deepsea Challenger - $8 million

Some of the most famous directors James Cameron is known for directing some of the most expensive films in Hollywood (Titanic and Avatar). It is not surprising that it was Cameron who ordered one of the most expensive submarines in the world. Cameron reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans, in the 7-meter Deepsea Challenger bathyscaphe, worth $8 million, in 2012, where he stayed for 2 hours and 37 minutes.

7. Yellow Submarine - $12 million

Although the name is associated with the Beatles, the yellow submarine actually belongs to Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. The 12-meter apparatus can remain underwater for a week. According to Allen himself, he loves to explore the depths of the ocean and has already discovered the remains of several shipwrecks. Paul Allen also owns the $200 million yacht Octopus, which carries two helicopters, seven boats and 60 crew members. One week of maintenance costs $384,000 per week.

8. Seattle 1000 - $25 million

The Seattle 1000 is a huge three-deck ship, 36 meters long, that can stay underwater for up to 20 days. Its range is 3,000 nautical miles, which is enough to cross the Atlantic. The Seattle 1000 also boasts a double deck with a 9-meter observation deck, five cabins, five bathrooms, two gyms, a wine cellar and a galley, making it one of the most luxurious submarines in the world.

9. Phoenix 1000 - $80 million

Phoenix 1000 boasts 10 bedrooms, a gym, wine cellars, a Jacuzzi and more. The 65-meter submarine, whose cabin area is a whopping 465 square meters, can dive to 300 meters.

10. Migaloo - $2.3 billion

Migaloo is a submarine/yacht, although it looks more like a floating city. The 115-meter luxury vessel was painted white and named after an albino whale. Migaloo features a 3-metre indoor swimming pool and a helipad that retracts into the deck when submerged. The submarine also has a cinema room, library, gym, games room, laundry rooms, private lounges, inter-deck elevators, a duplex owner's suite and eight VIP suites.

Luxury, luxury, but submarines are primarily associated with weapons. From all over the planet.