Drawing a bullfinch middle group. Summary of direct educational activities in drawing in the middle group “Bullfinches”. Conversation about birds


Abstract directly educational activities on drawing in middle group « Bullfinches» .

Target: To develop the ability to reflect in a drawing bullfinch. Clarify your idea of ​​appearance bullfinch(structural features, coloring). Arouse interest in drawing birds on a branch. Cultivate curiosity, artistic taste, interest in the activity drawing.

Materials and equipment: A4 paper, gouache, brush for drawing.

Preliminary work:

observing birds flying to the site, looking at images birds in illustrations, photographs. Reading and learning poems about birds, getting to know the silhouettes of various birds; conversation with children about wintering birds, about how people help birds in winter.

GCD move

Music is playing: birds singing in the forest.

Educator: What do you hear?

Children: sounds of birds singing.

Educator: Really birdsong.


Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on rowan

He will appear again.

Children: Bullfinch


What a miracle: on a winter day,

All the lilacs came to life.

Red-breasted lumps,

They rustled like leaves.

Like bouquets of red roses,

The wind blew into the lilacs.

Flocks of friendly bullfinches

The crumbs eat on it.

Vova with little Tanya

Feeders were made for the birds.

Educator: Winter is famous for its white tones. In the white kingdom it stands out especially for its bright coloring. bullfinch - songbird sort of bullfinches. Bullfinch looks smart - he is always in red. The bird especially likes forest areas, because it is in the forest that it breeds its chicks. Bullfinch approximately the same size as a sparrow. The physique is dense. Nature has endowed bullfinch with a thick beak, wide.

in autumn bullfinches gather in small flocks and settle closer to people’s homes. Rowan and other berries left over from the generous autumn are the main food bullfinches in winter. In winter they wander through parks, gardens, groves and squares in the hope of getting food for themselves.

Nests bullfinches They build on small Christmas trees. They are very good and caring parents. They feed on berries and seeds.

Peculiarity bullfinches It also lies in the fact that they sing. Their trill is melodic, bright and clean. If you find yourself in the forest early in the morning, a pleasant song may reach your ear. bullfinches. Not only males sing, but also females. But in other birds only males have this wonderful feature.

Educator: Look what bullfinches? What are they like? What colour?

Children: Bullfinches are beautiful, similar to apples, red.

Educator: For what bullfinches do you need such a strong and thick beak?

Children: to get seeds out of cones.

Educator: What else can it eat? bullfinch?

Children: dried rowan berries, larvae.

Educator: Why do they fly to the city?

Children: In search of food.

Educator: How can we help them?

Children: Hang feeders

Educator: That's right, we feed them by hanging feeders and pouring grains and seeds.

Educator: We will start drawing a bullfinch step by step. Where do you think we should start? drawing?

Children: From the body, head, tail.

Educator: That’s right, what geometric shape and color is the body? bullfinch? Head? Tail?

Children: The body is oval-shaped, red in color, and the head is round and black. Tail - slightly wider at the end, similar to a triangle.

Educator: Consider how to position the birds to bullfinch fit on a piece of paper. But before paint, we'll rest a little.

Physical education minute « Bullfinches»

Look at the branches, (Hands clap their sides)

In red T-shirts bullfinches. (Breasts are shown)

Feathers spread out (Arms slightly to the sides)

Basking in the sun. (Wiggle fingers)

They turn their heads, they turn them, (Turn your head right, left)

They want to fly away. (Run in a circle, waving their arms)

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away!

Calm music sounds "singing bullfinch in the forest»

Educator: Now let's get to work. We try to work carefully so that the paints do not mix with each other. Don't forget to rinse the brush. In case of difficulty, I prompt some children during the lesson.

Educator: Ours is over drawing. So beautiful you got the bullfinches. Everyone is so different and beautiful. What is the name of the bird we painted? Who does she look like? What does the bird have? Etc. At the end of the lesson, arrange an exhibition "We've arrived bullfinches» .

That's how bright they are The guys got bullfinches!

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1. Clarify the idea of ​​the appearance of the bullfinch, develop research interest (structural features, coloring).

2. Introduce children to the concept of color and composition.

3. Improve the technique of poking with a bristle brush, achieve an expressive image of a bird (bullfinch).

4.Develop imaginative perception of classical musical works.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation, questions on the topic, reading a riddle, looking at illustrations, drawing of a bird (bullfinch) for display, explanation, analysis of work, musical accompaniment, game situation - the character Pinocchio, game exercise - warm-up (with a brush).

Materials and equipment:

landscape sheet (light blue), gouache, brushes (bristly, squirrel), pencil, jars, palette, stands for brushes, napkins, rags, easel.

Preliminary work:

watching birds flying to the site (sparrows, pigeons, tits), looking at images of birds in illustrations, reading poems about birds, getting to know the silhouettes of various birds, preparing paper using the “wet” technique (watercolor).

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

There is a knock on the door, Pinocchio comes in, bringing a letter with a riddle:

Arrived for the winter

Birds that are clever in the cold

Jumping on trees and branches

In red-fiery vests,

We cannot help but recognize them -

We love the bird... (bullfinch).

Illustrations of bullfinches are hung up and children look at them.

Educator: Guys, what other wintering birds do you know?

Children: Wintering birds: pigeons, sparrows, crows, tits.

Educator: But today we will draw bullfinches on a branch.

2. Conversation between the teacher and the children.

Educator: What are the main parts of a bullfinch?

Children: The main parts of a bullfinch are its head and body.

Educator: What shape?

Children: The bullfinch has a round head and an oval body.

Educator: What color is the plumage?

Children: Head, body, wings, tail - black, chest - red.

A demonstration by a child of drawing using the poking method (with an explanation from the teacher).

Remember how we paint with a bristle brush? (we take a little paint, stick it from the beginning along the pencil contour, and then inside the contour). We try to work carefully so that the paints do not mix with each other. Guys, now I offer you in the branches winter forest draw bullfinches. Think about how to arrange the birds so that the flock fits on a piece of paper?

Let's do the exercise - warm-up with a brush:

Let's take a brush like this: (the hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part).

It's difficult? No, it's nothing.

Up-down, right-left (perform hand movements)

Proudly like a queen

The brush poked

She clicked her heel.

And then he walks in circles,

Like girls in a round dance.

Are you tired? Let's rest

And we'll start knocking again.

We draw: one, one... (place the brush vertically, make a few pokes without paint)

Everything will work out for us!

Music sounds: An excerpt from a work by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. December".

3. Practical part.

Children draw bullfinches and a branch on a landscape sheet with a simple pencil.

First, with light pokes (with a bristle brush), children paint the chests of all bullfinches with red, and the head, back, wings, and tail with black.

Physical education minute. Game "Birdcatcher".

In the center is a blindfolded birdcatcher. Children walk around the leading bird catcher saying:

In the forest, in the little forest,

On a green oak tree,

The birds sing merrily

Ay! The bird catcher is coming!

He will take us into captivity,

Birds, fly away!

The bird catcher claps his hands, the players stop in place, and the driver begins to look for birds. The one he found imitates the cry of the bird he chose. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player. The player becomes a bird catcher.

Rules of the game. Players should not hide behind objects encountered along the way. Players are required to stop in place when given a signal.

Educator: What details still need to be completed?

Children: eyes, beak, paws.

After a pause, children finish painting with a thin (squirrel) brush - eyes, beak, paws, branches.

4. OA analysis.

Well done! What amazing drawings!

Guys, I suggest you choose drawings and give Pinocchio.

Educator: What drawings would you give?

Children: Beautiful, bright.

Educator: Why?

Children: because the bullfinches are drawn correctly.

The bullfinches turned out beautiful, like real ones.

Children give drawings of Pinocchio.

Larisa Kuznetsova
Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Like pink apples, bullfinches on the branches”

Municipal preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities for the development of children in the artistic and aesthetic direction No. 20

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group

"How pink apples on bullfinch branches»

Performed: art teacher

Kuznetsova Larisa Artemyevna

Mozhga, 2014

Target: Teach children draw bullfinches

Visual tasks:

1. Build a simple composition, convey features appearance birds - body structure and coloring.

2. Develop a sense of color and shape.

Technical tasks:

1. Continue teaching children draw birds using unconventional techniques in drawing– a poke with a hard brush.

2. Improve technique painting with gouache paints: move the brush freely along the pile, repeating the outline of the silhouette.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate an interest in nature, a desire to reflect aesthetic emotions and received ideas in the drawing.

2. Expand children’s knowledge about wintering birds.

Materials, tools, equipment.

Demo: sheet A-1, which depicts a rowan without leaves; illustrations – "Wintering Birds", musical accompaniment; technological map for drawing« Bullfinch» , magnetic board.

Dispensing: sheets of light blue paper; black, red and white gouache; squirrel brushes, bristles; napkins, water, brush holders; cotton buds.

Methods and techniques:

Visual methods - showing visual aids;

Verbal methods - telling a fairy tale, guessing riddles, conversation, instructions from the teacher during the lesson;

Practical method

Integration of educational regions: artistic creativity, reading fiction, communication, health.

Preliminary work:

Sparrow drawing. Bird watching on a walk in the park. A conversation about wintering birds. Looking at pictures of birds (sparrow, tit, bullfinch, crow, magpie, etc.). Guessing riddles about birds.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher offers to listen to a fairy tale.

“Once upon a time there was a rowan tree. In the spring, she dressed herself with green leaves and white flowers, then berries appeared.

All summer the mountain ash drank water, basked in the sun, and the berries ripened.

The rowan called the birds: “Birds, birds, fly to me, my berries are already ripe”. But the birds to her answer: "It's not time yet, it's early".

Autumn has come. The leaves of the rowan tree turned yellow and red. Again she began to call the birds, but they again They say: “It's not time yet. Early".

The rowan tree is sad; no one eats its berries.

The last leaves have fallen. Only bunches of berries, like bright lights, burn on the snowy branches. Covered the whole earth snow. Winter came".

Here the birds came to peck the rowan berries. It's here time: all the insects hid, fell asleep snow all the seeds, we have nothing else to eat. Thank you, rowan, for saving your berries for us.”

Questions about content fairy tales:

When did the birds come to peck the berries? Why?

What birds could fly to the mountain ash?

2. Reading poems about wintering birds with a visual demonstration.

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about wintering birds (sparrow, tit, magpie, crow, bullfinch)

1. Chip-tweet-tweet-tweet!

The sparrow itself is not big

And not very long

Sparrow's tail.

2. Look at the crow

Gray raven dress

Little black feathers

On the tail and neck

3. The tit bird flies nimbly

In a yellow blouse,

In a black hat.

A titmouse wears a green raincoat

A black tie on the bird's chest.

4. A magpie flew to us

She has two white sides

Black tail and back

The head is also black.

5. Black-winged, red-breasted,

And in winter it will find shelter.

He is not afraid of colds -

With the first snow right here!

Game motivation

The teacher shows a white silhouette bullfinch and tells children: "Bye bullfinches flew towards us, the evil cold blew its cold breath on them and turned them into ice lumps. How to help bullfinches

3. Psycho-gymnastics

“Imagine that you have a small helpless bird in your hands. Let's put our palms together. Now warm her up slowly; clasp your palms one finger at a time, hide the bird in them, breathe on it, warming it with your even, calm breath, put your palms to your chest, give the chick the kindness of your heart and breath.”

4. Setting the educational task. Management of the task.

The teacher shows the drawing bullfinch, children look at; on their sheets they trace the outline of the body, head with their finger, specify the shape and color.

The teacher conducts a conversation to clarify and enrich children’s ideas about appearance bullfinches: « Bullfinch - small, a plump bird with a bright red breast and a black cap. They are called so because they appear in our area with the first snow. Bullfinches on the mountain ash like lights, like lanterns, like apples».

The teacher exhibits technological map « Bullfinches» and offers children draw beautiful bullfinches with scarlet breasts.

Show sequence drawing:

1. Take a bristle brush, dip it in red gouache and paint the breast with light pokes.

2. With a soft brush draw with black gouache bullfinch's back, "let's pet" her, draw a small circle - a head, wings and a tail.

3. Use the end of the brush to draw bullfinches beaks.

4. With a cotton swab – an eye and a snowball around bullfinch.

5. Finger gymnastics

"The birds have flown

They flapped their wings,

Sat on the trees

We rested quietly."

6. Independent activities of children. Individual work.

Children trace the outline with their finger bullfinch, perform a warm-up exercise with a brush. Having picked up red gouache with a hard brush, they begin paint first along the contour line, then inside it. To check the sequence of actions, look at the technological map or turn to the teacher for specific advice. The teacher helps with advice, in case of difficulty, shows the diagram again, and encourages children to search and find.

7. Exhibition - viewing

Children lay out their drawings on the rowan tree and examine it.

The teacher reads an excerpt from Z.'s poem. Alexandrova:

Where the finches sang in summer,

Today - look! –

How pink apples,

On bullfinches on the branches.

8. Reflection

The teacher thanks the children for help: “Well done guys, you worked hard! Warmed up bullfinches from the cold, warmed with their warmth. A whole flock bullfinches flew to our rowan tree. Not scary now bullfinches cold winter».

Summary of direct educational activities

in drawing in the middle group "Bullfinches".


To develop the ability to reflect a bullfinch in a drawing. Clarify the idea of ​​the appearance of the bullfinch (structural features, coloring). Arouse interest in drawing birds on a branch. To cultivate curiosity, artistic taste, and interest in drawing.

Materials and equipment: A4 paper, gouache, painting brush.

Preliminary work:

observing birds flying to the site, looking at images of birds in illustrations and photographs. Reading and learning poems about birds, getting to know the silhouettes of various birds; conversation with children about wintering birds, about how people help birds in winter.

Music sounds: birds singing in the forest.

Educator: What do you hear?

Children: sounds of birds singing.

Educator: Indeed, birdsong.

Educator: Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.
Children: Bullfinch


What a miracle: on a winter day,
All the lilacs came to life.
Red-breasted lumps,
They rustled like leaves.
Like bouquets of red roses,
The wind blew into the lilacs.
Flocks of friendly bullfinches
The crumbs eat on it.
Vova with little Tanya
Feeders were made for the birds.
Educator: Winter is famous for its white tones. In the white kingdom, the bullfinch, a songbird of the bullfinch genus, especially stands out for its bright coloring. The bullfinch looks smart - he is always in red. The bird especially likes forest areas, because it is in the forest that it breeds its chicks. The bullfinch is approximately the same size as a sparrow. The physique is dense. Nature has endowed the bullfinch with a thick, wide beak.

In autumn, bullfinches gather in small flocks and settle closer to people’s homes. Rowan and other berries left over from the generous autumn are the main food of bullfinches in winter. In winter they wander through parks, gardens, groves and squares in the hope of getting food for themselves.

Bullfinches build nests on small fir trees. They are very good and caring parents. They feed on berries and seeds.

Another peculiarity of bullfinches is that they sing. Their trill is melodic, bright and clean. If you find yourself in the forest early in the morning, the pleasant song of bullfinches can reach your ear. Not only males sing, but also females. But in other birds only males have this wonderful feature.

Educator: Look, what bullfinches? What are they like? What colour?

Children: Bullfinches are beautiful, they look like apples, they are red.

Educator: Why do bullfinches need such a strong and thick beak?

Children: to get seeds from cones.

Educator: What else can a bullfinch eat?

Children: dried rowan berries, larvae.

Educator: Why do they fly to the city?

Children: Looking for food.

Educator: How can we help them?

Children: Hang feeders

Educator: That's right, we feed them by hanging feeders and pouring grains and seeds.

Educator: We will begin drawing the bullfinch in stages. Where do you think we should start drawing?

Children: From the body, head, tail.

Educator: Correct, what is the geometric shape and color of the bullfinch’s body? Head? Tail?

Children: The body is oval-shaped, red, and the head is round and black. Tail - slightly wider at the end, similar to a triangle.

Educator: Think about how to arrange the birds so that the bullfinch fits on a sheet of paper. But before we draw, we’ll take a little rest.

Physical education minute "Bullfinches"

Look at the branches (they clap their hands on their sides)
Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Showing their breasts)
Feathers spread out (Hands slightly to the sides)
Bask in the sun. (Wiggle their fingers)
The head is turned, turned, (Turns the head to the right, to the left)
They want to fly away. (Run in a circle, waving their arms)
Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away!

Calm music sounds like “the singing of a bullfinch in the forest”

Educator: Now let's get to work. We try to work carefully so that the paints do not mix with each other. Don't forget to rinse the brush. In case of difficulty, I prompt some children during the lesson.

Educator: Our drawing is over. What beautiful bullfinches you have made. Everyone is so different and beautiful. What is the name of the bird we drew? Who does she look like? What does the bird have? Etc. At the end of the lesson, arrange an exhibition “The bullfinches have arrived.”

Summary of an art lesson in the middle group. Topic: Bullfinch

Osina Olga Anatolyevna, teacher. Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Abakan "Child Development Center - kindergarten "Chaika".
Description of material: I offer you a summary of a lesson on the artistic and aesthetic development of children of the middle group (4 - 5 years old) on the topic: "Bullfinch". This material will be useful to educators, methodologists, and students of pedagogical faculties.

"Summary of direct educational activities. Topic: "Bullfinch."

Target: Creation of a social situation of development in the process of productive activity "Bullfinch".
1. Create conditions for the development of creativity and imagination;
2. Ensure the emotional well-being of children;
3. To promote the development in children of the ability to draw a bullfinch on a snow-covered branch: build a simple composition, convey the features of the bird’s appearance - body structure, coloring.
4. Cultivate interest in nature, the desire to reflect received ideas in the drawing.
Types of children's activities: visual, playful, motor, perception of fiction.
Equipment: sheets of blue paper, gouache (red, white, black), brushes, napkins, jars of water.
Progress of the lesson.
Introductory part.
Educator. Children today the Magic Brush came to visit us. (The teacher shows the doll). Let's get to know her. (Children get acquainted with the Magic Brush). Then the teacher conducts a conversation with the children on behalf of the character.
Magic brush: I decided to draw a bullfinch. And I want to take you as my assistant. Do you agree? (Children's answers).
Main part.
Magic brush. Let's look at a picture of a bullfinch. What parts does a bird consist of? (Children's answers). Magic brush. The bullfinch is a small bird with a bright red breast and a black cap. It is called so because it appears with the first snow.
Didactic game "Collect a bird."
Magic brush. Guys, assemble a bird from geometric shapes. (Children collect the bird.)
Magic brush. Guys, look how we will draw a bullfinch. (The teacher shows and names the stages of drawing a bird.)
We paint a snow-covered branch with white paint.

We draw a circle and divide it into two parts - this is the body of a bullfinch.
We paint the breast with red paint.
We paint the back with black paint.

Draw the head, tail, nose and eye.

(Children listen to the teacher’s explanations).
Magic brush. Let's play a little before drawing.
Dynamic pause.
The birds flapped their wings - they all flew and flew,
the birds were circling in the air,
dropped onto the road,
We galloped along the path,
Crumbs and grains were pecked. (Children imitate movements according to the text).
Magic brush. And now our birds have turned back into children and are sitting down to their jobs. Independent visual activity. Upon completion of drawing, children exhibit their work at the exhibition.

Summary of the lesson.
Magic brush. Well done guys, you worked hard.

Where the finches sang in summer,
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches.
Z. Alexandrova.
Children look at bullfinches. Which birds did you like best and why? (Children's answers). Afterwards the Magic Brush says goodbye to the children.