Painting a Dymkovo toy in stages. Integrated art and art lesson "Dymkovo toy". Complex coloring pages with a lot of small elements

When a baby's fever is combined with cough, restlessness, diarrhea or other symptoms, it is easier to identify the disease. But it happens that parents ask: “The child is one year old, the temperature is 38.5 without symptoms, why and what to do?” Let's look at why this happens and what to do in such situations.

Why is the temperature rising?

An increase in body temperature indicates that the body is fighting foreign cells or substances. These can be viral, protozoal, bacterial infections, foreign bodies, frostbite, burns.

Most pathogens are not able to live at temperatures of 38 degrees or higher.

The mechanism for increasing body temperature is associated with the activation of leukocytes - white blood cells that provide the body's immune defense. Starting the fight against pathogens, they release compounds (interleukin and others) that stimulate the thermoregulation center in the brain. As a result, metabolism speeds up and heat production increases.

Temperature values ​​vary and are divided into types:

  1. Subfebrile – 37.1-38 °C;
  2. Febrile moderate – 38.1-39 °C;
  3. Febrile high – 39.1-40 °C;
  4. Hyperpyretic fever – above 40°C.

Forms and signs of meningitis in children, when to sound the alarm:

The younger the child is, the more often the increase in temperature is not accompanied by other symptoms, and the mark on the thermometer usually does not rise above 38.5°C. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • The primary collision of the immune system with pathogens unfamiliar to it - the body successfully fights the danger, so other manifestations of the disease do not occur;
  • Impact of stress - fear, unfamiliar surroundings, loud sounds;
  • Overheating - the body of young children is not capable of optimal thermoregulation, for example, when being in a stuffy room, if the child is warmly dressed in summer time, his temperature can rise to 37-38 and higher;
  • The first days of the development of an infectious disease, the signs of which may appear after 2-3 days - pharyngitis, sore throat, otitis media, exanthema or others.

A child without symptoms may have a fever due to infectious pathologies of the urinary tract, so if it does not decrease, you should consult a doctor and take a urine test.

Another cause - exanthema disease () - occurs between the ages of 9 months and two years. Often its only manifestation for 2-5 days is elevated temperature.

The thermometer can creep up without symptoms even during teething, but most often this is accompanied by hyperemia of the gums and restlessness of the baby. The child’s body’s reaction to vaccination can also be manifested by an increase in temperature to 37.5-38 °C.

The cause may also be the onset of food or drug allergies. In some cases, parents may simply not notice other symptoms, so if the temperature does not decrease, you should consult a doctor.

A child has a fever without symptoms - what to do?

An increase in thermometer readings does not always manifest itself as fever - the baby’s skin may also be cold, for example, due to spasms of the blood vessels of the extremities. As the temperature increases, the child's forehead does not always become hot. For accurate measurements, use a thermometer, ideally an electronic one.

Nature of actions during enlargement in a child:

  • If you have an acute respiratory viral infection of 37.5° and below, you should not knock it down, since the body copes with pathogens on its own, and the increased heat generation is aimed specifically at fighting pathogens.
  • In case of exanthema, sore throat and intestinal infections, subfebrile and febrile values ​​should be reduced and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • At 38.5° and above, antipyretic drugs are used - acceptable drugs recommended by the doctor should always be in the home medicine cabinet. Examples of drugs are Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nurofen, Panadol.
  • In case of neurological diseases, congenital heart defects, hypoxia or cerebral hemorrhage at birth, the temperature should not be allowed to rise beyond 39°C. For such health problems, take regular measurements and take reduction measures if necessary.
  • If the temperature rises due to the baby’s excitement or a stressful situation, then give him a mild sedative selected by the doctor.

Is it necessary to bring down a child’s temperature of 38.5 or higher?

What to do if a child has a temperature of 38.5 without symptoms? It is necessary to knock it down in the following cases:

  • There is a history of febrile seizures and the child is between 3 and 5 years old;
  • Up to two months of age;
  • For serious pathologies of the nervous, respiratory systems, heart and other organs;
  • With deterioration of health and restless behavior;
  • If the child refuses to eat.

Causes of vomiting and fever in a child, including without stomach upset:

What not to do:

  1. Reduce the temperature with Aspirin, Analgin, Amidopyrine, Phenacetin and other drugs based on these drugs;
  2. Rub children under 5 years of age with alcohol or vinegar - these substances are actively absorbed through the skin and can cause poisoning;
  3. Wipe the baby's body with a damp cloth and place him in cool water.

If there are no symptoms, it is important to closely monitor the child's condition. Regularly change wet clothes for dry ones, give more warm drinks, do not try to feed the baby if he refuses to eat.

If antipyretic therapy does not have an effect and the high temperature persists or even increases, you should call a doctor.

When to see a doctor?

Be sure to apply for medical care necessary if:

  • After the temperature drops, the baby refuses food or burps - this may indicate an intestinal infection or;
  • The child’s temperature rose to 39° without symptoms and did not subside after the use of antipyretics;
  • The temperature lasts 3-4 days or longer;
  • Convulsions have appeared - they can occur with respiratory pathologies, after vaccination, with neurological disorders and increased intracranial pressure.

If febrile convulsions develop, before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to reduce the temperature with an antipyretic agent in the form of rectal suppositories, lay the child on a flat, hard surface, turn his head to the side and remove excess clothing, which may impede breathing or prevent the removal of heat from the body.

During an attack, performing artificial respiration, giving parenteral drugs or water is prohibited.

Children's antipyretics should always be available. Their use is symptomatic and is aimed at alleviating the child’s condition. And the basis of treatment is to combat the cause of the fever.

A high temperature in a child (fever) is considered one of the most dangerous symptoms for parents. Many mothers try to reduce even the smallest temperature, believing that this will be better for their baby. In fact, fever is a defense mechanism of the body, including children.

What are the causes of high body temperature in a child? Firstly, many viruses and bacteria die at certain temperatures - the body seems to be trying to kill the infection within itself. Secondly, a temperature higher than usual leads to the dilation of blood vessels and a rush of blood to many organs and tissues, enhancing metabolic processes.

Thirdly, fever promotes increased production of immune cells, which improves immunity. This is why doctors do not recommend lowering body temperature if it has not reached 38.5 0 C.

What to do if you notice that your child has a fever? First of all, you need to measure it accurately. Many parents rely on subjective sensations by placing their lips on the child’s forehead or face, so they roughly guess how many degrees the temperature is. It is not right.

You need to know exactly how high the baby's temperature is. To correctly measure body temperature, the thermometer must be placed in the armpit, pressing firmly with your hand. About three minutes is enough time.

It should be remembered that in a newborn baby, a temperature of up to 37.5 0 C is considered normal; you should not try to reduce it. In a healthy child, an increase in body temperature can be observed immediately after eating, sleeping, or physical or emotional stress. If such an increase in temperature is not accompanied by other complaints, then there is no point in drawing negative conclusions.

What parents should do if their child has a high temperature

If the temperature is not higher than 38.0 0 C, the baby does not have chills and there is no severe concomitant pathology, for example, heart disease, pathology of the nervous system, convulsive syndrome, the limbs are warm, then such a fever should not be brought down. Every half hour you should measure your body temperature, and if it rises above 38.5 0 C, then call a doctor at home and give the baby antipyretics (suppositories, syrup or antibiotic).

Before the doctor arrives, parents should provide first aid to the baby. The child should be put to bed without covering him, even if he has severe chills. Provide access fresh air and give the baby plenty of water. Doctors allow wiping the baby's body with cool water or making cold compresses.

You should not wipe the child’s body and limbs with alcohol or vinegar when the body temperature is elevated, especially if the baby has cold feet. The toxic substances of these solutions are absorbed into the baby’s body through the skin. It is also impossible to cover a feverish child, no matter how severe the chill. It is also not worth treating the child yourself, including giving antibiotics. Any medicines, including antipyretics, after establishing the causes of the temperature, a doctor should prescribe!

Why does a child have cold legs and arms when he has a fever?

Why does a child have cold feet at a temperature of 39.0 0 C? Why are the legs and arms cold, while the rest of the body is “burning” and may even be red? The presence of such symptoms is often associated with a sharp spasm of the small vessels of the limb. This is called "pale fever." This temperature drops very hard and requires the addition of antispasmodic drugs to therapy.

First aid will be to warm cold feet. The limbs can be immersed in hot water or rubbed with mustard (folk remedies are effective in these cases). No antipyretic drugs will help as long as the baby has cold hands and feet.

Diseases and conditions that may be accompanied by elevated body temperature

Stomach ache, red throat, sore throat, headache, cough, frequent urination, snot, cramps - these are just some of the reasons that cause fever and chills.

The causes of elevated temperature in a child are usually the following.

Sore throat or pharyngitis(red throat). This is a viral infection. An increase in body temperature in this case indicates an infectious cause of the disease. If the temperature rises sharply to 39.0 0 C or higher from the first days of illness, it is accompanied by a runny nose, snot, coughing, sneezing, the throat begins to hurt and is red, most likely the baby has a viral infection and intoxication develops (a condition that appears when poisoning by toxins of viruses or bacteria). This type of sore throat is less dangerous than herpetic sore throat.

Today, herpetic sore throat is common. With tonsillitis (tonsillitis), an increase in temperature is often accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, pallor and nausea; the stomach may hurt or a headache may appear, which indicates that the child’s body is poisoned by bacterial toxins. The throat does not hurt much and is slightly red. Sore throat must be differentiated from diphtheria, a serious fatal disease.

With diphtheria, the throat does not hurt, it is not red, and the temperature rises. If you have all of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. The temperature will persist until an antibiotic is prescribed. Antipyretics should be given immediately, without waiting for high numbers, because sore throat is quite dangerous.

The presence of symptoms such as abdominal pain, combined with high body temperature, may indicate any inflammatory processes in the child’s abdominal cavity, including poisoning. When a child has abdominal pain, consultation with a surgeon is mandatory. Starting from appendicitis, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), ending with pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney tissue). The temperature rises to 39 and above, chills appear. If your stomach hurts and you experience frequent urination, you may suspect a genitourinary infection.

Fever accompanied by loose stools (diarrhea) may indicate that there is an intestinal infection in the body. The manifestation of these symptoms may be combined with vomiting and abdominal complaints. Diarrhea can also occur due to poisoning. If your stomach hurts, helminthic infestation cannot be ruled out. How many days the fever will persist depends on the severity of the disease. In case of severe poisoning with toxins, even hallucinations may occur against the background of dehydration of the body.

A set of symptoms, such as headache and fever, may indicate intoxication of the body (poisoning with toxins) or a severe infection of the nervous system (meningitis). In the latter case, fever and headache are combined with vomiting. Antibiotic and detoxification agents are required in this case. Headache, fever and convulsions can be a serious sign of a tumor process.

Fever and frequent urination. As a rule, such a complaint is a manifestation of an inflammatory process in the bladder. Urination will be painful. The temperature can rise to 38.0 0 C. If the inflammatory process spreads to the kidneys, pyelo- or glomerulonephritis develops, the temperature rises to high numbers (above 38.0 0 C), the stomach and back hurt, and frequent urination begins. When poisoned by bacterial toxins, vomiting, weakness and drowsiness occur. In these cases, doctors will definitely prescribe an antibiotic, otherwise the fever may last a long time.

Fever accompanied by a runny or stuffy nose. An increase in body temperature and runny nose is usually a manifestation of an acute respiratory viral infection. If there is prolonged nasal congestion and a small amount of snot, a decreased sense of smell, headache and an increase in body temperature to low numbers, up to about 37.5 0, then sinusitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses should be suspected, to treat such a disease you should immediately start taking an antibiotic .

Increased body temperature with stomatitis may be higher than 39.0 0 C. This condition usually occurs with severe viral or bacterial stomatitis. The infection causes a severe inflammatory process in the oral mucosa. With fungal stomatitis, the temperature may not rise. In this case, an antibiotic is not needed; the prescription of antifungal drugs will be enough, and for bacterial stomatitis, an antibiotic is required. If you have stomatitis, it is also important to consult a doctor promptly.

High fever and cough. The first thing you might think of is pneumonia. Yes, pneumonia is one of the most common causes of this symptom complex. Today, due to the aggressiveness of infections, pneumonia is very dangerous due to complications. Cough with pneumonia is frequent, at the beginning of the disease it is dry, then wet. The temperature is above 39 degrees, headache, nausea, weakness, and snot appear. The body is gradually poisoned by infection. If a cough appears against the background of a low temperature and hurts in the sternum area, then bronchitis most likely develops. A cough can be combined with an increase in temperature even in the presence of a foreign body in the bronchi. Snot in a child usually appears both with pneumonia and bronchitis.

In case of any of these conditions, you should immediately consult a doctor, since any illness is dangerous for a child!

Reasons why body temperature may rise without other symptoms may include:

  1. Child overheating. Common mistake young mothers is that they are always trying to wrap up their baby. In a child under one year old, thermoregulation processes are somewhat atypical, and any overheating can cause a sharp increase in body temperature above 39 degrees. In such a situation, the first thing to do is undress the baby. For older children, fever may be caused by prolonged exposure to the sun - this can lead to heatstroke. First aid is to cool the baby, for example, apply a cold compress to the forehead, move the baby to the shade, or give the baby cold water to drink.
  2. Severe psycho-emotional trauma. Many parents do not associate an increase in their child’s temperature, for example, with exams or a quarrel with peers. But the nervous system in children can react to such circumstances in its own way, in some cases the child’s temperature rises.
  3. Teething. A common reason for an increase in body temperature occurs against the background of the child’s complete well-being. When teething, you can notice a number of symptoms - the baby has become more whiny and capricious, the stomach is swollen, appetite is decreased, and the surface of the gums is slightly swollen or reddened. Parents at these moments need to be especially attentive to the child, since during teething the baby’s local immunity decreases, which increases the likelihood of contracting an infection, bronchitis or sore throat may develop, and the throat may become red. Therefore, the child’s feet should always be warm. A high temperature during teething may last for several days, all of the above may be accompanied by diarrhea, but this will not indicate poisoning, just as a red throat, cough, and snot will not be a sign of bronchitis. The throat usually does not hurt during teething, even if there is a cough. Many mothers immediately start giving their baby antibiotics, but this is not worth doing. You can give antipyretics, but it is better to consult a doctor for advice. Sometimes during teething there is frequent urination.
  4. Preventive vaccinations. An increase in body temperature in children after vaccinations is considered a normal reaction. It can be observed in the first three days after the injection; after some vaccines, for example, against measles, rubella and mumps, elevated body temperature can last up to 15 days. It is necessary to reduce the temperature after vaccination.

How to reduce the temperature? Traditional and folk remedies

Treating a child without consulting a doctor is fraught with dire consequences, so any treatment should begin with a visit to a specialist. First aid, of course, can be provided by parents, but the help of a doctor will be more effective. Today, WHO experts have approved the treatment of fever in children with antipyretics such as paracetamol and ibpurofen, the dosage forms of which are suspensions, suppositories, and tablets.

The doctor decides how long and in what dosage the drug should be used. It is not allowed to use "Analgin" and "Aspirin", because after these drugs serious complications can occur, for example, a child may develop a headache.

Comfortable shape for little ones medicinal product are rectal suppositories, suppositories, especially when the body temperature rises at night or chills begin. Suppositories are fast-acting medications, are well absorbed into the bloodstream and cause fewer complications. If a child experiences convulsions or vomiting due to fever, suppositories are an ideal antipyretic option. Rectal suppositories are also convenient for treating disabled children.

For older children, suspensions or syrups are recommended. It is better to use products without dyes and fragrances to reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the drug. Any antipyretic drugs should be taken no more than once every 5-6 hours, be it syrup or suppositories.

Folk remedies that will help relieve fever, especially when there are chills, are made from St. John's wort, chamomile and yarrow. Infusions and compresses are made from these herbs.

Why is fever dangerous for children? The appearance of seizures

The most dangerous complication of fever for a child is convulsions, they are also called.

The reasons why convulsions occur due to fever can be different:

  • difficult childbirth;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • intoxication of the nervous system;
  • poisoning by bacterial toxins.

Seizures may manifest as:

  • twitching of individual muscle groups;
  • throwing back the head;
  • eye rolling;
  • fading;
  • holding or stopping the child's breathing.

It is not always known how long the convulsions last, so you need to urgently call “ ambulance" With severe convulsions, lasting more than 20 minutes, the child’s jaws sometimes clench. Do not squeeze them with your finger or spoon, otherwise you may harm the baby. If the seizures have stopped before the doctors arrive, then try to assess the baby’s condition yourself: what kind of breathing he has, how he reacts to the surrounding space.

Development fine motor skills, logic, attentiveness and perseverance in a child must be practiced from an early age. Proven teaching methods include drawing or coloring the outlines of shapes. Parents, in order to captivate their baby, use various templates for drawing.

Dymkovo toys will be the most suitable for this purpose. Despite their apparent simplicity, they have small details, the painting of which will require a lot of effort from the child.

Dymkovo toys are created in several stages. They cannot be made without special skills, so the process of making such crafts for children is usually supervised by professional craftsmen.

On the way to obtaining a high-quality result, the toy must first be molded, then thoroughly dried, burned, whitened and beautifully painted. Skipping one of these steps may result in the figurine being too fragile or not working at all.

Dymkovo toys are molded by hand. Despite the presence of uniform templates for drawing, in reality not a single craft is similar to its counterparts, precisely because of the individual approach to their creation.

Sequence of creating a toy:

Simple coloring pages of Dymkovo patterns for young children

Dymkovo toys (drawing templates, in particular) should be chosen based on the age of the child who will work with them.

The development of children will be beneficially affected by painting large components drawing, using the most saturated colors.

Among the most popular options for such pictures:

Drawing for coloring
Horse. The task for the child will be to color the horse in the way he thinks will be as beautiful as possible. Typically, children are asked to use red, white, orange and yellow pencils. This set of colors, as a rule, is sufficient not only for their individual use, but also for creating new shades. In this version of the coloring book, the child, if desired, can complete the animal’s face, or can simply add brightness to the picture, without adding patterns to it.
Matryoshka. Coloring this picture of a matryoshka doll is best combined with telling your child the history of the origins of the original Russian toy. It will also be interesting for the child to learn the principle of playing with such a wooden doll. Pencils of red, black, white and yellow are usually used to add color to this sketch.
Lady. The process of coloring the lady will also be a fun activity for kids. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, giving it color requires thinking through the shades used in the work. To complicate the task, the child can be given the goal of coloring the outline of a woman so that the items of her clothing match each other and do not merge. For this purpose, it is recommended to invite him to choose a shade to work with from an unlimited number of pencils. Experience shows that children most often choose red, yellow, green, blue, black and white.

Complex coloring pages with a lot of small elements

Dymkovo toys (templates for drawing, as well as drawings for coloring, are freely available on the Internet), due to the variety of their options, can be used in work with older children.

For schoolchildren attending grades 3–5, it will be interesting to paint more complex patterns with a lot of small details.

Sketch for coloring Description of the drawing and the principle of working with it
"Walk". This picture for coloring is a complete artistic composition. It depicts a man and a woman floating in a boat on a river. The task facing the child is to make colorful not only people’s costumes, consisting of small parts, but also the objects surrounding them. These include the celestial bodies, the pattern on the ship and the waves. The main colors that the student will work with are red, blue, white, black and their derivatives.
"The Bears". This sketch shows a family of bears. Animals are depicted in human form: they wear clothes and jewelry. The difficulty in coloring this drawing lies in the presence large quantity small details of characters' clothing. To complicate the task, you can invite the child to make the picture as realistic as possible (paint the bears in the appropriate colors, as in life, and their clothes in the shades most often found in adult wardrobe items). Typically, children work with this image using blue, red, black, yellow, brown and white colors.
"Rider". This is one of the most popular pictures for coloring, used by teachers when working with them. It depicts a boy standing on a horse. In this case, the child will need to carefully paint the smallest details of the image of the young man, as well as reproduce the color of the animal and surrounding objects. It is recommended to work with brown, black, red, blue, yellow, orange, blue and green.

Dymkovo toy Lady

Adults associate Dymkovo toys (drawing templates will help children master artistic skills) with the figure of a lady. A drawing template with a picture of a woman in a beautiful outfit will teach your child to draw the details that create a realistic person's face and the details of his clothing.

A lady can look different:

It is worth choosing the most suitable option based on the experience and age of the children who will work with the template. At the initial stage, it is optimal to let the child complete the simplest image of a woman without unnecessary details.

For example:

Dymkovo toys


Roosters drawn in the style of Dymkovo toys can also look different. On some templates they are depicted in full height, on others - only the upper part of the body.

Traditional option looks like that:



The traditional template for drawing a horse in the style of a Dymkovo toy assumes the presence of the outlines of an animal, sometimes with an already drawn muzzle. The goal of the young artist’s work is to decorate the existing image, subject to maximum consistency of style.

If desired, the child can complete the drawing of the surrounding objects or create a complete composition, for example, depict a rider or another horse next to the existing one. It is recommended to use brown, black, red, green and yellow colors.




The traditional version of the Dymkovo turkey sketch is one of the most favorite tasks for middle school children. school age. For children, the interest of working with such a template lies in the large field for creativity and imagination. In this case, they don’t just have to add small details on the bird’s body or add objects surrounding it. Here their task is, among other things, to paint the turkey’s tail in any color they like. Typically, for this purpose, children choose red, green, yellow, orange and their derivatives.

Classes using drawing templates, in particular Dymkovo toys, not only develop a child’s creative (artistic) skills, but also stimulate his attention to detail and meticulousness in completing assigned tasks.

Knowing which preparations to use, as well as exactly how to work with them, even a parent at home will be able to properly organize an activity with a child.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Dymkovo toys

Dymkovo clay toy “Bird”: