"Beauty saloon". Role-playing game in the senior group. Abstract of the educational activity "Profession - hairdresser" outline of a lesson on the world around us (junior group) on the topic Riddles on the topic of objects in a hairdresser

Human nature has a craving for beauty. The beautiful evokes pleasure and admiration. The beauty of a woman attracts, enchants, binds. Beauty is deified and magical properties are attributed to it. Poets sing about her, they dedicate to her all the best, touching, sincere...

The quiz about the beauty of a woman contains 12 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. A mysterious look, a wondrous smile, a perfect oval, incomprehensible charm and mystery. From time immemorial, which person has been the ideal of female beauty?
Goddess Diana
Ancient Roman goddess Fortuna
Gioconda +

2. How to make eyebrows beautiful: thick, even?
No way, as nature gave, so it is
Lightly rub in the oil mixture +
Do a light massage in the direction of the hairs +

3. As we all know, a healthy intestine means soft skin, fluffy hair, lightness of gait... What is the name of a salad made from beets and carrots that helps the intestines work?
"Broom" +
"Healthy gut"

4. How should you comb long hair?
Starting from the ends and moving to the roots +
Starting from the roots
Doesn't matter

5. Flowers are a symbol of beauty. What flower did the ancient Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius idolize? To which flower are more than 500 volumes dedicated to the library of the Chinese Emperor?
Rose +

6. Which face cream is best to use?
I prefer the latest, innovative developments
The one that will help me better
The answer to this question is strictly individual.

7. Which ancient Roman goddess is the goddess of beauty, marriage and birth, motherhood?
Juno +

8. Continue the phrase: “The beauty of a woman is first of all...”
Well-groomed skin +
Self-confidence +
Mysterious charm +

9. When applying lipstick, you must first consider
Face shape +
Lipstick type +
Clothes color - (optional)

10. Choose the correct option in your opinion. They “make” a beautiful face...
Beautiful eyes +
Bright lipstick
Blush on the cheeks

11. Which work of Russian literature talks about the “genius of pure beauty”?
“I met you...” F.I. Tyutchev
“I remember a wonderful moment...” A.S. Pushkin +
“The beautiful star of Venus, bright-eyed...” A.A. Fet

12. How to protect your hair from excessive ultraviolet radiation in summer?
Use shampoo containing a UV filter +
Wear a headdress +
Braid your hair (loose hair is more likely to dry out) +

Hasanova Gulbeniz Ahmed kyzy

GAPOU MOK im. V. Talalikhina



Abstract of the educational activity "Profession - hairdresser" (with presentation)

DOWNLOAD (presentation)

Teach children to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions, use hairdresser tools during the game and name them. Develop dialogical speech, enrich vocabulary. Cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards each other.

Educational objectives: To instill in children respect for the work of adults and a friendly attitude towards them.

Educational objectives: Expand children's ideas about professions. To consolidate knowledge about the profession - “Hairdresser”, the tools used in work and the significance of this profession in people’s lives.

Developmental objectives: To develop visual perception, attention, memory, curiosity and fine motor skills hands Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, labor

Integration of educational areas:

Speech development:. activate children's vocabulary: using words denoting professions: doctor, teacher, fireman, educator, names of tools: scissors, comb, hair dryer; "Mannequin": hairdresser, hair salon, image studio, beauty salon, haircut, cape.

Cognitive development: develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation. Give children knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, about his work.

Socio-Communicative Development: promote the development of free communication between children and adults about professions. Develop Socialization: Continue to develop interest in joint activities children in class.

Physical development: form correct posture in all types of activities; formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere.

Preliminary work: examination of the painting “At the Hairdresser”, illustrations about this profession; looking at illustrations depicting the tools needed for work. Reading poems and riddles about the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about the professions of adults. A profession is a job that a person does. There are a lot of professions and they are all very necessary and respected. It is very good when a profession brings joy to a person and he works with pleasure.

Now guess my riddle, what profession it is about (showing a slide).

“Who will do the hair,

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

The curls will curl lushly,

He will fluff up his bangs with a brush,

Everything in his hands is burning,

Who will change appearance? (Hairdresser).

Conversation about the profession of hairdresser:

Imagine that there will be a holiday or birthday in your family soon. Mom, dad and you have beautiful clothes that you will wear for the holiday, but your hair is shaggy and ugly. Don’t worry, there is a person whose profession will help us put our hair in order and give everyone beautiful hairstyles - this is a Hairdresser, which means: “To make a wig.”

Guessing riddles about the tools of a hairdresser.

Two ends, two rings

In the middle of the carnations (scissors)

In this small thing

Warm wind settled in (hairdryer)

I walk - I wander not through forests, but through mustaches and hair

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears (comb)

I often look at it

I'm spinning and spinning at the front.

I braid my hair

Well done guys, you guessed everything correctly!

What do you think should be done with dirty hair to make it look beautiful? ... (You need to wash your hair)

How do you wash your hair and hair? (Shampoo or soap)

What else should you do with your hair? ... (Hair needs to be combed)

How do you comb your hair? (Comb)

What is the name of the device that dries wet hair? ...(Fen)

How does a hair dryer dry hair? (The hairdryer blows warm air)

: When the hair is short, this hairstyle is called Short Haircut. What hairstyles do girls with long hair wear? (Ponytail, braids)

A hairdresser can make hair curly, style it into curls using a hairdryer and a brush (demonstration of actions), he can do different beautiful hairstyles for everyone, both adults and children.

When a person gets his hair cut, they put a cape on him and sit him in front of a mirror so that he can see himself.

Why do you think they put a cape on the person who is getting their hair cut?

Why does a hairdresser wear a work coat?

So that cut hair does not stain clothes.

Hairdressers work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios. Visitors come to the hairdresser to get beautiful haircuts, hairstyles, curl their hair, and change their hair color. They are met very politely, greeted and invited to go and sit in a comfortable chair (I show an illustration of a chair); cover the shoulders with a special cape. They wash their hair with shampoo and then make a beautiful haircut using a comb and scissors.

Now let's check if you listened carefully. Guys, do hairdressers work in the store?

Children: work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios.

What do hairdressers do, do they treat?

Children: They cut their hair. I do my hair. They wash their hair. They dye their hair.

Educator: Correct. Here the skillful hands of a master work their magic on our hair.

How do hairdressers greet their visitors?

Children: politely, greet and offer to go and sit in a comfortable chair; cover the shoulders with a special cape

Educator: Guys, do you know that every hairdresser has a certain specialty.

What is the name of a barber who cuts hair for men, women, and children?

If he cuts women's hair, then he is a women's hairdresser.

If he cuts children's hair, then he is a children's hairdresser.

Well done.

Have you visited a hairdresser? What did the master do?

Well done guys, here we learned who hairdressers are, where they work and what they do.

I think you and I will rest a little and continue our studies.

Physical exercise. Imitation of movements.

Brought to catch the child

How grown up the boy is.

Before you sit down in the chair,

You need to wash your hair (demonstration of movements).

And after this, and after that,

Dry with a towel (show the movements).

Let's take scissors, a comb -

We will cut the child’s bangs (we imitate the movements with our fingers).

The boy is unrecognizable (surprise)

You can send him to kindergarten.

After physical education, they come to the table. On the table there is an envelope with riddles: Hairdryer, scissors, hairdresser, ...

Although instead of a heart there is a motor in it,

But he is not heartless.

Yes, a grumpy conversation with him,

But he is an impeccable friend:

To make your face more beautiful,

He will do the styling

Dries your hair in no time...

Who is my riddle about?

Experienced tool -

Not big, not small.

He has a lot of worries:

He cuts and shears.

This sorceress has

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

And a comb and scissors.

She has

Mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become beautiful. (hairdresser).

I often look at it

I'm spinning and spinning at the front.

I braid my hair

And I adjust my suit. (mirror).

Well done, you guessed all the riddles. You are learning more and more about this profession. Various objects fit on the table on it. (hair dryer, comb, scissors, mirror, hairpins, capes). And construction tools.

Game “What tools are needed to work as a hairdresser?”

On the table are toy tools necessary for the work of a hairdresser and other tools. Children come up to the table one by one and select only those that the hairdresser needs for his work and explain what they are doing.

Well done, you have chosen only those tools that a hairdresser needs in his work


Children are invited to play the role-playing game “Hairdresser” on their own in a equipped corner.

Galina Albrecht
Summary of a lesson on introducing the profession of a hairdresser “Group Guest”

Conducted the conversation guest of the group - Godyatskaya E. A

Target: introducing children to the profession of hairdresser.


Expand your understanding of professions, tools, labor actions.

Develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.

Cultivate respect for the work of adults, curiosity.

Equipment: picture on the topic "IN hairdresser» , pictures with images people's professions, items for role-playing games (scissors, hair dryer, comb, varnish).

1. Organizational moment.

-Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day? Where do they work?

Let's remember what we have already talked about professions?

2. The main part (pictures are displayed on the typesetting canvas - teacher, salesman, cook, driver, seamstress)

Didactic game "Who's doing what?"

A doctor treats, a teacher teaches, a salesman sells, a seamstress sews, a cook cooks.

Now try to guess the riddle?

Who will do the hair?

Hairdryer, brush and comb

The curls will curl lushly,

He will brush his bangs with a brush

Everything in his hands is burning

Who will change the appearance? (hairdresser)

Progress of the conversation: Today we’ll talk about one of these professions, if you guess the riddle.

1 child makes a wish).

This sorceress has

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

And a comb and scissors.

She has

Mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become beautiful.


Please tell me who this is hairdresser? (Answers).

Surprise moment. (comes in hairdresser- mother of Godyatsky Pasha).

Hello. Today we have away mother Elvira Alexandrovna. She works hairdresser and talk about his work.

You can ask our children questions, they know a lot about your work (asks questions hairdresser) . What else can he do? hairdresser?

let's play:

ball game

Comb your hair, cut your hair, comb your hair, curl your hair, dye your hair, shave your mustache and beard, dry your hair.

Right. Guys, for this hairdresser you need a lot of tools and all sorts of items

Let's play the game "Find by touch" and tell us what he uses in his work hairdresser.

Hairdresser uses scissors, a comb, a hairdryer, a razor, a machine, paints, etc. Laying out shapes of objects from sticks according to a pattern.

There are sticks on the tables in front of you, let's make out of them the shapes of several objects that are used hairdresser, but for this you need to solve riddles (2 children ask riddles).

Has teeth

And he doesn’t know toothache (comb).

Two ends, two rings,

Carnations in the middle (scissors).

Phonemic awareness game "Guess what's in the box?"

Children, hairdresser You need some more items to make your hairstyle successful. There are 3 sounds in the word, catch - L, A, K. What word did you get? (varnish).In the name of the object, the first syllable is BI (curlers). The word contains the syllables KA and KRAS (dye).

parent. Well done! And tell me, hairdresser what kind of character should he be?

Game "Pass the object and name it"

13. Summary classes.

Thank you very much for the interesting story and hairstyles. Guys, you can ask your questions. And someone might want to become hairdresser, there are such?

We want to thank you and have prepared for you a poem by Mikhalkov “In hairdresser" (several children recite a poem).

Dad sits down in front of the mirror:

I need to get a haircut and shave!

Old master everything can:

He's been cutting and shaving for forty years.

It's from a small closet

I quickly took out the scissors,

I wrapped my dad in a sheet,

I took the comb

I stood behind the chair,

He clicked the scissors loudly,

He waved his comb once or twice,

From the back of the head to the temples

Cut off a lot of hairs

Combed the middle parting,

He took out the razor.

The soap hissed in the cup,

To make the razor shave cleaner;

The bottle snorted cheerfully

With an inscription: "Cologne."

Nearby, a girl is getting her hair cut.

Two streams run from my eyes.

The stupid girl is crying

Tears hang on my nose -

Hairdresser under comb

Cuts a red braid.

If you decide to get a haircut,

Crying is stupid and funny!

The hair became like a mane,

Apparently it’s time to get a haircut...

IN the hairdresser is beautiful,

Lots of light, mirrors...

They pointed me to a chair,

I didn't have time to say: "Oh!"

They sparkled and flew

Scissors overhead.

I came there shaggy

And not a shorn ram,

And I left neatly

And a handsome boy.

Hairdresser Uncle Sasha

He told me: "Do not forget our hairdresser, come don’t overgrow”

The hairdresser can do everything:

If you want, he will shave your head or remove your bangs,

Or he’ll trim his temples – he’ll trim them however you want.

He knows his job

Who wants to get a haircut?

That will help without any problems.

Hairdresser does some girls' hair (Braids beautiful pigtails).

Bottom line:.

- People say: “A good hairstyle is more important than an expensive outfit”. It means that hairdresser turns us into beautiful, unrecognizable, neat people with the help of his magical hands, tools, and his skill. In order to look beautiful, you must always keep your head in order and visit hairdresser.

I give you "Kit hairdresser» and you can play. Thanks to all.

A GAME "Question answer" ("What do you know about hairdresser profession)

Master class “Beautiful braid”

A game “What first, what then?”

Publications on the topic:

Outline of the educational activity for introducing children of the senior group to the profession of a car mechanic “All professions are important, all professions are needed” Plan - outline directly - educational activities for introducing older children preschool age with the profession of a car mechanic.

Summary of the integrated lesson “Miracle water and the guest of the magic city” Summary of the integrated lesson Topic: “Miracle water and the guest of the magic city” Age group: second youngest. Goal: create conditions.

Summary of complex joint activities for children of the middle group “Moon Guest” Topic: “Moon Guest” Type of activity: activity-game. Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative.

Summary of educational activities for children of the second junior group “Introduction to the profession of a cook” Children's age: 3-4 years. (children with visual impairments) Goal: to create conditions for the formation of children’s knowledge about the profession of a cook. Tasks:.

Summary of direct educational activities to familiarize yourself with the natural world “We have a furry guest in our group” Abstract of the GCD in the educational field “Cognitive development” for younger children State budgetary preschool educational.

Alsou Shainurova

Role-playing game BEAUTY SALON

(senior group)


* Reveal the meaning of the activities of beauty salon specialists: hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist, massage therapist, manicurist, administrator.

* Develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game, maintain dialogue in accordance with the role.

* Develop the ability to use substitute items in the game.

* Develop cultural behavior skills.



Conversation: What is a “Beauty Salon?” Puzzles.

Looking at catalogs, magazines with hairstyles, cosmetics, and items used for manicure.

Productive activity: masks for cosmetologist work.

Game exercises.

D/game “Movements-mysteries”.


Clients, parents with children, makeup artist, manicurist, cosmetologist, massage therapist, hairdresser: 2 masters (women's and men's rooms, administrator.


Children who want to be specialists in a beauty salon stand in a circle and pass balls to the music, according to the number of roles. Those who end up with a ball when the music stops become specialists. To divide the roles, children take turns throwing a cube with pictures on the sides. Each picture symbolizes a specialty.


Children-clients go on a bus that will take them to the beauty salon (they choose the driver themselves according to a rhyme).

The teacher, acting as a director, helps child specialists in preparing the workplace and selecting attributes, and supervises them.

The director greets visitors, invites them to approach the administrator or shows them the necessary offices.

Hairdresser: She washes her hair, dries it, puts a cape on the client, combs the haircut, shaves, curls, braids, turns on the hair dryer, offers an album with hairstyles.

Visagiste: Offers a catalog for choosing cosmetics, cleanses the face with cotton pads. Applies cream, blush, eye shadow, and paints lips.

Cosmetologist: He puts on a cap, cleanses the skin with cotton pads, applies cream, a mask, and massages the face and neck. For the solarium, he offers the client a cap and glasses and turns on the device.

Manicurist: Makes baths, wipes with a napkin, cuts, sharpens nails, paints with varnish.

Masseur: Lubricates hands with cream. With light movements he performs a “massage” of the back and neck.

Administrator: Offers catalogs and magazines to those waiting, and accepts payment for procedures. Makes preliminary notes.

During the game, children, if desired, can change roles.

COMPANION GAMES: family, bus, ATM.

EXITING THE GAME: end of the working day, pre-registration for the current week.

RESULT OF THE GAME: Blitz survey: Do you want to come to the Beauty Salon again? Which office would you like to visit again? How to be a specialist? Why?

Abstract of GCD

“Profession – hairdresser

GBDOU teacher kindergarten №78

Combined type

Primorsky district

St. Petersburg

Kuznetsova Irina Sergeevna

Children's age:

3-4 years


Teach children to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions, use hairdresser tools during the game and name them. Develop dialogical speech, enrich vocabulary. Cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards each other.

Educational objectives: To instill in children respect for the work of adults and a friendly attitude towards them.

Educational objectives: Expand children's ideas about professions. To consolidate knowledge about the profession - “Hairdresser”, the tools used in work and the significance of this profession in people’s lives.

Developmental objectives: Develop visual perception, attention, memory, curiosity and fine motor skills. Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, work.

Integration of educational areas:

Speech development: . activate children's vocabulary: using words denoting professions: doctor, teacher, fireman, educator, names of tools: scissors, comb, hair dryer; "Dummy":hairdresser, hair salon, image studio, beauty salon haircut, cape.

Cognitive development:develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation. Give children knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, about his work.

Socio-Communicative Development: to promote the development of free communication between children and adults about professions. Develop Socialization: Continue to develop interest in the joint activities of children in the classroom.

Physical development: to form correct posture in all types of activities; formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere.

Equipment : plastic set “hairdresser”, combs, hair ties, hairpins, illustrations of a barber chair, capes, a set of paper dolls with hairstyles

Preliminary work: examination of the painting “At the Hairdresser”, illustrations about this profession; looking at illustrations depicting the tools needed for work. Reading poems and riddles about the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser.

GCD move:

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet in front of the teacher.

The group includes the character Shapoklyak: “Hello guys, oh, how tired I am, you should know... I walked around the whole city and couldn’t find a hairdresser. There are either a lot of visitors everywhere, or hairdressers are completely closed... But the whole point is that I was invited to a birthday party. And on holidays it is customary to go dressed up and beautiful. So I needed to get my hair done urgently. Eh... that's my problem guys. But they told me that in group 5 there are very capable children and they will definitely help me out. But in order to help me, you need to first go to hairdressing school to learn and become real hairdressers. Then you can give me a wonderful hairstyle.

Educator: Well guys, let's go to hairdressing school?

Children's answers...

Educator: Today we will go with you on foot, because the walk is not long at all. (they walk to the music “to walk happily together”, performing certain movements). They come to school. There is a number 1 on the carpet. The envelope contains a story about the profession of a hairdresser:

After listening to the story, you need to answer the questions:

Hairdressers work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios. Visitors come to the hairdresser to get beautiful haircuts, hairstyles, curl their hair, and change their hair color. They are met very politely, greeted and invited to go and sit in a comfortable chair (I show an illustration of a chair); cover the shoulders with a special cape. They wash their hair with shampoo and then make a beautiful haircut using a comb and scissors.

Now let's check if you listened carefully. Guys, do hairdressers work in the store?

Children: work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios.

  • What do hairdressers do, do they treat?

Children: They cut their hair. I do my hair. They wash their hair. They dye their hair.
Educator: Correct. Here the skillful hands of a master work their magic on our hair.

  • How do hairdressers greet their visitors?

Children: politely, greet and offer to go and sit in a comfortable chair; cover the shoulders with a special cape

  • Think about it, if there were no hairdressers, what would happen to us?

Children: Everyone would walk around with shaggy hair, with an untidy head.
Educator: Guys, do you know that every hairdresser has a certain specialty.

What is the name of a barber who cuts hair for men, women, and children?

If he cuts women's hair, then he is a women's hairdresser.

If he cuts children's hair, then he is a children's hairdresser. (Children's answers are accompanied by the display of corresponding pictures).
- Well done.

  • Have you visited a hairdresser? What did the master do?

Well done guys, here we learned who hairdressers are, where they work and what they do.

I think you and I will rest a little and continue our studies.

Physical exercise. Imitation of movements.
Brought to catch the child
How grown up the boy is.
Before you sit down in the chair,
You need to wash your hair (demonstration of movements).
And after this, and after that,
Dry with a towel (show the movements).
Let's take scissors, a comb -
We will cut the child’s bangs (we imitate the movements with our fingers).
.The boy is unrecognizable (surprise)
You can send him to kindergarten.

After physical education, they go to the table with the number 2 and the name of the class “guessing.” On the table there is an envelope with riddles: Hairdryer, scissors, hairdresser, ...

Although instead of a heart there is a motor in it,
But he is not heartless.
Yes, a grumpy conversation with him,
But he is an impeccable friend:
To make your face more beautiful,
He will do the styling
Dries your hair in no time...
Who is my riddle about?

Experienced tool -
Not big, not small.
He has a lot of worries:
He cuts and shears.

This sorceress has
This artist
Not brushes and paints,
And a comb and scissors.
She has
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become beautiful. (hairdresser).

I often look at it
I'm spinning and spinning at the front.
I braid my hair
And I adjust my suit. (mirror).

Well done, you guessed all the riddles. You are learning more and more about this profession. Let's go further. We approach the table with the number 3 and see what new we learn here.

Various objects fit on the table on it. (hair dryer, comb, scissors, mirror, hairpins, capes). And construction tools.

Game “What tools are needed to work as a hairdresser?”

On the table are toy tools necessary for the work of a hairdresser and other tools. Children come up to the table one by one and select only those that the hairdresser needs for his work and explain what they are doing.

Well done, you have chosen only those tools that a hairdresser needs in his work

We go to the next table No. 4. (On the table there are paper dolls in bright suits. But without bright hairstyles).

Look how beautiful the paper dolls are, and how bright their costumes are, but the problem is, the artist forgot to draw their hairstyles, let us pick out beautiful hairstyles for the dolls. Playing with paper dolls. Well done, what beautiful hairstyles you gave them, I really like them. Show each other your dolls!

Well guys, at school we learned who hairdressers are, what tools they use in their work, and tried to do dolls’ hair. Now you yourself have become real hairdressers and are ready to help Shapoklyak. Let's go back to kindergarten and give our Shapoklyak the best hairstyle!!!