"The bluest thing in the world... International Black Sea Day: Regulations

Results of the regional part-time local history competition “The Bluest in the World...”,

dedicated International Day Black Sea

The regional intramural and correspondence local history competition “The Bluest in the World...”, dedicated to the International Black Sea Day, was held by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory and the State budgetary institution"Center for Tourism and Excursions" of the Krasnodar Territory.

The main goal of the competition is to study the characteristics of the Black Sea and carefully preserve its unique ecosystem.
During the competition, the following tasks were solved: education ecological culture, feelings of responsibility for the condition environment and the desire for specific activities for its protection and reproduction, the development of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the introduction of modern scientific achievements into the practice of local history work in educational organizations.

The competition was held from September 1 to November 9 in three stages among students educational organizations Krasnodar region in three age groups: 1st group of students in grades 5-7, 2nd group of students in 8-9th grade and 3rd group of students in 10-11th grade and secondary vocational educational organizations.

263 people from 29 municipalities of the Krasnodar Territory took part in the Competition, representing 262 competition works in three categories:
1st nomination - “Abstract” - 88 works;
2nd nomination - “Presentations” - 104 works;
3rd nomination - “Through the Camera Lens” - 70 works.

As a result of the correspondence and full-time (final) parts, the winners of the competition were:
Nomination "Abstract".
Group 1 (grades 5-7):
Bachulo Nikita (MAOU Lyceum No. 11 named after V.V. Rassokhin, Armavir),
Ryabchuk Vladislav (MBOU secondary school No. 5, Slavyansky district),
Osipov Alexander (MAOU CDOD “Erudite”, Gelendzhik).
Group 2 (grades 8-9):
Aleksey Dimitrov (MBOU gymnasium No. 14 named after Yu.A. Gagarin, Yeisk district);
Polozhentseva Anastasia (MBOU gymnasium No. 2, Novokubansky district);
Alexandrova Kristina (MBOU secondary school No. 5, Yeisk district).
Group 3 (grades 10 - 11, vocational education):
Kuleshova Victoria (MBOU secondary school No. 2, Starominsky district);
Morozova Lyubov (MBOU Secondary School No. 6 named after F.I. Yarovoy, Pavlovsky district);
Slipchenko Vadim (MBOU secondary school No. 10, Yeisk district).

Nomination "Presentation".
Group 1 (grades 5-7):
Krivorotova Anastasia (MAOU Secondary School No. 101 named after S.A. Neustroev, Krasnodar);
Yastrebova Ekaterina (MBOU Secondary School No. 2, Armavir);
Ilyina Evgenia (MBOU secondary school No. 55, Krasnoarmeysky district).
Group 2 (grades 8-9):
Emelyanova Evgenia (MBOU secondary school No. 7, Apsheronsky district);
Borimskaya Valeria (MBOU secondary school No. 30, Kushchevsky district);
Braterskaya Sofya (MAOU secondary school No. 20, Kushchevsky district).

Sribnaya Alena (MBOU Secondary School No. 78 named after Hero of the Russian Federation N.N. Shevelev, Krasnodar);
Kunichkin Ivan (MBOU gymnasium No. 18, Krasnodar);
Yudichev Danil (MBOU secondary school No. 15, Yeisk district).

Nomination “Through the Lens of Cameras”.
Group 1 (grades 5-7):
Rodionova Anastasia (MBU DO TsVR "Harmony", Tikhoretsky district);
Baboshin Pavel (MBOU secondary school No. 24, Apsheronsky district);
Mityai Alexander (MBOU secondary school No. 61, Crimean district).
Group 2 (grades 8-9):
Demidenko Kristina (secondary school no. 26, Dinskoy district);
Kuznetsova Daria (MAOU Secondary School No. 16 named after K.I. Nedorubov, Kushchevsky district);
Manakov Vladislav (MBOU secondary school No. 1, Crimean district).
Group 3 (grades 10-11, vocational education):
Demochko Anastasia (MAOU secondary school No. 13, Kurganinsky district);
Ksenia Shcherbina (GBPOU KK "KAST", Krasnodar);
Grishko Ekaterina (MBOU Secondary School No. 21 named after I. Shchipanov, Yeisk district).

One of the forms of implementation environmental education in gymnasium No. 23 of the city of Krasnodar became project activities students, organized jointly with geography teachers. After all educational project from the student’s point of view, it is an opportunity to do something interesting independently, in a group or by yourself, while making the most of your capabilities. This activity allows him to express himself, try his strength, apply his knowledge, bring benefit and publicly show the results achieved. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem and its result - the found method of solving the problem - is practical in nature, has important applied significance and, what is very important, is interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves. Indeed, through the joy of creativity, there is a deeper and more multifaceted perception of the world around us, awareness of inner freedom and self-sufficiency of one’s personality.

Since 1998, our gymnasium has been hosting the festival “The Bluest in the World...”, dedicated to the celebration of International Black Sea Day. The purpose of the competition is intellectual and personal development students of educational institutions of the Krasnodar region participating in environmental and research activities.

In 2008, the holiday turns into a distance-full-time comprehensive educational meta-subject project, implemented in the form of an intellectual competition. Since 2010, the competition has achieved high quality new level, it acquires the status of an open regional and is held jointly with the Krasnodar Scientific and Methodological Center and under the patronage of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

In its current format, the competition is a form networking teachers and students from different parts of the Krasnodar region. It involves two correspondence stages. To participate in the first correspondence stage, participants of the competition are offered simple tasks, for example: compose a crossword puzzle on the history, geography and ecology of the Black Sea, write an essay, list existing and possible negative natural and man-made changes in the natural and economic complexes of the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. When performing these tasks, participants actively use information and communication technologies. They help coordinate the development of skills in searching for the necessary information, retrieving it, separating basic information from secondary information, and critically evaluating it.

This year the Competition will be held for the ninth time and for the FIRST TIME in Interregional status. Today the results of the first correspondence stage have been summed up and the Competition has confirmed its Interregional status. The number of participants in the competition this year was a record: the organizing committee received 149 applications, which is more than 1000 participants and team coaches! For the first time, applications were also received from other regions - the republics of Bashkortostan and Crimea, Transbaikal, Stavropol, Khabarovsk territories, Amur, Voronezh, Kemerovo, Lipetsk regions. And such applications in this year’s competition are every tenth!
The geography of participants representing the Krasnodar region has also expanded: there are 135 teams from 30 municipalities. The most active, in addition to Krasnodar, this year were the Yeisky, Labinsky, Mostovsky, Pavlovsky, Tbilissky, Kurganinsky, Kanevsky, Tikhoretsky districts, as well as the cities of Novorossiysk, Armavir and Sochi, represented in the competition by 5–9 teams.
The composition of participants by educational organizations is also interesting; seven teams represent state organizations, 139 are municipal, and three are non-state. Most of the teams are formed in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, but there are also six teams - representatives of the system additional education, as well as teams from the Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School and the Kuban Cossack Cadet Corps.

The teams are now actively working on creative tasks for the second stage. The final will take place on October 26 in the Catherine Hall in Krasnodar.

about the X interregional intellectual competition “The bluest in the world...”, dedicated to the International Black Sea Day

Note: applications are published in accordance with the competition schedule!

1. General Provisions
1.1. These Regulations define the purpose, objectives, regulations and procedure for the X interregional intellectual competition “The Bluest in the World...” dedicated to the International Black Sea Day (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).
1.2. The competition is a distance-full-time comprehensive educational meta-subject project, a form of network interaction between educational organizations, teachers and students from various municipalities of the Krasnodar Territory and other regions Russian Federation.
1.3. The open status of the Competition implies voluntary participation, the possibility of participation for participants from other regions and countries; covering the progress of the Competition in the official blog of the Competition; public nature of summing up.
1.4. The competition is aimed at popularizing geographical and environmental knowledge in modern school, promotes the continuation of the traditions of intellectual competitions in geography and ecology.
1.5. The purpose of the Competition is the intellectual and personal development of students of educational organizations of the Krasnodar Territory and other regions of the Russian Federation participating in environmental and research activities.
1.6. Objectives of the Competition:
— ensuring accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education based on the development of productive educational technologies;
— increasing students’ motivation for cognitive activity, developing key competencies in students aimed at self-development;
— formation of strong environmental knowledge and skills, environmentally appropriate behavior of students, involving them in real activities for the study and protection of the Black Sea;
— expanding students’ knowledge about the geography and ecology of Russia, the water resources of the Azov-Black Sea basin, the history of the Krasnodar Territory and other Black Sea regions;
— deepening students’ knowledge about the influence economic activity people to the nature of the Black Sea and the Black Sea regions, attracting the attention of students to the need to respect nature.
1.7. The competition is held from September 2 to October 25, 2019.
1.8. Official blog of the Competition: ; Competition email address: [email protected].

2. Organizers and jury of the Competition
2.1. Organizers of the Competition:
— Krasnodar regional branch of the All-Russian public organization"Russian Geographical Society" (hereinafter - KRORGO);
- municipal government agency municipality city ​​of Krasnodar “Krasnodar Scientific and Methodological Center” (hereinafter referred to as MKU KNMC);
municipal institution additional education "Small Academy" of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar (hereinafter - MU DO "Small Academy");
— municipal autonomous educational institution municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar gymnasium No. 23 (hereinafter referred to as MAOU gymnasium No. 23).
2.2. The organizers of the Competition form the organizing committee of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee), which carries out the functions of operational management of the course of the Competition.
2.2. Organizing Committee:
— acts in accordance with the goals and objectives of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Geographical Society”;
— carries out operational management events within the framework of the Competition;
— makes the necessary changes to the Regulations on the Competition and monitors its compliance;
— makes proposals for the composition of the Competition jury;
— carries out organizational, technical and methodological support Competition and jury activities;
— posts information about the Competition on the official website of KRORGO http://www.rgo.ru/ru/krasnodar, on the Competition blog, and in other means mass media;
— organizes awarding of the winners and laureates of the Competition;
— registers the results of the Competition.
2.3. The Competition jury consists of a chairman and members. The Competition jury may include teaching and scientific-pedagogical workers of educational organizations of general, additional, secondary vocational and higher education, other representatives of the professional community. Members of the KRORGO Council and representatives of KRORGO partner organizations can be invited as members of the jury.
2.4. The work of the Organizing Committee and the jury is coordinated by the Commission of Geographical and Environmental Education of the CRORGO.
2.5. Interaction with competition participants is carried out by the Competition coordinator.
2.6. The composition of the Competition jury and the Competition coordinator are determined by the organizers of the Competition (Appendix 1).

3. Participants of the Competition
3.1. Participants in the Competition can be teams of students in grades 7-9 educational organizations Krasnodar Territory and other regions of the Russian Federation of all types.
3.2. The number of team members at the absentee stage is not limited. The number of team members participating in the face-to-face stage is six people.
3.3. Teams work under the guidance of a coach - a geography or other subject teacher, additional education teacher, scientific and pedagogical worker or other qualified mentor.
3.4. The coach takes on a strong moral obligation to guide the work of the team, but under no circumstances should he suggest or do the work for the team members.
3.5. To participate in the Competition, teams send an application (Appendix 2) along with a photo of the team and completed tasks of the first correspondence round.

4. Procedure and timing of the Competition
4.1. The competition is held in three stages: two correspondence (remote) and full-time (final).
4.2. Assignments for the first correspondence stage (Appendix 3) are accepted according to e-mail [email protected] until September 23, 2019. Works submitted after this date will not be considered. The Competition jury evaluates the works of the first correspondence stage and publishes the results on the Competition blog no later than September 27, 2019. All participants of the first stage are admitted to the second correspondence stage.
4.3. Assignments for the second correspondence stage (Appendix 4) are sent to participants by email no later than September 25, 2019. Works of the second correspondence stage are accepted by e-mail [email protected] until October 7, 2019. Works submitted after this date will not be considered.
4.4. Teams that scored greatest number points based on the results of the first and second correspondence stages become Finalists of the Competition and are invited to participate in the final stage. The number of teams - Finalists of the Competition is determined by the jury. The finalists of the Competition will be announced no later than October 13, 2019 on the Competition blog; by October 14, they will be sent invitations to participate in the final stage and creative homework(Appendix 5), the assessment of which will be taken into account when summing up the results of the Competition.
4.5. The organizers reserve the right to conduct promotions, creative competitions, and intellectual competitions (hereinafter referred to as Non-Competition Tasks) within the framework of the Competition, the results of which are not included in the overall standings and do not affect the determination of laureates, prize-winners and the winner of the Competition. The procedure, deadlines, rules, requirements for submitted materials of Non-competitive assignments are established in a special manner (Appendix 6).
4.6. The final stage will take place on October 25, 2019. The order and time of the final stage will be communicated additionally, along with creative homework. Teams - Finalists of the Competition, consisting of six students in grades 7-9 with an accompanying coach - are invited to participate in the final stage.
4.7. Works sent by participants to the Competition are not reviewed and will not be returned.

5. Rewarding participants
5.1. All participants of the Competition who completed the tasks of the first and second correspondence stages receive an electronic diploma of the Competition Laureate indicating the team coach. The diploma is sent to the participating team by email.
5.2. The determination of the Laureates and Prize-winners of the Competition is carried out by the jury of the Competition within the time limits established by these Regulations. The winner is determined at the final in-person stage of the Competition.
5.3. The jury makes a decision by a simple majority of votes. The decision of the jury is documented in a protocol, which is kept by the organizers of the Competition.
5.4. The list of Laureates, Prize-winners and Winners of the Competition is published on the Competition blog.
5.5. The winner and prize-winners of the Competition are awarded corresponding diplomas at the final stage. The best creative homework assignment can be awarded with a corresponding diploma.
5.6. Based on the results of Non-competitive assignments, diplomas of I, II, III degrees can be awarded.
5.7. Prize-winners and Winners of the Competition and Non-Competition Tasks may be awarded memorable gifts and prizes.
5.8. Winners and Prize-winners of the Competition are entitled to support in All-Russian competition to participate in specialized sessions of the Russian Geographical Society.

The Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society summed up the results of the VIII open regional intellectual competition “The Bluest in the World...”, dedicated to the International Black Sea Day.

In 2017, the competition received more than 110 applications from 30 municipalities of the Krasnodar Territory. As always, teams from Krasnodar schools showed high activity: out of 13 teams from the southern capital, three represented the Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School. The highest density of participants was noted in the Yeisk district: 10 teams, which is more than half of the schools in this municipality, took part in the first stage of the competition.

Seven applications were received from the Kushchevsky district, six each from Amavir, Mostovsky and Tikhoretsky districts. Krymsky, Kurganinsky, Timashevsky districts and the resort city of Sochi were represented by four teams, and Gelendzhik, Goryachiy Klyuch, Dinskoy, Labinsky, Leningradsky, Tuapse and Ust-Labinsky districts - by three.

At the first correspondence stage, the teams were asked to solve spatial problems, paving the way along water bodies from Sevastopol to Norway. The second extramural stage involved the development of a project for a plant for processing biological resources of the sea.

The teams that performed the tasks of the correspondence round better than others were invited to participate in the finals. These are teams from gymnasium No. 69 (Krasnodar), lyceum No. 4 (Krasnodar), boarding school No. 1 (Yeisky district), Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School, secondary school No. 4 (Gelendzhik), secondary school No. 81 (Krasnodar), secondary school No. 12 (Abinsky district), secondary school No. 78 (Krasnodar), secondary school No. 5 (Tuapse district), gymnasium No. 44 (Krasnodar), secondary school No. 18 (Armavir), gymnasium No. 14 (Yeysky district), secondary school No. 3 (Yeysky district), secondary school No. 20 (Kushchevsky district), secondary school No. 45 (Seversky district), secondary school No. 29 (Dinsky district).

In the finals, the teams competed in solving geographic problems, completed an additional task on the project done at the second correspondence stage, and answered questions prepared by other teams.

The winners, and all other participants in the final - prize-winners of the competition, received memorable gifts from the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, which were presented to them by the chairman of the organizing committee and jury of the competition, chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Ivan Chaika.

Addressing the participants, Ivan Gennadievich expressed confidence that each contestant realized the need to respect nature small homeland and in the future he will be able to contribute whatever he can to the cause of preserving and increasing the natural resources of his native country.

Based on materials from a member of the Council of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society

Alexey Orobets

The Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society announces the start of registration of participants for the V Open intellectual competition“The bluest thing in the world...”, dedicated to the International Black Sea Day.

In 2010, on the initiative of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, the competition “The Bluest in the World...” from a city event becomes a regional open intellectual project. Over the years, more than two thousand boys and girls, dozens of teachers from various cities, villages and villages of the Krasnodar Territory took part in it.

The competition now has regular participants - teams from Krasnodar, Bryukhovetsky, Caucasian, Krasnoarmeysky, Mostovsky, Seversky districts.

“It was interesting for us to watch how the competition participants grow, become more mature and gain experience. The teams amazed the jury with their creative approach to completing tasks, their original presentations, informative booklets, and magnificent maps.” – says the competition coordinator, member of the commission of geographical and environmental education of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, teacher of gymnasium No. 23 of the city of Krasnodar Nadezhda Borisovna Lysenko.

In 2012 project “The bluest in the world...” was nominated for the first ever modern Russia Award for merits in the field of national geography and ecology "Crystal Compass" and in May 2013 he became its laureate .

Participants of the competition “The Bluest of the World”

For two years in a row, the winning team has received not only valuable prizes, but also opportunity to visit the Marine Technology Center . During the five days spent on the Black Sea coast, the guys have time to have a good rest, learn a lot of new things, and even go out to the open sea on a research yacht. Was held for the first time last year creative competition “Let’s preserve the nature of the Black Sea region” , this practice will continue this year.

The administration, teachers and students of Krasnodar Gymnasium No. 23, on the basis of which the final of the competition has been held all these years, work together with the members of the organizing committee. Specialists from the Krasnodar Scientific and Methodological Center and, of course, members of the Council of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society also make their contribution.

The idea of ​​this project is supported by people such as Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Boris Dmitrievich Eletsky, Honored Artist of Russia, Honored Traveler of Russia Sergei Viktorovich Dudko, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Borisovich Eletsky, Director of the Center for Marine Technologies Mikhail Yurievich Kuzhel. They enrich us with new ideas and help us discover new talents.

“Today, at the start of the 5th anniversary competition, we would like to find out what our project is for you. What is this – another boring event in a series of those that are often imposed on schools “from above”, or a unique intellectual project, participation in which is interesting and prestigious for children, meaningful and relevant for teachers?” – asks the question of the competition consultant, head of the commission of geographical and environmental education, member of the Council of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, head of the education development department of the Krasnodar scientific and methodological center Alexey Aleksandrovich Orobets.