Scenario for children's New Year's celebrations. New Year's miniature scenes for children of primary school age. Final words of the holiday

Do you want to arrange a fun and interesting New Year's holiday for your children? Review our scenarios. New Year 2019 is very soon and to make it easier for you to prepare for it, we have prepared for you children's New Year's scenarios 2019 - for matinees and school evenings. Have a fun New Year 2019!

A matinee script for organizing a New Year's Eve party at school in an oriental style with miracles and adventures. Characters: schoolgirl Diana, her friend Latona, Scheherazade, Jafar, Genie, Aladdin, Sinbad. What is needed for the organization: decorations, masquerade costumes, musical accompaniment, a decorated Christmas tree, a sweet table.

The script was written for a New Year's party at a school party. An interesting journey into the era of Peter the Great, the story of the creation of the New Year. Characters: two presenters, Peter the Great, a poem reader, a dance group. What is needed for organization: serpentine, confetti, Christmas tree, fancy dress costumes and masks, music and lyrics.

New Year celebration scenario for schoolchildren. Active fun game. Characters: Crane, Bear, guys - carolers. What is needed for the organization: costumes for the characters, decorations, musical accompaniment, a set festive table.

Unusual school script New Year celebrations with interesting fortune-telling and predictions. Characters: Snow Maiden, Wendma-Megerochka, Witch of Auda, Witch of Irgol, three Snowmen, Snowflakes and Father Frost. What is needed for the organization: New Year's attributes and costumes, musical accompaniment, sweets and candies, props for scenes.

The script is designed for children school age. The history of the emergence of Christmas with songs, round dances and children's performances. Characters: presenter, Scientist Cat, Joulupukki, Scrooge McDuck. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, props, a New Year tree, children’s skits prepared in advance, hall decoration, fancy dress costumes.

Scenario for children's New Year's party. Performance for schoolchildren. Meet the legendary hero of the fairy-tale Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood. Interesting tasks and funny competitions. Characters: Robin Hood and two presenters. What is needed for the organization: sweets and candies, a decorated Christmas tree, character costumes, a bow and arrow.

The New Year's party for children is held in the school assembly hall. Script for schoolchildren. Characters: presenter, Zimushka - winter, Squirrel, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Snowflakes, guys - readers of poems and montages. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, decoration of the hall, costumes for participants in skits, prizes for the winners.

New Year's performance of the New Year's celebration for children studying in high school. Conducting children's competitions and games. Characters: Pierrot, Santa Claus, Jester, Capricious Star, Button. What is needed for the organization: sweet table, hall decoration, hero costumes, gifts for participants, chest, homemade podium, music.

Scenario for a New Year's party at school for children attending school. A production for children with their favorite fairy-tale characters, which turns into dancing and round dances. Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Hare, Fox, Mouse, Dog, Tiger Cub. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, decorations, fancy dress costumes, sweet gifts, a stage.

New Year's performance for high school students. Scenario for celebrating the New Year with friends or co-workers. Conducting funny competitions, interesting quizzes, cheerful congratulations and toasts. Characters: Optimist, Pessimist. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, room decoration, character costumes, prizes for the winners, a festive table, music.

Dynamic holiday script designed for holding New Year's KVN between guests according to all the rules of this famous game. Lots of jokes and fun for all participants of the holiday. Characters: presenter, five teams of players. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, cardboard numbers, prizes for the winners, a festive table.

New Year's celebration script designed for children preschool age. New Year's party for the little ones. Conducting fun games and competitions for children and their parents. Characters: Parsley, Harlequin, Father Frost, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: a festive table, fancy dress costumes, sweet gifts.

New Year's party script for kindergarten. Festive performance for children. Original ideas for suits fairy tale characters: Harlequin, Parsley, Snow Queen, Merry Old Women, Dinka-Ice. Characters: children. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, room decoration, character costumes, gifts for participants.

Holiday for friends. A competitive New Year's program with prizes and gifts, without vulgarity or bad jokes. Characters: presenter, Father Frost and Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, gifts for the winners, banquet table, costumes for program participants.

Funny New Year's scenario for adults and children. An original New Year's Eve celebration in nature for the whole family with entertaining events: competitions and games. Characters: children and their parents. What is needed for the organization: New Year's melodies, a decorated Christmas tree, fancy dress costumes, sweet prizes, cards with invitations, table, chairs, firewood.

A universal script for a fun family celebration of the New Year 2019. Script for big company adults and children. Family competitions and entertaining quizzes. Characters: parents and their children. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, sweet table, hall decoration, character costumes, prizes for the winners.

New Year's re-enactment of the New Year's celebration with fairy-tale characters. Scenario for the whole family. Entertainment activities are designed for a large company. Characters: Buffoons, Santa Claus, Winter, Baba Yaga. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, sweet gifts, prizes for competition winners.

Scenario for a New Year's party in the style of the 80s. Performance for adults and children. Incendiary dancing until you drop, funny competitions and quizzes. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: dance tunes, a decorated Christmas tree, character costumes, gifts for participants, a banquet table, props.

Scenario for a holiday party for preschoolers. Perky and funny scene for children. Comic riddles, funny games, interesting competitions, driving round dances and singing New Year's songs. Characters: Buffoon, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden, Father Frost. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, sweet prizes, costumes for characters, decorations.

Scenario for New Year 2019 for children in primary school. Matinee for schoolchildren with fairy-tale characters from their favorite cartoons. Characters: Ivanushka the Fool, Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Snow White, dwarfs, Nightingale the Robber, Little Red Riding Hood. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, hall decoration, fancy dress, sweet gifts.

Scenario for New Year's Eve in elementary school. New Year's celebration for schoolchildren. Characters: Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Fairy, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, Ivanushka the Fool, Nightingale the Robber, Koschey the Immortal, the Seven Dwarfs, Old Man Hottabych, Snow White. What is needed for the organization: New Year's melodies, a decorated Christmas tree, prizes for the winners, a sweet table, decorations, New Year's paraphernalia.

The New Year's scenario was developed for a matinee at school. A fun show for children. Staging the educational process. Characters: teacher, troupe of students, support group. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, character costumes, gifts for participants, chairs for simulating a class, a wall calendar.

The scenario is designed for holding a matinee at school. Performance for children. Interesting plot, light humor, good ending. Characters: a group of children, “brothers”. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, an elegantly decorated Christmas tree, decoration of the hall, fancy dress costumes, sweets and candies, prizes for the winners.


New Year's holiday scenario for older children “Fairytale trip for the New Year”

MDOU No. 9

Organizer and presenter: Stepanova S.V.


Presenter (Fairy Tales), Aliens, Baba Yaga, Princess, Leshy, Sultan, Father Frost, Snow Maiden.

Attributes: Sound recordings: Flying saucer; Transformation into a leader; Alien arrival; Alien Dance; Appearance of Leshy (creaking); Baba Yaga's whistle; The appearance of the Snow Maiden; Appearance of D.M.; The sound of the wind (will blow away Yaga and Leshy)


Carpet – 2 pcs.;

Pillow for the Sultan;

Throne for the Princess;

Book for Leshy;

Overcooked flour (dust);

Toys of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall to the music, look at the Christmas tree and the decoration of the hall.

Presenter (Fairy tales).

Would you tell me together?

What kind of guest is in our hall?

Children. Christmas tree!


Well done! Now go

And look at the Christmas tree!

Children look at the Christmas tree.


Nice needles

At the elegant Christmas tree?

Children. Yes!


Answer from the heart:

Are all toys good?

Children. Yes!


Tall, beautiful, green, slender,

It glows with different lights!

Isn't she a beauty?

Children. We all really like it!

Children read poetry

1st child.

How good it is that in this room

We meet again!

We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time,

And he came in the cold, in winter!

2nd child.

Oh, how beautiful our Christmas tree is!

The toys sparkle happily!

How many lights are there on the tree?

Probably more than guys!

3rd child.

Out the window from the frosty white streets

Winter is admiring us!

Look - all the guests smiled,

Well, it’s a holiday, in a good bright hour!

4th child.

Happy New Year

We'll start a round dance,

We will sing and dance,

Let's name our Christmas tree.

You grow to the ceiling

Become fluffy, tall,

The most beautiful and slender of all,

To delight your guests!


Our Christmas tree is calling everyone

On the New Year's round dance!

We'll sing about the New Year,

We'll sing as it snows!

All the children sit down


Now no one flies on a mortar,

And they don’t go to the stove to get water!

The simple truth has long been known,

That the keys to the world of miracles have been lost.

And only closer to New Year's Eve

Which means we are wizards today,

We are all creating miracles today...

The presenter spins to the sound recording, goes behind the tree and throws it there outerwear, under which the outfit of the Fairy Tales Fairy is hidden

Fairy Tales.

Hello my friends!

I'll introduce myself to you right away.

My name is Fairy Tales Fairy and I want to tell you a very interesting story.

The loud sound of a “ship” descending is heard (phono recording).

Fairy Tales. Well, miracles fell like stars from the sky. It seems to me that someone has come to visit us!


Hello dear!

Good afternoon

Happy hour!

Zer gut!

Salaam Alaikum!

Good morning!

Fairy Tales. Hello, dear guests! Where and why did you come to us?


We came to you from Alpha - planets!

We are looking for magical objects for the museum!

We give you two seconds to answer!

Do you have anything or not?

Fairy Tales. Of course have! I just wanted to invite the guys to go to the magical land of fairy tales. Do you want to join us?

Aliens: Of course! With pleasure!

Suddenly Baba Yaga appears in a fur coat and Santa Claus hat, but in slippers.

Baba Yaga:

Wow, what beauty in this room

Wasn't it me that you children were waiting for?

I'm going to the children's Christmas tree.

Oh, children, and uncles, and aunts,

I have a question for you:

Are you waiting for Santa Claus here?

Well, then I am Santa Claus!

(Addresses the children in a rude voice.) Hello, my dears, hello, my dears! Why are you suddenly calm? Or didn't they recognize me? Or from the joy that I finally came to you, that is, I came, Baba, ugh, that is, Grandfather... you completely confused me! (Notices the presenter.) Oh, who are you?

Fairy Tales. I?! I am the Fairy of Fairy Tales!

Baba Yaga: Hee hee hee! Fairy tale fairy! But I don’t believe it!

Fairy Tales. Some suspicious Santa Claus! Grandfather, why are you wearing slippers?

Baba Yaga: Yes, my... these... my felt boots are stuck in the snow.

Fairy Tales. Why do you have a broom instead of a magic staff?

Baba Yaga: And the wolves chewed up my staff.

Fairy Tales. Where is your bag of gifts?

Baba Yaga: A bag? Why gifts? Your best gift is me!

Fairy Tales. You're a strange Santa Claus. And the nose reminds me of something...Ah! I think I guessed who it is! Guys, let's tickle Santa Claus

Baba Yaga: Tickle? For what? No need!

Children tickle Baba Yaga and Father Frost's clothes fly off.

Fairy Tales. Well, we found out that this is not the real Santa Claus! It was Baba Yaga who wanted to deceive us

Baba Yaga: Yes! Because wait! We've done it! They sell everything, they buy everything! What's going on around here! Everyone is shaking over their own good! But they, you see, don’t need magical things! We are ready to give them to the first alien we meet for nothing! I'll show you! I'll arrange it for you! I'll grab them myself! (Whistles.)

Fairy Tales. Children, let's quickly sit down so that no trouble happens!

Leshy comes out. He has a huge book in his hands. The goblin walks and looks at the tree and the hall. He oohs and ahhs with delight. With every step there is a creak.

Baba Yaga: (comments on the appearance of Leshy.)

Yeah, we haven't seen each other for a long time...

The years fly by... It creaks, it will soon fall apart...

Leshy, dear friend, hello! (They kiss.)

Why are you so interested in books in your old age? Have you learned to read? (Takes a book.) What kind of literature? (Upside down.) Come on, read it!

The goblin reads the name “ABC” syllable by syllable.

Baba Yaga. Look, he's literate... Well, okay! Why did I call you! Listen!

He whispers in Leshy's ear, gestures with his hands, runs to the other ear, Leshy is only surprised.

Leshy. Ooo! Ah-ah-ah! Woohoo!

Baba Yaga: So much for you! You have to think here!

You and I have gathered - two evil forces,

To figure out how to solve dark matters!..

We are different magical things

And we won’t give it to them for dollars! Ha!

(They dance.)

Fairy Tales. Wait, wait! Do not hurry! How can you not give it away?

Baba Yaga: And we will disturb you!

Leshy. And we’ll take all the magical things for ourselves! Ha ha ha! (Run behind the tree)

Fairy Tales. Guys, trouble! We must quickly hurry to the magical land of fairy tales if you want to help our friends from another planet! We'll help

Children: Yes!

Fairy Tales. Then you need to hit the road quickly! Shall we go? (Children - yes!)

Children walk around the Christmas tree. At this time, a scene is being prepared where the girl Queen sits on the throne and picks up a mirror.


My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth!

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

Fairy Tales. And the mirror answered her:

You are beautiful, no doubt!

But he lives without any glory,

Among the tall oak groves,

The seven heroes have one

Why are you still so dear!..

Queen (waves her mirror):

Oh you disgusting glass

Are you lying to me to spite me?

Child in a suit:

Hello, dear queen!

Beautiful girl!

You didn't order us to be executed,

Tell us to speak!

The queen lowers the mirror without breaking it.

Queen: Speak up, foreign guests!

The aliens repeat their story “We have arrived...”

Fairy Tales. Would you give us your mirror?

Baba Yaga and Leshy run out from behind the tree.

Baba Yaga: Give it to me, give it to me!

Leshy. Let's have it! Us!

Queen: Well, if you ask so, earn it! Complete my task!

Baba Yaga and Leshy (together): Which one?

Queen: Sing me a song about a Christmas tree, but one so that I don’t know it! Whoever wins will receive my mirror.

Baba Yaga and Leshy sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Queen: I know this song! Sing another one.

Fairy Tales. Guys, let's help the aliens and sing a song about a Christmas tree for the queen!

Queen: What a good song! I don’t know this one, so the mirror is yours!

Gives the mirror to aliens. At this moment B.Ya. and Leshy whisper and go behind the tree.

Fairy Tales. Guys, where did B.Ya go? and Leshy? (Children's answers). Well, okay, let's not be distracted and continue our journey.

They walk around the tree. At this moment, the next scene is being prepared: a carpet is laid down and a pillow is placed on it, on which the Sultan sits.

Fairy Tales. Dear Sultan! Would you give guests from another planet a flying carpet? We heard that you have him in your fairy tale.

At this moment B.Ya. appears. and Leshy.

Leshy: Is this a flying carpet? (Looks at the carpet). Isn't there another one here?

Baba Yaga: Grab him!

The goblin scares everyone - he shakes his hands, howls “Ah-ah!” Together with B.Ya. they grab the carpet and run away.

Fairy Tales. So what should we do now?

Sultan. Don't be upset, my dears! This forest evil spirit stole the wrong carpet.

Baba Yaga: (Runs out from behind the tree). Wow, not the one? (To the Leshem). Where were you looking? Well, nothing can be entrusted

(Runs to the Sultan.)

Expensive! Let's switch?

You are from a fairy tale, I am from a fairy tale!

We will understand each other!

Sultan. If that's what you want, then I'll give you a competition. Whoever guesses the riddles gets the carpet!

Baba Yaga (to Leshem): Well, my well-read one, show me your knowledge!


He is kind, he is also strict,

The head is covered with gray hair.

Red-nosed, red-cheeked

Our favorite...

Leshy: Good... Beloved... so it’s me! (Children answer correctly - Santa Claus.)


What a beauty!

Stands, sparkling brightly!

How magnificently decorated...

Tell me, who is she?

Leshy: So this is B.Ya. look how beautiful she is!

The children laugh and answer correctly - Christmas tree.

Sultan (edifyingly to Leshy): Measure seven times - cut once!

Leshy: What are we going to cut? A?

Sultan (shakes his head, saying, oh, you...): Listen carefully! The last riddle! Both in summer and winter it is always full of water!

Baba Yaga (jumps forward): I know! It's a pot!

Everyone laughs, and Leshy also clutches his stomach.

Goblin: Yes, this is a well! Your lame leg!

Sultan: The winners are aliens and children! Take your carpet.

The aliens take the carpet and take it to the “plate” behind the tree.

Fairy Fairy: Let us have some more fun for you. We'll tell you poems!

Children recite poems.

Everything became white all around,

All the paths were covered with snow.

And at dawn

The forest woke up in silver!

Winter has set to work

She hummed and sang,

Brought a lot of snow

And it brought frosts!

Before the winter holiday

For a green Christmas tree

White dress herself

Sewed without a needle

Shaked off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And stands more beautiful than everyone else

In a green dress!

Multi-colored toys

She hung it up for us.

And everyone is looking at the Christmas tree,

And everyone has fun today!

We all live happily

We play joyfully

And we dance and we sing,

Let's celebrate the New Year!

The star burns brightly

At the top of the tree.

The kids are having fun

And he laughs loudly!

Fairy Tales: Well, our guests have received magical things, it’s time for them to fly away. But our holiday does not end. (Addresses the aliens.) Stay with us, don’t you agree? (The aliens nod and agree.) Well then, go to the guys!

All children sit down.

Baba Yaga (to Leshem): Well, we will continue... They have magical things... Yes, Santa Claus will come soon... And now we will spoil their holiday. (Addresses the children.)

We'll enchant your Christmas tree!

Let's blow on its lights!

Fairy Tales:

Guys, trouble!

We need Santa Claus here!

We will call Grandfather together:

Santa Claus, guys are here,

Santa Claus, everyone is waiting for you!

Father Frost

Santa Claus appears accompanied by a soundtrack.

Santa Claus: Hello, dear, small and large! Hello my friends! Did you find out? It's me, Santa Claus! I am sincerely glad to see guests here, guys...

Nowadays I’m pleased to see how dressed up the kids are,

I will never tire of having fun near the Christmas tree!

Hey kindergarten people!

Come out to the round dance!

Give way to the dancers!

We are meeting…

Children: New Year!


Santa Claus: It's nice to all of you to move in! Aren't you afraid of frost?

Children: No, we're not afraid

Santa Claus: Well, I’ll check it. I'll freeze my hands! (Children hide their hands behind their backs.) I'll freeze your legs! (cover legs, ears, noses, etc. with hands)

Fairy Tales: Santa Claus, see how brave our children are! You won't be able to freeze them!

So this means B.Ya. They wanted to ruin your holiday with Leshiy? Well, wait, I’ll catch you! Guys, let's play a game about B.Ya. Shall we play?

The game "Baba Yaga" begins; children stand in a circle, recite the text in chorus and all perform the movements together.

There is a hut in the dark forest.

(They walk in a circle.)

It's standing backwards.

(They jump in the other direction.)

There is an old woman in that hut,

Grandmother Yaga lives.

(They walk in a circle in the other direction.)

Her eyes are big.

(They unclench their fists like opening their eyes.)

Like lights are burning.

Wow! (They squat.) How angry!

Your hair is standing on end!

(They raise their hands sharply.)

During the game, Santa Claus's mitten falls off his hand. Yaga and Leshy appear, steal the mitten and run away behind the tree. The children sit down.

Santa Claus (at the end of the game): Not in order! That my hand is bare - it doesn’t happen! Where's the mitten?

The sounds of a quarrel are heard behind the tree, Yaga and Leshy appear, pull each other’s mittens, and quarrel.

Baba Yaga (pulling out her mitten and shaking it):

One, two, three, gifts for us and

Magical things - give!

Together with Leshi they shake the mitten, repeating the words, but nothing happens.

You're asking wrong!

No, you're wrong!

Give it back! Don't touch it! Give it up, it’s a magical thing, you’ll tear it up!

You'll tear it yourself!

Goblin (pulls out his mitten): Well, give us something! (Shakes.) Come on! You're magical! Ugh, you! It's already unusable, the stock has run out - throw it in a landfill!

Santa Claus: What are you sharing here?

Leshy: We stole your mitten here...

Baba Yaga (interrupts): Found it! Found! They picked it up and brought it to you!

Santa Claus: Why did you take it?

Goblin: To pick up magical things and take away all the gifts!

Baba Yaga (aside): No! To bring gifts for children and magical things for aliens!

Father Frost:

Oh, that's what you are! Pranksters!

You can't behave decently at a party!

I will put a spell on you and blow you away from the holiday with the north wind!

Grandfather and children blow, Yaga and Leshiy “fly away” from the hall. Santa Claus is upset.

Fairy: Don't be upset, grandfather! If you want, the guys and I will sing a song about you and you’ll immediately have fun!

Fairy: Did you like the song, Grandfather?

Santa Claus: Very much! I'm just a little tired! I'll sit down and rest! (sits on a chair near the tree.)


Grandfather is tired, tired!

Sang, played and danced!

Let him rest by the Christmas tree.

Who will read poetry to him?

Children read poetry.

Hello, New Year holiday!

How beautiful it is here!

Santa Claus is already coming

Across Greater Russia.

In the meantime, we are waiting for Frost,

Let's have fun

He will hear - we sing,

And he will knock on us.

Santa Claus walked through the forest,

Past the maples and birches,

Past the clearings, past the stumps,

I walked through the forest for many days!

He walked through the forest,

I decorated the Christmas trees with beads.

On this New Year's night

He'll take them down for the boys

I don't believe my eyes -

Santa Claus is standing at the door!

Smiles, sings

And he gives out gifts!

How did he guess?

He gave me a scooter!

I didn't chat to anyone

I told my dad quietly...

Frost draws on the window

Patterns and snowflakes.

And I know, this is for me

He sends his pictures.

I took markers and a brush,

I paint the windows.

Well, Santa Claus, look, learn -

It can't be faded!

Painted it red and yellow

It’s as if winter doesn’t even exist!

Santa Claus is tall,

Very old and gray-haired.

Apparently it's not easy for grandpa

Walk all day in winter.

Santa Claus brought gifts,

He has a big bag.

Grandpa got so hot

Santa Claus, open the bag!

Even the Christmas tree sparkles

Waves a twig for us!

Our Santa Claus is having fun

Here he started dancing again!

Santa Claus: Thank you guys for the poems! Well, since we’re talking about gifts, I’ll have to deal with them now! Come on, magic gauntlet! Help!

He walks around all the sitting children, and they blow into the mitten.

And now you should say:

Mitten, grow up!

Mitten, help!

The children say the words, Santa Claus runs around the tree, quickly puts down his mitten and takes a bag of gifts, pulling it into the center.

I’ll treat everyone with a gift -

I won't miss anyone!

He calls for help from the Fairy Tales, who help him give gifts.

Father Frost:

The time has come, we need to say goodbye!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts -

So that you live very friendly

Both adults and kids!

See you again!



Toshka the dog
Stepan the Cockerel
Tsatsa swamp
Forest lokhudra
Father Frost
Snow Maiden

Children stand in a round dance. The lights are burning on the Christmas tree. Solemn music sounds, voiceover.

GZK: Attention! Attention!
Everyone who came early
And those who were late
What's in a few minutes
(The minutes will pass quickly)
We're starting the show
Surprising to all viewers!
Hurry up to us, hurry up everyone,
For the New Year's holiday!
We'll start the show
For you, friends, today.
Let's tell the truth, everything as it is
Or how it should happen.
Hurry up, everyone - there is an opportunity
You will find yourself in a fairy tale!

The song "In the New Year's Forest" is played (lyrics by E. Shklovsky, music by A. Varlamov, performed by the show group "Smile")

I hung New Year's stars on a merry Christmas tree,
And the bear is cheerful today, and the wolves are dancing.
Again Santa Claus walks through the forest apartments,
He treats you to lollipops and creamy ice cream.
Squirrels dance, hares dance,
The forest people are very happy
Greet with song, meet with dance
New Year!

The cockerel Stepan and the dog Toshka run onto the stage.

Stepan: A clear forest, a blizzard field,
The winter holiday is coming to us!

Toshka: So let's say it together:
Hello, hello, New Year!

Toshka: Boys and girls, allow me to introduce myself: I’m the dog Toshka, I’ve come to visit you for the whole year.

Cockerel: And I’m Stepan the cockerel, I’ve been living with Grandfather Frost for twelve months now.

Toshka: Stepan, can I say hello to the guys the way only dogs can do it?

Stepan: Of course, Toshka!

Toshka: Then the guys prepared their noses. Twirl your tails! And now they turned to each other and rubbed noses with their neighbors, twirled their tails and barked loudly, joyfully. Go!

Cheerful music is playing. Toshka runs around the hall and thus greets the guys.

Toshka: Great, so we said hello like real dogs! Guys, are you ready for the New Year? (Children answer.) But I’ll check this now, see how friendly and attentive you are. Repeat the movements after me!

Game "Clap and Stomp" - Toshka and Stepan show movements to rhythmic music, and the guys repeat.

One, two, clap, clap!
Three, four, stomp, stomp!
One, two, smile!
Three, four, pull yourself up!
Jumped high
They kicked their legs,
They shouted "Hello!" each other,
Everyone turned in a circle.
Bent right, left
And they bowed to each other.
And now knees together -
We start running on the spot.
They ran quickly, quickly.
That's it, we're done. Tired?

Stepan: Well done guys, now let’s sing a New Year’s song together. Sing together, and then you will find out who will come to our holiday!

The song "New Year is coming!" sing in roles.

New Year is coming!
You can hear the snow falling together.
Someone is walking at the gate
He has a big bag.
Maybe it's Barmaley? (The guys and Stepan answer “No, no, no!”)
Maybe Koschey is wandering around here? ("No no no!")
Maybe Cinderella has come? ("No no no!")
Has Yaga arrived to us? ("No no no!")
(Father Frost.)

New Year is coming!
Who comes to us with a staff,
He sings about the Christmas tree,
Everyone at home is waiting for him.
Maybe it's a crocodile? ("No no no!")
Maybe this is Moidodyr? ("No no no!")
Has Harry Potter arrived? ("No no no!")
Serpent Gorynych flew in? ("No no no!")
How to answer the question? Who is this? (Father Frost.)

New Year is coming!
This means that the old year will pass.
Who will come to our holiday
And will he bring gifts?
Maybe it's Aibolit? ("No no no!")
Is Buratino rushing to us? ("No no no!")
Maybe just a first-grader? ("No no no!")
So this is Cheburashka? ("No no no!")
How to answer the question? Who is this? (Father Frost.)

Stepan: That's right, Santa Claus. Let's all together invite him to our holiday. (Name is Santa Claus.)

The Soroka Plus radio jingle is playing.

Magpie's Voice: Attention, attention, says DJ Soroka-Beloboka. I welcome you to the waves of Soroka Plus radio. Urgent message: a truck with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden is stuck somewhere on the Nizhnekamsk highway, help is needed! Help, help! Toshka and Stepan, to the rescue!

The jingle "Magpie Plus" sounds.

Toshka: Guys, we urgently need to run to help Santa Claus, something happened to him.

Stepan: Don't be bored, we'll be there quickly!

They run away. Two forest girls take the stage to modern music.

Tsatsa: I told you, listen to me Lohudra, me, smart, me, capable.

Lokhudra: It was a great idea of ​​yours to put a board with nails on the road. Now, while Santa Claus gets here, you and I will take care of the whole thing!

Tsatsa: Quiet, look how many spies there are. (Points to the guys.) Well, hello, kids - girls and boys. Let's get acquainted, your guests are Tsatsa Marsh and Lokhudra Forest!

Lokhudra: Well, why are you silent, weren’t you taught how to say hello? Let's say hello, in my opinion, in Lokhudrov's way. So, get ready:

Game “Smile for the neighbor on the right”: Lokhudra shows, children are reluctant to repeat.

Smile at the neighbor on your right.
Smile at the neighbor on your left.
Pinch the neighbor on the right.
Pinch the neighbor on the left.
Scold the neighbor on the right.
Scold the neighbor on the left.
Kick the neighbor on the right a little.
Kick the neighbor on the left a little.
Bite the neighbor on the right...

Tsatsa: (interrupts). That's it, that's enough. So we said hello, now it’s time to act.

Lokhudra: How to proceed?

Tsatsa: We need to come up with something so that there is no New Year at all.

Lokhudra: Listen, Forest Tsatsa, does Santa Claus have false jaws?

Tsatsa: I don’t know, but what?

Lokhudra: And the fact is that if we slam this false jaw, well, steal it, then Santa Claus will not be able to speak at all. He will come to congratulate the guys and want to say: “Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy,” but instead he will get one a-o-y-e, yes a-o-u-e (He makes faces, imitates Santa Claus.)

The jingle "Magpie Plus" sounds.

The jingle "Magpie Plus" sounds.

Tsatsa: Here it is - it's done! Now ours will definitely take it, after me!

They run away. Stepan and Toshka appear.

Stepan: It's bad luck, guys, we didn't find Santa Claus.

Toshka: What should we do, friends?
We can't live without Frost!

Stepan: Just don’t despair, Father Frost and Snow Maiden will definitely come to our holiday. Guys, do you know how not to behave when Santa Claus comes? Let's practice.

The Cockerel offers to perform the famous song-game “If you like it, then do it this way” with other words: “If Santa Claus comes, don’t do it this way.”

If Santa Claus came, don't do this...

If Santa Claus came, that's very good.
If Santa Claus came, don't do this...

Variants of gestures that should not be made: “threat with a fist”, “finger to temple”, “show tongue”, “wag your finger”.

The jingle "Magpie Plus" sounds.

The jingle "Magpie Plus" sounds.

Toshka: Hurry up, Stepan, let's run into the forest. Guys, we will definitely find Santa Claus and his granddaughter!

They run away. Mysterious music sounds. Tsatsa and Lokhudra come out and carry a package.

Tsatsa: Well, it's all in the bag! Now Santa Claus will definitely lose all his teeth. Here look. (Takes out a large Chinese boiler from the parcel.) This is a gift from my brother waterman from China - a Chinese boiler. Well, quickly turn it on. (Hurries.) Turn on, turn on, turn on!

They turn on the boiler, put it in a bucket, gurgling sounds. There is thunder and roar. The lights on the Christmas tree go out.

Hooray! Now in just thirty minutes everything will melt and summer will come!

Lokhudra: Thing! I respect you.

Tsatsa: Otherwise! Soon all the snow will melt, and what would New Year be without snow? No snow - no New Year.

Lokhudra: Well, guys, are you hot? Oh, it's hot! That's right, soon the cranes will fly in and the toads will croak.

Cheerful music sounds, Stepan and Toshka run out.

Stepan: Guys, we have good news for you, we found Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Toshka: He will now distribute gifts to the squirrels and immediately come to us. Guys, why is it so hot here?

Tsatsa: Hello, Flea! In general, you won't have a New Year... at all!

Toshka: And why is that?

Lokhudra: Yes, because we have a super-mega Chinese boiler! And in exactly twenty minutes it will be summer! Birds will croak, toads will fly!

Toshka: Yes I, yes I... yes I will bite you for this (barks.)

Tsatsa: But, be careful, poodle, I can bite anyone I want. But let’s better compete: whoever wins will get the boiler.

Lokhudra: What are you doing, why is this?

Tsatsa(Lohudra): Yes, be quiet. The main thing for us is to hold out time. (To the guys.) So, if you prove that you are dexterous, skillful, capable of anything, so be it: we will give you the boiler.

Stepan: Well, guys, let's prove it? (Children answer.) Otherwise everything will melt and we will be left without a New Year. We agree!

Tsatsa: Then let's begin! First, I want to check how you can dance.

Toshka: Guys, let's dance a fun New Year's polka! And the movements there are as follows: turn to each other, stand in pairs, hold hands and repeat the movements after us! Heel-toe, heel-toe, all together we go to the middle! Heel-toe, heel-toe and all together we go back! Slap your knees - one, two, three! Let's clap our hands - one, two, three! Slap your knees - one, two, three! Let's clap our hands - one, two, three! Let's hold hands and spin! Well done, now to the music!

Dance "Merry Polka"

Lokhudra: Yes, you dance well! Kids, do you like to play sports? Some of them are all small, thin, and probably don’t do exercises in the morning?

Toshka: We play sports and do exercises! Guys, let's show how athletic we are!

Perform movements to the poem.

To always be healthy,
So as not to lie in bed,
So as not to be afraid of diseases,
We need to play sports!

Come on, girls and boys,
We'll play football. (Playing football.)
One blow, another blow.
Finally, they scored a goal!

Together we got on our skis,
And we go, we go, we go. (They go skiing.)
One jerk, another jerk,
And now you are a champion!

Now let's take the racket,
We hit the ball accurately. (They play tennis.)
Strike once, strike again
, Your opponent burst into tears!

And now everyone sat down together,
We took the barbell and did the clean and jerk. (They lift the barbell.)
One jerk, another jerk,
New world record!

We are a hockey team
Sticks in hand and go! (They play hockey.)
One blow, another blow,
Victory awaits ahead!

Now let's dive into the pool,
And we float, float, float. (They swim breaststroke.)
Once a dive, another dive,

Lokhudra: And now you're a floater! (Laughs)

Toshka: It's Grandfather Frost! Let's call him together! (The name is Father Frost. Solemn music sounds, Father Frost and his granddaughter appear on stage.)

Father Frost: Happy New Year, Happy New Year
Congratulations to all guests!
How many familiar faces are there?
How many of my friends are here?

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Oh, why is it so hot here?

Stepan: Snow Maiden, Grandfather Frost, it’s all Tsatsa swamp and Lokhudra forest, they turned on the magic boiler, they want to ruin our holiday.

Tsatsa: Hello, Morozych! Right now you'll defrost like a refrigerator! (Laughs.)

Snow Maiden: Oh, I'm melting!

Lokhudra: (screams joyfully) Look, look, the Snow Maiden is flowing!

Tsatsa: My finest hour has come, one minute left before the onset of summer!

Toshka: Santa Claus, do something, one minute left!

Father Frost: Well, I'll try. I was walking through the forest, I was walking through a field, and I met a bear.

Stepan: Grandfather, it’s winter now, the bears should sleep!

Father Frost: That's right, cockerel, but these swamp boogers turned on the boiler, and the bear woke up.

The jingle "Magpie Plus" sounds.

The jingle "Magpie Plus" sounds.

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's invite the bear to our party? Let's all come together, friendly! Three four...

Tsatsa: (interrupts, shouts) Stop! There will be no tragedy! (Lohudre.) Why are you standing there, turn off the boiler, otherwise the bear will break all our body parts.
(Lohudra turns off the boiler, the howl of the blizzard.)

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandpa, somehow it became easier, frostier.

Lokhudra: Forgive us, Grandfather Frost,

Tsatsa: Please!

Lokhudra: Do you want, Frost, when summer comes, we’ll turn on the super-mega freezer, and you’ll celebrate two New Years.

Father Frost: No, you don't need a freezer. Well, guys, shall we forgive them? (Children answer.) Okay, get into a round dance, just don’t include anything else here.

Lokhudra: We won't, we won't, only if there's a TV. (They stand up together with the guys in a round dance.)

Father Frost: And now I want to check how the guys prepared for the New Year. Can you answer my riddles? (Children answer.) Then, my friends, don’t yawn, answer in unison.

It's snowing outside,
Holiday is coming soon... (New Year)

The needles spread softly,
The pine spirit comes from... (Christmas trees)

To the fun skating rink
It's falling from the sky... (Snowball)

Who painted the cheeks and nose?
Well, of course … (Father Frost)

Like soft fluff
White curls... (Snowflakes)

On these winter days
We'll play in... (Snowballs)

The stars dance in circles
Holiday is coming soon... (New Year)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, it's a mess!

Father Frost: What happened, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden: The lights on our Christmas tree are not lit!

Father Frost: Oh, I'm an old fool - my head has a hole. It’s okay, this matter can be fixed, repeat after me:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree. (Children repeat.)
Green needle.
Light up the lights red
Green and clear.
Shine in honor of the former year
And the coming year.
And now everyone is together, friendly!
One, two, three - Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the Christmas tree come on.

Snow Maiden: The Christmas tree lit up with bright lights,
Sing and dance and have fun with us.

Lokhudra: Grandfather Frost, can Tsatsochka and I also play with the guys?

Father Frost: Well, try it, make the guys laugh.

Lokhudra: And this game is called "Snow Cubs and Frost Cubs". Let's see who has more fun at the holiday, boys or girls.

All the girls at our holiday will be Snow Cubs, and the boys will be Frost Cubs. So, who will slam who? First, the Little Frosties clap their hands! Boys! (Boys clap.) And now the Little Snowmen! Girls! (Girls clap.)

Variants of tasks: who will “stomp over” whom, “bark”, “go over”, “keep silent”.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys, played well! Now it's time to start our New Year's disco!

Disco program.

Snow Maiden: Well, friends, we need to say goodbye,
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Let's celebrate the New Year together
Both adults and kids!

Father Frost: Yes, it's time to say goodbye
And we want to wish you:
Always willing to learn,
Always willing to work,
And never lose heart!

Toshka: And I wish everyone good luck
In my happy year Canine!
When you hear a ringing bark,
So make a wish!

Snow Maiden: A clear forest, a blizzard field,
The winter holiday is coming to us.

Father Frost: So let's stand together
On the New Year's round dance!

The final song sounds, everyone dances in a circle.

A modern New Year's interpretation of the fairy tale "Turnip" for a New Year's corporate party

Characters:presenter, Christmas tree, Santa Claus (DM), Baba Yaga (BY), Snow Maiden, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Mouse. Props - according to the script.

- In one distant abandoned forest there grew a Christmas tree. It grew and grew and grew. Yes, she has grown so slender, beautiful and tender, even now she will lead you straight from the forest to the podium. All the dimensions are maintained, the posture is set, the outfit will rock, he knows his worth. Elka got tired of hanging around in the forest alone, she changed her image and became a star (at the same time, Elka transforms and puts a star on her head).

- I was all green,
Spiny, branchy,
It was completely abandoned
In that distant forest.
Now I'm all beautiful
Tall and slender
And I'm happy
I'll bring it to any home.

- Suddenly I saw someone scratching, hid, and a feeling formed in my soul.

Father Frost:
– I am the new Russian Santa Claus
Came from afar.
Quite tired
And I'm all frozen -
The road is not easy.
Something bad happened on the way:
The Snow Maiden stole my Merc,
But I'm not a simple guy,
Got Adidas on
I quickly attached my skis to them
And here I am - with you.
DM sees Elka:
- Oh-ba, what kind of green splinter is standing in front of me?

- I'm Elochka - beauty
I'm standing all alone.
You went on holiday
Take me too!

Father Frost:
- I chatted, prickly, so be it.

- Santa Claus began to pull the Christmas tree. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. DM began to call his grandmother.

Father Frost:
- Grandma, grandma, a-uuuu...

Baba Yaga appears:
– I’m only 145,
Baba is a berry again.
I got up this morning,
I went to get my hair done,
I created the whole mess.
Look, Grandfather is not at home!
The old stump has already rolled away.
He rushed off into the forest behind the Christmas tree.
So that I can keep up with him.
I had to put on roller skates.
My roller skates are so good.
Without them, I would never have caught up with the old man.

BY sees DM pulling the Christmas tree:
- Ooh, what kind of peduncle is this? Are you a botanist collecting a herbarium?

- I'm Elochka - beauty
I'm standing all alone.
You went on holiday
Take me too!

Father Frost:
- Don't slurp, old man! Don't you see, I found the Christmas tree. Help me get it out!

Baba Yaga:
- Easily!

- And they began to pull the Christmas tree together. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. They decided to call their granddaughter.

Father Frost and Baba Yaga:
- Granddaughter, granddaughter! A-uuuuu...

The Snow Maiden appeared:
- I am the new Snow Maiden –
Girl, fuck yourself!
I stole my grandfather's Mercedes
I went for an encore.
But there was a problem -
My Mercedes is stuck in the snow
Now I'll be a good girl -
I'll help grandpa!
The Snow Maiden sees DM and BY:
- What kind of collection of old bones is this?

- I'm Elochka - beauty
I'm standing all alone.
You went on holiday
Take me too!

Father Frost and Baba Yaga:
- Help me pull out the tree!

Snow Maiden:
- Easily!

- And now the three of them are pulling the Christmas tree. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. They began to call Zhuchka.
Father Frost, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden:
- Bug, Bug! A-uuuu….

- I am an angry and terrible gray wolf,
I know a lot about green money.
I'll look out any arrows
I’ll help Frost immediately
- Both, what kind of arrow?

- I'm Elochka - beauty
I'm standing all alone.
You went on holiday
Take me too!

All for the wolf:
- Help me pull out the tree!

- Easily!

- And they began to pull the tree again. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. The Wolf suggested calling the Fox.

- Lisa, Lisa!!!

I am Fox the beauty,
Model, anywhere!
Me in any company
You will always find.
Away - I am a decoration,
It’s very warm in the forest,
Think about it guys
How lucky grandpa is!
- Oh, why are we showing off?

- I'm Elochka - beauty
I'm standing all alone.
You went on holiday
Take me too

- Help me pull out the tree!
- Easily!

- And again they began to pull the tree. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. The Fox suggested calling the Hare.

- Hare, Bunny!!!

- Jump and jump,
Jump and jump!
ICQ (ICC) is silent!
Jump and jump,
Jump and jump!
Sotik doesn't call!
- Oh, what are we rustling about?

- I'm Elochka - beauty
I'm standing all alone.
You went on holiday
Take me too

- Help me pull out the tree!

- Easily! Mouse! Mouse!

- Well, you are dark forest dwellers!

The mouse takes out an ax and cuts down the Christmas tree. D.M. takes Yolochka by the hand and leads her to the center of the circle. All guests stand in a circle and sing a song for the Christmas tree.


Fairy tale “Kolobok in a new way”

Roles: (Grandma, grandfather, bun, Santa Claus, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox, Snow Maiden.)

Grandma and grandpa talking:
Grandfather: Grandma, you know that New Year is coming soon.
Grandma: I know, so what?
Grandfather: And the fact is that the New Year is just around the corner, but the house is like a ball. Bake a bun.
Grandma: What can I bake it for you from?
Grandfather: From what? Have you forgotten? They gave us humanitarian aid, there must be flour there

Grandmother: Oh, grandfather, I’m sorry, I forgot... My memory has become completely bad. Now I'll go and bake it. Only..
Grandfather: Well, what else?
Grandma: So there’s no firewood at all?
Grandfather: That's sclerosis! That's how they carried out the gas, did you forget? Or do you only remember this when the payment receipt arrives?
Grandma: It’s true! That's it, I'll go to the kitchen.
Grandma leaves, grandfather sits down and reads the newspaper.
Grandma comes in.
Grandma: Well, the bun is ready, I’ll put it on the window and let it cool.
Grandfather (putting down the newspaper) That’s good. In the meantime, I’ll go and bring a Christmas tree from the forest.
The grandfather goes into the forest, and the grandmother goes into the kitchen.

Kolobok wakes up.
Kolobok : My parents too! They put their child on the window. They don't think I might catch a cold!?
He gets off the window and looks around and goes to the mirror.

Well, who makes such koloboks? (shakes his head) Darkness! (puts on dark glasses, ties a dark scarf on the back of his head, looks in the mirror) Here!
Now it's a different matter!

There's a knock on the door.
Kolobok: Who else is there? (opens the door, Santa Claus is on the threshold)
Kolobok: What kind of natural phenomenon is this?
Santa Claus: I am Santa Claus.
Kolobok: Who?

D.M.: What don’t you like?
Kolobok: Grandfather, you are behind fashion. Who walks like that these days? Is your razor broken and you can’t shave? My grandfather has a modern vest, I can borrow it. (Santa Claus takes a razor, goes to the mirror and shaves off his beard) And your sheepskin coat is not modern. Take my grandfather’s sheepskin coat, you’ll still look cooler. (Changing out Santa Claus) And the hat, who wears one like that now? You should also wear a hat with earflaps! Now they wear black, cool hats (they change their grandfather’s hat). Now your outfit is normal. What kind of stick do you have?
D.M. (proudly) This is a staff!
Kolobok: What? Yes, with this stick, your staff, you can only drive away the crows. It’s better to take a machine gun (gives grandfather a machine gun (or a pistol) That’s it! What’s in your bag? (looks in) Ugh, bunnies and bears? Who needs such gifts today? You need to give something expensive, cool. Well, a player or a mobile phone. And look, grandfather, what did you drive? Only the Chukchi ride reindeer! But a cool grandfather should drive a Merc. Where is your Snow Maiden?
D.M. Yes, I left it at home. The time is now such that it is dangerous to walk at night.
Kolobok: I see. Well, now you are a normal, cool Santa Claus!
D.M. Do you think this is how children will recognize me?

Santa Claus leaves, and the bun puts on a fashionable jacket and goes into the forest.

A hare is walking through the forest.
Kolobok: Who are you?
Hare: I am a hare, and who are you?
K: And I’m a bun, can’t you see?
Z: Oh, bun! Wow, how cool you are! Sorry, I didn't admit it. Will you dance for me?

A wolf is approaching.

Wolf: Who are you?
K: I'm a bun, can't you see?
B: (licking his lips) So this is the meeting! And I'm hungry!
K: What does that matter to me?
B: So I’ll eat you!
K: Well, yes! So I’ll crawl into your mouth! You smell from your mouth, ugh! Why don't you brush your teeth? Ashamed! There are so many toothpastes these days! Blendamet, Colgate. At least chew some gum. Here's Orbit, chew it.
The wolf takes the cud.

M. Who are you?
K: Well, damn it, the animals are gone! They won't recognize me at all! Yes, I am a bun!
M. Oh, little bun, it’s so good that I met you, and I’m hungry.
K: Listen, bear! When did you look in the mirror? Will you look? You need to go on a diet, but you made a mess of me! And anyway, why are you wandering around the forest? You should sleep in the den and suck your paw, and here you are!
M: So I haven’t eaten enough over the summer, my stomach is growling (stroking my stomach)
K: So this is because you need to eat natural food, and not all these semi-finished products from the supermarket.

A fox in a fashionable fur coat, a beautiful hairstyle, all made up.
Kolobok: Wow! I met at least one advanced animal in the forest! Who are you, a fox or what?
L: Yes, I am Lisa Patrikeevna.
K: Listen, what do you wash your hair with?
L: Schaum shampoo.
K: Cool! And your teeth are snow-white!
L: So this is Blendamet.
K: What kind of perfume do you have?
L: So this is JADOR (the fox approaches the kolobok and hugs him). Oh how delicious you smell!
K: So this is my deodorant, Menen Spitstick.
L: What a good one you have!
Kolobok moves away from her.
K: Well, give me these tricks of yours! I know you, you can wrap your finger around your finger in no time!

L: Oh, I like you, I really like you. You're so cool, I'm with you to the ends of the earth!

02.12.2019 | Looked at the script 354 person

...(At first, greedy and stupid. He brazenly examines and feels Santa Claus)
"Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Did you bring me gifts?
The swan told me here -
You give it to anyone...
Did you bring it for me or not...?”

(rummaging in the bag)
"Well, ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario for a New Year's party with the participation of Baba Yaga and other fairy-tale characters

24.11.2019 | Looked at the script 995 Human

Santa Claus: Give it back! This is a very necessary magical thing!
Baba Yaga: I won’t give it up, I won’t give it up!
Snow Maiden: Let's change? What do you like?
Little Baba Yaga: I love it when people ask riddles!
Now for the mind charging
I'll tell you riddles
You can't...

Scenario for Children's New Year

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 2748 Human

A simple New Year's script for children

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Kind fairy

Hello girls and boys!
And so do their parents! Grandmothers and grandfathers and your grandparents!
We welcome everyone here - at the New Year's show!
I am going to the forest, ...

Scenario of an interesting New Year's fairy tale for children

21.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1771 Human

Scenario New Year's fairy tale for family viewing “Incredible adventures in the city of the emerald dream”
Children's age is 6-10 years.


ELLIE – a modern, brightly dressed girl (girl), for example, in the “College” style
TOTOSHKA is a dog, friend...

Scenario of the New Year's production for children of the primary school "Yolochka"

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1384 person

two buffoons,
real tree
fake Christmas tree,
three hares,
snowballs, snowflakes,
grandfather Egor,
Father Frost.

Buffoons run out to the music.

First buffoon:
We are no longer crumbs -
Jokers and buffoons.
Let's have fun honest...

Scenario for New Year's greetings to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1461 Human

Hello adults, hello boy! I am the good winter fairy! That's my name, Winter Fairy! And what is your name?
- Vania!
- Vanya, do you know what holiday is coming soon?
- New Year!
– Do you know who comes to the children on New Year’s Day?
- Father Frost!
- Do you want him...

Scenario of the New Year's party for the preparatory group of the kindergarten

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 5385 Human

A winter's tale is all about miracles.
Adventures await you, a mysterious forest,
River - frozen banks,
Baba Yaga - bone leg...
It seems that if you touch the Christmas tree
The wizards will all respond immediately...
No one knows what will happen to us...

New Year's trip to the land of little fairies. Scenario of the New Year's party for children from 2 to 5

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 3404 person

At the time appointed for the holiday, the doors of the hall are closed, the music stops, and the fairy presenter enters the hall.

Fairy - presenter:
I'm early this morning
I rode here in a carriage,
I see bright light in the windows,
I hear the sonorous laughter of children,
And even though I was in a hurry,

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale for children

02.11.2018 | Looked at the script 4865 Human

New Year! New Year!
There is a round dance of stars in the sky!
On this New Year's holiday
The Christmas tree is calling everyone!

The holiday is approaching.
The guests are gathering.

Who's walking through the forest?
And he invites everyone to the holiday?

Three handsome men, three Parsleys,
Three funny...

New Year's adventures of a Teddy Puppy and other toys.

02.12.2017 | Looked at the script 1638 Human

Oh, you winter soul!
How good are you!
Everywhere is soft and white,
Rivers are pure glass!
Forest and field, everything around
Dressed up in white fluff!
The air is fresh and frosty
My nose tingles a little.
Well, ...