Scenarios for youth competitions. Scenario for a relaxing evening "song marathon". Entertaining competition - “Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka”

Title: "Two Halves"

The legend of St. Valentine plays in the background of music.

An ancient Roman legend says: Emperor Claudius II saw the solution to the problem of conscripting soldiers into his army in the actions of the Christian priest Valentine, who secretly married young legionnaires to their lovers. The potential warriors of the imperial army were too tied to the family by marriage. Then Claudius II ordered the execution of Valentin. The execution was carried out on February 14, 270.

Presenter: Good evening, dear friends! This holiday began to be celebrated relatively recently. And he immediately appealed to those who were young. Souvenirs and gifts are prepared in advance for it, calling it the Day of all... that's right, lovers! And although the holiday is Catholic, for lovers it is another opportunity to prove their love to each other. Therefore, the first toast will, of course, be for love. The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved. I want to wish you to live with such confidence all your life!

Presenter: Well, let's not prolong the pleasure - let's start our program. Today we will identify two young people who know, understand, feel each other, those who can without a doubt be called an “ideal couple.” I want to invite 4 couples here. Girls and boys, be brave! The task is not an easy one, and today you, dear viewers, will solve it! Yes Yes. Yes, exactly you! Based on your applause, we will choose a couple for the evening, so be careful and choose your favorites!

And now let's get acquainted! Couple No. 1... etc.

Guys, how are you feeling? Are you ready to fight and prove that you are the best? Tell me please, where does friendship or love begin? (acquaintance, date) Now our guys will invite girls on a date. They will only do this with the help of gestures and facial expressions. But to make it look as artistic and interesting as possible.

Presenter: Girls, do you remember where you are meeting? Well done. Please don't be late.

Presenter: Between two people, if they want to be called an ideal couple, the distance should be as small as possible. Let's get up as soon as possible closer friend to friend. We pinch this apple between our foreheads and hold it tightly. And we try to complete the tasks that I will say.

Presenter: It’s good that the apples did not become bones of discord, but, on the contrary, brought our couples closer together.

Presenter: Please tell me, have you heard the expression “You can’t carry your own burden” You know, yes! Very good! Now we will check the authenticity of this statement! Let's dance a slow dance. As soon as the music stops, the girls hang on the necks of their loved ones. The task: hold out as long as possible without lowering your legs. So, let's begin.

And now we will check how men hide their money so that their beloved girls do not find it. Men can go out into the corridor and make some nest eggs, i.e. hide money where, in your opinion, it is least likely to be found. And you girls will look for this money. Then we'll count which of you can find the most. Have you ever had to look for stashes? Etc. Guys, come here to us. Girls attention! Let's start!

Presenter: Girls – you are just super! And they say the police are looking for workers! You are the only one missing there! And for the future, guys: you better hide! Tell me girls, do you like the way your guys dress? Guys, do you like the way your girls dress? Don’t you think it’s somehow modest? But it seems to me that the guys were being modest! So now I suggest you girls dress your boyfriends stylishly, fashionably, cool! Only you will do this blindfolded. We will also blindfold the guys so that they do not admire their appearance in advance. These bags contain sets of clothes. Your task: get the pieces of clothing, figure out where to put them on and put it all on your boyfriend. Let's start!

Presenter: I think that the participants have already become close enough, and we are smoothly moving into the last competition, the most spectacular one. Imagine that you are at a disco. Of course, you want everyone to say: “Yes, this couple is the coolest!” Do you want it or not? Certainly! Then we proceed to dance competition, and here you can show everything you are capable of. Ready! Then let's go!

This dance evening may not take place at the school itself, but in some cafe or club with a large dance floor. This, of course, will be more expensive, but it will give the teacher-organizers peace of mind.

The dances themselves at the evening should alternate with competitions and practical jokes, so that schoolchildren are unlikely to get bored. And of course, we need a presenter who can attract as many children as possible to the action, including the most modest ones.

The first thing you need to do is unite everyone into one big dancing circle so that the guys feel more relaxed. The Presenter comes out to the middle of the site.


You came to dance, right? But I haven't seen how you can move yet. Come on, show me your dancing skills. No, guys, that won't work. I see that not everyone came here to dance. Many decided to stand their ground or, even worse, sit out. This will not work! Let's organize one big circle.

All participants stand in a circle, in the middle of which is the Leader.

Look carefully at your neighbors to your left and right. Don't notice anything? Then notice that we all have hands. Did you notice? Wonderful! Very valuable observation! Now take the hand of the neighbor on your right with your right hand. And we begin to dance in a circle, as in distant childhood on the Christmas tree. Only at the same time everyone should say: “We all have hands!”

Everyone begins to move in a circle around the Leader, saying: “We all have hands!”


Now look at your neighbors even more carefully. What else have you discovered? That's right, everyone has necks! We hug the neighbor on the right by the neck. More tenderly, more tenderly... No need to be rude! And we continue the round dance, only now everyone says: “We have necks!” More joyful, more joyful! You should be glad that you have necks! Pay attention to your neighbor again. What a coincidence! We all have shoulders! Let's grab our neighbor's shoulder! Repeat after me: “We all have shoulders!” Let's look at our neighbor even more carefully! We notice that we all have waists. Well, some people have it more, some less, but everyone has it without exception. We hold each other’s waists and say: “We all have waists!” Okay, we sorted that out. Let's pay attention to the more piquant places of your neighbors. I mean ears of course! Hold your neighbor's ear! We repeat: “We all have ears!” Do we have noses? Of course have. Follow me: “We all have noses!” Let's not stop the dance! Faster Faster!

The round dance speeds up its movement.


We all have chins! Faster! We all have hair! We all have fingers! Now let's run! We all have elbows! We all have legs!

Usually, at this point in the game, funny confusion begins, since running around in a round dance, holding on to your neighbor’s leg, is very inconvenient.


All! Stopped! Now you see how much we have in common! See how everyone has the same body parts! That is, we are all equally created for dancing. So why don't we dance then?!

The music turns on, the guys dance. But the Leader does not allow them to relax for long.


And now the first competition. All interested couples are invited to participate. If you don't have a pair, choose one! Dear young men! The essence of this competition is that you dance not only with your partner, but also with a balloon tied to her leg. Disassemble the balls! Ring your partners with them.

Boys tie balloons to their partners' ankles using a string. It is best to use small balls in this game that are difficult to hit.

At my command you begin to dance. As I already said, the task of the boys is to keep their partner’s ball intact. In addition, you also need to crush the balls of other people's partners with your foot. The pair whose ball bursts leaves the game. And the couple that keeps their ball intact and unharmed will win. Go! Let's music!

Rhythmic music sounds. Couples dance, dodging other people's feet. Those whose balloon has burst stand at the edges of the dance floor. Eventually the winning couple is announced. They are awarded a small prize. Music is playing. The guys are dancing.

Through short period time The host again interrupts the dancing for the competition.


You probably know about the famous newspaper dances. Have any of you ever danced on a newspaper? Now such an opportunity will present itself. Here are your mini dance floors...

He spreads several newspapers on the floor.

All couples who want to show their art of dancing on miniature squares, please come to me. Each pair gets a newspaper. Just don't read them! You need to dance on them. Get on the newspapers! Your task is not to leave them while dancing. It's all pretty easy, isn't it? Well, let's see how easy it will be for you and whether you can cope with the task.

Since the Presenter did not warn that the area of ​​the newspaper under each pair would gradually decrease, the task may seem too easy to the unsuspecting young dancers. However, during the dance, the Leader gradually tears off a piece from each newspaper. The area for dancing is getting smaller each time. The winner is the one who lasts the longest on a piece of newspaper. Usually the winner is the one who holds his partner in his arms longer. After the presentation of prizes, ten to fifteen minutes of dancing follow. Then the Host gathers everyone again for a new competition.


Everything flows, everything changes... Why am I talking about this?.. Oh, well, yes, the music changes, and we change along with it. Are you capable of changing as many times as the music changes? What does it mean? Now you'll see! I ask everyone to come to me. We will dance individually, but couples can also participate. Only then will the prize have to be divided into two. The task, at first glance, is quite simple: to match the sounding music with your movements. Now our DJ will play his mix of various melodies, and you will try to match them with your body movements. If any surprises happen during the competition... I mean musical surprises... Don't get confused. The main thing is to keep dancing and not stop for a minute. The winner of this competition is the one who best captures the changes in music. Please DJ, start mocking the dancers!

The “surprise” is that the DJ actually plays a crazy mix of many melodies following each other in a completely free sequence: for example, after 10 seconds of slow music there are 20 seconds of fast music, which suddenly gives way to a tango that plays for half a minute. Tango abruptly switches to disco rhythms, which last only about five seconds. And so on.

Musical excerpts should be different in length, rhythm, and style. Include an excerpt from “Swan Lake” into the soundtrack. Watch how the dancers “transition” from disco to Tchaikovsky. Several times the DJ turns off the soundtrack altogether, and the dancers need to feign silence while still moving, as agreed. If one of the participants hesitates, the Leader immediately reminds that there was a condition not to interrupt the dance.

After the competition, the results are summed up, the most artistic participant (or the most artistic and well-coordinated couple) is selected, whose movements best corresponded to all musical fragments, including those when the music died down.

After this competition, the dance program continues, and for about fifteen minutes the guys dance to the music chosen by the DJ. After a while, the Leader quietly appears among the dancers. He is clearly going to play pranks and is now organizing a “snake”. Grabbing the hand of one of the dancers, he pulls him along, who picks up the third dancer, who, in turn, picks up the fourth, etc. The “snake” moves around the hall, skirting the dancers and collecting more and more participants. In the end, all participants in the dance party will be drawn into a single movement.

When the “snake” gathers everyone into itself, its “head”, that is, the Leader, begins to twist the chain in a spiral. As a result, the “snake” turns out to be coiled. The beginning of the “snake” is somewhere in the middle of the rings, and it is no longer possible to get out of there. This is where the movement ends. Everyone begins to noisily unravel the rings.


And now it’s our guys’ turn to show themselves. Guys, come on over to me. Now let's see which of you are Robinhoods, Chinganchguks, Napoleons and Gagarins. At the beginning of the evening, our girls had to dance with balloons on their feet. Some of them are still experiencing this fact... Now the girls will stand aside and watch the boys. Just first we need your help, girls. Tie these matchboxes from the back to the belts of our young men with threads. Just do it in such a way that the boxes touch the floor.

The girls tie empty matchboxes to the boys' belts. Boxes must touch the floor so that they can be stepped on.


Do you know, Robinhoods, that it is now very fashionable to wear a matchbox on your back, tied with a thread to your belt? Do not know?! So, I'm telling you about this. Envy each other, because now you will all have boxes hanging on your belt. But everyone can’t be equally cool, right? Everyone can't carry matchboxes. This means, Chinganchguki, your task consists of three parts: firstly, you need to beautifully perform a dance to the music offered to you, secondly, deprive as much as possible large quantity your opponents have the opportunity to have boxes on their belts, or, simply put, to step on your neighbor’s box and rip it off the string with your foot. Thirdly, and this is the most difficult thing, you need to protect your own box from the insidious attacks of your opponents. The horseman who keeps his box on his belt will win. This will be really cool. Begin!

Rhythmic music is playing, young men are jumping around the site, trying to step on each other's boxes. In the end, only the two most evasive ones remain, who decide who will be the winner.


Boys, don't disperse! There is an opportunity to win another prize! Of course, to do this you need to take part in a competition for the most accurate one. I need five volunteers! (Five young men come out.) I hand you the targets. (Hands out a small basin and a plastic cup to the competition participants.) Place the basins on the floor next to you. Place the glasses in basins in the middle. This will be your “apple” or “ten”, as you wish. And here is the weapon you will have to shoot from. (Hands out a liter to everyone plastic bottle filled with water.) Your task is to hold the bottle between your knees, open it and carefully fill your glass to the brim. I repeat: to the brim! We start as soon as the music starts. The winner is the one who fills his glass the fastest. Go!

There is a competition going on. The winner receives a prize.

Again, music plays for 15-20 minutes, to which the guys simply dance, like at a regular disco. After a while, the Leader gets involved again.


Well, the boys showed themselves. Now let's see how dexterous and agile our girls are. Girls, don't be shy, come to me. It’s strange, usually it’s the girls who are always more active during competitions. You don't know why? Maybe they want to win some kind of prize more? Or is it a sporting interest? Tell me. Okay, now all the girls will have the opportunity to show themselves. Only I need a young man to help me. (A young man comes out who will help the Host during the competition.) Girls, have any of you been to the Hawaiian Islands? And in Cuba? And in some Latin American countries?

Well, at least do you remember the Lambada dance? So, in all these countries the following game is very popular. (The leader picks up a bar about one and a half meters long or a piece of rope of the same length. He passes the second end of the bar or rope to the assistant. The bar is raised to the height of average human height, the rope is pulled at the same height.) What do you think, girls, is it easy go under this bar? Let's try. Anyone who wants to, go under this bar and see how easy it is. (Girls listening to Latin American music easily pass under the bar.) What do you think, if we lower the bar this much (lowers the bar by fifteen centimeters), it will be just as easy for you to pass under it? Let's try with one condition: if the bar prevents someone from walking under it straight, they only need to bend backwards. No forward is allowed. (Music sounds, girls pass under the bar.) This is all wonderful. You demonstrate simply miracles of flexibility. Well done! But it will be really difficult ahead. If we lower the bar this much more... (lowers the bar another 15 centimeters). Who will dare to pass under it now?

With each circle, the Leader and partner lower the bar lower and lower. The girls try to walk under it while listening to the music, leaning back. In this case, it is forbidden to touch the bar itself with your hands. The lower the bar goes, the fewer participants will be able to bend as low. Accordingly, everyone who fails the flexibility test is eliminated from the game. In the end, the most flexible girl will win. She will get the prize. A short musical fragment of the evening follows again, when the guys can dance. Then the Leader appears again in the center of the site.


Although you and I, friends, came to an evening of dancing, it is impossible to dance all the time. Sometimes you need to take a breath. Let's take a little break from dancing and play a game. During this game, in which absolutely everyone can participate. you will need to quickly, quickly break into different groups based on some characteristic or condition. I will name these signs and conditions. Well, for example, I say: “Divide into smokers and non-smokers.” You need to complete the task very quickly. Those who mixed up the group complete additional tasks, which, again, are given by me. By the way, I hope there are no smokers among you yet... So, all the participants walk freely around the site, taking a break from music, dancing, having a casual conversation... And suddenly they break up... in pairs!!! (Everyone is trying to quickly find a partner. Those who don’t have time, do some task related to dancing. We’ll talk about the tasks below.) So, we continue to walk, walk, talk, relax. I complicate the task... And we break into groups... according to hair color!!!

Next, the Leader can give the task to split into groups with an even and then an odd number of people, into triplets of the same gender, form groups according to height, according to the color of clothing (who is wearing more red - in one group, who is wearing more white - in another, and to whom neither one nor the other - in the third). You can give more complex tasks. Quickly break into two groups based on gender. Then the girls will split into two groups: those in trousers and those in skirts. The boys will be divided into groups based on “jeans”: some are wearing jeans and some are wearing trousers. The girls in pants are then split into those with long hair and those with short hair. Girls in skirts are divided into groups according to the length of their skirts (short - long). Boys in jeans are divided into groups according to the color of their jeans (dark - light). Boys in trousers are divided into groups according to the color of their shirts.

Now about the penalty tasks for those who failed the main task and mixed up the group. If there are a lot of “penalties”, it is best to select them into a separate group and force them, for example, to dance a lambada or Russian folk dance. If there are only a few penalty offenders, then it is better for them to be given individual tasks related to music and dancing. Ask what dances the “penalty officer” knows. Ask about Cuban dances, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Georgian, Polish. Surely the guys will name rumba, gypsy, flamenco, hopak, lezginka, and polka, because these are very famous dances. In addition, the “penalties” must be asked to dance something. For example, Lezginka or Spanish dance. Ask them to come up with the most original dance movement.

After the game, the dance program continues again. This time it can be interrupted by competitions that identify “the best”. For example, the Host, without stopping the music, announces: “And now, within three minutes, I am announcing a competition for the fastest dancer!” This is followed by competitions for the most flexible dance, the most fiery dance, the best dance technique, the most resourceful dancer, the most inventive dancer, the most original dance movement. Naturally, the choice of the best dancing couple of the evening stands out. This competition is especially loved among young people. Of course, the “most” are awarded small souvenirs or prizes.

A few more tips. Remember that on a dance night people come to dance. So try not to get too involved in non-dancing games, as most people will just stand on the sidelines and watch a small group of participants. Try to ensure that competitions are somehow related to dancing, and that as many people as possible participate in them.

We hope our tips will help you organize a dance evening and turn a banal disco into an exciting and relaxing holiday.

Autumn is ending - a sad, but at the same time extraordinary time. It gives us not only an abundance of fruits and vegetables, but also fairly warm weather. If you have a holiday or an outing planned for this period , you will like itcompetitions on the theme of autumn.

Cool competition - “between two foreheads”

The dancing couple must hold the apple “between their two foreheads” for as long as possible. The couple that lasts the longest is the winner. Don't forget to give gifts to the dancers.

A fun competition for young people - “bite off the apple”

We choose two willing people. You need to string the apples on a string in advance and hang them within reach of the contestants’ heads. Important: participants' hands must be tied behind their backs. We record the time (3 minutes) during which the contestants must bite the apple as many times as possible. And this is not so easy to do. A gift to the most clever person - a package of apple juice or some nice little thing.

Competition - autumn quiz

Several people, two or three, are selected to participate. Contestants need to name which holidays are celebrated in the fall. The host names the date, and the contestants answer what day it is and what it is famous for. The following dates can be suggested:

If desired, you can add religious holidays, for example, September 21- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, October 14- Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Autumn competition for young people - “come on, sing us a song”

For anyone who understands music, it will not be difficult to remember songs with the word “autumn.” Divide your company into 2 teams, and let them compete with each other, naming a line from a song and the artist, you can even sing it. First, the presenter gives a little time to think, the competitors can make a blank on paper, and then take turns naming pieces of music. The winning team is awarded souvenirs or sweet prizes.

Birthday competition - “twelve notes”

The competition is not new, it is already about 50 years old, but it will undoubtedly appeal to young people who decided to celebrate the Indian summer in nature. You need to split into two teams and get the first landmark from the driver. Then a new note is in place indicating a new search object. The host will have to draw up a route and write notes an hour and a half before the guests arrive, but this is quite realistic, since the preparation of the picnic site and dishes is carried out in advance. It is very convenient to hide notes in fallen leaves.

Each of us has a birthday once a year., and I want it to be remembered not only for new culinary innovations and hearty toasts, but to become a pleasant surprise for everyone who came. That is why the host of the feast should stock up interesting entertainment. When choosing them from all the variety, take into account the age of the guests, gender and the degree of their acquaintance with each other. Prepare souvenirs or small gifts for guests, they will be very pleased! As gifts, buy key rings with names, magnets, and pens.

Competition with forfeits

A very simple game, the essence of which is that everyone sitting at the table takes turns taking out a forfeit from a hat or other container and completing the task indicated there. Forfeits should be prepared in advance, tasks should be written in such a way as not to offend anyone or harm your health. Here are 10 sample tasks for forfeits:

  1. Draw an animal.
  2. Tell a funny joke.
  3. Say a nursery rhyme while standing on a chair.
  4. Draw a boiling kettle, a train, an airplane.
  5. Crawl under the table.
  6. Dial a random phone number and play a prank on your interlocutor.
  7. Sing a song.
  8. Ask guests for alms.
  9. Tell a tongue twister quickly.
  10. Move the money with your nose along the table to a certain landmark.

A fun competition for young people - a comic horoscope

Find out in advance which zodiac signs the guests belong to and read them a comic horoscope. It needs to tell what wonderful prospects await them, and mention several character traits of each participant in the feast. After reading, you can organize a competition for the most truthful prediction and award a prize to the owner of the winning Zodiac forecast.

Not a single event is complete without funny competitions. They will not only amuse guests, but will also allow them to start communicating and create a more comfortable and friendly holiday environment.

This competition is suitable for any audience, even children. Two foot pumps are needed, inflatable balls are connected to them, respectively, two assistants hold the balls with their hands. The pumps are placed on chairs, two people are chosen to sit on the chair with the pump and, jumping, inflate the ball. Everything is very simple. The one who inflated the fastest becomes the winner and receives a prize.

Entertaining competition - “Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka”

The essence of the competition is for each of the participants (there may be 2-3) to squeeze water out of an ordinary medical glove as quickly as possible. You need to attach them to the chairs in advance and make several small holes in each finger, then pour water into the gloves and begin the “milking” procedure. If the contestants have already had a fair amount to drink, the process becomes more fun and ridiculous. Don't forget to present the winner, he did such a hard job!

Funny competition for young people - “funny interview”

This competition is an incredible success both at corporate events and at home ones. To conduct it, you need to prepare sheets of paper with questions and answers in advance. Of course, the questions should not coincide with the answers, but in general express a thought of a certain nature or have subtext. Sample questions you can use:

  • Do you often leave work early?
  • Do you like to eat well?
  • Do you snore at night?
  • How often do you shower?
  • Do you like cognac?
  • Sample answers might sound like this:
  • This is my favorite activity.
  • I will never give this up.
  • My finances don't allow me to do this.
  • At any opportunity.

We put cards with questions and answers in different hats, one person takes out the question, the second takes out the answer. The number of questions and answers must be the same. You can continue these funny interviews until your stomach hurts from laughing or until you get tired of it.

If the contingent of your event is young people, you should also stock up on spicy competitions. Please note that such entertainment should not be carried out at the very beginning of the party; young people should drink a little and relax. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain.

Active competition - “kangaroo”

The presenter invites a volunteer, who is taken to the next room. There he explains the task: the contestant must portray a kangaroo. At this point, guests are informed that under no circumstances should they “understand” that they see a kangaroo in front of them.

So, the “kangaroo” begins its actions. Guests sort out all the animals except kangaroos. The poor participant jumps until he loses his patience. At the same time, you can find out whether his nerves are strong. The audience is bursting with laughter.

An interesting competition with lemons - “lemon paradise”

The girls lie down on the table and place lemon slices on a napkin all over their bodies. Place one slice in your mouth (you can’t eat!). The guys are blindfolded, and after choosing their girlfriend, they start eating lemons. The slices can be washed down with water or vodka if it is difficult to chew. The first one to finish all the lemon pieces wins.

Competition with chairs - “soft place”

Objects of different shapes are placed on the participants’ chairs to inspire their imagination. Girls blindfolded sit on a chair and determine by their sensations what kind of object is there, what shape and purpose it is. The winner takes what she found under the “soft spot.”


Target: Formation of moral and aesthetic feelings, views, beliefs, creative abilities, initiative, and artistic taste in students.


    nurturing a sense of empathy and mutual assistance

    development of musical abilities

    development and popularization of song culture;

    creating the desire of participants to achieve the best results


ICT tools: laptop, multimedia projector.

Music Center. Cards.

Progress of the event.

Presenter 1. Hello!

Presenter 2. Good evening!!!

Presenter 1. Today all earthly sounds

We have merged into a single choir!

Presenter 2. And there is no place for melancholy and boredom,

After all, music is our whole life!

Presenter 1. What is music?

Presenter 2. Ancient philosophers argued that music is the greatest power. It can make a person love and hate, kill and forgive. Music elevates the feeling of love for everything. And there are no people in the world who are absolutely indifferent to music.

Presenter 1. But how many beautiful melodies have been written, although there are only seven notes in music. Do you know what notes these are? (DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, A, SI)

Presenter 2. Today we have gathered in this hall to spend an exciting and fun evening called “Song Marathon”

Presenter 1. What is a marathon?

Presenter 2. I hope the girls in the sports department can give us some advice, because this term is taken from sports.

Presenter 1. YES! A marathon is a long-distance running competition (skis, skates). And today we will compete in singing songs all evening.

Presenter 2. We decided to hold such an event in the hostel for the first time, and if we all like it, then we can make it traditional.

Presenter 1. To begin with, I suggest everyone warm up a little. Let's see how much you know and love the songs. I will now ask a question, and you must answer with the lines of the same song. It's clear? Then let's go......!!

Presenter 2.

    The name of a flight attendant who was famous thanks to the song. (Jeanne)

    Where are you, my black-eyed one, where... (in Vologda...)

    Let the carefree one look through your windows... (pink evening)

    Just...... (a glass of vodka on the table)

    She loved coffee for lunch... (and her delicious omelet in the morning.)

    Where does the Motherland begin? (from the picture in your ABC book)

    Music connected us... (became our secret)

    For a week, until the second, I will leave...?.... (to Komarovo)

    I’m standing alone again….. (I’m smoking again, mom, again)

Presenter 1. That's it, teachers, pay attention, who smokes in our dormitory, they themselves will admit it!!

Presenter 2. And now it’s time for the song, we invite the girls to the stage with a song in the style of Verka Serduchka “Okay!”

Presenter 1. We are in our hall today
We got together. And for what?
So that songs can be heard here,
And everyone had ……… (fun)!!!

Presenter 2. Girls on stage with the song “Student”

Presenter 1. I suggest we take a break and play. I invite those interested (no more than five people) to the stage. Game "Song in pantomime". Each player is given the lyrics of the song, they must use gestures to depict what the song is about, and the audience guesses the name of the song.

Presenter 2. And now the girls are coming on stage with a song from the movie “While the village is sleeping” - My Beloved...

Presenter 1. A spark ignites a flame,
Hearts burn from the heat,
When these girls are on stage,
There will be no end to the songs.

Presenter 2. I invite you to listen to the song “Love Me,” performed for the first time by this duet.

Presenter 1. I think it's time to get some rest again. We invite those interested (5-6 people) to the stage.

Presenter 2. Tell me, do you like cartoons? Do you know songs from cartoons?

Participants in the competition are asked to choose a picture depicting a scene from a cartoon, guess the name of the cartoon and sing a song from it.

Presenter 1.

The new generation chooses Pepsi -
It would be better to choose songs.
New generation - chooses mini backpacks -
It would be better to choose dancing...
The girls are already rushing to the stage,
They will sing and dance for us,
In general, they will show their class!!!

Presenter 2. We invite our next participants to the stage with the song “You are my tenderness”

Presenter 1. Attention! Hurry up to see. Now the Masters of our song marathon are performing. We have seen them on our stage more than once, I hope that today they will also surprise us with their extraordinary performance. Our beauties are on stage with the song “Dance Jack.”

Presenter 2. While our remaining participants are preparing for the performance, I suggest playing a little. I invite two participants. Now you should think about which song you know well, and then...

Competition "Song Duel".

The girls stand opposite each other and sing their own song at the same time, looking into each other’s eyes. Don't get lost! Don't laugh! Who will outsing whom!

Is there anyone else who wants to take part in the competition?

Presenter 1. Allow me to continue our evening and invite to the stage girls whom we no longer even dreamed of seeing... “Don’t dream” - that’s the name of the song performed by them.

Presenter 2. And the song “Mama Lyuba” concludes our program for tonight.

Presenter1. Well, our song marathon is over for today. Thanks to all participants. To sum up the results, I give the floor to the jury.

Presenter 2. And now disco!!!

Guys and girls who do not know each other are selected. Each couple dances to the music. The first stage of the competition - the guy holds the girl in his arms; the second stage – the guy holds the girl around his neck.

The most dancing couple wins, and the losers are the ones in which the girl touched the ground. The point is that young people get to know each other during the dance and try to win using various tricks.

Letters and numbers
Girls are given cards with letters, boys - with numbers; young people line up in a circle, with the driver standing in the center. The driver names the letter and number. The girl whose letter was announced must kiss the driver, but the fact is that the young man with the named number is preventing her from doing this and he must kiss this girl himself.

And so, it turns out to be a kind of love triangle. If the young man with the number still managed to kiss the girl before she drove, then he takes his place; if not, the players are selected again.

Question answer.
Take a sheet of A4 paper and a pen. The first person to start the game writes on a piece of paper any question (whatever came to mind at that moment; for example, “How old are you?”) and wraps it up, leaving only the word “how old.” The next participant answers the question without knowing its content (the answer can be anything; for example, “As many as there are kangaroos in Australia”). Afterwards, he wraps up the answer and passes the piece of paper to another person, who writes his question... Then everything follows the chain.

And this continues until the end of the paper, then all the questions and their answers are read out. The point is that it is almost impossible to predict the correct answer to the question posed and the result is such nonsense. This is a lot of fun for a noisy company! Competitions for youth birthdays

Young people line up in the shape of a circle (filling the circle itself), and a rope tied in a circle is laid around its perimeter. The young men take the rope in their hands - the effect is of a broom wrapped in thread. The girls, meanwhile, must knock the young men off their feet, holding only the rope and without resorting to force.

If the guys fell, the girls won. Separately, the girls will not be able to knock the boys to the ground, but if they all act in one direction, this can be done very easily. A certain plan will help the guys avoid losing in this case: they should push off in the opposite direction to where the girls are pulling them.

Children's tricycles will be needed for this competition. The number of “cars” is calculated by the number of participants along the line. Participants must ride a bicycle. The one who covers the given distance the fastest wins. The spectacle is very funny!!! Small children's bicycles and tall young people are an incompatible combination.

Players line up in two parallel lines facing each other. One participant remains - he must run and jump between these “columns”. standing people they catch the player and throw him up a couple of times. During this game, the participants get great pleasure: the people jumping from the “flight”, and the rest from the feeling of support. Then people change.

From a psychological point of view, such a game instills in people mutual assistance and responsibility for another person.

Who's faster?
Two teams of five people each are recruited. A pot of water is placed in front of each team; the water in both pans is at the same level. Whichever team drinks water from the pots using spoons the fastest, that team wins.

To participate in the competition you need 2 players and two empty packs of cigarettes. Ropes are tied to the players' belts, with a potato tied at the end. The essence of the competition is to quickly push an empty pack to the finish line with these same potatoes, which are dangling at the end of the rope. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

Find the candy
For the competition you will need a girl and a guy. The girl lies down on a surface (table, chairs), and the guy is blindfolded. The presenter says that a candy will be placed on the girl’s body, the guy will need to find it with his mouth. While the presenter is explaining the rules (the guy is already blindfolded at this moment), another guy lies down instead of the girl. The seeker does not even suspect that he will have to look for candy not on a girl, but on a guy. A great reason to laugh.

Dead Eye
Two people take part in the competition. To do this you will need 2 ropes, 2 pencils and any 2 empty bottles. A pencil is tied to the end of the rope, and the rope itself is tied to the player's belt. The bottles are placed between the players' legs. The goal of the competition is to get a pencil into the neck of a bottle. Whoever copes with this task first wins.

How to use?
The competition requires 5 - 15 people. Any object is placed on the table in front of the players. Participants must take turns saying how the item is used. The use of the item must be theoretically correct. Anyone who cannot come up with a use for the item is eliminated from the game. The one who remains last in the game is the winner.

To participate in the competition, 3-5 volunteers will be required. A chair is placed in front of each participant with a banana on it. The players have their hands tied behind their backs, they kneel, each in front of their chair. The goal of the competition is to see whoever can peel a banana the fastest, without the help of hands, just with the mouth, and manage to eat it all, wins.

Who did it match?
The competition requires a team of 10 people. A specific topic is given, and each player, secretly from the others, writes down 10 words related to this topic. When the participants have written down their words, they begin to read out their notes, how many people matched the words from the list, and they give themselves that many points. For example, if five people agree on the word, then each of them gives themselves 5 points. If only one person has a certain word, then he gives himself 1 point.

As a result, whoever has the most points wins.

Guess who?
A volunteer is called and is blindfolded with a handkerchief or scarf. By touch, the player must determine who is standing in front of him.
To make the competition more interesting, guys can wear a woman's bra to mislead the person guessing.

Parts of the body are written on pieces of paper (or just scraps), then the presenter folds them and puts them in a hat (or whatever comes to hand).

Then the first participants pull the sheets of paper and touch each other with those parts of the body that are directly written on the sheets. Then the third participant pulls and also presses against the second and so on along the chain (depending on the number of participants in the game). Afterwards, the first one grabs the last one by the hand (or whatever free he has left) and they walk in a circle. It turns out very funny and fun, especially for those who are watching this whole process.

Participants gather (as many as they want, the main thing is not 1), the leader says a certain phrase that comes into his head, for example, “Leshka went into the forest to pick mushrooms.” After this, all participants must pronounce it in turn, BUT each subsequent participant must pronounce this phrase with a new intonation (for example, expressing surprise, doubt, or even concern). If a player runs out of ideas, then he usually drops out of the game, the most important thing is that in this game there is no one winner, there are at least 3-5, it all depends on the creative abilities of each participant.

The participants of the game stand in a row or (everyone sits in a line, the main thing is to make it clear where the beginning is and where the end is). The first one utters two completely unrelated words. For example: wood and computer. The next player must connect the unconnected and describe the situation that could happen with these two objects. For example, “The wife got tired of her husband constantly sitting at the computer, and he settled in a tree with him.” Then the same player says the following word, for example, “Bed.” The third participant must add this word to this situation, for example, “Sleeping on a branch has become not as comfortable as sleeping on a bed.” And so on until the imagination is enough. You can complicate the game and add the following. The presenter interrupts any of the participants and asks them to repeat all the words spoken; the one who fails to do this is eliminated from the game.

Find uses
The host of the game takes a large bag and pours various objects into it; it can be anything - a comb, a computer mouse, a ball, curlers and much more. After this, participants must put their hand into the bag, pull out an object and say that this can be done with it (answers for combing your hair are not accepted, you need to show imagination and only original solutions are accepted). Accordingly, those who could not come up with anything interesting drop out of the game. In this game you can use not only the presented template, you can also select one item, for example a piano, and the players take turns saying what can be done with it. You can also use 2 items at once (what can you do with them).

Game “Watch”
the point is that a company of 20-50 people gathers, splits into teams and completes tasks (pre-written by the organizers), such games are played at any time of the day or night (especially interesting at night) because tasks can go as far as “move the grandmother across the road” m all this, for example, at 3 am.