Fairy tale scenario: "A wolf and seven little goats, but in a new way." Staging of the folk tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” for children of senior preschool age Scenario dramatization of the Wolf and the Seven Little Goats

Scenario theatrical production"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" for seniors preschool age»

Goals and objectives:

  • Educational:

introducing children to the art of theater and the profession of “theater actor”

increasing knowledge about fairy tales

teaching children cooperation, depicting animal habits

compliance with the image, timely entry into dialogue, emotional performance in front of the public.

  • Educational:

automation by facial expressions, coherent dialogic, monologue speech

enriching the active vocabulary with new concepts

development of smooth, measured, rhythmic speech

  • Educational:

fostering collectivism, perseverance, activity, confidence during public speaking

development communication skills, the desire to take part in a common cause, to bring joy to loved ones, teachers, and parents.

Working with parents.

Involve parents in the process of preparing for the performance: making attributes and decorations, learning texts

Preliminary work

Introduce children to the text of the work, explain the meaning of incomprehensible words, analyze difficult to pronounce words, show stage images, assign roles, read a fairy tale by role, work on facial expressions, pantomime, intonation

I. Action

PROGRESS OF THE TALE: Musical director:

Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good things

And hard work.

They tell you how to live

To be friends with everyone around you!

When winter comes to us,

Bringing frost and cold,

We invite guests to visit us

And we give them a fairy tale.

The fairy tale is called “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Presenter. A fairy tale known to everyone for a long time,

We changed it to new way,

You watched it in the theater and in the cinema,

And our fairy tale came to kindergarten.

We ask you to listen carefully,

Distinguish who is good in it and who is evil.

And then, friends, definitely

You will be lucky in life.

(The curtain opens to the singing of birds; there is scenery on the stage: a house, a bench, trees).

Presenter. Look, our guests,

The house is simple and stands in the forest.

Our kids live there,

They are waiting for their mother - Goat.


First little goat: I am cheerful, harmless,
Little goat
And I laugh and smile
Oh, right from the cradle!
2nd kid: And I cry endlessly,
I'm crying without starting,
After all, I'm a crybaby and, friends,
I can't do it any other way.
3rd kid: Oh-oh-oh! Oh oh oh!
I'm struggling with my stomach,
Because all day long
I'm gorging myself on weed.
4th kid: Oh-oh-oh, I'm afraid vodka,
Oh I'm afraid of the bear
Isn't there such a thing among you?
Eternal coward?

5th kid: There are a lot of shortcomings
We'll look through a magnifying glass,
But among 7 kids,
You won't find stupid ones.
6th kid: Of course you remember
Our faces right away
And now look -
Little sister.
7th kitten: Even though I’m a bit short,
And almost without horns,
Teach the big wolf a lesson
My mind will help me.

Host: However, the beginning of fairy tales

It came out old-fashioned.

And so the song began,
Well, almost folk:


Oh, goats, you guys,
You are left without a mother.
I go to the garden to pick cabbage.
Maybe the Wolf will come - I feel it in my heart.
You have to sit, you hear,
Quieter than water, below the grass!

You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys,
Oh, the signs wouldn’t come out!

Don't worry mommy, everything will be okay!
We know from a fairy tale: The wolf is terribly ugly!

II. Action

No... The kids weren't bored...
Only mother is beyond the threshold,
They pounded in the rhythm of the dance
Exactly twenty-eight legs.

Presenter: My home was shaking,
The whole earth trembled -
These are young goats
Confused: la-la-la!


\The wolf is knocking\

Open the door for your mother as soon as possible.
I'm tired. I'm hungry like an animal.
I gave you something to drink, I gave you milk,
And now my voice is not even familiar.

At the threshold, apparently, I will die.
You don't let your own mother come home.
Open up! Don't be a fool!
I am Kozlikha. But slightly hoarse!

Second kid: No, the wolf is not a friend to kids,

What kind of guests in the morning!

Away from our doors

Go to the forest quickly!

Wolf. Eh, such an operation was a failure!!!

(The wolf leaves).

A goat walks through the forest picking flowers

Goat. Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired,

I’ll sit on a stump and admire the meadow.


Bees. We fly to the meadows and collect honey

Take some honey to the little goats, little kids!

Goat. Thank you, bees!

Ants. We quickly collect the grass and put it in a basket.

And we will help you bring it home. The ants collect the grass in a basket and give it to the Goat.

Goat. Thank you, ants.

Cuckoo. Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo!

Forest time is nine o'clock!

Now the fox will come to you,

He will start teaching you music.

(A fox appears and sings a song.)

Fox. I am Fox, singing teacher,

I was looking forward to the lesson.

Now let's check yours homework.

Are you familiar with this song?

(The fox sings a song “About a goat”) Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother……………..

Little goats. We know the song about the goat, we know it, we know it!

(The kids get up, jump over the notebooks and line up in front of the Fox. They sing the Russian folk song “Once upon a time there was a little gray goat with my grandmother.” One kid cries after the end of the song).

(The fox leaves, the kids wave after her.

The goat approaches the house, knocks its hoof, rings its bell, and points its horns through the window).

Goat. Little goats, little goats,

Relatives, guys,

Open the door for me!

I'm standing at the threshold

There is a lot of milk

Open the door for me .

Goats. We recognize you

Now, now let's unlock it!

(The kids run out of the house.)

Little goats. Mother! Mother!

Goat. Ah, my dear children!

Is everyone alive and well?

Are you hungry?

Now I'll feed you grass,

I'll give you some milk.

Little goats. Mother! Mother! Delicious! Thank you!

Goat. So my kids are full!

Now you can have some fun!

Where are our tools?

Take them and let's play Russian!

(Children perform on musical instruments Russian folk melody).

Goat. My dear children! How much I don’t want to leave, but it’s time to go into the forest for grass and milk. If someone comes to the house and begins to sing in a low voice and does not retell everything that I am chanting to you, do not open the door, do not let anyone in!

Act 3 House of the Rooster. The Rooster comes out, and the Wolf sneaks behind him.

Once upon a time there lived a Rooster - a master of vocals.

And he worked miracles.

Could give to animals for luck

A prankster went to the Rooster
Sharpen your tongue

It will be a holiday for you, little goats!
I have to teach you a lesson!

\Knocking on Cockerel\

Help me, Petya
Learn to sing.
Came to me when I was a child
Ear Bear!

Come in, sit down!
Sing boldly, don't be afraid of the sound
This is the science of singing!
Repeat after me, my friend!

With the Wolf for exactly half an hour.

The teacher studied

With a howl, Gray said goodbye

And he sang just like the Goat! (The Rooster gives the Wolf an egg to drink...)

You are my boys,

You are my little goats,

Open the door for mom

I'm hungry like a beast!

The wolf was immediately allowed into the house!

The wolf just sang this phrase,

The wolf leaves. Noise, din, screams are heard.

He stole the goat's children!

What have you done, wolf - a villain?!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

The Wolf comes out, and all the kids follow him

He blushed and became confused:

The wolf was terribly scared

I wanted to see them more often

I didn't want to offend them

I didn't want to scare them.

I would like to play with them...

After all, in my empty house

It's very boring to be alone.

You little goats, forgive me!

You go home to your place.

I'll walk you home.

I'm very ashamed now!

1st kid

We invite you to visit our house,

Okay, gray, we forgive

Let's introduce our mother,

We'll have a festive dinner!

2nd kid

With her we will be on time everywhere.

With mommy we can do everything.

Every day and every hour

We have our mother.

3rd kid

We know very well.

How we understand you!

That without mom the house is empty,

It's sad without mom in the house.

4th kid

Will you visit us often?

If we are friends,

Life will be more fun

Stop howling at night!

Everyone headed home

And a cheerful crowd

They see mom at the gate

Waiting for them with great anxiety.

5th kid

They brought a guest into our house!

Mother! Mother! We came!

He is alone in the whole world,

He doesn't have a mother...

So be it, said mom.


The door is open here for everyone

Let him play with you too.

Unless you're a scary beast!

Laughed Gray wolf!

The gray wolf smiled!

He found some friends

It will be more fun with them!

And also, most importantly

He also has a mother!

The wolf, the mother goat and the kids perform a cheerful dance.

They leave.
Music director:

We are ending our fairy tale,

What else can we say?

Let me say goodbye

We wish you good health!

Our dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

The time has come to part,

We tell you:

All: Goodbye!

Muz.ruk And now, artists, come out,
Bow to our guests! (Bow)
The show is over,
The children all performed today,
Skill, talent, ability
They showed it to each other and to everyone.
The artists, the audience - everyone was good,
Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts!

The wolf and the seven Young goats.

Scene 1.

(The curtain opens. There is a house on the edge of the forest, bench, trees . A window opens. The Storyteller sits in it)

Storyteller: Everyone in the world loves fairy tales
Adults and children love it!
Fairy tales teach us good things
And hard work.
They tell you how to live
To be friends with everyone around you!
A fairy tale known to everyone for a long time,
Students from ROTSONU will show you.

We ask you to listen carefully,
Distinguish who is good in it and who is evil.
And then, friends, definitely
You will be lucky in life.
Look, our guests,
The house is simple and stands in the forest.
Our kids live there,
They love mommy - Goat.

(The storyteller leaves. The Goat and the Little Goats come out)
Goat: I have seven little goats,

This is my family.

I'll tell you what their names are

I'll tell you in order.

Here is Umeika - he is skillful,

Here Bodayka is very brave,

Here's Tease, here's Stomper,

Here is Mazilka, here is Chatterbox.

I have one daughter

Loves to chat very much

Can't keep quiet

I have one kid -

Fidgety, little shooter.

I love him most of all

I call him baby.

Oh, goats, you guys,
You are left without a mother.
I go to the market to buy cabbage.
Maybe the Wolf will come - I feel it in my heart.

I have to sit
Do you hear,
Quieter than water
Below the grass!

You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys,
Oh, the signs wouldn’t come out!

I have to sit
Do you hear,
Quieter than water
Below the grass!


1. Don't worry mommy

Everything will be fine!

2. We know from a fairy tale:

The wolf is terribly ugly!

(The Goat leaves. The kids start dancing. And they run away into the hut. The Wolf appears)
dialogue between the WOLF and the kids Wolf:

Goats: Your voice sounds like mom's
Not at all similar.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!

Wolf: I gave you something to drink, I gave you milk,

Paba-dub, pub-dub, pada-ba.

Goats: Your voice sounds like mom's
Not at all similar.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!


Paba-dub, pub-dub, pada-ba.

Kid: Your voice sounds like mom's
Not at all similar.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!

Scene 2.

(there is a first aid station at the edge of the forest. The doctor, Fox, is sitting on a chair at the table, filing his nails with a file.)

Lisa sings:

In the wilderness, in the forest,

Despite the beauty

Lisa Patrikevna spends her days.

I just don't understand

Why, why

They don't let godmother in

To the village.

I'm quite reliable -

Become a birder for me.

I'd be sad to the nines


I wouldn't sleep at night

I wish everyone would guard the chickens,

Cockerel like his own


(Wolf runs in)

Wolf: Gossip, how good. What eyes, ears, tail...

Fox: Oh, thank you, Kumanek. Are you sick?

Wolf: Yes, I'm hoarse. (coughs) The voice became rough. But I would like it to be thinner, softer.

Fox: You're up to something, Gray.

Wolf: I want to sing, but from my howl all the animals run from the forest.

(The Fox puts the Wolf on a bench and looks at his throat. He grins)

Fox: Now I’ll give you a pill, you’ll get better in an instant and you’ll sing loudly and subtly throughout the forest.

(takes out a jar of vitamins and gives it to the Wolf, the Wolf swallows the pill and runs away)

Scene 3.

(the wolf runs to the Goat’s house and sings)

dialogue between the WOLF and the kids Wolf:

Open the door for your mother as soon as possible.
I'm tired. I'm hungry like an animal.
Paba-dub, pub-dub, pada-ba.

Goats: Your voice sounds like mom's
Not at all similar.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!

Wolf: I gave you something to drink, I gave you milk,
And now my voice is not even familiar.

Paba-dub, pub-dub, pada-ba.

Goats: Your voice sounds like mom's
Not at all similar.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!

Wolf: At the threshold, apparently, I will die.
You don't let your own mother come home.
Open up! Don't be a fool!
I am Kozlikha. But slightly hoarse!
Paba-dub, pub-dub, pada-ba.

Kid: Your voice sounds like mom's
Not at all similar.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!

Scene 4.

(The wolf goes to the blacksmith to see the Bear. The bear hits the iron with a hammer)

Wolf: Mikhail Potapych, help me out, make my voice thinner. I want to sing.

(The bear sings)

Bear: From all sorts of diseases
There is nothing more useful
Than bees sweet honey.
He gives strength to everyone.

La-la, la-la-la-la.

Drink raspberry tea at night -
And the flu with a sore throat is not scary.

And you won't get sick.
La-la, la-la-la-la.
You need to eat strawberries
There are countless vitamins in it.

Wolf: No, Misha, neither honey nor raspberries and strawberries help me.

Bear: Well, how can I give you a voice? I don't have any tools.

Wolf: Look in your box. Maybe you'll find something.

(The Bear searches in his box. He finds a chisel. He sits the Wolf on a chair, inserts the chisel into his mouth and hits him with a hammer. The Wolf jumps up and runs away screaming)

Bear: I did my best. Helped as best I could.

Scene 5.

(a hen with chicks appears on stage. They sing and dance)

We are funny chickens
I love to dance with my mother,
And we are also very friendly
We love to sing songs.
Co-co, co-co-co, that's how we walk,
Co-co, co-co-co, that's how we bite.
Co-co, co-co-co, that's how we dance
Co-co, co-co-co, that's how we sing!
Mother hen is coming
Leads us all with him
And we jump and play pranks
The poultry yard is all fun
In the evening when behind the forest
hides the sun's rays
hiding under my mother's wing
We'll be silent for a while.

(The Rooster walks towards the Mother Hen and she sings to him)

Mother hen: Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

That you get up early

Don't you let the kids sleep?

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku!!! Co-co-co.

(Wolf runs in. His head is bandaged. The hen and chicks leave)

Wolf: Help me, Petya

Learn to sing.

Came to me when I was a child

Ear Bear!

Cockerel: Come in, sit down!

Sing boldly, don't be afraid of the sound

This is the science of singing!(takes out a children's musical instrument)

Repeat after me, my friend!


Wolf: - Before... /rough voice/

Cockerel: - Re...

Wolf: - Re /in a rough voice/


Well, let's fix it boldly!

You will sing skillfully now!!!(The Rooster gives the Wolf a raw egg to drink...)

(The wolf began to sing. He leaves)

(The rooster sings the song “Seven Notes”)

Seven notes in silence

Seven notes under the moon

And then gentle sounds flow.

Perhaps in me

Perhaps in a dream

And they cry and they laugh.

Door for music

And I'll open the window,

I will forget about the rain and bad weather.

And with her in the night

I repeat seven notes

And again I will breathe happiness.

Scene 6.

(The Wolf knocks on the Goat's house again and sings)

Wolf: I'm back, little goats, home,

With a bag overflowing with cabbage,

Open the door for mom

I'm hungry like a beast

Oh, my little goats,

Oh, my boys.

(To the audience)

I sang the song without mistakes,

I myself shed a tear.


1. Mom, mom has come.

2. This is mommy back.

(The kids open the door. The wolf runs into the house screaming)

Wolf: Basta, little ones,

The dancing is over.

(the kids scatter in different sides)

Wolf:(shouting) Where are you going? Wait! I will swallow you!
1: I don’t want to!
2: And I don’t want to!
Wolf: I don’t want to eat you myself!
Kid: (approaches the Wolf) Uncle Wolf, Let's live together.
(The wolf and the kids take hands and go backstage to the music)

Scene 7.

( The goat returned with a bag full of gifts, looking for the kids. She sat down on a bench and sang)

Oh, little goats, where have they disappeared to?
Who did you leave me for?
Didn't listen to your mother
Apparently you have lost your vigilance.

Have you forgotten your mother's voice?
The result was a sign,
You made an omission
Apparently the wolf entered the room.

Goat: Why do enmity and anger still live in the world,

Why not make sure our children don’t know them?

The day is darker than the black night,

The clouds did not cover the sun,

Why are wolf laws still alive on earth?

The wolf took my children

This is clear to everyone

I'll run and look quickly

Where are my little goats?

(The goat leaves to look for the kids)

Scene 8.

(Poor Goat is walking into the distance, where the eyes look. Chu... it was my imagination, probably...

SONG LA-LA-LA-LA... by M. Rybnikov. The goat is surprised).

Cockerel: Yes, friends, I dare say:

I have never seen

So that the kids can sing with the Wolf...

After all, they are his food!


    Let them say what they want

So, they say, it doesn’t happen

    The wolf and the seven Young goats

They sing together.

Wolf: I am, of course, a gray wolf, and with my teeth, somewhere, click,

It’s just in vain that they scold me, it’s in vain that they offend me,

If you remember your fairy tales, I didn’t eat anyone there,

In essence, I’m not scary, who would look into my soul!

I stand before you,

And I ask for forgiveness

I make a promise - I will stop being mischievous!

Goat. Well, we will believe the Wolf,

We will not quarrel

We must give a second chance,

Both animals and people.

(Everyone sings a song about friendship)

Ask life strict
Which way to go?
Where in the white world
Leave in the morning.

Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown,
Go my friend, always go
On the way to goodness.
Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown,
Go my friend, always go
On the way to goodness.

Forget your worries
Ups and downs
Don't whine when fate takes over
She doesn't act like a sister.

But if things go wrong with a friend,
Don't rely on a miracle
Hurry to him, always lead
On the way to goodness.

But if things go wrong with a friend,
Don't rely on a miracle
Hurry to him, always lead
On the way to goodness.

Storyteller: We are ending our fairy tale,
What else can we say?
Let me say goodbye
We wish you good health!
The time has come to part,
We tell you:
All: Goodbye!

Storyteller: And now, artists, come out,
Bow to our guests!
The show is over,
The children all performed today,
Skill, talent, ability
They showed it to each other and to everyone.
The artists, the audience - everyone was good,
Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts!

This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever staged and performed it - well done!

Fairy tale

Kids: 1. Umeyka
2. Bodayka
3. Tease
4. Stomper
5. Rubbish
6. Chatterbox
7. Baby

Baba Yaga

Two cuckoos

Three honey mushrooms

Three little bunnies

Three bugs

Two daisies
Song "MOM"

Goats: Mom is the first word

Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.
Umeika: It happens - on a sleepless night
Mom will slowly cry,
How is her daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning will mom fall asleep.
Goats: Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny.
Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.
Goat: It happens - you will become more mature.
And like a bird you will fly high,
Whoever you are, know that for your mother you are
As before, sweet baby.
Goats: Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny
Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.
Storyteller: We will tell and show
The fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats."
An old fairy tale in a new way.
This is a difficult tale -
It contains both a joke and a hint:
Hidden somewhere in our fairy tale
A lesson to good fellows.

A goat sits on a bench near the house, rewinding a ball of thread. Two goats are sitting next to each other and talking, two are butting heads, three are playing tag.
GOAT: I have seven little goats,
This is my family.
I'll tell you what their names are
I'll tell you in order.
Here is Umeika - he is skillful,
Here Bodayka is very brave,
Here's Tease, here's Stomper,
Here is Mazilka, here is Chatterbox.
I have one Chatterbox,
Loves to chat very much
Can't keep quiet
I have one kid -
Fidgety, little shooter.
I love him most of all
I call him baby.
Storyteller: However, the beginning of fairy tales -
It came out old-fashioned.
And so the song began,
Well, almost folk:
SONG OF THE GOAT . Oh, goats, you guys,
You are left without a mother.
I go to the market to buy cabbage.
Maybe the Wolf will come - I feel it in my heart.
I have to sit
Do you hear,
Quieter than water
Below the grass!
You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys,
Oh, the signs wouldn’t come out!
I have to sit
Do you hear,
Quieter than water
Below the grass!
Tease: Don't worry mommy
Everything will be fine!
We know from a fairy tale:
The wolf is terribly ugly!

Chatterbox : And don't worry about us,
Everyone knows about
What must be closed tightly.
Our beloved sweet home.

Goat: Okay, okay, I'm gone, remember your words.

Bodayka : All! Mommy's gone, have fun, kids!

Stomper: Let's have fun, sing and make noise, make noise, make noise...


ACT TWO Storyteller: I lived in a dense forest
Gloomy gray wolf with a tail.
He lived alone, without his mother.
At night he often howled loudly.
And I missed you. In the forest for him.
I was sad alone.

Wolf: U-U-U, U-U-U...
Oh, how sad it is to be alone...
U-U-U, U-U-U...

Oh, how sad it is to be alone...

Storyteller: Once a wolf was walking in the forest.
And - I saw little goats.

The wolf was sitting behind a tree.
And he looked with all his eyes.
He couldn't contain himself
He started laughing loudly:
Wolf: I wish I had kids like these,
I would be terribly happy!

I'll knock on them now.

I'll steal all the kids.

\The wolf is knocking\

Baby: Hear, someone is knocking on our door.

Masilka: It seemed, no, again.

Umeika: Whoever was there, our mother told us: “Don’t open the door.”


Wolf: Open the door for your mother as soon as possible.
I'm tired. I'm hungry like an animal.
I gave you something to drink, I gave you milk,
And now my voice is not even familiar.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!
Wolf: At the threshold, apparently, I will die.
You don't let your own mother come home.
Open up! Don't be a fool!
I am a Goat, but slightly hoarse!
Goats: Your voice doesn't sound like your mother's at all.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!

Wolf: What should I do now?
I'm hungry like an animal.
My voice is rough and loud.
Well, of course, Grandma Yozhka! She will help!
I can deceive her. Oh, I'm running, running, running.


Ditties Babok Yozhek. Dance.

Grandma Yozhka: Ugh! Ugh! Smells like wolf spirit!

Hello, gray dove!

Why did you come, my friend?

Wolf. Help me, Grandma Yozhka, learn to sing,
When I was a child, a bear stepped on my ear.
Are you famous, witch? Tell?
Don't refuse my request.

Grandma Yozhka: Gray are you darkening something?

And don't you tell me everything?

Wolf: I'll steal the kids from one goat!

I will share with you that spoil!

Grandma Yozhka: I love goat meat!

I will help you too!

We'll sharpen the tongue!

Come to me, my little gray friend!

Wolf: Yeah! It will be a holiday for you, little goats!
I have to teach you a lesson!

ACT Four

The wolf sings a song. SONG OF THE FALSE GOAT

Little goats, kids, open up, open up.

Your mom has arrived.

I brought milk.

Chatterbox : This is mom's voice.

Masilka: Open the door, my friend!

Baby: It's mom, mom!

All kids: Dear mother, our dear!

Wolf: That's it, little ones! The dancing is over!

Umeika: Die with music! Sing, brothers!

(Sing a song: la - la - la - la - la - la.)

Storyteller: The wolf quickly ran into the yard.
And he tied the little goats.
Everyone to the same rope,
And he took him home.
Here he is walking through the forest,
He leads everyone behind him.

ACT Fifth

Storyteller: Suddenly three honey mushrooms come towards us -
Three most beautiful children:

Honey mushrooms: And don’t you dare, you villain wolf!
Steal children from a goat!
Here she will return home,
It's going to be hard for you!
Shameless one, you will know
How to steal children!

Storyteller: The cuckoos cry so loudly
Loud girlfriends:

Cuckoos: And don’t you dare, you villain wolf!
Steal children from a goat!
Here she will return home,
It's going to be hard for you!
Shameless one, you will know
How to steal children!

Storyteller: And from the clearing - two daisies,
And from a bush there are two insects,
Three little gray bunnies.
Everybody's screaming, screaming, screaming:

Daisies, insects, bunnies: And don’t you dare, you villain wolf!
Steal children from a goat!
Here she will return home,
It's going to be hard for you!
Shameless one, you will know
How to steal children!

Storyteller: The wolf was terribly scared
He blushed and became confused.

Wolf: I didn't want to offend them
I wanted to see them more often
I didn't want to scare them
I would like to play with them...
After all, in my empty house
It's very boring to be alone.
You little goats, forgive me!
You go home to yourself,
I'll walk you home.
I'm very ashamed now!

Bodayka: Okay, gray, we forgive...
We invite you to visit our house,
Let's introduce our mother,
We'll have a festive dinner!

Tease: With mommy we can do everything,
With her we will be on time everywhere.
Every day and every hour.
We have our mother.

Stomper: How we understand you!
We know very well
That without mom the house is empty,
It's sad without mom in the house.

Masilka: If we are friends,
You will come to us often.
Life will be more fun.
Stop howling at night!


Storyteller: And a cheerful crowd.
Everyone headed home.
They see mom at the gate
Waiting for them with great anxiety.

Goat song

Oh, little goats, where have they disappeared?
Why did you leave me?
Didn't listen to your mother
The result was markings.
Have you forgotten your mother's voice,
Apparently you have lost your vigilance.
You made an omission
Apparently the wolf entered the room.

Chatterbox: Mother! Mother! We came!
They brought a guest into our house!
He is alone in the whole world,
He doesn't have a mother.

He brought you flowers.

I would like to congratulate you on the holiday.

Goat: The door is open here for everyone.
Unless you're a scary beast!
Storyteller: Before the Goat in the clearing
The forest people are shocked.
Before the Goat in the clearing
The wolf with the kids is singing!
Yes, friends, I dare say:
I've never seen
So that the kids can sing with the Wolf.
After all, they are his food!
Baby: Someone will say: this is stupid!
And in my opinion, guys:
The most beautiful show group
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"
1.It’s raining outside,
It's slushy outside,
But they don't care.
They walk together
They have one umbrella
They are coming from the cinema.
Little girl
To a little boy.
Asks a question
What is heaven
What is the sun
What is love

Chorus: Do you love me? - Yeah.
Will you be with me? - Yeah.
So we will be together
So we will be close.
Always with you!

2.What will mom say?
What will dad say?
When will we go for a walk together?
After all, they don’t let you in anywhere anyway,
They won't let you play with you.


3.Give it to no one yet...
Let's not talk
Until such a moment comes,
When it will be possible to love.



Script for the theatrical production “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” for senior preschool age

Goals and objectives:

  • Educational:

introducing children to the art of theater and the profession of “theater actor”

increasing knowledge about fairy tales

teaching children cooperation, depicting animal habits

compliance with the image, timely entry into dialogue, emotional performance in front of the public.

  • Educational:

automation by facial expressions, coherent dialogic, monologue speech

enriching the active vocabulary with new concepts

development of smooth, measured, rhythmic speech

  • Educational:

fostering collectivism, perseverance, activity, and confidence during public speaking

development of communication skills, the desire to take part in a common cause, to bring joy to loved ones, teachers, and parents.

Working with parents.

Involve parents in the process of preparing for the performance: making attributes and decorations, learning texts

Preliminary work

Introduce children to the text of the work, explain the meaning of incomprehensible words, analyze difficult to pronounce words, show stage images, assign roles, read a fairy tale by role, work on facial expressions, pantomime, intonation

I. Action

PROGRESS OF THE TALE: Musical director:

Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good things

And hard work.

They tell you how to live

To be friends with everyone around you!

When winter comes to us,

Bringing frost and cold,

We invite guests to visit us

And we give them a fairy tale.

The fairy tale is called “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Presenter. A fairy tale known to everyone for a long time,

We remade it in a new way,

You watched it in the theater and in the cinema,

And our fairy tale came to kindergarten.

We ask you to listen carefully,

Distinguish who is good in it and who is evil.

And then, friends, definitely

You will be lucky in life.

(The curtain opens to the singing of birds; there is scenery on the stage: a house, a bench, trees).

Presenter. Look, our guests,

The house is simple and stands in the forest.

Our kids live there,

They are waiting for their mother - Goat.


First little goat: I am cheerful, harmless,
Little goat
And I laugh and smile
Oh, right from the cradle!
2nd kid: And I cry endlessly,
I'm crying without starting,
After all, I'm a crybaby and, friends,
I can't do it any other way.
3rd kid: Oh-oh-oh! Oh oh oh!
I'm struggling with my stomach,
Because all day long
I'm gorging myself on weed.
4th kid: Oh-oh-oh, I'm afraid vodka,
Oh I'm afraid of the bear
Isn't there such a thing among you?
Eternal coward?

5th kid: There are a lot of shortcomings
We'll look through a magnifying glass,
But among 7 kids,
You won't find stupid ones.
6th kid: Of course you remember
Our faces right away
And now look -
Little sister.
7th kitten: Even though I’m a bit short,
And almost without horns,
Teach the big wolf a lesson
My mind will help me.

Host: However, the beginning of fairy tales

It came out old-fashioned.

And so the song began,
Well, almost folk:


Oh, goats, you guys,
You are left without a mother.
I go to the garden to pick cabbage.
Maybe the Wolf will come - I feel it in my heart.
You have to sit, you hear,
Quieter than water, below the grass!

You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys,
Oh, the signs wouldn’t come out!

Don't worry mommy, everything will be okay!
We know from a fairy tale: The wolf is terribly ugly!

II. Action

No... The kids weren't bored...
Only mother is beyond the threshold,
They pounded in the rhythm of the dance
Exactly twenty-eight legs.

Presenter: My home was shaking,
The whole earth trembled -
These are young goats
Confused: la-la-la!


\The wolf is knocking\

Open the door for your mother as soon as possible.
I'm tired. I'm hungry like an animal.
I gave you something to drink, I gave you milk,
And now my voice is not even familiar.


At the threshold, apparently, I will die.
You don't let your own mother come home.
Open up! Don't be a fool!
I am Kozlikha. But slightly hoarse!


Second kid: No, the wolf is not a friend to kids,

What kind of guests in the morning!

Away from our doors

Go to the forest quickly!

Wolf. Eh, such an operation was a failure!!!

(The wolf leaves).

A goat walks through the forest picking flowers

Goat. Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired,

I’ll sit on a stump and admire the meadow.


Bees. We fly to the meadows and collect honey

Take some honey to the little goats, little kids!

Goat. Thank you, bees!

Ants. We quickly collect the grass and put it in a basket.

And we will help you bring it home. The ants collect the grass in a basket and give it to the Goat.

Goat. Thank you, ants.

Cuckoo. Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo!

Forest time is nine o'clock!

Now the fox will come to you,

He will start teaching you music.

(A fox appears and sings a song.)

Fox. I am Fox, singing teacher,

I was looking forward to the lesson.

Now let's check your homework.

Are you familiar with this song?

(The fox sings a song “About a goat”) Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother……………..

Little goats. We know the song about the goat, we know it, we know it!

(The kids get up, jump over the notebooks and line up in front of the Fox. They sing the Russian folk song “Once upon a time there was a little gray goat with my grandmother.” One kid cries after the end of the song).

(The fox leaves, the kids wave after her.

The goat approaches the house, knocks its hoof, rings its bell, and points its horns through the window).

Goat. Little goats, little goats,

Relatives, guys,

Open the door for me!

I'm standing at the threshold

There is a lot of milk

Open the door for me.

Little goats. We recognize you

Now, now let's unlock it!

(The kids run out of the house.)

Little goats. Mother! Mother!

Goat. Ah, my dear children!

Is everyone alive and well?

Are you hungry?

Now I'll feed you grass,

I'll give you some milk.

Little goats. Mother! Mother! Delicious! Thank you!

Goat . So my kids are full!

Now you can have some fun!

Where are our tools?

Take them and let's play Russian!

(Children perform a Russian folk melody on musical instruments).

Goat. My dear children! How much I don’t want to leave, but it’s time to go into the forest for grass and milk. If someone comes to the house and begins to sing in a low voice and does not retell everything that I am chanting to you, do not open the door, do not let anyone in!

Act 3 House of the Rooster. The Rooster comes out, and the Wolf sneaks behind him.


Once upon a time there lived a Rooster - a master of vocals.

And he worked miracles.

Could give to animals for luck

A prankster went to the Rooster
Sharpen your tongue


It will be a holiday for you, little goats!
I have to teach you a lesson!

\Knocking on Cockerel\


Help me, Petya
Learn to sing.
Came to me when I was a child
Ear Bear!

Come in, sit down!
Sing boldly, don't be afraid of the sound
This is the science of singing!
Repeat after me, my friend!



With the Wolf for exactly half an hour.

The teacher studied

With a howl, Gray said goodbye

And he sang just like the Goat! (The Rooster gives the Wolf an egg to drink...)


You are my boys,

You are my little goats,

Open the door for mom

I'm hungry like a beast!


The wolf was immediately allowed into the house!

The wolf just sang this phrase,

The wolf leaves. Noise, din, screams are heard.


He stole the goat's children!

What have you done, wolf - a villain?!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

The Wolf comes out, and all the kids follow him


He blushed and became confused:

The wolf was terribly scared


I wanted to see them more often

I didn't want to offend them

I didn't want to scare them.

I would like to play with them...

After all, in my empty house

It's very boring to be alone.

You little goats, forgive me!

You go home to your place.

I'll walk you home.

I'm very ashamed now!

1st kid

We invite you to visit our house,

Okay, gray, we forgive

Let's introduce our mother,

We'll have a festive dinner!

2nd kid

With her we will be on time everywhere.

With mommy we can do everything.

Every day and every hour

We have our mother.

3rd kid

We know very well.

How we understand you!

That without mom the house is empty,

It's sad without mom in the house.

4th kid

Will you visit us often?

If we are friends,

Life will be more fun

Stop howling at night!


Everyone headed home

And a cheerful crowd

They see mom at the gate

Waiting for them with great anxiety.

5th kid

They brought a guest into our house!

Mother! Mother! We came!

He is alone in the whole world,

He doesn't have a mother...


So be it, said mom.


The door is open here for everyone

Let him play with you too.

Unless you're a scary beast!


The gray wolf laughed!

The gray wolf smiled!

He found some friends

It will be more fun with them!

And also, most importantly

He also has a mother!

The wolf, the mother goat and the kids perform a cheerful dance.

They leave.
Music director:

We are ending our fairy tale,

What else can we say?

Let me say goodbye

We wish you good health!

Our dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

The time has come to part,

We tell you:

All: Goodbye!

Muz.ruk And now, artists, come out,
Bow to our guests! (Bow)
The show is over,
The children all performed today,
Skill, talent, ability
They showed it to each other and to everyone.
The artists, the audience - everyone was good,
Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts!

Russian dramatization script folk tale“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” in a new way in the preparatory group

Development of children's creative abilities through theatrical activities.
1. To consolidate children’s knowledge of Russian folk tales.
Improve children's performing skills in creating artistic image using game, song and dance improvisations for this purpose.
2. Improve monologue and dialogic speech.
3. Form intonation expressiveness of speech.
4. To develop in children the ability to interact collectively and consistently when playing roles.
5. Continue to enrich and activate children's vocabulary.
6. Develop voluntary memory, imaginative thinking, imagination.
Preliminary work:
Rereading the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, explaining the meaning of incomprehensible words, analyzing difficult to pronounce words, watching the musical fairy tale film “Mom”, showing stage images, assigning roles, working on facial expressions, pantomime, intonation.
Equipment: masks, costumes, attributes for a fairy tale: house, trees, bench, stumps, notes, spoons; phonogram of songs from the movie “Mama” and the cartoon “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.
Vocabulary work:
Activation of familiar words and concepts in speech. Leading: Hello, dear viewers. We are very glad to see you as our guest.
Near the forest, on the edge
There is a wonderful hut.
One family lives there
Seven kids and a mother goat.
All the animals in the forest know
These little guys
And everyone knows the fairy tale...
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"
Yes, in a new way!
(The phonogram from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” sounds. Children - artists run out, line up in a semicircle and sing)
The wolf and the seven Young goats
We all know the fairy tale.
And hers for all guests
We'll play now.

Two magpies fly in to the music of Forest Birdsong.
1 forty: Forest time is 9 o'clock. The sun rose over the forest. The fairy tale begins.
2 forties: The script is not familiar to you yet. But you'll like the show.
1 Magpie- Shu-shu-shu. Oh, I know, I’ll tell you everything.
A fox ran here,
hummed out of habit
her song is simple and wonderful
I would sing it to all of you
I didn't have time to remember
Lala - no, I don’t remember, friends.
1 forty:
Like a river on the edge
There lived a goat in a hut.
And beautiful and sweet.
The mother was a goat.
2 forties: Shu-shu-shu. Listen, listen to what I say.
The goat has become a fashionista.
Colors lips and eyes.
Wears new boots
Wears earrings set in stones.
1 forty: Does he wear earrings set in stones?
2 forties: Yes Yes Yes. Shu shu shu.
Listen, listen to what I say.
I sewed a new sundress.
So that we all like it.
And beautiful and sweet.
The mother was a goat.

1 forty: She had children growing up -
Very cute little goats.
Mom loved the kids
And I went for grass. (pause)
Together: Shhhhhh. (and go in different directions)
(Music and the song “Our village is good” from the fairy tale “Mama” sounds.
At this time, a goat appears and walks home through the forest. A bear and a hare meet her.)

Bear- Hello, hello Aunt Masha
How do you live and where have you been?

Goat- I picked ripe berries.
I walked all day in the dense forest,
I bring everything to my dear children.
And now I'm in a hurry
I'm afraid for the kids.

(They say goodbye, the bear leaves.)

Hare- wait, Aunt Masha
I'll pick some cabbage for you.

Goat- no, no, I'm in a hurry
the wolf came not for good
uncle gray appeared
obviously the thoughts are not pure

hare- There is no faith in the wolf these days
oh, the bushes are moving.

Goat- I’m not lying, I’m not lying, the wolf came not for good.

(They say goodbye, the hare runs away, and the goat comes up to the house and knocks)
goat- Little goats, little kids, dear kids
I’m standing at the doorstep, there’s a lot of food
let your mom in
This is me singing to you.

The goat sings the song “Ding-dong. I am your mother":
Ding dong,
I'm your mother
I'm your mother
This is my house.
Ding dong,
Meet mom,
Meet mom
Five of us.
La-la-la-la-la, I was at the fair,
La-la-la-la-la, I'm standing at the door.
La-la-la, she came back with gifts,
Open the door, open the door quickly.

(The kids run out and surround the goat.)
Goat: How did the boys behave?
Answer one for all.
Kid1- Do not worry it's okay
Kid2- Mom, can I take a nut?
Kid3- I want ripe raspberries
Kid4- I had a night mare.
Kid5- I managed to clean the hut.
Goat- Where is Goga?
Kid1- He's crying.
Goat- What happened to you? What's the problem?
Kid6- I'm always the last one here.
Goat- Oh, you are my dear children. Everyone is alive and well. Now I will feed you.
(everyone sits on the bench. The goat gives out treats.)

Mom-Goat: I fed you little goats,
I gave you guys milk.

2nd kid.(getting up). Oh, I'm full, friends,
I'll be full now!
(He goes to clean his shoes on the bench. The 7th and 3rd kids, running out from behind the table, run up to the Goat and hug her.)
7th kid. Thanks for the delicious
Useful fork.

3rd kid. Cabbage for breakfast -
Health is a guarantee.
(move aside, play patty)

4th kid
I, my dear, will help you!
And now I’ll clean everything up.
(Takes a basket, collects a treat, takes it away. 1 kid takes a book and reads)

6th kid(pulling Goat by the hem, asks):
I could eat a little more.

Mom-Goat (affectionately). Remember how your stomach hurt.
You ate a lot of cabbage!
The kid leaves offended, sits on the bench and looks askance, licking his tongue at the cabbage. Seizing a moment when no one sees him, he hides a cabbage leaf in his bosom and sneaks behind the fence. Mother Goat sits on the bench, and the 5th kid runs up to her.

5th kid(to mom). Mommy, my love.
I love you.
All the floors in the house now
I'll sweep up quickly.
(Takes a broom and starts sweeping the floor.)
goat - it’s already evening, look
hurry up and run to me
both hares and squirrels sleep,
and hedgehogs and bear cubs.
Sleep dear little goats
my wonderful guys
(The kids sit down near the goat and fall asleep to the song “Lullaby”
The goat wakes up to the music from the cartoon “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” by the muses. G. Gladkova, lyrics. Yu Entina. Wakes up the children. The kids stand up and line up in two rows. They dance to the music “Dance of the Little Goats” by the muses. G. Gladkova, lyrics. Yu Entina. The goat is going to the garden to pick cabbage, saying goodbye to the kids.)

Goat- Children, it's time for me to leave.
Close the doors behind me,
Don't let the wolf into your house.
Until I come, sit in the hut.

Goats- be-be-be-be

(The introduction “Song of Mother Goat” sounds, music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu Entin.. Everyone dances, says goodbye to mom.)
4th kid. Don't worry, mommy!
Everything will be fine.
We know from a fairy tale
The wolf is terribly ugly!

Goat- Be smart, please
while I'm walking through the forest
(The kids see their mother off and sit on the bench.)
2nd kid(in a loud whisper, asks)
Is our mommy gone?

5th kid(answers). She went for cabbage for us.

2nd kid(joyfully).
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
It's time for us to have fun!

6th kid(scared). What if we
Will the wolf hear?
2nd kid(boldly). I hit him on the nose, click! (shows click)

7th kid(clapping your hands).
We will close the door tightly!

1st kid. And we won’t let anyone offend!

All(singing): Sit on the stove. me-me.
We're not interested.
In life he is neither me nor be
Who doesn't love the song.

(The kids begin to have fun and perform a dance to the rhythmic music “Dance of the Kids” by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu Entin. At the end of the dance they hide in the house.)

(magpies fly in)
1 Magpie- I’m just whispering, I’ll tell you everything I know.
The gray wolf ran here
told me in confidence
that today they will kill everyone
he will catch the kids
sharpens teeth sharpens sharpens
eat them wants wants wants.
2 Magpie- Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
my head is spinning (they fly away)

(A wolf comes out to the music. He dances. He sees a hut.)
Wolf- Here he is, dear, cherished.
Little goats live here.
I'll knock, maybe they'll open it.

(The wolf knocks. The kids freeze)
1 Baby Goat- Hear, someone is knocking on our door.
4 kids- It seemed.
2 kids- (knocking is heard again) No, again.
3 kids- Whoever was there
Mom told us
don't open the door!

(The wolf sings, and they answer him in a frightened voice.
The music is “Song of the Wolf” by the muses. G. Gladkova, lyrics. Yu Entina from the cartoon "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats")

Open the door for mom quickly.
I'm tired. I'm hungry like an animal.
I fed you, gave you milk,
And now my voice is not even familiar?
At the threshold, it’s obvious I’ll die.
You don't let your own mother come home.
Open up! Don't be a fool!

Wolf. What to do? (thinks)
(joyfully) I figured it out!
I'll go to Petya-Cockerel,
To the famous singing teacher!

(The wolf leaves. The music “Sounds of the Forest” plays. A magpie flies in)
Magpie 2: The fairy tale doesn't end there,
And the miracles continue in it
Once upon a time there lived a Rooster - a master of vocals.
And he worked miracles.
Could give to animals for luck
He any voices.
And one day it came to his mind
A great idea came.
Gather everyone in a fairytale forest.
Who can sing and play music.

The rooster paces, inspects the tools, looks at his watch, and exercises:
rooster - le-le-le-le-le-, ku-ka-re-ku
Well, it's time to start the lesson.
Crow, crow
Students, I'm waiting for you all (rings the bell). Sits on a tree stump.

(A little fox is running. He looks first in one direction, then in the other. Not seeing anyone, he runs on.
He nods hello and sits down.)

Rooster- Hello, beautiful fox
came to class first

Fox- got up very early this morning
ran to our school.

(The hare runs in a circle. The bear follows)
Bear - Hey, wait for me with a scythe

Hare- long road ahead
(The hare comes running, greets with a nod, sits down, followed by the bear, greets)
Rooster- Hello Mishka, my friend.
What are you going to class with?

Bear- all day I beat the rhythm
so tired, so tired.

(Magpies fly and climb on everyone.)
Rooster- you magpies don’t play pranks
look at the notes

Rooster(asks). Have you picked up the tools? (Everyone shows)
Together, let's play together!
The cheerful music “Ural Dance” is performed by a musical orchestra. Children perform a dance with spoons. At the end they leave. The rooster stays, the wolf sneaks behind him)
Help me, Petya,
Learn to sing.
Came to me when I was a child
Bear's ear!

Rooster: Come on in. Sit down.
Sing boldly, don't be afraid of the sound.
This is the science of singing.
Repeat after me, my friend. DO RE MI FA…....
(The wolf repeats, thanks, runs away.)
Wolf- (to the side) I’ll quickly run to the guys
eh, I'll have some goats for lunch

Magpie flies- Oh Petya Petya Cockerel
He deceived you my friend

Rooster- Did he cheat? But I didn't know
What a scandal, what a scandal. (leave)

(The wolf sneaks up to the Goat's house)
Wolf- (to the side) - there will be a holiday for you little goats
I have to teach you a lesson. (knocks and sings)
I returned home little goats
with a bag overflowing with cabbage.

Wolf(joyfully). That's it, little ones!
The dancing is over!

4th kid(boldly). Die like this with music!
Sing, brothers!
(The wolf collects them in a chain. Everyone sings (la-la-la....) to the music in the recording. The wolf snakes the kids into the forest. The Goat appears. Knocks. Enters the house. Looks around and sings crying.)
Oh, little goats, where have they disappeared to?
To whom did you leave me?
They didn't listen to their mother
Apparently you have lost your vigilance.
Have you forgotten your mother's voice?
The result was a sign,
You made an omission
Apparently the wolf entered the room.
(The goat sits on a bench and cries. Music is heard from afar. Magpies appear)
1 Magpie- shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu
listen, listen to what I say
in front of everyone in the clearing
the forest people are shocked
in front of everyone in the clearing
wolf with kids sings

2 forty- Is the wolf singing with the kids?

1 Magpie- Yes Yes Yes. (fly away)

Goat(cheerful). Aren't these my goats?
Aren't these my guys?
I'll go and look. (The goat leaves.)

(To the song “La-la-la” from the cartoon “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu Entin, the Wolf and the 7 little kids appear. They dance. The dance continues with the goat. At the end of the dance, everyone lines up. All the heroes of the fairy tale come out)

Magpie- I’m just whispering, oh I know, I’ll tell you everything
we are ending our fairy tale
what else can we say
let me say goodbye
I wish you good health

magpie- our guests are dear
come visit us again
We are always glad to have guests
The presenter and children sing:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats
we all knew the fairy tale
And hers for all guests
we've played now.
And now, as they say,
It's time for us to say goodbye to you.
We are parting with friends
We were glad to meet you!

Presenter: Goodbye, they say
Children(in chorus): A wolf and seven kids!
(Wave to the guests and leave).