A new twist on the crow and the fox. A Crow and a fox. fable with a modern twist. Scenario “The Crow and the Fox” about friendship: description, tips

In one forest (the press wrote about it)
Crow the poetess became famous.
Although she was very arrogant,
But she composed odes to everyone’s surprise.
And for her exciting lyre
She was given a piece of cheese as a gift.
Crow adored “Russian cheese”
And I was looking forward to eating it for dinner.
Out of nowhere, the Fox appeared
And she bowed low to the poetess.
The fox wanted to try some cheese.
Alas, the lyre was not friends with the cheat.
-Why write some poems?
I'll get my dinner without any problem.
I just need to fuss a little, -
This is how the cunning Fox reasoned.
And, glancing reverently at the cheese,
She sang in an unctuous voice:
- Do I really see the poetess herself?
I was looking for you all over the forest.
I beg you, dear Crow,
Do not harm my soul.
I breathe unevenly from love for you.
Help me grow spiritually.
Croak the lines of a new sonnet,
He will illuminate me with rays of light.
Your poems caress my soul.
I’m ready to listen to them day and night!
But who will appreciate all your talents,
After all, they need significant guarantors...
You, darling, in our beautiful forest
Smarter than everyone else, more talented and more beautiful.
Here, Lenya Blokha, take for example...
Everyone says: he is talented beyond measure...
But can he be compared to you?
With your Raven's bright head?
And even "Proza RU" for all this
You were recognized as a world poet.
And if you wrote a novel,
She instantly appeared as a writer for the PEOPLE...
I would bask in the rays of worldwide fame,
And everyone around you shouted “BRAVO!”
Besides, you, my light, are beautiful
And you look forty years younger.
And I envy you, I admit it frankly.
You are even more beautiful than... OBAMA...
Here, tired, the Fox fell silent for a moment.
The CROW's throat was constricted,
Almost like in Grandfather Krylov’s fable.
It’s not a sin to remember him again today.
The crow's beak opened slightly with happiness,
And the cheese accidentally fell into the grass.
The cheating fox immediately grabbed the cheese
And without hesitation she greedily swallowed it.
The poetess crow grieves bitterly,
What, I missed my coveted dinner.
The moral, friends, of this fable remains unchanged:
Centuries have passed. Flattery is just as outright.
And the stupidity of the fooled Crow
We can all see it quite clearly.
After all, there is no worse vice than flattery.
Flatterers always flatter. And flattery knows no time.
She is always covered with fox skin.
And all flatterers are dangerous by nature.
Believe in your eyes and not your ears,
To avoid being known as Crows to death.

"Russian cheese" is a type of cheese.
Lenya Blokh is a popular author of "Prose Ru"


Kirochka, thank you!
Vikushka and I taught Krylov’s fable about “The Crow and the Fox.”
It's a bit difficult. I remember that as a child I also didn’t understand many words. But everything is clear and your style is easy.
with a smile,

Yes, I didn't expect any trouble
And the proximity of life's vicissitudes.
At least I knew the nature of a fox.
But I foolishly missed out on my cheese.
There are many such Crows in the world
Don't judge me harshly...
With a smile.

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Dear readers. In connection with my love for great Russian literature, on the one hand; a reverent attraction to our feathered friends, on the other hand; and most importantly, in connection with my tender attitude towards cheese, I would now like to remember the unforgettable “grandfather” Krylov and his immortal fable “The Crow and the Fox”. Indeed, who among us has not read or heard this fable, these wonderful metaphorical lines - “Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow.” But before we talk about the fate of this ancient fable in the present time, it would not hurt to talk about the main character of the fable - cheese.

So, cheese is one of the healthiest and most ancient products in origin. Many historians believe that the birthplace of cheese is most likely the Middle East, where about 4,000 years ago, Bedouins used leather bags made from sheep's stomachs to transport milk, and shaking heat and enzymes turned the milk into cheese. In Russia, cheese has been known since the 10th century, but before Peter the Great it was produced in a natural raw way, that is, without heat treatment. However, Peter the Great made Russian people fall in love with European cheese - it was from this time that cheese began to be cooked in Russia. Despite the fact that cheese production is one of the most “foul-smelling”, there are few culinary products that are as aromatic as cheese.

Currently, there are more than 1000 varieties of cheese in the world. Among them are rennet, fermented milk, rennet-fermented milk, acid, hard, semi-hard, soft, brine, processed, and, of course, mold cheeses. In our country, especially in Soviet times, processed cheese “Druzhba” became the most widespread and popular - the cheapest and most delicious snack for a “conversation for three”. Today at Russian Federation More than 100 varieties of cheese are produced. It should be noted that very often the same type of cheese produced by different manufacturers differs from each other, which once again indicates the predominantly liberal character of Russian cheese makers compared to the conservative one.

Cheese is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. It contains such a quantity of vitamins that many diseases can be treated with the help of cheese and a cheese diet - from obesity to emaciation. Cheese, as many nutritionists believe, is especially useful for enhanced brain creative activity, and therefore for poetic and prosaic activity. IN fiction cheese appears many times in Rabelais in his famous novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel” and in Dumas in “The Three Musketeers”, and in the fabulist Krylov, and in Ilf and Petrov in “The Golden Calf” and in Vladimir Mayakovsky in his poem “Good” (“the cheeses are not over-sitting, the lamps are shining, the prices are reduced”).

In Russian colloquial speech wide application received such sayings as “it rolls around like cheese in butter”, or “free cheese only happens in a mousetrap”. IN English language The word cheese, when pronounced, stretches the lips, forming something like a smile. This effect is used in portrait photography.

In cooking, there are many recipes for using cheese in various ways. Personally, our favorites are tomatoes with grated cheese and garlic and pasta with grated cheese. But we know that many, including writers, have their own opinion on this matter. Thus, the famous poetess, our contemporary Yunna Moritz, wrote a short essay on this topic, which we offer you.

Tales of the Miraculous Yunna Moritz


Once upon a time there lived Cheese. On the outside it is round and red, and on the inside there is a tear and large holes. He rolled around in oil and was a product himself. Top quality, high fat content, with a high content of mineral salts. He rode to the service, where he brought many into cheeses: some into large ones, others into very large ones, and others “at his own request.”
Very large cheeses were square and rectangular or wheel - it all depended on the press! The more advanced the presses, the larger the cheeses. The very big ones conferred once a month, but the big ones conferred all the time: who should be melted down? who to grind?..
Cheese had a wife and three children. The wife is Dutch, two daughters are Swiss, and the son is Roquefort! From his first marriage there were two grandchildren: one was Camembert, the other was Parmesan.
And that year, our cow at the water pump was frozen into the ice. They barely tore it off, barely dug it up, and lo and behold, she’s all a mammoth!.. there’s no question of milk. They took me to the museum. Museum says:
- This is not a fake, but an original mammoth, excellent preservation, a complete set. We would buy it, but we have great difficulties. There is no money. We can exchange your mammoth for our Indian.
- Why do we need an Indian?.. A useless thing - no milk, no butter, no sour cream, no cream, no cottage cheese, no cheese. This is not a product!
- Do you want an Indian? Well, as you wish! But still, the mammoth cannot belong to you, it is state property. This fossil is our property, it belongs to the people, science and culture, and the progressive public. Let's call the police, make an inventory of the mammoth and confiscate it for the benefit of generations. Exchange your mammoth for our Indian, otherwise it will be worse! - says the museum worker, a rude man and a swindler.
Well, to hell with it! We took an Indian. And they did the right thing, every cloud has a silver lining. The Indian was quiet, smoking his pipe and planting maize. From this maize, that is, corn, dead cows, goats and sheep, geese and giraffes, zebras and hoopoes jumped to their feet, jumped up on their own, gave milk!.. The presses at our cheese factory began to hum. Oh, there is no good without a silver lining! Chief Cheese went crazy with joy, rolled into a chair, locked his office and made lists: who to melt, who to grind.
I sit and tremble for poor Nadya, for Nadezhda Pavlovna, for the holy soul. The way it is! The cheese evokes and Nadya says with great disgust:
- You can’t be melted down, you can’t be crushed! You are an old woman! And I have raw, responsible fuss. The cashier from the Ministry of Chemistry, from the Ministry of Defense and Defense was promised long ago, make room for the young Parmesan girl, and the way for the young!
Nadya is on the verge. The Indian smokes “Java” and thinks: “Hana! After all, he will ruin her. We need to do something, call someone... Find out who is this stinking Cheese afraid of? And who is standing on the press?..”
And there on the press is a friend of our Indian. The Indian called him and expressed a great wish, and asked for a small favor in this secret language:
- Hello! Hello Chinese! Yes it's me! Indian! How does a Korean live? Did the Altai man get married? Where is the Guinean now? Is the Kustanian healthy? Are Hawaiians, Malays, and Himalayans on duty?
And the Chinese answered:
- It's high time, Indian! I, too, am damp, and this dampness is everywhere...
What a coincidence! About fifteen minutes later, a lamp in the cheese factory broke by itself - its glass head smashed into pieces on the ceiling. A Malayan and a Himalayan in such pitch darkness pressed the wrong button - and the Cheese went under the press!
Hearing this news, the Parmesan woman told the cashier from Minsyr that never again!.. So-and-so Roquefort!
...But still nothing is irreparable. The soul of Hope clings to the clouds, and the flesh moans, freezing into black ice.

A wonderful story about cheese, isn't it? But we return to the fable of “grandfather” Krylov “The Crow and the Fox”. Since this fable was published at the beginning of the 19th century, many parodies and variations of this work have been composed. Currently, we have counted more than a hundred offers on Internet sites alone, and then lost count. And yet, among the works that we managed to look at, we chose one poetic and another prosaic. Read them and you will understand that the Russian land is not depleted of talented people. So, let's start with the prose of Evgeny Malinovsky.

The wrong side of old fables

A Crow and a fox

The evening was amazing. The crow sat on his favorite branch and enjoyed the silence.
Everything in life was right. She worked nicely and with pleasure today. The time of approaching twilight awaited her - her favorite time of day. And a piece of cheese is her favorite food. The crow lazily pressed the cheese with its paw to the fork of the oak branches, in no hurry to start the meal, because the feeling of hunger had not yet replaced the feeling of pleasant fatigue after a hard day.
Instead, she listened to the sounds of the forest, inhaled the smell of leaves... And she was happy.
Then she heard Lisa. Contrary to popular belief about the silent behavior of these animals, this Fox made its way through the bushes quite loudly, snoring loudly under its breath. A few seconds later she emerged from the thicket. Lisa's red outfit was complemented by a once white, but no longer quite fresh, bow tie. Traces of dirt on the paws indicated a considerable distance traveled by the owner after her last ablution.
As soon as the Fox saw the Crow, the stony expression on the fox's face was replaced by a slightly unnatural, cheerful smile.
- Hello dear! - Lisa reported hoarsely, stretching her smile even wider. -You look amazing!
The Fox's gaze slid down to the cheese, and, as if burned, jerked upward.
“But she’s hungry,” thought the Crow. “Should I treat her with cheese?”
However, she simply did not have time to open her beak.
- My name is Lisa, I am an authorized representative of the International Concern “Happiness Ltd”, which for many years has been supplying our forest with extremely effective, healthy, environmentally friendly and, most importantly, inexpensive (here Lisa winked conspiratorially) drugs that make the lives of workers easier and hard workers, one of whom you undoubtedly are. You don't have to buy anything - just check out our selection. Today I am pleased to present to your attention a unique medical development - SuperVitamins for Birds!
Lisa was a very good salesman. Her hole was decorated with more than one prize for the “Master of Steaming”. Her track record included many years of successful sales. She was very proud of her ability to get the client to talk, to gently lead him away from “difficult” issues, to brilliantly emphasize strengths goods, while keeping silent about what could prevent the goods from being sold. Sometimes it seemed to her that she would happily engage in sales, even without earning anything - she so loved to see how the client’s eyes glazed over during her monologue, how his will was crushed under the pressure of her inspired speech. Sometimes it was quite enough for her to simply feel her Power over them - stupid, narrow-minded and greedy suckers, ready to buy anything from her after a fifteen-minute conversation.
True, this only happened sometimes. And, as a rule, when she was full.
Today was not that kind of day. She hasn't sold anything since this morning. Her legs hurt, her voice was hoarse, her mood was lousy, even her charming smile - her main weapon - was somehow rubbery.
“I’ll still talk to this fool!” she thought, looking at Vorona.
- Tell me, do you ever have problems sleeping? Ever feel tired in your wings? Do you always have good mood? - The fox looked tenderly into the crow’s eyes. - If you answer “Yes,” then there is no need for us to waste each other’s time - other clients are waiting for me.
The Crow opened its beak again, intending to offer the Fox a snack. And again I didn’t have time.
- Well, if you cannot answer affirmatively to at least one of these questions...
Lisa tried very hard. She was angry and hungry. She wanted cheese.
- ...Unlike similar drugs, SuperVitamin is much more effective - this has been shown by studies of the International Association of Supervitamin Researchers. It does not cause allergies or side effects. (And if he does, I won’t be here in half an hour). Convenient packaging, instructions in crow's language! You can place an order whenever you wish - but!
The fox took a last breath of air into her lungs.
- By purchasing SuperVitamin now - you will receive Tweezers for Extracting Capsules from the Package completely free of charge. But that's not all!
Lisa coughed briefly.
- You are my fiftieth anniversary customer today! And it is you who get the unique opportunity to purchase a package of Super Vitamin for a whole month, not for five,” the Fox described a large circle in the air with her paw, “but for just one,” the fox’s paw clenched, as if trying to hold a small pea, “a modest piece,” the Fox swallowed , - cheese!
... At dusk, pushing through the bushes was even more disgusting than during the day. The fox walked home, carrying a piece of cheese under her arm. “I'm very cool. I am very good seller. It’s great that I gave this fool some expired vitamins.” - Fox thought diligently, driving away other, much sadder thoughts that came from nowhere.
... The crow admired the twilight. She had long ago thrown the package of vitamins along with the tweezers into the trash, had dinner with another piece of cheese taken from the pantry, she was already getting sleepy, but her thoughts returned to the Fox.
“Doesn’t she understand?” thought the Crow. “Will she never understand?”
Then she sat comfortably on a branch and fell asleep.

Well, now we offer you a poetic modern version of an ancient fable, composed by Viktor Varchenko.

Victor Verchenko

Crow and cheese

God once sent a piece of cheese to the crow...
And just as she was about to indulge in the feast,
But to her misfortune, the Fox ran nearby;
Having smelled the cheese, the Fox began to praise the Crow.
The simpleton couldn't stand subtle flattery,
She opened her mouth, and with the first sound together
The cheese fell out and disappeared so stupidly:
This is discussed in I.A.’s fable. Krylova,
And I will return to poor Crow again...

– That cheese was the price for freedom of speech!
The crow did not grieve for long:
She told the animals the truth
About how the cheat treated her,
How the rights of animals are infringed in the forest...
She liked to tell everyone the truth so much,
What couldn't be stopped:
Her revealing speeches
Buckshot would be similar, -
But few people listened to the prophetic words,
And what he got, he ate alone...
The crow has weakened considerably:
She hasn’t eaten at all since then;
I'm so tired of my accusations,
What an easy prey for the Fox...

Of course, we feel sorry for the crow: still
Her aspirations are so similar to human ones...
But it all started with a piece of cheese,
Which she didn’t keep for herself...
This fable has a completely different basis -
Which is better: cheese or freedom of speech;
The moral is simple - I wanted to reason with everyone:
God forbid we waste God’s gift...

Dear authors, isn’t it time for you to compose something based on the fable “The Crow and the Fox?” Yes, a lot has already been written and published on the Internet. But every author is unique. Create and try! So, we are waiting for your new works based on the old fable “The Crow and the Fox”. We are waiting for your poems and stories about cheese and bon appetit!


Our raven old friend, I found a piece again
Such deliciousness that you’ll be able to peck with all your heart!
I didn’t fly up the spruce tree (so as not to put pressure on fate),
He fluttered up and smoothly sat down on a young oak tree.

We didn't have to wait long for the reddish cheat.
The language of Aesop at once Krylov heating up
And as old as the world, still singing the same song,
I caught a sly look from above.¦

“But if so, my friend, then listen to the news:
Your wife was with your boss yesterday
In the arms of Love I almost fell into the abyss!..
Then Cupid gave her his wings!..”

Here is our raven: “KAR-R-R!”
And even shout “FIRE!”
All the goodies have gone
A gift to the cunning fox!

Moral (not so sad)
I couldn’t help but write:

Don't croak at your boss
While there’s a piece in your mouth!

One day God sent the raven a piece of cheese. Well, Parmesan.

And he quietly ate it. One. Like a partisan.

I sat on a branch instead of a stool

And he ate, and ate, and ate, and ate, and ate!

Hurry, hurry, so that someone doesn't steal it.

And a fox passes by the crack. And sausage... No! Cheese! I smelled it.

And I also really wanted it right away.

I'm actually sweating!

I even made the stand just like dogs.

And he says: Hello, raven!

Oh! Let me see from all sides

How beautiful you are these days

After all, I’ve been with you for a long time, two... no! Three days of no sight!

How extraordinary you are now!

What a face! What a gorgeous figure!

And how does your black color suit you!

Mmmm... Naomi Campbell... Whitney Houston, no?

I really don’t recognize you at all!

I'm sorry I've been standing next to you for so long,

I just can't take my eyes off

From your face. How handsome he is!

I need to paint a portrait of you, a painting,

And put on the World Wide Web.

Even the Mona Lisa is next to you

Doesn't look good. Oh, so-so... Stub...

Sophia Loren himself is next to you,

Like next to a rose - garden horseradish.

Your top is beautiful and your bottom is beautiful!

And let Boris go crazy with envy

This one... what's his name... Moiseev!

Your back bottom is much more beautiful!

So says the fox. And quietly, quietly

Comes closer. Cunning, beating, dude!

Raven is silent. But he stopped eating.

And looks down proudly. Like Lenin from a pedestal.

Lisits rested a little -

And again. Hey raven! Did you fall asleep?

Can't sleep? I also wanted to tell you here,

Before you fly to Hollywood,

I bow before your mind.

I feel... well... just schmuck!

When I look at your high forehead.

You are a genius! Your thoughts are like antelopes

He rushes at a gallop, ahead of his time.

You are the wisest among us all!

It's written on your forehead right here,

You graduated from the main institute.

And you will graduate from the academy with a medal.

I bet! More Nobel Prizes

They will give it to you, well, on Saturday, maximum!

For a math test.

I'll give you an eye! So many smart people in this world

Just two: you and Pentium four.

Thank you God for allowing me to be born

In one era with this great bird! So says the fox.

And closer, closer to the crows he moves his skis.

Raven is silent. Pout like a turkey!

My belly is poking out from under my trousers.

He became so important, as if he were a king.

Like a general secretary bird.

The cunning fox, having rested slightly,

I've already turned on such a fool,

I was a little surprised even at myself.

And he says: Oh, Lord! Am I really... Fell in love!!!

Oh my beautiful dream! Oh my raven!

You will bring me to the funeral!

I can’t live without your love, baby...

I'll tell you now. Here's the thread for this one.

And I'll get poisoned. This is the fly agaric.

Oh my raven! My love! Sheri! Amor!

How painful it is to know that you don’t love me!

What a husband you will never be!

And you won’t lay a small egg for me,

Exactly like my face...

Oh, I feel bad! Ahah! I'm dying!

Heart attack! Stroke! Incest! Ah, I don't know...

Ah, my heart... That's it... Freeze forever...

Well, why are you silent?!

Shout zero three quickly!!

And - he fell. Hand to chest pressing.

It was as if Kondraty had just hugged him.

Raven... What is a raven? He opened his beak.

I forgot about the cheese. I didn't blame him from his mouth.

And he croaked like that! Shchto immediately choked.

And together with the cheese, he fell from the tree.

What's further? Esophagus. Stomach.

The hungry fox was a bastard!

In half an hour the raven digested

And... He became different from what he was.

When you have cheese, sit and eat it.
And don’t listen to anyone!

Evgeniy Shestakov

In this article we will offer several options interesting scenarios based on Krylov's famous fable. A corporate event with them will definitely lift your spirits and be remembered for a long time!

According to statistics, most often during the holidays, participants prefer to act out stories that are familiar to everyone. Fairy tales, parables, fables performed in new way, lift your spirits for a long time. We invite you to choose your favorite “The Crow and the Fox” scenario, which will decorate any holiday!

Scenario “The Crow and the Fox” in the Georgian manner: description, tips

Toasts imitating the Georgian dialect are quite popular. What about a humorous performance in this vein?

Narrator: One day God sent the raven a piece of cheese. Well, Parmesan.
And he quietly ate it. One. Like a partisan.
I sat on a branch instead of a stool
And he ate, and ate, and ate, and ate, and ate!
Hurry, hurry, so that someone doesn't steal it.

And a fox passes by the crack. And sausage... No! Cheese! I smelled it.
And I also really wanted it right away.
I'm actually sweating!
I even made the stand just like dogs.
Like this!

And he says.

Fox: Hello raven!
Oh! Let me see from all sides
How beautiful you have become today,
After all, I’ve been with you for a long time, two... no! I haven’t seen you for three days!

How extraordinary you are now!
What a face! What a gorgeous figure!
And how does your black color suit you!
Mmmm... Naomi Campbell... Whitney Houston, no?

I really don’t recognize you at all!
I'm sorry I've been standing next to you for so long,
I just can't take my eyes off
From your face. How handsome he is!
I need to paint a portrait of you, a painting,
And put on the World Wide Web.

Even the Mona Lisa is next to you
Doesn't look good. Oh, so-so... Stub...
Sophia Loren himself is next to you,
Like next to a rose, there is garden horseradish.

Your top is beautiful and your bottom is beautiful!
And let Boris go crazy with envy
This one...what's his name...Moiseev!
Your rear bottom is much more beautiful!

Narrator: So says the fox. And quietly, quietly
Comes closer. Cunning, beating, dude!
Raven is silent. But he stopped eating.
And looks down proudly. Like Lenin from a pedestal.

Lisits rested a little -
And again.
Fox: Hey raven! Did you fall asleep?
Can't sleep? I also wanted to tell you here,
Before you fly to Hollywood,

I bow before your mind.
I feel... well... just schmuck!
When I look at your high forehead.
You are a genius! Your thoughts are like antelopes

He rushes at a gallop, ahead of his time.
You are the wisest among us all!
It's written on your forehead right here,
You graduated from the main institute.

And you will graduate from the academy with a medal.
I bet! More Nobel Prizes
They will give it to you, well, on Saturday, maximum!
For a math test.

I'll give you an eye! So many smart people in this world
Just two: you and Pentium four.
Thank you God for allowing me to be born
In one era with this great bird!

Narrator: So says the fox. And closer, closer
He moves his skis towards the crow.
Raven is silent. Pout like a turkey!
My belly is poking out from under my trousers.

He became so important, as if he were a king.
Like a general secretary bird.
The cunning fox, having rested slightly,
I've already turned on such a fool,
I was a little surprised even at myself.

And he says
Fox: Oh my God! Am I really... Fell in love!!!
Oh my beautiful dream! Oh my raven!
You will bring me to the funeral!

I can’t live without your love, baby...
I'll tell you now. Here's the thread for this one.
And I'll get poisoned. This is the fly agaric.
Oh my raven! My love! Sheri! Amor!

How painful it is to know that you don’t love me!
What a husband you will never be!
And you won’t lay a small egg for me,
Exactly like my face...

Oh, I feel bad! Ahah! I'm dying!
Heart attack! Stroke! Incest! Ah, I don't know...
Ah, my heart... That's it... Freeze forever...
Well, why are you silent?!
Shout zero three quickly!!

Narrator: And - he fell. Hand to chest pressing.
It was as if Kondraty had just hugged him.
Raven... What is a raven? He opened his beak.
I forgot about the cheese. I didn't blame him from his mouth.

And he croaked like that! Shchto immediately choked.
And together with the cheese, he fell from the tree.
What's further? Esophagus. Stomach.
The hungry fox was a bastard!
In half an hour the raven digested
And Raven became no longer the same as he beat...

When you have cheese, sit and eat it.
And don’t listen to anyone!

IMPORTANT: For this performance it is better to select 4 participants. These will be the Storyteller, the Crow, the Fox and the person in charge of light and sound.

The script “The Crow and the Fox” in a humorous manner on the topic of criticism: description, advice

Many people love morality seasoned with humor. So why not use a Crow and a Fox scenario that fits this pattern?

Narrator: A crow perched on a spruce tree,
I saw the Fox in the wilderness.

Fox: Where did we fly off to?
Narrator: Fox asked.
Fox: Hey, tell me!
Where does the cheese come from? Why did you cover your eyelids?
Do you have rights to it?
Did you buy it in a store? Where are the checks?
Through connections, maybe Owl gave the cheese?
We'll check your black nature
And we'll call you to the prosecutor's office!

Crow: You're a stupid redhead!
Narrator: In response to Crow
She croaked, hiding the cheese under her wing.
Crow: Yes, I have almost a ton of it,
So consider yourself extremely lucky.
You're blabbering! It would be better if the mouth of the pr-rikr-snout fell!
Is there enough cheese for two of us?
There will still be some left! Satiate your r-snout!
And it’s not Kr-rylov who will write a poem about that!..

Fox: Oh, honey, it was me who was laughing!
I really love, you know, humor.
I wanted to know how sweet you sing,
Hear your angelic voice!..
Crow: Berry!
Narrator: The Crow croaked to the Fox,
Easily spread the wing to throw.
Tell me, is this criticism reasonable?
What bends for a tasty piece?!

IMPORTANT: Such performances can be staged with a minimum of decorations.

A costume for an impromptu performance can also be selected from scrap materials - maybe it will be ordinary clothes

The script “The Crow and the Fox” in a humorous manner with an unexpected ending: description, tips

Krylov's fables are familiar to everyone; all spectators, when watching the performance, will tune in to the standard ending. However, why not surprise them? The following scenario, “The Crow and the Fox,” is just suitable for such a purpose.

Narrator: Cold and cloudy and damp,
Wet snow and mud on the road.
A crow eats a cheese rind
Perched on a tall poplar.

The wind shakes her, poor thing,
He tugs at his gray pants.
The crust does not fit into the esophagus;
The crow coughs and sniffles.

There's a limping fox running below,
The tail drags between the legs.
Crow: Why, godfather, are you so gloomy?
Narrator: A crow calls to her from a tree.

Crow: I have two hundred grams of cheese here.
Do you want to eat a tasty morsel?
Describe it to me without unnecessary flattery
My feathers and my sock.

Like a date under a clock,
Walk around the tree twenty times.
Narrator: But the fox, his eyes flashing evilly,
He answers hoarsely:
Fox: Choke!

Narrator: And then, with all the honest people
A crow falls from top to bottom.
The crust in the esophagus is to blame
Or maybe foxes have the evil eye?

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to agree in advance with the actors so that they begin their speech at some sign that is invisible to the audience. This will help avoid unpleasant hiccups.

The Crow and the Fox is a fable so familiar to everyone that its unexpected ending can almost certainly achieve an amazing effect

Scenario “The Crow and the Fox” about friendship: description, tips

The theme of friendship is always relevant both in the case of a performance for colleagues and in the case of a performance for friends. We suggest using the following scenario “The Crow and the Fox”:

Narrator: God once sent a piece of cheese to the crow.
Suddenly, a well-fed Raven landed on a branch next to her. He had a massive gold ring on one leg and an illegible tattoo on the other.

Crow: What, friend, did Fox get you? Don't be afraid, your torment is over. Now you will give me the cheese, and I will talk to Lisa myself.

Narrator: The crow moved away from him.
The Fox came up and looked at the Raven’s protruding chest for some time.

Fox: Is yours?

Narrator: She asked Crow contemptuously.

She shook her head.

Crow: Come on in! This is now my point. The raven will not peck out the crow's eyes, but we will soon pin all the tailed ones to our claws.

Fox: Ideological!

Narrator: The Fox suddenly put a red book under the Crow's beak.
The crow only managed to see the golden inscription on the cover.

Crow: What is Nevermore?

Narrator: The raven tried to pretend to be a hummingbird.
The Fox hid the book, picked up the cheese and threatened the Crow.

Fox: Can't I just leave you for a minute? Either you fall from the oak tree, or you get involved with thugs. OK, see you tomorrow. If they come, tell me.

Narrator: The birds tried not to look at each other.

Crow: Wow! Couldn't I have warned you that you had such a roof?

Crow: She's not a roof! She is a friend!

IMPORTANT: It is better not to make the performance too long. 15 minutes is enough for a corporate event or home gatherings with friends. Otherwise, the event will turn out to be too tiring.

Scenario “The Crow and the Fox” for music lovers: description, tips

If the organizers and spectators love music, it is quite possible to play up this moment. The following scenario “The Crow and the Fox” will help you realize your plans:

Narrator: The night bird does not sing -
She has a pizza in her mouth.
A fox sits under a tree,
And he won’t let her eat pizza.

The fox decided, therefore,
Deception, meanness and flattery
Stealthily get into her trust
And separate the bird from the pizza!

The fox walks with its tail bent
Her favorite tune whistles,
But the bird is unshakable -
He sits with his beak sternly clenched.

But suddenly! Oh miracle! Among the birches
This song sounded
That the bird, having dissolved its slurp,
I listened to that song to the point of tears.

And the song is pizza for the soul,
And the night bird sings again
About how you can't sleep from hunger,
She screams in the wilderness of the night!

The moral of this story is short:
Hold the beak lightly
When Nikolsky K. sings

INTERESTING: Such a performance can be chosen by those amateur actors who want to embody a role without words.

The fable of the Crow and the Fox can be played out quite emotionally

The script for “The Crow and the Fox” and another fairy tale: two in one, description, tips

Mixing various fairy tales and fables will certainly seem interesting to the audience. If the reader agrees, we offer the following scenario for “The Crow and the Fox”:

Narrator: God once sent a piece of cheese to the crow. Hearing a rustling sound - “Fox!” — The crow, without chewing, swallowed the cheese, choked, coughed, hit its head on the trunk, lost consciousness and fell down. Having come to her senses, the Crow discovered that she was lying, with her beak deeply stuck, on the small Moon. The moon was flattened and smelled of bread.

Crow: It is a paradise?

Kolobok: I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother.

Narrator: Waking up for the second time, the Crow realized that she was lying in the shade, and the Fox was sitting next to her and fanning her with her tail.

Fox: You don't take care of yourself. At least she would think about me!

Crow: It turns out that when we die, we go to the moon.

Fox: You imagined it. Honestly.

Narrator: The fox rubbed her shiny nose.

INTERESTING: The script can be supplemented by adding elements of other fables, parables, and fairy tales.

The scenario “The Crow and the Fox” is instructive: description, tips

If you want to add an instructive touch to the performance, we recommend the following script, “The Crow and the Fox.” It’s about a fairly current phenomenon – the spread of gossip.

Narrator: A crow once found a piece of cheese.
While the crow flew through the forest,
She ate too much cheese.
Then, perched on a spruce branch,
I was just about ready to call my family.
At that time, a cheating fox ran past
And she didn’t get a single piece of cheese,
She stood under the tree for at least an hour.

The crow held the cheese tightly.
The fox got offended and ran away.
The crow laughed after her for a long time.
Then I washed my face and combed my feathers
And she invited her family to dinner.
At dinner she told them
That I was able to get rid of the fox.
The magpie heard about it.

And gossip immediately spread through the forest.
What, they say, the crow got the cheese somewhere,
The fox was not afraid, but sent it.
The fox almost bit his tail out of anger,
But, out of shame, she didn’t show her nose out of the hole.

And all the animals began to envy the crow.
What, they say, is impudent, eats and drinks deliciously,
Doesn't invite neighbors to visit,
The fox was deceived.
This is how things are in the forest.

Wolf, bear, boar gathered
To the crow for negotiations.

Wolf, Bear, Boar: Open the door for us, neighbor.
We come in peace, we are not thieves.
Tell me honestly, what kind of talk
Walking in the forest about you and a fox?
Where did you get the cheese and how much is left there?

Crow: Yes, I just found it
When I returned from a walk.
She flew through the forest. I look -
They lie under an oak tree in a clearing,
Bottles and empty cans.
As you can see, there were tourists here,
We ate canned food, drank beer,
They put cheese on the stump,
And they probably forgot to eat it.

Well, I took it for myself.
And what did the magpie weave?
That I sent a fox somewhere, there,
So I didn’t even open my beak.
After all, I was holding cheese in my teeth.
She stood at my house for a while
And she didn't even knock on the door.
She waved her tail and left.
She probably had things to do.

And I didn’t say a word.
Otherwise I would have lost the cheese.
And I can’t live without cheese.
How would I feed my family then?
Why didn’t I treat my neighbors?
So again all forty lied.
Yesterday a squirrel came to see me,
And a hedgehog with a hedgehog. I gave it to everyone to try.
If you want, come and visit.
And I'll treat you to cheese.
Just that it’s not enough, don’t complain.
Well, what about you? Welcome!

Narrator: Having tasted the crow goodness,
The animals left with a decision
Rub the fox's sides
And pluck the feathers of a magpie.
Because they started squabbles about the crow.

The moral of this story is:
What you don't know, don't talk.
And for someone else's loaf,
Don't open your mouth in vain.

IMPORTANT: Even amateur performers need to be taught to bow at the end of the performance.

The Crow and the Fox is a fairly instructive fable, but it can be made even more instructive

A fun holiday with theatrical performances is an excellent opportunity to relax with colleagues, relatives or friends. And thanks to this article, you can save a lot of time that would have been spent on writing a script. After all, it’s better to spend this time organizing a holiday!

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following version of the fable, from which you can create an excellent “The Crow and the Fox” scenario for the holidays:

Galina Akinshina
Script for I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Crow and the Fox”


fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov

"A Crow and a fox".

Scene: Russian folk music (balalaika) sounds:

On one side of the stage there is a table and a chair; paper and pen on the table;

on the other side of the stage there is a forest, a spruce, a ladder with two steps.

Writer I. A. Krylov comes on stage and stops.

Krylov: Human vices are always visible to us.

So often a person is both blind and stupid,

And we are cruel to him...

But I don't torment you anymore

And I’ll explain this with a fable.

(Russian folk music (balalaika) sounds.

Krylov sits down at the table. He picks up a pen and begins to write.

(music sounds)

Two Letters run onto the stage.

1st Letter: How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile and harmful,

But everything is not for the future.

And there is a flatterer at heart

He will always find a corner.

(Music sounds for the Crow and the Crow appears on the stage. She stops and examines herself, cleans her feathers).

2nd Letter: There's a god somewhere in the crow

I sent a piece of cheese.

(Hallelujah music sounds, hallelujah)

God solemnly enters the stage and gives Crow cheese.

(The same music sounds again and God gradually leaves the stage).

2nd Letter: Raven perched on a spruce tree,

I was just about ready to have breakfast...

(Music sounds. The crow sits on the ladder and is about to eat cheese....)

2nd Letter: Yes, I thought about it

And she had cheese in her mouth...

Crow: sitting thoughtfully, holding cheese in its beak.

1st Letter: Unfortunately for Fox

She ran very close.

(Music sounds. Fox runs onto the stage.)

1st Letter: Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox.

(The fox stops, sniffs, moves his nose towards the cheese).

1st Letter: Fox sees cheese

(The fox peers closely and bulges his eyes towards the cheese).

1st Letter: The fox was captivated by the cheese.

(The fox makes a movement showing that she is subdued.)

2nd Letter: The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe,

(The Fox begins to move towards the Crow, loops around, twirls its tail).

2nd Letter: He twirls his tail and doesn’t take his eyes off Crow.

And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing...

Fox:“My dear, how beautiful!

What a neck, what eyes!

It’s right to tell tales!

What feathers! What a sock!

(The Fox folds his paws prayerfully and looks obsequiously at the Crow.)

Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed.

What if, sister,

With such beauty, you are a master at singing.

After all, you would be our king bird!

(The crow perked up proudly and became dignified).

1st Letter: Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,

The breath stole from my throat with joy, -

2nd Letter: And Lisitsyn’s friendly words

The crow croaked at the top of its lungs:

Crow: Kaaa – rrr!

(The crow croaks, flaps its wings, the cheese falls. The fox grabs the cheese and runs away).

1st and 2nd Letters (together): The cheese fell out with him and that was the trick.

(The Crow runs off to catch up with the Fox.)

Russian folk music sounds (balalaika, I. A. Krylov comes on stage.

Krylov: The moral of this story is:

That flattery is certainly bad!

There is always a flatterer for a simpleton,

Cunning and rascal.

The final music plays. All participants go on stage

and sing ditties.


Let's start singing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here,

We may get confused.

Vitya is a very smart guy,

He can make everything.

Just “hello” and “thank you”

Can't speak.

If they ask not Yerema -

Life is hard for Yerema.

He envies everyone -

The poor thing is toiling.

Here are the guys getting on the tram:

Oh, there are so many people here.

Take your seats, guys.

Otherwise the grandmothers will take over.

Heroically Lena with laziness

I fought all day.

But, much to our chagrin,

Laziness defeated Lena.

A thousand times he said “give”

He'll screech like a parrot.

And in response to say “thank you” -

He answers like a fish.

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that you clap for us.

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