Stamps, molds, machine tools. Design and manufacture of molds, dies, fixtures and other equipment Name production of dies, press molds and fixtures

Our company offers services for the production of stamps and molds of any complexity. Production is carried out using the latest equipment European standard, and the manufactured parts comply with all regulatory requirements state standards, technical conditions

Die production technology.

Depending on the method of application, stamps come in several types:

  • carbide,
  • formative,
  • dividing.

Carbide dies are mainly used for processing hard surfaces of parts. Shaping dies are used for drawing, bending, and separating dies for chopping, cutting, etc. The main stages of die production include:

  • design and preparation of technical documentation,
  • modeling of individual samples,
  • processing of internal and external surfaces (grinding, electrical processing, finishing).
  • Assembly and testing of design samples.

Features of mold production

A mold is a device for the production of standard parts from various materials by placing material inside using pressing equipment. The mold manufacturing process consists of preliminary and finishing processing. To avoid snagging between the matrix and the punch, allowance should be made for the expansion of the metal when exposed to high temperatures. This can be achieved by surface treatment. In the manufacture of dies and molds, we use certified materials that ensure quality and long service life of the devices.

The cost of our services is calculated individually for each order, and includes the complexity of manufacturing the device, the availability of documentation, drawings, etc.

Cold and hot stamping dies; Molds; Welding, assembly and mechanical devices; Specialized measuring instrument; Metal-cutting tools (cutters, milling cutters, broaches, etc.); Metal products and metal structures;

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Manufacturing of stamps and molds

The Stamp-Center group of companies operates in the field of metalworking, manufacturing of technological equipment, dies and molds.
Our plant operates in China, the plant was built in 2008 with the participation of Russian and Chinese investors, and has been operating in the metalworking industry for a long time.
In our friendly team, both Chinese and Russian specialists work together, which in turn allows us to remove all language barriers.
In the last decade, Chinese specialists have made a qualitative breakthrough in many areas of industry, including metalworking. Chinese craftsmen never cease to amaze us with the speed of fulfilling orders, and many of our clients have long been convinced that the quality of assembly and precision of execution...

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Manufacturing of dies, molds and metal structures

Manufacturing of dies, molds and metal structures We will produce any metal structures: dies, molds, shafts, rollers, hydraulic units, gears, gears, knives for mills, springs, etc. individual complex parts made of metal, bronze, copper, aluminum, plastic. We produce a complete package of documentation for molds and dies. Manufacturing according to our and your drawings. We are located 200 km from Moscow, so it is much cheaper. We will come to you for your order. Our website is Sincerely, Victor. Tel 89612529197

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Molds, stamps, plastic injection

We carry out the design and manufacture of technological equipment (stamps, molds, molds) of any complexity. We produce parts from metal and plastic. We invite customer representatives to cooperate.

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International specialized exhibition “Forms. Molds. Stamps" June 17-19, 2008 Moscow, IEC "Crocus Expo" ROSMOULD - an international specialized exhibition dedicated to the Main thematic areas of the exhibition: Products manufactured using molding equipment. Construction. Modeling. Prototyping. Innovative developments. Standard and unique designs; Molds, molds, stamps. Construction. Modeling. Prototyping. Innovative developments. New designs; Software products(CAD/CAM/CAE systems) for the design, production of products and form-building equipment. Methods and means of effective computer technologies; Materials for the manufacture of molds, molds, dies; Metalworking machines, technological equipment, innovative developments - across the entire spectrum...

Let's consider some features of the technological process of processing working parts of stamps and molds. This process includes the following stages: pre-machining, profile formation by mechanical and metalworking methods, heat treatment, grinding of supporting parts and cutting parts, mechanical or manual grinding and finishing of the working profile.

The most complex and time-consuming operations in the manufacture of such parts will be the operations to create the working profile of the punches and dies both before and after heat treatment.

Before heat treatment, the working profile is formed on vertical milling, coordinate marking and drilling, copy milling, profile planing and some other machines. All these operations can be performed using markings or profile templates.

Special planing machines operating according to the scheme shown in Fig. are very convenient for making punches. 130. With their help, a durable punch design is obtained, which has a smooth, thickened exit to the shank.

Fig. 130. Scheme of operation of a special planing machine.

Next comes heat treatment. After this, surface grinding, cylindrical grinding, internal grinding, coordinate profile grinding machines are involved in creating the profile. Mechanized pneumatic and electric tools are also widely used. Recently, especially in the manufacture of embossing dies and molds, electric spark and anode-mechanical machines are increasingly used.

Operations for the final formation of the profile can be performed by two in various ways: either by rough processing before hardening, followed by grinding after it, or by final processing before hardening. The use of the first method is desirable when there is a necessary equipment, since such a process requires less labor costs and it gives best results on the quality of parts, both in terms of their shape and cutting properties. The second method does not guarantee high accuracy and durability of the stamp. The reason for this is that the part is deformed during hardening and its surface is somewhat decarburized, losing its hardness. Therefore, the second method can be used as an exception, in the absence of equipment to work according to the first method.

It should be said that not only the lack of equipment, but often also the design of the die, does not allow resorting to the manufacture of working parts using the first method. This is especially true for the production of dies, which are less technologically advanced than punches. Therefore, when designing dies, designers, taking into account the advantages of the first method, are forced to provide composite designs of dies and punches. Fig. 131 clearly shows how such a design solution improves the manufacturability of the matrices: the matrix shown in FIG. 131a can be processed only by the second method, while the matrix shown in FIG. 131, b, is easily processed using the first method.

Fig. 131. Two matrix designs: a - solid; b - composite

Another example of the low-tech design of the mold matrix is ​​shown in Fig. 132, a. In fig. 132, b and c, more technologically advanced design options are given. Making the relief of the bottom of the matrix in the first design option can only be done manually. The other two design options are easy to process.

Fig. 132. Design options for mold matrices.

An essential element of the technological process of manufacturing working parts of dies and molds is the choice of technological base. The design and manufacturing technology of this equipment have their own characteristics, which are also reflected in the choice of base surfaces for processing and measurement. Let's briefly consider what these features are.

As is known, the external or internal cylindrical and end surfaces of bodies of revolution or three external mutually perpendicular planes of prismatic bodies are taken as the base surfaces. This is what they do when choosing bases in the first operations. Nevertheless, sometimes it is necessary to violate the principle of constancy of bases and in subsequent operations switch to new, more convenient base surfaces. Such a need arises, for example, when a variant of the technological process of obtaining a working profile from a print is adopted. In this case, the bases of the first operations (Fig. 133, a) are replaced by new bases (Fig. 133, b). The change in bases is caused by the fact that after processing the profile according to the master part impression, the working surfaces may turn out to be non-parallel to the mounting surfaces of the matrix and punch. Therefore, the mounting surfaces must subsequently be consistent with the position of the working surfaces taken as bases.

Fig. 133. Change of technological bases.

In the absence of convenient natural bases, technological holes are bored on the matrix and punch, taken as the base ones. Boring is carried out on a coordinate machine.

As you know, the profiles of the punch and matrix must be strictly identical, completely opposite to each other. This is most easily achieved by mutual fitting or pairing and subsequent processing in order to obtain uniform gaps throughout the entire profile. However, this is not the only way to make a working profile. There can be at least two of them: a method of mutual fitting and a method of independent processing of the profile according to coordinates.

When using the mutual fitting method, otherwise the method of interfacing the matrix with a punch (Fig. 134, a), first of all, the punch is made according to its final dimensions, and then placed on the cutting plane of the unhardened matrix. By pressing the press on the supporting surface of the punch, its imprint is thus obtained on the matrix and, using it as a marking, the contour of the matrix is ​​processed along the lines of this imprint. With this processing, the punch subsequently serves as a gauge.

Fig. 134. Two methods of manufacturing working parts of a stamp: a - method of mutual fitting; b - independent manufacturing method; 1 - punch; 2 - detail; 3 - control plate.

As follows from what has been described, the mutual fitting method requires too long a die manufacturing cycle, since matrix processing is possible only after the punch is finally manufactured. This negative feature of the mutual fitting method is easily eliminated if for outlining you use not a part punch, but a special reference punch or, as they often say, a master punch. However, the manufacture of a special standard punch is justified only if not one matrix is ​​being prepared, but a series, or similar matrices will be manufactured in the future. When producing individual matrices, the method of mutual fitting along the punch-part is used.

The method of independently processing the profile of punches and dies (Fig. 134, b) allows one to sharply reduce the arbitrary cycle and ensure the interchangeability of the working parts of the die, but it requires large labor costs and the use of more qualified labor.

This method consists in the fact that the manufacture of the punch and matrix is ​​carried out in strict accordance with their drawing dimensions, which differ for a given pair of working parts only in the size of the gap and the location of the tolerance for their manufacture. As follows from the figure, the techniques used in this case are similar to the same techniques used in the manufacture of accessories for metal-cutting machines. The independent processing method allows processing of both working parts of the stamp in parallel.

When filing closed windows of cutting matrices, carried out in the version of independent fitting of profile elements, special devices are also used, called bastings and acting as universal copiers.

Let's look at one example of using basting (Fig. 135). For effective use The copying surface of the basting must be positioned so that at the moment the file touches the copying plane of the basting, the specified size is obtained automatically.

Fig. 135. Installing the matrix in the basting.

For such installation of matrices to the required size in relation to the basting plane, either specially formed technological holes, or holes present in the matrix, or, finally, already final processed planes parallel to the plane of the basting plank are used. Two rollers 1 are inserted into the holes taken as bases. Blocks of end measures 2 are selected, on which matrix 4 is installed: Then the matrix, together with marking 3, is fixed in the jaws of a bench vice, and the blocks of end measures and rollers are removed. By filing the lower plane of window 5 until the file touches the tracing planes of the basting, we obtain its exact location in relation to the base holes.

A few notes should be made regarding the technique of producing a punch imprint on the surface of the die when choosing a mutual fit option. Making an accurate and distinct print presents certain difficulties. The method proposed by the Leningrad toolmaker A. N. Platonov for obtaining an accurate imprint of the punch on the surface of the matrix significantly eliminates these difficulties and reduces the time for performing this operation. According to the method of A. N. Platonov, the simplest sections of its profile are processed in the matrix, which are subsequently used as guide surfaces for the punch making the impression. Such guide surfaces can be either cylindrical or flat surfaces. Then a layer of metal 1-1.5 mm thick is ground off from the end side of the punch (Fig. 136). The metal layer is removed in those places where unprocessed areas of the matrix profile remain. Thus, guide sections are formed on the punch, ensuring its precise direction in the matrix at the time of applying the print to its surface.

Fig. 136. Making an impression according to the method of A. N. Platonov.

In addition to the described methods - mutual fitting and independent processing of the profile - there is also a known method for finishing the profile of punches and dies, called the pattern copying method. This method is widely used in Czechoslovakia People's Republic and is described in the book “Grinding of Shaped Parts” by the innovative grinder František Gamra.

Pattern copy grinding is especially effective when processing internal closed profiles paired with corresponding external profiles. Obviously, the solution of such production tasks most often may be required in the production of dies and molds. Sanding using the copy method does not present any particular difficulties. To do this, a surface grinding machine is converted, the spindle of which is connected to a high-speed internal grinding spindle installed in a vertical position.

Internal closed profiles are processed by copying according to a template, which is an imprint of the mating part. Grinding is carried out as follows.

Coaxially with the grinding wheel (Fig. 137), a replaceable roller is installed on the grinding table connected to the table of the surface grinding machine, which plays the role of a tracing finger during the grinding process. Since the diameter of the abrasive wheel and the diameter of the replacement roller are the same, the abrasive wheel will accurately transfer the profile of the plastic template onto the workpiece. However, in one pass of the grinding wheel along the profile line, it is impossible to remove the entire allowance left for grinding the matrix. Therefore, the grinding process must begin with the use of a roller of a slightly larger diameter and gradually reduce its diameter, thus carrying out the feed movement to depth by bringing the product to the grinding wheel manually.

Fig. 137. Copying grinding scheme.

The presence of replaceable rollers, as can be seen from the diagram shown in Fig. 138, creates the opportunity, with the same template, to gradually remove metal by smooth manual movements of the product along the profile of the template (gradual feed to depth), compensate for wear of the grinding wheel diameter, grind the profile of the product with an allowance for its finishing, and, finally, grind the matrix with a provided uniform gap between it and the punch, which served as the primary source for obtaining the template profile.

Fig. 138. Copy grinding scheme with changed dimensions: a - with allowance; b - with a gap; 1 - punch; 2 - matrix; 3 - copy template; 4 - roller.

The profiles of large and heavy dies are ground on a machine equipped with a cross-mounted roller support. Processing is carried out according to the scheme shown in Fig. 139. This method of grinding the internal surfaces of matrices was found wide application thanks to the ease of obtaining the profile of the template used for copying. It is so robust that it turns out to be profitable even for piece production of stamps.

Fig. 139. Scheme for grinding heavy matrices: 1 - cross caliper; 2 - matrix; 3 - replaceable roller; 4 - template.

Copy templates are made by imprinting the mating part of the stamp in a mass consisting of powdered artificial resins. This impression is made on a hydraulic press with electrical heating. What does it consist of? process pressing copy templates? The mating product or counter-pattern is placed in the center wooden frame, installed on a heated pressing plate, and is filled with press powder, taking into account the allowance for its shrinkage. Then pressing is carried out hydraulic press and the upper pressing plate at a temperature of 150-160°. The pressing pressure should reach 250-300 kg/cm2. Some copy templates can be cast from low-melting alloys

Compared to profiled wheel grinding, pattern copy grinding is more versatile and productive and deserves to be widely used in the production of stamps and molds. However, the spread of this method is limited by the impossibility of obtaining profiles with sharp corners. Despite this, it is still advantageous to grind by copying if there are sharp corners of the profile, and finish the remaining untreated areas by hand.

The coordinate grinding method is widely used in domestic industry for processing internal closed contours. The process of grinding internal contours can be carried out either on coordinate grinding machines of the design described above, or on universal sharpening machines using a special device (the design of such a device is known, proposed by the innovator V.F. Golikov), or, finally, on surface grinding machines using a special grinding device internal contours.

What is it, what is it used for
Dies are tools and devices for producing a variety of products (blanks, parts) by plastic deformation different materials, The stamp is part of the press equipment. The process itself consists of the fact that during processing the workpiece material is deformed, taking the shape of the working surface of the stamp. The stamp can be installed on hammers, presses, and other equipment that drives it.
Molds are devices for producing parts and blanks of various shapes and from various materials under pressure.
Historically, the manufacture of stamps and molds is a very ancient industry, which began with the manufacture of molds for minting medals, coins, etc.
Nowadays this process requires highly qualified specialists, good equipment and quality equipment. For those who are seriously involved in this production (especially for mass production), the timely replacement of outdated technologies and tools is of great importance. The productivity, speed and efficiency of the process of improving product quality depend on this.
What are forms and stamps used for?
They are used as equipment and devices for the most common type of metal work - pressure processing. Various alloys, metals, and non-metallic structures are subjected to this effect.
If the stamp mainly gives shape to metal and other workpieces, then the mold serves not only for casting or pressing out under pressure. It is used to produce a variety of products from various materials: plastic, leather, rubber. Thanks to the development of the chemical industry and the increasingly widespread use of plastics in various industries (for example, in mechanical engineering), the demand for the use of molds is constantly growing. The pressing of plastics makes it possible to produce objects of the most complex reliefs and configurations without resorting to mechanical processing. But this is precisely why the manufacture of molds themselves for working with plastics is very labor-intensive and technologically complex.
Forms are used in various fields, for example, in the automotive industry, the production of sanitary products, the telecommunications industry, when producing household appliances etc.
Types of stamps
Press molds and stamps make it possible to give parts and their surfaces the desired shape without using mechanical processing, i.e., without removing chips. Dies are used for cold and hot stamping.
Equipment for hot work is produced using special technologies, in special workshops and workshops.
Stamps for cold work are:
- embossing and crimping - they give shape to the workpieces, as if redistributing the metal of the product (for example, embossing - the formation of a relief pattern on the surface, and crimping - the formation of heads for rivets);
— die-cutting (in turn divided into edged, cut-off, and also stamps for punching holes). With their help, they cut from metal sheets various shapes blanks;
- exhaust - give the workpiece a concave or convex shape;
- bending - they form a part by bending it relative to different axes;
- combined types of dies combine two or more functions of the dies mentioned above.
Types of molds
Press molds are divided into types according to technological use: pressing of plastics, vulcanization of rubber blanks, etc.
They also differ in the heating method: there is steam and electric heating.
Aluminum molds are usually made for a small batch of products (production of prototypes or trial series). They are not very durable and can withstand up to 10-20 thousand castings, before subsequent replacement, alteration or overhaul. The design of the form and its complexity play a big role.
Steel molds are more durable and can be used for injection molding without aluminum, plastics, rubbers, magnesium alloys of varying complexity.
The molds can be wedge, with multi-plane connectors, multi-stage ejection, have autonomous screwing, they can use hydraulics, pneumatics, and electric motors.
There are special molds for blowing polyethylene bottles, for molding thermoplastics, and products for cold and hot work.

Mechanisms in production
When designing, modern engineering programs are used, computer equipment, but the production itself requires the use of advanced equipment.
To produce high-quality molds and dies, centers and machines with numerical control are used. They allow you to produce molds of almost any complexity and desired shape, using end-to-end design (from the computer of the design department to the machine processing center).
Electroerosive operations - wire, burning, are also impossible without special equipment. It allows you to use the entire range of technological capabilities to produce forms with complex dimensional geometry.
Complex engineering and processing require molds to work with special engineering plastics that have a high melting point.
An important element of manufacturing is the injection molding machine and its closing mechanism. The mechanism regulates the opening and closing of the form itself. Another of its tasks is to hold the entire mechanism during the process of injection of the cast part in a closed form, curing or cooling. There are mainly three closure mechanisms: (electro)mechanical, hydraulic, hydromechanical.
Manufacturing methods and technology
Since stamping equipment experiences heavy loads during use, the die manufacturing process is taken quite seriously. Certain requirements must be met: high-quality processing of the mating and molded parts and very precise adherence to the dimensions and assembly of parts. This is the key to the quality of the finished stamp.
Stages of stamp manufacturing
1. Development of technical specifications, design documents;
2. Selection of blanks, their normalization, reduction to necessary forms, sizes, check chemical composition, identification of possible cracks, cavities, heterogeneous areas;
3. Mechanical processing of stamped blanks - production of parts based on drawings for subsequent assembly of equipment. Turning, milling, boring and slotting work, electrical erosion are carried out;
4. Metalworking;
5. Heat treatment of die parts must be carried out very competently: with the precise choice of hardening and tempering modes, processing parameters, mistakes should not be made at this stage;
6. Mechanical and manual grinding, finishing of all necessary parts
7. At this stage, you need to assemble and debug everything necessary, and produce trial products.
It must be said that the forms are almost all unique, and their production is influenced by a variety of factors. You need to know, first of all, all the data about the types of equipment on which it will be used. No less important is information about what specific products will be produced using this form, some characteristic features, characteristics of the products.
Stages of mold development
- collection of all the necessary technological characteristics that the form must have, if necessary - development of drawings, 3D models;
— optimization of equipment spare parts, gating structure, to improve the technical and economic indicators;
— preparation of documentation for subsequent use of the finished form (instructions, diagrams, drawings).
The production of stamps and molds requires a certain machine park, including milling and grinding machines.
We will not dwell in detail on the design process and approval of drawings. Let’s just say that the main specialist at this stage is the designer. It determines exactly what the future form will be, the method and system for entering raw materials into it and extracting the finished product. If this is, for example, a part for the production of plastic products, then judging by their features and the required quantity, it will determine the number of places in the designed form.
After there is a drawing and a 3D model, work with steel blanks begins.
The customer can usually see the dies or molds during assembly or during the production stage of trial products.
The manufacturing process consists of the following sequence. The forging is manufactured at a plant that has rolled metal products (forgings) available. For easier processing, tool steel comes in annealed form, although specialized factories usually have machines that allow cutting, including rolled steel and forgings. Next, the forging is ground to the desired condition and dimensions. Afterwards, the required recesses are milled and sent for hardening.
Now about the steel used for the manufacture of molds and dies. Today, the choice of raw materials for this production is very wide. But we must immediately make a reservation that any steel - stainless, tool, structural - must be purchased in the form of forgings. Rental most often does not provide the necessary characteristics, no matter how attractive it is. Forged blanks have good technological data.
The biggest difficulty is mainly the production of form-building poissons and matrices. This cannot be done without qualified and highly accurate manual labor, in addition to special and modern machines.
There are other options for producing a mold with a split body: filling the template model with a water-gypsum suspension, hardening the plastic, applying a metal layer to the model template using electrolytes. If the model is made of metal, you can make a mold by pouring a more fusible metal into it.
Making molds and dies today is a rather labor-intensive task, but there is plenty modern technology, CNC machines, other equipment, specialized programs and well-trained specialists make it possible to perform almost any task. It is important to identify the necessary conditions in great detail and specifically, and understand the full range of further applications of the products in order to give a clear terms of reference specialists. By considering all possible details and nuances, you can avoid unnecessary waste of money and labor-intensive rework.

The RosPlit company has been successfully engaged in:

design and production of molds,



and other equipment according to design documentation or customer parts.

Wide range services provided:

production of dies of any degree of complexity - combined and sequential action (cutting, punching, perforating, bending, curling, drawing, molding, assembly)

molds for single and multi-seat, storey,

compression, for rubber goods, for injection molding of plastics and non-ferrous alloys,
chill casting and lost wax casting, etc.

Working parts are made from high-quality and wear-resistant steel.
For large series of parts, hot runner molds are made, and for small parts, molds are made from alloyed aluminum and are manufactured faster.
Molds are designed specifically for the needs of the customer.

Currently, technologies are being developed for the production of special equipment for the production of molds, which significantly reduces the time for producing the finished product.
For this purpose, program-controlled vertical machining centers were put into operation.
Molds are manufactured using metalworking machines, plasma and oxygen cutting machines. As well as software sheet benders.

When designing molds, a drawing is made in which a three-dimensional model of the future strain is presented.
The quality and accuracy of manufactured products directly depends on the quality of the molds. Low quality molds cannot be used in mass production.
Before starting the production of molds, it is necessary to determine the rationality of the material consumption of its design and the required power.

Also, to manufacture a mold, you will need to plan technical operations, make design calculations and select the best material from which the mold will be composed.

Plates for molds.

Plates are the main parts of molds that are large in size and weight. The plates are made of steel different types, depending on the purpose of the slab and the shape.
Plates are divided according to the presence of holes in them for fastening bolts and bushings and plates without holes.
The plates are normalized parts of the mold and come in top, bottom and plain, machined on all sides.
Processing of mold elements is carried out on milling and electroerosive machines.
First, the workpiece is annealed, then rough processing, which reduces the main amount of material. During normalization, the stress in the workpiece is relieved.
In semi-finishing, the surface of the workpiece is prepared.
Then hardening, final processing and chrome plating are carried out to obtain high surface hardness of the mold parts.
Plates for molds come in the following varieties: forming plates, fastening plates, removal plates, pushing system plates, backing plates.
They differ from each other in structure and purpose, performance and dimensions.
The mold plates are located parallel to the main guide shafts. The position of the plates is adjustable both horizontally and vertically.
This makes it convenient to replace the mold or install it.

Equipment for molds.

Tooling for molds is produced using high-tech equipment, such as grinding, electrical erosion equipment, and milling and lathes are also used.
The development of equipment for molds is carried out by qualified mechanical engineers. They use in their work software and electronic equipment.
The main elements of molds are produced on CNC machines.
The main components of molds are the punch (moving part) and the matrix (fixed part), the forming cavities of which are an imprint of the outer surface of the workpiece.
The material is supplied to the forming cavity via a gating system. The ejection system allows you to remove the finished product.
There is a special cooling system through which water passes. This regulates the temperature of the mold and maintains its balance.
Before releasing the finished mold, it is carried out computer check for performance.
All parts of the mold must fit together exactly.
Ros Plit produces tooling for molds that meets all the required performance characteristics, and is also a reliable and durable technological material.

Blocks for molds.

Block and package are the main components of molds.
The block includes various parts, which in their design are the same for any type of mold and differ from each other only in size. Size affects the shaping of parts.
Blocks of different types have thumbnails general view, time standards that are required for production by type of processing on incoming mold parts.
There are universal blocks for mass production. They can be reused to produce various parts.
The blocks have replaceable press molds. When the casting of the parts is finished, the mold is replaced with a replacement mold for another part.
Thus, recharging interchangeable forms in a universal unit can significantly save time and increase labor productivity.
Universal mold blocks allow you to use the power of the machine more profitably, since it is possible to install two replaceable molds in them simultaneously.
Therefore, two parts are produced at once in one working cycle. Labor productivity thus doubles.
The replacement mold is removed from the block socket by releasing the ejection plate and the fastening part of the holder.