Download a sample application for certification of teaching staff. Sample application for teacher certification. Variable forms of certification of a managerial employee

Teachers working in preschool educational institutions, you need to confirm your qualifications once every five years. To do this, they submit to the local certification commission application for certification. The assigned category is valid for five years. After their expiration, the teacher should go through this procedure again. To write the application correctly, you should familiarize yourself with the sample. You can download it for free at the end of the article.

All preschool teachers must undergo mandatory certification. As a result, they receive confirmation of suitability for the position held. Upon completion of the 5-year validity period of the qualification, the examination is carried out again.

Some groups of preschool educational institutions employees are exempt from this obligation. Among them:

  • pregnant employees;
  • women on maternity leave or childcare leave;
  • beginning teachers whose experience has not reached two years;
  • employees who went on sick leave for 4 months or more.

However, if an employee still wants to undergo certification, he has the right to send an application to general conditions.

The difference between voluntary certification

If you want to receive the first or highest category, a preschool teacher should undergo voluntary certification. You can only improve your qualifications by one order of magnitude. Thus, a teacher without a category can receive the first one based on the results of the examination. To be appointed to the highest category, he will need to submit an application again, but not earlier than after two years.

Important! You must undergo certification every five years, regardless of length of service.

If, based on the results of the examination, the teacher has not confirmed his professional level, his qualifications are reduced. After this, the employer has the right (but not the obligation) to terminate the working relationship. To restore their level, a teacher can take retraining courses and then re-certify.

If the highest level has been lost, the teacher must first restore the first category. After two years, he can be examined again for a top-level appointment.

When a category has been assigned based on the results of the examination, the decision is considered to come into force on that same day. The corresponding entry is made in work book teacher At the same time, he can count on a promotion wages.

Package of documents for the commission

Papers for passing the inspection are submitted to the commission local authority education. The date and place of the appointed examination are determined within a month. The teacher is notified of the commission's decision by mail.

You will need to provide the following documents:

  1. Application for teacher certification.
  2. A copy attestation sheet, obtained from the results of the previous check.
  3. A copy of the diploma of receipt of pedagogical education.
  4. Characteristics and cover letter from the employer.
  5. When changing your last name - a copy of the supporting document.

The time for passing the voluntary certification is determined by the teacher himself. He needs to evaluate his syllabus and select the appropriate period for submitting documents. It is important to provide information on completed competitions and other professional events. Show a diverse picture pedagogical activity teacher

During the examination, testing is carried out and exams are taken. All these measurements are aimed at establishing the compliance of the professional level of a preschool teacher with the requirements for the first or highest level.

What does a sample application look like?

To correctly draw up an application for certification for the first category of teacher, you need to consider examples. As a rule, the forms are sent to the certification commission of the educational authority in a specific constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The addressee's details are indicated in the upper right corner of the page.

  1. Request for teacher certification for the selected category.
  2. Information about current qualifications with expiration dates.
  3. Reasons for assigning a category. When listing them, the senior educator is guided by the requirements for the selected qualification.
  4. List of professional events in which the preschool teacher took part.
  5. Information about the applicant. Here they indicate information about education, general teaching experience, and work experience in a specific preschool educational institution. If you have diplomas, completed advanced training courses and other distinctions, they must also be reflected in the text of the application.
  6. Inspection form. Possible both in the presence of a teacher and in absentia.
  7. Date and signature.

Nuances of passing certification

The employer sends the teacher for certification. In cases where one person works in several preschool institutions, each employer sends him to undergo the examination. If a teacher holds several positions in one institution at once, he can be tested for compliance with each of them.

Attention! The total duration of certification from the date of setting the date for the commission meeting should not exceed 2 months.

When a decision is made based on the results of the examination, it is recorded in the certification sheet. Subsequently, these data are reflected in the teacher’s personal file.

To the Minister of Education and Science

Chelyabinsk region

Kuznetsov Alexander Igorevich

Valeeva Fidania Rashitovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

MKOU "Miassskaya average" comprehensive school No. 16"

Miass urban district


I ask you to certify me in 2014 for the highest qualification category for the position of teacher of Russian language and literature.

Currently I have the highest qualification category, its validity period is until April 30, 2014.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the highest level to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application qualification category:

I am working on the scientific and methodological problem “The role of new educational technologies in the implementation of a competency-based approach in teaching the Russian language and literature.” I have been studying and systematizing methodological material on this topic for three years. In the process of working on the topic, an educational and didactic complex in literature for grades 10-11 was created and tested, helping to improve the quality of creative tasks performed by students. I will organize educational activities, using modern educational technologies, including information technologies, which contributes to the formation of an integral system of universal educational activities, as well as key competencies that determine the modern quality of educational content.

Achieved High Quality academic performance: In the 2010-2011 academic year - 84% of high-quality academic performance in literature and 66.3% in the Russian language; in 2011-2012 - 74.4% and 67.2%, respectively; in 2012-2013 - 81.8% and 74.8%, respectively.

In the 2009-10 academic year, 65 people took the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Qualitative performance - 92%, average test score - 67, maximum score - 94. In the 20012-13 academic year, 67 people took the GIA, quality performance - 74.7%.

Students are active participants, winners and prize-winners of various competitions and olympiads: winners municipal stage Literature Olympiad (2011-12), winners of the municipal stage of the Russian Language Olympiad (2013-14); in 2012-2013 - 2nd place in the city in the “Russian Bear Cub” competition, 1st and 2nd degree diplomas of the All-Russian Youth Championship in Philology. I will organize research work, I prepare participants in scientific and practical conferences, among whom there are municipal-level winners.

I am proficient in modern information and communication technologies, I use the method design work, I use modern pedagogical technologies through Internet resources, I use CDs: 1C: Tutor “Russian Language”, “Virtual Lessons of Cyril and Methodius”, tests on the educational website, materials from open segment of the Federal base test tasks, rehearsal testing presented by the examination agency “Unified Exam”, where tasks of CMMs of all levels are presented. When preparing for the Unified State Exam, I use Internet resources,

I use adapted programs and methods in my work, as well as my own elective courses: 2012-2013. - “The Path of Tropes”, literature, 9th grade. “What should we build an essay on?” - Russian language. 2013-1014 - “Practical speech science” - 10th grade.

I have been working for several years in specialized classes of various types: physics and mathematics, socio-economics, socio-humanities.

working on project activities with students (“Rubaiyat of Khayyam. Photo project”,

project “Oriental Poetry”, 8th grade; “Phraseological Zoo”, “Poems in Prose” by Turgenev, 6th grade)

She was awarded diplomas from the MU MGO “Education” in 2010-2012, and gratitude was repeatedly announced for her active participation and assistance in the work of the city methodological association of teachers of Russian language and literature.

Every year I work as part of commissions to check students’ work as part of municipal Olympiads in Russian language and literature. I am a member of the territorial commission for checking the work of students in the Russian language for the primary school course (in new form).

In the 2013-2014 academic year, she was a member of the jury of the municipal recitation competition for the best expressive reading of poems by Musa Jalil.

In 2009, she participated in the city competition “The Coolest Cool”, where she became a finalist.

In 2012-2013, she participated in the municipal competition “Methodological Development”.

I provide the following information about myself:

higher education, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute (Republic of Uzbekistan), teacher of Russian language and literature, specialty “Russian language and literature”, 1990.

experience in teaching (specialty) - 30 years, in this position - 19 years; in this institution - 19 years.

Information about advanced training:

1) Pedagogical University “First of September” and Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in the educational program “Methods of working with textual information in literature lessons” in the amount of 72 hours in 2013.

2) CHIPPCRO, modular course “Psychological and pedagogical aspects of testing regional quality monitoring general education" - 24 hours - 2013

3) CHIPPKRO, modular course “Lesson design based on a system-activity approach” - 16 hours - 2013.

4) CHIPPCRO, modular course “Organization internal system assessment of the achievement of planned results in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of general education - 24 hours - 2013.

I ask you to conduct the certification at the meeting of the certification commission without my presence.

With certification procedure teaching staff regional state educational institutions and municipal educational institutions, administrative regulations provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region public services I am familiar with the certification of teaching staff of regional state educational institutions and municipal educational institutions.

I am attaching the following documents to the application:

1) Attestation sheet (2 copies);

2) Protocol for personal assessment of socio-professional status;

3) Expert opinion of the expert group;

4) Extract from the employment order

5) A copy of the certification sheet establishing the qualification category.

"___"_____2014 Signature _________________




Certification in the 2010–2011 academic year will be carried out in two stages:

Assessing the social and professional status of an employee through determining the overall rating (1st direction). When calculating the SPS, the opinion of school experts is taken into account, which are approved by orders of the educational institution, students (if these are high school) and parents (if these are junior classes);

Assessment of the professional and pedagogical qualifications of the employee (2nd direction, practical stage, during the creative report). The assessment is carried out by district (highest category), city (first category) and school (second category) experts.

Experts do not attend lessons (except for the highest qualification category), but if necessary, this is not prohibited. Can be visited open lessons, extracurricular activities, experts can be presented with the results of experimental work, analysis of the documented results of the educational process, analysis of the results of monitoring the success of training.

The forms of performance (practical stage) of management employees can be: an interview based on the analysis of documents regulating the activities of the educational institution; an interview based on an analysis of the activities of the educational institution during the inter-certification period; results report innovation activity; report on the implementation of the educational institution development program.

Application requirements
Standard margins: left 2 cm, right, top and bottom 1.5 cm.

Font Times New Roman

Font size – 12

Line spacing – single (1)

No emphasis or italics

The application must be written on 1 page (no more).

The application must contain supporting materials for the last 5 years. All photocopies of documents are certified with the seal and signature of the director!!!

Cap for application for the highest qualification category

Tatyanenko Galina Mikhailovna,

Langepas city
Cap for application for the first qualification category
To the municipal certification commission at

education department

administration of the city of Langepas

Sisinbaeva Elena Nafikovna,

computer science teachers

municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 5",

Langepas city
Cap for application for the second qualification category
To the certification commission of the institution

Municipal general educational institution

"Secondary school No. 5"

Shcherbakova Oksana Alexandrovna,

primary school teachers

municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 5",

Langepas city


I ask you to certify me in the 2010-2011 academic year for the highest (first, second) qualification category for the position of “teacher” (“director”, “social teacher”, “deputy director”).

The position is indicated without the name of the subject.

I am familiar with the regulations on the procedure for certification of pedagogical and managerial employees of state and municipal educational institutions.

Availability of a qualification category, its validity period: first, from 04/20/2005 to 04/20/2010, order of the education department dated 04/25/2005 No. 142 (if this is the second qualification category... order of a general education institution dated 04/25/2005 « 142).

I consider the following work results to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application: level of mastery of state educational standard is 100%. Completeness of assimilation state standard- 89%. The level of mastery of the state standard is 82%. My students are regular participants and winners of city and district Olympiads: in Russian language in 2005 - 1st place, in 2006 - 1st and 2nd places; in literature: in 2006 – III place, in 2007 – II, III places. An 11th grade student took VII place in the district Olympiad in literature. My students have repeatedly won essay competitions. Over the 5 years of working at this school, I have graduated 3 times. 11 graduates were awarded gold (7 people) and silver (4 people) medals. In the 2007 academic year, at the final certification in the form of a unified state exam in the Russian language, out of 17 students, 6 people received the mark “excellent”, 10 – “good” and 1 – “satisfactory”. This became possible thanks to the use of personality-oriented technology, project-based and research teaching methods. I have developed tests on Russian literature of the 19th century, texts of control dictations for grade 5, which were presented at a meeting of the city methodological association. For high school, an elective course “Practical Stylistics” has been developed, elective courses “Fundamentals of Poetics: Theory and Practice of Analysis of Literary Text” and “Essay as a Genre of Literary Creativity and Type creative work" I am a member of the expert group for the certification of teachers for the first qualification category, and I am a member of the commission for checking city Olympiad works in the Russian language. In 2006, she was a representative of the subject examination committee for checking examination papers in the 9th grade.

The justification should reflect the main direction of activity and the personality of the teacher. It is necessary to emphasize the novelty and relevance of what has been done.

1. Abbreviations are not allowed. The justification should be concise and clear.

2. First, the children's results are recorded, then yours as a teacher.

2. The level of mastery of the state educational standard, completeness and strength are considered for the last three years (or five).

3.1. The results of the children and your own are recorded for the last 5 years.

3.2. Students' last names are not required.

3.3. Children’s results – places in Olympiads, various competitions, conferences, competitions, presence of medalists, Unified State Exam results and so on. It is important to indicate accurate name competition or conference, be sure to indicate the level: if you are certified for the highest qualification category, the level is not lower than the regional, if you are certified for the first qualification category, the level is not lower than the city level, if you are certified for the second qualification category, then the school level is sufficient.

4.1. “Transition” to personal achievement You should start with the words “this was made possible through the use of ... technology.”

4.2. When describing your own performance, you cannot use words such as “use”, “possess”, “carry out”, “give”, since this is only the functionality of any teacher, and not the basis for a category.

4.3. The effectiveness of a teacher can be the following: independently developed programs for subjects or courses, recommendations, teaching aids, electronic manuals, didactic and control materials (which must be considered at the GMO meeting (first category) and used by colleagues, SHMO (second category)), speeches at conferences, pedagogical councils (including the August one), round tables, participation in professional competitions, open methodological week, availability of publications in various publications (if it is necessary to shorten the application, it is enough to indicate only the level of the collection), social activity (leadership of GMO, SHMO, creative groups, membership in the expert group, examination committee), letters of gratitude , certificates of honor and diplomas from the Ministry, Department, Department of Education, School (level depending on the category) and industry awards.

Industry awards include:

Badge “Excellence in Public Education”;

Badge “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”;

Medal K.D. Ushinsky;

Title "Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation";

Title “Labor Veteran of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug”;

Badge "Excellence" physical culture»;

Badge "Honorary Worker" vocational education RF" and others.

5. It is advisable for the manager to indicate the effectiveness management activities, results of work on the implementation of the development program, compliance of the level and quality of graduate training with state requirements.

Variable forms of teacher certification:

- creative report;

Presentation of experimental or innovative work;

Protection of an individual creative project;

Protection qualifying work;

Generalization personal experience based on self-analysis of teaching activities.

Variable forms of certification of a managerial employee:

Defense of qualifying work on management of an educational institution;

Presentation of the educational institution development program;

Self-analysis of activities related to education quality management;

Conducting and analyzing management meetings, sessions, pedagogical councils and other events (at least 2).

If the teacher has grounds for exemption from qualification tests, then in this case the teacher writes the following instead of the phrase indicated above:

I consider it most acceptable to undergo certification in the form: exemption from qualification tests.

At the same time, supporting documents certified by the seal and signature of the director are attached. The second statement is not written like last year.

The following are exempt from qualifying tests for the highest category:

Teaching staff with the honorary titles “People’s Teacher of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Teacher” Russian Federation", "Honored Worker of Education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra";

Pedagogical and managerial employees with academic degrees in their field of activity;

Teaching staff are the winners of the professional skills competition “Teacher of the Year of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra”, “I Give My Heart to Children”, “Teacher of the Year” kindergarten», grantees;

Engineering and teaching staff are the winners of the district competition of professional skills of masters of industrial training of primary vocational education institutions;

Teaching staff whose students became winners or prize-winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads;

Heads of educational institutions who became winners of competitive events within the framework of the priority national project “Education” at the federal and regional levels;

Teaching staff are the winners of competitive events within the framework of the priority national project “Education” at the federal and regional levels.

The following are exempt from qualification tests for the first category:

Teaching staff are the winners of the city professional skills competition “Teacher of the Year” in the nominations “Teacher of the Year”, “I Give My Heart to Children”, “Kindergarten Teacher of the Year”;

Teaching staff are the winners of the municipal competition for the city mayor’s award;

Teaching staff whose students became winners or prize-winners of regional Olympiads and competitions.

The following are exempt from qualifying tests for the second category:

Teaching staff are the winners of the school professional skills competition “Teacher of the Year” in the category “Teacher of the Year”;

Teaching staff with the second qualification category, whose students became winners or prize-winners of city Olympiads and scientific and practical conferences.

The education (higher, secondary specialized), the specialty obtained and the diploma qualification, and the year of graduation are indicated.

If it is necessary to save space (for example, the application does not fit on one sheet), what is not written in brackets.

Check your work experience with Gutsevich! Only full years at the time of writing the application are taken into account, months are not taken into account and are not registered, months are not rounded.

Availability of awards, titles, academic degrees, academic titles: I have none.

This column indicates only state awards! These include:

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland";

Honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”;

Honorary title "People's Teacher of the Russian Federation";

Honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation”;

Honorary title “Honored Master of Industrial Training of the Russian Federation”;

Honorary title “Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation”;

Medal "Veteran of Labor";

Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree;

Order of the Badge of Honor;

Honorary title “Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug”;

Honorary title “Honored Worker of Education of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug” and etc.

The order must be followed: “Topic”, full name of the institution, location, year, type of document, date of issue of the document. Abbreviations in the name of the institution are not allowed. The word “courses” is not written. There is no need to register for seminars. Rates are indicated for the last 5 years. Course preparation in the field of activity is required.


Tel. house.___________

service ____________
To the Main Attestation Commission under

Department of Education and Science

Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Tatyanenko Galina Mikhailovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 5",

Langepas city

I ask you to certify me in the 2009-2010 academic year for the highest qualification category for the position of “teacher”.

I am familiar with the regulations on the certification procedure for teaching and management employees of state and municipal educational institutions.

Availability of a qualification category, its validity period: first, from 04/20/2005 to 04/20/2010, order of the education department of 04/25/2005 No. 142.

I consider the following work results to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application: the level of mastery of the state educational standard is 100%. Completeness of assimilation of the state standard - 89%. The level of mastery of the state standard is 82%. My students are regular participants and winners of city and district Olympiads: in Russian language in 2005 - 1st place, in 2006 - 1st and 2nd places; in literature: in 2006 – III place, in 2007 – II, III places. An 11th grade student took VII place in the district Olympiad in literature. My students have repeatedly won essay competitions. Over the 5 years of working at this school, I have graduated 3 times. 11 graduates were awarded gold (7 people) and silver (4 people) medals. In the 2007 academic year, at the final certification in the form of a unified state exam in the Russian language, out of 17 students, 6 people received the mark “excellent”, 10 – “good” and 1 – “satisfactory”. This became possible thanks to the use of personality-oriented technology, project-based and research teaching methods. I have developed tests on Russian literature of the 19th century, texts of control dictations for grade 5, which were presented at a meeting of the city methodological association. For high school, an elective course “Practical Stylistics”, elective courses “Fundamentals of Poetics: Theory and Practice of Analysis of Literary Text” and “Essay as a Genre of Literary Creativity and a Type of Creative Work” have been developed. I am a member of the expert group for the certification of teachers for the first qualification category, and I am a member of the commission for checking city Olympiad works in the Russian language. In 2006, she was a representative of the subject examination committee for checking examination papers in the 9th grade.

I consider it most acceptable to undergo certification in the form of a creative report.

I provide the following information about myself:

education (which educational institution you graduated from, the specialty and qualifications you received): higher education, Belarusian State University named after V.I. Lenin, teacher of Russian language and literature, 1978.

Experience in teaching (specialty): 26 years, in this position - 26 years,

Work experience in this institution is 14 years.

Availability of awards, titles, academic degrees, academic titles: honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”, PROO No. 54207.

Information on advanced training: “Information technologies in the activities of a subject teacher,” Institute for Educational Development, Langepas, 2006, certificate No. 21919 dated April 15, 2006.

Tel. house.___________

service ____________

To the Main (regional) certification

commission of the Ministry of Education

and science of the Krasnoyarsk region

from Kulieva Galina Yurievna

music teacher, MHC

municipal budgetary educational institution “Cheryomushkinsk secondary school named after Hero of the Soviet Union G.V. Komarov"


I ask you to certify me in the 2014-2015 academic year for the first qualification category for the position of teacher.

Certification form: description of the results of professional teaching activities in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution.

I currently have no qualifications. I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application:

I have stable results of mastering by students educational programs. With 100% success rate, the quality of students’ knowledge (in music) is:


Indicators All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren around the world artistic culture:

Item name

This was made possible thanks to the following actions:

Creating conditions for the realization of students’ creative abilities (using methods: problem-search, communicative, dialogue, simulation-game, design-research);

Application of the methodology of V.V. Emelyanov, “Ideal” method;

Use of modern educational technologies: differentiated learning, person-centered, developmental learning and adaptive methodology;

Use information technologies in lessons and in extracurricular activities (TSO, ICT);

Application of methods of pedagogical diagnostics: observation, questioning, motivation and stimulation of the educational process;

Creation of a specific system of work on the formation and development of students based on the subject achievements of UUD and IUD;

Individually oriented training system;

The use of health-saving technologies in classroom and extracurricular activities;

A positive result of students’ extracurricular activities was the involvement of children in school, district and regional Olympiads, competitions, participation in a regional scientific and practical conference and the results shown by children.

Positive results of performance of functions class teacher are: favorable microenvironment and psychological climate in the classroom,formation of friendly relations with parents,Each student in the class is included in the general affairs of the class, there are no unexplained absences or offenses among students. The generalization and dissemination of teaching experience can be traced through the school’s website, as well as work on other teacher portals. I am a participant in regional and regional level competitions and various projects.

I provide the following information about myself:

Higher education,Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University", with a specialty in social pedagogy, as well as the secondary specialized state educational institution of secondary vocational education "Krasnoyarsk Regional College of Culture and Art" with a specialty:creative team leader, teacher.Teaching experience: 11 years and 2 months, in this position 6 years 10 months, in this institution 6 years 10 months.

I have the following awards, titles, academic degrees, academic title:

2012 Diploma of the Second All-Russian competition project methodological developments lessons and extracurricular activities for teachers.

“Best occupation in a professional specialty” (winner);

2013 Letter of thanks All-Russian portal “Young Scientist”, for assistance in organizing and conducting the “Once Upon a Summer” competition;

2013 Certificate of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Education "Innovation Institute" productive learning» for organizing the all-Russian game competition on the history of world culture “Golden Fleece”;