How much will it cost to organize a party yourself? Any site has an art director, and it is with him that you need to negotiate. Reasons for financial failure and advice to followers

It may seem at first glance that hosting and organizing a club party is very easy and simple. What else do you need other than a crowd of people, preferably of the same age, fun music and various drinks? However, not everything is as simple as you might think. Organizing a club party is a real skill and a manifestation of all the leadership and organizational qualities of a person, and if you do not have them, then most likely you will not be able to organize a successful party.

Important points in organizing a club party

Very important points in holding any club party is the ability of the organizers to combine all the components and components into a single whole. Only then will your party be considered successful, memorable and truly enchanting. By the way, this is very difficult to achieve.

Whatever the theme of your club party, there should definitely be a disco. As you understand, in order to “ignite” people and encourage them to dance, the DJ must have considerable experience in holding such events. That is, a professional. Of course, the number of DJs directly depends on how many people you plan to invite to the party. Sometimes it can be hard for one DJ to cope on his own. Therefore, it is best to invite several DJs. In addition, they will be able to provide people with completely different musical styles.

If a DJ is experienced, then he can handle any situation, even the most difficult one. He will find the right solution that will ultimately make your party a real grand event.

Also, to hold a party you will need a stage and, most importantly, a stage and a hall with very high-quality, powerful lighting. As you yourself understand, the sound should also be on the highest level. After all, first of all, people will come to your night party to have fun, and not to listen to conversations at the next table.

You must definitely decide on the theme of your party. For example, today it is very possible to hold pajama parties, or retro parties, flirting parties and others - the flight of imagination is limitless.

What else needs to be taken care of

Naturally, your party should have a lot of different entertainment besides music. These can be all kinds of competitions, for example, for the best dance, or the most erotic movements.

But, in addition to everything we wrote about above, your guests should also not be left without drinks and food. Of course, we are not talking about some kind of restaurant menu with a lot of different dishes, but sandwiches and canapés should be present. Also keep in mind that not everyone at your club party drinks alcohol, so take care of them in advance and add non-alcoholic cocktails to the menu.

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Difficulty level: Difficult

1 step

First you need to decide on a theme for the party. Will it be a holiday, presentation, theme or just an exciting event? Have you decided? Amazing. As an example, I will describe the holiday of February 14, or as it is usually called Valentine's Day.

Step 2

To prevent everything from falling through at the most crucial moment, you need to agree with the club in advance. The rental price will vary depending on the rating, time of year and, in fact, on what day you are planning the rental itself. On weekends it will be much more expensive, especially in the summer. Autumn (October-November) is the low season and any establishment will be happy to welcome you. Call, insist, but under no circumstances beg! Let the administrator think that you are the Messenger of Angels, who came down to improve the financial situation of the club. He himself must make concessions to you.

Step 3

To attract people's attention, you need a meaningful name and catchy advertising. Hang up posters all over the city, hand out flyers to passers-by, leave advertisements in stores (with the consent of the manager, of course). Make sure everyone is talking about your party! IN in social networks create a meeting, invite all your friends, word of mouth will follow.

Step 4

To interest people, you need to outline the program of the evening: which DJs will play, who the host is, hint that there will be competitions with prizes, organize a show (dancing, break, go-go, striptease, fire show, whatever!) The main thing is that people are interested . Invite DJs (it will be much cheaper if you have familiar DJs, even if they are unknown, there will be such a trick). The presenter can be some chatty classmate who leads KVN or simply knows how to make speeches. He himself will be happy with the unexpected gift of fate and will try to bring as many people as possible to the concert so that they can look at him, handsome. By the way, this also applies to the speakers you put on the list. This could be a starting rock\rap\break\beatbox group. Newcomers try to bring a bunch of people to their premiere, which will have a beneficial effect on your return on investment.

Step 5

And now the main thing. Where can I get the money for all this? Very simple: sponsors. Don’t be alarmed, I’m not talking about “daddies” who sponsor girls, but about the most ordinary partners)) This is done like this: print out the contract form (it is advisable to draw it up yourself, indicate all the clauses, agreements, etc.) and go ahead - shopping! Choose stores that can afford to allocate 10-15 thousand (depending on the city. In Astrakhan, for example, you can organize a party for 30 thousand, and in Volgodonsk it costs 15 thousand) in return offer advertising. Banners above the stage, posters around the city (at the bottom there is a note “with the support of the Boltik store”), mention on flyers, advertising from the stage... It will be better if you have information sponsors, for example, local television or a local radio wave. Then you will need to allocate 3-4 tickets for the live drawing. And the ratings increase, and you will have additional advertising!

  • If you approached this issue responsibly and followed the instructions, then your party should go with a bang!!! Be careful with tickets, sell them in advance to avoid dissatisfaction and crowds at the box office. Also mark them with a seal or in any other way so that they cannot be counterfeited! Good luck)

How to organize a successful party?

How to organize a club party now, when the public is fed up with pathos and glamor, multi-format music from residents of the best clubs in Moscow? “What to do” and “how to be”?! Having worked in the event industry for about 10 years, we have long been convinced that, despite our experience, it is impossible to give an absolutely universal solution or secret to the success of a club party. But there are several proven methods that still work for the benefit of the club industry.

The main task of holding any party is to make a profit, which to one degree or another is disguised under various concepts of “increasing guest loyalty”, “attracting guests”, etc. Any club or restaurant is interested in maximizing the filling of the club (restaurant) with guests - sold deposits (tickets) and, of course, creating an “attractive image” of the establishment.

Important nuance- attracting guests to the club (restaurant), but which ones exactly? “Portrait of the audience” of the club (restaurant) The category of the audience by age, social status, etc. is dictated by the venue, the concept of the party and you. Whether it will be a high-quality solvent, youthful, democratic or pretentious glamorous party depends on you and the chosen methods of promotion.
If the club project is long-term and consists of a series of parties, more attention should be paid not only to promoting the main idea of ​​the party, but also to holding the party.

1. The first party will become your “face”, so friends, in order not to lose face, you will have to make an effort.

2. Closed party - the good old proven method of “forbidden fruit”, oddly enough, still works.

3. Regarding promotion. One of the most effective means of promotion remains word of mouth. It’s worth making friends with the “guest residents” who set the tone for club life.

4.The use of “star personalities” also gives an aura of odiousness to the party being held. But don’t forget about leisure and life-style publications, banners on club portals, outdoor advertising(bangers) - it all depends on the budget of the proposed event.

5. Now social networks have taken on the lion's share of promoting and attracting crowds. Promoters should pay close attention to the pool of friends and positioning of the party on Facebook, Vkontakte, twitter, my world, look at me, etc.

6.And don’t forget about the targeted SMS newsletter with the announcement of the party (based on the club’s client base + additionally for the club’s target audience).

7. Face-control - must be. Even if the club is absolutely not full, artificially creating a rush before entering and a feeling of being chosen also works.

8. It is also necessary to take care of support partners with a similar target audience and who do not differ in image component or, in other words, “sponsors” of your future event. This is the so-called cross-promotion within one event. Such a partnership helps the Party in terms of payback when we're talking about about alcohol partners, and also becomes very effective when the partners are large international brands - which helps maintain the “status” of the event itself. And finally, the partnership helps attract celebrities to the event. This will provide you with an additional audience, new site for placement of promotional materials, as well as free-product from the sponsor for party guests - gifts and surprises are always pleasant and no one has canceled them.

What else you need to consider before writing an event script:
- outdoor or indoor event (need to take weather conditions into account);
- the target audience club (age, gender, social status and, if possible, psychotype of the main “guest” of the club; musical inclinations of the “main guest”;
- location or location of the club (how to get to it; parking; traffic);
- the interior and technical capabilities of the site (the possibility of inviting certain musicians to the club, the implementation of bold ideas with all kinds of performances and decorations will depend on this;
- date of the event - don’t be lazy and monitor whether large or significant events for the city are planned on this day and will not interfere with gathering the necessary guests in the club (restaurant).

How “creative” and daring a Party script can be will, of course, depend on the audience you’re targeting. The most difficult thing, despite all the creativity and originality of ideas, is to maintain that very line so as not to go into the category of vulgarity and inappropriateness. Although, taking into account the trends of Moscow parties, it can be noted that shocking behavior and the absence of any prohibitions and restrictions are still “in trend”. Summarizing all of the above, the process of developing and implementing a successful bright and profitable party can be compared, perhaps, with choosing a successful “suit” for a reception with the Queen of England. However, without losing sight of the details of its complexity, this process is very intoxicating and exciting, and if you use the above secrets, your party will certainly be crowned with success.

Text prepared by: Alena Fabiani, Elena Koryakova (99 Francs - Communication Group)

  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing Plan
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for opening a nightclub. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, state support or attracting private investment.

Where to start opening a nightclub

The goal of the project is to open a nightclub in the city of N with a population of 300 thousand people. The prerequisites for opening the establishment are the steady growth of income of the city's population and the growing demand for entertainment services in general. To implement the project it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 3,200,000 rubles. In total, the total cost of the project will be 4,200,000 rubles. Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year= 2,776,780 rubles;
  • Nightclub profitability = 22,6%;
  • Project payback= 18 months.

Which taxation system to choose for a nightclub. OKVED code

The organizational and legal form of the organization will be a limited liability company consisting of two founders. OKVED codes for this activity the following are selected: 55.40 - “Activities of bars” and 52.25 - “ Retail alcoholic and other drinks." The taxation system will be a simplified taxation system of 15% of profits.

What documents are needed to open a nightclub?

Currently, activities have begun to implement the nightclub project:

  1. The limited liability company “Night Shock” has been registered;
  2. The location of the establishment was agreed upon in a room with a total area of ​​510 m2. The premises meet all food and fire safety standards. The preliminary lease agreement was concluded for a period of 5 years;
  3. Preliminary agreements have been concluded for the repair and reconstruction of the premises, and the supply of sound and lighting equipment.

Description of products and services

The following entertainment services are expected to be provided:

  • Dance and show programs;
  • Theme parties;
  • European cuisine;
  • VIP zone;
  • Table rental;
  • Bar work;
  • Carrying out banquets, wedding celebrations, corporate events.

Visitors will also be offered a menu that includes hot dishes (soups, side dishes, pizza), cold appetizers (salads, meat snacks, vegetables, fish delicacies), cocktails, juices and spirits. The establishment will sell strong alcoholic beverages.

For these purposes, a sales license was acquired alcoholic products. Entrance fee to the establishment from Friday to Sunday: 200 rubles. per person. On weekdays admission will be free. The club's one-time capacity is 180 people. Our organization will employ experienced DJs, photographers, dance groups and showmen.

Download nightclub business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Marketing Plan

The building will be located in the central part of the city, in an area with convenient access roads. Our main visitors are young people aged 18 to 35 years. We will be in close proximity to a college campus, so a significant portion of the visitors will be students. Also next to the establishment there are two large shopping center, which will also have a positive impact on the popularity of the establishment.

The planned average bill for a nightclub is 700 rubles. This is a small amount, since the main contingent of the establishment cannot be called elite. The main income is planned to be obtained from turnover, counting on high attendance on weekends. The club, in addition to nightly dance programs, will provide additional services for holding theme parties for VIP guests, New Year's Eve parties, corporate events, wedding celebrations, banquets and presentations.

The main direction of music is Disco, Radio Pop (pop). This is the most numerous and most influential music, which has significantly more fans than opponents. If we talk about possible competition, we can highlight two similar establishments operating in our area. Let's carry out comparative analysis strong and weaknesses potential competitors of the nightclub:

Events to attract visitors

  1. Advertising in media mass media(newspaper, magazines, TV, radio);
  2. Banners, banners, billboards;
  3. Distributing leaflets, flyers, posting advertisements;
  4. Creation of a personal club website;
  5. Promotion on social networks and contextual advertising.

It is expected that holding these events will attract the maximum number of visitors from the first days of the club’s operation.

How much can you earn from nightclub services?

Next, let’s calculate the organization’s potential revenue. It is expected that the main attendance will occur on Saturday and Friday, as well as on holidays (February 14 and 23, March 8, May 9, etc.). The occupancy rate of the establishment on these days will be close to 70% (~130 people). Number of days off and holidays There are ~105 days in a year. With an average club check of 700 rubles, the club’s revenue for data will be: 105 days * 130 people * 700 = 9.55 million rubles per year. Additional revenue can come from services for corporate events, wedding celebrations, and banquets. About 10 such events will be held monthly. The average revenue for one event is 50 thousand rubles. The planned annual revenue from the provision of these services will be 6 million rubles. total amount The planned annual revenue, according to business plan calculations, will be about 15.55 million rubles.

Production plan

The total area of ​​the premises will be 510 m2. Of them:

  • dance hall area - 200m2;
  • area of ​​the boarding area and VIP cabins - 110 m2;
  • kitchen area - 50m2;
  • hall and locker room - 80m2;
  • restrooms, utility rooms, warehouse - 70m2.

The monthly rent under the contract is 500 rubles/m2 or 255 thousand rubles. monthly. All premises will be equipped and reconstructed in accordance with all fire safety standards (fire alarms, emergency exits, evacuation plan, emergency fire extinguishing system, etc.). The club will have two bars at the same time. Club opening hours:

  • Friday - Saturday from 20.00 - 05.00;
  • Tuesday - Thursday, Sunday from 20:00 - 04:00;
  • Corporate events will be held on any day.


In total, the staff will include 24 people. The monthly wage fund will be 372,000 rubles, the annual one - 4,464,000 rubles.

Financial plan

Fixed expenses per month will amount to 1,023,600 rubles.
Main fixed costs nightclub are the costs of payment wages employees - 36% of general expenses. In second place in the cost structure is the payment of rental payments to the owner of the premises - 25% of the total expenses of the nightclub. Then there are the costs of purchasing products and ingredients - 15% of the total costs and insurance contributions for employees to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund - 11%.

The nightclub's gross income will be 3.3 million rubles, and the club's net profit at the end of the year will be 2.8 million rubles. Every month the nightclub will generate a net profit of 230,000 rubles. The planned profitability of the nightclub, according to the business plan, will be 22.6%, which is a good indicator for such a business. The payback of the project with such indicators will occur in 18 months.

4 years ago, my friend and I decided to organize a night party in one of the best establishments in the city. What came of it? Read on.

The idea of ​​a big night party came to me in the spring of 2010. At that time, I was engaged in Often I had to personally attend night parties. How it all happened: I brought the girls, and I watched everything happening on the sidelines. I talked with the organizers, DJs, and some visitors. And so, after working like this for a couple of months, I wanted to make my own event. The plan was extremely simple: create a high-quality party and earn a lot of money from it.

Implementation of the plan
I didn’t want to host the party alone. And I didn’t have much money of my own at that time. And I invited my friend to participate in the implementation of the plan. We quickly agreed with him and developed a mini-concept (to bring a foreign DJ to a respectable establishment).

The first thing I did was find a DJ. I searched on the site I chose a couple of Moscow guys and sent them messages with an offer to work in Minsk. Both digiks responded and announced the price for which they were ready to perform (about 1000-1300 dollars + accommodation + flights).

Having decided on the DJs, it was necessary to decide on the place and date of the party.

Thanks to my classmate, I met the owner of one of the lounge bars. The bar was famous for the largest terrace in the city. We told the owner the idea of ​​the party and without hesitation he agreed. Its conditions were as follows: we take the box office from the entrance tickets, and the establishment takes all the proceeds from the bar. Event date: May 23 (Friday). By the way, our party was supposed to be the official opening of the terrace in the new season.

A few days later, the owner of the bar introduced me to a girl who worked as a concert director for MTV in Belarus. She also wanted to participate in the party project and we agreed that her share would be 20%. She took on the responsibility of bringing a DJ + brought in a Belarusian designer for a charity auction (which we planned to hold at the party) + organized free advertising on the local MTV channel.

In general, here is the approximate cost of the party:
1. DJ from Moscow – $1000
2. DJ flight – $500
3. Accommodation (1 night) – $50
4. Stage rental – $150
5. DJ equipment (rent) -$250
6. Additional speakers for sound (rent) - $200
7. Candy cannon (rent) - $100
8. 1 local DJ – $100
9. 2 go-go dancers – $100
10. 1 stripper - $50
11. 2 photographers - $70
12. Advertising brochures and posters – $150
13. Radio Advertising – $100
14. Internet advertising - $150
15. 3 guards - $100

Total: $2870

Admission was $14 for men and $7 for girls. A seat at a table cost $10-20 (I don’t remember exactly). Until 23.00 admission was made free for everyone. The approximate capacity of the bar is 800 people.

The biggest unpredictability happened a week before the party started. The Moscow DJ said that he would not be able to come on the 23rd. I had to quickly look for a replacement. And she was found. We quickly agreed with another DJ (for the same money). They decided not to change the posters, because there was little time before the start of the event. The day of the party wasn't great good weather. This was not a very good sign for the party on the terrace. It rained a little during the day. At 23.00 visitors began to gather. There were no unexpected moments during the party.

There were 100-150 visitors at the party. Of these, 10 people (all men) bought tickets. I don’t remember anymore about the places at the table. But they were also bought. + received $100 from auction.

As a result, our earnings amounted to: $350-400 (approximately).

If you subtract earnings from expenses, you get $2,495 (approximately).

Reasons for financial failure and advice to followers:

1. The most important thing is not enough advertising. It is advisable to advertise the event 2-3 weeks in advance. You need to advertise actively. Those. if you bring a foreign artist, invest $2000-5000 in advertising. Not less.
2. An open terrace is always a big risk. Because on any day the weather can turn bad, it can rain, hail or something else. But, if you are lucky, you are guaranteed a big jackpot.
3. Our party took place on Friday. On the same day there were several large and interesting parties in other establishments. Keep an eye on your competitors. Don't underestimate them.
4. Sell tickets! It is very important. For example, we did not actively sell tickets. We relied only on advertising.