How much does it cost to rent a gas station? How we rented a gas station. A story of commercial success. Land plots for gas stations, service stations, etc. are offered for rent

Gas stations for rent in Moscow and gas station outsourcing

For most enterprises, logistics and supply of petroleum products are not among their core tasks. However, almost any production requires the regular use of vehicles and fuel supplies. Hiring qualified employees to deal with fuel issues is not always a smart approach. Often the most rational and cost-effective solution is to outsource the supply of petroleum products to a third-party company.

Outsourcing of gas stations is called one of the leading areas of modern fuel business. The essence of the service is that the owner provides his fueling infrastructure or single gas stations for use by a third-party company. This gives the client the opportunity to have a ready-made gas station at their disposal, which, under certain conditions, can be used for their own purposes.

KAZS Premium (fuel module) for free or for rent at a minimal price.

You can start using our “Premium” container gas station for free or at a minimum rental price, subject to concluding an agreement with us for the wholesale supply of fuel.

You will receive fuel directly from the refinery, of guaranteed high quality.

You will receive a constant supply of fuel at the enterprise at a competitive wholesale price, a convenient and safe system for storing and dispensing fuel, put order in fuel write-offs, eliminate fuel theft, and all this quickly and without any lengthy approvals.

More details about the program: Gas station for rent or free. And call to find out details and receive an individual offer.

What are the advantages of “fuel outsourcing”?

Outsourcing fuel supply issues has many advantages:

  • the presence of a constant replenishable supply of fuel at the enterprise;
  • the ability to use mini gas stations both for storing petroleum products and for refueling equipment;
  • the ability to purchase fuels and lubricants at wholesale prices;
  • optimization of control over the use of fuel resources;
  • exclusion of “idle” vehicle mileage;
  • no need to maintain a fleet of gas stations;
  • flexible conditions - the client can decide for himself when and for how long he needs to rent a gas station;
  • no costs for construction, service and maintenance of your own gas station.

Outsourcing of gas stations is especially justified for motor transport, construction and agricultural enterprises, for large warehouse complexes, banks, car services and car dealerships.

Gas station rental in the Moscow region and Moscow: fuel outsourcing "Intelligence Gas Station"

The Intellect AZS company offers fuel outsourcing services in Moscow and Moscow Region. The purpose of providing this service is to popularize our patented innovative development - the Intellect Gas Station fuel refueling module. By ordering “fuel outsourcing” from us, you get a completely free transportable fuel module through which fuel will be distributed, and you also get a special favorable price for this fuel.

An additional bonus when choosing cooperation under the “fuel outsourcing” program is the implementation of commissioning work and further service maintenance of the fuel module by the Intellect AZS company.

For more information or to order our services, you can call our numbers or make a request for a call back on our website.

Call now!

If you are thinking about this, please visit our website. A large number of offers from owners about sale and rental of gas stations will please you with both prices and terms of the transaction. We are sure that with us you will find what you were looking for!

At all times, gas stations have been and remain an excellent business, because with relatively small investments and excellent payback, automobile fuel will always be in demand. Thus, a gas station is a real “gold mine”, by investing in which the owner will always make a good profit (of course, subject to competent business management).

Who benefits? sale of gas stations?

When you see an ad about rental and sale of gas stations , you are probably asking yourself a whole series of questions, because it would seem, why sell what brings money, right? However, not all so simple.

Firstly, it often happens that sale of gas stations beneficial to the bank or credit organization, which was forced to take away this object by a court decision from the owner for failure to fulfill obligations to him. In this case, it is beneficial for the bank or credit institution sale of gas stations , sometimes even at a low cost.

Also often sale of gas stations associated with a non-core line of business. If a company or an individual is engaged in the development of one or several areas completely remote from gas stations, then when such a business appears, there is not always the opportunity and desire to “get into it.” This pushes the owner to sell, since it is better to invest the funds received in the development of the industry in which he is currently developing.

Third, sale of gas stations required when a company wants to get rid of part of its assets (lack of funds, reprofiling, and so on). In this case, as in the previous two, this type of business becomes uninteresting to the owner.

Who benefits from buying a gas station?

Speaking of sale of gas stations , everything is clear, but who benefits from buying such an expensive pleasure?

First of all, it is worth noting that a gas station is an enormously profitable type of business, and based on this, investing in it can be considered profitable, and most importantly, smart investment. If you have a tidy sum of money and don’t know where to invest the money so that it not only returns very quickly, but also the business begins to generate considerable profit, then a gas station is the option that you should consider.

Also, the purchase of stations is of interest to specialized and multi-profile companies that are buying up available assets. This helps them develop and conquer new regions. Thus, having bought a small or even an old, abandoned gas station, a specialized company can always afford to invest in capital and take its place in a new area/city/village.

The process of creating a gas station from scratch is painstaking both from the point of view of material support for the project and from the point of view of obtaining permits. It is much easier to buy a gas station in Moscow and St. Petersburg from the owner, fully equipped with equipment and personnel. This is to minimize costs and obtain a ready-made solution for profit automation. You can buy ready-made refills using an electronic service with offers on the market.

How and where to organize the sale of your business?

Business assets are sold on bulletin boards. Such advertisements are placed by owners and intermediaries, so it can be difficult to navigate.

You can buy a gas station through a broker, who will not only connect you with the owner, but also take care of re-registration of documents for the gas station. Before turning to specific offers, it is worth assessing your financial capabilities, focusing on how well you understand the topic, and also evaluating the gas stations sold in terms of price adequacy.

It is also important to verify the authenticity of the documents and find out about the reputation of both the gas station itself and its owner. It is possible that he is selling his business due to low profitability. Factors may be contradictory - either the person simply could not manage his affairs, or the gas station is obviously unprofitable.

What are the benefits of buying a gas station like this?

Upon request, I will sell a ready-made business gas station, you can see not only the pump itself. In the property package, you have at your disposal a land plot, an oil depot, tanks, a cash desk, an office building, adjacent territory, as well as areas of shops and supermarkets, which may be leased to partners. An offer such as the sale of a ready-made business - gas stations - is interesting not only to the buyer, but also to the potential seller. You can sell a gas station on the website, indicating the main parameters of the object, its condition, potential, payback, as well as projected profit. A database on request for selling a business in Moscow will allow you to navigate in terms of the price of the product. Many people do just that - they open a business and sell it profitably.