See sample in English. Beautiful presentation: how to write a resume in English. Job resume, Curriculum Vitae in English: writing tips

Excellent resume in English- this is one of the main factors that allows you to get the desired position, and an unattractive resume repels the employer, which means it is a lost opportunity. Considering the modern international spread of the English language and the large number of representative offices of foreign companies in our country, it is important to present your candidacy to the employer at the appropriate level. A resume compiled in your native Russian and English languages ​​will distinguish you favorably from other applicants, and you will also need it when looking for work abroad. In this article we will look at the features of writing a resume (in particular on English language) and describe the procedure for its compilation step by step.

So, since the resume itself is the first information that the employer receives about you, it must be compiled accordingly.

The summary should not be longer than one page, otherwise the reader’s attention will be distracted due to large quantity, perhaps unnecessary information. In addition, in 90% of cases the following can happen to the second sheet: the second sheet will not be faxed and will be thrown into the trash bin by the secretary; they will forget to pin it to the first sheet and lose it; they will pin him, but on someone else’s resume. If all the information does not fit on one sheet, then at least write your first and last name and contact information on each page.

Main components of a resume in English

The main components of a resume, or bullet points, are:

  • personal data – PERSONAL INFORMATION
  • goal – JOB OBJECTIVE
  • education – EDUCATION
  • work experience – EXPERIENCE
  • skills – SKILLS
  • additional information, hobbies – EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES
  • recommendations – REFERENCES

Writing a resume in English

A resume always begins with the provision of PERSONAL DATA: full name (first name is written, then the first letter of the patronymic and last name), address, e-mail and telephone number (sometimes age, date of birth and marital status), which are usually placed at the top of the page.
Then the GOAL is described. From the very beginning, it needs to be thoroughly thought through, since further information in the resume will depend specifically on the goal. The goal should not be general, for example, “To obtain managerial position in an American company.”
Think through your job search and career goals so carefully that the employer will see it when reading.

For example, “Objective: To obtain a position in information technologies that will allow me to use my knowledge of programming and take advantage of my desire to work in IT.”

Please note that in this paragraph there is no need to describe the desire to get a well-paid job, since the emphasis on money in the first sentence of the resume will not leave the best impression on both the Russian employer and the employer in any other country.
The next point is to describe EDUCATION. Here you should list the universities, institutes, and colleges that you graduated from in reverse chronological order (i.e., starting from the most recent). It is also worth including courses taken and foreign internships, if any. If you have diplomas with honors, then this must be indicated (for the necessary terms, see the small glossary at the end of the article). If you have an advanced degree, write about it.

The next point is WORK EXPERIENCE. List your jobs, starting with your most recent (or current). Be sure to indicate the dates from which date you were in this or that position, the position you held and the name of the company. Also, please describe your job responsibilities, placing special emphasis on those functions that correspond to the goal set at the beginning of the resume. When listing, avoid the words “I” (“I”), “my” (“my”).

After this, you should move on to listing your special SKILLS and ABILITIES: knowledge of languages ​​- indicate the native and foreign languages ​​that you speak and at what level, ability to work on a computer (programs, level of proficiency) and other skills that correspond to the goal.

When indicating your level of foreign language proficiency, you should not overestimate your abilities (for possible recording options, see the glossary at the end of the article).

Next - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Here, indicate your hobbies, favorite activities that will present you as a versatile and interesting person (also, do not exaggerate). This could be sports, travel, etc. Do not indicate “reading books” as a hobby, since it is assumed that every person with a higher education is engaged in this type of activity.
In the last paragraph of your resume RECOMMENDATIONS, list at least two people (not relatives) who can provide information about you as an employee. You must write your full name, position, place of work and telephone numbers. If there is no space left on the page, instead of the data you can indicate “can be provided upon request” (see glossary).

The style and format of your resume plays a very important role. The resume must be in printed form (on a computer) and must not contain errors (spelling and punctuation). Only in this case will the employer form an opinion of you as an attentive and careful person.
Make your document easy to read. The top and bottom margins must be at least 1.5 centimeters high, and the side margins at least 2. Leave spaces between individual parts of the resume. Bold item names, as well as company names and names. If your resume is not easy to read, not many people will want to read it, and therefore continue to communicate with you. Do not underline words or use italics to add emphasis - this reduces the overall impression of what you read.

Sample resume in English (translator)

Ivan Ivanov
198, Zelenaya Street, apt. 85
St Petersburg, 191194, Russia
Phone: +7 812 273 10 50

Obtain employment in the field of public relations that will allow me to use my ability to work with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English.

St.Petersburg State University
1988-1995 Diploma in English and French. Qualified as English interpreter.

Assistant, Interpreter of Director General

Insurance Co.Rodina Ros.

April 1995-till now
Duties: schedules of meetings, appointments and recording of the personnel, interpreting and translation of documents.

January - March 1993
Personal assistant and secretary to Mr. Ron Black at the office of Operation Carelift. Mr. Black, a former member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives supervised the activities of this NGO in distributing humanitarian assistance in St. Petersburg. Duties: interviewing and screening Russian organization which applied for humanitarian assistance, arranging and supervising of deliveries of children's shoes and boots in St. Petersburg, scheduling of the drivers and Russian personnel.

ENGLISH Fluent reading, writing and speaking ability. Qualified as interpreter and translator. FRENCH Good reading and translating ability. GERMAN Rudimentary conversation German acquired during several visits to Germany.

Computers, Microsoft Word and Excel Typing, fax, Xerox. Theatre, music, tourism, tennis.

Mrs. Elena Sidorova, Assosiate Mr.Homer Green, Manager
professor St.Petersburg, Anglo-American School
State University 11, US Consulate General
Universitetskaya Nab. St.Petersburg
St.Petersburg Phone: +7 812 325 63 00
Phone: +7 812 298 90 00

Glossary for writing a resume in English

unemployed - unemployed
talents, abilities
date of birth
additional information, hobbies – extracurricular activities
achievements, successes
fill a position
qualities (education + work experience that the applicant must have) – job qualification
qualified - qualified
personal data – personal information
place of birth
a position that does not require special qualifications - nonskilled position
I am ... years old – I am ... years old
can be provided upon request – applied upon request
make an appointment – ​​to make an appointment
find a job – find a position
apply for a job
responsibilities - responsibilities, duties
graduated with honors – graduated with high honors
department - department
cancel an appointment – ​​to cancel an appointment
to the present – ​​till present
job search – job hunting
join the company
full-time job – full-time employment
part-time job
work in capacity – work in the capacity of
employer - employer
resume – resume, CV ( Curriculum Vitae), the letter of application
recommender - referee
recommendations – reference
head - head
With wages– at a salary of
marital status
single – single
divorced – divorced, separated
strengths, talent – ​​personal strengths
insurance – insurance
arranged meeting – appointment
Full name – full name
the goals that the applicant sets when getting a job - career goals
goal – objective, goal
fluent English
good level of French – good French
beginning French – beginning French
average level German – intermediate German
advanced level of English – advanced English
native Russian – native Russian

English for work

Resume in English: how to get your dream job?

We all want to have a good and interesting job, where we can express ourselves and bring grandiose plans to life. But before you get this very job and start conquering the world, you need to pass an interview for the desired position. And even before meeting with a potential employer, we will need to send our resume to the open vacancy.

It can be difficult to create a good resume even in your native language, and in English it can even seem like an impossible task. But this is not true at all. As in any other business, it is important to know the basic rules and some “tricks” that will distinguish your candidacy from others and help interest a potential employer.

From this article you will learn how to write a CV (resume) in English, how to talk about past work experience, education, basic skills and how to write a good cover letter (cover letter).

Rules for writing and formatting a resume in English

Resume is yours business card. Using it, the employer will evaluate you and your skills for the first time even before a personal meeting. A correctly written resume increases the chances of being invited to the next stage - an interview. But we'll talk about it a little later.

Before you start writing your own resume in English, it’s worth remembering that there is no universal ideal resume.

Tip: Create a new resume and cover letter for each position you apply for.

First of all, the employer wants to see a living person behind the soulless text, because it is he, and not his impeccably written resume, who will fill the vacant position in the company.

Different jobs may require you to highlight different aspects of your career and past skills gained. This is why it is recommended to regularly update your resume and review it carefully each time before submitting.

If you submit a resume to a job search service, it should be detailed and expanded in order to present you well from different angles.

Still, there are a few basic rules that are worth remembering:

  • The resume should be short and concise
  • Highlight the most important aspects of your past activities, but don't get carried away with writing. Anything you would like to say or emphasize beyond the information provided in your resume, write in your cover letter. Most best option- 2 pages A4 format.

  • Your resume should be about you good impression
  • Indicate merits or achievements in past places of work - this will be your advantage. If you are a beginner specialist, then tell us in more detail about what skills you acquired during your studies and what internships you completed.

  • The resume should be written in a businesslike tone
  • Avoid slang and informal speech patterns. From the very first lines of your resume, your resume should speak of you as a professional.

  • The resume must be readable
  • Take time to prepare your resume. It should be written in a consistent style, broken down into main topics, and should be easy to read.

  • The resume must be literate
  • Making spelling mistakes on your resume is a surefire way to get rejected. Before sending, you should re-read the text several times. Better yet, check it using special services. You can also give your resume to a friend or family member to read. A fresh look from the outside wouldn't hurt.

Resume or CV?

In Great Britain and Ireland, the term CV is common, which was then adopted by many other countries. CV is an abbreviation for the Latin expression Curriculum Vitae, which translates as "course of life".

In the USA, a resume is denoted by the word résumé [ˈrezəmeɪ] that we understand. CVs are not as widespread in America and are used more often in scientific and highly specialized circles than in job applications.

The resume consists of main sections:

  • Personal information
  • Objective / Professional Summary (Vacancy for which you are applying or desired field of activity)
  • Work experience / Employment history
  • Education
  • Personal qualities
  • Special skills
  • Interests
  • References

Let's look at each of them in more detail:

Personal Information

This section is the “header” of the resume, which contains standard personal data: first name, last name, address, telephone, email and other ways to contact you. Should I specify more? detailed information(age, marital status, nationality) - it's up to you. The employer should consider your resume without any prejudices and evaluate you only as a specialist.

Name: Petr Sinichkin
Address: 20 Lenina Street, apt. 34, Moscow, 215315, Russia
Phone number
- home: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ
- mobile: +7-ХХХ-ХХХ-ХХХХ
Date of birth: 15th December 1990
Email [email protected]
Social Media:
- Facebook:
- LinkedIn:

Objective/Professional Summary

At the very beginning of your resume, you can indicate the area in which you want to work, outlining your key skills. Don't write too much - save the details for your cover letter. One or two sentences are enough. For example:

I am seeking a competitive and promising position where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English - I am looking for a competitive and challenging position where I can use my interpersonal skills and apply my English language skills.

Work Experience

This is one of the most important points on a resume. Your work experience should list all previous positions you have held or where you have completed an internship.

Places of work are listed in descending order. That is, starting with the most recent one you worked at or are currently working at. The last 3-5 jobs will be enough.

For each of them, indicate the position you held and the responsibilities you performed in it. If there are good indicators that you are proud of, be sure to indicate them too and pay attention to the wording. Compare two sentences:

Significantly increased income and the client base between 2006 and 2008 - Significantly increased profits and customer base between 2006 and 2008.

Increased income from $750,000 in 2006 to $3 million in 2008 and doubled the client base from 15,000 to 30,000 - Increased profits from $750 thousand in 2006 to $3 million in 2008 and doubled the customer base from 15 to 30 thousand.

The second sentence presents the candidate in a more favorable light because it is based on quantitative facts and impressive indicators. During your interview, you'll likely be asked to talk about your accomplishments in your previous job, so why not include them in your resume.

This section should also include your main responsibilities in your previous position and the key skills you acquired in each of your previous positions. Use a bulleted list to format. For example:

Company Name,
2016 - present
St. Petersburg, Russia

Financial analyst

Preparing business plans
- Planning investment activities and budget
- Analyzing data
- Preparing financial forecasts
- Preparing reports

Name of the company
2016 - present
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Financial analyst

Preparation of business plans
- Planning of investment activities and budget
- Data analysis
- Preparation of financial forecasts
- Preparation of reports

Advice: if a resume is prepared for a specific vacancy, pay attention to those points in your work experience that are more suitable for the desired future position. Bring to the employer's attention the experience, qualifications and achievements that will help you in the position you are applying for.

If you have volunteered or completed work internships, be sure to indicate this in the section work experience.

It is better to avoid large time gaps between jobs. If you spent some time traveling, receiving treatment, or caring for a relative, briefly indicate this in your resume. This will help you avoid awkward interview questions.


In this section, list all the places where you received your education. This could be a university, college, additional courses and so on. Similarly with the work experience section - indicate educational institutions in reverse order, starting with the most recent one. Be sure to indicate the year of graduation or date of completion of the course.

All seminars, trainings and other courses that you have taken are also indicated here. If you have confirmed certificates of additional education or awards that you consider necessary to talk about, write about them in the section education.

You can specify places of study different ways. Here are some common options:

South Ural State University, Marketing department, Master’s degree in Marketing (2010-2012)

South Ural State University, Faculty of Marketing, Master's degree in Marketing (2010-2012)

September 2007 - June 2012
Moscow State University
Advertising Specialist

Additional qualifications and courses are indicated in the order they are listed. For example:

Marketing Specialist courses in Moscow Marketing College, started in 2016 up to present- Courses for marketing specialists, Moscow College of Marketing, from 2016 to present

Certificate in Social Media Marketing, 2018 - Certificate in the field of “Marketing in in social networks", 2018

Personal Qualities

For many, this section becomes a stumbling block, because in it you need to describe yourself from the outside and indicate your best qualities. It is important to find a balance between boasting and excessive modesty.

Advice: put yourself in the employer’s shoes and think about what personal qualities would be suitable for the desired position. For example, the ability to find a common language with people and high resistance to stress are suitable for a sales manager, but attentiveness and the ability to do monotonous work are more likely positive qualities for an editor or accountant than for a creative specialist.

Your resume can include personal qualities such as: proactive(initiative), communicative(communicable), organized(collected, organized) and others. You will find a complete list of qualities and skills in this article below in the “resume vocabulary” section.

Special Skills

In the same section you can indicate your special skills that will help when applying for a job or any other additional information(additional information) that may be useful and will present you in a favorable light.

Key special skills include: foreign languages. For example:

Native Russian - Native Russian language
Fluent English - Fluency in English
Basic (knowledge of) German - Basic knowledge of the German language

Knowledge and skills in other areas, e.g. computer literacy(computer literacy) is accompanied by a list of mastered programs ( Microsoft Office, Outlook Express, 1C, Adobe Photoshop, etc.), and the availability driving license(driver's license) must be indicated with category (category B).

For key skills, it would be a good idea to indicate the level of proficiency: beginner (beginner), intermediate (intermediate level) or expert (expert).

Knowledge level (background) in a particular area can be expressed using phrases:

in-depth knowledge of... - deep knowledge of...
well-developed skills in... - well-developed skills...
with broad experience in… - with extensive experience in…
in-depth understanding of... - deep understanding…

excellent written and verbal communication skills - excellent written and oral communication skills
speaking in public - the ability to speak in front of an audience
solve technical problems easily - I solve technical problems with ease
read and write in English fluently - read and write fluently in English
and others.

Advice: indicate your main skills, no more than 10. Do not overload your resume with unnecessary information.

Interests and Achievements

In this section you should not write about how you like to read books or cook dishes from around the world. For the employer this is unnecessary information.

But if you have personal achievements or hobbies that you are proud of, indicate them in this section. A good impression will be made by a passion for sports or art. If your personal interests will be useful in the vacancy for which you are applying, it is better to tell about them.


This section contains contacts of people from whom a future employer can find out about you and ask various questions regarding your personality and experience. Therefore, in this section it is worth indicating people who will tell you from a positive side.

If you do not have work experience, you can indicate the contacts of a teacher at the university or the person under whose guidance you completed your internship.

In addition, these people should be aware that you are including their information on your resume and should be prepared for a call from an employer. Usually 1-2 contacts are indicated.

If you do not want to disclose this data to third parties, you can limit yourself to the standard phrase that recommendations available upon request(available upon request).

Cover letter for resume in English

Cover letter(cover letter) is no less important than the resume itself. Many applicants do not send any additional information other than a resume, but all HR managers(HR managers) claim that a cover letter has a positive impact on the image of a future employee. The main task of a cover letter is to help you get an invitation to an interview.

A cover letter provides an opportunity to clearly define your position and explain why you are interested in this vacancy and stimulate interest in your candidacy among a potential employer.

The cover letter should be in a neutral business tone. Emphasize those aspects that are indicated in the job advertisement, but do not overload the letter with emotions. Everything that is specified in the cover letter must be relevant to the position(relate to the position) for which you are applying.

Despite the fact that cover letters are drawn up in free form, the following rules for composing a cover letter can be distinguished:

Structured information
- No more than one printed page
- Brevity and professionalism
- No grammatical errors
- Includes key job skills and competencies relevant to the position

Cover letter sections


At the very beginning, indicate how you heard about the vacancy and what position interests you.

For example:

I am looking for a part-time job at...- I'm looking for a part-time job in...

I would like to find out about employment opportunities in the finance department mentioned on your website- I would like to know about the vacancies in the finance department mentioned on your website

Main part

In the body of the letter, state the reasons why you are interested in the position. Your motivation may attract a potential employer. Also, highlight the skills that will help you get the position. For example:

With my educational background and a strong interest in business I think I will be a great asset to your company. I speak German and Japanese and am at ease in a multicultural environment. My career aim is to work in the HR department - Thanks to my education and interest in business, I believe that I will become a valuable asset in your company. I speak German and Japanese and feel comfortable in a multicultural environment. My career goal is to work in the HR department.


In the last part of your cover letter, indicate that you are interested in an interview and leave your contact information.

For example:

I will be glad to discuss my experience during the job interview with you. If you need any additional information, please contact me by phone: +1 893 65 67 89- I will be happy to discuss my experience at an interview with you. If you need more information, please contact me on +1 893 65 67 89.

And of course, don’t forget to check your letter for grammatical and stylistic errors.

Vocabulary on the topic “resume”

Personal qualities

  • Approachable - Going towards a meeting, responsive
  • Articulate - Able to articulate and express one's thoughts clearly.
  • Attentive - Attentive
  • Broad-minded - Broad-minded
  • Calm - Calm, balanced
  • Capable - Capable, skillful
  • Cheerful - Cheerful
  • Committed - Dedicated to the cause
  • Communicative - Sociable
  • Confident - Confident
  • Conscientious - Conscientious, conscious
  • Cooperative - Easily collaborating with other people
  • Courteous - Polite, courteous
  • Creative - Creative, inventive
  • Dependable / Reliable - Reliable, trustworthy
  • Decisive - Decisive
  • Determined - Purposeful
  • Diligent - Diligent, diligent, efficient
  • Eager to learn - Ready to learn new things
  • Eloquent - Eloquent, persuasive
  • Energetic - Energetic, active
  • Enthusiastic - Full of enthusiasm, enthusiastic
  • Flexible - Flexible, able to adapt
  • Hard-working - Hardworking
  • Honest - Honest
  • Independent - Independent, independent
  • Proactive - Initiative
  • Inquisitive - Curious
  • Insightful / Astute - Insightful
  • Meticulous - Meticulous
  • Open-minded - Open to new things, unbiased
  • Optimistic - Optimistic
  • Organized - Collected, organized
  • Persuasive - Able to persuade
  • Positive - Positive
  • Punctual - Punctual
  • Self-motivated - Independent, not needing additional motivation
  • Versatile - Versatile


  • Ability to work efficiently both individually and in a team - Ability to work effectively both independently and in a team
  • Ability to work under pressure - Ability to work in stressful situations
  • Business communication skills - Ability to communicate in a business environment
  • Communicative skills / Social skills - Good communication skills
  • Conflict management skills - Ability to resolve conflict situations
  • Creative thinking skills - Creative thinking
  • Critical thinking skills - Critical thinking
  • Decision making skills - Ability to make decisions
  • Effective listening skills - The ability to listen to your interlocutor
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills - Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Good sense of humor - Good sense of humor
  • Multitasking - The ability to perform several tasks simultaneously
  • Organizational skills - Organizational abilities
  • Positive attitude - Positive thinking
  • Problem-solving skills - Ability to solve problems
  • Quick learning skills - Quick learner
  • Resourcefulness - Resourcefulness, ingenuity
  • Risk taking - Willingness to take risks
  • Sales Ability - Ability to work in sales
  • Strategic thinking - Strategic thinking
  • Strong analytical thinking - Strong analytical thinking
  • Time management skills - Ability to manage time
  • Willingness to learn - Willingness to learn

Example and sample resumes in English with translation

Today, many programmers are looking for work abroad. So, as an example, consider the resume of a programmer in the gaming industry.

James Blake

123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122

Home: 000-000-0000 | Cell: 000-000-0000

[email protected]

Professional Summary

Extremely efficient Game Programmer seeking a position in which my creative skills and programming knowledge can be used as an asset to the company.

Core Qualifications

  • Experience in all aspects of game development from writing to design and programming
  • Great understanding of all types of programming languages ​​that are used in game development
  • Work ethics and determination needed to focus and accomplish the task at hand
  • Ability to work as part of a team to meet a common goal
  • Great capacity for learning and implementing new types of programming
  • Great analytical and problem solving skills


Game Programmer
8/1/2010 – Present
Welsh Developers
Indianapolis, IN

  • Write code to determine the mechanics and gameplay of the new software
  • Program many aspects of video games such as graphics sound interface scripts etc.
  • Research the statistics relating to the game to determine type of the gameplay to use
  • Oversee the testing of the game to determine whether it is up to standards

Game Programmer
12/1/2005 – 8/1/2010
Child's Play Inc.
Chicago, IL

  • Develop and program games and gaming systems for children
  • Work with game designers and developers to release the most beneficial games for kids


Bachelor's Degree
2000 – 2005
Programming University of Illinois
Chicago, IL

  • Knowledge of C++, C, and other programming languages
  • Specific platform experience (PlayStation, Xbox)
  • Good understanding of the game industry
  • Highly organized
  • Good communication and teamwork skills
  • Work to deadlines
  • Creative approach to work

James Blake

123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122

Home: 000-000-0000 | Mobile: 000-000-0000

[email protected]

Professional goal

A qualified programmer in the game industry is looking for a position in a company where my creative skills and programming knowledge will be useful.


  • Experience in all aspects of game development from writing to design and programming
  • Excellent understanding of all types of programming languages ​​used in game development
  • Work ethic and ability to focus and complete a task at hand.
  • Ability to work in a team to achieve a common goal
  • Great potential for learning and implementing new types of programming
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills


Game programmer
August 2010 – present
Welsh Developers

  • Writing code to define mechanics and gameplay for new software
  • Programming of various aspects of video games, such as: graphic and sound scripts in the interface, etc.
  • Studying statistics related to a game to determine the type of gameplay
  • Supervision of game testing for compliance with standards
  • Development and programming of games and gaming systems for children
  • Working with game designers and developers to create useful games for children


Bachelor degree
2000 – 2005
Chicago Programming Institute,


  • Knowledge of C++, C and other programming languages
  • Experience with platforms (PlayStation, Xbox)
  • Good understanding of the gaming industry
  • Organization
  • Good communication and teamwork skills
  • Meeting deadlines
  • Creative approach to work

Now you know how to correctly compose and format a resume in English. Good luck with job hunting!

How to write a resume or CV in English: sample with translation and instructions with examples.

So, has there come a time in your life when you decided to get your dream job? Then the first step towards realizing your plans will be a correctly composed resume. This is the first information about you to the employer, so it is extremely important to leave a good impression. The ability to write a resume or CV in English is an advantage for a candidate. After all, there are now many foreign companies in the country that will evaluate your resume in two languages. In addition, this is an opportunity to get a job not only in Russia, but also abroad. After completing your resume, do not forget

How to write a resume in English correctly.

Considering the importance of the document, be careful when drafting it and follow the basic rules for writing a resume. First of all, remember that a well-written resume takes up ONE page. If you exceed this amount, your second sheet may meet a sad fate. It may get lost, fail to fax, or attach to someone else's document. Therefore, if the amount of information you want to convey to the employer still exceeds the volume of one page, indicate your personal and contact information on each page. This will definitely help you avoid any confusion.

Take your resume writing as responsibly as possible. Write business language, avoiding any familiarity or jokes. Be brief but specific. There is no need to overwhelm the employer with a sea of ​​information. Write exclusively to the point, provide exact numbers, avoid general phrases. Remember, the better your resume, the greater your chances of getting the job you want.

Structure of a resume in English.

Key points that make up a resume:

  • personal data - Personal Information;
  • target - Job Objective;
  • education - Education;
  • experience - Experience;
  • skills – Skills;
  • additional information, hobbies – Extracurricular Activities;
  • recommendations - References.

Pay attention not only to the full disclosure of each point, but also correct design document.

  1. Personal data (Personal Information)

For many employers, it is important that the resume has a photograph of the applicant in order to see the person “in person” and imagine who they are talking about we're talking about. Place your photo in the upper right corner. Don’t forget - this is a business document, which means the photograph must be of high quality, taken against a neutral background, and the clothing style must be businesslike. To the left of the photo write about yourself. This section contains the following items:

Name Write your last name and first name in Latin letters. If you have a foreign passport, write down the data from it to avoid the slightest mistakes
Address Please indicate your residential address, starting with the house number, then the street name, apartment number, locality, postal code, country. For example: 137 Nekrasova Street, apr.42, Saratov, 410000, Russia
Phone number The phone number must be written in international format, starting with the country code. (+7 Russia)
Marital status Marital status: married (married), single (single), divorced (divorced).
Date of birth Date of birth is indicated in the following format: 12th, October, 1986
Email Please indicate a neutral email containing your personal information. Avoid any diminutive words. Also pay attention to the choice of email service; gmail, being international, is best suited for resumes in English. For example: [email protected]

If you wish, you can add the item “Nationality”, and in addition Email indicate additional means of communication. For example, Skype or social networks.

  1. Job Objective

Here you need to indicate which position is desired for you. Also justify why preference should be given to you, what personal qualities that contribute to your successful implementation in this position you possess. After all, you understand that this is your dream job, which means you have a lot of competitors. Try to immediately stand out among them. Why you? Here you need to indicate not who you will become someday in the future, but who you are at the moment.

Example phrases:

  • To use my professional skills to help achieve the company’s aims as a sales manager Use your professional skills to help the company achieve its goals as a sales manager.
  • To get a position in the field of clients supportthat will allow me to use my communicative skills and advanced English To take up a position in customer support, which will give me the opportunity to use my communication skills and advanced knowledge of English.
  • I would like to get a position of English teacher to use my professional skills and knowledge of English I would like to obtain a position as an English teacher to use my professional skills and knowledge of the language.
  1. Education

Here write what your education is, indicating the date of study. If you have more than one education, write each one in reverse chronology - from the last place of study to the first. Write your name educational institution completely, indicate the faculty, specialty, as well as your educational and qualification level. This section can be formatted in different ways, the main thing is to comply with the listed requirements.


  • Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Psychology Department, Master’s Degree in Psychoanalysis (2003-2008) Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Faculty of Psychology, Master's degree in psychoanalysis (2003-2008).
  • Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Department of Roman Languages, Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics (2003-2008) Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Faculty of Romance Languages, bachelor's degree in Linguistics (2003-2008).
  • Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Psychology Department, PhD in Psychoanalysis (2003-2008) Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Faculty of Psychology, Doctor of Science in Psychoanalysis (2003-2008).
  1. Qualifications

This section is intended to indicate all professional courses, master classes, seminars or conferences that you attended to improve your skills.

For example:

Certificate in Accounting (2008) accountant certificate (if you did not receive your education at a university);

Marketing Specialist Courses in Moscow Economic College (2012-2014) courses for marketing specialists, Moscow College of Economics (2012-2014).

Having such additional certificates is your advantage over other candidates, use it.

  1. Experience (Work Experience)

Your task here is to reveal your professional experience as fully as possible. List all places of employment in reverse chronology that relate to the scope of the desired position. If you are aiming to get a position as a sales manager now, but some time ago you worked as a cook in a cafe, this has nothing to do with sales, which means you should not indicate such experience. Describe professional responsibilities that you did in your previous job. Write the name of the company and your position in full, mark the city and country.

What to do if you do not have formal work experience noted in work book? In this case, indicate any work experience you have. For example, practical training, internship, freelancing, part-time work, etc. Achievements, if any, should also be mentioned here. Provide only specific facts indicating exact numbers and percentages. However, do not forget that the information can be checked at any time.

Examples of phrases that can be used:

— preparing business plans preparation of business plans;

analyzing data sets from all departments analysis of data from all departments;

preparing financial forecasts preparation of financial forecasts.

When specifying your responsibilities, use gerund(prepare + ING) (as written in the examples above), and when describing achievements - Past Simple.

For example:

  • raised sales on 8% increased sales by 8%;
  • attracted 57 new clients attracted 57 new clients.
  1. Personal Qualities

Here you should indicate your personal qualities. But be careful, you don’t need to over-praise yourself or, conversely, keep silent about your merits. How to find the golden mean? Just imagine yourself in the employer’s place, think how he would react to this or that quality. Also, do not forget that the specified qualities must be suitable for the vacancy. For example, excellent communication skills are a plus for a sales manager, but an accountant must be attentive, diligent and patient.

  1. Skills

This section includes 4 points, each of which is studied by the employer very carefully:

  1. Language Skills– indicate all the languages ​​that you already know or are still learning, including your native one. Don't forget to write what your level of proficiency is. To do this, you can use the usual gradation:

— Pre-Intermediate;

— Intermediate;

— Upper-Intermediate;

- Proficiency.

You can also use definitions like:

Native- native;

Fluent- Fluency;

Good reading and translating ability- read, translate with a dictionary;

Basic knowledge- basic knowledge.

  1. Computer literacy- computer literacy. Indicate all the programs that you are proficient in.
  2. Driving license- presence or absence of a driver's license.
  3. Hobbies- hobbies. Be careful in this matter. There is no need to list a dozen hobbies; indicate no more than three main ones. You can write about achievements, if any.
  4. Awards

Add this item to your resume only if there is something to write about. Leave the field empty - no best idea. If you have achievements, list them in reverse chronology.

  1. Research experience

This point is also not mandatory. Add it to your resume only if you have conducted any scientific work.

  1. Publications

Another optional section. If there are publications, write them in reverse chronology, mentioning the edition and date of publication.

  1. Memberships

This item is also enabled only when necessary. If you are part of an organization, simply write its name.

For example:

Russian Teachers Association (Association of Russian Teachers).

This is where you provide contact information for people who can provide you with a recommendation. Just write the person's first and last name, the name of the organization and a contact information.

For example:

Sergey Petrov, Company Name, +7XXX-XXX-XX-XX, [email protected]

If you don’t want to immediately provide people’s data for recommendations, just write available upon request ( available upon request).

Summarizing the above, we would like to give you 6 more tips for competently writing a resume in English:

  1. Form your resume correctly . Half the success depends on this. Choose the standard font Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri. Make sure that the letter size is consistent throughout the document. Give preference to standard formatting. It is enough to highlight the headings; all other font changes will be inappropriate, as they reduce the readability of the document.
  2. Provide links to your social networks. If necessary, edit your pages so that they do not spoil the impression of your business image.
  3. Carefully review your resume at least 3 times at intervals. You can even ask someone else to read it. Any typo or missing comma can ruin your resume, no matter how good it is.
  4. Consider the employer's requirements. Sometimes employers indicate specific requirements when describing a vacancy, for example, attaching a certain photograph or a completed test. Fulfilling these requirements will demonstrate that you are attentive and serious about your work, and will therefore increase your chances of getting the position.
  5. Set the right goals. If you are submitting your resume to multiple companies, create a separate document for each. After all, every employer wants to see a certain employee and your task is to show that you meet all the criteria.
  6. Attach a cover letter. This document is not mandatory for domestic companies, unlike foreign ones. But for Russian companies this will be an additional advantage for you as a job seeker. Your cover letter should briefly describe in a business-like style the personal qualities and strengths that make you the best candidate for the position. You can see an example of a cover letter in English in our article.

Such simple tips will help you write an impressive resume in English that will definitely attract the employer's attention to you. Below is an example of a resume in English, take it as a sample and be sure to tell us whether you managed to achieve your goal.

At the very beginning of our professional career, we learn how to write a resume correctly. A resume is not an ordinary document that allows the employer to understand who he might be working with; it is a kind of self-promotion and self-presentation. The main purpose of such a document is to interest the person who will study it before an interview with you. It is the summary in English that determines whether this meeting will take place or not.

Writing a resume in English

A CV for applying for a job should be as short and concise as possible, but at the same time informative. Try to indicate in it all the data that is directly related to the professional skills and qualities that characterize you as good worker. However, you should not overload your resume in English with unnecessary details. Examples and samples of a correct resume in English with translation can be found on the Internet.

Before sending or submitting a document, carefully analyze it, double-check what will be important and what will not be so important. And if you write a resume in English, then be doubly careful. Business English has its own characteristics, and the same applies to filling out documents, which sometimes differ from Russian.

Firstly, you should know that in the business English system there are two types of resumes:

  • Resume- a shorter generalized certificate of education, skills, professional abilities and work experience
  • CV (Curriculum vitae)- a detailed document containing complete information about education, professional successes and achievements, awards, etc.

After this, personal information is indicated, which is translated as Personal Data: date of birth, marital status, number of children (if any). Eg:

Date of birth: 04/16/1981
Marital status: married

Then, as a rule, in the resume in English the purpose (translation: Objective) with which you are applying for a job, the field of activity is written, and the positions of interest are listed. Afterwards, information about basic and additional education is located in chronological order. For example:

Education and Qualifications

Interview in English

2002−2007: Moscow State University

Philology Department


2005: Professional Education College
Computer Operator - Certificate

Next comes the most important and informative block of a resume in English - about work experience, which is filled out in the following order: period of position held, company or firm, position and responsibilities. Eg:

2008−2013: Sapora Inc., Logistics Manager, shipment database maintenance

Then the “Skills” section is written, where various skills and computer skills, languages, as well as personal qualities and characteristics. Eg:

  • excellent oral communication skills - excellent oral communication skills
  • basic English - basic English
  • expertise in human relations - knowledge of personnel management

At the very end, you can talk about your publications (Publications), awards (Awards) and recommendations (References).

I note that such a sequence of information presentation, as in the presented samples, is not strictly regulated when writing a resume in English. This is just one of the good options. But you can swap the items.

So, if you do not have work experience, but you think that your education will be of greater importance to the employer, then put this item earlier than information about your work experience. But if, on the contrary, your diploma is not so important, but your priority is rich experience, then it is better to indicate this block first.

Watch the training video and everything will become clear to you.

I think now you will not have any problems filling out the Curriculum vitae or Resume.

Good luck with your interview!

A resume in English, as in Russian, can be written in several ways. There are templates, but there are quite a lot of them, and there is no standard form. However, there are still some general rules.

Personal information

Any resume usually begins with this section. Typically this includes the following:

  • Name and, if it is impossible to determine gender from the name, then the title: Miss, Mrs, Mr.
  • Age (Born on 10 Dec 1980). It is better to write the month in letters, because... Foreigners usually reverse the day and month, and the date "12/10/1980" can be understood as October 12. The names of the months in English are written with a capital letter.
  • Country of residence (Currently reside in Russia).
  • Contact information: email address, phone number, Skype or other messenger name - depending on how you prefer to contact potential colleagues.

There is no need to indicate your marital status and the presence/absence of children, or attach a photo - if necessary, you will be asked to do so.


In this section you need to indicate your universities with faculties, courses, graduate schools, internships, etc. You can find the name of your university in English on its website, if there is one. If not, then you can try to translate it yourself - even if you make a mistake, it is unlikely that foreigners will check it meticulously.

The education section might look something like this:

Higher education: Moscow State Open University, Economics department, graduate (2000-2005).
Higher education: Moscow State Open University, Faculty of Economics, graduate.

Postgraduate education: Moscow State Open University, Economics department, PhD (2005-2007).
Postgraduate studies: Moscow State Open University, Faculty of Economics, Ph.D.

Qualification courses: Accountant courses in Moscow Accounting College, started in 2009 and keep studying in the present time.
Advanced training courses: courses for accountants at the Moscow College of Accounting, from 2009 to the present.

Work practice: financial director assistant in Romashka LTD, September-November 2005.
Industrial practice: assistant director for finance at Romashka LLC, from September to November 2005.

Work Skills

This is the section you will pay the most attention to, and here you need to indicate all the skills that you think are suitable for the position you want to take. Here are some typical phrases you can use:

I"ve been working as a programmer since 1995 - I have been working as a programmer since 1995.
In this phrase, the emphasis is on the fact that you are programming constantly, and not that you worked for a while and stopped.

I worked as a creative director for 2 years - 2 years I worked as an artistic director.
From this phrase it becomes clear that you have some work experience, but this is not your main occupation.

I "m quite familiar with such software as... - I am quite familiar with such programs as...

My daily output is - My daily output (for writers and translators).

Known languages: - I speak languages:

Working experience

Here you will need to list all your previous jobs and positions you have held. The positions in this list will be almost the same, and will look something like this:

Was in charge of writing program codes for mobile applications.
(My responsibilities included writing software code for mobile applications)

Worked as a freelance photographer, providing the company with car photos.
(He worked as a freelance photographer, supplying the company with pictures of cars).

Was the head of translating department.
(He was the head of the translation department).

The section with previous places of work is usually written in last place.

Example 1

Personal information
Name: Andrew Pronin
Date of birth: 17 Sep 1980
Currently reside in Novosibirsk, Russia
Phone number:
Skype (MSN):

Novosibirsk State University, Telecommunications department, graduate (1998-2003)
Programming courses at Novosibirsk Business College (2002-2004)

Working skills
C++, Perl, Java, MySQL, PHP - professional level.
Windows, Linux, Unix - professional level.
Local network and server administration - advanced level.

Working experience
2005 - today
Head of the programming department, 6 subordinates.
Managing the team of programmers and analysts, supervising the development and testing of Internet applications.

Developing of software architecture and various PHP and Java PC applications.

Example 2

Moscow State University, foreign languages ​​department, graduate (1998-2003)
Moscow State University, foreign languages ​​department, postgraduate studies, PhD (2003-2005)
Courses of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, Moscow Interpretation Center, (2004-2006)

Known languages ​​and certificates
Russian - mother tongue
English - native speaker level, TOEFL certificate
French - advanced level, DAFL certificate B4.

Working skills
Written translation (Eng Ru, Fr Ru) - professional level
Consecutive interpretation (Eng Ru, Fr Ru) - professional level
Simultaneous interpretation (Eng Ru) - advanced level
Specialized oil and gas terminology (Eng) - advanced level

Working experience
Russian Oil & Gas LTD
2004 - present time
Translator and Interpreter

Romashka Publishing house
Books translator

GoTrans Translation agency


Brian Blair

When I grow up, I want to be a cat.

Evgeny Vyazov
Andrey Rudakov
Vladimir Matveev

Do you want to work for an international company or are you looking for work abroad?

Vlad Konstantinov

abstract artist.

Nikita Danilin

Sorry for may very bad verbatim translation: D

Nina Shubert

Apparently Vlad didn’t catch your sarcasm :)

Vlad Konstantinov

yeah, how can I catch such subtleties)

Artyom Tsetkhalin

If you are looking for a job abroad and cannot write a resume in English, learn English. Who without knowledge of English will take it there? You'll fail on the first screen

Leonid Nekrasov

Semyon, moving his pen along the sheet

Rostya Rubashke

the translator gives this translation)

Alyona Shilova

"Know languages ​​and certificates
Russian - mother tongue"
Good article, you can rely on it

Nikita Zhukovsky

what's wrong with you. Mother tongue refers to a person's first language. The language one grew up with.

Nikita Zhukovsky

check what amused you to tears first. And then write.