Improving documentation support for management in a public institution. Improving documentation support for activities based on automation. Information and documentation support


Zinakova O.S.

Federal state budget educational institution higher vocational education"Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture"

ogiik. infokaf@

Documentation support as one of the components of management functions is present in all enterprise management systems, including the personnel management system. Preschool education is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents. The main goal of improving preschool educational institutions is to establish uniform principles for working with documents at all levels of management, organizing the document flow of the enterprise, reducing the number and improving the quality of documents, creating conditions for the effective use of advanced technical means and technologies for collecting, processing, moving, analyzing information, improving the work of the management apparatus .

Personnel management, due to its specificity, due, in particular, to the involvement of a significant number of participants in the management process, a certain sequence of preparation, acceptance and implementation management decisions Finally, careful regulation of the type of activity in question requires both documentation and appropriate document management. Documentation support for personnel management includes the full cycle - creation (documentation), processing and movement of documents in the organization from the moment they are created by personnel service employees or received until completion of execution or transfer to other departments. Each unit of the personnel management service develops, executes and executes documentation in accordance with its functional purpose, the procedure for working with which is determined by internal regulations, rules and instructions.

The properties of the personnel management documentation system include:

1) the presence of a significant amount constituent elements, which are interconnected by information data transmission channels;

2) the presence of one general management goal for the entire system and specific goals for the system at any level that are subordinate to the general goal;

3) division of a system at any level into separate elements, the goals and objectives of which are subordinated to the goals and objectives of the management system at a given level.

The Russian television and radio broadcasting network of Bryansk in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, decrees, orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation, ministries and departments, the Civil, Labor and Pension Codes of the Russian Federation, orders of the Directorate of the enterprise , rules, instructions and regulations developed by the enterprise.

Preschool staff in the Russian television and radio broadcasting network in Bryansk is carried out by the personnel service. Personnel management in a unitary enterprise Russian television and radio broadcasting network involves the organization of recruitment, selection, reception of personnel, their business assessment, career guidance and adaptation, training, management of their business career and professional advancement, motivation and organization of work, conflict and stress management, ensuring social development organization, release of personnel, etc. This should also include issues of interaction between the head of the organization and employment services, personnel safety management. According to labor legislation regulation labor relations in the Russian television and radio broadcasting network is carried out through the conclusion, amendment and addition by the employee and employer of collective agreements, agreements and employment contracts. The main governing documents in the field of personnel management at the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network enterprise are:

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 14, 1997 N 12 “On certification of workplaces according to working conditions”;

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2007 N 569 “On approval of the Procedure for certification of workplaces according to working conditions”;

Commentary to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 31, 2007 N 569 “On approval of the Procedure for certification of workplaces for working conditions”;

The enterprise has regulatory and legal documents that regulate the documentation support of management at the enterprise.

During the analysis of the organization of the preschool educational institution, it was revealed that for the preparation of documents in the Russian television and radio broadcasting network, they use the outdated instruction “Standard instructions for office work in ministries and departments of the Russian Federation: registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated August 5, 1993 No. 321.” Checking the correctness of the execution of documents for 2013 showed that 25 documents were executed in violation of the provisions of the State Educational Institution, GOST R. 6. 30 - 2003. For example, an employee was severely reprimanded for an offense, but the signature (acquainted) of the official on the document was missing, also to this no explanatory notes were attached to the document. This is considered a violation of Art. 1131 provisions of the State All-Russian Standard for Documentation Support of Management (GOSDOU).

To automate preschool educational institutions of personnel, the most common solution is to automate individual workstations (AWS): secretary-assistant, manager, accountant or assistant manager. The main disadvantage of this approach is the lack of a functional connection between the automation of application procedures and the automation of office procedures.

An enterprise seeking to create an effective information processing environment to improve the quality of management faces two serious challenges:

1) Improving all work on the preparation and processing of documentary information by creating a document support mechanism for the enterprise (DOU).

2) Choosing the right automation strategy.

To solve the first problem, it is necessary to be guided by the existing provisions of GOST, regulatory documents, and Federal Laws:

  1. New GOST R 7.0 -2013 "SIBID. Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions"
  2. GOST R 6.30–2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.
  3. State system documentation support for management. Basic provisions. General requirements to documents and documentation support services.
  4. OK 011–93 "All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation"

Today you cannot rely on standard instructions for office work; you need to create your own instructions, taking into account the specifics of document flow at the enterprise.

To solve the second problem, it is important to pay attention to the technologies offered by various companies for automation of preschool educational institutions. For of this enterprise The most suitable is the automated document management system “Delo”, the “Personnel” module, since it is rapid decision-making on documents and an effective means of monitoring their execution, as well as a professional solution for maintaining both traditional and electronic document flow.

Thus, for any enterprise it is vitally important to constantly improve documentation support for management, as this affects the quality personnel policy, personnel management.

List of sources used:

  1. GOST R 7.0-2013 "SIBID. Records management and archiving. Terms and definitions" (approved by order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 No. 1185).
  2. Bobyleva M. Document flow in the organization: modern approaches/ M. Bobyleva //Financial newspaper. - 2012. - No. 16. - P. 20-28.
  3. Gorbenko M. We regulate our personnel records management / M. Gorbenko // Personnel officer. Personnel records management. - 2014. - No. 10 - P.12-16.
  4. Larin M. Problems of improving documentation support for management in modern conditions / M. Larin // AKDI “Economics and Life”. - 2012. - No. 31. - P.6-11.
  5. Novikova T.M. The importance of personnel records management in the sphere of activity of the organization / T.M. Novikova // Human Potential Management. – 2013. - No. 8. - P.23-26.

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List of used literature

1. Arkhipova E.V. Fundamentals of methods for developing students' speech. - M.: Verbum-M, 2004. - 192 p.

2. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and speech culture for engineers. - Rostov n/d: Publishing house "Phoenix", 2003. - 384 p.

3. Goldin V.E., Sirotinina O.B., Yagubova M.A. Russian language and culture of speech: A textbook for non-philological students / Ed. ABOUT. Sirotinina. - 2nd ed., stereotypical. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2003. - 216 p.

4. Dantsev A.A., Nefedova N.V. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook for technical universities. - 4th ed., add. reworked - M.: Publishing house "Phoenix", 2005. - 317 p.

5. Maksimov V.I., Golubeva A.V., Kostomarov V.G. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for technical universities. - M.: Higher education, 2006. - 356 p.

6. A guide to scientific style of speech. For technical universities / Ed. I.G. Proskuryakova. - 2nd ed., add. and revised - M.: Finta: Nauka, 2004. - 320 p.

7. Russian language and speech culture: Tutorial/ O.Ya. Goikhman, L.M. Goncharova, O.N. Lapshina and others; Ed. prof. O.Ya. Goykhman. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 192 p.

Improving documentation support for managing the activities of a university

O.V. Vorobyova

GOUVPO "Moscow State University service"

Due to recent socio-economic and organizational changes in the field of management, the modern Russian education system is going through a period of radical reform and requires updating the existing legislative and regulatory framework for management, improving its documentation support in order to increase efficiency.

With the introduction of multi-level training of specialists in higher school Russia is experiencing a tendency to increase its share individual work in specialist training (expanding the number of student options, increasing the volume independent work etc.). In this regard, changes are required in the technology of organizing and supporting the educational process at the university. A decrease in the quality of organization of the educational process is often associated with the difficulty of obtaining and processing large amounts of information. The efficiency of analyzing the received data and making decisions by management personnel is reduced. Processing large numbers of paper documents is costly manual labor and increases the influence of subjective factors (human factor).

Currently, objective conditions have matured for the transition to electronic technologies for organizing the educational process. These include: equipping a higher educational institution with modern computer and office equipment; widespread introduction of automated information systems and distributed databases.

Most universities use a three-stage educational process management system: rector's office - faculty - department. Each of these levels solves its own problems and has its own reserves for improving the quality of organization of the educational process.

In this article we will look at the documentation support for faculty management. Faculty

An educational and scientific department of the university that carries out a full cycle of training specialists in several related specialties. At the same time, the faculty teaches disciplines of its specialties at other faculties. In close connection with the educational process, the faculty carries out fundamental and applied research work in accordance with the profile of specialist training.

The faculty includes departments, a dean's office, educational and scientific offices.

The department is the main educational and scientific division of the university. The educational and scientific activities of the department are carried out in one or several fields of knowledge and are subordinate to the solution of the main task

Training of highly qualified specialists.

In addition, within the framework of the educational process, the department performs the following functions:

Organizes and conducts educational and methodological work at a modern level, including developing educational plans, topics and programs of courses and seminars, coursework and theses and projects, establishes all forms of conducting classes, the relationship between lectures, practical and laboratory classes, distributes educational assignments, organizes control over students’ studies;

Forms plans for scientific research, organizes their implementation and monitors their implementation;

Conducts training of specialists highly qualified(candidates and doctors of science) through postgraduate studies, doctoral studies and by way of competition;

Organizes and controls advanced training and retraining of teachers and staff of the department;

Makes efforts to increase revenue

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tion of extrabudgetary funds at the expense of educational and scientific work, development of production and commercial activities;

Promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge and carries out cultural and educational activities among the population;

Submits to the academic council of the faculty (university) proposals for candidates for positions, for presentation to academics and honorary titles;

Carry out other activities provided for by the University Charter and current legislation.

The department holds monthly meetings of the department according to the developed work plans. All protocols are then filed. The department also draws up educational plans, calendar plans, work programs, plans for the schedule. Frequently sent letterheads to various organizations.

Faculty administration (dean's office) is a unit that monitors and organizes the activities of the faculty. The dean exercises direct supervision over him. He controls the implementation of plans and plans the work of the dean’s office, and also independently determines the number and qualified composition of the faculty administration. The dean is responsible for reporting data, information and various materials, prepared in the dean's office.

In the University Charter, the dean's office is not identified as a department of the faculty and, therefore, its functions are not defined.

However, it is the dean’s office that is the governing body of the faculty, organizing office work, the educational process and coordinated work with various departments of the university.

The main purpose of the dean's office is to organize the educational process, which is associated with the main office work.

In the process of university activities, orders, memos, instructions, protocols, etc. are issued. They record decisions on administrative and organizational issues, as well as issues of management, interaction, support and regulation of activities.

Documents included in the organizational and administrative documentation system are divided into three groups:

1. Administrative (orders, instructions, etc.);

2. Organizational (regulations, instructions, rules, etc.);

3. Reference and information (official letters, memos, protocols, acts, etc.).

The documents that form the document flow of the faculty are:

1. Order - legal act, published by the rector of the university in order to solve the main and operational tasks facing the university.

2. Service memo- a document addressed to a structural unit by the head of another unit, containing a statement of any issue, conclusions, proposals, requests.

3. An official letter is a generalized name for documents of various contents that serve as a means of communication between institutions, private

persons. Service letters are always written on only one issue.

4. Act - a document drawn up by several persons and confirming established facts and events.

5. Explanatory letter- a document containing a written statement to justify something, an admission of something.

6. Minutes - a document recording the progress of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, conferences and sessions of collective bodies (Councils, commissions, etc.).

7. Job description - an instruction, a set of rules establishing the order and method of carrying out and performing work. The job description defines job responsibilities, responsibility, rights, relationships (relations by position) of the employee.

8. A contract is one of the documents reflecting the terms of the employee’s labor relationship with the administration.

The departments organizing the document flow of the faculty include:

Dean's office (issues orders for students, organizational issues, receives orders from the personnel department for personnel, registers documents, prepares protocol books, submits documents to the archive, etc.);

Departments (receive documents, publish them, distribute reports for the session, store educational plans, after a department meeting, protocols and department work plans are drawn up, submit documents to the archive, etc.);

Personnel department (student and employee) (stores personal files, issues orders for personnel, registers the issuance of diplomas, certificates, documents, etc.);

Accounting (receives Money from students, issues wages and scholarships, issues certificates of wages etc.).

The dean's office receives documents registered by the university office. All documents are filed by numbers, dates and names in the appropriate folders. To record and control the student body of the institute, journals have been created for registering orders for students separately for full-time and part-time departments. These journals contain lists of students (or individual students) admitted to study at the institute. The basis of training, the number and date of the order for enrollment, transfer or reinstatement are indicated. The numbers and dates of current orders are entered. When expelling from the institute, the line with the student’s data is crossed out, and the following data is entered at the end: number and date of the expulsion order, reason for expulsion. The data entered into student logs is divided into courses, years and groups, and sheets with groups are marked. Journals greatly facilitate accounting, control and search and reference work.

The execution of all registered documents is subject to control. Execution control includes: placing the document under control; checking the timely delivery of the document to the executor; preliminary check and regulation of the progress of execution; recording and summarizing the results of control over the execution of documents; informing the manager.

The main purpose of organizing execution control


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Ensuring timely and high-quality execution of documents. Control is exercised by management, the preschool educational institution service and responsible executives. The preschool educational institution service controls organizational and administrative documents.

When generating documents for cases, the preschool educational institution service uses the following signs of establishing cases. The basis for grouping documents according to nominal characteristics is the name of their type. For example: orders, protocols, acts, certificates, etc. Documents that correspond to the title of the case in their content are placed in the case.

The dean's office has developed certain rules for grouping documents into files by type and chronology. Thus, orders for the personnel of students are grouped separately from orders for the personnel of teachers and staff; orders for the academy are separate from orders for the institute. The documents that are necessary for issuing an order on the personnel of part-time students are filed in personal files or form an independent file of attachments to these orders or instructions (for example, personal records -

phenomena, copies of marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.). For full-time students, such documents are sent to the student human resources department of the university. The personal files of full-time students of the institute are completely maintained and stored in the student personnel department.

As a result scientific activity Faculty (meeting of the Academic Council, various conferences, admission of students to the master's program) produces such types of documents as: orders, protocols, decisions, extracts. There are folders for all of them, in which they are filed.

The faculty also receives various materials from conferences. Meetings of the Academic Council are held monthly, for which an attendance sheet and agenda are prepared, which are distributed to the members of the council. After the meeting, all minutes are filed in a folder.

Every year, the dean’s office collects information on contractual and state budget research projects, which it then transmits to the educational department.

At the faculty, document flow is carried out by incoming, outgoing and internal documents (Table 1).

Incoming, internal and outgoing documents

Incoming reception and initial processing (office) preliminary review (office) registration (office) review of documents by the head (university rector, vice-rector) delivery of documents to executors (dean or deputy dean) control of execution filing of the executed document in the file (office)

Outgoing drafting of a document (faculty) production of a document (dean’s office, faculty departments) approval of a draft document, its approval signing of a document (university departments) registration (dean’s office or chancellery) sending the document to the addressee (office)

Thus, only the totality of faculty documents constitutes a significant amount of organizational, administrative, information and other documentation (and this does not count university-wide documents). In this regard, the organization of university document flow must be regulated and streamlined.

The task of reducing the volume of document flow has two main aspects - reducing the number of documents created and reducing paper consumption for the production of documents. The most important is, naturally, the first aspect.

The main condition for reducing the volume of documents is streamlining document management. The main method here is the unification of both individual groups of documents and the entire documentation support system. In practice, this is expressed in the creation of documentation systems that strictly establish the composition of the forms permitted for use and the regulations for their use.

The real way to reduce unnecessary document flow is to improve the quality of the documents themselves as carriers of regulatory and other management standards.

equal information. The text of the document, reflecting management actions, instructions, decisions, must be drawn up in such a way that it contains only the necessary information, clearly interprets the essence of the decision and determines real and reasonable deadlines for execution. In practice, unfortunately, there are frequent cases when a document is submitted for execution with already overdue deadlines, when the essence of the issue is so veiled that it is unclear whether the issue has been resolved positively or negatively. Therefore, it is so important that when preparing documents, use as widely as possible unified forms, the text of which has already been thought out and rationalized.

Having the task of reducing paper consumption and saving the labor of staff on preparing and reading documents, it is advisable to shorten the text by significantly reducing the traditional various types of introductory parts and preambles.

Reducing the volume of documentation is achieved by building effective information retrieval systems. For example, a personnel order is printed in several copies and filed in the order file, in the personal file, in the accounting file, or maybe

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be in both the planning and production departments. The reason for such a large circulation is the difficulty of searching: every specialist who may need this document prefers to keep it at home rather than trust an unreliable, and most importantly, lengthy search. As a result, the volume of documents increases significantly. The development of a well-functioning search system can dramatically reduce duplication, especially when using computers and the ability to obtain any information available in the organization at your workplace via the network.

Reducing the physical size of documents is an essential aspect of reducing document flow. This task is carried out using simple methods, which, however, involve overcoming some bureaucratic habits. For example, there is still an opinion among managers that it is impossible to send a document in A5 format “upstairs”, that a letter form with angular arrangement of details is less “respectable” than with a longitudinal arrangement, and can somehow humiliate the author, etc.

By modern rules the size of the form should depend only on the size of the text, and not on the degree of our respect for the addressee. The volume of text can be reduced by applying standard typing rules, which saves sheet area by approximately 5%. It is advisable to produce voluminous documents of a reference nature and long-term use with replaceable pages, which will allow you not to retype the entire text when changes are made. When preparing documents of an operational nature, it is recommended to use a telegraphic style, write answers on the request itself, do not write additional redundant information, increasing information noise, etc.

As mentioned above, document flow is being improved by rationalizing and reducing the number of document forms; organizing their delivery; introducing the practice of preliminary review of documents by a highly qualified specialist and distributing them to performers, bypassing the management of the institution; minimizing manual operations and data correspondence; the use of mechanization and computer technologies at all stages of document movement; introducing strict control over the execution of documents.

An important modern means of improving document flow is the computerization of document preparation and processing operations.

When improving document flow in the conditions of computer technology, the main importance is given to the place and role of technology in general scheme movement of documents. Building a computer network at a university involves changing the document flows of the traditional management system and increasingly implementing them using computer tools. The procedure adopted in the management system for giving legal force to “machine” documents, i.e., is of great importance. documents created by means of electronic computer technology and especially on computer media.

The main task is to avoid parallel participation in the document flow of traditional and “machine” documentation containing duplicate information. Therefore, for use by management staff, it is recommended to send only processed and synthesized document information, and transfer the original information for storage in the archive immediately after transferring the data to computer media.

Compliance with GOST 6.10.484 “Unified documentation systems” is important. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions". This standard, in particular, establishes a unified set of mandatory details for any documents.

To solve problems at the university level, software systems have been developed and implemented in various universities (for example, in the Novosibirsk State technical university, in 1992), allowing to automate the most routine operations related to the preparation and execution of documentation: lists of groups, orders, personal cards, etc.

The main disadvantage of such systems is the difficulty of integrating them into more complex systems. high level and closedness.

The main properties of this system are: user and event controllability; the ability to integrate with systems of a higher level (rector’s office) and lower level (department, admissions committee, etc.); openness to modification and expansion; the ability to work on the network and prepare data for university services in electronic form. The system performs the following functions:

Accounting and analysis of the staff of students and teachers of the faculty;

Accounting and analysis of student performance throughout the entire period of study at the university;

Formation and accumulation of orders;

Formation and accumulation of documents on the organization of the educational process (curricula, educational assignments to departments, working curricula for students, exam schedules, etc.);

Accounting and analysis of the financial activities of the faculty (scholarships, benefits, contract students, etc.);

Formation and accumulation of current documentation (certificates, examination sheets, lists of groups, etc.);

Control of timely formation and passage of documents;

Formation of user groups, assigning each user certain access rights to information.

Application software systems processing of documents, the transition to electronic technologies for organizing the educational process at a university will lead to an increase in the efficiency of analyzing the received data and making the right management decisions. This will allow the highest educational institution correspond to modern socio-economic and organizational changes in the country.

Office management course: Documentation support for management: Textbook. - 2nd ed. - M.: INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 1998. - P. 124.

Introduction 3

1. Problems of improving document management systems using modern IT 7

2. Analysis and improvement of the preschool education system of JSC "SZEI" using information technologies 21

3. Directions for improving documentation support for management activities of JSC SZEI 25

Conclusion 35

List of used sources and literature 40

Applications 43


In our country, increasing attention is being paid to the problem of increasing the efficiency of management through the introduction of information and communication technologies. Currently, the concepts of creating e-government, introducing electronic administrative regulations, consolidation of state information resources 1 . Information resources form the basis of the activities of any information structure. To effectively build new and reorganize existing management technologies, justify decisions on automating information and documentation support for management at enterprises, appropriate high-quality scientific and methodological support is required that meets modern ideas about the organization and management processes and tasks for their improvement, which emphasizes the relevance of the chosen topic of scientific work . The need for changes and continuous improvement of documentation support for management is due to the importance of the role of information in the system of social economic management, in which information accumulated in various messages, information, data about individual events, phenomena, facts in documents - forms suitable for use, serves as an information resource of society. 2 The purpose of this work is to identify areas for improving documentation support for the management activities of an organization using information technology (hereinafter referred to as IT) using the example of OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products. The object of research in the work is OJSC “Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products”, and the subject of the study: documentation support for its management activities using IT.

To achieve the goal set in the work, it is necessary to consistently solve a number of problems: to study the theoretical aspects of documentation support for management activities; conduct an analysis of the existing system of documentation support for the management activities of OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products, propose directions for improving this system and determine the effectiveness of the proposals.

Assessing the degree of development of the problem under study, it should be noted that the turning point in the understanding of a document as an object of document management dates back to the 80s of the twentieth century and is associated with a fundamental change in the methods of recording, transmitting and reading information 3 . Scientific works of VNIIDAD, RGANTD, GARF are devoted to electronic documents. The review showed that the degree of study of various problems of electronic documents is not the same, and served as an impetus for the development of a scientific research program for 2001-2010 by Rosarkhiv (VNIIDAD). “Electronic Documents”, which includes an approximate list of areas of scientific research, normative, methodological and experimental developments in the field of electronic documents 4. In the works of Mityaev K.G., Livshits Ya.Z., Tsikulin V.A., Kuznetsova T.V., Sokova A.N., Larin M.V., Mingalev V.S., Bachilo I.L., Banasyukevich V. D., Krasavina A.S., Ilyushenko M.P., Kostomarova M.N., Stepanova E.A., Dodonova M.I., Loseva V.I., Raikhtsauma A.L., Andreeva V.I. , Yankova V.F., Kuznetsova S.L., Pshenko A.V., Slavko T.I., Aleksentseva A.I., Arkhipova N.I., Ovchinnikova N.V., Bobyleva M.P. and others, historical, theoretical and applied problems of documentation support for management, document management, organization of office work and documentation support for management, automation of work with documents have been developed.

Of the wide range of various publications on the problems of automation of management processes and documentation support, the most attractive for the topic of work seem to be those published recently methodological developments on the design of electronic documentation and electronic document management, among which the works of D.A. stand out. Romanov, T.N. Ilyina, A.Yu. Loginova, Michael J. Sutton, N.N. Kunyaeva 5. These works contain views on electronic document management and various elements of an electronic document management system based on the use of computer information technologies, outline the methodological basis for their implementation, summarize domestic and foreign experience in setting tasks and developing solutions for document management in corporate systems, requiring the integration of various information platforms and hardware and software. The analysis of the state of the theoretical foundation for the formation and improvement of documentation support for management indicates that many aspects of this problem have not yet been sufficiently fully reflected in publications.

The basis of the research methodology carried out in this work is a systematic approach to analyzing the development of documentation support in the enterprise management system. The work methodology is a combination of traditional general scientific and special methods. To solve the problems, the following methods were used: comparative and system-structural analysis, classification, statistical, graphic. The methodological foundation of the study was the principles of objectivity and consistency, a dialectical idea of ​​the process and the possibilities of its knowledge. The choice of the structure of the work is determined by the goal and the sequence of tasks to be solved: the work consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature used, and applications.

1. Problems of improving document management systems using modern IT

In the modern socio-economic situation, in the context of searching for optimal ways of informatization of society and Russia’s entry into the global information space, the solution of the multifaceted problem of documentation support for management, with the help of which the processes of documentation, organization of documents and document flow acquire a normative or orderly character, becomes of paramount importance.

Many scientists currently recognize document management, legal, economic, organizational, personnel and other aspects of documentation support for management as priorities. The researchers state that in the problem under consideration there are both historically inherited characteristics and new ones associated with fundamental technical and socio-economic transformations in the field of documentation and note that insufficient scientific and theoretical development and the lack of proper government attention to the creation of a conceptual framework and the development of unified approaches to preschool educational institutions entail various negative consequences, in particular, separation from international rules and technologies, inefficiency and insufficient value of stored information resources, etc. 1

In the early 90s of the twentieth century there appeared new class document management systems designed to manage electronic documents other than their images. These were mostly files word processors- this is how a new class of systems appeared, called document management systems. The development of functionality, the addition of functions for working with document images has led to the fact that in modern document management systems, in addition to storage and search functions, control functions have appeared life cycle document – ​​unlike their predecessors, document management systems are designed to work with dynamic documents.

A document is the main way of presenting information on the basis of which any enterprise operates. Information can be structured, which assumes that databases and application information systems are responsible for its storage and management, and unstructured - simple documents 2. There is a dependence between structured and unstructured documents, for example, an invoice for the release of goods and a transaction in the applied information system about the write-off of goods from the warehouse, and only the invoice has legal force as opposed to a database transaction.

Today there is an understanding of the need to automate the storage and processing of unstructured information, since its volumes are such that it is no longer possible to process it manually. However, the approaches and concepts of building systems designed to automate document flow have some differences. Currently, the range of tasks of document management systems is determined by the stage of the document life cycle that needs to be supported. The document life cycle consists of two main stages and is presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Document life cycle 3

The document development stage may include: direct development of the content of the document; document execution; approval of the document.

If a document is at the development stage, it is considered unpublished, and the rights to the document are determined by the access rights of a specific user. The published document stage may include: active access; archival document (short-term storage; long-term storage); destruction of the document.

When a document moves to the second stage, it is considered published, then only one rights to the document remain - read access.

An example of a published document is a template for a standard enterprise form. In addition to the read access right, there may be rights to transfer the published document to the development stage. Depending on the specific stage of the document life cycle that the document management system deals with, the archives that exist in it for storing documents are conventionally divided into statistical and dynamic archives. Statistical archives store only published documents. Dynamic archives can contain both published documents and those that are under development.

The main existing problems of documentation support for management at present include: the need to develop unified normative and methodological foundations, principles and rules for documenting information and working with documented information; problems of standardization and unification of documents; development of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information; ensuring information security and protecting information from unauthorized access.

In connection with the adoption of the law on information, as well as fundamental changes in the socio-economic situation in the country, updating the entire complex of regulatory and methodological support for organizing work with documented information at various levels of state, social and economic management is becoming an urgent need.

Currently, many scientists note the imperfection of the current system for managing documentation and information resources in general, which is the result, first of all, of the uncertainty of the organizational and legal status of this function and its underestimation; inconsistency with the needs of the time of scientific and methodological documentation management, based on developments that do not go primarily beyond the early 90s of the twentieth century; the lag of document developments of a normative and methodological nature from the pace of development of information technologies and changes in information carriers, in the absence of requirements for technical equipment management bodies and processes for documenting and promoting documented information “vertically” and “horizontally”; imperfection of the processes of formation, processing, current and archival storage and use of documentation of governing bodies; insufficient attention to staffing for documentation management in management bodies.

Recently, the tasks of organizing and regulating state and departmental storage of documentation on non-traditional media, which are still being solved at the empirical level in individual institutions and are practically not regulated by national standards, have recently become increasingly important. The interfacing of the hardware-software environment, editorial software and other means of documenting and processing document information remains an important task.

The coordination and interfacing of these systems and documents should be the subject of the closest government attention, as they significantly affect the capabilities and efficiency of an automated preschool educational institution. The unresolved issues of electronic legal attribution of documents, in particular, impede the organization of electronic documentation, document flow, storage and protection of information from unauthorized access.

The specificity of machine-readable data is that they cannot be perceived physical form, in which they are stored on the media and depend on the technology, format and standard within which they are created. Having gone through a number of prescribed procedures, the data appears in a form understandable to the user (in printed form, on a monitor screen, etc.), which gives rise to terminological disagreements observed both among scientists and among specialists and practitioners. In one case, an electronic document is understood as a computer storage medium, in another - a separate file on this medium, in the third - a printout on paper, in the fourth - a certain “matrix in computer memory”. In many cases, an image on the screen, including one obtained via e-mail, from the Internet and other networks.

Closely related to the problem of an electronic document is the problem of electronic document management and automation of preschool educational institutions. Currently, various companies have developed and implemented a large number automated systems Document management (ADM), characterized by specific approaches and computer and communication means of implementation.

Unfortunately, in these developments there is practically no unified terminology. The products of development companies bear such names as: document automation system, computer system for office automation and document flow, office management system, distributed document management system, electronic archive, etc. The diversity in the names of developed and developed systems only indicates that today this area of ​​the information market has not yet taken shape as an independent segment, and in some cases, ASUD products appear as related developments or a by-product when solving other more complex problems. However, the number of ASUDs is growing quite quickly. Approximately 30-40 companies regularly participate in DOCFLOW conferences and offer their developments to consumers 5 . Many automated control systems are developed individually for internal use and are not put on the market.

Currently, in this sector of the information industry, despite the obvious need, there is no established system for monitoring developments appearing on the market, nor is there a clearly functioning system for their licensing and certification 6 . Reviews of specialists on systems of this type in leading computer and information publications, not to mention publications for office work and archives. None of the participants comparative analysis systems are not tested for compliance with current standards and rules for working with documents; the costs of implementing a particular system are not compared with the direct and indirect benefits obtained (not to mention economic effect). Obviously, this work should be carried out by independent experts, for example VNIIDAD, for a more qualified assessment of the advantages or disadvantages of a particular ASUD.

Due to the fact that this work has chosen to introduce a comprehensive automated system of documentation support for management activities into its activities as a direction for improving documentation support for management activities of OJSC “Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products”, within the framework of the first chapter, it seems significant to consider the basic requirements for an optimal automated control system, to choose from those currently on the market.

Experts note that to create a full-fledged product, a systematic approach is important, which allows us to talk about comprehensive solution tasks of documentation support for management in the organization 7. In addition, the cost of the system and the scale of the organization in which it can be applied, and the volume of document flow are important for the consumer.

When choosing the necessary system, first of all, you should take into account what type of management structure the ASUD is selected for: complex hierarchical structures (ministry, department, corporation, bank, etc.); territorial authorities (administrations of cities, federal subjects, municipalities, etc.); commercial and non-profit organizations of medium and low level 8.

Analysis of the literature on the problem allows us to formulate certain requirements for a modern documentation management system in an organization. The automated control system must perform all the tasks of documentation support for management in full: preparation of documents, their registration, control over execution, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents. The system must be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the framework of the current organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements.

The automated control system must ensure the full use (integration) of the accumulated information resource and implement the principle of one-time input of information and its repeated use, both documented and actually. The system should also help administrators choose routes for document movement within the organization, providing the necessary degree of information protection from unauthorized access.

ACS in modern conditions should be capable of expansion in certain components (number technical devices and technologies, number of documents (volume of information), number of users) and be able to adapt within reasonable limits to changing user requirements.

Efficiency assessment is the most difficult to formalize aspect of the implementation of automated control systems. first of all, because this system, most often, is not a conscious emergency for the management of an enterprise (unlike, for example, a trading system for a supermarket or a database for a population register), and on the other hand, it requires certain costs for implementation and maintenance. As for any automated system, the effect of implementing an automated control system is divided into two parts: the direct effect of implementing the system, associated with savings on materials, work time employees, etc., and an indirect effect associated with the benefits for the functioning of the organization that the ASUD provides (transparency of management, control of performance discipline, the possibility of accumulating knowledge, etc.). The effect of the second type is very difficult to evaluate in the general case. The difficulty is that the assessment will always be an expert assessment, and such an assessment can be very easily questioned. In reality, this effect significantly exceeds the direct savings from the introduction of automated control systems in the form of unused paper or reduced labor costs.

To calculate the effectiveness of implementing an automated control system in an organization, at the first stage it is necessary to determine the costs of its implementation. To determine costs, you need to calculate the cost of one license software. Its cost largely depends on the number of licenses purchased, that is, on the number of jobs in the automated control system. Next, the cost of additional equipment necessary for the implementation of automated control systems (computers, printers, scanners, etc.) is calculated. Next, the total cost of work to implement the system is calculated. The calculation is carried out according to formula 9:

V=M*W + M*W*F(N), (1.1)

where: V – cost of work to implement the system;

M – the number of man-months required to carry out implementation work (usually from 4 to 6 man-months);

W – average cost of 1 month of work (including work on developing requirements, creating an implementation project, finalizing the software, installation and training);

F is a function of the characteristics of the size of the organization; it serves as an “amendment” that allows the costs to take into account the complication of the task due to the size of the organization.

The behavior of this function is shown on the graph (see Figure 2).

Rice. 2. The nature of the function F - the dependence of the value of the coefficient for calculating the amendment to V - the cost of work when taking into account the number of jobs in the automated control system 10.

The cost of implementing the system is not proportional to the size of the organization, but, naturally, is within certain dependence From him. The cost of implementation largely depends on how the implementation will be organized, by whom it will be carried out, and in how many stages. Another expense item that needs to be taken into account is the cost of administering and maintaining the system. Next, the organization’s projected income from the implementation of automated control systems is calculated.

Initially, direct cost savings are assessed. It includes the cost of paper saved by implementing such a system and the cost of saved employee time. This fixed costs, therefore, to estimate the payback period of the system, it is enough to calculate the costs per month. Costs vary significantly depending on the type of activity of the organization, and calculations will have a substantially a priori nature of average estimates.

The maximum cost of paper consumed per month can be calculated based on the ability of one employee to read and comprehend a certain number of pages of documents per month. Based on a simple experiment, you can find out that during the working day one average employee is able to read no more than 100 typewritten sheets of documents. On the other hand, the minimum volume of pages that one employee reads during the working day cannot be less than one complete document, that is, 4-5 pages, otherwise this employee does not work with documents, and therefore is not of interest from the point of view of implementation ASUD.

The spread is large, so for practical calculation it is better to obtain data on the purchase of writing paper from the accounting department, but according to statistics, per employee medium organization accounts for 25 pages a day. Calculation of paper costs per month will be carried out using formula 11:

R1 = D *S* P*N, (1.2)

where: P is the cost of one sheet of paper with printed information (copier, printing);

N – number of employees;

D – number of working days in a month;

S – number of sheets per 1 employee per day

The value of saved working time is more difficult to estimate; it consists of the following factors: saving effort by reusing existing documents; saving time on searching for necessary documents due to systematization in document storage and effective means of searching for information; acceleration of all business processes due to their automation, formalization and control of performance discipline.

To translate these factors into specific estimates, it is necessary to make expert estimates. Since any organization is constantly engaged in solving problems that are quite similar to each other, it is obvious that the possibility of reusing existing documents is very real. If for some types of documents (contracts, letters, invitations) such reuse is an established practice in most places, then for documents like commercial offers, analytical reviews, preliminary drafts or even just correspondence, unfortunately, the percentage of reuse in most cases is zero. For almost any document in quite a long time existing organization there will always be a prototype. Most often, it will be possible to “take” from 20 to 30% from the prototype (not from the volume of the text, but from the labor costs for creation), the rest is the specifics of an individual case, which requires thinking through and making decisions, thus the reuse factor will be equal to 25% . If we assume that each employee spends approximately 30% of their working time on creating new documents, then the total time savings of employees will be approximately 5% of their total working time. The saving of time on searching for a document has been measured quite well by adherents of the implementation of automated control systems. For advertising purposes, figures are quoted that reach up to 30% of an employee’s working time.

Acceleration of business processes is the most obvious benefit from the implementation of ASUD. It is difficult to estimate a priori, but we will still try to make some estimate. With paper document management, mail is usually distributed to employees by the office twice a day. Thus, depending on the approval list, the document can go through the authorities from three days to a month or more. Any delay in execution only increases this period. Monitoring delays in execution based on individual documents is impossible, and comprehensive control over the performance discipline of an individual employee is complicated by the opacity of his activities.

When implementing an automated control system, documents are transferred to the next authority immediately after execution. In case of any delays by any of the performers, you can see both the timing of the delay and the workload of the performer with other work, and measures can be taken accordingly. Taking this into account, a document that usually takes at least three days to execute can be executed in one or two days, and the execution time for documents that go through multi-stage approval and approval can be reduced several times.

Despite the implementation problems mentioned above, ASUDs are increasingly finding wide application precisely because their effect is measured not by direct savings of resources, but by improving the quality of the organization’s work.

For commercial enterprises this is a survival factor, for departments and government agencies- the ability to make decisions more effectively state tasks, realize the possibility of operational interaction with various entities and between departments. Subject to the implementation of such systems, public administration will become more transparent, informative and efficient. From the entire range of technologies, the use of which within structures government controlled is already overdue, electronic document management systems are one of the key ones.

At the end of the study of the problems of improving document flow systems in an organization, it seems possible to draw a number of conclusions.

Documentation support for management (DMS) of an organization is the most important service management function, which has its own specific tasks and should be carried out by an independent, organizationally separate structural unit - the documentation support service for management. The DOU covers the life cycle of documents from the moment of their birth, their performance of relevant management tasks until their destruction or transfer to the archive. This is the management of all documentation systems in order to reduce the volume of document circulation, improve the quality of documents and timely provision up-to-date information necessary for decision making under application conditions modern technology and new information technologies. It is based on the principles of economy and efficiency and on the widespread use of new information technologies that provide high-quality management in relation to the organization’s documentation as a full-fledged management resource.

The regulatory and methodological framework of a preschool educational institution is a set of laws, regulations and methodological documents regulating the technology for creating documents, their processing, storage and use in the current activities of the institution, as well as the activities of the office management service: its structure, functions, staffing, technical support and some other aspects. The main problems of documentation support for management include: the need to develop unified normative and methodological foundations, principles and rules for documenting information and working with documented information; problems of standardization and unification of documents; development of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information; ensuring information security and protecting information from unauthorized access.

2. Analysis and improvement of the preschool educational institution system of SZEI OJSC using information technology

The Samara plant of electrical installation products was founded in 1961. In 1992, the plant was transformed into an open joint-stock company 1. Currently, the Samara Electrical Installation Products Plant is an open joint-stock company operating on the basis of the charter and legislation of the Russian Federation. The organization, maintenance and improvement of the management documentation system at OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products is carried out on the basis of a unified technical policy and the use of modern technical means in working with documents by the office management department. In order to objectively analyze the preschool education system at the enterprise under study, we will conduct a comparative analysis of the actual number of department employees and the standard number 2.

The headcount analysis was carried out on the basis of a comparative analysis of the costs of individual operations for working with documents. The results of the analysis are presented in Appendix 1. The data necessary for calculating the standard number of personnel is presented in Appendix 2. Currently, the office management department has 13 people, while according to time standards, it should include 14 people, and taking into account costs real time – 15 people. Thus, it can be concluded that, given the current volume of work, there is a significant shortage of personnel in the office management department. The movement of documents in this organization from the moment of their creation or receipt until completion of execution or dispatch forms the document flow of JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products. The main document flow operations are presented in Appendix 1.

The procedure for the passage of documents and the operations performed with them at the enterprise are regulated by the instructions for office work, regulations on structural divisions and job descriptions their employees, etc.

The list of documents required for storage at OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products is set out in the Charter of this enterprise.

In case of reorganization of the enterprise, all documents must be transferred in accordance with the established procedure to the legal successor, and in the event of liquidation of the enterprise, documents of permanent storage having scientific-historical value, are transferred for state storage to the Federal Archive Service of Russia, documents on personnel (orders, personal files and accounting cards, personal accounts, etc.) are transferred for storage to the appropriate archive of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The transfer and organization of documents is carried out by and at the expense of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of archival authorities; information about JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products is provided to them in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The company provides its shareholders with access to documents, subject to restrictions, established by law Russian Federation. To documents accounting Shareholders (shareholder) having in aggregate at least 25 percent of the voting shares of the enterprise have the right of access. OJSC "Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products" is obliged, at the request of persons having the right of access to documents, to provide them with copies of these documents. The copying fee is set General Director enterprise and cannot exceed the cost of making copies of documents. The company provides its shareholders and employees with access to information in compliance with the requirements of the legislation on state secrets. The office management system at JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products is partially centralized.

Depending on the specifics of passing documents to JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products, they are divided into three large groups: incoming, outgoing, internal.

Processing of incoming documents is carried out in a mixed paper-electronic form. A description of the technology for processing incoming documents is presented in Appendix 3, the technology for processing outgoing and internal documents is presented in Appendix 4.

One of the integral elements of documentation support for management at OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products is the organization of control over the execution of documents. The most important documents are subject to control over execution. Documents requiring execution are subject to control. The purpose of control is to ensure timely and high-quality execution of orders recorded in documents 3.

Practical work control is carried out by employees of the office management department on behalf of the management of OJSC "Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products" (with the exception of accounting and personnel documents). It is used to control execution electronic journal“Documents for control”, which is an element of the “Case” database (see Appendix 5).

The disadvantage of the existing procedure for monitoring the execution of documents is that the databases being formed are not consolidated into one single database and each department maintains its own database. Control of the execution of documents at OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products is not carried out in full compliance with existing requirements, since the results of execution must be noted on the document, not only in the registration databases.

Another disadvantage is that the database (electronic journal) formed during the registration process is not used for control; this leads to duplication of document information entry.

Analysis of the existing management documentation system at the Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products OJSC in three main aspects (documentation (drawing, execution, approval and production of documents); organization of work with documents in the process of management (ensuring movement, control of execution, storage and use documents); systematization of the document archive) made it possible to identify its main shortcomings: the amount of work performed by employees of the office management department, while maintaining the applied document processing technologies, implies an expansion of its staff; due to the significant number of structural divisions, the existing technology for transmitting documents to employees is quite labor-intensive and makes it difficult to control this process; partial automation of documentation support for management creates difficulties in obtaining prompt and reliable information on the progress of document execution and on the execution of instructions on an incoming document, and leads to significant time costs for searching for documents by structural divisions; the use by employees of structural units of various specialized incompatible software products when preparing documents (accounting - 1C system; personnel - database in MS Excel, office management department - Delo database) leads to duplication of information, and often to its distortion; The management of the enterprise does not have the necessary degree of completeness of information on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the document flow in OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products. The stated shortcomings and the lack of a unified information space in OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products slow down the process of making and implementing management decisions, reduces management efficiency due to the insufficiency and fragmentation of information.

3. Directions for improving documentation support for management activities of JSC SZEI

The identified shortcomings made it possible to determine areas for improving the documentation support system for management at OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products.

Increasing the efficiency of the management apparatus can be achieved by improving its structure, increasing the qualifications of personnel, improving the organization, mechanization and automation of the most labor-intensive processes of management activities.

The greatest effect is achieved with the integrated, interconnected and harmonious development of all these areas. On modern stage It can be noted that in connection with the development of information technologies, work efficiency has significantly increased, but their implementation in enterprises occurs gradually, which is associated with significant financial and organizational costs.

The most optimal option for OJSC “Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products” in terms of improving documentation support for management seems to be the transition to a fundamentally different information technology in management bodies, based on the organic inclusion of a complex of technical means in management process– automated management documentation system.

The choice of an automated management documentation information system (AIS DOU) is currently a very pressing task for many domestic organizations and enterprises. Most publications on this topic are devoted mainly to individual functional advantages and disadvantages various systems electronic document management. As a rule, they do not consider or fully take into account the requirements of the automation object itself - management activities.

Analysis of existing literature on the problems of automation of preschool educational institutions and synthesis of the results obtained with the shortcomings of the existing preschool education system at OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products identified during this work made it possible to identify a set of the most significant factors that must be taken into account when choosing the optimal one for OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products products" AIS DOU.

An effective AIS DOU is designed to increase the efficiency of an organization’s management activities by automating the entire range of work with documents and must solve the following main tasks: documentation (preparation, execution, coordination, approval and release of documents); ensuring the organization's document flow (registration and movement of documents and their projects, monitoring the execution of orders for document processing, filing and searching for documents); archival storage (ensuring search, compliance with rules for storage, use and destruction of archival documents). The structure of requirements for the optimal AIS DOU for OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products, interpreted graphically into the components of the AIS DOU, is presented in Figure 3.

AIS DOW forms a unified information space that provides users with tools collaboration with all documents of the organization: incoming and outgoing correspondence, internal organizational and administrative materials, as well as accompanying correspondence - throughout their entire life cycle, and after the end of the “active life” of the documents, the system must maintain their archival storage or record information about their destruction.

It seems significant when choosing the optimal AIS DOU for JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products to take into account the following aspects: does the system take into account the office management and document flow technologies adopted at the enterprise; does it support the circulation of documents submitted in both paper and electronic form; whether it has sufficient functional completeness; has acceptable performance characteristics.

Rice. 3. Structural scheme AIS DOU for OJSC "Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products"

The choice of AIS DOW is also influenced by the cost of its acquisition and operation, as well as the range of services offered to support the system.

A review of the domestic market for AIS DOU made it possible to identify three main groups of these systems: systems developed by Russian companies based on industrial DBMSs (“Delo”, “LanDocs”, “OPTIMA-WorkFlow”, “Kodeks”, “Deloproizvodstvo”, etc.); Russified versions of popular Western products (“Documentum 4”, “DOCS Open”, “Lotus Domino/Notes”, “DocuLive”, etc.); systems created by Russian companies on the Lotus Notes platform (“CompanyMedia”, “BOSS-Referent”, “Escado”, etc.).

Based on the analysis of the existing AIS DOU and the identified problems of documentation support for management at OJSC "Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products", it seems significant to ensure that the selected system provides: a single registration of all incoming correspondence, including letters and appeals from citizens, with the subsequent sending of documents for consideration to the management of the organization or to its structural divisions; unified registration of all outgoing correspondence and internal documents of the organization; registration of the movement of documents (document flow) within the organization, including resolutions, execution reports, approval (signing) of documents; writing off documents in the file in accordance with the nomenclature of files adopted in the organization; monitoring the timely execution of instructions, requests from citizens, organizations, resolutions and instructions from management; checking the accuracy and timeliness of execution of documents; searching for documents and obtaining statistical reports on the organization’s document flow; creating dispatch registers for an institution's expedition or sending documents using e-mail systems.

Also, the office automation and document flow system must function in a local computer network that connects computers installed at the workplaces of employees of structural divisions and branches involved in office work processes.

The most fully formulated requirements are met by the Letograf system - an automated document flow and business process system (workflow), which is integrated with the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 accounting system used in the accounting department of OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products.

Integration of this AIS DOW with the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 system allows you to avoid double data entry (data from the accounting system can immediately enter the document flow) and significantly speed up information processing, separate and streamline the functions of data entry and processing in the organization. Due to integration with the accounting system at JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products, document flow is simplified and accelerated. Documents are entered into a single storage location centrally. Access is provided to various users and information systems to solve different problems. To each primary document, you can attach other documents (files, texts, images of the originals), and collect the entire documentary base in unified system. There is no need to develop and maintain technical converters, gateways and integration processing with the corporate accounting system. The main task of the AIS DOU "Letograf" is the automation of document flow and the execution of business processes.

This software product allows you to solve problems: describe and optimize business processes, perform accounting, planning and analysis in various areas of management.

The main advantages of the Letograf system include: the availability of ready-made document flow schemes, business processes and implementation methods; visual way of settings, integration with the existing document management system “Delo”. Visual customization(without coding) allows you to significantly reduce implementation time and guarantee the success of the project. Implementation costs are reduced by eliminating entire stages (configuration and coding in 1C: Configurator, and code debugging).

Another advantage is the reduction in costs for subsequent maintenance and development: any previously made settings can be copied, preserving the original data, and changes can be made.

Thus, this AIS DOW can always functionality correspond to the level of development of JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products, which minimizes the time and risks of implementation. “Letograf” allows you to fine-tune the existing budgeting system and develop it along with the growth of the management system in technical and methodological terms.

The delivery includes examples of business process diagrams that have been successfully implemented at other enterprises. In Letograf there is a “library” (Internet repository) of industry and specialized business processes, document templates and settings. Implementation begins with choosing the most suitable model, using the already accumulated practical experience and knowledge of consultants. The system allows you to normalize and optimize an organization’s business processes, describe a specific document flow system by setting up the necessary processes and types of documents, obtain management reports in the document archive, store and structure information, facilitate its search, automate the storage of documents in the form electronic archive(with versions, images of originals, etc.), automate the setting of tasks and the transfer of information between participants, according to configured business processes, monitor the implementation of each task, process and receive a report on the status of the task, document or work 1. The system provides support for the following business processes, graphically presented in Figure 4.

Working with internal documents of an organization involves: preparing a draft document, its approval and approval in electronic format; generation of instructions on documents, transfer of visa documents to employees for review and execution; control of documents passage; registration of documents, control of familiarization with orders, instructions, etc.; document access control; quick search the required document; creation and storage of document templates.

Main processes supported by AIS DOU "Letograf"

Working with internal documents

Processing of incoming and outgoing documents

Working with organization contracts

Managing external contacts

Maintaining accounting and management records

Organization of news channels and conferences

Event organization and planning

Support of engineering support for economic facilities of OJSC "Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products"

Rice. 4. Business processes supported by AIS DOU “Letograf”

Processing of incoming and outgoing documents includes the following operations: control, accounting, registration of incoming/outgoing correspondence; imposition of resolutions; sending documents within the organization via customizable routes; translation of documents from paper to electronic and vice versa, including stream scanning; delivery (placement) of documents after execution in the case; creating a history of correspondence on the issue; generation of instructions based on documents; control over the execution of documents; maintaining statistics and generating reports; setting up the structure of the registration number in accordance with the nomenclature of cases; document access control.

External contact management includes registration various types contacts; planning contacts with third parties; maintaining contact history, generating reports on contacts, quickly searching the history of contacts with a specific organization.

The requirements for the volume of scientific work do not allow a detailed consideration of all the capabilities of this AIS DOW; a significant part of them is presented in the user manual available on the developers’ website.

The capabilities of the program allow employees of the structural divisions of OJSC "Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products" to use information from the entered documents in the accounting system and generate documents (and other objects) in the accounting system, and ensure that the management of the enterprise receives operational and statistical reporting on completing tasks in the company in various sections: performers, functions, deadlines, documents, etc.

To implement the system in the technical aspect, it is necessary: ​​each end user has a computer and two servers: an application server and a database server. Computers must be combined into local network. Technical requirements are presented in a systematic form in Table 1.

Table 1.

Equipment requirements for the implementation of AIS "Letograf"


Specifications computer

User's computer

OS MS Windows 98/ME or MS Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2008 Server; 1C: Enterprise 8.0; Microsoft platform. NET Framework 1.1, Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher,

Microsoft Office

Processor Intel Pentium III - IV RAM from 512 MB (recommended from 1 GB).

Hard drive of at least 20 GB (about 100 MB is used during installation).

CD reader (for local installation).

SVGA display.

Applications server

OS MS Windows 98/ME or MS Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2008 Server; 1C: Enterprise 8.0; Microsoft platform. NET Framework 1.1

Intel Pentium III 1 GHz processor.

RAM from 2 GB

CD reader.

Database server

Operating system MS Windows 2000/2008 Server. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 + Service Pack 3.

Intel Pentium Xeon 2 GHz processor


SCSI hard drive or RAID system

The technical requirements for the equipment satisfy the existing level of material and technical support for workplaces at OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products, so the implementation of the system does not require the cost of purchasing additional office equipment.

Technical support for standard Letograf software includes provision of: access to new software releases; consultations hotline» by email or phone; access to the Internet depository, information about the release and composition of updates.

The price of the Letograf software includes free technical support for 12 months from the date of purchase of the product. The subscription price (over the first year) for annual technical support “Letograf” is 15% of the cost of the purchased product according to the current price list at the time of purchasing the subscription.

Methodological documents are supplied with the software installation kit: “Methodology for setting up budget management “Five steps to excellence: Business processes”; “User’s Guide” (one user’s guide is included for every three workstations purchased), “Implementation Guide” (program setup script) and “Programmer’s Guide to combining the Letograf configuration with a custom configuration for 1C:Enterprise.”

The implementation of this AIS DOU allows you to reduce costs for: searching for documents - due to a unified document storage system, personnel costs will be reduced; coordination and transmission of information - through automatic setting and monitoring of task execution; downtime caused by waiting for information necessary to make a decision; training of new personnel, because new employees will receive contextual information, see an exact list of their functions (at the same time, the system will protect them from many incorrect actions that could lead to the loss of time of the adapting employee and his colleagues performing unnecessary, erroneous actions); on corporate training and the introduction of new rules and business processes due to the possibility of their automatic design and communication to employees and automatic control of implementation.

The logical cause-and-effect relationship between the capabilities of the program and the effects of its implementation is presented in Appendix 6.

Proposal of directions for improving documentation support for management at OJSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products involves carrying out calculations to identify the effectiveness of the proposed directions (see Appendix 7).

Thus, the use of the proposed document management system will allow Samara Electrical Installation Products Plant OJSC to save about 7.4 million rubles annually.

The calculation shows that the introduction of the Letograf system makes it possible to correct the identified shortcoming - the discrepancy between the number of personnel in the office management department and the volume of work in the field of documentation support for management.

Thus, when implementing the proposed AIS DOW, the amount of work is reduced and there is no need to increase the staff of the plant’s office management department.


In the context of the progress of market relations and a competitive economy, the timely and correct solution of strategic and tactical tasks determines the viability of a company or organization. Documented information forms the basis of management; its effectiveness is largely based on the production and consumption of information. In modern society, information has become a full-fledged resource of production, an important element of the social and political life of society. The quality of information determines the quality of management. In modern conditions, in order to increase management efficiency, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to improving the work with documents, since every management decision is always based on information, on an official document.

To the main problems of documentation support for management Russian enterprises include: the need to develop unified normative and methodological frameworks, principles and rules for documenting information and working with documented information; problems of standardization and unification of documents; development of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information; ensuring information security and protecting information from unauthorized access.

The use of new document management systems at an enterprise requires determining the effectiveness of their implementation. The effect of implementation is divided into: the direct effect of implementing the system, associated with cost savings on materials, employee working hours, etc., and the indirect effect associated with the benefits for the functioning of the organization that the ASUD provides (transparency of management, control of performance discipline , the opportunity to accumulate knowledge, etc.).

In this work, an analysis of the documentation support for managing the activities of an enterprise using information technology was carried out using the example of an open joint stock company"Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products" (JSC "Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products"). The organization, maintenance and improvement of the management documentation system at Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products OJSC is carried out on the basis of a unified technical policy and the use of modern technical means in working with documents by the office management department, and in general, about 300 employees of the enterprise are involved in the document flow process. A study of the existing document flow system at the enterprise revealed a number of problems: labor-intensive technology for transferring documents between structural divisions and difficulty in controlling this process; partial automation of documentation support for management leading to difficulty in obtaining prompt and reliable information on the progress of document execution and on the execution of instructions on an incoming document, to significant time costs for searching for documents by structural divisions; the use of various specialized, complexly compatible software products when drawing up documents, leading to duplication of information and often to its distortion; lack of the required degree of completeness of information about the qualitative and quantitative composition of document flow in OJSC “Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products” from the management of the enterprise, etc.

The identified problems slow down the process of making and implementing management decisions and reduce management efficiency due to insufficient and fragmented information.

For such a large organization as JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products, which has a branched structure, the most effective form of using standards and regulations governing the documentation support of the enterprise’s activities is the use of an automated information system, which would allow all documents to be presented in the form of electronic texts, access which can be accessed from any workplace on the corporate network.

The automation system for documentation support of management must operate in a local computer network that unites computers installed at the workplaces of employees of structural divisions involved in technological processes clerical activities.

The main automated functions that the system should provide include the following: registration of all incoming correspondence, including letters, with subsequent forwarding of the correspondence for consideration to the management of the organization or its structural divisions; registration of all outgoing correspondence and its internal documents; writing off documents in the file in accordance with the nomenclature of files adopted in the organization; monitoring the execution of orders; search for documents.

The choice of an automated management documentation system (ADMS) is determined by the needs of the organization. At the first stage, a set of criteria for classification is determined: on what technical platforms the system operates and how this is consistent with the enterprise policy in this area, what volumes of stored information the system is oriented to, whether these volumes are consistent with the expected flow of documents in the organization; what is the organization of distribution, storage and exchange of documents between structural units, efficiency networking; the amount of financial costs is determined. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a system for protecting against access to information from outside; this must certainly be included in the set of automated control systems, therefore, when choosing a system, you should pay attention to this factor.

An increase in labor productivity as a result of the implementation of the system serves as a measure of the effectiveness of the use of automated control systems. Efficiency is achieved not only due to the high speed of the system, but also due to its wide functionality. A fully functional system allows you to automate work with documents of any type and at almost all stages of the life cycle, from the development task to delivery to the archive. In addition, this quality makes it possible to customize the system for various specific areas, be it classic office work (with parallel circulation of electronic and paper documents) or the development of design documentation (with support for scanning, vectorization, recognition and indexing), which is relevant for JSC " Samara plant of electrical installation products." It is obvious that a fully functional system should not only be able to organize complex routes for the movement of documents (serial-parallel, with conditional branching, cycles and even independent management decisions when possible), but also control their execution, conduct an audit, optimize employee workload and make much more.

Based on an analysis of the Russian ASUD market, the most optimal software product for Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products OJSC appears to be the Letograf software product - an automated document management and business process system (workflow), which is integrated with the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 accounting system used in accounting OJSC "Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products" Integration of this AIS DOW with the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 system allows you to avoid double data entry (data from the accounting system can immediately enter the document flow) and significantly speed up information processing, separate and streamline the functions of data entry and processing in the organization. Due to integration with the accounting system at JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products, document flow is simplified and accelerated. Documents are entered into a single storage location centrally. Access is provided to various users and information systems to solve different problems. You can attach other documents (files, texts, original images) to each primary document and collect the entire document base in a single system. There is no need to develop and maintain technical converters, gateways and integration processing with the corporate accounting system. This software product allows you to solve problems: describe and optimize business processes, perform accounting, planning and analysis in various areas of management.

The main advantages of the Letograf system include: the availability of ready-made document flow schemes, business processes and implementation methods; visual way of settings, integration with the existing document management system “Delo”. Visual setup (without coding) can significantly reduce implementation time and guarantee the success of the project. Implementation costs are reduced by eliminating entire stages (configuration and coding in 1C: Configurator, and code debugging).

Another advantage is the reduction in costs for subsequent maintenance and development: any previously made settings can be copied, preserving the original data, and changes can be made. Thus, this AIS DOU can always correspond in terms of functionality to the level of development of JSC Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products, which minimizes the time and risks of implementation.

Calculation of the effectiveness of implementing the “Letograf” program showed the payback of the proposed measures to improve the documentation support of the management of OJSC “Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products” in less than a year, and the costs of implementing the software product are significantly less than the resulting time savings.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the use of systems similar to “Letograf” allows you to increase the efficiency of resource management of an organization, identify its reserves and growth prospects to strengthen its position in the market.

List of sources and literature used


    Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 77-FZ (as amended on July 23, 2008) “On Legal Deposit of Documents” // Legal reference system ConsultantPlus

    Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ (as amended on July 27, 2010) “On information, information technologies and information protection” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 8, 2006) // Reference and legal system ConsultantPlus

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2008 No. 677 (as amended on September 2, 2010) “On all-Russian classifiers technical, economic and social information in the socio-economic field" // Reference and legal system ConsultantPlus

    GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions. (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 1998 No. 28) // Reference and legal system ConsultantPlus.

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    State system of documentation support for management. Basic provisions. General requirements for documents and documentation support services // Reference and legal system ConsultantPlus.

    All-Russian classifier of management documentation OK 011-93 (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1993 N 299) as amended. dated 09/08/2010) // Legal reference system ConsultantPlus

    Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations (approved by the decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2007) // Reference and legal system ConsultantPlus

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2 Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 8, 2006) // Reference and legal system ConsultantPlus

3 Sokova A.N. Documentation as a scientific discipline: object, subject, main tasks // Documentation of management activities: Sat. scientific tr. / VNIIDAD. – M., 1986. – P. 11.

4 Electronic documents: Scientific research program (2001-2010) / Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. – M., 2000. – 35 p. CIF OTSNTI VNIIDAD, No. 10595.

5 Romanov D.A., Ilyina T.N., Loginova A.Yu. The truth about electronic document management. - M.: DMK Press, 2004; Michael J. Sutton. Corporate document flow: principles, technologies, implementation methodology. SPb.: ABC. 2007; Kunyaev, N.N. About some questions legal regulation electronic document management. – documentation in the information society: legislation and standards. Reports and communications on the Report at the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference on November 22-23, 2009 // Rosarkhiv. VNIIDAD. – 2009. –T5. –P.63.

1 Larin M. Documentation management. – Access mode:

2 Mitchenko O.Yu. Information Systems// Personnel Service, 2009. – No. 7. – P. 61.

3 Gaverdovsky A. The concept of building document automation systems // Open systems– 2006. – No. 1. [Electronic resource]. -Electron. Data – [M.] – Access mode:

4 Terentyeva E.V. Current tasks of forming a regulatory framework for documentation services. - Sat.: Humanitarian service. 10th international scientific conference “Science to service”. Book 3 // State Educational Institution of Higher Education "MGUS". – M., 2009, – P. 148.

5 Mitchenko O.Yu. Organizational design of documentation support for management. - Tver: Tver State University, 2008. - P. 32.

6 Ibid. – P. 21.

7Ibid. – P. 24.

8 Terentyeva E.V. Current tasks of forming a regulatory framework for documentation services. - Sat.: Humanitarian service. 10th international scientific conference “Science to service”. Book 3 // State Educational Institution of Higher Education "MGUS". – M., 2009,. – P. 151.

9 Terentyeva E.V. Information technology in preschool educational institutions. – M.: Unity-Dana. – P. 43

10 Terentyeva E.V. Decree. Op. – P. 44

11 Terentyeva E.V. Decree. cit.. – P. 49.

1 Charter of OJSC “Samara Plant of Electrical Installation Products”. Samara. Typescript, 2009

2 Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 1994 No. 75 “On approval of intersectoral integrated time standards for work on documentation support for management” // Reference and legal system ConsultantPlus.

3 State system of documentation support for management. Basic provisions. General requirements for documents and documentation support services./Chap. arch. Ex. under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, All-Union. Scientific –research Institute of Documentation and Arch. Affairs. – M.:[b.], 1991. – P. 36

1Description of the software product “Letograf” .–[Electronic resource]. -Electron. Data – M., coll. 2009. –Access mode: http://

URL: (access date: 01/04/2020).

November 01, 2006 00:00

Mikhail Larin

Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archiving (VNIIDAD)

In the modern socio-economic situation, in the context of searching for optimal ways of informatization of society and Russia’s entry into the global information space, the solution of the multifaceted problem of documentation support for management (DOU), with the help of which the processes of documentation, organization of documents and document flow acquire a normative or orderly character, becomes of paramount importance. Documentary, legal, economic, organizational, personnel and other aspects should be recognized as priorities today. We can confidently state that the problem under consideration contains both historically inherited characteristics and new ones associated with fundamental technical and socio-economic transformations in the field of documentation. The study of the organization of information interaction between state and non-state structures of the federal, “subject” and other levels of government requires special attention. Insufficient scientific and theoretical development and the lack of proper government attention to the creation of a conceptual framework and the development of unified approaches to the organization of preschool education entail various negative consequences, in particular, separation from international rules and technologies, inefficiency and insufficient value of stored information resources, etc. The multidimensional, interdepartmental nature of the problem requires appropriate organization of fundamental and applied scientific research and development, their coordination and recording.

Main directions and results of the work carried out

Currently, work on many aspects of the preschool education problem, including document flow using modern information technologies, which in practice is often called automated document flow, is sporadic, usually uncoordinated, mainly in the following areas:

● development of unified normative and methodological foundations, principles and rules for documenting information and working with documented information (VNIIDAD - Rosarkhiv). A version of the State Budgetary Educational Institution and other normative and methodological documents has been developed; funded by the Ministry of Science;

● standardization and unification of documents (Rosstandart, Rosarkhiv, Roskomstatin, line ministries and departments); financed by the budget of ministries and departments;

● development of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information. The work is carried out under the federal target program "Reforming statistics in 1997-2002." Center for Economic Conjuncture under the Government of the Russian Federation;

● ensuring information security and protecting information from unauthorized access. The corresponding federal target program is at the stage of development and approval. These works are coordinated to a certain extent (FAPSI and other national bodies);

● developments related to the implementation of the “Concept for the formation of a single information space and corresponding state information resources”, approved by the decision of the President of the Russian Federation of November 23, 1995 NP-1694, and the “Concept for the formation of a single information space of the CIS countries”, approved by the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS October 18, 1996

The Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” (February 20, 1995 N24-FZ) provides instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation to bring existing regulations into compliance with the law and to adopt other acts that ensure its implementation. In connection with the adoption of the law on informatization, as well as fundamental changes in the socio-economic situation in the country, updating the entire complex of regulatory and methodological support for organizing work with documented information at various levels of state, social and economic management is becoming an urgent need. Conducted in 1996-1997-2002. on the initiative of the Office of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, with the participation of VNIIDAD and other scientific institutions, studies of the state of documentation support of governing bodies of the Russian Federation related to the development of a concept for further improvement of preschool educational institutions, sufficiently reflected:

● imperfection of the current system for managing documentation and information resources in general, which is the result, first of all, of the uncertainty of the organizational and legal status of this function, its underestimation;

● inconsistency with the needs of the time of scientific and methodological documentation management, based on developments that do not go beyond the early 90s;

● the lag of document developments of a normative and methodological nature from the pace of development of information technologies and changes in information carriers, in the absence of requirements for the technical equipment of management bodies and the processes of documenting and promoting documented information “vertically” and “horizontally”;

● imperfection of the processes of formation, processing, current and archival storage and use of documentation of management bodies;

● insufficient attention to staffing for documentation management in management bodies.

One should not think that these problems are exclusively Russian problems. The entire business world is concerned with similar problems. For example, a 1996 English study found that almost half of the British institutions surveyed had major information and documentation problems. These institutions have a poorly established system for finding the necessary documentation. 77.6% of managers of various ranks admitted that they search for information on their own, and only 18% turn to assistants and secretaries for help. This situation hardly illustrates effective management. The loss of real knowledge of the regulatory requirements for the organization of documentation processes developed in the 70-80s, fundamental changes in the relationship between the center and the subjects of the Federation, changes in the forms and methods of management activities, and a significant update in the personnel of the management apparatus pose the need to make a decision at the government level on the corresponding comprehensive target program . A comprehensive target program should provide:

● raising the status of the main legal provisions for document management;

● establishing uniform principles and requirements for organizing work with documentation in management bodies, taking into account differences in forms of ownership, their levels and technologies used;

● unification and standardization of the composition and form of presentation of documented information;

● development of standard information technology processes and management procedures that ensure the accuracy, completeness, safety and protection of information;

● implementation of the right to information of legal and individuals;

● increasing the level of preparedness of management staff in the field of basic, fundamental provisions of preschool educational institutions and archival affairs.

The most important result of the work under the program should be, in addition to solving the actual documentation problems, also the regulation of the procedure for licensing and certification of preschool education systems, automated documentation and archival technologies, and the procedure for accessing information resources. It is advisable to assign the corresponding functions to Rosarkhiv. The development and implementation of a comprehensive target program will require relatively small costs for carrying out research and design work, which may involve organizations of Rosstandart, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Archive Service of Russia, the Russian Academy of Sciences and a number of other organizations, having significant experience in cooperation with Rosarkhiv in the development of relevant standards. It seems appropriate to entrust the coordination of work on the preparation and organization of the implementation of a comprehensive target program to the Federal Archival Service of Russia and its parent All-Russian Research Institute of Document Management and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD). Implementation of development results comprehensive program, uniform norms and rules for organizing work with documentation in the conditions of modern information technologies will significantly improve the quality and efficiency of preschool educational institutions at all levels of management, and will help improve the quality of acquisition of the archival fund of the Russian Federation.

The main problems of preschool educational institutions and directions for their solution

The need for a documentation law

The Law on Documentation of the Russian Federation should play a fundamental role in solving the problems of preschool educational institutions. The law will allow us to normatively consolidate the general principles and most essential provisions of documentation support, including the obligation to document the activities of all organizations, forms and methods of documentation, electronic documentation, exchange of documented information to meet the documentation needs of legal entities, and measures of liability for violations. The law should become a fundamental regulatory framework that will not only resolve many controversial issues of electronic document management and electronic archives, but will also, to a certain extent, determine the directions and future prospects for the development of preschool automation. The adoption of a law on documentation is an urgent task in the near future.

The need for state legal acts

It is also extremely important to develop state legal acts that establish norms (standards, rules) for record keeping, documentation and measures of liability for their violation. First of all, this is the project of the State System of Documentation Support for Management (GSDOU), developed by VNIIDAD. GSDOU is one of the fundamental federal acts, containing a set of requirements and provisions that contribute to the development of unified approaches not only to traditional, but also to automated document management - information management. The basic provisions of the State Budgetary Educational Institution in the field of automation of documentation, document flow, information retrieval systems (IRS), storage, use, implementation of automated information technologies based on the use of Russian and international information classifiers, under certain conditions, will make it possible to combine hardware and software documentation tools used in different departments and processing of documentary information will contribute to the informatization of organizations, territories, and industries. The most important condition for the active use of the State Budgetary Educational Institution is to give it the highest possible legal status while at the same time assigning responsibility for its application to one of the federal executive bodies, in this case to the Federal Archive and its subordinate organizations.

The need for standards

The solution of technological documentation problems is facilitated by GOST 6.30-97 developed by VNIIDAD and approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation. "USD. ORD system. Requirements for paperwork." The standard, by imposing requirements for the unification of documentation elements, greatly facilitates the creation of standard, unified and unified processes for both traditional and automated documentation, storage and transmission of documented information. The subsequent development and maintenance (updating) of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information, incl. forms of management documentation at the level of departments, enterprises and organizations. The question is, do we not suffer from a desire, due to our “historical” predilection for bureaucracy and administration, a tendency towards centralization, to take over state control the field of administrative documentation? To answer this question, let us turn to the experience of other countries. In the United States of America, the Federal Records Management Act has been in effect since 1976. The term "Records Management" means planning, control, direction, organization, training, promotion and other administrative and management activities involving the creation of documents, their storage, use and the ability to dispose of documents. In 1980, the “Law on Reducing Work with Documents” was adopted, aimed at creating a unified legal framework in this area administrative activities. The US National Archives has a powerful division that handles records management issues. Let's take European examples closer to us.

England: Since 1985, there has been a government program to improve records management. There is a second administrative department under the Cabinet of Ministers, which, together with the State Archives of Great Britain, with appropriate financial support from the Government, deals with issues of document management at a modern technical and technological level. In Germany, where, as we know, federalism has been elevated to the principle of government, on June 21, 1995 the government approved centralized system office work on the basis of general rules of procedure for the work of federal ministries. German documentologists and archivists regard this fact as their great victory, which required long-term efforts by the employees and leaders of the Bundesarchiv. Moreover, this legal act is not the first in the history of Germany. Since 1926, the "imperial law on everything" was in force general procedure office work", and in 1958 the "Law on the General Procedure for the Work of Federal Ministries" was created. It is interesting that the developers modern system office work in the federal ministries of the Federal Republic of Germany, one of its main tasks was the creation of uniform nomenclatures for the affairs of federal ministries and countering the temptation, through the means of modern computer technology, to abandon strict systematizing schemes for grouping and encrypting documents. This list could be continued with other examples from legislation, for example, the Czech Republic, where the law on archival affairs 1994/1997-2002. the obligation of all organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, is clearly written down to keep documentation in order, take care of its recording and storage. A similar norm is written in a similar legislative act Belarus and other countries. We can also recall the experience of Australia, where, for the first time in the world, a National Document Management Standard was adopted in 1996, which contains recommendations for working with traditional paper-based documents and modern electronic documents.

Typewritten documents

Recently, the tasks of organizing and regulating state and departmental storage of documentation on non-traditional media, which are still being solved at the empirical level in individual institutions and are practically not regulated by national regulations, have also become increasingly important. The interfacing of the hardware-software environment, editorial software and other means of documenting and processing document information remains an important task. The coordination and interfacing of these systems and documents should be the subject of the closest government attention, as they significantly affect the capabilities and effectiveness of an automated preschool educational institution. The unresolved issues of electronic legal attribution of documents, in particular, impede the organization of electronic documentation, document flow, storage and protection of information from unauthorized access. Of course, we cannot ignore the problem of electronic, or rather machine-readable documents.

First of all, why does this problem concern us so much as specialists? Of course, the element of novelty plays a role; Like anything new, an electronic document and new information technologies, the computer itself, are perceived as things that have a serious impact on changing work technologies and the need to master them. Not all employees in equally ready for changes and welcome them; hence the increased attention to the topic. Further. Unfortunately, when considering the problem, the vast majority of participants in the discussion forget about the history of scientific and technological progress. We use the telephone, telegraph, teletypewriter, radio communications, television, fax machines, cable networks, satellite communications, etc. in our work, often without thinking about the fact that at one time each of these technological achievements had no fewer different kinds of problems , complicating their implementation in practice. Previous technological advances have played a huge role in the development of management in terms of technology and technology, and the same will happen with electronic documents. At the same time, one cannot help but say about the peculiarities of the subject under discussion. The specificity of machine-readable data is that we cannot perceive it in the physical form in which it is stored on the medium. Electronic documents are very dependent on the technology, format and standard within which they are created. Only after going through a series of prescribed procedures, the data appears in a form understandable to the user (in printed form, on a monitor screen, etc.). Hence the terminological disagreements observed both among scientists and among specialists and practitioners. In one case, an electronic document is understood as a computer storage medium, in another - a separate file on this medium, in the third - a printout on paper, in the fourth - a certain “matrix in computer memory”. In many cases, an image on a screen, including one received by email, from the Internet and other networks, is accepted as a document. One should not lose sight of the fact that in the term under consideration, not only the first word “Electronic” matters, but also “document”. The concept of a document has already been sufficiently defined and, despite the variations, has a number of common mandatory components: securing information on a medium, the ability to save and transmit over time and distance, and the ability to serve as evidence. Therefore, before dealing with technical and technological problems of electronic documents, it is necessary to solve terminological problems and legal problems in relation to machine-readable documents. The next step is standardization and unification of new information technologies. And all this requires serious scientific study, a special formulation of a scientific topic on a national scale, as is done in the EU countries and other developed countries.

Automation of preschool educational institutions

Closely related to the problem of an electronic document is the problem of electronic document management and automation of preschool educational institutions. Currently, various companies have developed and implemented a large number of automated document management systems (ADMS), characterized by specific approaches and computer and communication means of implementation. Unfortunately, these developments lack unified terminology. The products of development companies bear such names as: document automation system, computer and document management system, office management system, distributed document management system, electronic archive, etc. The diversity in the names of developed and developed systems only indicates that today this area of ​​the information market has not yet taken shape as an independent segment, and in some cases, ASUD products appear as related developments or a by-product when solving other more complex problems. However, the number of ASUDs is growing quite quickly. Approximately 30-40 companies regularly participate in DOCFLOW conferences and offer their developments to consumers. These are, of course, the largest developers who set the level of technical and technological solutions. It is also known that many automated control systems are developed individually for internal use and are not put on the market. Unfortunately, in this sector of the information industry, despite the obvious need, there is no well-established system for monitoring developments appearing on the market, nor is there a clearly functioning system for their licensing and certification. Reviews by specialists on systems of this type in leading computer and information publications, not to mention publications for office work and archives, are rare. The latest published reviews deserve approval, although the criteria, evaluation indicators, and terminology used from the point of view of the theory and practice of document management are not optimal. None of the systems participating in the comparative analysis are tested for compliance with current standards and rules for working with documents; the costs of implementing a particular system are not compared with the direct and indirect benefits obtained (not to mention the economic effect). Obviously, this work should be carried out by independent experts, for example VNIIDAD, for a more qualified assessment of the advantages or disadvantages of a particular ASUD.

Principles of development and selection criteria for automated control systems

Let's try to consider the main trends in the development of automated control systems. First of all, we note that in order to create a full-fledged product, it is the systematic approach that allows, after the implementation of the automated control system, to talk about a comprehensive solution to the problem of document support for management in the organization. The second characteristic of a system is that it is a specialized system or a system general purpose? That is, is the system designed specifically for preschool educational institutions or, along with other purposes, can it be adapted to perform (or simultaneously perform) the tasks of preschool educational institutions? Thirdly, the cost of the system and the scale of the organization in which it can be applied, and the volume of document flow are important for the consumer. When consumers select the required system, they should first of all take into account for what type of management structure the ASUD is selected. In our opinion, we can distinguish the following categories of consumers:

  1. complex hierarchical structures (ministry, department, corporation, bank, etc.);
  2. territorial authorities (administrations of cities, federal subjects, municipalities, etc.);
  3. commercial and non-profit organizations of medium and low level.

Of course, the above systematization is conditional, but it mainly absorbs the main types of ASUD consumers. There are a number of offers for each of these consumer groups. For example, the developments of the companies “Electronic Office Systems”, “Vest”, “Ankey”, “Lanit” and others are intended for ministries and departments; for the second category of consumers, the most famous are the developments of the “Granit-Center” campaign, the Scientific and Technical Center of the Moscow Development Institute. Most of the developments are intended for consumers of the third category of organizations. Here you can pay attention to the products of Intertrust, IT, Optima, Centrinvestsoft and others. One of the products that meets almost all the requirements of office work practice is the Delo-96 system and its subsequent modifications, developed by the Electronic Office Systems company. This system meets the traditions of domestic office work and takes into account the existing regulatory and methodological requirements for such systems. Inter Trust specialists, who use Lotus technologies in their developments, chose a slightly different approach to the design of automated control systems. In the wide range of the company's developments, management documentation systems occupy a worthy place. The company's first product in this direction was the documentation support system "Office Media". The "Office Media" database set works in the Lotes Notes environment and provides automation of office work and organizational and managerial activities of enterprises and organizations. Users of the system can be such departments of government and commercial structures as services: documentation support, control over the execution of documents, information support for external contacts of the organization, personnel management, sales and marketing management, and others. The new word of the Inter Trust company is the recently developed so-called “corporate electronic document management system”. Another example of ASUD can be called the development of the State Research and Production Enterprise "Granit-Center" of the automated document flow and office management system of the organization "Gran-Doc", which is quite well known in Moscow municipal government structures. The purpose of the system is to automate the main document processing processes: accounting, recording the path from registration to writing off, monitoring each stage of document consideration, receiving reference information about documents, analysis of the organization's document flow. The use of original document processing technology helps to more efficiently manage document flow in the organization and ensures monitoring of performance discipline.

Document management system requirements

It is possible to formulate certain requirements for a modern documentation management system in an organization. First of all, the automated control system must perform all the tasks of documentation support for management in full: preparation of documents, their registration, control over execution, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents. The system must be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the framework of existing organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements. The automated control system must ensure the full use (integration) of the accumulated information resource and implement the principle of one-time input of information and its repeated use, both documented and actually. The system should also help administrators choose routes for document movement within the organization, providing the necessary degree of information protection from unauthorized access. In modern conditions, an automated control system must be capable of expansion by certain components (number of technical devices and technologies, number of documents (volume of information), number of users) and be able to adapt within reasonable limits to changing user requirements.

Organizational and personnel support

The task of organizational and personnel support for solving the multifaceted problem of preschool educational institutions remains relevant. To a large extent, this problem can be solved through a system of advanced training of specialists and the development of appropriate educational standards(programs). It is advisable to create a basic center for advanced training at VNIIDAD, as well as to strengthen the professional association of document specialists in the document management and records management section of the Russian Society of Historian-Archivists.

The role of the state archive

The issue of strengthening the coordinating role of Rosarkhiv and its structures as bodies responsible for the state of management documentation, ensuring the safety, scientific and practical use of it, including through a more precise definition of the competence and powers of Rosarkhiv to coordinate research work in the field, is also paramount. DOW, as well as others federal bodies power in relation to the organization of one's own documentation; compliance with current regulations; ensuring timely transfer of permanent storage documents to state archives, ensuring documentation management in institutions and enterprises of their system in accordance with standards.

In the modern socio-economic situation, in the context of searching for optimal ways of informatization of society and Russia’s entry into the global information space, the solution of the multifaceted problem of documentation support for management (DOU), with the help of which the processes of documentation, organization of documents and document flow acquire a normative or orderly character, becomes of paramount importance.

In the problem under consideration one can find both historically inherited characteristics and new ones associated with fundamental technical and socio-economic transformations in the field of documentation. The study of the organization of information interaction between state and non-state structures of the federal, “subject” and other levels of government requires special attention. Insufficient scientific and theoretical development and the lack of proper government attention to the creation of a conceptual framework and the development of unified approaches to the organization of preschool educational institutions entail various negative consequences, in particular, separation from international rules and technologies, inefficiency and insufficient value of stored information resources.

A study of the state of documentation support for government bodies of the Russian Federation revealed:

The imperfection of the current system for managing documentation and information resources as a whole, resulting from the uncertainty of the organizational and legal status of this function and its underestimation;

Inconsistency with the needs of the time of scientific and methodological documentation management, based on developments that do not go beyond the early 90s;

Lagging of document developments of a normative and methodological nature from the pace of development of information technologies and changes in information carriers in the absence of requirements for the technical equipment of management bodies and the processes of documenting and promoting documented information “vertically” and “horizontally”;

Imperfection of the processes of formation, processing, current and archival storage and use of documentation of governing bodies;

Insufficient attention to staffing for documentation management in management bodies.

The law on documentation of the Russian Federation should play a fundamental role in solving the problems of preschool educational institutions. It will allow us to establish normatively general principles and the most significant provisions of documentation support, including the obligation to document the activities of all organizations, its forms and methods, electronic documentation, exchange of information to meet the documentation needs of legal entities, measures of liability for violations. The law should become a fundamental regulatory framework that will not only resolve many controversial issues of electronic document management and electronic archives, but also determine the directions and future prospects for the development of automation of preschool educational institutions. The adoption of a law on documentation is a necessary task for the near future.

It is also extremely important to develop state legal acts that establish norms (standards, rules) for record keeping, documentation and penalties for violating them. The standard, by imposing requirements for the unification of documentation design elements, facilitates the creation of standard,

unified and unified processes of both traditional and automated documentation, storage and transmission of information.

In addition, the subsequent development and maintenance (updating) of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information, including forms of management documentation at the level of departments, enterprises and organizations, are important.

Currently, work on many aspects of the preschool education problem, including document flow using modern information technologies, which in practice is often called automated document flow, is uncoordinated. In connection with the adoption of the Law on Informatization (No. 24-FZ dated February 20, 1995), as well as fundamental changes in the socio-economic situation in the country, it is necessary to update the entire complex of regulatory and methodological support for organizing work with documented information at various levels of state, public and economic management .

The tasks of organizing and regulating state and departmental storage of documentation on non-traditional media ( electronic documents), and the task of connecting the hardware-software environment, editorial software and other means of documenting and processing information remains important. The coordination and interfacing of these systems and documents should be the subject of the closest government attention, since they significantly affect the capabilities and efficiency of an automated preschool educational institution.

Unresolved issues of electronic legal attribution of documents impede the organization of electronic documentation, document flow, storage and protection of information from unauthorized access.

Before dealing with technical and technological problems of electronic documents, it is necessary to solve terminological problems and legal problems in relation to machine-readable documents.

The next step is standardization and unification of new information technologies.

Automation of preschool educational institutions. Closely related to the problem of an electronic document is the problem of electronic document management and automation of preschool educational institutions.

Currently, various companies have developed and implemented a large number of automated document management systems (ADMS), characterized by specific approaches and computer and communication means of implementation. These developments lack unified terminology. The products of manufacturing companies are referred to as: “Document flow automation system”, “Computer automation system for office work and document flow”, “Office management system”, “Distributed document management system”, “Electronic archive”, etc. The diversity in the names of the systems only indicates that today this area of ​​the information market has not yet taken shape as an independent segment and in some cases, ASUD products appear as related developments or a by-product when solving other, more complex problems.

Nevertheless, the number of ASUDs is growing quite quickly. But in this sector of the information industry there is no established system for monitoring developments appearing on the market, and there is no clearly functioning system for their licensing and certification.

Principles of development and selection criteria for automated control systems. Let's consider the main trends in the development of automated control systems. To create a full-fledged product, a systematic approach is important, which allows, after the implementation of an automated control system, to talk about a comprehensive solution to the problem of document support for management in an organization.

It is necessary to determine whether the system is specialized or general purpose. That is, it was developed specifically for a preschool educational institution or, along with other purposes, it can be adapted to perform (or simultaneously perform) the tasks of a preschool educational institution.

In addition, the cost of the system and the scale of the organization in which it can be applied, and the volume of document flow are important for the consumer.

When consumers select the required system, they should first of all take into account for what type of management structure the ASUD is selected. The following categories of consumers can be distinguished:

Complex hierarchical structures (ministry, department, corporation, bank, etc.);

Territorial authorities (administrations of cities, subjects of the Federation, municipalities, etc.);

Commercial and non-profit organizations of medium and low level.

This systematization is conditional, but in general it covers the main types of ASUD consumers. There are a number of offers for each of these consumer groups.

Document management system requirements

Let us formulate the requirements for a modern document management system in an organization.

First of all, the automated control system must perform all the tasks of documentation support for management in full: preparation of documents, their registration, control over execution, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents.

The system must be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the framework of existing organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements.

The automated control system must ensure the full use (integration) of the accumulated information resource and implement the principle of one-time input of information and its repeated use, both documented and actually. The system should also help administrators choose routes for document movement within the organization, providing the necessary degree of information protection from unauthorized access.

In modern conditions, an automated control system must be capable of expansion by certain components (number of technical devices and technologies, number of documents, volume of information, number of users) and be able to adapt within reasonable limits to changing user requirements.


The organizational activity of industrial enterprises is a necessary process that ensures the functioning of the entire enterprise in accordance with its goals and objectives. Management accounting of organizational activities sets as its main task the provision of information to services, departments and production units, generated and processed in accordance with target settings. In addition, management accounting prepares assessment and control information about the economic activities of specific cost centers, responsibility and profitability.

The system of organizing management accounting is determined by the organizational and production structure of the enterprise, the construction of the internal economic mechanism of management. The characteristics of each enterprise influence the construction of an accounting system. Meanwhile, there are also general principles: meeting the needs of managers at different levels of management (zero, first, subsequent) for the information necessary for decision-making; validity in relation to each structural unit of the composition and amount of income and expenses; generalization of information on cost centers, responsibility and profitability; control over production volume, own costs and profits of each division based on the execution of plans and estimates.

Control and evaluation information used in management accounting of organizational activities is generated in several stages:

the first - preparatory - collection of initial data from sources of formation of primary analytical data;

the second - computational - various types of information processing procedures, culminating in the formation of analytical information;

third - consumption - procedures for assessing and monitoring the production activities of structural units.

The main criteria in constructing management accounting models are management goals, a system for assessing and controlling costs, the level of specialization of departments and the amount of their costs. These criteria are met by setting up accounting by cost centers, responsibility centers for emerging costs, and profitability centers for the production of a particular product.

The place where costs arise is a separate object of analytical accounting, which creates the possibility of rationing, planning, and separate accounting for the purpose of monitoring, control and management.

A responsibility center is a separate accounting object that allows you to combine the location of costs with the responsibility of the manager heading the self-accounting department.

The profitability center is an accounting object that allows one to consider its income in the form of products released, work performed, measured in monetary terms, expenses - as the monetary expression of the resources used, profit - as the difference between income and expenses.

The organization of management accounting by cost, responsibility and profitability centers requires certain conditions.

The occurrence of costs associated with the organizational activities of an enterprise predetermines the need to control them. For this purpose, costs are classified into general production and general economic; related to the implementation of target functions to ensure the functioning of services and departments of the enterprise, general organizational and general management activities; by management functions; areas of activity; in relation to objects of accounting and calculation, to production volume.

Generally Management Accounting, creating a communication control network, has a control system as its component. The overall control system is a communication network that ensures that the decisions made at the enterprise correspond to their implementation in practice, and the basis right actions in future. Control procedures: strategic planning, organizational strategy, regulation, choice of options, forms of behavior. Types of control: daily, target current,

One of the main tools of the control system is internal reporting and its system of indicators. The difference in the functions performed by individual departments determines the composition and content of internal reporting information. Types of internal reporting: informational, about economic results, effective reporting about personal activities.

Ensuring the problems of forming internal reporting indicators requires the direct participation of managers and the entire workforce in the development of a system of evaluation indicators. This is a necessary condition for the entire team to understand the decisions made by the administration and the ways of their implementation, to prevent the objective negative impact of the control system on the motivation of persons participating in the activities of the enterprise.