List of literary magazines and almanacs. Literary magazines of Russia. Russian Poetry Day

Email: [email protected](editor-in-chief Boris Markovsky)


Literary almanac of the Kharkov poetry club “Aval”. Publishes poetry, short prose, translations, criticism, journalism, and reports from literary festivals. Language: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian (without translation).

Chief Editor: Ekaterina Derisheva.

E-mail: [email protected]

"Lamp and Chimney"

Lamp and Chimney - Russian literary art magazine, published in Moscow since 2011, 4 times a year. The volume of the magazine is 240-280 pages.

The publication publishes formatted and non-format literature of all genres, trends, trends, and schools. The authors of the magazine are famous writers, critics, teachers of higher educational institutions, researchers, as well as aspiring authors writing in Russian.

Magazine Applications:

Vremya LD is a discussion club in which materials for broad discussions are published in real time. The application reviews works of fiction, journalistic, literary and popular articles on a daily basis. The best materials are selected for printed editions of the Lamp and Chimney magazine.

LD Avangard is a special supplement, a section in the paper edition “Lamp and Chimney”, occupying up to 1/5 of the total number of pages of the magazine. The annex publishes avant-garde (or modernist) literature. The website for the LD Avangard application has been created and is operational.

Editor-in-Chief - German Arzumanov.


Online magazine, Chicago.

Created for creative people and those who have something to say. If you consider yourself one of these, send us your works, we will definitely consider them and publish the best ones. These can be stories, poems, paintings, photographs, magazine articles - anything that will bring pleasure not only to your close friends, but also to those you do not yet know.

E-mail: [email protected]


A monthly literary and journalistic magazine published since 1991 with a total circulation of 50,000 copies. It combines a variety of genres - fiction, criticism, historical essays, political essays, reviews.

"Educational program"

Literary almanac.

We continue to adhere to the “paper” version of the update - a completely new issue is published every month. As for editorial policy, while we welcome all new authors, we reserve the right to carefully select their works.


Literratura is a weekly digital magazine publishing works by the most prominent representatives of modern Russian literature.

You can write and send manuscripts to us. However, according to established tradition, you will not receive any reviews and perhaps even a sane answer. We publish the best, but each of them was once a beginner and became what he is only because of his belief in what he does.

Email: [email protected]

"Literary newspaper"

Socio-political and literary newspaper.

Email: [email protected]

"Literary Russia"

“Literary Russia” publishes the ethnopolitical and literary-art magazine “World of the North”, the almanac “Litros”, which contains the works of modern Russian writers, as well as the “Literary Russia Library” - bibliographic reference books, monographs, prose books.

"Literary studies"

Literary critical publication.

The magazine focuses primarily on the publication of materials related to the modern literary process. We will also be happy to receive analytical articles about online literature, as well as about contemporary literature from Russian regions (including St. Petersburg) and Russian abroad.

Email: [email protected] , [email protected]

"Literary news"

The printed organ of the Union of Writers of the 21st Century and the Union of Writers of Russia. A newspaper about writers and for writers, as well as for all readers interested in culture.

Email: [email protected]

"Literary European"

The only monthly literary and journalistic magazine in Russian in Europe. Organ of the Union of Russian Writers in Germany. Russian authors are participating not only from Germany, but from France, the USA, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Finland, England, and the Baltic countries. The magazine covers the problems of modern Russian literary and social life in Europe and other countries. Prose, poetry, journalism, reviews, humor, topical materials. The authors are mainly representatives of the 4th wave of emigration.

Russians. Like all early Russian journalism, starting with its handwritten predecessors - “messenger letters” (or “chimes”) of the 17th century, and then Peter’s printed “Vedomosti”, the first Russian literary magazines were published... ...

LiveJournal Magazines modern Russia alphabetically Russian magazines Computer magazines in Russian Computer magazines, logs. Literary magazines Music magazines Amateur radio magazines Philosophical magazines Electronic magazine See... ... Wikipedia

The first Moscow magazine “Useful Amusement” belonged to literary publications (“literary magazines”). In 1762 Professor I.G. Reichel published "Collection best essays to the dissemination of knowledge and to the production of pleasure..." magazine,... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

Magazines- Magazines. The first Russian magazine “Monthly historical, genealogical and geographical notes in Vedomosti” began to be published in St. Petersburg (17281736 and 17381742) literary, artistic and scientifically popular... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

The first Russian magazine “Monthly historical, genealogical and geographical notes in Vedomosti” (1728-1736 and 1738-1742), a literary, artistic and scientifically popular supplement to the newspaper “St...” began to be published in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

LITERARY CIRCLES- LITERARY CIRCLES, creative associations of writers based on unity of views, interests, directions of creativity. These also include literary salons and “evenings” (for example, “Saturdays” by S. T. Aksakov, “Wednesdays” by Vyach. I. Ivanov, “Mondays” ... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

CHURCH SINGING MAGAZINES- Russian periodicals XIX beginning XX century, mainly or partially dedicated to church singing. “Music and Singing” A monthly magazine that published sheet music for single-voice and choral singing, piano and other instruments and articles about music.… … Orthodox Encyclopedia

MAGAZINES- (musical) in Russia, despite their relatively rare appearance and shortevity, already have their own rather extensive history, which, however, has still been very little understood. Complete copies of the oldest journals are not available even in Imp. publ... ... Riemann's Dictionary of Music

They are printed in raised dotted font according to the L. Braille system (see Braille font), in flat font, and are also published in sound recordings (on magnetic tape and gramophone records). In Russia, the first railways. “Friend of the Blind” (1887 88), “Leisure of the Blind” ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Literary life in Russia in the 1920s. Volume 1 (set of 2 books), The first part of the first volume of the collective work “Literary Life in Russia in the 1920s” is dedicated to the literary life of Moscow and Petrograd in 1917-1920, from the October Revolution to the time… Category: History and theory of literature Publisher: IMLI RAS,
  • New dress of the empire. History of the Russian fashion industry, 1700-1917, Christine Ruane, Christine Ruane's monograph is dedicated to the history of fashion in Russia. Among the extensive sources of this research are government statistical reports, fashion catalogs and magazines, documents from the first... Category: Fashion history. Suits Series: Library of the magazine "Fashion Theory" Publisher:

Attention poets and prose writers!

We invite you to publish your works in magazines "Literary capital" "Russian literature" And “Literary almanac “Sputnik”, and also in "Krylov collection"!

Our “thick” literary magazines “Literary Capital”, “Russian Literature” and “Literary Almanac “Sputnik”” are independent and unbiased magazines that publish on their pages works of all genres: poetry, prose, essays, memoirs, reviews, etc. .

You do not need to be a member of any Writers' Union (for creative person this is not the main thing!) to be published in "Literary capital" « Russian literature" and "Literary almanac "Sputnik".You don’t have to wait for years, as happens in thick literary magazines, until one of the snobby editors deigns to pay their highest attention to your manuscript, and then... throws it in the trash! Our magazines will print you quickly and efficiently!

What do you need to do to publish? Just one thing - send us your works! The cost of layout and proofreading is 300 rubles. per standard page (1800 characters for prose or 30 lines for poetry). Magazines are sent to the largest libraries in the country. Circulation - more than 2000 copies, in color cover, on good white paper. Talented artists and designers are involved in the design of the magazines. 2 copies are issued. each magazine. When publishing works of more than 10 pages, there is a 10% discount on layout and proofreading. No royalties are paid.

Why write “on the table”, hoping that someone will publish you someday? You have a great opportunity to take the fate of your own works into your own hands! Publish in the “Literary Capital”, “Russian Literature” and in the “Sputnik Literary Almanac”, and our entire huge country will know about your literary abilities!

You can send us your texts through the form on the website or by regular mail, and also personally bring them to the editorial office.