Handbook on repair of power equipment. System of maintenance and repair of power equipment: Directory. Yashchura A.I. System of maintenance and repair of general industrial equipment. Directory

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova. Paradoxical, but effective! Oleg Igorevich Astashenko

V. F. Frolov’s method – endogenous respiration

When doctors diagnosed Vladimir Fedorovich Frolov with tuberculosis in 1963, he had no idea that in the future he would give other sick people hope for recovery by creating a special device for breathing training. Then he just really wanted to get better quickly and therefore began to study respiratory systems for healing.

Most of all he liked the Buteyko breathing system. Only one thing in this system did not suit him: according to the Buteyko method, patients must exercise 5–6 hours a day, that is, live in this mode. In addition, many people were unable to master the Buteyko method on their own and needed the constant guidance of experienced instructors. Frolov didn’t like this either. “This factor did not suit me,” notes V. Frolov. – If there is a breathing method that does not require special conditions and equipment, why can’t you use it at home, on your own?”

In parallel with the Buteyko method, Frolov also became acquainted with “normobaric hypoxia” by Professor R.B. Strelkov, where the healing effect is achieved by inhaling an air mixture with an oxygen concentration reduced to 9-15%. The released carbon dioxide is absorbed by a special device so that its concentration does not exceed the permissible limit. Frolov learned that the hypoxic breathing method also has a beneficial effect on the body.

The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the Buteyko method had a very specific goal: the idea of ​​​​creating a universal device that should be inexpensive and at the same time effective took root more and more deeply in Frolov’s consciousness. The result was a breathing simulator, the model of which Frolov created in 1989. He was helped by his acquired engineering knowledge in the field of the movement of liquids and gases, as well as his inventive spirit. He began collecting information about new means and methods of healing back in the 1970s, feeling the need to strengthen his own health by unlocking the body's reserves.

In an effort to use the healing effects of both alveolar oxygen starvation (hypoxia) (Strelnikova’s method) and hypercapnia (Buteyko’s method), when creating the simulator, Frolov took into account the resistance to inhalation and exhalation and an additional capacity that enhances the effect of recurrent breathing.

At the end of 1989, the prototype of the device was reviewed by a commission of the Ministry of Health. Then it was tested at the 2nd Medical Institute of Moscow, after which industrial samples were made and clinical trials began. They took place in 1990-1995. in the clinics of leading medical research institutes of Russia: Research Institute "Sport", Research Institute of Pediatrics, 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, Medical Radiological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, etc. Positive results were obtained, and in December 1995, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation allowed the use of the simulator in medical practice.

Since 1997, thanks to the support of the Dynamika company (Novosibirsk), the simulator has been produced in large quantities and distributed throughout the country through the pharmacy chain. The TDI-01 device and the method of its use are quite simple, convenient and highly effective. That is why, by decree of the Russian Government of January 17, 2002, the Frolov breathing simulator was included in the list of the most important, vital medical products.

The success of the new breathing technique according to Frolov was expressed in the mass improvement of people of various age groups. This is due to the fact that with the help of the simulator, the interaction of air with blood through thin lung tissue is finely and precisely regulated, the respiratory surface of the lungs is almost maximally involved, and the blood in them is saturated with charged red blood cells.

Such a powerful electronic recharging of the blood gives it a rejuvenating effect on the inner lining of blood vessels, helps to use the entire capillary network of the body and, most importantly, stimulates cellular respiration everywhere.

The simulator is an aerosol chamber with a breathing tube placed in a container. For inhalation, a soda solution is used, as well as an infusion or extract of medicinal plants, oil emulsion, etc. The liquid is heated to 40-60 °C; to maintain the temperature, the simulator is placed in a water bath. The device is so cleverly designed that it provides resistance to inhalation and exhalation, forcing the body to get used to the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide and decreasing concentration of oxygen in it. As a result of training, a person learns to supply the body with oxygen without air - endogenous respiration.

While the 5-year clinical trials were ongoing, the creator of the simulator independently specified the time parameters, PDA, type of breathing, volume of water in the simulator, breathing resistance during inhalation and exhalation, etc.

Frolov used a method borrowed from athletes: each subsequent breathing training began from the previous mastered level. Consistently and very gradually, the period of the respiratory cycle - the time from the beginning of one breath to the beginning of another - lengthened. Frolov called the period of the respiratory cycle PDA (duration of the respiratory act). The successful implementation of this principle showed: the body manages to live longer and longer on the same portion fresh air, which indicated a more efficient metabolism and greater energy production.

The inventor became interested in gradually increasing the PDA. “This was one of the main incentives along the way for a year and a half,” writes V. Frolov. – Today my students master endogenous breathing in 2-3 months, having a good technique and a clear understanding of the goal. I walked slowly, as if in the dark, through an unfamiliar forest. I remember how proud I was when I could take 4 breaths per minute on the simulator, and compared myself with yogis when I could manage with one breath per minute without the apparatus.”

When the PDA exceeded 5 minutes, which is comparable to the maximum breath-hold of pearl hunters, this phenomenon required a scientific explanation. But science was silent. And yet, the slow recovery in all respects indicated that Frolov had a truly effective method in his hands. Therefore, the increase in PDA continued in the same experimental way.

If before the PDA of 60-70 s the increase from session to session was 1 s, then upon reaching the PDA of 70 s its value began to increase spasmodically, for several tens of seconds. The day came when Vladimir Fedorovich extended the exhalation delay to 30 minutes! The conclusion suggested itself: breathing training with a fixed resistance to inhalation and a very long exhalation helps the body self-supply with oxygen. This is how amazing pulmonary reserves were found, the use of which brings healing effects.

Following brilliant practice, theory appeared. Doctor G.N. Petrakevich in the early 90s. XX century proved that the cells of the body provide themselves with energy and oxygen, as a rule, due to the oxidation of acids included in the structure of cell membranes. The essence of the processes through which the cells of organs and tissues are stimulated to active work was revealed. This conveyor includes: breathing - slow burning, electronic excitation of red blood cells, production of energy potential by red blood cells during their movement through the blood vessels, transfer of electronic excitation to the target cell. The power and reliability of the internal energy conveyor can be seen from the following example. In the circulatory system of a person weighing 70 kg at rest, about 3 kg of red blood cells are turned over every minute.

Based on the theory of breathing proposed by G.N. Petrakevich, V.F. Frolov built a healing method with which he could count on success. He made a stunning conclusion - the rate of aging depends on how a person breathes. He managed to find a mechanism that, with the help of breathing, can control the fundamental processes of energy supply to cells, metabolism, and the formation of a high immune status. There are objective data confirming the regularity of the processes taking place.

A study of the metabolism and energy parameters of cells in endogenous breathers shows that their body functions at a much more efficient level. The level of cellular energy is increased by 2–4 times, the number of free radicals, the excess of which is associated with tissue aging, is reduced by 4–8 times, and body temperature decreases by 1.3–1.5 °C. These results belong to the category of the highest scientific achievements and cannot be reproduced even in laboratory conditions. According to scientists, maintaining such parameters in the body increases life expectancy by more than 1.5 times. Many people of retirement age have significantly improved their health after several months of using the Frolov simulator. The fact of getting rid of such notorious age-related diseases as hypertension, excess weight, joint stiffness, atherosclerosis, etc., confirms the unique impact of the new breath on the body according to Frolov.

From the book Endogenous respiration - medicine of the third millennium author Vladimir Frolov

11. Endogenous Breathing is a new stage of human survival. Endogenous Breathing among air-breathing creatures is the privilege of Homo sapiens. Maybe over time, breeders will breed animals with Endogenous Respiration. The advantages are undeniable. But it's obvious that it's new

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15. Dangerous periods of life and Endogenous Respiration Our book is about how to ensure youth and longevity. And it is important to know what dangers stand in this way. This is necessary primarily for parents, since a person goes through the three most important periods even before the end of

From the book 365 golden breathing exercises author Natalya Olshevskaya

16. Endogenous Breathing protects against atherosclerosis and cancer All previous material was necessary to objectively assess the life-support capabilities of the human body. Were shown weak sides human nature: high deficiency of cellular energy and

From the book Classics of Healthy Breathing. Complete encyclopedia author N. M. Kazimirchik

49. Changes in some indicators of the body with the transition to endogenous respiration 1. Average daily decrease in body temperature by 1.2–1.5 degrees Celsius. The temperature begins to decrease as the experience of training on the simulator increases and faster with the transition to endogenous

From the book The best methods for healing the heart and blood vessels author Yulia Sergeevna Popova

50. Endogenous respiration - a pass to the future Yes, Dear reader, there is no other alternative yet. If you want to be healthy, you want to live without the hassle of health and in comfort, master endogenous breathing and use it constantly. Perhaps you are hoping for the elixir of youth,

From the book Heal Yourself. About therapeutic fasting in questions and answers (2nd edition) author Georgy Alexandrovich Voitovich

Appendix 1 Treatment of cancer, tumor and other diseases using the Frolov breathing simulator and endogenous breathing 1. General information These recommendations can be used for the prevention and treatment of cancer, benign neoplasms,

From the book All breathing exercises. For the health of those who care... author Mikhail Borisovich Ingerleib

Appendix 3 Breathing simulator TDI-01 (Frolov inhaler) Author's methodological recommendations for teaching breathing in addition to the instructions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2000 1. General provisions. Recommendations were developed by the author of the simulator TDI-01 Frolov V.F. based on the results of mass

From the book Breathing techniques for slimness. Letting out extra pounds author Olga Dan

Appendix 4 METHODOLOGICAL BASICS OF TEACHING CHILDREN BREATHING GYMNASTICS ON THE FROLOV SIMULATOR Zinatulin S. N. Chief physician Medical Center "Dynamics", Novosibirsk The leading importance of breathing in life support and regulation of homeostasis is evident from birth.

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Assimilation of carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air. Endogenous nutrition Qualitative and quantitative synthesis of nucleic acids (the genetic apparatus of cells consists of them), as well as amino acids and other biologically active substances, tissues of the human body directly

From the author's book

215. Breathing simulator by V. F. Frolov To train endogenous breathing, V. F. Frolov invented and put into practice a unique breathing simulator. The breathing simulator by V. F. Frolov (TDI-01) is a container made of non-toxic plastic and consists of three

From the author's book

Chapter 2 BREATHING SYSTEM WITH A SIMULATOR V. F. FROLOV At one time, V. F. Frolov also had serious health problems: pulmonary tuberculosis, a tear in the sciatic nerve and, as a result, partial paralysis of his right leg. By the end of the 1980s, problems with the kidneys and stomach appeared.

From the author's book

Breathing system with a simulator by V. F. Frolov At one time, the author of this system also had serious health problems: pulmonary tuberculosis, a tear in the sciatic nerve and, as a result, partial paralysis of the right leg. By the end of the 1980s, problems with the kidneys and stomach appeared.

From the author's book

QUESTION: How does the human body switch to complete (restorative) endogenous nutrition? ANSWER: A full switch to the internal diet requires the absolute exclusion of food energy supply (even drinks containing

From the author's book

Chapter 12. Endogenous respiration, or “The Gospel of Frolov” In 1999, a book by V.F. was published in Novosibirsk. Frolov with the loud title “Endogenous respiration - medicine of the third millennium”. The millennium has begun, but endogenous respiration has not yet replaced others

From the author's book

Part IV Sobbing breathing - the revolutionary method of Yuri Vilunas In this part: Breathing for health and beauty Pulse self-massage Natural nutrition The author's discovery over the past 30 years of natural health mechanisms inherent in the body by nature itself

From the author's book

Reverse abdominal breathing - “Taoist breathing” “Taoist breathing” is used when practicing martial arts. It allows you to quickly increase the energy of the body, provided that you inhale and exhale air through your nose. When you inhale, you draw in your stomach, filling it as much as possible

Russian inventor Vladimir Fedorovich Frolov responsibly declares that he will live in health for up to a hundred years, or even more, thanks to the method of drug-free healing and rejuvenation he invented.

At the end of the 80s, after many years of living in the Urals, Ph.D. Frolov moved to live in Moscow. The sharp change in climate and familiar environment instantly affected health. Diseases were found in the lungs, stomach, kidneys, and intestines. The need for treatment prompted the search effective way restoration of health.

For many years, the scientist collected and analyzed information about various methods of drug-free treatment, and a method was found. He invented and tested his own breathing simulator - the Frolov simulator. And the result was not long in coming.

“In two years of training,” says the author of the method, “I achieved amazing results. Not only did all my illnesses go away, but my skin also became elastic, gray hair disappeared, and new hair appeared on my balding head. I was simply bursting with internal energy, but at the same time my body temperature dropped to 35.4.

I was amazed when I learned that Japanese scientists have long proven that by lowering body temperature by 1 degree, a person will receive an additional life resource at 50 years of age. This is exactly what I think I managed to accomplish.

Comprehensive studies conducted at the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute showed that my biological age and the condition of my body corresponded to that of a 20-year-old athlete, and I was 65.

But the real miracle happened when, working out on my simulator for 20-30 minutes a day, one after another, first my acquaintances, then acquaintances of acquaintances, and then complete strangers began to achieve the same result.”

How it works? Exercises with the Frolov apparatus cause active changes in the human body. Lung function improves. The blood is renewed. The safety margin of the blood vessels of the heart and brain increases. Joints come to life. Diaphragmatic breathing restores the functioning of the digestive organs, liver, kidneys and pancreas. The nervous system becomes resistant to stress. Metabolism and synthesis of essential hormones are enhanced. Efficiency increases, mood improves, clarity of mind and freshness of feelings appear.


The method is recommended for coronary heart disease and after a heart attack, for hypertension and after a stroke, for atherosclerosis, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes, gastrointestinal ulcers, allergies, osteochondrosis, joint diseases, weakened immunity, prostatitis and prostate adenoma and a number of others diseases. Indispensable in the treatment and prevention of occupational diseases of miners, workers of cement, chemical, metallurgical, glass and other hazardous industries. In old age, it helps improve mood, increase vitality, restore sleep and increase efficiency.

Exercises with the simulator are compatible with any traditional methods of treatment and in many cases lead to a reduction in the doses of medications used.


- possibility of aromatherapy,

- effective bronchial micromassage system,

— improved performance properties.

People write

"Hello! I am writing to you based on the results of three months of training on the Frolov breathing simulator. My general health has improved, I don’t hear any noise in my head, and my sleep has improved. The upper pressure was 130-150, but became 120-130, the lower pressure was 80-90, and became 70-75-80. Allergies, neurodermatitis are poured out in separate spots, sparsely. It became easier to breathe. I understand that at 82 years of age it is difficult to recover, because everything has accumulated over the years. But as it is now, you can live, and even dig in the garden, breathe easily - how great it is. Thank you many, many times. Your book “How I Lived Without Oxygen” is my reference textbook. I bow deeply to you and your works. Thank you again".

Kiseleva L.P., Vladimir

“...I purchased your device in 1999, but until May 27, 2002, I did not use it and did not inspire confidence. I am 72 years old. In May my health became worse, my blood pressure became worse, I began to see poorly, I had poor sleep, my nerves were not in order. I remembered Frolov’s breathing simulator and began to breathe. I used the device for 8 months without missing a single day. I began to see better, my sleep returned to normal, my blood pressure decreased. “I was almost all grey, but now my hair has started to darken.”

Krasikova V.N., Armavir

"…I am 64 years old. I now have a lot of free time to finally look at what I have accumulated and what is worth paying attention to. The physical wear and tear of the body turned out to be complete. Excessive self-confidence and neglect of preventive measures took its toll. Therefore, IHD, bronchitis, and the lungs are in a neglected state. The method of training on the Frolov breathing simulator is more understandable than others and is outlined in examples. 4 months have passed of my training (25-30 minutes a day) morning and evening, seven days a week. My weight decreased by 30 kg, my heart calmed down, and my liver began to function better. Thank you very much for the device!”

Kravchenko E.S., Donetsk, Ukraine

“...I’ve been training on the Frolov simulator for four months. I don't recognize myself. My hair has darkened, my body has gotten younger, and I’m already 65 years old! I became cheerful, energetic, I walk without an elevator to the fifth floor. I recommend your device to all my neighbors and acquaintances!”

Vasiliev S. A., Nizhny Tagil

“...Disabled group 2, cerebral atherosclerosis and a whole bunch of diseases. In 1999, I bought a Frolov breathing simulator in April and started breathing in May. After using the simulator I felt much better. In 2000, I quit almost all the pills.”

Mikhailov I.I., Stavropol region

Attention, for the first time in Irkutsk

All-Russian Center for Endogenous Respiration under the direction of V. Frolova holds an exhibition and sale of a breathing simulator.

DK im. Dzerzhinsky: st. Uritsky, 22.

Consultations will be held from 10 to 19.

Here you can get free professional advice from the center’s doctors and purchase a Frolov apparatus.

Special promotion! When purchasing a trainer you will receive a free textbook on breathing techniques - a book by N. Tsirelnikov "Medicine of the 3rd Millennium".

The price of the simulator is 600 rubles. For all beneficiaries - 550 rubles.

Alexander Ignatievich Yashchura

System Maintenance and repair of power equipment: Directory


IN last years Fundamental changes have occurred in the organization of equipment repair at industrial enterprises in the country. Simultaneously with the reduction of most industrial ministries, the sectoral departments of the chief mechanic and chief power engineer, which coordinated the organization of equipment repairs, ceased to exist. All-Union and sectoral organizations were disbanded repair organizations(repair associations, trusts, etc.) for centralized repair of specialized equipment. Almost simultaneously, in all industries, the development, revision and publication of Regulations (Systems) on planned preventive maintenance of equipment, which provided enterprises with methodological and regulatory framework for planning and organizing equipment repairs. The system of centralized supply of enterprises with equipment, spare parts, repair equipment and repair materials has collapsed. The revision of depreciation standards (equipment service life), repair standards, material consumption standards, procedures and financing of repairs has ceased.

The economic crisis has led to the complete or partial shutdown of many industries. The workload of existing enterprises has dropped sharply. Energy repair services of enterprises lost up to 50% skilled workers. Most of industrial equipment(over 70%) has exhausted its depreciation period and requires replacement or major restoration repairs.

The overwhelming number of enterprises operating today are small and medium-sized enterprises that appeared in 1990–2003. Some of them arose on the basis of former industrial giants as a result of their peculiar “disaggregation” during privatization. The majority were created from scratch in order to fill small niches in the increasingly demanding market of industrial products, goods and services. As a rule, newly formed enterprises do not have not only any serious material repair base and specialists familiar with the basic principles of planning, organizing and carrying out equipment repairs, but even an outdated methodological and regulatory framework for building a more or less efficiently functioning repair service and organizing repairs equipment at the enterprise. As a preventive measure, the requirement of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia PB 05-356.00 appeared on the need for each enterprise to have its own Regulations on scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment owned by it. This requirement is a big headache for many enterprises, especially newly created ones.

After the release of PB 05-356.00, government bodies received about a thousand proposals on the need to issue a single document regulating the operation, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment. Work began in 2003 to create the Directory “Unified Regulations on Scheduled Preventive Maintenance of Equipment industrial enterprises Russia" (Order No. 05-900/14-108, dated May 29, 2003) were discontinued due to the reorganization of the main customer of the development - the Ministry of Industry and Science of Russia.

This Handbook is a new, significantly revised and expanded edition of the book “Production Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Power Equipment” (M.: Publishing House “Energoservis”, 1999).

IN new edition The following main provisions have been clarified, supplemented and finalized in the Handbook, taking into account the changes that have occurred.

1. The optimal structure of the energy service of an enterprise (organization) for market economic conditions is given. The distribution of responsibilities and powers of the service departments was clarified, a complete list of incoming and outgoing information was given, the timing of work completion and interaction with other services were considered. Section 1 is devoted to these issues.

2. The section “Production operation of equipment” has been revised and supplemented. The subsection “Reception of equipment” has been reintroduced, including the following questions:

identification of external defects of equipment during its acceptance; requirements for operational and repair documentation; installation and assembly requirements;

a list of defects that can be detected at different stages of operation;

procedure for identifying hidden defects in equipment and materials.

3. A new grouping and new norms for depreciation of fixed assets (service life of equipment) have been given. A methodology for calculating depreciation amounts has been developed.

4. New information has been added to the “Equipment Maintenance” section. For the first time, technical diagnostics is considered as an element of the System of Preventive Maintenance of Power Equipment (PPR EO System). A method is presented for determining the serviceability of equipment and predicting the residual life using technical diagnostic tools.

5. Labor intensity standards for equipment repairs have been adjusted to include labor costs for machine tools.

6. The forms of repair documentation in the conditions have been revised technical operation equipment in market economic relations.

7. Designed new order financing equipment repairs by creating a reserve and using a future expenses account.

8. A new section “Occupational Health and Safety” has been introduced.

9. Terms and definitions were clarified and supplemented in connection with the release of new ones after 1999 regulatory documents.

Since the release of the previous edition of the Handbook, new regulatory legal acts, taking a fresh look at the technical operation of equipment, in particular:

Federal Law No. 57-FZ of July 27, 2002 “Tax Code of the Russian Federation”;

Government Decree No. 1 of 01.01.2002 “Classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups”;

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 264n dated March 30, 2001 “Regulations on Accounting”;

Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Science No. 05-900/14-108 dated May 29, 2003 “On the development of a Unified Regulation on scheduled preventive maintenance of technological and mechanical equipment”,

as well as a number of other documents at the federal level concerning the organization of repair production in Russia.

Today, enterprises are independently responsible for planning and organizing repairs to ensure the continued functionality of their equipment. At the same time, their rights are expanded in many important areas, including:

financing of repairs and their material support;

regulation of the number of repair and operational personnel;

applying different repair strategies;

repair planning taking into account beneficial use and tightened equipment service life and other issues.

In the current circumstances, the release of this Handbook seems extremely relevant.

The reference materials, which are advisory in nature, will help enterprises in developing own Regulations on equipment maintenance work, will serve as the necessary methodological basis for the implementation of new rights and responsibilities, a regulatory framework to ensure effective planning of repair work, material and financial resources, as well as a tool for developing the right organizational decisions to improve the repair service.

The guide consists of four parts:

Part I. Operation, maintenance and repair of power equipment.

Part II. Typical nomenclature of repair work, repair standards, consumption standards for materials and spare parts for the repair of electrical equipment.

Part III. Typical nomenclature of repair work, repair standards, consumption standards for materials and spare parts for the repair of heating equipment.

Part IV. Appendices containing the necessary methodological and reference materials.

To correctly perceive the text and avoid discrepancies in wording, it is recommended to carefully read Appendix 1 “Basic concepts, terms, definitions,” as well as the abbreviations adopted in the Directory (Appendix 10).

Suggestions and comments regarding this Handbook should be sent to the following address: 115114, Russia, Moscow, Derbenevskaya embankment, 11, Pollars Business Center, bldg. B, Publishing House NC ENAS.



1.1. General concept of the system for scheduled preventive maintenance of power equipment

1.1.1. The system of scheduled preventive maintenance of power equipment (hereinafter referred to as the PPR EO System) is a complex methodological recommendations, norms and regulations designed to ensure the effective organization, planning and implementation of maintenance (TO) and repair of power equipment. The recommendations given in this System of PPR EO can be used at enterprises of any type of activity and form of ownership that use similar equipment, taking into account the specific conditions of their work.

Energy equipment and energy networks of all types are an integral part of the enterprise's fixed assets. Note that energy equipment includes all equipment designed for the generation, conversion, distribution, transmission and consumption of the main types of energy (electric and thermal) and energy carriers (water, air and gases) common in industry. During the production process, the process of consumption (expenditure) of fixed assets occurs, which is expressed in the wear and tear of equipment and networks. This, in turn, leads to loss of certified characteristics of equipment and networks, power, productivity, pressure, accuracy, failure or accident, which in some cases causes not only the shutdown of a particular piece of technological equipment, but also downtime of areas, workshops, buildings, and sometimes enterprises as a whole. A distinction is made between physical and obsolete depreciation of fixed assets.

Obsolescence consists in reducing the efficiency of existing physically suitable equipment due to the introduction of new equipment and the emergence of more advanced and economical machines. Moral wear and tear occurs (as a rule) before complete physical wear and tear. The economic feasibility of replacing obsolete equipment before its complete physical wear and tear is determined by special calculations. The profitability of obsolete equipment can be increased through modernization (technical improvement), the feasibility of which must also be calculated.

Normal physical wear and tear of equipment(chemical, thermal, fatigue, corrosion) is caused by the active operation of equipment, physical and chemical processes associated with production. Wear can occur under the influence of natural factors (moisture, temperature changes, etc.) when the equipment is not operating. Physical wear causes a deterioration in the performance of equipment - a decrease in productivity (power), an increase in fuel consumption and operating materials. At a certain level of physical wear and tear of equipment, its further operation becomes economically unfeasible. There is a danger of sudden (emergency) equipment failure from working condition with the ensuing losses from violations of the production regime and the costs of subsequent repairs. Deterioration in performance as a result of physical wear and tear of power equipment can be overcome by repairs.

Physical wear and tear of equipment occurs unevenly: individual parts of machines last for different periods of time, and in order to ensure the operability of the machine over a certain service life, individual components and parts must be periodically replaced.

All machine parts that are replaced and repaired can be grouped into groups that differ in terms of the period of use of the parts before they are replaced or repaired. In this case, the part can be classified as a repair group with a slightly shorter service life than the possible period of its use. This grouping makes it possible to construct calendar-volume equipment repair schedules that characterize the necessary repair costs in different years (periods) of its operation.

Thus, the repair of equipment and other elements of fixed assets is a necessary production process due to the modern level of technology development.

The following concepts should be distinguished: repair, modernization, reconstruction.

Repair– a set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of a product and restore the service life of products or their components.

Modernization existing equipment - changing the design of existing equipment in order to bring it in accordance with new requirements, ensuring improvement of its performance, increasing reliability, reducing energy, material costs and labor resources during operation, technical inspection and repair, reducing obsolescence, as well as the use of other types of (more accessible) fuels, raw materials and supplies.

Reconstruction– a set of measures to improve the functioning of equipment or to use it for a new purpose through significant changes affecting the fundamental essence of the design.

So, the task of uninterrupted and high-quality energy supply is largely and increasingly determined by energy repair production.

In general, repair work is designed to solve the following problems:

1. Improving the system for planning management and organizing maintenance.

2. Ensuring the high quality of repaired equipment and the quality of repair work performed.

3. Saving and rational use of labor, material and financial resources.

Maintenance maintenance as a function of production management of energy enterprises includes:

production program planning;

organization of repair work;

accounting and analysis of production and cost indicators;

analysis of the main technical and economic indicators of energy repair production.

2. Types of power equipment repairs

A set of organizational and technical measures for the maintenance and repair of equipment, which includes planning, preparation, implementation of maintenance and repairs with a given sequence and frequency, is a system of maintenance and repair (MRO).

The following types of repairs are distinguished: capital, medium, current, emergency and restoration.

Maintenance includes the elimination of defects in the operation of equipment identified on the day the unit was shut down for repairs, replacement of wear parts, identification of parts requiring replacement or repair during medium or major repairs: performing preventive maintenance to ensure reliable operation of equipment in the period between regular average or major repairs.

At average repair partial disassembly of the equipment is carried out, replacement of worn parts, inspection and cleaning of parts and assemblies, testing and identification of work that needs to be carried out during the next major overhaul.

Major renovation includes complete disassembly of the equipment, inspection of all parts, replacement of individual parts and assemblies, elimination of all defects, testing and testing. Its goal is not only to ensure the operability of the equipment, but also to completely restore the technical and economic parameters of the unit. The costs of major and medium repairs in the electric power industry account for 70% of all repair costs.

A major overhaul differs from a current one by a longer time between overhauls between two overhauls than between current repairs, a longer duration of repairs, a larger volume of work, a lower frequency of implementation, and a higher cost.

Reconstruction is carried out after natural disasters and other extraordinary situations.

Monitoring the condition of equipment, carrying out daily lubrication and cleaning, adjusting mechanisms, and eliminating minor faults can be carried out by Maintenance.

Maintenance intervals– the time interval or operating time between this type of maintenance and the next one of the same type or another of greater complexity.

Depending on the nature and volume of work performed, shift maintenance and periodic maintenance are provided.

The main method of maintenance is inspection, during which the technical condition of the most critical parts and assemblies is determined and the scope of upcoming repairs is specified.

The time between two consecutive repairs is called turnaround period. Overhaul period – is determined from the conditions for ensuring reliable operation of the equipment without a noticeable decrease in operating efficiency.

Alternating repairs in a certain sequence and at certain intervals is repair cycle structure.

The time period between two major overhauls is repair cycle duration.

3. Organization of repairs

Energy repair production requires a high level of organization of the production process, taking into account the coordination of the interaction of sometimes dozens of contractors, and the number of simultaneously employed workers during repairs of large power units that last several months reaches 500–600 people. In the process of preparing for repairs, a rather complex organization project and a network schedule for carrying out repair work are developed. It is taken into account that the annual schedule for repairs of power equipment is related to the balance of capacities in the energy system (compiled in such a way as to ensure coverage of the annual schedule of monthly maximum electrical loads) and financial capabilities. For this reason, major repairs are carried out, as a rule, in the spring and summer months - a period of reduced load, and current repairs– on weekends and holidays.

When planning repairs, it is necessary to ensure maximum reliability and create favorable conditions for repairs. To comply with these conditions, it is recommended:

At thermal power plants, schedule the start to coincide with summer time, when the heating load is maximally reduced;

Repair of block equipment should be carried out simultaneously in order to minimize the power output for repair;

Hydroelectric power plants with regulated water flow repair equipment at any time of the year, with the exception of floods, in order to use the power of the hydroelectric power station and save fuel at thermal power plants;

Equipment repairs at each station should be carried out evenly throughout the year to ensure uniform loading of resources.

At the same time, in practice, a situation often arises when the approved annual repair schedule undergoes serious changes due to:

Financial problems;

Inability to provide repairs to several large units with the required number of personnel due to the extension of scheduled repairs or an accident at some power facility;

Identification of unexpected major defects when opening and defecting equipment (especially typical for outdated equipment and large units that have exhausted their service life);

Accidents on any unit;

Delays in the supply of spare parts and materials.

Moreover, if an energy company urgently needs a power unit to cover the load or operate the power plant in an economical mode, it is often put into operation without eliminating some of the defects - leaving them for the next repair. As a result, the reliability and technical and economic performance of the equipment are reduced.

Energy repair is a very expensive production, requiring expensive special tools and devices, a well-developed machine fleet, and at nuclear power plants, means for performing work remotely. In general, the costs of energy repairs in electrical and heat supply systems are very high and, even with large-scale commissioning of generating capacities in the 70–90s of the last century, were comparable to the volume of capital investments in the construction of new energy facilities.

M.: NC ENAS, 2006. - 491 p.
This Handbook is a new, significantly revised and expanded edition of the book “Production Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Power Equipment” (M.: Publishing House “Energoservis”, 1999).
In the new edition of the Handbook, taking into account the changes that have occurred, the following main provisions have been clarified, supplemented and finalized.
1. The optimal structure of the energy service of an enterprise (organization) for market economic conditions is given. The distribution of responsibilities and powers of the service departments was clarified, a complete list of incoming and outgoing information was given, the timing of work completion and interaction with other services were considered. Section 1 is devoted to these issues.
2. The section “Production operation of equipment” has been revised and supplemented. The subsection “Reception of equipment” has been reintroduced, including the following questions:
identification of external defects of equipment during its acceptance; requirements for operational and repair documentation; installation and assembly requirements;
a list of defects that can be detected at different stages of operation;
procedure for identifying hidden defects in equipment and materials.
3. A new grouping and new norms for depreciation of fixed assets (service life of equipment) have been given. A methodology for calculating depreciation amounts has been developed.
4. New information has been added to the “Equipment Maintenance” section. For the first time, technical diagnostics is considered as an element of the System of Preventive Maintenance of Power Equipment (PPR EO System). A method is presented for determining the serviceability of equipment and predicting the residual life using technical diagnostic tools.
5. Labor intensity standards for equipment repairs have been adjusted to include labor costs for machine tools.
6. The forms of repair documentation in the conditions of technical operation of equipment under market economic relations have been revised.
7. A new procedure for financing equipment repairs has been developed by creating a reserve and using an account of future expenses.
8. A new section “Occupational Health and Safety” has been introduced.
9. Terms and definitions have been clarified and supplemented in connection with the release of new regulatory documents after 1999.rn

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M.: Publishing House NC ENAS, 2006. - 504 p.


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M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2010.
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