Machine for the production of polymer sand tiles. Production of polymer-sand tiles. How are bitumen shingles made?

The demand for polymer-sand tiles is constantly growing. This one is comparatively new material has gained great popularity due to its practicality, durability and aesthetic appearance. It replaced conventional cement tiles, the disadvantages of which were: low frost resistance; high depreciation; unsightly appearance.

Another advantage of polymer-sand tiles is the almost complete absence of scrap during transportation. This article will discuss how to set up the production of this material, what the costs will be, and what equipment will be needed for this.

Tile production equipment

Of course, today you can find a wide variety of units that are suitable for this purpose. But if you are selecting equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles, then you should remember about its modernity and high quality.

For full production you will need specialized equipment. Its cost depends on the expected production volumes and the degree of wear of the machines. Minimum set of equipment:

  • Extruder, or melting and heating unit.
  • Press for working with polymer sand materials.
  • Mold made of special hardened steel.
  • Concrete mixer, volume 500 l.

Manufacturing process.

  1. Agglomeration of polymers. This step applies if production involves recycling plastic waste. If the company purchases ready-made polymer chips, then there is no need for processing.
  2. Mixing of raw materials. This is done using a concrete mixer.
  3. Heating the polymer-sand composition with an extruder.
  4. Pressing tiles and giving them shape.
  5. Cooling and storage of finished products.

Premises and warehouse

Polymer sand production takes up relatively little space and includes three zones:

Costs and ways to save

Now the state allocates large funds to support and develop small and medium-sized businesses, especially in the manufacturing sector.

Therefore, before starting the production of polymer sand tiles or any other, it is worth inquiring about competitions held in your region to receive a grant from the state.

Of course, winning a grant is not an easy matter. You will need to meet many conditions and go through a number of bureaucratic procedures. If you manage to win the competition, the state will be able to cover more than 50% of the costs of starting a business. The grant can also help receiving various types of subsidies and discounts, for example, to pay for electricity or to rent premises.

Costs can be significantly reduced if recycled materials are used in production. Such production will be environmentally friendly. Anyway without fixed costs not enough. They include:

  • payment for electricity;
  • employees' salaries;
  • taxes;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase and supply of raw materials.

Sales of finished products

There are several options for selling products. First of all, it will be necessary to target wholesale and retail construction networks (construction bases, wholesale warehouses, markets, construction stores).

Also worth finding ways to interact with construction teams, which specialize in laying polymer-sand paving slabs.

Production involves a low selling price. It is the price that is the main argument in negotiations with potential buyers.

Tiles can be sell through an agent network. This is a network of intermediaries who sell goods at their own markup on your behalf. Simply put, these are freelance sellers with whom an agency agreement is concluded. The contract specifies all the terms of cooperation with the agent: markup percentage, options for sales locations, etc.

When working with an agent, it is worth considering that all responsibility for controlling payment, delivery of goods and deadlines lies with you. Selling goods through an agent network is a good option sales, but should carefully select intermediaries and strictly regulate work with them in the contract.

Polymer sand tiles are considered an analogue of natural ones, but this material can be called qualitatively new, having advantageous characteristics compared to other market offerings. This covering material is 2 times lighter than natural material, and is significantly cheaper in cost. Using it, you can make the roof more noise and heat insulating than using metal tiles. One of the important advantages is the absence of corrosion. The roof is more durable compared to bitumen. And during the installation process there is no need to carefully prepare the surface.

Features Overview

Polymer sand tiles are resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, as evidenced by laboratory tests. Operation of the material is possible at temperatures ranging from -65 to +100 °C. The tiles retain their appearance for many years of use, because it takes about 100 years for the polymer film to completely decompose.

Thermoplastic composite material has a low moisture absorption coefficient, so it is protected from the occurrence and further development of moss, mold and mildew. In addition, the roof surface will be resistant to acid rain. Polymer sand tiles have low thermal conductivity, which allows maintaining temperature regime under the roof. Under such a roof it will be cool on hot days and warm in winter. That is why this covering material is often used when constructing terraces and attics. As a result, it is possible to form a reliable barrier to condensate.

Additional properties

The roof structure is reliably protected from destruction, which is especially important for wood elements. The tiles are excellent at blocking noise. No sound-absorbing layer is required during installation. The roof will be silent in any bad weather. Another important advantage is impact resistance, which makes installation economical. The material does not break during transportation, as well as during installation. It meets all standards and requirements of sanitary, epidemiological, fire and radiation safety.

Main advantages

Polymer sand tiles have many advantages. During the production process, it is coated with a substance that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. This indicates that even over time, the color remains original and the surface does not fade. The material copes excellently with the sharply continental climate; it is resistant to frost and can withstand about 200 cycles of freezing and thawing.

If we compare with metal roofs, the latter have a drum effect. The tiles do not corrode, they are resistant to chemicals. It has water-repellent characteristics and prevents roof blooms. The material is a dielectric, so the roof does not require lightning protection. The canvases are easy to install; for this, the master does not need to have special skills. Even if you have to work with roofs of complex shapes, the waste will be minimal. Roofing made of polymer sand tiles can be used with a point load ranging from 150 to 360 kg.

Negative reviews

In order for your understanding of the material being described to be complete, it is necessary to note its shortcomings. Among them, consumers note that the roof erodes over time, which suggests that its thickness may decrease under the influence of negative factors.

But many consumers do not consider this drawback to be so serious, because the process is sluggish, and in addition, the initial thickness of the material is quite impressive. Although the quality of the material itself, according to consumers, does not deteriorate under the influence of temperature deformations, the locking joints can become depressurized, resulting in leakage of the coating.

Other things to consider

When choosing the tiles described, many consumers emphasize that the buyer may run into a fake. Some manufacturers use low-quality raw materials during the manufacturing process, which affects the final product. Despite the fact that installation is not so complicated, careless attitude towards it can lead to the opposite effect. In this case, the roof will be damaged. Therefore, many consumers believe that it is better to involve specialists in laying the material. However, this will entail additional costs, which also cannot be called an advantage.

Installation features

The tiles on the back side are equipped with a protrusion that is fixed to the sheathing. The elements are fastened together with side locks, which allows you to get a continuous carpet. For additional fixation, technological holes are provided on each element. Installation of polymer sand tiles must begin from the bottom.

The elements are not attached very rigidly to the sheathing; it is important to ensure that there is some play, otherwise the material will not be able to move when exposed to temperature. If everything is done correctly, the roof will take the loads from wind, snow, temperature changes and precipitation quite freely.

After fastening, no rust streaks should appear on the front side. To do this, galvanized nails or anodized screws should be used as fasteners. The first ones are preferable, because they allow you to speed up the installation process, in addition, they provide non-rigid fastening.

Front and ridge tiles should be fixed with anodized screws. Some shingles will be attached to the valley gutter, this applies to ridge units. They are additionally fastened mechanically using anti-wind or stainless steel ridge clamps.

Tile production line

The line for the production of polymer sand tiles is a straight heating apparatus that mixes and heats the ingredients, including:

  • polymer;
  • sand;
  • pigment.

As a result, it is possible to obtain a homogeneous consistency in the form of a tight dough. The productivity of such equipment can reach 1000 kg per hour. The mixture is pre-prepared and heated, and then fed into the heated chamber through the receiving hopper. The material is pushed deeper by a screw, which rotates and ensures mixing of the mixture. It moves inside and undergoes three heating zones.

Polymer sand tiles, reviews of which were presented above and should help you make right choice, in the first stage of heating it is dried, where residual moisture is removed. The second zone involves plasticization of polymers. This allows you to obtain a homogeneous composite mass. The last zone is to maintain the temperature of the mass, which is required for molding.

The finished mass moves to the outlet window, which is located in the front flange of the housing. For production, molding presses can be used, which provide a force of 100 tons. The resulting mass is placed in a mold, and the mixture is subjected to pressure and simultaneous cooling, which increases productivity. The production of polymer-sand tiles at the final stage involves the removal of products by a lower pusher. Afterwards, the tiles are stored on pallets and cured, which distinguishes them from cement products.

In the process of manufacturing the described material, a radial crusher may be needed, which prepares polymers by crushing them into a homogeneous fraction. Raw materials help save on polymer, because the cost of waste is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of finished raw materials. The production of polymer sand tiles may involve the use of the following polymers:

  • crushed film;

In the second case we're talking about about low polyethylene, in the third - about polyethylene high pressure. The use of recycled polymers not only allows you to save on the purchase of raw materials, but also solves the problem of waste disposal.


If you decide to purchase the material described in the article, then you should be interested in manufacturers of polymer sand tiles. One of them is the Bistot company, which provides a complete roofing package. You can also purchase tiles from the manufacturer “Polisand”, which is located in the Moscow region. As additional benefit This company has the opportunity to purchase remaining roofing material from it at discounted prices.

There are a lot of materials on the construction market with very different properties. And many of them can become a source of high income for an enterprising person. We include here the production of polymer sand tiles. And the main advantage of the organized business will be not only the high demand for products on the market, but also the fact that they can be manufactured on relatively inexpensive mobile equipment. Polymer sand tiles are a construction and finishing material made from sand and polymers. It has several positive qualities, for which it has won the trust of customers - strength, frost resistance, durability.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 1,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

Opening the production of polymer-sand tiles is not difficult - no huge capital investments, no hiring of highly qualified personnel. What should an entrepreneur take into account here?

Process of receiving products

The raw materials for the manufacture of finished tiles are publicly available and inexpensive components. You can get them in every region of the country.

Technological diagram for the production of polymer sand tiles

These include:

  • purified sand,
  • polymers,
  • pigments.

To reduce the cost of purchasing all the necessary components, you can purchase secondary raw materials - they are much cheaper.

As for the exact recipe, everything is strictly individual - each manufacturer works with its own composition. You can develop the recipe yourself, or you can invite an experienced technologist for consultation.

The technology for producing polymer sand tiles is extremely simple and does not require any specific skills and knowledge from the entrepreneur (if he decided to do all the work himself).

Making polymer sand tiles with your own hands is as follows:

  • Prepare all components and mix them.
  • Melting of the raw material mass.
  • Pressing of products.
  • Storage of finished products.

Business prospects.

Purchase of equipment for receiving products

The next thing the entrepreneur will need to do is buy equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles. And even home production will require certain machines.

Polymer sand tile production line

TO technical equipment We include the following names of equipment:

  • Dispenser – from 30,000 rub.
  • Concrete mixer - from 40,000 rubles.
  • Melting and heating machine - from 350,000 rubles.
  • Press – from 150,000 rub.
  • Molds – from 1500 RUR/piece.

The final price of equipment for polymer sand tiles will depend on the power of the machines, their configuration and the degree of automation. Minimum cost production line for a mini-workshop and its commissioning costs ≈800,000 rubles. And this figure can be significantly higher if we talk about a more powerful enterprise.

Sales of finished products and workshop profitability

The sale of polymer sand tiles, with established sales channels, should bring the entrepreneur high profits. And given the demand for products, there is no doubt that many customers will be interested in purchasing high-quality tiles from a direct supplier. It is used for paving roads, internal and external cladding.

Products can be sold:

  • construction stores and warehouses,
  • developers,
  • repair companies,
  • private buyers.

Despite the fact that the bulk of the profit will come from wholesalers, private buyers should not be discounted. To do this, you can organize a small pavilion in the workshop where the manufactured products will be displayed in front of customers.

The production of polymer-sand paving slabs, as practice shows, will begin to pay for itself quite quickly. Starting a small workshop will require an investment of at least 1,000,000 rubles. This will include the following expenses:

  • purchase of the most basic equipment,
  • preparing the premises for operation (providing light, water and sewerage),
  • provision of raw materials for the release of the first batch of goods,
  • registration of an enterprise.

To calculate the profitability of the planned enterprise, let’s take as an example a low-power line with a productivity of up to 50 m 2 of finished tiles per 8-hour shift. It turns out that over 1000 m2 of products can be produced monthly. Polymer sand tiles for the plinth stand today at wholesale market 250-500 rub./m2. This means that if you immediately sell all the products produced, the entrepreneur can receive revenue in the amount of 500,000 rubles. And these are excellent profitability indicators for a workshop in the small business segment.

To calculate net income and total amount revenue should be subtracted variable costs:

From time to time, polymer sand tiles appear on the market at very attractive prices. And very often buyers fall for the low price, initially being very happy with their seemingly “profitable” purchases. But, unfortunately, in 99% of cases, a “fabulous” price means an equally “fabulous” quality of the product. Here are some ways you are being scammed:

1. The cost of production can be significantly reduced by using low-quality (usually from solid waste landfills), and often frankly toxic plastics that are absolutely unsuitable for the purposes for which tiles are used, as a binder polymer.

2. It happens that in the manufacture of tiles, good ones suitable for these purposes are used polymer materials, but are not treated with special additives that would allow the tiles to be used outdoors. This is allowed by the old technical conditions for the production of tiles and significantly reduces the cost. Usually the manufacturer does this either unconsciously, since he does not know about the need to use these things, or he openly deceives the buyer, since these additives are very expensive. These manufacturers advocate on their websites that they know how to produce these products correctly, use various stabilizers, and reinforce polymer composites, but for unknown reasons, not a single supplier of these stabilizers could find these craftsmen in the register of their clients.

3. There is a way to reduce the price of tiles - saving on the technological and technical aspect of product production, quality acceptance. This is often expressed in the elementary absence of employees responsible for these actions. The result here will be the delivery of products to the client with unseasoned geometric parameters, strong variation in color, large difference in the mass of products. Some things will not be reported, some things will be shifted.

4. Some manufacturers insist that low price The products they produce are obtained due to the fact that they independently process recycled plastics for their own needs, as a result of which they receive savings. This approach looks reasonable on the surface, but there are also pitfalls here. Polymer waste entering recycling ALWAYS requires high-quality sorting, separation by type of plastic and sorting, which generates a lot of waste. The percentage of waste reaches 50. This waste contains many types of plastics that absolutely cannot be compatible with each other, many of them cannot be used at all for products operating under the sun. What will the manufacturer do in this case? Usually the desire for profit pushes the manufacturer not to throw away these “bad” polymers, he then paid for the ENTIRE volume, but to say that it is “soft and hard plastic in the right ratio” (as in the old technical conditions), grind this waste and put it into the product. “With the wizard Suleiman, everything is honest - without deception.” In fact, it is very close to the situation described in paragraph 1. Which cannot but affect the quality of the product.

5. Again, unsuitable plastics. Using TETRA-PAK film production waste as a polymer raw material. This is a film with a thin layer of aluminum applied. Such films are used as the inner layer of milk cartons, bags in which wine is sold, etc. The material is good, but none of those who use it bothered to read the relevant literature. It turns out that metals in polymers accelerate the aging process, that is, these businessmen, without suspecting it themselves, or perhaps deliberately, placed a time bomb in the tiles, a catalyst for the oxidative aging process, speeding up the process of destruction of the tiles several times over. Such tiles look as if they had added “silver” to their composition. Silvery aluminum particles are visible to the naked eye. TETRA-PAK material is cheap, as it is difficult to process and is used in the production of a limited range of products, hence the savings.

6. Inappropriate plastics again. The manufacturer buys technological drains of polymers from various industries, the so-called “sprues” - blocks of frozen plastic of various sizes. They are crushed and then go into production. They are sold cheaply, but it is impossible to clearly determine their composition. As a result, the situation is similar to paragraph 1, paragraph 4. This is especially true for those who have a shredder as part of their production site equipment.

7. More about the wrong plastic. They take covering material in the form of film from the fields, which is used in greenhouses and as a greenhouse for growing various crops. The so-called “greenhouse”, the cost is cheap. Since the material is thin-layer and was exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it has largely lost its beneficial features to polymerization, aged. Products made from such material will not last long - it’s like buying tiles that have been used for 30 years.

8. Sand with a high clay content is used - it is cheap. As a result, the products are fragile and hygroscopic.

Thus, the low cost of tiles with a high degree of probability may indicate that technology was violated, savings were made on raw materials, and methods for manufacturing products that should work in the open air were not followed. Such products do not last long and most likely have a negative impact on health.

It is very difficult to visually recognize a counterfeit product, but it is still possible. The first thing that will tell you that they are trying to deceive you is the smell of the polymer sand product; it will be unpleasant and pungent. Whether special additives were added or “forgot” to be added is very difficult to determine; it is best to look at financial documents indicating the transfer of such additives to the manufacturer by the suppliers of these materials. The product should not contain unfused plastic particles and especially silver aluminum particles.

These photographs show what excessive savings can lead to when purchasing tiles after the first 3-5 years of operation:

Our company has been repeatedly contacted by customers who were once deceived when purchasing tiles. It started to fall apart for them. We offer these customers to purchase our tiles, produced under the Tetto brand, to replace the counterfeit products they once purchased.

BEWARE OF FAKES! Be careful! Value your health and the health of your loved ones!

"Business plan for production - "Cable closure plates." Prices and equipment are indicated as of January 1, 2011.

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Let's consider an example of calculating the cost of manufacturing polymer-sand tiles, which can be taken as a basis for drawing up a business plan and a feasibility study for production.

All calculations are given as an example. Data is current on January 1, 2011 for the Udmurt Republic. All prices are excluding VAT. A simplified taxation system was used for the calculation.

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Produced building material: Tiles.

Main parameters.

The work is carried out in two shifts, the shifts lasting 12 hours. The productivity of one mold is 6.66 m 2 per hour. Thus, per day the line produces 160 m2 of finished products (tiles). For a month 160 x 30 days = 4,800 sq.m.


The total cost of the equipment set, including the cost of turnkey commissioning works, is: 2,708,780.00 rubles excluding VAT.


To operate the site, three people are enough - the manager (25,000 rubles), the APN operator (20,000 rubles), the auxiliary worker (20,000 rubles). The wage fund is 65,000 rubles per month for one shift and 130,000 rubles. based on 2 shifts.

Thus, salary costs per 1m2 are 27.08 rubles.

UST - 30%, gives 8.12 rubles. in the cost of 1m 2 of finished products.


To accommodate equipment and storage areas for raw materials and products, it is necessary to provide about 100 m 2 of production space and 100 m 2 of warehouse (can be located outside the premises). Production room does not have to be heated; heating occurs due to the heat generated by the equipment. Finished products are stored in the workshop and then moved to the warehouse.

At a rental rate of 100 rubles per sq.m. the cost of renting production space will not exceed 10,000 rubles. Thus, the rental cost for 1 m 2 of products is 2.08 rubles.


In total, the cost of raw materials (polymer + sand + pigment) per ton is 5,000 rubles.

Weight of tiles 1 sq.m. 9 pieces * 1.8 kg = 16.2 kg. Thus, the cost of raw materials per 1 m 2 of tiles is 81.00 rubles. For 1 piece 9 rubles.


  • A crusher with a capacity of 300 kg/h consumes 22 kW/h. To produce a mixture of 2,592 kg, 637 kg of polymer is required. To prepare it, the crusher will work 2.1 and consume 46.2 kW of energy.
  • APN - 29 kW/hour when warming up, when working around the clock with a heated APN, consumption is reduced by 4 times, i.e. calculation: 7.25 kW x 24 hours = 174 kW/day
  • Hydraulic press – 5.5 kW/hour. When molding a product, the program on the presses is designed for electrical consumption. Energy in the mode of raising and lowering the upper punch, when forming electric. No energy is consumed. The running time of the slider is 40 seconds. Per day 1440 pieces x 40 sec. = 57,600 sec. = 960 min. = 16 hours of press operation
  • Consumption per day 88 kW.
  • Mixer - 5.5 kW/hour 1 batch - 3 min. Mixes 0.5 tons per mixing. Per shift, 2,592 tons of mixture for 1,440 pieces of tiles. Per day 15.6 minutes. Electricity consumption 1.4 kW.-
  • Lighting - 12 kW/hour