We are building the future using the atlas of new professions. “Atlas of new professions - to life! I would go into bioethics...

The profession of cosmobiologist and several dozen other amazing specialties may become in demand in the next decade. Vacancies for GMO agronomists, meteorological engineers, smart space designers, cyber janitors, experts in the image of the unborn child and developers of family development paths may soon appear on recruiting sites, displacing the usual accountants and managers.

The Moscow School of Management Skolkovo plans to actively distribute an atlas of 100 new professions and 30 professions that will be destroyed by automation from the beginning of the academic year in universities and among high school students in order to clearly show the upcoming changes in the labor market.

As Vedomosti was told, the authors of this work believe that many currently popular professions will not be in demand in 10 years and the structure of the labor market will change. One of the authors of the atlas, professor of practice at the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo Pavel Luksha, argues that employers formulate requests for new specialists, focusing on current needs. They first face a shortage of any specialists, then they look for them.

The atlas should guide leading universities in training the necessary specialists. For example, the actively developing biotechnology industry, Luksa gives an example, in just 5-7 years will occupy a different position in the market - there will be a demand for such specialists who do not yet exist.

The atlas analyzes in detail the key changes and new technologies that will lead to the emergence of new professions in the interval before and after 2020 for 19 main industries and technological areas (from medicine and biotechnology to construction and the children's goods industry). About 2,000 experts took part in the study.

Professions of the future and endangered professions

Whether the professions that the compilers of the atlas postponed until “after 2020” will be in demand depends on the successful technological development of the country and the world (without world wars, global cataclysms, or deliberate inhibition of technology development), experts say.

“For our economy, this is rather what we would like to see. Unfortunately, most of our enterprises are very far from the technological frontier. And this gap is not closing, and there is no reason to believe that in the next 10 years we will catch up with it,” says Irina Denisova, professor at NES and CEFIR: “The atlas leaves behind the scenes the answer to the question of why a significant new sector will suddenly appear in our technologically backward economy in 20 years.”

A separate chapter of the atlas is devoted to 30 endangered professions. The authors argue that some of them will leave the market under the onslaught of automated and robotic systems. The other part will die out along with the industry. The pulp and paper industry, publishing, archival and library science and the postal service were sentenced to rapid extinction in Skolkovo.

By 2020, according to experts, the travel agent, copywriter, lecturer, archivist, seamstress, elevator operator, machinist and postman will disappear from the labor market. And after 2020, watchmen, foremen, miners, journalists, logisticians, notaries, pharmacists, legal advisers and even traffic police inspectors will become unnecessary.

One of the main reasons for the death of the profession is automation and mechanization of the process, but this does not reduce employment, he explains. People are moving into other specializations that require more subtle work that simply did not exist before.


Atlas of new professions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Biotechnology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Energy generation and energy storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Energy networks and energy management. . . . . . . . . . . .

Ground transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Water transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New materials and nanotechnologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IT sector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mining and processing of minerals. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Robotics and mechanical engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Financial sector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ecology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Social sphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Industry of children's goods and services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Retired professions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Reasons for the obsolescence of professions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Obsolete intellectual professions. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Obsolete blue-collar professions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Participants in foresight sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




“Atlas” is an almanac of promising industries and professions for the next 15–20 years. It will help you understand which industries will actively develop, which

V They will give birth to new technologies, products, management practices and what new specialists employers will need. The speed of change is accelerating and the complexity of professional tasks is increasing. Some activities

V IT field, for example, social media manager, professional blogger, SEO optimizer, headhunter, were not famous in the early 2000s, but have now become popular and highly paid. What knowledge, skills and abilities do you need to have to be a sought-after specialist in the new world? Our Atlas will help you answer these questions, as well as find out which universities can provide the professionals of the future with good basic training.

“Atlas” is a field of possibilities in which you can build your own trajectory into an interesting future.

This version of the Atlas is the first and therefore experimental. We want,

so that the Atlas is understandable and useful for its readers. Therefore, we will be glad to receive your feedback and suggestions for its improvement. You can send them to [email protected].


For the first time in Russia, Moscow School of Management "SKOLKOVO" and the Agency

strategic initiatives conducted a large-scale study “Foresight Competencies 2030”, in which over 2,500 Russian and international experts took part, to identify in-demand professions in 19 sectors of the economy. Experts discussed technological changes, social and economic processes affecting the structure of work tasks, and built industry “maps of the future”, with the help of which they identified the demand for new competencies and built the image of new professions. The results of the study were collected in the Atlas of New Professions.

Of course, the economy of the future will not be limited to the 19 industries included in the study. there are a number of other important production sectors (for example, agriculture or fish farming)

and services (such as entertainment, media or tourism) that will be important in the future and where significant changes will also occur. We expect that the Atlas will develop and gradually become more complete.


Foresight (from the English “foresight” - a look into the future, foresight) is a social technology that was created abroad more than 30 years ago and is actively used in business and public administration. This technology allows participants to jointly create a forecast for the development of an industry, region or country and, based on this forecast, agree on actions to achieve the desired future.


The future depends on the efforts made: it can be created;

The future is variable: it does not stem from the past, but depends on the decisions of participants and stakeholders;

There are areas in relation to which one can make predictions, but in general the future cannot be predicted reliably. You can prepare

to work toward the future we want to see, or to prepare it ourselves.

It is based on these principles that the Atlas of New Professions shows the future that leading companies in the industries plan to jointly create in accordance with their development plans - developing new markets, releasing new products, applying new technologies, etc. The Atlas is one of the elements of preparation for the desired future - since these development plans can only be realized if there are specialists capable of implementing them.

Each industry is given a separate section, at the beginning of which you can read a brief forecast of industry development until 2030, find out which new technologies and trends are assessed by industry experts and employers as the most interesting and promising.

For each industry, a list of new professions is provided with a brief description of their work tasks. The list of these professions is not final or exhaustive (it is quite possible that other professions and specializations may appear) but it illustrates the important changes that await the industry in the coming years.


For each profession, its key characteristics are indicated, such as: “(and then the blocks “horizon”, “type of specialization”, etc.).



Until 2020 – professions that

The Atlas of New Professions consists of two

in demand "tomorrow". In developed

countries many of these professions

appeared today (for example,

The first part is devoted to new pro-

energy auditors, network doctors,

GMO agronomists, etc.). This is a professional

these that will be in demand

The second part is devoted to “professional

in Russia in the next decade."


The first part is devoted to professions

that will arise in the coming

After 2020 – professions that

years in the most promising, highly

technology and fast-growing industries

which will be needed “the day after tomorrow”

Russian economy.

and with favorable technological

development of the country and the world. These


professions today may seem fantastic, although the first steps in solving professional problems of this kind (for example, the tasks of cyberprosthetists, virtual world programmers, etc.) have already been taken. These are professions that are new not only for Russia, but also for other countries.


Cross-industry – a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that makes it possible to find work in different industries / at the intersection of industries.

Intra-industry - a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allows you to work in one industry.


These skills are universal and important for specialists in a wide range of industries. Mastering them allows the employee to increase efficiency

professional activity in their industry, and also provides the opportunity to move between industries while maintaining their relevance. Below is a list of some of the cross-vocational skills that have been identified by employers as most important for the workers of the future. This:

Systems thinking (the ability to identify and work with complex systems, including systems engineering).

Inter-industry communication skills (understanding of technologies, processes and market situations in various related and non-related industries).

Ability to manage projects and processes.

Programming IT solutions / Managing complex automated systems / Working with artificial intelligence.

Customer focus, ability to work with consumer requests.

Multilingual and multicultural (fluent in English and knowledge of a second language, understanding of the national and cultural context of partner countries, understanding of the specifics of working in industries in other countries).

Ability to work with teams, groups and individuals.

Work in a regime of high uncertainty and rapid change in task conditions (the ability to quickly make decisions, respond to changing working conditions, the ability to allocate resources and manage one’s time).

The ability for artistic creativity, the presence of developed aesthetic taste.


which universities in Russia provide basic training that will allow you to be among the first team of specialists of the future in a few years;

what are the largest employers

are present on the Russian market in the industries under consideration, are preparing for the introduction of new technologies and, therefore, are already determining the demand for specialists of the future;

“Space” professions will be among the most in demand, the authors of the atlas believe. Photo by Reuters

In 10 years, pharmacists, seamstresses and travel agents in Russia will be replaced by biopharmacologists, energy-generating clothing designers and space tourism managers. Such changes in the labor market are promised by the compilers of the Atlas of New Professions, who have chosen more than 100 of the most promising professions for young Russians. True, it is simply impossible to obtain most of the professions of the future in Russia.

The Presidential Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), together with the Skolkovo School of Management, have prepared the “Atlas of New Professions” - a reference book showing which professional areas will be in demand in 10–20 years. The collection includes 132 new professions, divided into 19 industries, and more than 30 “retired professions”, which, according to experts, should disappear in the near future. 2.5 thousand Russian and foreign specialists took part in the preparation of the directory of professions of the future.

The atlas of future professions should become a kind of map of life and career opportunities for young people. The authors of the forecast tried to explain what skills and competencies will be in demand in the future and how the structure of the labor market itself will change. For each specialty, the compilers also identify so-called transprofessional skills - from ultra-low-cost production to multilingualism and multiculturalism.

It must be said that the atlas of professions of the future really looks futuristic. If, for example, such professions as a healthy aging consultant or a small aircraft production engineer can be mastered now, then educational opportunities for future cosmogeologists or medical equipment architects who have both medical and technical knowledge are very limited.

“This atlas is our first step, it is not complete, and we do not plan to stop there. In the future, we want to move to the point where an interested applicant or parent can enter a profession or image of a professional in the future on the website - and a holistic trajectory of educational and professional development will be built for him. The atlas program will provide step-by-step instructions - for example, first study at one university, then go on an internship, then work at an enterprise. And then, if these conditions are met, in 15 years a person will become what he wanted to become,” said Vladimir Solodov, head of the department of projects and practices in the “Young Professionals” direction of ASI, at the presentation of the atlas. For now, the compilers of the atlas limited themselves to a small list of universities and employers for each industry.

The list of endangered professions turned out to be no less surprising. By 2020, according to the forecast, not only blue-collar jobs such as elevator operator, watchman and postman will become obsolete, but also intellectual ones – for example, university lecturer, copywriter and travel agent. And after 2020, journalists, logisticians, taxi drivers and even traffic police inspectors will disappear.

It is impossible to say how accurate the forecast will be. However, the compilers of the atlas are confident that changes in the structure of the labor market are inevitable. But the speed at which new professions emerge may vary. This depends on the desire of entrepreneurs to develop technology, and on the ability of the educational system to meet the emerging needs for new specialists, and on the willingness of the federal government to promote change.

The experts interviewed by NG were rather skeptical about the atlas of professions. Ekaterina Varga, head of the MBA - Strategic Human Resource Management program at the Higher School of Economics, believes that such studies may be of interest to people choosing a profession, but employers themselves pay little attention to them. For now, employers have the most practical needs, which the atlas of professions of the future clearly does not include. “For example, the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) is no longer satisfied with the level of training of university graduates coming to them. UAC experts conducted their own research and, having secured the consent of the Ministry of Education and Science, changed educational programs in a number of universities,” says the expert.

The executive director of the Horizon company, Galina Melnikova, believes that such reference books are in any case interesting and useful, but their relevance and the level of trust in them depend on the competence of experts and on the methodology of forecasts. At the same time, citizens should take into account that long-term forecasts, as a rule, do not come true. “But the fact that knowledge-intensive, high-tech industries will be a priority in the future is not news - it will certainly be so,” Melnikova is sure. In her opinion, advantages in the labor market will be enjoyed mainly by highly qualified specialists in the engineering and technological industries.

Professions of the future and past
Will be in demand until 2020 Will be in demand after 2020 Will be obsolete by 2020 Will be obsolete after 2020
Genetic consultant Cyber ​​Prosthetics Specialist Lecturer Legal Advisor
Smart home infrastructure designer Developer of educational trajectories Call center operator Traffic police inspector
Intellectual Property Appraiser Security specialist in the nanoindustry Travel agent System Administrator
Eco-evangelist Wearable energy device designer Copywriter Realtor
Corporate Anthropologist Expert on the “image” of the unborn child Equipment tester Freight train driver

Do you know what a “pinspotter” is? This is what they used to call the boys who worked on the bowling alley, who set the pins and served the balls. Who is an “ice cutter”? A man who, in a time when there were no refrigerators, made ice. As you might guess, these professions are long gone, like many others. In general, according to experts, by 2030, 57 professions will cease to exist (including lecturer, conductor, watchman, telephone operator, postman, etc.), but 186 new ones will appear. So today's schoolchildren should make choices with an eye to the future.

Judge for yourself: quite recently such titles as accessibility designer, cyberprosthetics developer, smart home architect, remote security coordinator, and the like were found only in science fiction novels. And now thousands of people around the world are doing this and their number will only increase. Especially to make the future closer, the “Atlas of New Professions” was created - an almanac of promising industries and professions relevant for the next 15-20 years. This impressive book was developed by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO based on the results of a large-scale study, unique for Russia, “Competency Foresight 2030”. The atlas can be found on the website http://atlas100.ru.

In the modern world, any profession can receive new content within a short period of time and break up into a huge number of completely different specialties, says the head of the ASI “Atlas of New Professions” department. Dmitry Sudakov. – Science and technology are developing so intensively that universities have to take radical measures, change not only the content, but also the very approaches to higher education. The system for training a specific specialist is doomed, if only because the training cycle is 4-5 years, and during this period fundamental changes occur in technology and much knowledge becomes outdated. Even a textbook loses a lot during the time it takes to print it. The solution is to radically revise the entire education program, starting from kindergarten, focusing primarily on the development of motivation, independence, and responsibility.

But the main problem, Dmitry Sudakov believes, is that we have lost an extremely important competence - to think about the future, to be able and have the courage not only to think about what will happen in 10, 20, 30 years, but also to start doing something specific according to implementation of plans. “Atlas of New Professions” just gives children the opportunity to feel like real builders of this future, to design their lives with an eye to the decades ahead. If we don’t do this, we will all have to live in someone else’s future, which other people will create for themselves. And it’s not a fact that we will like it. But in order to avoid serious contradictions in which direction to develop, you need to learn to negotiate, establish communications, correctly express your thoughts, and be not only persistent, but also patient.

Of course, career guidance work must be carried out both at school and in the family, everyone should be interested in this, - the chairman of the IAS “Intelligence of the Future” is sure. Lev Lyashko. – We need to tell the children about professions, about universities where they train in certain specialties, about vacancies, salaries, and so on. However, it is equally important to convey to them another idea - they should not be afraid to change their profession! Moreover, this is also one of the skills of the future. Yes, you need to be able to choose what you like and try to achieve perfection in it. But it should not be that a person becomes a hostage to a choice made long ago and for decades pulls a cart that has long been a burden to him. We must teach children to flexibly adapt to the realities of the time and strive to ensure that work brings pleasure.

By the way, almost all the events of the Small Academy of Sciences help schoolchildren find themselves in one or another field of science, culture, and art. And no matter what the student does, no matter what topic his work is devoted to, the skills he acquires will help him in choosing a path in life and achieving his goal. Among the “graduates of MAN” are a huge number of successful scientists, businessmen, politicians, and managers. By the way, many of them continued their development in the direction that they began to develop in school, choosing one or another project or research work.

Look at the list of creative scientific works with which the guys came to the festival: “Comparison of literary works and film adaptations”, “Mathematics in football”, “The influence of sound on the human body”, “Creation of a fuel cell based on silicon carbide”... Who knows, maybe Perhaps one of them will receive a Nobel Prize?

Young researchers take on topics that are quite adult, vital, directly related to what is happening in our society: “Dissidents of the Soviet era and Russian reality: principles, similarities, differences”, “Willpower as self-development in adolescence”, “Technology for maintaining information wars “Overton Window”, “Problems of Juvenile Justice”. The guys don’t just describe what they see, but analyze, look for a way out, and offer their solutions. And we, adults, need to be able to hear them, help, support.

Who should I say “thank you” to?

All festival participants, regardless of age, take their choice of future profession very seriously and were happy to share their stories with us. Each of these stories is worthy of attention...

Victor BEREZIN, 10th grade student at the Obdorsk gymnasium, Salekhard, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug:

I want to become a specialist in the field of jurisprudence. I used to dream of being a teacher, because my mother works at school. But my father, sister, and sister’s husband are lawyers, so I decided to join them. Moreover, I am interested in such subjects as history, law, social studies. In fact, in the matter of choosing a profession, a little bit of everything played a role - family, school, and myself.

Sofya SUPOGALIEVA, 10th grade student at the medical lyceum at SSMU named after. V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov:

I like the medical profession, I want to become a hematologist. I have dreamed about this since childhood, as long as I can remember. It was always interesting, I wanted to help people get rid of diseases. My uncle is a doctor, he has a lot of books and magazines on medicine, I also leafed through and read them. True, my parents and uncle don’t really approve of my choice, but I still want it myself. As soon as the opportunity arose, in the 9th grade I entered the medical lyceum, I really like studying here. My uncle even invited me to work for him as a nurse, he thought that this would discourage me. But no, on the contrary! Of course, there is a theoretical possibility that something out of the ordinary will happen and I will change my mind. But then I will become a chemist, I also like this profession.

Or a linguist, because I love foreign languages. Although, of course, it would be better to cover both, and the third, and not choose one of the three.

Olga PATRINA, mathematics teacher, school No. 1, Kondrovo, Kaluga region:

Our career guidance work takes place within the framework of the special course “Choice of a Profession,” which is included in the schedule of 9th graders. Using special testing technologies, we find out the inclinations and orientations of each child, as well as his interests and preferences. The employment service provides us with information about vacancies and the most in-demand professions, and based on all this data, we tell children about who the country needs now, where they can learn it, what they need to be able to do, what subjects to study more deeply, and so on. Perhaps it makes sense to introduce this course not in 9th grade, but earlier. On the other hand, we have well-organized extracurricular activities, club work, and this is also career guidance.

Alexander MIKHEEV, 5th grade student at Lyceum No. 22 “Hope of Siberia”, Novosibirsk:

I want to become a musician. Or an engineer. I have been studying robotics since the second grade and have been playing the piano since I was four years old. I am interested in both music and technology. As a child, I had a plastic keyboard that ran on batteries, and my mother noticed that I was good at picking out melodies by ear. So she enrolled me in a music school. I became acquainted with robots at school, when we were shown a film and allowed to play with construction sets.

Ilya YUMASHEV, 10th grade student of the Samara Lyceum of Information Technologies:

I haven’t decided on my choice of profession yet, but I already know for sure that it will be related to physics. I like this subject, and not in a theoretical, but in a practical sense - to do something, produce, build, calculate some complex structures. I'll probably become an engineer. When the physics course started at school, I realized that this was for me. In many ways, I have to thank the teachers for this. But also for my parents, because my dad is an engineer, he helped instill an interest in his work. I used to think about going into chemistry. But far fewer chemists are needed than engineers. But now you need to think not only about where to go, but also about where to find a job.

Daniil FEDIN, 5th grade student at school No. 1, Kondrovo, Kaluga region:

Back in second grade, I decided that I would be a flash animator. Then, for New Year, my parents gave me a graphics tablet, and I really enjoyed drawing cartoons. Before, I wanted to become an astronaut. Maybe later my parents will give me something else interesting, which will make me want to become someone else, but for now I like what I’ve been doing for three years, and I’m not going to give it up. At school, basically, no one says anything about professions. Therefore, those of my classmates who decided to become programmers or designers made their choice thanks to their parents, not their teachers.

Alisa GABDRAHMANOVA, 8th grade student at gymnasium No. 91, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan:

I want to become a clothing designer. Interest in this business arose in the fourth grade, when I suddenly wanted to create something of my own. And I've been drawing ever since

I come up with new styles and models. I take examples from famous designers and fashion designers. Like! Parents, teachers, classmates are surprised; for some reason my choice seems strange to them. But they don’t dissuade me, which is also good. At school, to be honest, no one tells us anything about professions. Perhaps only within the framework of its subject. For some reason, teachers think that if they force children to participate in olympiads in mathematics or physics, then we will definitely become mathematicians or physicists. But I would willingly take part in the Design Olympiad. But, as far as I know, there are simply no such people yet.

The discussion on this topical topic was also supported by adult forum participants.

Marina CHIZHOVA, biology teacher at the Medical Lyceum at SSMU named after. V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov:

The default profile of our institution assumes that we have very motivated children. However, this does not mean that all our graduates go to medical universities. Yes, this is not our main goal. We are a general education institution, so we try to raise well-rounded schoolchildren, and the fact that they receive in-depth knowledge in some subjects helps them confidently pass exams at a variety of universities - for example, chemical, biological, agricultural, and so on. Our task is to help children realize their potential, show them prospects for growth, and give them a solid base on which they can later be worth anything. Yes, on the one hand, since the lyceum still belongs to a medical university, we encourage children to enroll there. On the other hand, we in no way force them or limit their ability to choose a future path in life. We simply teach them, and at the same time show them in practice what doctors of different specialties do. And it’s up to everyone whether he likes it or not.

Andrey MAKUSHKIN, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Institute of Atomic Energy, Obninsk, Kaluga Region:

Career guidance work, I am sure, should begin not in any particular class, but at an age when he is able to understand the essence and meaning of this or that activity. But we need to start not at school, but in the family. Parents know their children, their inclinations and interests best of all. Therefore, it is necessary to provide every child with the opportunity to try themselves in one activity or another. And this can best be organized with the help of clubs in schools or art houses. And it makes sense to introduce some special course dedicated to career guidance, classes designed to target one or another type of occupation no earlier than grades 9-10. And even then - with the obligatory opportunity to choose, build non-standard schemes, work at the intersection, so as not to limit the humanities child only to humanities subjects, but to interest him in other sciences.

The Small Academy of Sciences “Intelligence of the Future” provides schoolchildren with a unique opportunity to try, test themselves in a variety of fields of knowledge, and offers a huge selection: more than 100 project competitions “Cognition and creativity”, “KIT - creativity, intelligence, talent”, “Eurekum”, “Intellect-express”. On the website http://future4you.ru you will find a list of events and tests for schoolchildren and teachers dedicated to the “Atlas of New Professions”. Anyone can write an essay, play an exciting game, take part in the “Cool Olympiad” team competition, or test their intelligence in the “IQ-champion” project. As you can see, a whole network of directions has been created for career guidance of schoolchildren and the discovery of their talents.