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A set of exercises for the neck will help restore its beauty and health, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and be suitable for the prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

For the health and beauty of the neck, not only regular skin care in this area is required, but also special exercises that will help strengthen the muscle corset and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. You can do them at any time, but it is best in the morning, after applying a nourishing cream to the skin.

These exercises are convenient because they can be performed both at home and in the office. The complex takes no more than 5-7 minutes, and at first each exercise must be repeated 4-6 times, gradually increasing the number to 20-30 repetitions. Such gymnastics will be especially useful for those who spend a lot of time on their feet or sit at the computer for a long time.

Exercises can be performed several times a day, but if there is severe pain
in the neck or during an acute period of osteochondrosis, it is better to abstain from them.

Static exercises for the neck

Static (isometric) exercises are excellent for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which also help prevent the appearance of wrinkles. During their execution, the muscles of the body are tensed without changing its position. This method helps strengthen the muscle corset, improve skin tone and blood circulation in the neck area, thereby eliminating headaches, increasing human performance and reducing visible age-related changes.
The starting position can be any: standing, sitting or lying down. The main condition is a straight back and turned shoulders.

Exercise 1: Imitation of Neck Stretching
The right palm should be placed on the right cheek and pressure with the hand on the head, trying to tilt it to the left, while simultaneously resisting this pressure. The same should be repeated with the left palm.

Exercise 2: imitation of head tilts
To do this exercise, you need to clasp your fingers together and place your palms on your forehead, pressing on your head, as if wanting to throw it back, and at the same time resist the pressure, tensing your neck muscles. This exercise can be slightly modified by placing your fingers on the back of your head and trying to tilt your head back while resisting with your arms.

Exercise 3: imitation of head turns
The right palm should be placed on the left cheek, turning the head slightly to the right, simulating turning the head to the left and offering resistance with the hand. The same must be repeated with the left palm.

Dynamic exercises for the neck

Dynamic exercises for the neck are based on turning and rotating the head. During their implementation, the neck muscles are trained, blood circulation and skin tone are improved, fatigue and headaches are relieved. Any starting position: standing, sitting or lying down. The main condition is a straight back and turned shoulders.

Exercise 1: head turns
During this exercise, you should smoothly turn your head left and right, and then move on to more sudden movements, repeating them in the same number. After this, you need to perform smooth turns of the head, slightly raising the chin, and also do the opposite exercise, lowering the chin and touching it to the shoulder.

Exercise 2: Head tilts
It is necessary to tilt your head back as far as possible and cover your upper lip with your lower lip, then lower your head, touching your chin to your chest. The next stage of the exercise is tilting your head to the right and left, touching your ear to your shoulder.

Exercise 3: Neck extension
You need to stretch your neck forward, lifting your chin up, and then move it back, pressing your chin tightly.

If you feel tired or dizzy, you should take a break.
and after a while resume the exercises.

Expert: Margarita Vasilyeva, candidate medical sciences
Katerina Kapustina

Photos used in this material belong to Isometric exercises for cervical osteochondrosis.

Isometric exercises are best suited for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. They are convenient because they do not require special equipment and can be used everywhere: at home, at work, in transport, and even in a traffic jam. It will also take very little time to complete this complex - no more than 5 minutes. They will be useful for anyone who sits at a desk for a long time, communicates with a computer, or spends all day on their feet.

Such gymnastics will help create a good muscle corset and improve blood circulation in the neck area. In addition, by regularly performing these exercises, you will notice improvements in memory, vision and mental performance. It's also a great way to shake things up after hours of sitting at a desk or doing monotonous paperwork. Perform this warm-up several times a day, every two to three hours, and the discomfort in your neck will significantly decrease.

The first five exercises are performed only in isometric mode - you overcome resistance, but do not make any movements. Hold the tension for 5-7 seconds, then relax for 10-15 seconds and repeat 2-3 more times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions of each exercise to 7-8.

You can perform the exercises from any starting position: standing, sitting or lying down. The main condition is a straight back and turned shoulders. Don’t forget to monitor your breathing: tense your muscles as you inhale, relax as you exhale.

1 Place your right palm on your right cheek. Press your hand on your head, trying to tilt it to the left, while resisting this pressure. The same with the left palm.

2 Interlace your fingers and place your palms on your forehead. Press down on your head as if you want to throw it back, and at the same time resist the pressure by tensing your neck muscles.

3 Place two fists, one under the other, under your chin. Try to tilt your head down while resisting with your hands.

4 Interlace your fingers and place your palms on the back of your head. When trying to tilt your head back, resist with your hands.

5 Place your right palm on your left cheek, turning your head slightly to the right. Imitate turning your head to the left, resisting with your hand. The same with the left palm. The following two exercises can be done once a day, in addition to the previous movements. They are performed in a dynamic mode, with head movement.

6 Tilt your head towards your right shoulder, place your left palm on your left temple. Overcoming resistance, slowly, for 5-7 counts, straighten your head and return it to a neutral position. Repeat 2-3 times in each direction.

7 Lower your chin to your chest and place your palms on the back of your head. Overcoming the resistance of your hands, raise your head for 5-7 counts. Repeat 2-3 times. It is good to add any movements for the muscles of the arms and shoulders to this complex: stretching, rotating the shoulders, swinging the arms back. Just remember that it is strictly forbidden to make full circles with your head, throwing it back. This movement is especially dangerous in case of cervical osteochondrosis and the presence of cardiovascular diseases. It is better to perform semicircular movements with your head from one shoulder to the other.

This complex, of course, does not replace regular gymnastics. It will only help you strengthen your neck muscles and improve your well-being with osteochondrosis. If osteochondrosis has reached an acute stage and you feel severe pain in the neck, refrain from these exercises. Your doctor will advise you on the movements you need.

Our neck is a very vulnerable and important part of our body. It connects the brain and body; all vital vessels and nerves pass through it. Therefore, it is important to maintain the health of the cervical spine. And gymnastics for the neck, which includes the whole complex exercises.

Let's set priorities

It’s unlikely that many people do such gymnastics on purpose. People turn their heads and stretch. They often unconsciously tilt their heads to the sides when they sit in one place for a long time. These are reflex actions aimed at warming up the neck.

If we know which exercises will best help stretch and strengthen the cervical spine, it will be easier for us to understand what exactly to do in such moments. And we will not unconsciously turn our heads.

As we have said more than once, it is important to know why we do things. The cervical gymnastics complex is very important, which is obvious:

  1. When the weakness of the neck muscles is pronounced, the spine experiences extra stress under the weight of the head. This leads to cervical osteochondrosis, pinched nerves, that is, pain and stiffness in movements. If the muscles are weak, they must be strengthened from an early age. This is pain prevention.
  2. When you work for a long time (most people do this today, the 21st century is the century of sitting or lying down), the muscles become stiff and impede the flow of blood to the head and back to the body. Fresh blood, saturated with oxygen, enters the brain in insufficient quantities - you experience a headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, a powerful feeling of fatigue and a great desire to gape. It is precisely at such moments that you need to get up and stretch. And if it’s not possible, at least do a series of neck exercises. This is the prevention of strokes.
  3. Over the years, the mobility of the joints of the body becomes less. This can be avoided if you regularly do a therapeutic complex so that the joints do not forget about their mobility. Here's another important reason to stretch your neck.
  4. If you have a pinched neck or osteochondrosis, neck exercises will save you from pain and help you forget about dizziness and ringing in the ears. This is already a treatment.

Now let's look at what exercises gymnastics for the neck consists of. The main load that the cervical spine will experience is static. The main exercises for the cervical spine consist of 10 elements. The video shows the complex itself, and then you will find a detailed text description of all the exercises.

A set of exercises for the neck

  1. Pendulum.
  2. Spring.
  3. Goose.
  4. Looking to the sky.
  5. Frame.
  6. Fakir.
  7. Airplane.
  8. Heron.
  9. Tree.
  10. Stretching complex.

We have been looking for a long time for the most effective set of exercises to strengthen the neck, and decided to settle on the option proposed by osteopaths and neurologists. The names of the exercises reflect their essence.

If you experience pain while performing any of the exercises, reduce your range of motion. If this does not help, then you should not do this exercise yet.

For a weak and sore neck, only static load should be used. It’s too early to talk about dynamics. And in general, it is harmful in this case (except for stretching).

All exercises are performed sitting, back straight. Everything is done slowly and smoothly. This is a therapeutic complex for strengthening the cervical spine. Their other role is to exercise the neck.


From the “head straight” position, we bend to the sides. We hold our head in each extreme position for 7–10 seconds. In this position, you need to stretch a little so that it is not so easy to hold your head.

We tilt to the right. We return to the starting point and go left without stopping. We do this 3-5 times for each side.


From a straight position, we try to turn the chin inward towards the Adam's apple. At the same time, the head does not lower, but seems to turn in one place. Hold this for 10 seconds. Then we return to the starting position, stop there for 1 second and pull our chin up. The head is back in place.

So the head simply rotates up and down around its center. We do 3-5 times for each direction.


Pull your chin forward. The head follows him. Then from this position we pull our chin first to the left side of our chest and hold it for 10 seconds. We return to the starting point, freeze there for 1 second, then do the same towards the right side of the chest. Do this 3-5 times to each shoulder. All these turns are made from a position where the head is extended forward. And each time we return to the starting position, straightening our head to its normal position.

Looking to the sky

From the “head straight” position, we turn our heads to the side, as if we were looking around. We lift our heads slightly, as if we saw a plane flying in the sky from behind. Let's look at him. We fix the head in this position for up to 10 seconds. We return to the starting point, where we freeze for 1 second. Turn your head in the other direction. We make 3 turns in each direction.


We sit straight, looking forward. Place your right hand on your left shoulder, elbow level with your shoulder. We turn our head towards the right shoulder and place our chin on it. We sit like this for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position and lower our hand. Raise the other hand to the other shoulder. We put our chin in the other direction. Thus, this is an exercise with the head resting on the shoulders.

In the starting position we freeze for 1 second. We do 3 repetitions in each direction.


We raise our hands and bring them together, palms facing each other, exactly above our heads. There is about 10–15 cm left from the head to the base of the palm. In this position, we turn our head to the left, resting our nose on the biceps of the arm. We sit like this for 10 seconds. On the way to the other side, we linger in the “head straight” position for 1 second. Do 3 repetitions on each side for 10 seconds.


We spread our arms to the sides like wings. Hold for 10 seconds. We lower it, wait a couple of seconds and straighten our arms again. We do this 3 times.

Then, “lie down on the wing”, first on the right one - do it 2 times for 10 seconds. Then to the left. Also 2 times. That is, first you tilt your arms so that your right hand is higher than your left (in this position the plane makes turns), then vice versa.


We spread our arms slightly back, palms turned towards the hips, as if you are going to lean on them while sitting.

We lift our heads up, and stretch our chin there. We sit like this for 10 seconds. We return to the position where our hands are on our knees and our head is straight - we rest for 3 seconds and again pretend to be a heron. In this exercise, your task is to look like a heron 5 times.


We raise our hands above our heads, fingers facing each other. We keep our fingers at a distance of 10 cm from each other. At the same time, the head does not move, it looks straight. Hold this for 10 seconds 3 times. Do not forget to stop at the starting point - this is rest and restoration of blood flow.

All of the above exercises are performed for neck pain and for preventive purposes to train it. Static load is a magically useful thing.


In the starting position, with our right hand we grab the left side of the head and pull it to the right towards the shoulder as far as possible. We fix the position for 10 seconds in the stretched phase. We return to the starting point and do the same in the other direction with the second hand. Repeat 2-3 times for each side.

Then we help you stretch forward with your hands, grabbing your head at the back of the head. The task is to touch your chest with your chin. After this, carefully and under control, tilt your head back.

We help you tilt your head diagonally to the right and left with your hands. And finally, we turn our head as far as possible to the right and left.

Forceful load on the neck - is it necessary?

There are other exercises for the cervical spine that involve the use of weights. If you are not a professional athlete, there is no point in them. Why load the neck flexors with plates when you can do without it.

The neck is formed by those muscles that are additionally pumped during hyperextension, deadlifts and other exercises.

Moreover, a static load is much more useful than a dynamic one. It allows you to strengthen your neck muscles without the risk of damaging them. But a neck injury is unacceptable. Especially if your cervical region is already not feeling its best.

This concludes the main therapeutic exercises for the neck. Do it once a day and your neck will be fine!

8 out of 10 people are familiar with pain in the cervical spine. To cope with them, special exercises have been developed for the neck with osteochondrosis. Which ones exactly – the women’s club “Those Over 30” will tell you today.

Osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis is not only a scourge office workers, musicians and writers, that is, all those who are forced to keep their necks in constant tension and their backs bent. Representatives of various professions, including very mobile ones, suffer from osteochondrosis.

Actually, pain is one of the symptoms of the disease, which is degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine.

The cervical, thoracic and lumbar spines are distinguished.

It is cervical osteochondrosis that causes low mobility and sedentary work. With it, the neck muscles are weakened, and any load on the neck puts pressure on the nerve endings and can lead to displacement of the vertebrae. Therefore, it is so important to perform exercises to strengthen muscles with osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • headache;
  • dizziness when turning the head;
  • pain in the neck, radiating to the shoulder blade, arm, chest;
  • general weakness.

If there are several signs of osteochondrosis, you should consult a doctor. After diagnosis using MRI or tomography, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Most often, treatment for osteochondrosis includes medication (painkillers and drugs that restore cartilage tissue), topical ointments and gels, acupuncture, and manual therapy. But all these measures must be complemented by therapeutic exercises.

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Exercises for the neck for osteochondrosis

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis have no less effect than drug therapy. After just a month of performing exercises against osteochondrosis of the neck, your health will significantly improve, dizziness will disappear, and the tone of the whole body will increase.

But the main thing is that the pain in the cervical spine will decrease significantly.

To perform the exercises effectively you will need:

  • exercise in a ventilated area;
  • alternate physical exercises with breathing exercises;
  • gradually increase the load;
  • Finish classes with relaxation and stretching exercises.

The complex consists of static and dynamic exercises that complement each other. It is enough to perform 5 exercises of both types. The number of repetitions of exercises is 5.

The site advises performing exercises for the neck muscles with neck osteochondrosis very carefully, so as not to harm the body or overstrain already weak muscles. Your doctor will help you determine your load level.

Dynamic exercises

The basis of such exercises is the contraction and relaxation of muscles.

  1. Standing straight, stretch, raising your arms to the top. As you exhale, lower your arms. Then, moving one hand to the side, turn and look at her. Return to starting position. Repeat for the other hand.
  2. From the previous position, slowly turn your head to the sides and up and down.
  3. While standing, while inhaling, pull your elbows back and bring your shoulder blades together. As you exhale, point your elbows forward.
  4. Standing with your arms to the sides, make rotational movements with them, increasing the amplitude.
  5. When inhaling from a standing position, bend to the right and turn your head to the left. As you exhale, raise one arm above your head. Return to a standing position.

Static exercises

Static exercises for the neck muscles with cervical osteochondrosis consist of working on a stationary body or maintaining an uncomfortable body position. These exercises can be done with weights, such as dumbbells.

  1. In a sitting position, tense your neck muscles, forcefully turn your head to one side, and while inhaling, look down behind your back. Repeat on the other side.
  2. Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, palms up. Bend your elbows and tense your muscles, squeezing your shoulder blades together as you inhale.
  3. Massage the head and neck, stroking and rubbing the muscles to relieve tension.
  4. Lying on your stomach, touch your chin to your chest, press your hands on the back of your head, straining your neck muscles. Hold the tension for 10 seconds. Then tilt your head back as far as possible, also hold the position for 10 seconds. Finish the exercise by relaxing the muscles.
  5. Lying on your side, place your palm on your stomach. As you slowly inhale, push your stomach out, and as you exhale, pull it in.

The given static exercises are exercises for the back and neck with osteochondrosis. They need to be performed at a slow pace, tensing the muscles and holding the pose for as long as possible. After such exercises, pain may occur, which quickly subsides.

Performing a set of exercises will give a number of effects for osteochondrosis: blood circulation will improve, the mobility of the vertebrae will increase and the muscle corset will strengthen, and pain will significantly decrease.

Contraindications to performing exercises for the back and neck with osteochondrosis are acute infections, myocardial infarction and aneurysms, severe myopia and severe forms of diabetes.

For those over 30 – a club for women over 30.

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If you have any problems with the cervical spine, consult your doctor before performing the exercises.

Neck stretching exercises

All stretching exercises are performed smoothly, without jerking. Hold each pose for 30 seconds.

This exercise will help stretch the sternocleidomastoid and long neck muscles.

Stand up straight, lower your shoulders. Tilt your head back, stretching the front of your neck. From this position, tilt your head to the left. For greater effect, place your left palm on the right side of your head, but do not press hard.

This is a stretch for the levator scapulae muscles.

Raise your right arm, bend it at the elbow and touch the top edge of the shoulder blade. Place your left hand on the top of your head and tilt your head to the left.

Repeat the exercise on the other side.

With this exercise you can stretch your upper trapezius and splenius neck muscles.

Sit with a straight back, place your right hand on the left side of your head. Tilt your head forward and to the side, increase the pressure with your hand.

Repeat on the other side.

This exercise stretches the splenius neck and suboccipital muscles.

Stand with your back straight, place your right hand on the back of your head and your left hand on your chin. Lower your head, making a double chin. At the same time, the neck remains straight, the back of the head tends upward. You should feel tension in the back of your neck, especially at the base of your skull.

This interesting exercise helps to simultaneously stretch the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back.

Get on all fours on the floor. Move your right hand under your left, turning to the left.

Lower your right shoulder to the floor, turn your head so that your right ear is on the floor. The right arm should be straight.

If you can, extend your left leg until it touches your right palm. Place your left hand behind your back.

Try to turn your neck and shoulders so that you are looking at the ceiling. Now do the same in the other direction.

There are even more good yoga exercises that will help stretch your neck and shoulders, and there are options with a massage ball.

And we move on to exercises that will help you strengthen your neck muscles.

Exercises to strengthen your neck

We will distribute the exercises by difficulty level. The simplest ones first.

Stand up straight, place your palm on your temple so that your fingers point towards the back of your head. Lightly press your temple with your hand and, overcoming the resistance, turn your head.

Make 10 turns in each direction.

Stand up straight, place your palm on your forehead and press lightly on it. Overcoming resistance, move your head forward.

Repeat 10 times.

This exercise is performed to pump the upper trapezius muscle.

Stand up straight, take dumbbells, extend your arms along your body. Raise and lower your shoulders 10 times.

4. Lying neck raise

Lie on the floor and stretch your neck forward and up. Repeat 10 times.

Lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet and palms on the floor. Raise your body into a partial bridge, leaning on your head. Support the weight in your arms, taking some of the load off your head. Hold the pose for 30–60 seconds.

A more advanced option is a bridge without arms, with support on the head. Perform the exercise very carefully and only when you feel that your neck muscles are ready for it.

Place your feet so that the distance between them is twice the width of your shoulders. Lean forward without bending your knees. Place your hands and head on the floor to form a triangle. Gradually try to shift your body weight from your arms to your head.

Hold this pose for 30 seconds.

That's all. Strengthen and stretch your neck muscles and you will reduce the risk of injury during training.