There is a simple way to make fragrant soap from soap remnants. How to make liquid soap from soap remnants with your own hands: a simple method. Ways to use soap remnants

It would seem, why are remnants needed? A seemingly useless product that most people simply throw away. Perhaps, only those who sew (an indispensable product for cutting!) or amateur soap makers understand the full creative value of soap remnants. But from the remnants you can make good quality new soap, which, if desired, will be more fragrant and much healthier than the old one, and saving the family budget will be a pleasant bonus for homemade creativity. So, how to make soap from soap remnants, and why is it needed?

Why make your own soap at all?
Homemade soap has a sufficient number of advantages over store-bought soap.
  1. Well-known composition. You can be sure that the soap will not contain exclusively chemicals.
  2. Beneficial features. Soap making is famous for the fact that when cooking soap, you can add absolutely any substances and products, be it essential oils, chocolate, coffee, milk, etc. - no one limits your imagination, and the product can turn out to be very beneficial for the skin.
  3. Creative process. No one could use a little creativity in everyday household things. Who knows, maybe inspiration will overtake you and you will join the friendly fate of soap makers, and subsequently start your own business?
  4. Saving. Everyone remembers the phrase “a penny saves a ruble.” It would seem that soap is a cheap product that you can easily buy when the old one runs out, but soap made from soap remnants can save you a decent amount per year.
And if you haven’t yet been inspired by the idea of ​​cooking, at least start putting the remnants in a separate box. A creative mood can overtake you absolutely suddenly, but you will always have time to throw it away.

How to do liquid soap from remnants?
The easiest way to make liquid soap from soap remnants is to use regular hot water. You can add milk and oils to it, but adding solid components is not recommended - the structure will be disrupted.

For liquid soap you will need:

  • remnants;
  • hot water;
  • heat-resistant dishes (any thick plastic will do, for example, an old soap bottle).
  1. Finely chop or grate the soap and push them into the bottle. Soaps should occupy approximately 2/3 of the bottle. And remember: the smaller the pieces, the faster they will dissolve.
  2. Pour hot water into the bottle, close the lid and shake vigorously. Leave the mixture to dissolve, shaking occasionally.
  3. After some time (depending on the soap, the time can vary from 12 hours to several days), a thick soap mixture forms in the bottle. That's all, simple liquid soap is ready to use!
How to make solid soap from soap remnants?
Real scope for imagination opens up when making from remnants hard soap. You can vary the color, shape, texture, composition and smell. For example, you can change the color using food coloring, the shape is suitable for children's molds or baking dishes, and the texture of the scrub can be achieved using natural ground coffee. If you want your soap to have an antibacterial effect, add a few drops of tea tree oil, and sandalwood essential oil is suitable for a soothing effect.

Solid soap can be made from soap remnants using hot water, a microwave or a stove - choose the method that is most convenient for you, fortunately, it has virtually no effect on the effect.

To make soap using hot water you will need:

  • remnants;
  • hot water;
  • heat-resistant mold (you can use a soap dish);
  • additional ingredients.
  1. Place the grated soap in a mold and pour in a small amount of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to dissolve. To speed up the process, you can periodically drain the cooled water and add a new portion of boiling water. Stir the mixture every 15-20 minutes to completely dissolve.
  2. After a few hours the mixture will become almost homogeneous - this best time to add additional ingredients.
  3. Place the soap in the refrigerator and forget about it for at least two days - then everything will happen naturally. But if you decide to make scrub soap, you need to add ground coffee when the mixture thickens. Once you have added the desired amount of coffee, mix the soap thoroughly and put it back.
This is perhaps the fastest, but not the most reliable way to make soap from soap remnants. But then the experimentation begins.

How to make soap from soap in the microwave?
Use this method you need to be very careful. Many soaps use strong fragrances and there is a risk that you will later smell them in food that is heated in the oven. If this circumstance does not frighten you too much, then in order to make soap in the microwave, take:

  • remnants;
  • microwave container with lid;
  • molds (if the shape is not important to you, you can get by with microwave-safe dishes);
  • additional ingredients as desired.
  1. Grind the remnants on a grater or plan them with a knife.
  2. Place in a microwave-safe container, add a little water, cover with a lid and microwave for half a minute at a power of about 600W.
  3. Take out the mixture and stir, then put it in the microwave for 15 seconds. Repeat these steps until the soap is completely melted. Remember that soap should not be brought to a boil.
  4. Add additional ingredients before you microwave the soap for the last time.
  5. Open the lid and place the soap in a warm, dry place. It should dry out for several days.
To make soap on the stove you will need:
  • 1 liter jar of soap;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • a small saucepan with high sides;
  • molds (it is better to use silicone baking molds);
  • additional ingredients.
  1. Grate the soap remnants on a coarse grater. If the soap remnants are already dried, you can grind them using a hammer.
  2. Place the soap remnants in a saucepan and fill them with a liter of water, then turn on the heat to minimum.
  3. Be sure to stir the melted soap to make it homogeneous. Please be patient - this process will take you at least two hours.
  4. Grease the molds with vegetable oil. It is best to use silicone molds as they make it easier to get the soap out.
  5. Pour the melted soap into the molds and place in a warm, dry place to dry. The use of any special forms is not necessary - after drying, you can trim the edges of your soap with an ordinary knife.
That's all - the remnants have been put to useful use, you have received many unforgettable emotions and saved a certain amount of money. And if the process drags you on, try making soap from scratch - in addition to its immediate functions, such soap is both a good gift and a wonderful decoration for the bathroom. And how many positive emotions are generated by the realization of what you have done? an ordinary thing with your own hands! Experiment, try - and the remnants in your hands will find a second life.

You know that soap is a very useful household product. It can also be used for purposes other than its intended purpose, i.e. not only to wash your hands, wash something or launder something. Many thrifty housewives do not throw away the remaining soap (remnants), but collect them. What to do with the remnants? Here are 10 ways to use leftover soap.

The easiest way

The simplest method get rid of remnants- This is to attach a small piece of soap to a new piece of soap.

Well, if remnants still remain, then:

Instead of tailor's chalk

Those who do sewing remnants are used instead of tailor's chalk. The lines left by the soap are clearly visible, and after washing there is no trace left of the line.


You can make a convenient “cushion” for needles from the remnants. At the same time, the soap will lubricate the needles to make work easier.

Self-soaping sponge

If you put the soap remnants in a special bag, you will get a self-soaping washcloth that no longer needs to be specially soaped. If you don’t know how or don’t want to sew and knit, then you can put the remnants in a sock (possibly not a pair) and tie it.

To make it easier to screw in screws

Soaps can also serve to make it easier to screw screws into wood; just lubricate it with soap.

Laundry fragrance

Also remnants(fragrant toilet soap) can be use, as a fragrance, laying it out between linens in closets and suitcases. And you can be sure that you won’t get a musty smell.

To improve gliding

If your desk drawer doesn't open well, then soap can help. You just have to rub the bottom of the drawer from the outside and the supports along which the drawer slides out (to reduce friction) and the movement of the drawer will become easy.

Instead of paste

If you haven’t already, you can use soap remnants to seal windows. It is enough to lubricate paper or fabric tapes with a soap solution. After such insulation there will be no traces left on the windows.

Using soap remnants you can decorate windows for the New Year. and use soap to glue the snowflakes to the glass.

New soap made from soap

Those who make soap do not even have a question about where to put the soap remnants. They create beauty.

Many of us accumulate leftover bar soap that is a shame to throw away and difficult to use. Thrifty housewives find a completely worthy use for soap remnants: they are used to make new soap. Moreover, you can get not only bars, but also liquid cleaning products with flavors and additives that are beneficial to health. There are several simple ways to make soap from soap at home.


Liquid soap is easier to make than solid soap. It does not require a mold to harden, and you can store it in a bottle of used liquid soap. And during the cooking process you can flavor the composition. A standard recipe for making liquid soap includes 1 tbsp. soap shavings, 8-10 tbsp. water.
Pass the soap through a fine grater; the smaller the shavings, the faster it will dissolve. If the soap is so dry that the grater cannot pick it up, you can grind the pieces with a hammer. Pour the finished chips into an enamel pan, add water and put on fire, stirring thoroughly. The chips should be completely melted. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove it from the heat and let cool. And then pour it into bottles. Use clean, sealed containers with a dispenser for storage.

Another way to prepare liquid soap is not to boil the shavings, but to let them sit. In this case, take about 50 g of soap remnants, grind them on a grater, pour in a liter of water and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a jar, seal it tightly and leave for 1-2 days. When the solution becomes homogeneous, it is ready for use. If the soap turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted with water or a decoction of herbs during the cooking process. Too thin soap can be “fixed” with a tablespoon of sugar.


Solid soap is prepared in almost the same way as liquid soap, but in this case the volume of hot water and soap soap should be equal. In addition, you will need molds to set.

Grate the remaining soap on a fine grater, take a liter of soap and pour a liter of boiling water. Then you can keep the soap in a water bath until completely dissolved, in which case the temperature of the water in the outer container needs to be raised from time to time by adding boiling water. Another way to make soap is to place the container on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally. Cooking takes about two hours, keeping it in a water bath will take twice as long. When the soap solution becomes homogeneous, pour it into molds and place in a cool place. After two days the soap will be ready.

Modern housewives use a microwave oven rather than a stove to speed up the process. How to make soap from remnants at home in the microwave? The recipe includes 1 liter of shavings and 250 g of water. You will get a soap base to which you can add flavors, softeners and other components.

Prepare the required amount of soap shavings, pour into a microwave-safe dish and set to cook. The heating power should be 600 W, and the time should be 30 seconds. Then stir the mixture and reheat for 15 seconds. Stir and microwave the soap in 15-second increments until the shavings are completely dissolved. But the mixture should not boil either. When the solution becomes homogeneous, it can be poured into molds and left to cool. It is best to use silicone containers lubricated with sunflower oil. You will have the finished soap bars in two days.

Healthy Supplements

The methods we have described allow you to prepare a certain base mass. Its smell, color and other properties will depend mainly on what remnants are included in the base. But you can improve the final product by adding additional ingredients.

Lemon acid

Acts as a preservative, color stabilizer and conditioner. The substance is added at the very beginning of soap preparation. A small amount of it is poured into water, and then soap shavings are added.


It may be part of the remnants. But additional enrichment of soap with glycerin will make the final product even softer. Glycerin at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 tbsp. Add soap shavings before cooking the soap or soaking in a water bath, but after you fill the shavings with water.

Oils and fillers

Depending on what effect you want to achieve, soap can be enriched with additional components that add aroma or other properties. It is better to add this component at the end of cooking, but in general you will be able to find out the final aroma of the product after it has completely dried or is ready for use.

  • To give the soap an exfoliating effect, the composition is mixed with coffee grounds, ground almonds, coconut or poppy seeds.
  • Essential oils of almond, peach or ordinary cream will help make the soap softer.
  • To give your soap a calming effect, add a few drops of peppermint or lavender oil.
  • For a nutritional composition you will need dark chocolate or oil solutions of vitamins A and E.
  • An anti-inflammatory agent can be made with sage oil or chamomile infusion.
  • To simply flavor the composition, essential oils of rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, orange, or any you like are suitable. Before adding essential oil, make sure you are not allergic to it. And in the case of food ingredients (cucumber, milk, etc.), remember that the shelf life of the soap will be limited.


You can buy ready-made food or use the gifts of nature. The brown color comes from a decoction of coffee and cocoa, the orange color comes from sea buckthorn juice, and the red color comes from beet juice. Yellow soap is made with the addition of saffron, calendula or curry. Kaolin is used for bleaching. Chamomile essential oil will give the soap a beautiful blue color, and henna, sage or cucumber skin will give it a green color. Beige soap is made from milk.

The easiest way to make soap at home is to melt down factory residues - you always have them in the house. As a result of this exciting and low-cost hobby, you can make your own soap various forms and colors. Products home production enriched with essential oils, seasonings and decoctions of medicinal plants. Such beautiful and even medicinal briquettes will delight every household member, because soap is necessary remedy for body cleanliness.

Preparing for soap making

Usually, having started making soap from soap remnants, home producers can no longer stop and they no longer have enough of them. At first, they buy new briquettes of baby or neutral soap for shavings, then they switch to professional kits and prepare it from scratch. By melting in the microwave and using a mixer, you get faster results. But even without a microwave in a water bath, this process is no less entertaining.

Even if you have the necessary raw materials at home, you need to prepare to make soap from remnants. For the most simple way need to prepare:

  • Grater.
  • Container for dissolving soap remnants.
  • Dishes for melting.
  • A glass of milk.
  • Olive oil.

You can use silicone baking molds - this procedure will only make them cleaner. Children's toy dishes and any small food containers are also suitable. An important condition when choosing forms is convenience when pulling out the finished piece, which means that the dimensions of the upper part should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the bottom.

Soap made from soap at home

Small home factory for manufacturing own soap It is very easy to put into operation for beginners. If you make soap from soap remnants according to a child’s order, then his interest in body hygiene will be more pronounced.

Step by step instructions:

  • To speed up the soap-making process, it is better to grate the soap remnants on a fine grater. In grated form, it will dissolve faster, and the resulting solution will be more homogeneous.
  • Mix soap shavings (200 g) into a glass of milk and leave for two hours.
  • Add a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Place the solution in a water bath and stir gently until absolutely homogeneous. Avoid the appearance of bubbles.

If foam appears, it must be removed. Uniform mass is an indicator of product readiness. This mass can already be poured into molds. But as a rule, manufacturers show imagination and add all kinds of ingredients to it. It can be ground coffee, honey, berries, and even rolled oats flakes. To obtain multi-colored options, colored soaps are melted separately and poured into molds alternating.

After introducing the additives, the mass must be additionally heated in a water bath. Glycerin and pharmacy vitamins are also added. The essential oil is introduced at the final stage and stirred quickly so that it does not have time to dissipate before sending it into molds pre-lubricated with oil (can be olive, vegetable or Vaseline).

Cooling in the molds may take about a day in the refrigerator. The strength is determined by pressing a finger; if the mass cannot be pressed and it comes away from the walls well, it is removed. The pieces are laid out on paper and left in a warm place to evaporate any remaining moisture. The indicator of readiness is the hardness of the resulting product. This usually takes from two to seven days.

Making a product from remnants is really simple. Actions carried out step by step and without haste will definitely please you with the results. Children will especially be happy with this soap.

Preparing liquid soap will surprise you even more with its simplicity of production: grated soap (2/3 of the container volume) is placed in a plastic dispenser, filled to the top with hot water and mixed by shaking. Let it brew for three days, and the product is ready. Liquid soap can also be made with glycerin by adding it in the amount of one capful.

Cooking recipes

The protracted process of soap making usually does not stop when all the household soap has been used. Then they buy baby soap, turn it into shavings, and then into their favorite soap. You can make it with your own hands and using household scraps. Depending on the ingredients, housewives themselves create recipes and come up with names for their products. Vitamin:

  • soap shavings - 100 grams;
  • almond oil - two tablespoons;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - a tablespoon.

Place the container with the mixture in a water bath, stir and gradually add boiling water (200 ml). After receiving homogeneous mass add a tablespoon of glycerin or vitamin E and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour the mixture into pre-prepared molds and leave to harden for a day.

Helpful advice! If you place the mold in hot water for a few seconds before removing the soap, it will come out faster. You can, on the contrary, first place it in the freezer - then when it thaws, the soap easily leaves the mold.

For problem skin:

  • Soaps in the form of shavings – 200 grams.
  • Borax – half a teaspoon.
  • Camphor alcohol and glycerin - a tablespoon each.

Add water to this mixture gradually, one spoon at a time. When receiving the mixture in the form of sour cream, beat with a mixer until a semi-liquid cream consistency is obtained.

Tonic soap, thanks to sage essential oil, has the ability to heal wounds, improves blood supply to the skin and has a tonic effect. Will be needed.

When a small piece of toilet soap remains, some housewives throw it in the trash without regret. And some, more economical ones, mechanically put them in some jar, although sometimes they have no idea how they will use it later.

Over time, a decent amount of remnants accumulate and it’s a pity to throw them away. How to use soap remnants? How to make soap from soap remnants? Let's try to find a use for them. Let's consider options for using leftover soap.

Liquid soap made from soap

  • The accumulated soap can make excellent liquid hand soap. To do this, the soap remnants need to be chopped with a knife or grated. Then put it in a bottle and fill it with hot water to the top. After a few days, you need to shake the bottle thoroughly and add one tablespoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of glycerin to soften the skin and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • From the leftovers laundry soap with the addition of baking soda you will get a wonderful liquid detergent for washing the bathroom, sink, toilet, for any household needs in the country.

Soap from remnants

  • If you soften the remaining thin soap in water and attach it to a large piece of soap, it will still serve you. If you use good, inexpensive soap, this is also a decent saving.
  • When several small remnants accumulate, it is not difficult to mold them together. To do this, you need to hold it in hot water for a while until it softens, then combine. If you buy the same type of soap, then this little trick will be completely invisible, and the aesthetics in the bathroom will not suffer.
  • Get full-fledged new bars of soap from the remnants. To do this, sort the soap by color and smell, then chop them and heat them in the microwave, adding a little water. From pieces of high-quality toilet soap you will get quite decent toilet soap. It is suitable for both hand washing and bathing.
  • From assorted multi-colored pieces, the soap will be grayish in color, which is suitable exclusively for household purposes.

  • Place the soap remnants softened in the microwave into molds to harden. Instead of molds, any plastic containers, silicone baking molds or any other flexible container will be suitable so that it is easy to remove from it after cooling ready-made soap.
  • Place one or more small soaps in a small bag made of burlap or terry cloth. Or knit a bag like this. There will be no price for an original washcloth in the kitchen, in the bathhouse, or in the country house.

  • Lovers of cutting and sewing have long been using soaps to transfer patterns onto fabric. The line on the fabric is printed quite clearly, and there is no trace left after washing.

As you can see, you can always find a use for remnants, everything is very simple and economical. And these are not all the options for using leftover soap.

Perhaps you know of some other ways to use soap remnants. Share this in the comments.