Our own business: we open a psychologist’s office. Design of a psychologist's office: photos and advice from designers How much do psychologists earn and spend?

The post has been changed:

A crisis is raging in the country, prices have soared for literally everything, and wages, God forbid, if they remain at the same level (nowadays they are often lowered!), taken out loans hang a heavy burden around the neck, the mood every day goes further into a deep negative - into it's time to shoot yourself. My friends, this is, unfortunately, not just a threatening picture of a possible future. This is the harsh reality of many of our compatriots. Only extraordinary individuals, of whom there are only a few, can get out of this psychological “hole” on their own. So you have to either, after several unsuccessful attempts to correct the situation, endure everything, hoping for a bright future, or turn to a professional psychologist for help in order to completely “not go off the rails.”

The topic of today’s publication: “How to open a psychologist’s office.” I am 100% sure that more than half of the readers, after reading the title, will rush to close the article. Why, they say, I’m not a psychologist, why should I read this? I will hasten to “please” such people - you are not only not a psychologist, but also an impatient and not an enterprising person. And for those who decide to read the material to the end, I will say that it is quite possible to open a psychologist’s office without being one. How? Read on and find out everything!

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:100,000 (in the regions) -3,500,000 (in Moscow) rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 50,000 people
Industry situation:the supply market is saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: from 1 month to 1 year

I’ll reveal the secret right away, I won’t torment you. All you need to do is take a psychologist as a companion. As a rule, doctors are extremely busy people who simply have no time to deal with organizing a business, accounting, and other matters without which the business will definitely not run. This publication was prompted by a friend who is a psychologist in private practice. She repeatedly complained to me that there was never enough time for anything, and often, leaving home at 7 in the morning, she returned only at 9-10 in the evening. To my question: why doesn’t she take as a partner a person who will deal with the purely “technical” side of the matter, she widened her eyes in surprise and admitted that such a thing had never occurred to her.

Another obstacle to discovery own business maybe... fear. Exchange a stable, well-paid job for the unknown that your business promises. Will it work? What if the business, as they say, “doesn’t work”? And then, goodbye to everything - career, money, fame... This is where the way out of the situation is: the doctor minds his own business. The businessman is his own, and together they have a successful company providing psychological services.

This publication may also be useful to young psychologists who have recently graduated from university, and now, dreaming of their own practice, just don’t know where to start. Maybe the article will also be useful to experienced doctors who will find some new information in it. So let's get started.

Paper cases

What can you do - business is business, and you simply must register your business. Whether it is an individual entrepreneur or an LLC is up to you. The second option, of course, is more solid, but in this case you lose some of the privileges that are given individual entrepreneur. You will learn all the difference between these two forms of doing business.

Obtaining a license is not so simple. The fact is that if you declare the provision of psychological consultations as your activity, you definitely will not need a license. But if, among other things, you are also going to treat, that is, conduct psychotherapy, then in this case a license is required.

OKVED code for registration of psychological consultations – 85.12

That is why the first option is much preferable, and people are more willing to turn to a psychologist and psychotherapist than to a psychiatrist. This is understandable - who himself admits that he has “reached a point” and needs treatment. But having your own psychological consultant is even “fashionable”.

When starting your own business, you will also have to deal with tax issues. You can get acquainted with the various forms of taxation at this link. And for the “lazy” ones who want it very quickly and simply, I recommend reading this article. After reading it, you will be able to order a package of necessary documents for registering an individual entrepreneur absolutely FREE.

We are looking for suitable premises

Readers often ask me the question: what to do first - register your business, or look for premises, purchase equipment, look for personnel, etc.? My answer is: if possible, try to do it at the same time. To refuse to register a business, you need very compelling reasons (which can be counted on the fingers of one hand), so the chances of failing to register are 1 in 100.

By the way, in general. The first step is to create a business plan, which hopefully you already have. If not, then here you will find information on how to compose it correctly. And you can fill out the form and order the development of a business plan for your business.

Now it’s time to look for premises for a psychologist’s office. Location plays a very insignificant role in this matter. Whether it will be an office in a business center, a remote building on the city's outskirts, or something else - there is not much difference. It is important that visitors experience maximum comfort when visiting your office. We need to do this. So that they really leave their problems here and find peace and tranquility.

One of the conditions for achieving inner harmony, is complete confidentiality. The client must be sure that no one will find out that he turned to a psychologist for help. To do this, it is advisable to organize 2 exits from the office and the building. Scheduling appointments for visitors at different times is not a solution, since many of these people often arrive much earlier than scheduled.

Another important point is sound insulation. Silence - best friend people with mental problems, so this issue needs to be given the closest attention. There is no need for special “coolness” in the setting. Soft sofas and armchairs in the waiting room and the office itself, a comfortable table for the doctor, maybe an aquarium (fish are soothing), neutral paintings on the walls, a cooler with fresh water will be enough. If you get rich, put in richer furniture. If you want. For now, the described option will suffice.

Treatment begins with light and color. The lighting in the office should also set the client up for a confidential conversation. To do this, you can use combined lamps - ceiling, wall, floor. You can also “play” with color. What you need are yellow, green, and blue. They need to be switched depending on what problem the person came to you with. However, professional psychologists know about this, of course, better than me.

It is better to avoid a strictly official style in the design of the office, and resort to a relaxing, semi-homey environment. Furniture should be positioned according to Feng Shui. This is, of course, a joke. This Chinese art of space exploration has nothing to do with it. But there should still be some rules when arranging furniture. For example, the client should not sit with his back to the door - this will increase tension. A low coffee table with small objects on it standing next to the chair will help him take his mind off his problems that led him to a psychologist.

Place acoustic speakers hidden throughout the room: the sound should envelop the visitor from all sides, and the sound source should not be visible.

Now a few words about the budget for organizing a psychologist’s office. In the regions, everything can be packaged in an amount from 100 to 300,000 rubles. In the capital and cities with a population of over a million, these figures can be safely multiplied by 10, or even 15.

Who are we treating? Who do we help?

Psychological assistance is a branch of medicine where there is no division between wealthy and not so wealthy clients, everyone is equal there (in principle, all medicine should be like this). The same assistance will be provided to everyone without exception. However, no one has canceled VIP services yet. Another thing is what you will specialize in. Of course, it is much more productive to work in a narrow specialty, for example, resolving family conflicts. But from the earnings side, everyone needs help.

Does a psychologist need advertising?

You won’t get far on word of mouth alone, and waiting until word spreads from client to client about what a wonderful psychologist he sees there, how wonderfully he solves any problems “at once” - you’ll just get tired. Active advertising has never bothered anyone yet. In our case it could be:

  • Articles "to order" in various magazines talking about your psychological office.
  • Videos.
  • Own website, where you can post a lot of useful information, and

A psychologist's office is a specific room that functionally serves certain purposes, and it is also part of the developing subject environment, an element of microspace, subject to important ergonomic laws of developing children's activity.
As for a mass educational institution, where children spend most of their time and one psychologist serves a large contingent of children, it is necessary to consider workplace psychologist as part of the living environment. And this environment must respond general principles“rich, knowledge-intensive and contain natural and socio-cultural resources that provide a variety of child activities.” This environment must also meet the criteria of functional comfort.

First condition. It is more convenient to locate a psychologist’s office on the ground floor, since psychologists see not only children attending the institution, but also their parents.

Second condition: There should be maximum isolation, both territorial and sound. This means two particularly important points: the office should not be a walk-through or adjacent to premises such as physical education and music rooms.
Third condition: office is symbol psychologist's place of work. It would be more correct to imagine it as a room divided into three areas of activity, each of which is very specific both in terms of equipment and functional purpose: diagnostic, correctional, relaxing.

A specially equipped office of a practical psychologist (PPP) can function on the basis of a regular office of a teaching and educational institution. Its task is to provide timely qualified advisory, methodological, psychological and psychocorrection assistance various categories of the population, including students of different levels of development and age, their parents, as well as solving problems of socio-psychological rehabilitation and adaptation.

A room or a separate classroom with an area of ​​at least 25-30 m should be allocated for the office of a practical psychologist, so that 10-12 people can be in it at the same time, work with whom should take place in comfortable conditions.

Temperature regime. The room should be warm and at the same time well ventilated. In winter, due to increased dryness of the air, you can use the “Comfort” device to humidify and ionize it; It is advisable to have an air conditioning unit. The optimal temperature is considered to be between 20 and 22° C.

Soundproofing. To isolate from corridor noise, the room can be equipped with a double door. The maximum sound volume of recordings is 30 dB (muffled speech). During classes, a warning about maintaining silence must be posted on the front door.

Material and technical equipment and organization of office space
The implementation of a complex of psychocorrection and rehabilitation measures involves conducting classes in a specially equipped room, which must meet the appropriate conditions and requirements for the technical support and equipment of the psychological office:

Technical means: VCR, TV, stereo with a set of video and audio cassettes, computer, printer, copier, video camera.

Teaching materials: practical materials for psychological work at school; a set of toys and board games appropriate for the age of the children; kit various materials(building material, plasticine, paints, colored pencils, markers, paper, etc.); Library of a practical psychologist; handouts for students, parents and teachers, participants in socio-psychological training groups or for other group classes.

Documentation: There should be folders with the necessary documentation in the psychologist’s office

List of documentation

  1. Annual work plan approved by the head of the educational institution.
  2. Logbook of work performed
  3. Schedule
  4. Programs and methods of psychoprophylactic, diagnostic, developmental, correctional, consulting and other types of work.
  5. Analytical report on the work carried out for the year, approved by the head of the educational institution.

psychologist's desk,
manual cabinet,
equipment cabinet,
children's jobs,
Coffee table,
2-3 soft chairs or sofa
Additional tools for interior design: room partitions, flowers, aquarium. Partitions can be a rack or a composition of flowers and plants.


All areas of work of a practical psychologist’s office require methodological, organizational and technical support, which certainly contributes to effective activities Checkpoint.

Selection of methodological tools

The choice of examination method is one of the difficult stages of the diagnostic and correctional work of a practical psychologist. From the variety of currently existing diagnostic methods, it is necessary to be able to choose those that correspond to the goals and objectives of the study, as well as a number of important principles. These principles are directly related to the organization of methodological equipment for a practical psychologist, determining the necessary minimum of diagnostic tools in the work of a novice specialist. Let us list these principles.

1. The available arsenal of techniques in the office of a practical psychologist should be multidirectional in nature, covering all aspects of a person’s mental life, including mental processes, properties, states, personality orientation, its attitudes, value orientations, intellectual level, features of interpersonal interaction, stress resistance and behavioral reactions in tense situations, etc.

2. A practical psychologist’s office should have methods for different age groups. Methods developed in scientific psychology and tested in practice, when used at an early age, require special modification, providing for a deep psychological analysis and competent interpretation of a complex of different indicators in their dynamics. In child psychology, it is necessary not only to focus on what the child can currently accomplish, but also to predict what he is able to achieve in the near future, what his “zone of proximal development” is. This is especially important when diagnosing developmental disorders; in connection with this, it is necessary to develop separate diagnostic techniques in the form of a teaching, formative experiment.

3. Methods for both individual and group research should be presented.

4. Since a psychologist often needs operational information, methods that are not associated with a cumbersome processing procedure and allow for rapid diagnosis become of great importance. It is advisable to use so-called functional tests as express methods in a psychological office.

5. Modern technologies make it possible to equip the offices of practical psychologists with computer diagnostic techniques, which significantly saves time, reduces the cost of preparing test material and forms, and simplifies the procedure for processing results. However, despite the undoubted advantages of computer psychodiagnostics, one should not get too carried away with it, since dialogue with a computer does not replace direct emotional communication between the client and the psychologist, when empathic interaction, acceptance, trusting contact and a sense of understanding are included, which is the purpose of contacting a psychologist.

Requirements for methods

The methods that form the methodological basis of the office of a practical psychologist must meet certain requirements:
- the goals, subject and scope of application of the methodology must be clearly formulated;
- the area of ​​application must be clearly identified, which means a special social environment or sphere of social practice, the contingent of subjects (gender, age, education, professional experience, official position);
- the content of the methodology should include a clear statement of the processing procedure, statistically sound methods for calculating and standardizing test scores;
- methods must be tested for representativeness, validity and reliability in a given field of application;
- blank methods must be presented on separate sheets, carefully verified spelling and grammatically;
- methods containing drawings and text material must be clearly printed.
Methods that do not meet the above requirements cannot be recognized as a professional psychodiagnostic tool. A practical psychologist has the right to use only certified psychodiagnostic techniques.

Equally important is selection of psychological tools for correctional work, including a variety of handouts:
-balls, toys, children's crafts,
- soft ball chairs, building transformers and other materials that can be used in play therapy or fairy tale therapy.

The effectiveness of using various psychological means of influence increases significantly when they are used in a complex manner as interacting and complementary. This approach is important both in the process of psychological diagnosis and subsequent correction, and in sessions of psychological support, relieving psycho-emotional stress, and teaching self-regulation skills. Such means include, in particular, audiovisual means, gaming materials used in play therapy, music therapy and movement therapy.
The psychologist of the school psychological office bears full responsibility for the implementation of correction and development programs, the effectiveness of recommendations and the final result.
To evaluate his work, a psychologist can use specially designed questionnaires. Based on the results of a survey conducted regularly at the end of a certain cycle of classes, it is possible to analyze the adequacy of the selection of methodological tools and developmental programs for individual work with students of different ages, to assess the dynamics of the child’s achievements (for example, changes in the level of his personal anxiety or resistance to stress, etc.).
When conducting projective techniques with children of different ages, one should take into account the special situationally determined impressionability of the child’s psyche. Even the most inexperienced parent in the study of children's creativity noticed that after watching the film, children draw and sculpt something in accordance with the theme of the film. In this way, they experience the impressions they have just received and work to assimilate new experience. Therefore, one should not interpret in any special sense a drawing of a family if, after watching a cartoon about “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka,” a child drew his dad as a crocodile [Shmelev, 1999]. When working with schoolchildren, it should be taken into account that children have not yet fully mastered social norms and for them “lie scales” work poorly or don’t work at all. How younger schoolboy, the less suitable questionnaires are for it.
In child psychodiagnostics, the results of diagnostic procedures also turn out to be unreliable for the reason that children do not always absolutely correctly understand the meaning of what is required of them in the methodology. The speech development of children under 12-13 years of age does not allow them to clearly understand the meaning of many instructions and questions. Therefore, school psychologists should not be overly carried away by verbal techniques that use speech stimulus material.


One of the psychological means of influence during individual and group sessions in the office of a practical psychologist is specially selected musical programs, the influence of which is characterized by multifaceted changes in the functional state of the human body. Thus, by varying the musical background, you can influence mood, induce a state of rest or excitement, control a person’s performance or enhance relaxation.

Generalized characteristics of musical works,
reflecting a similar emotional state

Slow Calm Lyrical,
soft, contemplative,
melodious, thoughtful,
A. Borodin: Nocturne from String
F. Chopin: Nocturnes in F
major and D major (extreme parts);
F. Schubert. "Ave Maria";
K. Sen - Sans. "Swan";
S. Rachmaninov. Concerto No. 2 (beginning of movement II)
Sadness Gloomy, sad,
sad, despondent,
P. Tchaikovsky. Fifth Symphony
(beginning), Sixth Symphony (final)
E. Grieg. Death of Oze, Complaint
Ingrid from the Peer-Gynt suite;
F. Chopin. Prelude in C minor,
March from the Sonata in B flat minor,
Etude in C sharp minor; K. Gluck.
Anger Dramatic,
restless, angry,
angry, desperate
F. Chopin. Etudes No. 12, 23, 24;
Scherzo No. 1, Prelude No. 16, 24;
A. Scriabin. Etude No. 6 Op. 8;
P. Tchaikovsky. Overture "The Tempest";
R. Schumann. "Rush"; L. Beethoven.
Sonatas No. 14, 23 (finals)
Joy Festive,
jubilant, cheerful,
cheerful, joyful
D. Shostakovich. Festive
overture; F. Leaf. Hungarian
Rhapsodies No. 6, 10, 11, 12 (finals);
W. Mozart. Little night
Serenade (parts I and IV); L. Beethoven.
Symphonies No. 5, 6, 9 (finals)

Music therapy can be an effective method of treating school neuroses, which today increasingly affect not only students, but also teachers. The development of a rich emotional sphere is achieved by involving people in a wide range of musical artistic experiences, the formation of an emotionally positive perception of the world, and an optimistic worldview.
If we consider a session of music psychotherapy from the perspective of the possibility of influencing the physical, emotional and intellectual spheres of the body, then, since music is the language of non-verbal communication, we can expect the greatest effect in influencing a person’s feelings and moods, weakening negative experiences in the process of their cathartic release under the influence music.


Taking into account the specifics of the tasks, the office of a practical psychologist should geographically include several zones, each of which has a specific purpose and appropriate equipment. It is necessary to separate the waiting area and the advisory area.

Waiting area It is a part of the room separated by a partition from outsiders and those visitors who are already at the checkpoint. It is recommended to use flowers extensively. There should not be any posters on the walls, especially medical ones, so as not to cause unwanted associations among children and their parents.

Initial reception area and conversation with the client is equipped with a desktop, a file cabinet with data about children, teachers, parents as clients of the office, a closed file cabinet containing data and survey results that should be inaccessible to outsiders. The cabinet contains psychological tables, posters, teaching materials and other tools for psychological examination of clients.

Advisory work area designed as comfortably as possible. A coffee table and comfortable soft chairs, dim lighting from the side sconces create an atmosphere of comfort, security, promote relaxation, calm, and promote open, trusting communication in individual, group or family counseling.

Play therapy area is of particular importance and therefore must be equipped accordingly: soft floor covering; movable furniture that facilitates quick changes in the situation in the game plot; toys, craft materials, pencils, albums. Children's crafts, drawings, and bright interior decoration are appropriate here. Color design and phytodesign complement each other in creating a “children's space.” All this makes it easy for children to adapt to working conditions in the office and helps relieve tension.

Zone of relaxation and relief of psycho-emotional stress involves free placement of comfortable soft chairs for relaxation.
The effect of relaxation and relief of muscle tension can be achieved under the influence of certain elements of the environment (aquarium, light music, slide images), as well as functional music. Therefore, you need a tape recorder with a set of cassettes.
In this area of ​​the psychological office, you can conduct classes and autogenic training sessions with viewing slide programs and video programs with musical accompaniment. These classes are especially important in our time, as the number of children and adults who have experienced traumatic stress is increasing.
All these zones, in fact, correspond to the goals and objectives of the functioning of the school psychologist’s office, the main contingent of which are students of various ages, their parents and teachers.


The school psychologist's office must have plants that help create optimal sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic conditions for classes and recreation. They can also perform the functions of a professionally organized space, when flowers, flower racks and walls act as functional partitions separating various areas of the office (the reception area, for example, from the play area or advisory area).
When composing the interiors of a psychological office, you can place in them fresh flowers, green grass lawns, phytocompositions, and sometimes chirping birds in order to more fully imitate an ecological space, which is designed to have a beneficial psychological effect on clients, especially during those hours when they are most susceptible to this (fatigue at the end of a working day, emotional arousal due to intense social contacts).
An organic complement to the comfortable conditions of phytodesign is the use of recordings of natural sounds during classes: the noise of the forest, the sea surf, birdsong, which has a very beneficial effect on children of different ages.


When organizing a practical psychologist’s office, it is necessary to pay serious attention to its light and color design.
Lighting . Light intensity should be adjusted over a wide range (from bright lighting to complete darkness).
Combined lighting is recommended, both fluorescent and incandescent lamps. Before and after restorative relaxation or developmental activities, regular overhead lighting is used; During special classes, the side wall sconces turn on with a weak green light. It is better to point all lamps at the ceiling to provide soft, diffused light.
Color climate. Color affects a person's mental state and can change his mood. The environment in which the client finds himself should be conducive to dialogue and trusting communication. Therefore, when designing an office, it is important to take into account the requirements of color psychology.
The effect of color on humans All colors can be divided into two groups: warm (shades of red and yellow) and cold (bluish-violet tones).
Green and blue colors have the most beneficial effect on vision and the central nervous system (CNS). All light colors have a good effect on a person’s psychophysiological state and cause a good mood. Dark tones and rich shades of color are depressing and cause a depressed state. Red and yellow colors excite and activate the central nervous system.

Human sensations change depending on the color environment:
yellow and light yellow-green colors evoke a feeling of something light, and vice versa, dark tones purple-blue colors - something heavy.
Furniture of blue color creates a feeling of cold. Subconsciously, there is a feeling that sitting on “blue” is not as “warm” as sitting on red or brown. A room painted orange appears to have a higher temperature than a room painted blue-green, even though the temperature in both rooms is actually the same. In a room, especially with poor lighting, ceilings and walls painted white appear gray. This cool color does not create the impression of a bright room. From a psychological point of view, painting a room white is tiring and has an adverse effect. White color works well when used as a background for other colors.
When organizing the office of a practical psychologist, it is important to take into account the psychological impact of the color of the door in the office. The door is an important part of the room and almost always evokes certain psychological associations. Depending on the color of the doors, they seem to invite you to enter the room or, conversely, do not invite you to do so. Negative emotions and reluctance to open them are caused by doors painted in a gloomy gray color; painted in cheerful colors - improve your mood.

Color is also associated with hearing. With noise, the function of visual receptors increases and therefore the perception of green color becomes more intense, and the increased perception of green color “covers” the noise to a certain extent.
Thus, sharp acoustic stimuli can be muffled by corresponding light stimuli.
Harsh noise will be perceived more calmly in a room painted olive green, swamp green or dark brown.

Research from the Institute of Color Psychology in Zurich (Switzerland) showed that children give preference to one color or another depending on their age.

The relationship between light and human psychological characteristics

Evocative color
4 – 10 Red,
Black, dark
Stay in
the world of fairy tales
11 – 12 Green,
green, lilac
perception of the world
13 – 16 Ultramarine,
blue, orange,
approach to
perception of the world
17 – 19 Red-orange Purple,
perception of the world

The same design technique for different elements of a room has different effects on people. A person can easily tolerate a floor painted like a chessboard. The sight of such sex does not haunt him. But walls painted in the same way make an unpleasant impression. So, when examining a room, often more attention is paid to the walls and precisely their lower part. Color division of walls can optically lengthen them. When painting walls, you should use more intense colors compared to the muted color of the floor.
Depending on the location of the color in the room, it can affect a person differently.

The characteristic effect of color on a person.


The effect of color on a person when this color is placed

Up On the side
At the bottom
Orange Protects
Brown Covers up
makes it heavy
Instills confidence
Blue Creates
ease, friendliness,
Creates comfort for walking
Yellow Makes it easier
Excites Raises

Classification of colors according to their psychological effects on humans.
1. Stimulating (warm) colors
red - strong-willed, life-affirming, able to motivate to action
orange - warm, cozy, conducive to intimate conversation
yellow - promotes better contact
2. Disintegrating (cold) colors
purple - stimulates self-absorption
blue - removes, creates distance
3. Calming and balancing colors
green - refreshing
olive - soothing, softening
yellow-green - liberates
4. Muffling and suppressing irritation
ocher - softens the growth of irritation
brown, earthy - stabilizes
dark brown – softens excitability
white, gray - extinguish irritation
dark gray, black-blue, green-blue - isolate and suppress irritation
5. Pastel colors
pink – evokes a feeling of tenderness
purple – enhances isolation and withdrawal
pastel green - softens
grayish-bluish - evokes restraint
These effects of color on the state of mind should be used when planning the functional areas of the office, depending on the tasks of the work.
Waiting area and advisory zone It is advisable to design it in such a way that the color scheme of the space ensures relative peace, a mood for dialogue, and free communication. Therefore, you should not use saturated shades of red-orange, and it is also not recommended to create sharp color contrasts in perception. The color scheme of the zones should be consistent in basic colors.
The play psychotherapy area is being decorated using bright, saturated tones, sometimes in sharp contrast.
Zone of relaxation and relief of psycho-emotional stress You should not oversaturate with small details, they will irritate and have a stimulating effect rather than a relaxing one. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use bright shiny surfaces. Relaxation sessions are best conducted in a semi-darkened room, which promotes relaxation and stress relief. Curtains on windows should be made of light-proof fabric.
The effect of relaxation and relieving psycho-emotional stress can be achieved under the influence of certain elements of the environment and light-colored design of the office. The color of walls, floors, furniture, curtains is selected in calm and neutral tones that do not cause additional excitement or irritation; in a color-light interior, blue and green colors are preferred (the ceiling is blue to imitate the sky, the floor covering is in green tones.
It is known that the life of an adult is built on the basis of his child development. What can affect a child's behavior? What will his character be? Why does he behave this way and not otherwise? These are the questions that are relevant for parents and educators of children. preschool age. An educational psychologist can answer these and many other questions.

Olesya Shakiryanova

Cabinet psychologist - a specific room that functionally serves specific purposes to ensure a psychologically comfortable atmosphere and emotional well-being for all participants pedagogical process. And also, this is part of the developing subject environment, an element of microspace, subject to important laws of ergonomics of developing children's activity.

In new Federal State Educational Standard the requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment of preschool educational institutions are outlined. It should be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe, correspond age capabilities of children and the content of the program.

It was these requirements that we adhered to when creating and designing my office.

Cabinet located on the third floor of the building, the office is not passable, is located away from the music and sports hall. Available for both teachers, and for parents. In the hall in front office there is a waiting area for parents and children, equipped soft sofa and armchairs, information stand to familiarize yourself with the operating hours educational psychologist and reminders for parents, there are also "Mail educational psychologist» .

All space the office is organized according to with my specifics professional activity and consists of several work areas. Each zone has its own functional load.

Zone of organizational and methodological activities (work zone educational psychologist) contains:

A desk, a chair, a computer and office equipment (black and white and color printer, speakers, sets of CDs with educational videos, music.

Shelves with documentation (normative, special, organizational and methodological);

A cabinet for manuals with literature and printed publications to improve the scientific and theoretical level and professional competence;

Programs for processing and analyzing data obtained as a result of correctional and diagnostic activities – Diagnostic block

Sets of children's correctional and developmental equipment, fiction and benefits by age of children.

Interaction area with teachers and parents(Advisory work area) (for formal and informal communication)included in the areas of diagnostic and correctional-developmental work with children; it consists of:

Tables, chairs

Questionnaire forms, questionnaire forms, tests (located in the area of ​​organizational and methodological activities)

printed material: booklets, reminders on various topics on stand information "For you, parents"

Literature on problems of age-related development of children, characteristics of their behavior, as well as on issues of family relationships;

Literature on the problems of cognitive, personal and emotional development of children, school readiness, adaptation to new social conditions, etc.;

Printouts with games and exercises for activities with children at home and in institutions;

This zone involves creating a trusting environment that helps the visitor who comes to the reception teacher-psychologist, calmly discuss the problems that concern him.

Functional areas office can partially overlap each other, completely coincide or transform into one another. The practice allows us to combine the primary reception areas and the psychologist’s work area, areas of group correctional work and play therapy.

Correctional and developmental zone (play therapy area)is represented quite extensively and consists of several interconnected gaming centers:

Center for Emotional Development (development of emotional intelligence, development of social and communication skills)

Author's manual on the door "Mood thermometer"- on it the child can indicate his mood or emotional state by choosing the color on which he will place the pointer slider. This diagnostic game can be played both before and after the game.

Corner of emotions:

A game "Our feelings and emotions", "zoo of moods", pencils of emotions, cube of emotions, designer doll "Pretender", a chest with a set for changing the doll's mood, glasses, "The ABC of Mood", mirror.

Theater corner:

Hats, capes, pouch "for screaming", soft and paper masks. Scarves, headbands, medals, swords and a magic wand.

three sets of finger theater (family, wild and domestic animals, "Zayushkina's hut"; theater "Bibabo": family, "Little Red Riding Hood", a set of silhouette figures for shadow theater ( "Three piglets", Pets). Sets of backgrounds for staging theatrical games (more than 4).

Frame for puppetry, and it is also for shadow theater (also serves "football field" for games "Blow out the ball"(breathing game, "Score the ball" in a game with paper "football players" (for the development of motor skills).

Musical instruments: tambourine, pipes, whistles, plastic eggs with filling - intended for the development of auditory attention and breathing training (whistles and pipes)– necessary when working with both active and shy children.

Movement Center

Balls large and small, of different textures and weights, safe darts, volleyball, soft balls "snowballs", massagers and massage balls, game "Catch a Moth", Set of small bouncy balls (glow in the dark). Designed to stimulate motor activity, organize games in pairs or in a circle, develop attention and dexterity.

This large-scale painting is not only decorative, uniting the zones cabinet function,but also represents a didactic manual for organizing a series of educational games:

The lower tier is presented by the author's manual "Houses of Emotions". The houses are different in size, color, have different roof textures - sensory development of children younger age. Each house is locked with its own padlock (hook, ribbon, lacing, etc.) (development fine motor skills hands). When some houses are opened, music plays, selected to suit the mood of its occupant. Characters with different moods live in the houses (author's "Coffee" toys, (development of emotional intelligence). Playing with houses of emotions involves a conversation about the character, his mood; children are invited to come up with a story or fairy tale about the character, as well as play a game suggested by the character. Example: A mischievous pig lives in an orange house, he loves oranges and football, oranges and round balls - find round geometric shapes and then find orange shapes. Touch the roof of the house with your finger, what does it feel like? - Velvet. Strings easily stick to velvet, let's draw a gift for the pig with thread. A game from the bag is offered "Nimble fingers"

The middle tier in the center is a marker, magnetic board, on the back you can draw with chalk - it is used to demonstrate illustrations, tasks, or play with a cage or maze, that is, it has an educational function. The areas around the board include images of mountains, a castle, a river, a lake, a road, flowers, insects - intended for educational games "Plane orientation", attention games “How many butterflies are sitting on the flowers?”, “Where are the snails crawling, will they meet or not?”, “How many little men climbed the mountain?”, “What color is the castle with the round windows?”

There is also a locomotive with pockets on the trailers - used for diagnostic purposes (determining the emotional state as in the test "Lushera", and in didactic - "Who will go first, second...".

There are two benefits for breathing development "Mill", "Butterfly".

The upper tier has an aesthetic function and is designed to consolidate children's knowledge of the order of the seasons; it also involves didactic games for orientation on planes and attention (How many ladybugs are crawling up? How many birds are on the wall)

The Fine Motor Development and Construction Center includes:

Travel bag "Nimble fingers"contains 3 games: “Embroidering a picture”, "Drawing with thread", "Button Games". DIY games with clothespins, including a game "Who eats what", "Knots", "Laces", rubber bands for weaving and playing with rubber bands "Put it on your fingers". Puzzles on a plane, large and small, based on the plots of fairy tales, Puzzle "By magic", where you not only need to collect an episode from a fairy tale, but also collect these episodes in the correct sequence, a three-dimensional puzzle "Baba Yaga's Hut". Flexible fluffy wire and Beads for weaving, Beads "Pyusla" are used not only for stringing, but also for laying out patterns on special plates. Figurines of domestic, wild, sea animals, insects, educational table for young children - 2-sided

Large selection of designers: "Lego", "Fun Construction", "Snowflake", "Sun", "Geometric constructor", "Fluffy Ball", "Pythagoras", "Magic Wands".

Sand games are available in two versions: "Plasotherapy"- playing with kinetic sand and drawing with colored sand on the glass of a Montesori table - used in art therapy. To work in this direction, there is all the necessary material (sets of scoops and beads, small toys, little people, glass and natural stones, sets of sea creatures).

For playing with water there are fish, a fishing rod, a set for playing with soap bubbles, and a mat for drawing with water.

The training center is represented by two tables that can easily be transformed into one table, or tables of any configuration based on the purpose of work, a sofa, armchairs, chairs according to the height of the children.

The learning center is easily supplemented with educational board games, pencils, paper and necessary materials for correctional and developmental activities. Plasticine traditional, ball, Modeling kits "Play-doh": Scissors, turtle with shapes, syringe for plasticine, molds, rolling pin, stacks. Watercolor paints, gouache, brushes, colored pencils, wax pencils, felt-tip pens, scissors, drawing paper, colored, corrugated, velvet paper, foil, white and colored cardboard, stencils "Insects", "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Cloth", "Pets", "Wild animals".

On the shelves on the wall, diagnostic, correctional, therapeutic material is always at hand (counting sticks, sets of cards "Vegetables fruits" etc., Metaphorical cards used both in diagnostic and therapeutic work with children and adults.

The zone of relaxation and relief of emotional stress is compatible with training center and area of ​​interaction with teachers and parents, which does not at all detract from its functional purpose, since it is represented by a soft sofa and armchairs, plants that help create optimal sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic conditions for exercise and relaxation. A rack with green plants, a waterfall and a composition made of natural stone act as a corner of nature that is designed to have a beneficial psychological effect on clients, especially during those hours when they are most susceptible to this (fatigue at the end of a working day, emotional arousal due to intense social contacts). Additionally I use aromatherapy (aroma sachet, collection of aroma oils) and soundtrack ( sounds of nature: the noise of the forest, the sea surf, birdsong, which has a very beneficial effect on children of different ages).

Toy pillows with artificial filling are always loved and popular.

Dry showers also serve the purposes of relaxation, sensory development and development of hand motor skills. (combined with volleyball net)

I will separately introduce the biofeedback therapy center.

It is closely related to the work area itself, since the work of training diaphragmatic relaxation breathing is the work of both the small client and the psychologist.

On the working screen I monitor the respiratory rhythm and heartbeat, set thresholds, on the additional screen the child looks at the game plot, sensors attached to his body read the heart rate and breathing. On the table of the biofeedback center there is literature, the necessary accessories for conducting introductory and instructing classes (a balloon, a pump, a cup, straws, a color printer for printing out indications of the success of biofeedback training. During classes, a warning about maintaining silence is posted on the front door. Hanging on the wall a sign reminding you about the rules of relaxation breathing, information leaflets for parents regarding both biofeedback and general issues development and education of children.

Center for Intellectual Development

Thinking games: chess and checkers, "Unicube", "Cuisinaire's Sticks", "Dyenes Blocks", Logico Baby, cards with educational tasks with games "What's first, what's next", a game "Count", "Logics", "Pentamino", Voskobovich Square, "T-puzzle", "Collect a square", "Hexamino", sets of flat geometric shapes.

Games to develop perception and attention: 7 themed lotto, dominoes "Feelings", "Shadows", Puzzle "Shadows", a game "Big small", "Collect a plate", "Developing attention", "Colored rugs", earbuds "Insects","Wild animals", "Body parts", "Animals of the Southern Countries", Cut wooden pictures "Seasons", "House", "Living World",

Games to develop general ideas about the world: games for studying time - cards for the panel "Times of Day", "What time is it now", "Learn by playing", a watch dial with inserts of different shapes for studying not only time, but also training visual perception; group game "Guess who you are!", board and printed games "Become a friend of nature", "Pictures of halves", "Big and Small", "Sound, light, water", "Let's play",

Optional equipment:

Carpet tiles, cords, a grid of cords for teaching orientation by cells, bedspreads, game backgrounds.

Toys and aids for organizing surprise moments:

Story toys Baba Yaga, Kind fairy, Sad clown, Parsley, designer toy puppet doll, chest with wooden toys, music box, toy candle (extinguishes if you blow on it, game backgrounds.

Play Therapy Center for Children

Kits for role-playing games : "Hospital", "House", "Shop"

Games for girls (conditional): Dolls "Family", Set of doll furniture, dishes, printed board game "Dream House".

Games for boys: Sets of cars, helicopters, motorcycles, soldiers. Games to follow traffic rules, wooden construction set "Transport".

Description of the sensory room

Efficiency of functioning of the MBDOU sensory room "Berezka", is based on relevant requirements organizational support, and is also supported by the necessary technical equipment and facilities. The sensory room is located on the third floor of the kindergarten, next to teacher-psychologist's office.

The color of the walls, floors, furniture, and blinds is selected based on the principle of using calm and neutral tones that do not cause additional excitement or irritation.

The room is equipped with a music center that allows for group and individual work with the use of musical accompaniment, which helps to carry out office relaxation measures for psychological relief.

The room is intended for holding various types group work with a total number of participants up to 3-8 people.

Conventionally, the SC equipment can be divided into functional blocks:

Relaxation block - it includes soft coverings, ottomans and pillows, devices that create diffused light, an aromatherapy installation and a library of relaxation music. A child or an adult, lying on soft forms, can take a comfortable position and relax. Slowly passing diffused light, a pleasant smell combined with soothing music create an atmosphere of safety and tranquility. If necessary, additionally, psychotherapeutic work with the client can be carried out in such an environment.

Activation unit - it includes all equipment with light-optical and sound effects, touch panels for hands and feet. Bright light-optical effects attract, stimulate and maintain attention, creating a joyful holiday atmosphere. The use of the equipment of this SC block is aimed at stimulating research interest and physical activity: Safety bubble column with soft platform and 2-piece safety corner mirror, Projector "Mercury",Safe fiber optic bundle, Panel "Starry Sky" And "Milky Way", Interactive wall panel "Infinity 50",Sound-activated light projector “Brainscan”, Bundle of fiber-optic fibers with side glow "Star Rain",Floor fiber-optic carpet "Stargazer", Mirror ball, Floor fiber-optic module "Magic Fountain", Lamp "Flame", Aroma lamp "Efa" and a set of oils Shar "Lightning", "Magic Thread"

Tactile environment - allows you to master new sensations and develop tactile sensitivity, teaches you to distinguish the various properties of objects and improves hand-eye coordination. Children's game cubes with applique, Mosaic "Heart",Children's didactic manual "Scarlet Flower", Educational game set "ABC + mathematics"

A properly organized environment performs correctional, educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organizational, and communicative functions. This is the optimal condition for correctional work in general.

Based on the above, The teacher-psychologist's office is equipped everything necessary and is a full-fledged center for the psychological development of preschool children. Thus KRPPS teacher-psychologist's office fully meets the requirements GEF DO, promotes the comprehensive development of the preschooler, as well as the effective organization of work with parents and preschool teachers.

In the work of a psychologist, it is very important to position the client as much as possible and establish a trusting relationship with him. The result of the session depends not only on the professional skills of the specialist. You need to understand that the external environment also affects the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, therefore it is necessary to pay special attention to the furnishings and color design of the office.

Why office design is so important

A psychologist's office is a place where a person can relax, relieve stress and simply disconnect from the noisy bustling city. That's why correct design a psychologist's office is already part of the job.

The main criterion used when decorating is an atmosphere of calm. After all, the external environment, even on an unconscious level, greatly influences the general condition. The feeling of comfort determines how easy and free a person will feel. Some psychologists admit that many clients come to them not only to solve pressing problems, but simply to hide from everyday life in a quiet, carefree corner.

How does the environment affect a person?

The selection of interior colors is a very important element when decorating a psychologist’s office. Each color affects a person in a special way. Light and pastel colors have a calming effect, relax, incline to trust, and help to concentrate. This is always a universal option for a psychologist’s office. In such an environment, a person quickly enters a balanced state, gains confidence in the specialist, and is ready for revelations. A warm home environment also presupposes light, natural colors, so “homey” design techniques help the psychologist quickly establish contact with the client.

However, some bright colors subconsciously create a positive mood. Therefore, when decorating a psychologist’s office, you can partially use objects in bright and rich colors.

Yellow or golden - sunny color creates an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. The same can be said about lemon, light yellow, pistachio. The main thing is that the interior details are made with style, and such objects do not stick into a person’s eyes in a distracting way. In addition, yellow color has a healing effect and has a good effect on the nervous system.

Orange eases irritation, reduces the likelihood of mental breakdowns and neutralizes depression. So, it is very useful to use it in a psychological office, the main thing is not to overdo it.

A light green color scheme will simply be a salvation from negative emotions. Green reduces nervous tension, disposes, and tones. It is believed that greenish shades relieve headaches and relieve fatigue.

Blue tones seem to whisper that it’s time to change something. In an environment of this color, you want to dream, think about the future, and soar in the clouds. A pleasant soft blue color can change your mood and make you feel as relaxed as possible.

As for the interior items themselves, when decorating a psychologist’s office it is better to use soft materials. For example, cover the floor with a carpet, lay out soft decorative pillows on the sofa or armchairs.

The presence of plants will also have a beneficial effect on the perception of the environment, as well as rounded furniture. Sharp corners of furniture in a room impart firmness and resistance to communication. To make a person feel soft and trusting, you can furnish the office with rounded decorative elements or chairs with smooth lines, or a round table.

Basic principles of design

1. When entering a psychologist’s office, a person should feel a sense of order. Therefore, you should not place many small items in plain sight. It is better to store various auxiliary tools that may be useful during the session in a locker.

2. The space should not be filled with too catchy and bright colors. Most the best option- pastel, natural shades.

3. The office should be spacious and the free space between the client and the consultant should be from 60 to 110 cm.

4. Furniture should be as comfortable and convenient as possible. A client sitting in a chair or on a sofa should not relax to the point of sleepiness, but should not feel tense.

5. The chairs of the psychologist and the client should not be directly opposite each other. Therefore, it is better to place them at an angle. During a sensitive conversation, the client may feel uncomfortable and may turn away.

6. In offices, instead of a chair, clients often use couches; it is believed that in a lying position a person relaxes more easily. But this is optional.

Psychologist's office in kindergarten

Psychological office in kindergarten decorated in bright colors so that the child does not feel the difference between the usual play area and the place where correctional work takes place. The office should be adjusted to the full range of work, which usually includes:

  • the waiting area;
  • conversation area;
  • play therapy area;
  • rest zone;
  • specialist’s personal space zone.

In kindergartens, psychologists' offices usually accommodate several children at once, up to 12 people for group training.

For obvious reasons, the design of a psychologist’s office in the garden is becoming divided. The first, advisory zone provides a cozy, relaxed atmosphere. More suitable colors are beige and light brown. You can place a small coffee table between the seats.

The correctional and developmental area should be equipped for games, activities and training. That is, it is necessary to have desks, a blackboard, a creative corner, and a place to store toys and tools. This zone may be particularly colorful and bright. Bright objects will arouse children's interest and have a positive effect on their activity.

The relaxation area can be equipped in pastel, soothing colors so that children can relax after intense play work.

The personal space of a child psychologist can be designed to suit his taste or in the form of a standard work environment, allowing him to concentrate on professional responsibilities.

This is what the correct design of a child psychologist’s office looks like.

Psychologist's office at school

Design of a psychologist's office in educational institution should create the effect of lightness as much as possible. The influence of the general environment is very important in pedagogical and psychological work with schoolchildren, because, as a rule, it is not very easy to position children in adolescence.

It is advisable to get rid of dark objects and dilute the interior with more cheerful shades: orange, yellow-green, lemon, olive, blue-green. It is not recommended to leave white walls; such a color subconsciously tires and makes you sad, unless it acts as a background for the rest of the rainbow details.

Before the age of 10, children perceive pinks, purples and reds more favorably. Dark, gray shades are extremely undesirable. For 11-12 year olds, green and blue colors are preferred. This helps to establish closer contact with children. For older children, blue and green are suitable. You can make yellow or orange the predominant color scheme.

It is also advisable to isolate the office from extraneous noise so as not to disrupt the conversational mood and the child is not distracted.

Photos of the design of a psychologist’s office in an original style are presented in the article.

You can create an interesting, but at the same time cozy environment with the help of flowers and colorful partitions between work areas. An aquarium can create a relaxing effect. This is an auxiliary attribute that will help establish trusting contact between the consultant and the client.

Also popular design solutions are often based on the design of the office in two main color groups. For emotional relief, only two primary colors are used. For example, brown and pistachio, light green and olive, beige and brown. The main thing is that the two colors combine perfectly with each other. Furniture should not narrow the room too much; a large space feels like freedom. Combined lighting will also help to relax the client. Somewhere you will need to dim the light, somewhere, on the contrary, you will need to brighten it, depending on the emotional state of the client.