Technological map of the fine arts lesson “Sea Battle of Saltan and the Pirates” (a collective panel of two fairy-tale fleets with opposite intentions). What shapes and color combinations will you use to make decorations for the evil and good fairies? sea ​​bo

Sea Battle is an excellent browser-based MMORPG, where Caribbean landscapes, medieval-style forts and exciting battles on the high seas await you! You need to choose your hero from the 4 presented pirates, play both as a female character and as a male thug and decide which camp to join. Climb onto the ship and go on various quests: find out information from the inhabitants of the islands, sail out in search of adventure and fight sea monsters. Gain experience, fill your chests with gold, strengthen your morale and earn a reputation as the terror of the seas.

The developers suggest not to waste time and immediately set sail, without tedious client settings and reading the rules. The browser implementation allows you to play naval battle even on weak computers, and registration does not take much time. Beautiful pirate girls will not let you go off course: from the first minutes you will receive tips on where to sail and what to do. And the auto navigation function will help you reach your destination in one click.
The game's cellular system is reminiscent of Heroes of Magic and Sword. To attack the enemy, you will have to swim to the permissible distance for the strike. The enemy may have assistants right in the midst of battle. The depths of the sea are full of surprises.
Powerful ships can attack from a great distance without wasting a turn moving closer to the enemy.

Every day new events appear in the game, for completing which you can get interesting prizes. Rewards received for battles can be spent on improving the ship, installing powerful cannons or strengthening the sides.
You won’t be bored: quests come one after another. Starting from simple ones: talking with someone, ending with sailing to battle with a mysterious sea reptile. For successfully completing tasks you receive gold, experience, reputation points and spirit.
The reserves of the latter determine the speed of your swimming. More precisely, the frequency of your movements. If your spirit is at zero, you will not be able to move through the watery depths for some time. We'll have to wait until it's replenished. At this time, you can take a break from the game and do mundane things, or buy a spirit for real money and rush towards adventure.

Reputation points are needed to buy yourself a title. Agree, being a baron is much more profitable than an ordinary pirate, not to mention the privileges of titled persons.
Starting from the tenth level, you will be able to study magic and use spells in battles that deal more damage than many cannon volleys, without requiring you to swim to the enemy.

The game turned out to be lively and interesting. Here you can enter into alliances with other players, improve your ship, and hire assistants. Every day new tasks await you. Sea travel requires careful use of resources, so you'll have to learn to budget if you want to be successful.

Item: art

Class: 2

Lesson topic:"Sea battle between Saltan and pirates." expressing intentions through decoration

Lesson objectives:

Give the concept of the symbolism of images.

Getting to know the works visual arts V applied types creativity.

Planned results:

- Personal:- fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance;

Formation of communication skills and group work;

Subject: - mastering the technique of application;

Cultivating accuracy in work.

Consolidation of graphic skills.

Lesson type: Thematic image

· Equipment: gouache, large and thin brushes, glue, pins.



Routing lesson


The student completed 46 gr.

Poyarkov Danila



Date of:________________________

Item: art

Class: 2


Lesson objectives:

Give an idea about symbolism of images.

Acquaintance with works of fine art in applied arts.

Planned results:

Personal: - fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance;

Formation of communication skills and group work;

- Subject: - mastering the application technique;

Cultivating accuracy in work.

Consolidation of graphic skills.

Lesson type: Thematic image

  • Equipment: gouache, large and thin brushes, glue, pins.

Lesson stage. Methods and techniques


Student activities

Planned results (PUR)

Organizing time

1 min.

Hello, we are having an art lesson now. Have a seat.


Personal – perceive our speech directly addressed to the student.


5 minutes

– How can jewelry speak? For example, in these smooth shapes and patterns there is more calm and kindness.

And these sharp forms seem angry and prickly.

These colors are cheerful: they have a lot of sunshine. But here the bright colors seem disturbing because they are surrounded by dark ones.

Formulate the topic of the lesson

Formulate the purpose of the lesson activity

P: construct a speech utterance in oral form

K: formulate your own position and opinion;Cognitive (development of the ability of semantic perception of text)


in collaboration with the teacher, set creative and educational tasks

Cognitive introduction to art history

Updating knowledge

7 min

– What shapes and color combinations will you use to make decorations for the evil and good fairies?

– Do you remember “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A. S. Pushkin? Remember, Tsar Saltan’s fleet sailed to visit Prince Guidon? The king and his retinue were in a good, kind mood. They decorated their fleet in a festive and cheerful manner.

– Imagine that Saltan’s fleet met at sea with an armada (fleet) of evil and predatory pirates. How could their ships be decorated?

(Children’s answers and teacher’s generalization.)

Anwser the questions

Listen and perceive the teacher's speech

Anwser the questions

Anwser the questions

R: accept and save the learning task

L: positive attitude towards school and educational activities.

P: construct a speech utterance orally

R: skills to participate in dialogue.

P: build speech

oral statement

L: show emotional responsiveness to tasks

K: formulate your own position and opinion

Physical minute.

2 minutes


Repeat the movements.

Adjustable: Organize your physical action

Solving specific problems


Independent work of students.

Divide the class into two groups.

Task: decorate two fairytale fleets - good and evil. Choose jewelry that would express intentions - good and evil.

At the beginning of the lesson, on a double-glued sheet of wallpaper (attached to the board), we pin two fleets of the same silhouette, moving towards each other.

The ships and sails are white (the size of two palms). The fleets are exactly the same, and, therefore, it is impossible to characterize their intentions.

– How should you decorate Saltan’s fleet and the pirate fleet so that they don’t look alike? What colors and shapes of patterns should I choose?(Children's answers.)

The task of two groups of children is to distinguish (equip) the fleets with color and elementary symbols.

Children are given either blanks or stencils for tracing and cutting out elements (boat, sail). The teacher can cut out blanks for sails and ships in advance and come up with their composition in advance.

A short conversation is held about the role of color, symbols that are suitable here (sun, swan, kite, snakes, dragons, etc.).

By the end of the lesson, ships and sails are fixed in their places on the sheet ( of blue color). The result is two completely different fleets. One is cheerful, joyful, the other is scary, gloomy. You can give names to the ships (write in small block letters).

Personal (spiritual and moral development of children through the formation of a special attitude towards the culture of the people of Ancient Greece)

Regulatory (development of the ability to receive and retain information)


(use knowledge about the expressive features of various types of fine art)

Communication skills (ability to express one’s thoughts)

Lesson summary

3 min

Analysis of completed work. Evaluation of work.

Summarize the lesson

Regulatory – analyze your own work;

carry out final control.


1 min


Write down homework

R: final control is carried out

Type of activity: decorating with colors, symbols expressing intentions -
good or evil.
Goals and objectives: to give an idea of ​​the symbolism of images; acquaintance with
works of fine art in applied arts.
Lesson equipment: gouache, large and thin brushes, glue, pins.
AUDIENCE AREA: slides and reproductions of artists’ works,
illustrations of children's books: I. Bilibin paintings for “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”,
works of folk art; N. Roerich “Overseas Guests”.
Literary series: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A. S. Pushkin.
During the classes
I. Class organization.
Checking absences and readiness for class.
II. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.
– How can jewelry speak? For example, in these smooth shapes
more peace and kindness.
And these sharp forms seem angry and prickly.
These colors are cheerful: they have a lot of sunshine. And here the bright colors seem
alarming because they are surrounded by darkness.
– What shapes and color combinations will you use to make a decoration for the evil one and for the
good fairy?
– Do you remember “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A. S. Pushkin? Remember, visiting
did the fleet of Tsar Saltan sail to Prince Guidon? The king and his retinue had good things,
good mood. They decorated their fleet in a festive and cheerful manner.
– Imagine that Saltan’s fleet met an armada (fleet) at sea
pirates are evil and predatory. How could their ships be decorated?
(Children’s answers and teacher’s generalization.)

III. Working on a task.
Students' independent work.
Divide the class into two groups.
Assignment: decorate two fairytale fleets - good and evil. Decorations
choose ones that would express intentions - good and evil.
At the beginning of the lesson, on a double-glued piece of wallpaper (attached to the board)
We pin two fleets identical in silhouette, moving towards each other.
The ships and sails are white (the size of two palms). The fleets are completely
are the same, and, therefore, it is impossible to characterize their intentions.
– How to decorate Saltan’s fleet and the pirate fleet so that they are not
similar? What colors and shapes of patterns should I choose? (Children's answers.)
Next is the story: an evil wizard has erased all the colors, and we can’t figure it out.
where is whose ship and who is fighting with whom!
The task of two groups of children is to distinguish between colors and elementary symbols.
(equip) fleets.
Children are given either blanks or stencils for tracing and cutting out.
elements (boat, sail). The teacher can cut blanks for sails and ships
come up with their composition in advance and in advance.
A short conversation is held about the role of color, symbols, suitable here
(sun, swan, kite, snakes, dragons, etc.).
By the end of the lesson, ships and sails are fixed in their places on the sheet
(of blue color). The result is two completely different fleets. One is cheerful, joyful,
the other is scary, gloomy. You can give names to the ships (write in small
in block letters).

Page 1


Travel game

"Two Fleets"

2nd grade final lesson 3rd quarter

(Theme of the year: “You and Art”)
Topic: “Two Fleets”

Lesson type: travel game

Goals: Introduce students to the concepts of “good” and “evil”, the means through which these concepts can be expressed (shape, color, symbols).

Tasks: Create conditions for the development of emotional perception of beauty. Responsiveness to the beautiful and the ugly. Development of fantasy. Creation of a specific individual work-ship. I also consider it my task to create a favorable psychological climate, emotional mood, and create a creative atmosphere.

The lesson includes elements of integration with literary reading. Health-saving technologies are used. Dynamic breaks, relaxation. A combination of elements of artistic work and fine art. A combination of individual and group work

Equipment: Projector (Reproductions of ships: N.K. Roerich “Overseas Guests”, I. Bilibin. Sketch. Ship., S. Malyutin “Sadly Rich Guest”). Tape recorder (Music of the sound of the sea). Illustrations of merchant and pirate ships.

Teacher: Whatman paper depicting sea expanses.

Students: A-3 paper, pencil, scissors, gouache, brushes, palette, jar of water, rag.


1. Greetings

2. Lesson topic message

3. Practical work

4. Summing up the game

During the classes:

  1. Greetings(Creating a gaming state for participants)
Teacher: Hello guys, sit down. You've probably already noticed that our class is unusual today? What did you notice?

Students: The sea is painted on the wall, the desks are arranged in an unusual way.

Teacher: And you have a new teacher today! My name is Olga Viktorovna, I am a fine arts teacher at the Kitovsky school. Let's get to know you. (Each of you will say your name in unison at the same time. 1.2.3!) Okay, now I remember you all.

And today we have a lot of guests in class. Look at them and say hello.

But the most interesting thing is that you and I are going on a sea voyage. Do you love to travel? Well, as on any journey, a lot of new and interesting things await us. Guys, what do we need for our journey by sea to take place?

Students: Ship!

Teacher: Yes, we need a ship, and of course a friendly team! Of course, now we are on land and sea very far from us, but you are good dreamers, aren’t you? A modern technology will help us with this!

So, guys, hold your breath, close your eyes and imagine that we are on the seashore.

(Music, slide)

You can hear the cry of seagulls and the sound of the surf. Open your eyes. Look, the sea has indeed come to us!

The wind blows on the sea

And the boat speeds up

He runs in the waves

On full sails

The shipbuilders are amazed

There are crowds on the boat,

On a familiar island

They see a miracle in reality:

The new golden-domed city,

A pier with a strong outpost -

The guns are firing from the pier,

The ship is ordered to land.

Guys, maybe some of you know what work this excerpt is from?

Students:"The Tale of Tsar Saltan…"

Teacher: Yes, that's right, well done. This is probably one of your favorite fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. Or maybe you can tell me another fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin, which is connected with the sea?

Students:"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Teacher: Well done, what other literary works related to the sea and ships do you know?

Students:“The Little Mermaid”, “The Scarlet Flower”...

Teacher: There is also a very famous epic about the Novgorod merchant Sadko. (Slide)

Who played the harp for the king of the sea himself.

“And then he built 30 ships-

30 ships, 30 scarlets.

How he dumped the Novgorod goods

On those scarlet boats,

And a rich merchant from Novgorod went to trade

On our own on scarlet ships."

And scarlet means golden, rich.

Guys, now let's see how the famous artist Sergei Malyutin depicted Sadko the rich guest. (Slide)

You could see Ivan Bilibin's drawings in many children's books.

Here is another image of a merchant ship by artist Nicholas Roerich. (Slide)

Guys, take a closer look at these ships. What details depicted on these ships caught your attention?

(Slide 3 ships)

Students: Shields, bow, sails, etc. What wooden, bright.

Teacher: And what colors did the artists use to depict these ships for us?

Students: Red, yellow, green... bright

Teacher: Ships are depicted correctly with bright, sparkling sunlight. What mood do these images evoke in you?

Students: Joyful, festive, enthusiastic.

Teacher: Guys, in the old days there were other ships at sea.


-Look, these ships have black sails. Maybe you know what kind of ships these are?

Students: Yes, pirate ones! (Slide)

Teacher: Did you recognize the work?

Students: Yes, Aibolit

Teacher: Of course, this is your favorite fairy tale by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, “Doctor Aibolit.”

I'm reading...

“The doctor looked and saw that from behind the island on black sails some kind of black ship was approaching them - black, like ink, like soot.

“I don’t like these sails!” said the pig. “Why are they not white, but black?” Only on a ship do pirates have black sails.

“Oink-Oink guessed right: villainous pirates were racing under black sails. They wanted to catch up with Doctor Aibolit and take cruel revenge on him for kidnapping the fisherman and Penta from them.”

Describe a pirate ship to me. What could it have been decorated with?

Students: Heads of dragons, snakes...

Teacher: Black, dark, threatening, but dangerous were not only pirate ships, but also ships Vikings- warrior-seafarers who devastated the shores of Europe for 3 centuries.

2. Lesson topic message.

Now, guys, let's imagine that 2 fleets met in our sea. One of them is the fleet of Tsar Saltan, going to a holiday, a joyful meeting with Tsarevich Guidon, and the other is a fleet of pirates, jumping out to cross him, a fleet going on an evil, predatory, dark deed. The good and the evil fleet.

This is the topic of our lesson today - “Two Fleets”. These are the ones we must depict with you. Our task is to make them different, immediately recognizable, so that no one confuses them.

Choose which ship you will depict. Once again, let's pay attention to the shape of the ships and their silhouettes. (Silhouette of ships)

How are they different from each other?

Students: Good ones are smooth. rounded lines, while the evil one has rough, pointed, angular lines.

Teacher: The bows of ancient ships were also decorated with a large wooden or copper figure.

Or frightening in the form of the head of a dragon, a snake, or a talisman in the form of a mermaid, a sea maiden, a sacred bird - this figure was called - Rostroy.

Have you figured out what ship you will depict? What figure will be on the bow of your ship?

Let's close our eyes again, and on the count of 3 you should open them and quickly depict your sculpture with gestures.

So the sea is agitated1

The sea is rough 2

The sea is rough 3

The marine figure is in place - freeze...

Oh, what wonderful rostras you have created.

3. Practical work.

Now let's move on to practical work. I will give you sheets with silhouettes of ships. Your task is to carefully cut them out with scissors. Guys, have you ever worked with scissors? Do you remember how to handle them?

(Cut out, music. Trash box.)

So, guys, do we have a sea? (Eat)

Are our ship preparations ready? (Yes)

And now I would like to check if you are ready for a sea voyage! Please get up from your desk and be very attentive!

1 clap - look into the distance(Use your hand or binoculars, stretch your back, squint your eyes.)

2 claps - we run to the deck(Stomp our feet)

3 claps- climb the mast

4 claps- wave to an oncoming ship

So I see that real sea wolves have gathered here, strong and brave.

Come on, imagine how in the old days,

The ships went to robbery, to war.

Cannons on both sides,

On the sails there is either an eagle or a dragon.

The nose threatens with a grinning mouth

Whether it's a tiger, a lion, or something with teeth.

The flag flies with a black cross,

Flag with lightning, with a snake tail,

Sabers, perhaps criss-crossed on the flag.

Draw a formidable ship on paper!

Now imagine a different ship

The sail sparkles above the wave...

Let the seagull soar on the flag,

After all, the flag speaks of peace.

There is a butterfly, a bee on the flag...

Think about how to decorate your nose:

A mermaid with a mane of hair,

A dolphin with a nose like a needle

Dolphins do not bring harm;

Dress the ship up like for a parade

You are in the most festive outfit.

(V. Kalinkin)

And now our task is to dress the ships we have cut out, to give them a combat or festive coloring.

(I show pictures of ships in color)

Open the Colors. Think about what colors you will choose for your ship. What will you depict on the sail and on the ship itself?

Today you are working with gouache. Gouache, unlike watercolor, loves a little water, try to squeeze the brush against the edge of the jar.

So, guys, let's finish, I see that your ships are already ready, which means we can go out to the open sea.

Listen to my command!

I will give you orders, and you will repeat them to me with the word There is. Clearly, loudly, like real sailors. Let's try!

Get ready to go to the open sea!

Eat ready!

Weigh anchor!

There's time to weigh anchor!

Stay in your places!

There are places to stand!

Give up the mooring lines!

There is a need to give up the mooring lines!

Full speed ahead!

There's full speed ahead!

And now, guys, take your time, the first ones are those whose work has dried up. We go out and attach the ships to our sea canvas.

4. Results of the game.

Let's see what we got.

Whose fleet won? Tsar Saltan or pirates? Please anchor your ships to our sea. Tsar Saltan is on the right, and pirates are on the left.

(The guys hang their ships on whatman paper depicting the expanses of the sea.)

- How wonderfully you decorated your ships, it’s immediately clear who is good and who is evil, who has what goal. Let's remember where our ships are heading?

Students: The fleet of Tsar Saltan is sailing for a holiday, a joyful meeting with Tsarevich Guidon, and the other is a fleet of pirates that jumped out to cross him, a fleet going on an evil, predatory, dark deed. "Good" and "evil" fleet.

Teacher: Well done! Who won? What kind of ships do we have more?

Students: Saltana, welcome.

Teacher: This is not because the guys who portrayed the pirate ships did a bad job, but because good always triumphs over evil. You and I managed to create two very different fleets, “good and evil.” You chose the right colors and symbols for your ships and we got the whole picture. What name should we come up with for it?

Students:“How Saltan defeated the pirates”, “Two Fleets”, “Sea Battle”...

Teacher: Guys, did you like our sea voyage? What new did you learn today?

Students: What types of ships are there? How can you decorate them? Like a mood, a feeling can be conveyed through line and color. We also remembered our favorite literary works. We got acquainted with the works of famous artists.

Teacher: You have shown your creativity. Fantastic, they were attentive and careful. It was very pleasant and interesting for me to travel with you!

Morozova Liliya Ivanovna,

teacher primary classes

MBOU gymnasium No. 7, Chekhov, Moscow region

Educational and methodological set: “School of Russia”
Textbook: Nemenskaya L.A./Edited by Nemensky B.M. Fine arts. – M.: Education, 2014.
Class: 2
Goals of the teacher:
give an idea about the symbolism of images, about decoration as a method of expressing intentions, feelings, mood, familiarity with works of fine art.
Lesson type: solving particular problems.
Planned educational results:
Students will learn:
1. decorate the sails of two fairy-tale fleets with opposite intentions;
Will have the opportunity to learn:
2. respond emotionally to the images of characters in works of art, awakening feelings of sadness, compassion, joy, heroism, selflessness, disgust, horror, etc.;
3. participate in the creation of collective work.
1. learn to identify the features of objects in the process of examining them (observation);
2. learn to reproduce from memory the information necessary to solve a learning task;
3. teach finding the required color using gouache paints and watercolors
4. learn to compare the resulting color scheme with natural objects or works of fine art.
1. learn to plan a solution to a learning task: build a sequence of action algorithms;
2. learn to adjust your activities: make changes to the process taking into account the difficulties and errors encountered; outline ways to eliminate them;
3. learn to analyze the emotional state obtained from successful (unsuccessful) activities, evaluate their impact on one’s own mood;
4. learn to evaluate and compare the results of activity (someone else’s, one’s own) with a model;
5. learn to assess the level of proficiency in a particular educational activity
6. (answer the question “what do I not know and cannot do?”).
1. teach how to perform creative work using the information received in the lesson;
2. learn to express your own opinion when analyzing the works of your comrades, “maintain” the logic of the narrative, and present convincing arguments.
1. to develop an interest in the culture and history of one’s people and native country;
2. learn to express a positive attitude towards the learning process (show attention, surprise, desire to learn more);
3. develop the ability to evaluate one’s own educational activities: your achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, reasons for failures.
Technologies, methods and forms of training: problem-dialogical learning; partially search, explanatory-illustrative, individual and frontal conversations.
Educational Resources: templates, reproductions of paintings, samples of drawings and symbols.
Organizational structure of the lesson:

Lesson steps

Educational and developmental components, tasks and exercises

Teacher activities



Forms of interaction







psychological and motivational preparation of students to master what is being studied


Checks students' readiness for the lesson, creates an emotional mood

What can a shell tell you?

Listen, check readiness

They give assumptions



Personal:have a desire to learn; form motives for achieving subsequent goals

Verbal responses

Updating knowledge

Listening to music

(Sound and noise of the sea)

Close your eyes. What presented itself? Why?

(View of the sea opens)

Why has the sea always worried people?

Have you already guessed what our work will involve?

Now close your eyes again. (The theme to the film “Pirates of the Caribbean” sounds)

What happened at sea? Your guesses

(Pirates appeared on the sea)

Who are pirates? Let's find lexical meaning words in the explanatory dictionary.

What were they doing at sea?

Now we find out

who the pirates met at sea.

(Staging of an excerpt from a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan…"

(Annex 1)

What will happen if Saltan's fleet meets pirates?

(There will be a fight)

What is the topic of our lesson?

Listening to music

Answer questions and formulate the topic of the lesson



General education:

isolate and formulate

cognitive goal;

extract the necessary information to complete educational tasks and consciously construct an oral speech

Brain teaser:

Establish cause-and-effect relationships

complement and expand knowledge and understanding on the topic

Regulatory:highlight and save the target;

anticipate the result;

Verbal responses

Learning new material

Completing creative tasks

Independent work of students

Formulates tasks.

How to show the intentions of ships preparing for battle?

(Show the direction of movement on models of boats, placing them on posters with a sea background)

How can we determine where Saltan’s fleet is and where the pirate fleet is?

What need to do?

How else can we show intentions?

(Color, shape)

What colors will we use to depict Tsar Saltan's fleet? Why?


What colors will we use to represent the pirate fleet? Why?


Select the desired colors from the palette. Please note that there is a technique: warm colors surrounded by cold ones acquire a special sound. They are brighter, more sinister.

I remind you to create additional colors.


Form also helps us determine the characters' intentions.

(Sharp corners are evil, soft lines are good)

Today we will get acquainted with another technique of artists to show a person’s intentions.

Look at the decorations.

Which of them could you decorate the ships of Saltan's fleet, and which of the pirate fleet?

Conclude what problems remain to be solved?

(Create the fleets of Tsar Saltan and the pirates, show the intentions of the fairytale fleets with movement, color, shape and decoration)

You have ship templates in your folder. For convenience, attach them with a paper clip to cardboard with the fleets' intentions. Draw in pencil.

Do not use a lot of small parts, because... them later difficult to draw paints. Use a thin to medium brush.

Whoever is ready places his work on the panel. Good luck with your work!

(Individual consultations)


circles from the palette model

with different colors

Analyze samples

Conduct physical education

just a minute



Summarize Prepare

templates for




Sketch in pencil and color


Regulatory:selection of the most suitable materials and tools; carrying out work according to the plan based on samples and drawings


General education:use your life experience, brain teaser: obtain new knowledge from different sources of information; use the information received in your work; determine ways to communicate the intentions of the two fleets

Communicative:convey your position to others, express your thoughts in a drawing; listen to others speak; exchange views

Regulatory:carry out step-by-step control

Regulatory:act taking into account the guidelines identified by the teacher;

compare the method of action

and its result with a given standard


seek help and formulate difficulties;

Verbal responses

Practical Operations

Drawing on the template

Exhibition of works. Reflection

Summarize the information received in the lesson

Art Gallery

The girls will analyze the boys' work,

and boys and girls according to plan:

1. Have the assigned tasks been completed? How was this achieved?


3. Liked/disliked.

Your attitude

Emotional switching

(paintings by artists for the fairy tale)

(Appendix 2)

Look at the painting by Russian artist Nicholas Roerich

"Overseas Guests"

(Appendix 3)

What's in the foreground? On the background?

Where is the focal point?

What were the intentions of the overseas guests?

I listen to the shell, the sea is quiet and calm.

Determine their attitude towards work, emotional

new condition

Looking at a picture, they learn to analyze

work of fine art


Regulatory:evaluate the completion of the task (whether they completed it or not);

highlight what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned; determine the quality of learning


argue their position

Personal:understand the importance of knowledge for a person and accept it;

Student assessment

Annex 1

“Guidon sits under the window,
Silently looks at the sea:
It doesn’t make noise, it doesn’t whip,
Only barely trembles.
And in the azure distance
Ships appeared:
Along the Okiyan plains
Tsar Saltan's fleet is on its way.
Prince Guidon then jumped up,
He cried loudly:
“My dear mother!
You, princess, are young!
Look there:
Father is coming here."
The fleet is already suitable for the island.
Prince Guidon blows the trumpet:
The king is standing on deck
And he looks at them through the pipe...”

Appendix 2