Trends in exhibition activities. Abstract: Specifics of exhibition activities as a means of promotion. Organizing exhibitions and planning participation in them

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is a unified state register of legal entities that every novice businessman had to deal with. It is this register that contains most of the data on legal entities. You can obtain this data through an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. We will find out what it is further.

Why do you need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

An extract from the register is an official document containing a number of important information about a particular legal entity. There are standard and extended statements. The first of them includes the following data:
  • Full title legal entity, details from public access.
  • Legal address.
  • The full name of the current head of the company, that is, the one who can act on behalf of the legal entity without powers of attorney.
  • The current status of the action.
  • Names of participants.
  • Type (or types) carried out economic activity.
  • Existing licenses of a legal entity.
  • Brief information about legal successors and predecessors, if any.
  • Amount of authorized capital.
  • Registration in extra-budgetary funds (if any).
  • Branches or representative offices, if any.
  • Changes carried out during the implementation of economic activity.

The extended extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, in addition to the above data, includes confidential data: passport data general director the company and its founders.

What is a Unified State Register of Legal Entities sheet?

Sheet Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an official document that includes only certain information taken from state register. What information appears on the sheet depends on the circumstances in which it is required. Among the most common cases are the following:
  • Change of the general director of the company. In this case, the sheet will contain information about the previous director, the period of his service, as well as the reason for his dismissal or removal from office.
  • The need to re-issue the certificate of registration of OGRN. The sheet will include data with the number, date of issue and series of the previous certificate, as well as similar data from the new certificate.
  • . A rather rare situation when a Unified State Register of Legal Entities is required occurs when it is necessary to conclude a large and serious transaction with a large amount of investment or when concluding a long-term contract.

Many people confuse the entry sheet and the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In fact, the difference between them lies on the surface. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities includes complete data taken from the register, and the sheet is intended to confirm the fact of registration of an organization or the introduction of certain changes.

How to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

Ordering an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is also a very problematic process, consisting of several steps. Let's look at them in more detail:
  • In the case when it is necessary to obtain an extract for his organization, the director must come independently to the office of the district tax service with a passport or send an authorized representative with identification documents. In addition, it is recommended to obtain an extract from the same tax office where registration took place. You must also have a receipt for payment of the state fee with you if you are preparing a paid extract.
  • An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can be obtained free of charge only for your organization. A free statement will be issued within 5 working days. A state fee of 200 rubles allows you to issue an extract to a third party (counterparty) within up to 5 working days. For a state fee of 400 rubles, the time required to produce an extract is significantly reduced. You will receive the extract the very next day after your application. In addition, it will be possible to order an extract to a third party (counterparty).
  • A tax office employee will ask you to fill out an application for an extract. If you receive an urgent paid statement, you must indicate this additionally.
  • Within the period indicated above (1-5 business days), the extract can be collected.

What is necessary to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

There are two types of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - related and not related to constituent documents. In both cases, the procedure will be different, so we will consider the procedures for making changes for both cases.

How to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities that are not related to the constituent documentation:

  • First you will need to fill out an application form No. P14001. It can be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.
  • If the changes are related to the transfer of a share or shares in, then you will need to prepare documents confirming the fact of the transfer of shares.
  • The listed documents will need to be submitted to the district tax office in person or by mail. The applicant's signature on the documents must be notarized.
  • Within 5 working days, the submitted documents will be checked. If no violations are found, then the director of the company personally or through an authorized representative can receive a sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with the necessary changes.
In a situation where changes occur in connection with amendments to the constituent documentation of a legal entity, you will have to act differently:
  • Fill out power of attorney No. P13001, which can be obtained on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. The application can be filled out by the director of the company or an authorized representative.
  • It is also necessary to collect a number of documents. Among them should be a decision to make changes to the documents, the changes themselves in two copies, and also a receipt for the paid state duty of 800 rubles.
  • The package of documents is submitted to the regional office of the Federal Tax Service personally by the director of the company, through an authorized representative or via registered mail.
  • If the document verification is successful, after 5 working days you will be able to pick up the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with the necessary changes and a copy of the completed charter with the official mark of the registrar.

Economic stabilization Russian Federation, the need to stimulate positive structural changes in favor of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries pose new challenges for promoting domestic technologies, goods and services to domestic and foreign markets. As world practice shows, one of the most effective methods The solution to the above problems is the exhibition industry:

Exhibitions are a link between domestic and international markets and help attract foreign investment to implement promising areas of economic development. Extremely increased market transparency, low costs of searching for information, and progressive deregulation immeasurably intensify competition in terms of timing and competencies. Globalization entails mergers of companies, regrouping of forces, the formation of new structures, and the formation of strategic alliances. As one of essential tools trade, investment, industrial and foreign economic policies of the country, the exhibition industry becomes a systemic segment of the national economy, promoting key industries. And, as a consequence, the development of the country directly depends on how developed exhibition activities.

In terms of its complexity and versatility, the Russian exhibition business is comparable to such sectors national economy as industry, scientific, technological, entrepreneurial activity. Alexey Agafonov. Exhibition business in Russia: trends and development prospects. //Bulletin of the Guild of Exhibition Organizations of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, October, 2005.

A characteristic feature of the current stage of development of the exhibition business is the need to improve the mechanism for the integrated development of exhibition services. This is due both to general economic trends and to the emergence of new market laws: tough competition, the need to find optimal counterparties and create new ways to sell products, the increasing role of advertising.

Accelerated technological development, primarily information and communication technologies, and the associated onset of globalization leads to an increase in the importance of exhibition projects among the communicative tools that: become one of the effective implementation mechanisms innovation process;

· provide market mobility;

· create the necessary information field;

· generate significant financial flows;

· bring additional income to budgets of all levels.

The beginning of a new stage in the development of exhibition, fair and congress activities is also determined by changes in business conditions associated with the process of Russia's accession to the WTO. In this regard, exhibition and fair activities acquire a qualitatively new meaning in the context of supporting domestic producers. The procedure for regulating trade in services within the WTO inevitably entails increased competition with foreign firms, on the one hand, and a limitation of the tools for protecting Russian producers, on the other. All this objectively leads to the need to protect Russian exhibition organizations, which, after removing barriers, may find themselves in a vulnerable position, and thereby protect domestic producers.

The dynamics of development of the exhibition business currently indicate the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones. In other words, the exhibition market is undergoing a transformation towards its globalization and the predominance of cooperation trends. This trend is the result of the disappearance of small firms, the reduction of both exhibitions and fairs and operators; gradual disappearance of similar exhibitions Alexey Agafonov. Exhibition business in Russia: trends and development prospects. //Bulletin of the Guild of Exhibition Organizations of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, October, 2005.

The very philosophy of forming exhibition projects is undergoing changes, which today are not limited only to the exposition component, transforming into Forums and industry Weeks. The realities of the current stage of development of the exhibition market are the resale of promising brands by weak operators to more powerful ones, the formation of exhibition holdings. For example, in 2000-2003. the total number of exhibitions and fairs, including universal exhibitions, decreased by almost a third, specialized ones - by a quarter, and there were fewer operators by 20%.

The features of the new stage in the development of the exhibition business bring to life and new paradigm process management systems in the exhibition industry. It must be admitted that the existing methods and methods of this system do not always satisfy the dynamic requirements of global economic development. And therefore, the most important task today is to develop scientifically grounded ways and directions for the rational use of the mechanism for managing exhibition and congress activities, based on general methodological provisions for planning economic and social development national economy of the country. Scientific Basics ensuring the organization of a full range of exhibition services involves continuous improvement of methodology, rationalization of the approach to a comprehensive assessment of the development of exhibition business projects.

Prospects for the development of the exhibition industry today are related to ensuring its coordination and support at the state level, ensuring legal protection of domestic exhibitionists, assessing exhibition activities based on the results of the effectiveness of exhibition events, developing the congress industry, creating modern (and updating existing) exhibition complexes, forming a multi-level system of training and advanced training of personnel for the exhibition industry and, as an initial stage in improving the quality and efficiency of the implementation of business projects in this area - methodological support procedures for preparing and implementing exhibition projects.

Moscow continues to be the leader in exhibition and fair activities. It's about not only about Russia, but about the entire space former USSR: more than half of all exhibition and congress events take place in the Russian capital. For the rental of exhibition space, this figure is even higher: more than 60% of the total volume.

Exhibition activities in Moscow have reached the world level in scale, becoming important integral part economic life capital Cities. Today, the exhibition and congress sphere is a powerful stimulus for the socio-economic and cultural development of Moscow, contributing to the formation of market infrastructure, the expansion of the market for goods and the growth of export-import exchange. In addition, the intensification of business communications creates a beneficial business and investment climate in the city, facilitating the transition to high-quality new level production of goods and services, development foreign economic relations Moscow, rational integration of the capital's economy into the world economy.

The exhibition and congress sphere of Moscow, along with the above, itself remains a source of significant financial revenues to the city budget and at the same time increases the commercial return of the service sector (hotels, transport, communications, catering, domestic services, leisure industry, etc.).

The Moscow government, based on the role played by exhibition and congress activities in the real sector of the city’s economy, gives it a worthy place in the capital’s development priorities and associates with it the solution of many pressing problems facing Moscow, including the task of doubling the gross domestic product by 2010 Alexey Agafonov. Exhibition business in Russia: trends and development prospects. //Bulletin of the Guild of Exhibition Organizations of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, October, 2005.

Thus, the role and place of exhibition and fair activities in the national economic complex of the city of Moscow is confirmed by the very course of economic development of the capital at the present stage. It is on it, in particular, that the building up of the city’s potential and Moscow’s consistent entry into the global economic space largely depends.

According to statistics from the International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, more than 50% of all exhibition events organized today in the CIS and Baltic countries are held in Moscow. In terms of area, this figure is even higher - over 60%. In this regard, the program of Moscow exhibitions can serve as a fairly reliable basis for analyzing the processes of formation and development of the exhibition market in Russia.

There are currently about 120 exhibition operators in the Moscow exhibition market, 25 of which are members of the International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, which is about a third of all members of the Union. About 550 exhibition and fair events are held annually at 15 exhibition venues in the capital. international participation, including proposals from foreign organizations. Their total exhibition area reaches 1.5 million sq.m. About 100 thousand domestic participants annually take part in these events, including more than 16 thousand foreign exhibitors from almost 130 countries of the near and far abroad. Over the past 2-3 years, the capital's exhibition events have been steadily attended by 8 to 8.5 million visitors, of which 2.0 million are specialists from almost all sectors of the domestic economy, including small businesses, crafts and folk crafts.

An analysis of the Moscow exhibition market allows us to identify the main thematic priorities characteristic of Moscow exhibition events. The largest share of exhibition events held by the largest operators in Moscow are exhibitions of furniture, textiles and clothing, transport, construction, healthcare, food, computer science, communications, education; exhibitions dedicated to sports and leisure.

Far beyond the borders of our country, such major Moscow exhibitions as “Furniture”, “Chemistry”, “Healthcare”, Mosbuild”, “Prodexpo”, “Svyaz-Expocom”, “Moscow International Book Fair”, “Lesdrevmash”, “Rosupak” are known ”, “Golden Autumn”, “Textillegprom” and others. It is at these forums, demonstrating the main achievements of industry development, stimulating Professional Development and increasing the prestige of the industry, the main players in the industry markets are striving to make their presence known.

The organizers of the most significant exhibition events for the city's economy are members of the International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs. To date, 62 Moscow exhibitions have been awarded the professional mark of the International Exhibition Industry Association and 30 Moscow exhibitions have the mark of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI).

The material and technical base for exhibition and congress activities is also undergoing serious reconstruction. New pavilions are being built and old ones are being reconstructed at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, a new pavilion is being erected at the Expocenter on Krasnaya Presnya, the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center is being reconstructed, a new modern exhibition pavilion has been put into operation at the Crocus Expo Exhibition Complex, and the Manege Central Exhibition Hall has been revived.

The above assessment of the Moscow exhibition market allows us to draw the following conclusions:

The current state and trends in the development of exhibition and congress activities in Moscow indicate the emergence of the city as the largest center of this type of service in Eastern Europe;

In the capital, a core of professional organizers of exhibition activities has formed, presenting the most intense exhibition programs that have a noticeable impact on the development of sectors of the national economy. This group of exhibitionists has created Russian exhibition “brands” that are actively promoting both on the domestic and international markets;

Solving problems and problems modern development Moscow's exhibition market today, of course, lies in the plane of Moscow's entry into the world economic space, optimizing business partnerships with the international exhibition community, and realizing the potential of the largest European business center.


Thus, having carried out a historical analysis of the emergence of the shopping centers GUM, TSUM, Crocus-Expo, Ikea, and an analysis of the holding of exhibition events in them, we note:

1. GUM - one of the most prestigious shopping centers in Moscow and visited by tourists, conducts quite active exhibition activities, even taking into account the rather specific space of this shopping center, we can say that this policy is quite successful and pursues not only the goals of increasing trade turnover, but also simply aesthetic, general educational, and cognitive ones. The theme of the exhibitions held at TSUM is an introduction to the work of Leonardo Davinci and ordinary Moscow schoolchildren. TSUM is also quite willing to provide its space for exhibitions of novice designers.

2. The exhibition activities of TSUM are not so active in terms of education, but they are varied enough to attract buyers. It is worth noting that from time to time, TSUM pays attention to the work of contemporary art, exhibiting current artists and the most fashionable designer collections. It was at TsUM that Yoko Ono’s exhibition “The Odyssey of a Cockroach” took place.

3. Trade and exhibition complex "Crocus City" combines the advantages luxury store and a public exhibition center, the topics of the exhibitions are extremely diverse - these include exhibitions of contemporary artists, and the activities of African creative unions, interior items, everything, right down to exhibitions of heavy engineering and construction products. The goals are pursued in a variety of ways - cultural, educational and commercial.

4. I will especially note the activities trading network Ikea. Although not literally an exhibition complex, the store still sells exhibition projects- in the form of interior designs for bedrooms, kitchens, hallways, and living rooms developed by the company’s designers. And even if the buyer has not purchased anything in the store, I think, after visiting it, he will receive a good bag of ideas, because it’s not for nothing that the motto of this company is “If there is an idea, there is Ikea.”