Model charter of a Regional (local) public organization. Sample. Charter of a regional public organization Model charter of a public organization

All-Russian public organization


1.1. All-Russian public organization "", hereinafter referred to as the Organization, is a membership-based public association created on the basis joint activities to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of united citizens and legal entities - public associations.

1.2. Full name of the Organization in Russian: All-Russian Public Organization "", abbreviated name in Russian: ROO "", full name in language: "", abbreviated name in language: "".

1.3. The organization operates throughout the territory Russian Federation.

1.4. Location of the Organization: .

1.5. An organization is considered created as a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in the manner prescribed by federal laws.

1.6. An organization is created without a time limit.

1.7. The Organization can be a plaintiff and defendant in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, on its own behalf acquire and exercise property and non-property rights in accordance with the goals of the Organization’s activities, provided for by the Charter of the Organization, and bears the responsibilities associated with these activities.

1.8. The organization has a round seal with full name Organizations in Russian, stamps and forms with their name.

1.9. An organization may have flags, emblems, pennants and other symbols. The symbols of the Organization should not coincide with the state symbols of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as with the symbols of foreign states. The symbols of the Organization should not violate the rights of citizens to intellectual property or offend their national and religious feelings. The symbols of the Organization are subject to state registration and registration in the order established by law Russian Federation.

1.10. The organization has the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to open settlement, currency and other bank accounts on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

1.11. The requirements of the Charter of the Organization are mandatory for fulfillment by all bodies of the Organization and its members.

1.12. The organization is not responsible for the obligations of its members. Members of the Organization are not responsible for the obligations of the Organization. The Organization is not liable for the obligations of the state and its bodies, and the state and its bodies are not liable for the obligations of the Organization.

1.13. The organization is liable for its obligations with its property, which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be foreclosed on.


2.1. The purpose of creating the Organization is to protect the common interests of its members in the field.

2.2. The subject of the Organization's activities is: .

2.3. The organization carries out the following activities (or several types of activities):.

2.4. Selected species activities can be carried out by the Organization only on the basis of special permits (licenses). The list of these types of activities is determined by law.

2.5. An organization has the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities only insofar as it serves the achievement of the statutory goals for which it was created and is consistent with these goals. Entrepreneurial activities are carried out by the Organization in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and others legislative acts Russian Federation.

2.6. An organization has the right to create business partnerships, societies and other business organizations, as well as acquire property intended for conducting business activities.

2.7. In the interests of achieving its goal, the Organization may create other non-profit organizations and join other public associations and non-profit organizations.

2.8. Interference in the economic and other activities of the Organization by government and other organizations is not permitted unless it is conditioned by their right to exercise control over the activities of the Organization.

2.9. The organization carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, the Federal Law “On Public Associations” and other legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.10. An organization, in accordance with current legislation, can join international public associations, acquire rights and bear responsibilities corresponding to the status of these international public associations, maintain direct international contacts and connections, and enter into agreements with foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations.

2.11. The organization takes part in elections and referendums in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


3.1. Members of the Organization may be citizens over 18 years of age and legal entities - public associations: .

3.2. The condition of membership in the Organization is: .

3.3. Admission of new members to the Organization is carried out on the basis of: .

3.4. A new member is admitted to the Organization upon presentation necessary documents specified in clause 3.3, and fulfillment of the conditions specified in clause 3.2 of the charter, by decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.

3.5. Grounds for leaving the Organization or loss of membership (exclusion from membership) of the Organization:

3.6. Registration of withdrawal from members of the Organization is carried out within days from the moment of submission of the necessary documents and fulfillment of the requirements specified in clause 3.5.1 of the charter, by decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.

3.7. Registration of exclusion from the Organization or loss of membership is carried out within days from the moment of submission of the necessary documents or other circumstances specified in clause 3.5.2 of the charter, by decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.


4.1. Members of the Organization have the right:

  • participate in the management of the affairs of the Organization in the manner established by the charter and other regulations of the Organization;
  • elect and be elected to the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization;
  • in the prescribed manner, receive information about the activities of the Organization;
  • transfer property or rights to use property, intangible rights to the Organization.

4.2. A member of the Organization has the right to leave the Organization at his own discretion. Upon leaving, a member of the Organization (does not) have the right to demand the return of the property contributed by him, the termination of the rights to use property and (or) intangible rights granted to him, as well as the transfer of part of the organization’s property to him in the following order: . A member who is expelled or who has lost membership of the Organization shall be subject to the same rules as apply to members who withdraw from the Organization at their own discretion.

4.3. The entry into the Organization of a new member cannot be conditioned by his responsibility for the obligations of the Organization that arose before his entry.

4.4. Members of the Organization are obliged to:

  • comply with the provisions of the Charter of the Organization, other regulatory acts of the Organization, implement the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization;
  • take part in the activities of the Organization;
  • fulfill the obligations undertaken towards the Organization in a timely manner and in full;
  • provide information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Organization;
  • provide assistance to the Organization in its activities.

4.5. Members of the Organization may also have other rights and bear other responsibilities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory documents Organization, as well as agreements concluded with the Organization.


5.1. The highest governing body of the Organization is the general meeting (Conference, Congress) of members of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the general meeting). The permanent governing collegial governing body of the Organization is the board, elected by the general meeting and accountable to it.

5.2. The main function of the general meeting is to ensure that the Organization adheres to the purposes for which it was created.

5.3. The exclusive competence of the general meeting includes resolving the following issues:

  1. changing the charter of the Organization;
  2. determination of priority areas of the Organization’s activities, principles of formation and use of its property;
  3. formation of the Organization's board and early termination of its powers;
  4. approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet;
  5. statement financial plan Organizations and changes to it;
  6. creation of branches and opening representative offices of the Organization;
  7. participation in other organizations;
  8. reorganization and liquidation of the Organization;

5.4. The general meeting meets as needed, but at least once a year.

5.5. Each member of the Organization is required to attend general meeting and take part in its work.

5.7. The general meeting of members of the Organization is valid if more than half of its members are present (represented) at the said meeting.

5.8. The decision of the general meeting is made by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

5.9. The decision of the general meeting on issues of the exclusive competence of the general meeting is adopted unanimously.

5.10. Minutes are kept at general meetings.

5.11. For the practical ongoing management of the activities of the Organization in the period between convenings of general meetings, the Board of the Organization is elected - the permanent governing body of the Organization.

5.12. The Board of the Organization is elected by the general meeting for a period of ___ years (years) from among the members of the Organization in the number established by the general meeting.

5.13. The Board of the Organization may be re-elected upon expiration of its term of office for a new term. The issue of early termination of his powers may be raised at the general meeting at the request of at least 1/3 of its members.

5.14. The competence of the board includes resolving all issues that do not constitute the exclusive competence of other management bodies of the Organization. The Board regularly informs members of the Organization about the activities of the Organization.

5.15. The work of the board is organized by the chairman of the board elected at the board meeting. Minutes are kept at board meetings held at least on .

5.16. The Chairman of the Board acts on behalf of the Organization without a power of attorney.

5.17. The Board is located at the location of the Organization.


6.1. The organization maintains accounting records and statistical reporting in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The Organization provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies and tax authorities, members of the Organization and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3. Responsibility for organization, condition and reliability accounting in the Organization, timely submission of the annual report and other financial statements to the relevant authorities, as well as information about the activities of the Organization submitted to members of the Organization, creditors and funds mass media, bears the board.

6.4. The organization stores the following documents:

  • charter of the Organization, amendments and additions made to the charter of the Organization, registered in the prescribed manner, decision on the creation of the Organization, document on state registration of the Organization;
  • documents confirming the Organization’s rights to property on its balance sheet;
  • internal documents of the Organization;
  • regulations on the branch or representative office of the Organization;
  • annual reports;
  • accounting documents;
  • accounting documents;
  • minutes of general meetings, board meetings, audit commission(auditor) of the Organization;
  • conclusions of the audit commission (auditor) of the Organization, the auditor of the Organization, state and municipal financial control bodies;
  • other documents provided federal legislation;
  • other documents provided for by the internal documents of the Organization, decisions of the general meeting, the board of the Organization, as well as documents provided for legal acts Russian Federation.
The Organization is obliged to provide members of the Organization with access to the above documents.

6.5. To exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the Organization, the general meeting elects from among the members of the Organization an audit commission consisting of ___ members for a period of one year. The retirement of individual members of the audit commission, as well as the election of its new members, is not a basis for reducing or extending the term of activity of the entire audit commission. To organize the work of the audit commission, its chairman is elected.

6.6. The competence of the audit commission (auditor) of the Organization includes the following powers:

  • inspection (audit) of the financial and economic activities of the Organization based on the results of activities for the year, as well as at any time on the initiative of the audit commission (auditor), by decision of the general meeting or at the request of a member of the Organization;
  • requesting from the management bodies of the Organization documents on financial and economic activities;
  • convening a general meeting;
  • drawing up a conclusion based on the results of the audit of financial and economic activities, which should contain:
    • confirmation of the reliability of the data contained in the reports and other financial documents of the Organization;
    • information about facts of violation of the procedure for maintaining accounting records and submitting financial statements established by legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as legal acts of the Russian Federation when carrying out financial and economic activities;

6.7. The procedure for the activities of the audit commission (or auditor) of the Organization is determined by the internal document of the Organization - regulations (regulations, etc.) approved by the general meeting.

6.8. By decision of the general meeting, members of the audit commission (auditor) of the Organization, during the period of performance of their duties, are (not) paid remuneration and (or) compensated for expenses associated with the performance of their duties. The amounts of such remuneration and compensation are established by a decision of the general meeting.

6.9. To audit the financial and economic activities of the Organization, the general meeting appoints and approves the auditor of the Organization.

6.10. The auditor carries out an audit of the financial and economic activities of the Organization in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Organization and the auditor. The amount of payment for the auditor's services is determined by the general meeting.

6.11. State bodies control the activities of the Organization in accordance with Article 38 Federal Law“On public associations.”


7.1. An organization may own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and recreational purposes, cash, shares, other securities and other property necessary to materially support its activities specified in the charter. The Organization may also own institutions, publishing houses, and mass media created and acquired at the expense of the Organization in accordance with its statutory goals.

7.2. The property of the Organization is formed on the basis of entrance and membership fees. Other sources of formation of the Organization’s property in monetary and other forms are:

  • voluntary contributions and donations;
  • proceeds from lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, sports and other events held by the Organization;
  • income from business activities;
  • income from civil transactions;
  • income from foreign economic activities of the Organization;
  • long-term and short-term credits, loans;
  • dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;
  • income received from the Organization's property;
  • other income and receipts not prohibited by law.

7.3. The procedure for regular and one-time receipts from members of the Organization is established by the general meeting of the Organization

7.4. Income from the business activities of the Organization cannot be redistributed among the members of the Organization and must be used only to achieve the statutory goals.

7.5. The organization accepts donations in the form of cash and other property for activities related to the preparation and conduct of elections only in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law “On political parties"and the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections.

7.6. The organization does not have the right to pay remuneration to members for participation in the general meeting, with the exception of compensation for expenses directly related to participation in the general meeting.

7.7. Using targeted contributions from members and profits received, the Organization creates the following funds:

  • capital investments;
  • wages;
  • representative, reserve and others - by decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.

7.8. The composition, purpose, size and procedure for the formation and direction of spending of the relevant funds are determined by the decision of the general meeting of members of the Organization.

7.9. The amount and procedure for payment of targeted contributions by members are established by the general meeting of the Organization.

7.10. The property of the Organization is protected by law.

7.11. The Organization may use its funds for charitable purposes.


8.1. The activities of the Organization may be suspended in accordance with Article 42 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”.

8.2. The organization may be reorganized in accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”.

8.3. An organization may be liquidated voluntarily in the manner established by Articles 61–64 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the requirements of Articles 18–21 of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”.

8.4. An organization can be forcibly liquidated in accordance with Article 26 or Article 44 of the Federal Law “On Public Associations”.

8.5. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the Organization are transferred to it. The Board of Directors ceases its activities.

8.6. In the absence of a legal successor, documents of permanent storage that have scientific and historical significance are transferred for state storage to the archives of the association “”; documents on personnel (orders, personal files, personal accounts, etc.) are transferred for storage to the archive on the territory of which the Organization is located. The transfer and organization of documents is carried out by and at the expense of the Organization in accordance with the requirements of archival authorities.

8.7. Upon liquidation of the Organization, the property remaining after satisfying the claims of creditors, unless otherwise established by the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” and other federal laws, is directed to the purposes for which it was created and (or) to charitable purposes in the manner determined by the general meeting Organizations (this procedure may be established in the charter).

8.8. If the use of the property of the liquidated Organization in accordance with its constituent documents is not possible, it turns into state income.


9.1. The issue of introducing amendments and additions to the charter of the Organization is submitted to the general meeting for consideration on the initiative of the board or on the initiative of at least one third of the members of the Organization.

9.2. Changes and additions to the charter approved by the general meeting are subject to state registration.

9.3. State registration amendments and additions to the Charter of the Organization are carried out in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.4. Changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization come into force from the moment of their state registration.

The Charter was adopted at the II All-Russian Conference
November 27, 1991, as amended and adopted
December 17, 1996, December 14, 2000,
November 16, 2017 (new edition)


All-Russian public organization
veterans (pensioners) of war, labor,
Armed Forces and law enforcement



1.1. The All-Russian public organization of veterans (pensioners) of war, labor, the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies (hereinafter referred to as the Organization), is a mass public association with membership and created in the organizational and legal form of a public organization on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to achieve goals Organizations.

1.2. The organization builds its work on the principles of self-government, voluntary participation in it, equality, legality and transparency.

1.3. The organization operates on the territory of more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

1.4. From the moment of state registration, the organization is a legal entity, owns separate property and is liable for its obligations with this property, can acquire and exercise property and non-property rights in its own name, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in courts, have an independent balance sheet, opened in established by law procedure for accounts in banks of the Russian Federation and abroad, seals, stamps and forms with its full name.

1.5. The organization has its own symbols: an emblem and a flag.

1.5.1. The emblem of the Organization is an image in an imaginary circle in the center of a vertically golden sickle and hammer, the hammer crosses the blade of the sickle and is located to the right of the sickle handle and ends in the center of the circle, a stylized image of a bayonet adjoins the sickle handle on the left and from the base of the sickle handle from bottom to top in a semicircle a laurel branch is depicted symmetrically to the sickle canvas, above the hammer there is a five-pointed red star with a thin white outline highlighted inside, and along the edge of the imaginary circle the name “All-Russian Organization of War and Labor Veterans” is written in capital red letters.

1.5.2. The flag of the Organization is a red cloth in the shape of a rectangle with side dimensions in the proportion 2:3, on which in the center there is a golden-colored sickle and hammer, located vertically, the hammer intersects the sickle cloth and is located to the right of the sickle handle.

1.6. Full name of the Organization in Russian: All-Russian public organization of veterans (pensioners) of war, labor, Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies.
Short name of the Organization: All-Russian Organization of Veterans.

1.7. Location of the permanent governing body of the Organization: Russian Federation, Moscow.


2.1. The objectives of the Organization are:

  • protection of civil, socio-economic, labor, personal rights and freedoms of representatives of the older generation of Russians in improving the social and living conditions of their lives, ensuring their worthy position in society;
  • formation in society of a respectful attitude towards the older generation of Russian citizens;
  • assistance in civil-patriotic, military-patriotic, spiritual, moral and labor education of citizens of the Russian Federation.

2.2. To achieve its statutory goals, the Organization carries out the following activities:

  • represents the interests of members of the Organization in matters social protection veterans, disabled people, participants in local and other wars, as well as persons affected by radiation and other man-made disasters, in matters of pensions and benefits established for veterans, pensioners and disabled people;
  • promotes the establishment of high moral and spiritual values ​​in society, the preservation and enrichment of the national cultures of the peoples of the Russian Federation, attracts veterans to participate in the patriotic education of youth, transmitting to them the best traditions in work and service to the Fatherland;
  • carries out work to prepare the Organization's personnel reserve;
  • takes care of the effective use of the life experience of war and labor veterans;
  • promotes the achievement of civil harmony and peace between peoples, opposing any manifestations of nationalism and extremism;
  • participates in military memorial work to create museums of military and labor glory, proper maintenance of military graves, monuments, obelisks and memorial plaques;
  • contributes to the process of achieving maximum targeting social assistance veterans, pensioners, disabled people;
  • carries out educational activities;
  • organizes cultural, sports and other events,
    including international ones, in the target areas of the Organization’s activities;
  • interacts with interested government bodies and authorities local government, public associations, religious organizations, scientific, educational, sports and other institutions on the activities of the Organization;
  • promotes the spiritual, moral, civic and patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation through their involvement in socially useful activities, organization and conduct of various events;
  • initiates, develops and implements international, federal, regional and municipal programs and projects aimed at the civic-patriotic, spiritual, moral and labor education of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as the implementation of the goals of the Organization;
  • participates in the manner prescribed by law in the development and implementation of legislative and other legal acts at the federal, regional and local levels in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • provides assistance to members of the Organization in resolving issues related to the goals of the Organization;
  • organizes and conducts training seminars, conferences, symposiums, courses, lectures, workshops, master classes and other similar events;
  • provides advisory assistance;
  • conducts sociological research and monitoring;
  • carries out information, publishing and printing activities in order to educate the population;
  • carries out charitable activities, as well as activities in the field of promoting charity and volunteerism.


3.1. To achieve its statutory goals in the manner prescribed by law, the Organization has the right:

  • freely disseminate information about their activities, promote their views and goals;
  • participate in the development of decisions of state authorities and local self-government bodies in the manner and extent provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • create regional and local organizations, make decisions on termination of their activities or reorganization;
  • organize and conduct meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions, picketing and other public events;
  • carry out income-generating activities (entrepreneurial activities) only insofar as it serves to achieve the statutory goals of the Organization and corresponds to the statutory goals of the Organization, create business partnerships and companies with the right legal entity, as well as acquire property intended for conducting business activities;
  • carry out activities that contribute to the improvement of the moral and psychological state of citizens, their patriotic education and spiritual and moral development;
  • represent and defend their rights, legitimate interests of members of the Organization, as well as other citizens in government bodies, local governments and public associations;
  • take initiatives on various issues of public life, make proposals to government bodies;
  • participate in elections and referendums in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • establish mass media;
  • exercise other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and corresponding to the statutory goals of the Organization.

3.2. The organization is obliged:

  • comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms international law concerning the scope of activity of the Organization, the norms provided for by other legal acts, as well as the Charter of the Organization;
  • annually publish a report on the use of your property and funds or provide access to familiarize yourself with the said report;
  • annually inform the body that made the decision on state registration of the Organization about the continuation of its activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about the leaders of the Organization in the amount of information included in the Unified State Register legal entities;
  • provide, at the request of the body making decisions on state registration of public associations, decisions of the governing bodies and officials of the Organization, as well as annual and quarterly reports on its activities to the extent of information provided to the tax authorities;
  • allow representatives of the body that makes decisions on state registration of public associations to events held by the Organization;
  • provide assistance to representatives of the body making decisions on state registration public association, in familiarization with the activities of the Organization in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • inform the federal state registration body about the volume of funds and other property received by the Organization from international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons, about the purposes of their expenditure or use and about their actual expenditure or use in the form and within the time limits established by the authorized federal body executive power;
  • bear other responsibilities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


4.1. The founders of the Organization are citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, who meet the requirements for founders of public associations by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, who convened a founding conference at which a decision was made to create the Organization, the Charter of the Organization was approved, and the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization were elected. The founders of the Organization, after its creation, acquire the rights and obligations of members of the Organization.

4.2. Members of the Organization may be citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 18 years of age, foreign citizens and stateless persons legally present in the territory of the Russian Federation, the following social categories: pensioners, disabled people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, military service, labor and law enforcement agencies, as well as legal entities - public associations that have expressed support for the statutory goals of the Organization, meeting the requirements for members of public associations by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Membership in the Organization and withdrawal from the Organization is voluntary.

4.4. Membership in the Organization of individuals is carried out on the basis of an oral or written application submitted to a regional or local organization of the Organization, and is formalized by a decision of the Bureau of the Central Council of the Organization or the relevant Bureau of Councils of the regional, local Organization on admission to membership in the Organization. The decision on admission to membership of the Organization is made by a simple majority of votes of the relevant body making the decision on admission, with registration of the accepted member of the Organization in a regional, local organization in the prescribed manner.

4.5. Membership in the Organization of legal entities - public associations - is carried out on the basis of an application from the head of the authorized body of the relevant public association for admission of the public association as a member of the Organization with the attachment of a protocol of the authorized body of the public association, adopted in the manner established in the public association. The application is submitted to the Bureau of the Central Council of the Organization (for all-Russian and interregional public associations) or the corresponding Bureau of the Council regional organization(for regional public associations) that decide to admit the public association as a member of the Organization with registration, respectively, in the Organization or in the regional organization of the Organization at the location of the permanent governing body of the public association.

4.6. The organization of registration of members of the Organization is carried out in the manner established by the decision of the Central Council of the Organization.

4.7. Members of the Organization (individuals and legal entities) have equal rights and obligations.

4.8. Members of the Organization have the right:

  • nominate, elect and be elected to the elective bodies of the Organization, its regional and local organizations;
  • enjoy the support of the Organization in protecting the rights and legitimate interests in relations with government agencies and local government bodies, public organizations;
  • participate in events held by the Organization;
  • freely express their views and make proposals to any bodies of the Organization, its regional and local organizations;
  • submit requests and applications to any bodies of the Organization, its regional and local organizations and receive a response on the merits of your appeal;
  • receive information about the activities of the Organization, its regional and local organizations, primary groups, about its governing, executive, control and audit bodies;
  • appeal decisions of the bodies of the Organization, its regional and local organizations, entailing civil consequences, in cases and in the manner prescribed by law;
  • challenge, acting on behalf of the Organization, transactions made by it or a regional or local organization on the grounds and in the manner provided for by current legislation, and demand the application of the consequences of their invalidity, as well as the application of the consequences of the invalidity of void transactions;
  • in the prescribed manner, use the property of the Organization, its regional and local organizations, information available, and other assistance provided by the Organization, regional and local organizations, receive full assistance and all possible assistance from the Organization and its regional and local organizations.

4.9. Members of the Organization are obliged to:

  • comply with the Charter of the Organization;
  • implement decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization, its regional and local organizations, adopted in accordance with the goals of the Organization and within the scope of authority;
  • assist the Organization, its regional and local organizations in achieving its goals to the best of their ability and health;
  • not to disclose confidential information about the activities of the Organization, its regional and local organizations;
  • participate in making decisions without which the Organization or its regional or local organization cannot continue its activities in accordance with the law, if his participation is necessary for making such decisions; if elected, actively and conscientiously participate in the work of the body to which he is elected, contribute through his activities to improving the efficiency of the Organization, its regional and local organizations;
  • participate in the formation of the Organization’s property;
  • not to commit actions that discredit the Organization, its regional and local organizations, and harm its activities;
  • not to commit actions (inaction) that significantly complicate or make it impossible to achieve the goals for which the Organization was created.

4.10. For failure to comply with the Charter, failure to fulfill his duties, as well as for committing actions that discredit the Organization, a member of the Organization may be expelled from the Organization. Decisions on expulsion from the Organization are made by the Bureau of the Central Council of the Organization, the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization, the Bureau of the Council of the local organization where a member of the Organization is registered. The decision to exclude can be appealed to higher authorities Organizations, right up to the Congress of the Organization.

4.11. Membership in the Organization is terminated in the event of voluntary withdrawal from membership of the Organization at the request of a member of the Organization, as well as in other cases that make participation in the work of the Organization impossible (death, recognition as incompetent in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation). A decision of the governing bodies on termination of membership in the Organization due to these circumstances is not required.


5.1. The highest governing body of the Organization is the Congress.

5.1.1. The Congress is convened by the Bureau of the Central Council or the Central Council of the Organization as necessary, but at least once every five years. The Congress may be convened on the own initiative of the Bureau of the Central Council of the Organization or the Central Council of the Organization, or at the request of the Central Control and Audit Commission or at the request of more than half of the regional organizations of the Organization, formalized by decisions of the governing bodies of regional organizations.

5.1.2. The decision to convene the Congress is made, as a rule, no less than two months before it is held. The decision to convene the Congress must determine: the date, venue, quota (norm) of representation (delegates) at the Congress, the procedure for electing delegates and the draft agenda of the Congress.

5.1.3. Delegates to the Congress are elected according to the norm of representation established by the decision to hold the Congress. The delegates of the Congress, in addition to the approved norms of representation, are: Chairman of the Organization, First Deputy Chairman of the Organization, Deputy Chairman of the Organization, members of the Central Council of the Organization, members of the Central Control and Audit Commission.

5.1.4. The Congress of the Organization is competent to make decisions (having a quorum) if more than half of the elected delegates take part in its work on all the grounds set out in clause 5.1.3, and subject to the participation in the Congress of delegates representing more than half of the regional organizations of the Organization.

5.1.5. Decisions of the Congress are made by a majority vote of the delegates present at the Congress (except for cases established by this Charter) if a quorum is present. The form and procedure for voting are determined by the Congress in accordance with this Charter.

5.1.6. The Congress has the authority to consider and resolve any issues regarding the activities of the Organization.
The exclusive competence of the Congress includes:

  • approval of the Charter, amendments and additions to it;
  • determination of priority areas of the Organization’s activities, principles of formation and use of its property;
  • determining the procedure for admission to membership of the Organization and exclusion from its members;
  • election of the Central Council of the Organization, the Bureau of the Central Council of the Organization for a term of office of five years, early termination of powers of these governing bodies or individual members, additional election of members of these bodies to replace those who retired, for the term of office of the current composition of the body;
  • election of the Central Control and Audit Commission for a term of office of five years, early termination of its powers or its individual members, additional election of commission members to replace those who retired, for the term of office of the current commission members;
  • making decisions on the reorganization or liquidation of the Organization, on the appointment of a liquidation commission (liquidator) and approval of the liquidation balance sheet;
  • making decisions on the amount and procedure for payment by members of the Organization of membership fees and other property contributions;

The Congress has the right to decide on the election of the sole executive body of the Organization - the Chairman of the Organization for a term of office of five years, and on the early termination of his powers. The Chairman of the Organization elected at the Congress is simultaneously considered ex-officio elected to the Central Council, the Presidium of the Central Council, and the Bureau of the Central Council.

5.1.7. Decisions of the Congress of the Organization on issues of its exclusive competence are adopted by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes of the number of delegates present at the Congress if a quorum is present.

5.2. The governing body of the Organization is the Central Council. Quantitative and personnel The Central Council, the procedure for electing and terminating the powers of its members is determined by the Congress of the Organization.

5.2.1. The Central Council ex officio includes the Chairman of the Organization if he is elected at the Congress of the Organization. From among its members, the Central Council has the right to elect deputy chairmen of the Organization, including the first deputy, the Presidium of the Central Council (as a consultative and advisory body of the Central Council).

5.2.2. Meetings of the Central Council of the Organization are held in the form of plenums of the Central Council of the Organization, as necessary, but at least once a year. Plenums of the Central Council of the Organization are convened by the Chairman of the Organization or the Bureau of the Central Council.

5.2.3. The plenum of the Central Council is competent for decision-making (having a quorum) if more than half of the current members of the Central Council participate in it. Members of the Central Council who have resigned upon application, or who have ceased their membership in the Organization in accordance with paragraph 4.11 of this Charter, are not taken into account when determining the number of the current composition of the Central Council and determining the quorum of the plenum. Decisions of the Central Council are made by open voting by a majority of votes in the presence of a quorum.
Decisions at the plenum of the Central Council are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the plenum.

5.2.4. If it is impossible to gather the majority of the members of the Central Council in one place to make decisions of the Central Council, the resolution of the Central Council may be adopted in absentia (by remote voting). To make an absentee decision, voting is carried out by exchanging documents via postal, telegraph, teletype, telephone, electronic or other communications that ensure the authenticity of transmitted and received messages and their documentary confirmation.
The Chairman of the Organization, the Bureau of the Central Council, on his own initiative, or at the request of at least one quarter of the current members of the Central Council has the right to submit a draft decision of the Central Council for absentee voting.

5.2.5. The procedure for conducting absentee voting provides for: mandatory notification of the agenda to all members of the Central Council; the opportunity for all members of the Central Council to familiarize themselves with all the necessary information and materials before voting; mandatory notification to all members of the Central Council of the deadline for the voting procedure.

5.2.6. A decision during absentee voting is considered adopted if more than half of the members of the current Central Council vote for it. A decision made by absentee voting is documented in a separate protocol, which is signed by the Chairman of the Organization or the First Deputy Chairman of the Organization and one of the members of the Central Council who participated in the voting.

5.2.7. The minutes of the Central Council based on the results of absentee voting are sent to all members of the Central Council. The Protocol indicates: the date before which the decisions were adopted; information about persons who took part in the vote; results of voting on each item on the agenda (if several resolutions were adopted); information about the persons who carried out the vote count; information about the persons who signed the protocol.

5.2.8. The plenum of the Central Council may be held in the form of a meeting in person, but with the use of technical means that provide voice and video communications simultaneously for all members of the Central Council participating in the plenum. When holding such a plenum of the Central Council, the norms of clause 5.2.3 of this Charter are applied.

5.2.9. The Central Council of the Organization exercises the following functions and powers:

  • makes decisions on convening the Congress, including determining the norm of representation, the procedure for electing delegates to the Congress from regional organizations;
  • organizes the implementation of the decisions of the Congress;
  • coordinates the election of the sole executive body of the Organization - the Chairman of the Organization (if he is not elected at the Congress) for a term of office of five years (but not more than the term of office of the current Central Council of the Organization) and agrees on the early termination of his powers;
  • elects deputy chairmen of the Organization, including the first deputy, for a term of office of five years (but not more than the term of office of the current Central Council of the Organization), terminates their powers ahead of schedule;
  • makes decisions on the Organization’s entry into public associations, their unions (associations), whose goals and objectives do not contradict the goals of the Organization, and withdrawal from them;
  • assigns the title “Honorary Chairman of the Organization” with the right to participate in Congresses, plenums of the Central Council, meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council with the right of advisory vote;
  • approves programs and projects in the main areas of activity of the Organization;
  • makes decisions on the creation and termination of the activities of regional and local organizations of the Organization, including, if a regional or local organization has the status of a legal entity, on the appointment of a liquidation commission (liquidator) of a regional or local organization, unless this contradicts current legislation;
  • makes decisions on the admission of individuals and legal entities - all-Russian and interregional public associations - into members of the Organization and on their exclusion from members of the Organization;
  • approves the financial plan of the Organization and amendments to it;
  • approves the regulations on the primary group of members of the Organization;
  • can make decisions on the creation of consultative and advisory bodies: the Presidium of the Central Council, the Board of Trustees of the Organization, commissions, committees, sections and other advisory bodies of the Organization, approves regulations on them;
  • makes decisions on other issues of the Organization’s activities, except for issues relating to the exclusive competence of the Congress and the competence of other bodies of the Organization.

5.3. A consultative and advisory body reporting to the Central Council - the Presidium of the Central Council - is elected by the Central Council for its term of office. The quantitative and personal composition of the Presidium of the Central Council, the procedure for electing and terminating the powers of its members are determined by the Central Council.

5.3.1. The Presidium of the Central Council ex officio includes the Chairman of the Organization, the First Deputy Chairman of the Organization, and the Deputy Chairman of the Organization.

5.3.2. Meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council are held as necessary, but at least twice a year. Meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council are convened by the Chairman of the Organization or the Bureau of the Central Council.

5.3.3. A meeting of the Presidium of the Central Council is valid (having a quorum) if more than half of the members of the Presidium of the Central Council participate in its meeting. Decisions of the Presidium of the Central Council are adopted by open voting by a majority of votes if a quorum is present.
Decisions at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Council are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the meeting.

5.3.4. Presidium of the Central Council of the Organization:

  • develops programs and projects in the main areas of the Organization’s activities;
  • preliminary reviews draft decisions of the Central Council and gives its recommendations on them;
  • has the right to submit draft decisions for consideration by the Central Council;
  • participates in coordinating the activities of regional and local organizations of the Organization;
  • carries out other work on behalf of the Central Council.

5.4. The permanent governing body of the Organization is the Bureau of the Central Council, which manages the activities of the Organization in the period between Congresses and plenums of the Central Council. The quantitative and personal composition of the Bureau of the Central Council is determined by the Congress.

5.4.1. The Bureau of the Central Council includes, ex officio, the Chairman of the Organization elected at the Congress. Deputy Chairmen of the Organization who were not elected to the Bureau of the Central Council at the Congress of the Organization have the right to attend the meeting of the Bureau of the Central Council with the right of an advisory vote.

5.4.2. Meetings of the Bureau of the Central Council are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. Meetings of the Bureau of the Central Council are convened by the Chairman of the Organization on his own initiative or at the request of at least one third of the members of the Bureau of the Central Council. In the absence of the Chairman, a meeting of the Bureau of the Central Council of the Organization may be convened by the First Deputy Chairman of the Organization or the Deputy Chairman of the Organization, if there is an instruction from the Chairman of the Organization, or the requirement of at least one third of the members of the Bureau of the Central Council.

5.4.3. A meeting of the Bureau of the Central Council is valid (having a quorum) if more than half of the current members of the Bureau of the Central Council participate in it. Members of the Bureau of the Central Council who have resigned upon application, or who have terminated their membership in the Organization in accordance with paragraph 4.11 of this Charter, are not taken into account when determining the number of the current composition of the Bureau of the Central Council and determining the quorum of the meeting. Decisions of the Bureau of the Central Council are adopted by open voting by a majority of votes if a quorum is present.
Decisions at a meeting of the Bureau of the Central Council are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the meeting.

5.4.4. The Bureau of the Central Council exercises the following functions and powers:

  • exercises on behalf of the Organization the rights of a legal entity and performs its duties in accordance with the Charter of the Organization;
  • disposes of property and funds in accordance with the decisions of the Congress and the Central Council;
  • makes decisions on the creation of other legal entities, on the creation of branches and on the opening of representative offices of the Organization;
  • makes decisions on the current activities of the Organization;
  • elects, in agreement with the Central Council, the sole executive body of the Organization - the Chairman of the Organization for a term of office of five years and makes decisions on the early termination of his powers;
  • approves the annual report of the Organization and its annual balance sheet;
  • determines measures to encourage activists of the Organization and employees of the apparatus for active participation in the work of the Organization;
  • petitions for the awarding of members of the Organization with state and departmental awards;
  • approves on behalf of the Organization an employment contract with the Chairman of the Organization;
  • exercises control over the implementation of decisions of the Congress and the governing bodies of the Organization;
  • resolves other issues of the activities of the Organization that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the Congress of the Organization (issues referred by this Charter to the competence of the Central Council are resolved by the Bureau of the Central Council if there is an order from the Central Council).

5.5. The highest elected official and sole executive body of the Organization is the Chairman.

5.5.1. In the event of early termination of the powers of the Chairman of the Organization, as well as in the event of the impossibility of fulfilling the powers of the Chairman of the Organization, his duties are temporarily performed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Organization until the election of a new Chairman of the Organization.

5.5.2. Chairman of the Organization:

  • - without a power of attorney, represents the Organization in relations with government bodies, local governments, commercial and non-profit organizations, with Russian, foreign and international veterans’ associations, on all issues of the Organization’s activities;
  • acts on behalf of the Organization without a power of attorney, enters into agreements and contracts, makes transactions, issues powers of attorney;
  • organizes plenary meetings of the Central Council, meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council and the Bureau of the Central Council;
  • organizes the preparation of documents for Congresses, plenums of the Central Council, meetings of the Presidium of the Central Council and the Bureau of the Central Council;
  • puts forward initiatives and raises issues related to the activities of the Organization, mandatory for consideration by the bodies of the Organization, its regional and local organizations;
  • disposes of the financial resources and property of the Organization within the limits and standards approved by the governing bodies of the Organization, has the right of first signature of financial documents;
  • organizes the work of the Organization’s apparatus, hires and fires workers, announces penalties and incentives to employees of the Organization’s apparatus;

5.6. The First Deputy Chairman of the Organization, Deputy Chairman of the Organization, together with the Chairman of the Organization, organizes the current activities of the Organization and exercises the functions and powers defined in the instructions of the Chairman of the Organization, decisions of the Bureau of the Central Council, the Central Council, has the right to replace the Chairman of the Organization as necessary and within the scope of authority in their areas .

5.7. The control and audit body of the Organization is the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization. The quantitative and personal composition of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization and the procedure for electing its members are determined by the Congress of the Organization.

5.7.1. The Central Control and Audit Commission exercises control over compliance with the Charter, execution of decisions of the Congress, the Central Council and the Bureau of the Central Council, as well as over the financial and economic activities of the Organization, the performance of their duties by officials of the Organization and its structural divisions.

5.7.2. The activities of the Central Control and Audit Commission are managed by the chairman, who is elected by its members from the Central Control and Audit Commission by open vote by a majority vote of the members of the Central Control and Audit Commission for the term of its powers.

5.7.3. The Chairman of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization coordinates the activities of the members of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization, signs decisions (acts, protocols) adopted by the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization.

5.7.4. Meetings of the Central Control and Audit Commission are convened by its chairman as necessary, but at least once a year.

5.7.5. A meeting of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization is valid (having a quorum) if more than half of the current members of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization participate in its work. Members of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization who have resigned upon application, or who have terminated their membership in the Organization in accordance with paragraph 4.11 of this Charter, are not taken into account when determining the number of the current composition of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization and determining the quorum of the meeting. Decisions of the Central Control and Audit Commission of the Organization are adopted by open voting by a majority of votes in the presence of a quorum.
Decisions at a meeting of the Central Control and Audit Commission are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the meeting.

5.7.6. Members of the Central Control and Audit Commission cannot be members of the Central Council or the Bureau of the Central Council.

5.7.7. The Central Control and Audit Commission conducts an annual audit of the financial and economic activities of the Organization, as well as targeted and unscheduled inspections, has the right to request and receive from members of the Organization, all its governing, executive and control and audit bodies, as well as from the governing, executive and control and audit bodies of structural divisions, any officials of the Organization, information and documents necessary for the exercise of their powers, coordinates and promotes the activities of control and audit bodies of regional and local organizations.

5.7.8. The Central Control and Audit Commission is accountable to the Congress of the Organization.

5.8. All employees of the Organization’s apparatus are appointed to positions (dismissed) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation only upon the conclusion (termination) of an employment contract with them, which can be concluded for a period not exceeding the term of office of the current composition of the Central Council. Chairman of the Organization, First Deputy Chairman of the Organization, Deputy Chairman of the Organization, in case of an agreement with them employment contracts and recruitment to the Organization, are also employees of the Organization’s apparatus. All of the above employees are subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and social insurance.

5.9. The Organization's apparatus carries out organizational, financial, economic, information and documentation support activities of the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization.

5.10. Resolutions of the Congress, the Central Council, the Bureau of the Central Council, orders of the Chairman of the Organization and his deputies, adopted within the framework of their powers, are binding on all governing and executive bodies of regional and local organizations.


6.1. The structural divisions of the Organization as an all-Russian public association are regional and
local organizations. Regional and local organizations operate on the basis of this Charter. Regional and local organizations have the right to adopt their own charters that do not contradict this Charter and are agreed upon with the Bureau of the Central Council in the prescribed manner.

To more effectively organize work with members of the Organization, primary groups of members of the Organization are created, operating on the basis of this Charter and the Regulations on the primary group of members of the Organization.

6.2. The creation of a regional organization is approved by a decision of the Central Council of the Organization. Regional organizations carry out their activities within the territories of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation and can acquire the rights of a legal entity in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Only one regional organization of the Organization can be created within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

6.3. The highest governing body of a regional organization is the conference of the regional organization (if the number of members of the Organization registered in the regional organization is less than 100 people, the supreme body of the regional organization is the general meeting of members of the Organization registered in the regional organization).

6.3.1. The conference is convened by the Council of a regional organization or the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization as necessary, but at least once every five years. The conference may be convened by the Council of a regional organization or the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization on its own initiative or at the request of the governing bodies of the Organization, the control and audit commission of the regional organization or at the request of more than half of the local organizations of the regional organization, formalized by decisions of the governing bodies of local organizations.

6.3.2. The decision to convene a conference is made, as a rule, at least one month before it is held. The decision to convene a conference must determine: the date, venue, quota (norm) of representation (delegates) at the conference, the procedure for electing delegates and the draft agenda of the conference.

6.3.3. Conference delegates are elected according to the rate of representation established by the decision to hold the conference. The conference delegates, in addition to the approved norms of representation, are: the chairman of the regional organization, the first deputy chairman of the regional organization, deputy chairmen of the regional organization, members of the council of the regional organization, members of the control and audit commission and the executive secretary of the regional organization.

6.3.4. A conference of a regional organization is competent to make decisions (having a quorum) if more than half of the elected delegates take part in its work on all the grounds set out in paragraph 6.3.3 of this Charter and subject to the participation in the conference of delegates representing more than half of the local organizations included into a regional organization.

6.3.5. Conference decisions are made by a majority vote of delegates present at the conference (except for cases established by this Charter), subject to a quorum. The form and procedure for voting are determined by the conference in accordance with this Charter.

6.3.6. The conference of a regional organization has the authority to consider and resolve any issues regarding the activities of the regional organization.

The exclusive competence of the conference of a regional organization includes:

  • determination of priority areas of activity of a regional organization, principles of formation and use of its property;
  • election of the Council of the regional organization, the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization for a term of office of five years, early termination of the powers of these governing bodies or individual members, additional election of members of these bodies to replace those who retired, for the term of office of the current composition of the body;
  • election of a control and audit commission of a regional organization for a term of office of five years, early termination of its powers or its individual members, additional election of commission members to replace those who retired, for the term of office of the current commission members;
  • making decisions on the reorganization or liquidation of a regional organization, on the appointment of a liquidation commission (liquidator), approval of the liquidation balance sheet;
  • making decisions on other issues referred by the legislation of the Russian Federation only to the exclusive competence of the highest body of a public organization.

The conference has the right to decide on the election of the chairman of the regional organization for a term of office of five years, on the early termination of his powers. The chairman of the regional organization elected at the conference is simultaneously considered ex-officio elected to the Council, Presidium of the Council, Bureau of the Council of the regional organization.

6.3.7. Decisions of a conference of a regional organization on issues of its exclusive competence are made by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes of the number of conference delegates present, provided there is a quorum.

6.4. The governing body of a regional organization is the Council of the regional organization. The quantitative and personal composition of the Council of a regional organization, the procedure for electing and terminating the powers of its members are determined by the conference of the regional organization.

6.4.1. The Council of a regional organization includes, ex officio, the chairman of the regional organization if he was elected to the position of chairman at a conference of the regional organization. From among its members, the Council of a regional organization has the right to elect deputy chairmen of the regional organization, including the first deputy, and has the right to elect the Presidium of the Council of the regional organization (as a consultative and advisory body of the Council of the regional organization).

6.4.2. Meetings of the Council of the regional organization are held in the form of plenums as necessary, but at least once a year. Plenums of the Council of a regional organization are convened by the chairman of the regional organization or the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization.

6.4.3. The plenum of the Council of a regional organization is competent for decision-making (having a quorum) if more than half of the current members of the Council of the regional organization participate in it. Members of the Council of a regional organization who have resigned their powers upon application, or who have terminated their membership in the Organization in accordance with paragraph 4.11 of this Charter, are not taken into account when determining the number of the current composition of the Council of a regional organization and determining the quorum of the plenum. Decisions of the Council of a regional organization are adopted by open voting by a majority of votes if a quorum is present.
Decisions at the plenum of the Council of the regional organization are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the plenum.

6.4.4. If it is impossible to gather the majority of members of the Council of a regional organization in one place to make decisions of the Council of a regional organization, the decision of the Council of a regional organization can be made in absentia (by remote voting). To make an absentee decision, voting is carried out by exchanging documents via postal, telegraph, teletype, telephone, electronic or other communications that ensure the authenticity of transmitted and received messages and their documentary confirmation.

The chairman of the regional organization, the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization, on his own initiative, or at the request of at least one quarter of the current members of the Council of the regional organization has the right to submit a draft decision of the Council of a regional organization for absentee voting.

6.4.5. The procedure for conducting absentee voting provides for: the mandatory notification of the agenda to all members of the Council of the regional organization; the opportunity to familiarize all members of the Council of a regional organization with all the necessary information and materials before voting; mandatory notification to all members of the Council of the regional organization of the deadline for the voting procedure.

6.4.6. A resolution during absentee voting is considered adopted if more than half of the members of the current Council of the regional organization vote for it. Resolutions adopted by absentee voting are documented in a separate protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the regional organization or the first deputy chairman of the regional organization and one of the members of the Council of the regional organization who participated in the voting.

6.4.7. The protocol of absentee voting is sent to all members of the Council of the regional organization. The Protocol indicates: the date before which the decisions were adopted; information about persons who took part in the vote; results of voting on each item on the agenda (if several resolutions were adopted); information about the persons who carried out the vote count; information about the persons who signed the protocol.

6.4.8. The plenum of the Council of a regional organization can be held in the form of a meeting in person, but with the use of technical means that provide voice and video communications simultaneously for all members of the Council of the regional organization participating in the plenum. When holding such a plenum of the Council of a regional organization, the norms of clause 6.4.3 of this Charter are applied.

6.4.9. The council of the regional organization exercises the following functions and powers:

  • makes decisions on convening a conference of a regional organization, including determining the norm of representation and the procedure for electing conference delegates;
  • organizes the implementation of the decisions of the conference of the regional organization;
  • coordinates the election of the sole executive body of the regional organization - the chairman of the regional organization (if he is not elected at the conference of the regional organization) for a term of office of five years (but not more than the term of office of the current Council of the regional organization) and the early termination of his powers;
  • elects the first deputy, deputy chairmen of the regional organization for a term of office of five years (but not more than the term of office of the current composition of the Council of the regional organization), terminates their powers ahead of schedule;
  • makes decisions on the entry of a regional organization into regional public associations, their unions (associations), whose goals and objectives do not contradict the goals of the Organization, and withdrawal from them;
  • elects, if necessary, from among its members the executive secretary of the regional organization;
  • approves programs and projects in the main areas of activity of the regional organization;
  • makes decisions on the admission of individuals and legal entities - regional and local public associations into members of the Organization and on their exclusion from members of the Organization;
  • approves the financial plan of the regional organization and amendments to it;
  • may make decisions on the creation of consultative and advisory bodies of the presidium of the Council of the regional organization, the Board of Trustees of the regional organization, commissions, committees, sections and other advisory bodies of the regional organization;
  • participates together with interested bodies and organizations in studying the problems of the veteran movement, develops methodological and scientific-practical recommendations;
  • makes decisions on other issues of the activities of the regional organization, except for issues falling within the exclusive competence of the conference of the regional organization and the competence of other bodies of the regional organization.

6.5. The consultative and advisory body of the regional organization, reporting to the Council of the regional organization - the Presidium of the Council of the regional organization, is elected by the Council of the regional organization for the term of its powers. The quantitative and personal composition of the Presidium of the Council of a regional organization, the procedure for electing and terminating the powers of its members are determined by the Council of the regional organization.

6.5.1. The Presidium of the Council of a regional organization includes, ex officio, the chairman of the regional organization, the first deputy chairman of the regional organization, deputy chairmen of the regional organization, and the executive secretary of the regional organization.

6.5.2. Meetings of the Presidium of the Council of the regional organization are held as necessary, but at least twice a year. Meetings of the Presidium of the Council of a regional organization are convened by the chairman of the regional organization or the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization.

6.5.3. A meeting of the Presidium of the Council of a regional organization is valid (having a quorum) if more than half of the members of the Presidium of the Council of a regional organization participate in its meeting. Decisions of the Presidium of the Council of a regional organization are adopted by open voting by a majority of votes if a quorum is present.
Decisions at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council of a regional organization are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the meeting.

6.5.4. Presidium of the Council of the regional organization:

  • develops programs and projects in the main areas of activity of the regional organization;
  • preliminary reviews draft decisions of the Council of the regional organization and gives its recommendations on them;
  • has the right to submit draft decisions for consideration by the Council of the regional organization;
  • participates in coordinating the activities of local organizations included in the regional organization;
  • carries out other work on behalf of the Council of the regional organization.

6.6. The permanent governing body of a regional organization is the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization, which manages the activities of the regional organization in the period between meetings of the Council of the regional organization and the conference of the regional organization. The quantitative and personal composition of the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization is determined by the conference of the regional organization.

6.6.1. The Bureau of the Council of a regional organization includes, ex officio, the chairman of the regional organization elected at the conference. Deputy chairmen of the regional organization, the executive secretary of the regional organization, who were not elected to the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization at the conference of the regional organization, have the right to attend the meeting of the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization with the right of an advisory vote.

6.6.2. Meetings of the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. Meetings of the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization are convened by the chairman of the regional organization on his own initiative or at the request of at least one third of the members of the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization, as well as at the request of the Chairman of the Organization, the Bureau of the Central Council or the Central Council. In the absence of the chairman of the regional organization, a meeting of the Bureau of the regional organization is convened by the first deputy (deputy) chairman of the organization on behalf of the chairman of the regional organization, at the request of at least one third of the members of the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization, as well as at the request of the Chairman of the Organization, the Bureau of the Central Council or the Central Council.

6.6.3. A meeting of the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization is valid (having a quorum) if more than half of the current members of the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization participate in its meeting. Members of the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization who have resigned upon application, or who have terminated their membership in the Organization in accordance with paragraph 4.11 of this Charter, are not taken into account when determining the number of the current composition of the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization and determining the quorum of a meeting. Decisions of the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization are adopted by open voting by a majority of votes if a quorum is present.
Decisions at a meeting of the Bureau of the Council of a regional organization are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the meeting.

6.6.4. The Bureau of the Council of the regional organization exercises the following functions and powers:

  • exercises on behalf of the regional organization the rights of a legal entity and performs its duties in accordance with the Charter of the Organization;
  • makes decisions on the creation of other legal entities, on the creation of branches and on the opening of representative offices of a regional organization;
  • disposes of the property and funds of the regional organization in accordance with the decisions of the conference and the Council of the regional organization;
  • elects, in agreement with the Council of the regional organization, the sole executive body of the regional organization - the chairman of the regional organization (if he is not elected at the conference of the regional organization) for a term of office of five years (but not more than the term of office of the current composition of the Council of the regional organization), terminates his powers early;
  • approves the annual report of the regional organization and its annual balance sheet;
  • makes decisions on the current activities of the regional organization;
  • makes decisions on the creation or liquidation of established business companies, or on participation in and withdrawal from business companies;
  • determines incentive measures for activists of the regional organization and employees of the regional organization’s apparatus for active participation in the work of the regional organization;
  • makes decisions on conflict of interest issues in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • approves, on behalf of the regional organization, an employment contract with the chairman of the regional organization;
  • exercises control over the implementation of decisions of the conference and governing bodies of the regional organization;
  • resolves other issues of the activities of the regional organization that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the conference of the regional organization (issues referred by this Charter to the competence of the Council of the regional organization are resolved by the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization if there is an order from the Council of the regional organization).

6.7. The highest elected official and sole executive body of a regional organization is the chairman of the regional organization.

6.7.1. In the event of early termination of the powers of the chairman of a regional organization, as well as in the event of the impossibility of fulfilling the powers of the chairman of a regional organization, his duties are temporarily performed by the first deputy chairman of the regional organization or the deputy chairman of the regional organization until a new chairman of the regional organization is elected.

6.7.2. Chairman of the regional organization:

  • organizes meetings of the Council of the regional organization, the Presidium of the Council of the regional organization, the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization;
  • organizes the preparation of documents for meetings of the Council of the regional organization, the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization, the Presidium of the Council of the regional organization, the conference of the regional organization;
  • without a power of attorney, represents the regional organization in relations with state bodies, local governments, commercial and non-profit organizations on all issues of the activities of the regional organization;
  • addresses the bodies of the regional organization, its local organizations with proposals, statements, requests related to the activities of the regional organization;
  • without a power of attorney, enters into agreements and contracts on behalf of a regional organization, makes transactions, issues powers of attorney;
  • disposes of the financial resources and property of the regional organization within the limits and standards approved by the governing bodies of the regional organization, has the right of first signature of financial documents;
  • organizes the work of the apparatus of the regional organization, hires and fires workers, announces penalties and incentives to the employees of the apparatus of the regional organization;
  • exercises other powers established by this Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation for sole executive bodies.

6.8. The first deputy chairman of the regional organization, deputy chairmen of the regional organization, together with the chairman of the regional organization, organize the current activities of the regional organization and exercise functions and powers on behalf of the chairman of the regional organization, the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization, the Council of the regional organization, and have the right to replace the chairman of the regional organization as necessary and in within the scope of authority in their areas. By position, the deputy chairmen of the regional organization are members of the Presidium of the Council of the regional organization.

6.9. The control and audit body of a regional organization is the Control and Audit Commission of the regional organization. The quantitative and personal composition of the Control and Audit Commission of a regional organization and the procedure for electing its members are determined by the conference of the regional organization.

6.9.1. The control and audit commission of a regional organization exercises control over compliance with the Charter, execution of decisions of the conference, the Council of the regional organization and the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization, as well as the financial and economic activities of the regional organization, the performance of their duties by officials of the regional organization and its structural divisions.

6.9.2. The activities of the Control and Audit Commission of a regional organization are managed by the chairman, who is elected by its members from the Control and Audit Commission of the regional organization by open voting by a majority vote of the members of the Control and Audit Commission of the regional organization for the term of its powers.

6.9.3. The Chairman of the Control and Audit Commission of the regional organization coordinates the activities of the members of the Control and Audit Commission of the regional organization, signs decisions (acts, protocols) adopted by the Control and Audit Commission of the regional organization.

6.9.4. Meetings of the Control and Audit Commission of a regional organization are convened by its chairman as necessary, but at least once a year.

6.9.5. A meeting of the Control and Audit Commission of a regional organization is valid (having a quorum) if more than half of the current members of the Control and Audit Commission of the regional organization participate in its work. Members of the Control and Audit Commission of a regional organization who have resigned their powers upon application, or who have terminated their membership in the Organization in accordance with paragraph 4.11 of this Charter, are not taken into account when determining the number of the current composition of the Control and Audit Commission of a regional organization and determining the quorum of a meeting. Decisions of the Control and Audit Commission of a regional organization are adopted by open voting by a majority of votes in the presence of a quorum.
Decisions at a meeting of the Control and Audit Commission of a regional organization are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the meeting.

6.9.6. Members of the Control and Audit Commission of a regional organization cannot be members of the Council of the regional organization, the Bureau of the Council of the regional organization, or the executive secretary of the regional organization.

6.9.7. The control and audit commission of a regional organization conducts an annual audit of the financial and economic activities of the regional organization, as well as targeted and unscheduled inspections, has the right to request and receive from members of the Organization, all governing and executive bodies of the regional organization, as well as from the governing, executive and control and audit bodies bodies of local organizations, any officials of a regional organization, information and documents necessary for the exercise of their powers, coordinates and facilitates the activities of control and audit bodies of local organizations.

6.9.8. The control and audit commission of the regional organization is accountable to the conference of the regional organization.

6.10. To ensure documentation work, the Council of a regional organization has the right to elect an executive secretary of the regional organization for the term of office of the current composition of the Council of the regional organization. The powers of the executive secretary of a regional organization are terminated early by a decision of the Council of the regional organization, including in the case of voluntary resignation, as well as in case of failure to comply with the decisions of the conference, the governing bodies of the regional organization, the chairman of the regional organization, the governing bodies of the Organization and failure to comply with the requirements of this Charter.

6.10.1. Executive secretary of the regional organization:

  • organizes and ensures documentation work in the regional organization;
  • organizes registration of members of the Organization in the regional organization;
  • organizes the maintenance of a list of files and archiving of minutes of conferences, governing and other elected bodies of the regional organization.

6.11. All employees of the apparatus of a regional organization are appointed to a position (dismissed) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation only upon the conclusion (termination) of an employment contract with them, which can be concluded for a period not exceeding the term of office of the Council of the regional organization. The chairman of the regional organization, the first deputy chairman of the regional organization, deputy chairmen and the executive secretary of the regional organization, in the case of concluding employment contracts with them and hiring them for work in the regional organization, are also employees of the apparatus of the regional organization. All of the above employees are subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and social insurance.

6.12. The apparatus of the regional organization provides organizational, financial, economic, information and documentation support for the activities of the sole executive body, the governing and control and audit body of the regional organization.

6.13. The creation of a local organization is approved by the decision of the Central Council of the Organization or the Council of the regional organization. Local organizations carry out their activities within the territories of the relevant municipalities of the Russian Federation and can acquire the rights of a legal entity in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. As part of a local organization operating within the entire municipal district or urban district, local organizations operating within municipality, part of a municipal district or urban district.

6.14. The highest governing body of a local organization is the conference of the local organization (if the number of members of the Organization registered with the local organization is less than 100 people, the supreme body of such a local organization is the general meeting of members of the Organization registered with the local organization (general meeting of the local organization), and in such a case, the rules set forth for the conference of the local organization in equally, apply to general meetings of the local organization).

6.14.1. The conference is convened by the Bureau of the Council or the Council of the local organization as necessary, but at least once every five years. The conference may be convened by the Bureau of the Council of a local organization or the Council of a local organization on its own initiative, or at the request of the audit commission of a local organization, or at the request of the Central Council, the Bureau of the Central Council, the Chairman of the Organization.

6.14.2. The decision to convene a conference is made, as a rule, at least one month before it is held. The decision to convene a conference must determine: the date, venue, quota (norm) of representation (delegates) at the conference, the procedure for electing delegates and the draft agenda of the conference.

6.14.3. Conference delegates are elected according to the rate of representation established by the decision to hold the conference. The delegates of the conference, in addition to the approved norm of representation, are: the chairman of the local organization, the first deputy chairman of the local organization, deputy chairmen of the local organization, members of the Council of the local organization, members of the audit commission and the executive secretary of the local organization.

6.14.4. A conference of a local organization is competent to make decisions (having a quorum) if more than half of the elected delegates take part in its work on all the grounds set out in paragraph 6.15.3 of this Charter and subject to the participation in the conference of delegates representing more than half of the local organizations (primary groups) that are part of the local organization.
The general meeting of a local organization is valid if more than half of the members of the Organization who are registered with the local organization participate in it.

6.14.5. Conference decisions are made by a majority vote of the conference delegates present (except for cases established by this Charter) if a quorum is present. The form and procedure for voting are determined by the conference in accordance with this Charter.
Decisions of the general meeting of a local organization are made by a majority vote of the members of the local organization present (except for cases established by this Charter) if a quorum is present.

6.14.6. The conference of a local organization (general meeting of a local organization) has the authority to consider and resolve any issues regarding the activities of the local organization.

The exclusive competence of the conference (general meeting) of a local organization includes:

  • determination of priority areas of activity of a local organization, principles of formation and use of its property;
  • election of the Council of a local organization, the Bureau of the Council of a local organization for a term of office of five years, early termination of the powers of these governing bodies or individual members, additional election of members of these bodies to replace those who retired, for the term of office of the current composition of the body;
  • election of the audit commission of a local organization for a term of office of five years, early termination of its powers or its individual members, additional election of commission members to replace those who retired, for the term of office of the current commission members;
  • making decisions on the reorganization or liquidation of a local organization, on the appointment of a liquidation commission (liquidator);
  • making decisions on other issues referred by the legislation of the Russian Federation only to the exclusive competence of the highest body of a public organization.

The conference has the right to decide on the election of the chairman of a local organization for a term of office of five years, or on the early termination of his powers. The chairman of the local organization elected at the conference is simultaneously considered ex-officio elected to the Council, Presidium of the Council, Bureau of the Council of the local organization.

6.14.7. Decisions of the conference of a local organization on issues of its exclusive competence are made by a majority of at least two-thirds of the number of conference delegates present, provided there is a quorum.

6.15. The governing body of the local organization is the Council of the local organization. The quantitative and personal composition of the Council of a local organization, the procedure for electing and terminating the powers of its members are determined by the conference of the local organization.

6.15.1. The Council of the local organization includes the chairman of the local organization ex officio if he is elected as the chairman of the local organization at a conference of the local organization. From among its members, the Council of a local organization has the right to elect deputy chairmen of the local organization, including the first deputy, and the Presidium of the Council of the local organization (as a consultative and advisory body of the Council of the local organization).

6.15.2. Meetings of the Council of the local organization are held in the form of plenums as necessary, but at least once a year. Plenums of the Council of a local organization are convened by the chairman of the local organization or the Bureau of the Council of the local organization.

6.15.3. The plenum of the Council of a local organization is competent for decision-making (having a quorum) if more than half of the current members of the Council of the local organization participate in it. Members of the Council of a local organization who have resigned their powers upon application, or who have terminated their membership in the Organization in accordance with paragraph 4.11 of this Charter, are not taken into account when determining the number of the current composition of the Council of a local organization and determining the quorum of the plenum. Decisions of the Council of a local organization are made by open voting by a majority of votes if a quorum is present.

Decisions at the plenum of the Council of the local organization are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the plenum.

6.15.4. If it is impossible to gather the majority of members of the Council of a local organization in one place to make decisions of the Council of a local organization, the decision of the Council of a local organization can be made in absentia (by remote voting). To make an absentee decision, voting is carried out by exchanging documents via postal, telegraph, teletype, telephone, electronic or other communications that ensure the authenticity of transmitted and received messages and their documentary confirmation.
The chairman of the local organization, the Bureau of the Council of the local organization, on his own initiative, or at the request of at least one quarter of the current members of the Council of the local organization has the right to submit a draft decision of the Council of a local organization for absentee voting.

6.15.5. The procedure for conducting absentee voting provides for: the mandatory notification of the agenda to all members of the Council of the local organization; the opportunity for all members of the Council of a local organization to familiarize themselves with all the necessary information and materials before voting; mandatory notification to all members of the Council of the local organization of the deadline for the voting procedure.

6.15.6. A resolution during absentee voting is considered adopted if more than half of the members of the current Council of the local organization vote for it. Resolutions adopted by absentee voting are documented in a separate protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the local organization or the first deputy chairman of the local organization and one of the members of the Council of the local organization who participated in the voting.

6.15.7. The protocol of absentee voting is sent to all members of the Council of the local organization. The protocol indicates: the date before which the decisions were adopted; information about persons who took part in the vote; results of voting on each item on the agenda (if several resolutions were adopted); information about the persons who carried out the vote count; information about the persons who signed the protocol.

6.15.8. The plenum of the Council of a local organization can be held in the form of a meeting in person, but with the use of technical means that provide voice and video communications simultaneously for all members of the Council of the local organization participating in the plenum. When holding such a plenum of the Council of a local organization, the norms of clause 6.15.3 of this Charter are applied.

6.15.9. The council of the local organization exercises the following functions and powers:

  • makes decisions on convening a conference of a local organization, including determining the norm of representation, the procedure for electing conference delegates;
  • organizes the implementation of the decisions of the conference of the local organization;
  • approves the election of the sole executive body of the local organization - the chairman of the local organization (if he is not elected at the conference of the local organization) for a term of office of five years (but not more than the term of office of the current Council of the local organization) and the early termination of his powers;
  • elects the first deputy, deputy chairmen of the local organization for a term of office of five years (but not more than the term of office of the current composition of the Council of the local organization), terminates their powers ahead of schedule;
  • makes decisions on the entry of a local organization into local public associations, their unions (associations), whose goals and objectives do not contradict the goals of the Organization, and withdrawal from them;
  • reports to the conference of the local organization;
  • elects, if necessary, from among its members the responsible secretary of the local organization;
  • approves programs and projects in the main areas of activity of the local organization;
  • approves the financial plan of the local organization and amendments to it;
  • may make decisions on the creation of a consultative and advisory body - the Presidium of the Council of a local organization, the Board of Trustees of a local organization, commissions, committees, sections and other advisory bodies of a local organization;
  • participates together with interested bodies and organizations in studying the problems of the veteran movement, develops methodological and scientific-practical recommendations;
  • makes decisions on other issues of the activities of the local organization, except those within the exclusive competence of the conference of the local organization.

6.16. The consultative and advisory body of the local organization, reporting to the Council of the local organization - the Presidium of the Council of the local organization - is elected by the Council of the local organization for its term of office. The quantitative and personal composition of the Presidium of the Council of a local organization, the procedure for electing and terminating the powers of its members are determined by the Council of the local organization.

6.16.1. The Presidium of the Council of a local organization includes, ex officio, the chairman of the local organization, the first deputy chairman of the local organization, deputy chairmen of the local organization, and the executive secretary of the local organization.

6.16.2. Meetings of the Presidium of the Council of a local organization are held as necessary, but at least twice a year. Meetings of the Presidium of the Council of a local organization are convened by the chairman of the local organization or the Bureau of the Council of the local organization.

6.16.3. A meeting of the Presidium of the Council of a local organization is valid (having a quorum) if more than half of the members of the Presidium of the Council of a local organization participate in its meeting. Decisions of the Presidium of the Council of a local organization are adopted by open voting by a majority of votes if a quorum is present.

Decisions at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council of a local organization are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the meeting.

6.16.4. Presidium of the Council of the local organization:

  • develops programs and projects in the main areas of activity of the local organization;
  • preliminary reviews draft decisions of the Council of the local organization and gives its recommendations on them;
  • has the right to submit draft decisions to the Council of the local organization for consideration;
  • carries out other work on behalf of the Council of the local organization.

6.17. The permanent governing body of the local organization is the Bureau of the Council of the local organization of the local organization, which manages the activities of the local organization in the period between meetings of the Council of the local organization and conferences of the local organization. The quantitative and personal composition of the Bureau of the Council of the local organization is determined by the conference of the local organization.

6.17.1. The Bureau of the Council of the local organization includes, ex officio, the chairman of the local organization elected at the conference. Deputy chairmen, including the first deputy of the local organization, the executive secretary of the local organization, who were not elected to the Bureau of the Council of the local organization at the conference of the local organization, have the right to attend the meeting of the Bureau of the Council of the local organization with the right of an advisory vote.

6.17.2. Meetings of the Bureau of the Council of a local organization are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. Meetings of the Bureau of the Council of a local organization are convened by the chairman of the local organization, and in his absence, the first deputy chairman of the local organization on his own initiative or at the request of at least one third of the members of the Bureau of the Council of the local organization, as well as at the request of the Chairman of the Organization, the Bureau of the Central Council or the Central Council.

6.17.3. A meeting of the Bureau of the Council of a local organization is valid (having a quorum) if more than half of the current members of the Bureau of the Council of a local organization participate in its meeting. Members of the Bureau of the Council of a local organization who have resigned upon application, or who have terminated their membership in the Organization in accordance with paragraph 4.11 of this Charter, are not taken into account when determining the number of the current composition of the Bureau of the Council of a local organization and determining the quorum of the meeting. Decisions of the Bureau of the Council of a local organization are adopted by open voting by a majority of votes if a quorum is present.

Decisions at a meeting of the Bureau of the Council of a local organization are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the meeting.

6.17.4. The Bureau of the Council of the local organization exercises the following functions and powers:

  • exercises on behalf of the local organization the rights of a legal entity and performs its duties in accordance with the Charter of the Organization;
  • makes decisions on the creation of other legal entities, on the creation of branches and on the opening of representative offices of a local organization;
  • makes decisions on the current activities of the local organization;
  • elects, in agreement with the Council of the local organization, the sole executive body of the local organization - the chairman of the local organization (if he is not elected at the conference of the local organization) for a term of office of five years (but not more than the term of office of the current composition of the Council of the local organization) and terminates his powers early;
  • disposes of the property and funds of the local organization in accordance with the decisions of the supreme body of the local organization, the Council of the local organization;
  • approves the annual report of the local organization and its annual balance sheet;
  • makes decisions on the creation or liquidation of established business companies, or on participation in and withdrawal from business companies;
  • determines measures to encourage activists of a local organization and employees of the apparatus of a local organization for active participation in the work of a local organization;
  • sends proposals for awarding members of the Organization with state and departmental awards;
  • makes decisions on conflict of interest issues in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • approves, on behalf of the local organization, an employment contract with the chairman of the local organization;
  • exercises control over the implementation of decisions of the conference and governing bodies of the local organization;
  • resolves other issues of the activities of the local organization that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the conference of the local organization and the competence of other bodies of the local organization (issues referred by this Charter to the competence of the Council of the local organization are resolved by the Bureau of the Council of the local organization if there is an order from the Council of the local organization) .

6.18. The highest elected official and sole executive body of a local organization is the chairman of the local organization.

6.18.1. In the event of early termination of the powers of the chairman of a local organization, as well as in the event of the impossibility of fulfilling the powers of the chairman of a local organization, his duties are temporarily performed by the first deputy (deputy) chairman of the local organization until a new chairman of the local organization is elected.

6.18.2. Chairman of the local organization:

  • organizes meetings of conferences of the local organization, plenums of the Council of the local organization, meetings of the Presidium of the Council and the Bureau of the Council of the local organization;
  • organizes the preparation of documents for conferences of the local organization, plenums of the Council of the local organization, meetings of the Presidium of the Council and the Bureau of the Council of the local organization;
  • without a power of attorney, represents a local organization in relations with state bodies, local government bodies, commercial and non-profit organizations on all issues of the local organization’s activities;
  • addresses the bodies of the local organization, its member local organizations and primary groups with proposals, statements, requests related to the activities of the local organization;
  • without a power of attorney, enters into agreements and contracts on behalf of a local organization, makes transactions, issues powers of attorney;
  • disposes of the financial resources and property of the local organization within the limits and standards approved by the governing bodies of the local organization of estimates, has the right of first signature of financial documents;
  • organizes the work of the apparatus of the local organization, hires and fires workers, announces penalties and incentives to the employees of the apparatus of the local organization;
  • exercises other powers established by this Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation for sole executive bodies.

6.19. The first deputy chairman of the local organization, deputy chairmen of the local organization, together with the chairman of the local organization, organize the current activities of the local organization and exercise functions and powers on behalf of the chairman, Bureau of the Council, Council of the local organization, have the right to replace the chairman of the local organization as necessary and within the scope of their authority directions. By position, the deputy chairmen of the local organization are members of the Presidium of the Council of the local organization.

6.20. The control and audit body of a local organization is the audit commission of the local organization. The quantitative and personal composition of the audit commission and the procedure for electing its members are determined by the conference of the local organization.

6.20.1. The Audit Commission of a local organization exercises control over compliance with the Charter, execution of decisions of the conference of the local organization, the Council of the local organization and the Bureau of the Council of the local organization, as well as the financial and economic activities of the local organization, the performance of their duties by officials of the local organization and its structural divisions.

6.20.2. The activities of the audit commission of a local organization are managed by the chairman of the audit commission of the local organization, who is elected by its members from the audit commission of the local organization by open voting by a majority vote of the members of the audit commission of the local organization for the term of its powers.

6.20.3. The chairman of the audit commission of a local organization coordinates the activities of the members of the audit commission of the local organization, signs decisions (acts, protocols) adopted by the audit commission of the local organization.

6.20.4. Meetings of the audit commission of a local organization are convened by its chairman as necessary, but at least once a year.

6.20.5. A meeting of the audit commission of a local organization is valid (having a quorum) if more than half of the current members of the audit commission of the local organization participate in its work. Members of the audit commission of a local organization who have resigned upon application, or who have terminated their membership in the Organization in accordance with paragraph 4.11 of this Charter, are not taken into account when determining the number of the current composition of the audit commission of the local organization and determining the quorum of the meeting. Decisions of the audit commission of a local organization are made by open voting by a majority of votes if a quorum is present.

Decisions at a meeting of the audit commission of a local organization are made in the form of resolutions, which are documented in the minutes of the meeting.

6.20.6. Members of the audit commission of a local organization cannot be members of the Council of the local organization, the Bureau of the Council of the local organization, or the executive secretary of the local organization.

6.20.7. The Audit Commission of a local organization conducts an annual audit of the financial and economic activities of the local organization, as well as targeted and unscheduled audits, has the right to request and receive from members of the Organization, all governing and executive bodies of the local organization, as well as from the governing, executive and control and audit bodies of incoming it provides local organizations and primary groups, any officials of a local organization with information and documents necessary to exercise their powers, coordinates and facilitates the activities of the control and audit bodies of its local organizations.

6.20.8. The local organization's audit committee is accountable to the local organization's conference.

6.21. To ensure documentation work, the Council of a local organization has the right to elect an executive secretary of the local organization for the term of office of the current composition of the Council of the local organization. The powers of the executive secretary of a local organization are terminated early by a decision of the Council of the local organization, including in the case of voluntary resignation, as well as in the event of failure to comply with the decisions of the conference of the local organization, the governing bodies of the local organization, the chairman of the local organization, the governing bodies of the Organization and failure to comply with the requirements of this Charter .

6.21.1. Responsible secretary of the local organization:

  • organizes and ensures documentation work in a local organization;
  • organizes registration of members of the Organization in the local organization;
  • organizes the maintenance of a list of files and archiving of minutes of conferences, governing and other elected bodies of the local organization.

6.22. All employees of the apparatus of a local organization are appointed (dismissed) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation only upon the conclusion (termination) of an employment contract with them, which can be concluded for a period not exceeding the term of office of the current Council of the local organization. The chairman of the local organization, the first deputy chairman of the local organization, deputy chairmen and the executive secretary of the local organization, in the case of concluding employment contracts with them and hiring them to the local organization, are also employees of the local organization’s apparatus. All of the above employees are subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and social insurance.

6.23. The apparatus of the local organization provides organizational, financial, economic, information and documentation support for the activities of the sole executive body, the governing and control and audit body of the local organization.


7.1. The property of the Organization is formed on the basis of voluntary contributions and donations from individuals and legal entities, proceeds from grantors, from activities carried out in accordance with the Charter of the Organization, from income-generating activities, and other income not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The organization owns, uses and disposes of property in accordance with and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. An organization may create business partnerships, societies and other business organizations, as well as acquire property intended for conducting business activities for the statutory purposes of the Organization.

7.3. The owner of all property of the Organization is the Organization as a whole. Each individual member of the Organization does not have the right of ownership to a share of the property belonging to the Organization.

7.4. On behalf of the Organization, the rights of the owner of property placed at the disposal of the Organization, as well as created and (or) acquired by him at the expense of own funds, are carried out by the bodies of the Organization in accordance with the current legislation and this Charter. Regional and local organizations that are legal entities have the right operational management property assigned to them by the Organization.

7.5. The Organization is not responsible for the obligations of regional and local organizations; regional and local organizations are not responsible for the obligations of the Organization.


8.1. Changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization are submitted to the Congress for consideration by the Central Council of the Organization and are adopted by at least 2/3 of the votes of the number of delegates present at the Congress if a quorum is present.

8.2. Changes and additions made to the Charter of the Organization are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by law and acquire legal force for third parties from the moment of such registration.


9.1. Reorganization and liquidation of the Organization is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2 Reorganization of the Organization (merger, accession, division, transformation, separation) is carried out by decision of the Congress of the Organization. The decision to reorganize the Organization is made by at least 2/3 of the votes of the number of delegates present at the Congress, provided there is a quorum.

9.3. In cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Organization may be liquidated by a court decision.

9.4. The property remaining as a result of the liquidation of the Organization, after satisfying the claims of creditors, is directed to the purposes provided for by the Charter of the Organization. The decision on the use of the remaining property is published by the liquidation commission in the press. The property remaining after the liquidation of the Organization cannot be distributed among the members of the Organization.

9.5. The information and documents necessary for the state registration of the Organization in connection with its liquidation are submitted to the body that made the decision on the state registration of the Organization upon its creation.

9.6. All documents of the Organization's employees are transferred
in accordance with the established procedure for state storage in archival institutions of the Russian Federation.

In case you are looking for a template like "Constituent documents" on the topic “Sample charter of a non-profit public organization (regional (local) branch of a public organization)”, you can print this template.

CHARTER OF A NON-PROFIT PUBLIC ORGANIZATION (REGIONAL (LOCAL) BRANCH OF A PUBLIC ORGANIZATION) CHARTER OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN SOCIETY "EARTH AND CHILDREN" Registered Approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation by the Constituent Assembly "__" ___________ 20__ of the All-Russian Society Certificate of registration No.815 "Children of the Earth" Head registration department Protocol No.___________ of public and religious "__"___________ 20__ associations ________________ Signature M.P. 1. General provisions 1.1. The All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth" (hereinafter referred to as the "society") is a non-profit public organization that arose as a result of the free expression of the will of citizens united in the field of education, healthcare, social protection of childhood, rehabilitation and adaptation of disabled children. 1.2. The Company operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the Law of the RSFSR "On Property in the RSFSR", the current legislation throughout the Russian Federation. 1.3. The Company is a legal entity, has separate property, has basic and working capital , independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banking institutions, can, on its own behalf, acquire property and personal non-property rights, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration courts. 1.4. The company is liable for its obligations with its own funds and property, which may be subject to foreclosure. The state and members of society are not liable for the obligations of the society. The Company is not liable for the obligations of the state, its members and legal entities created by it. 1.5. The society has a round seal and a corner stamp with its name, emblem, its own symbols and other details. 1.6. The location of the company is _________________. 2. Goals of the society 2.1. The All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth" is created to solve pressing and complex problems: social protection of childhood; revival in children of the peasant spirit, the feeling of a competent, zealous and independent owner on the earth; promoting the formation of creative initiatives aimed at improving the structures of education, healthcare, and social protection; provision of educational, information, intermediary and other services to the population, enterprises and organizations; promoting the introduction of corrective and compensatory medical and psychological systems and methods to provide assistance to disabled children and children who have suffered injuries; conducting research and development of new environmental, agricultural, medical and educational technologies; carrying out advertising, publishing and other information activities in the Russian Federation and abroad; creating trust funds to support small alternative programs; holding charity events; carrying out other types of activities related to the achievement of statutory goals that are not prohibited by current legislation. 2.2. The society can exchange experience on advanced methods of upbringing, education, healthcare and social protection with all organizations in the Russian Federation and abroad in the UNICEF and UNESCO systems, and solve a wide variety of problems in the upbringing, development and protection of children from birth to adulthood. 3. Structure and management of the company 3.1. The structure of the society is formed by its regional (local) branches, as well as scientific, creative production and other organizations that are part of it. Relations with regional (local) branches are built on a contractual basis. 3.2. The management of the company is carried out by: the general meeting, the president, and the board. 3.3. The general meeting of members of the company is the highest governing body authorized to make decisions on all issues of the company's activities. The general meeting of members of the company is convened as necessary, but at least once every five years. Extraordinary meetings are held at the proposal of the president or the board to resolve urgent issues. Decisions of the general meeting may be made by written survey of members. The competence of the general meeting includes: approval of the Charter and other constituent documents; approval of the procedure and norms of representation at the next meeting; election of the board of the company, president, audit commission; determination of the main directions of the company’s activities; approval of reports on the work of the president, board and audit commission; resolving issues of reorganization and termination of the company's activities. At the initiative of the president and the board, other issues of the company’s activities may be submitted to the general meeting for consideration. 3.4. The general meeting has the authority to resolve issues submitted for its consideration if at least half of the votes of the company's members participate in it. Decisions of the general meeting are made by a qualified majority of 2/3 votes. Any citizens who are not members of society can take part in the work of the general meeting with the right of an advisory vote. 3.5. The board is the body that manages the activities of the company during the period between general meetings. The Board carries out general management of the company's activities. The board is elected by the general meeting for a period of 5 years from among the participants of the general meeting consisting of 15 people. The board of the company: determines the priority of projects and programs of the company; approves vice-presidents on the recommendation of the President; appoints an acting president for the period necessary to convene an extraordinary general meeting; determines the size of entrance and membership fees; resolves issues of exempting members of the society from paying entrance and membership fees; establishes the types, amounts and directions of use of funds and property of the company; makes changes and additions to the Charter of the company with subsequent approval at the general meeting; adopts regulations on wages and other internal regulations regulating the activities of the company; hears annual reports from the President; approves target programs of the society; financing the current activities of the company; annual reports, balance sheets and cost estimates of structural divisions of project and program managers of the company. Meetings of the board are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. Board decisions are valid if at least 3 board members participate in the meeting. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. 3.6. The President is elected by the general meeting from among the members of the society by direct secret ballot for a period of 5 years. The number of candidates for the post of president is not limited. Presidential elections are considered valid if at least 2/3 of society members took part in them. A candidate who receives more than half of the votes of the society members who took part in the voting is considered elected. The president can be early dismissed from his position only by a decision of the general meeting of members if it is established that his activities are illegal, contrary to the statutory goals or may cause harm to society. 3.7. President of the company: resolves issues related to the conclusion of contracts and other transactions by the company; acts on behalf of the company without a power of attorney; represents the company in relations with Russian and foreign legal and individuals; issues powers of attorney; opens current and other company accounts in banks; issues orders, instructions, instructions and other acts; hires and dismisses employees of the company's apparatus; takes measures to encourage employees and impose penalties on them; distributes responsibilities among the company's employees, determines their powers; makes decisions on filing claims and lawsuits against legal entities and citizens on behalf of the company; approves the charters (regulations) of enterprises, organizations and structural divisions created by the company. 3.8. The Audit Commission is a body that exercises control over the legality and efficiency of the use of the company's funds, over the financial and economic activities of the company. 3.9. The Audit Commission is elected by the general meeting from among the members of the company for a period of 5 years. Its composition cannot include members of the management board, board of trustees, or persons employed by the company. 3.10. The activities of the audit commission are determined by the Regulations on the audit commission of the company, approved by the general meeting. The board of the company and all structural divisions ensure the submission of all materials necessary for the audit to the audit commission. 3.11. To control use of funds received by the company from targeted deposits, as well as to assist the board of the company in the prompt search for funds to solve priority problems, a board of trustees is created. The Board of Trustees is formed from members of the company who have made the greatest material contribution that contributes to achieving the statutory goals and solving the problems of the company. The Board of Trustees may include people who are not members of the company, as well as representatives of enterprises and organizations that provide significant assistance to the company in achieving its statutory goals. The Board of Trustees elects a chairman from among its members for a period of 1 year, who convenes the board as necessary. Members of the Board of Trustees who are not members of the company may take part in meetings of the general meeting and the board with the right of an advisory vote. The Board of Trustees approves the order of implementation of programs and the order of the most effective use funds, considers other issues, decisions on which are advisory in nature. 4. Membership in the society 4.1. Members of the society can be any citizens - both Russian and foreign, who take part in its activities through personal labor or through contributions, as well as those who finance the activities of the society and are interested in the society achieving its statutory goals. Admission to membership in the society is carried out at a general meeting of society members in the presence of those who submitted an application. 4.2. Members of the company have the right: to participate in the management of the company in accordance with this Charter; be a member of the board, audit commission and Board of Trustees of the company; elect and be elected to elective positions; participate in events and programs of the society and its structural divisions; use attributes and symbols of the company with the permission of the board; submit proposals on issues of the company’s activities for consideration by the governing bodies of the company; receive the necessary information about the activities of the company; take part in the economic activities of the company, use its material and technical base. 4.3. Members of the society are obliged to: comply with this Charter; carry out decisions of the general meeting, board and president of the company; pay entrance and membership fees; actively contribute to solving the problems facing society with their technical, intellectual and financial resources; refrain from actions that may harm the legitimate interests of society and its members. 4.4. Expulsion from members of the company is carried out by decision of the general meeting in the following cases: non-compliance with the Charter of the company; failure to comply with decisions of management and control bodies; failure to fulfill their obligations related to labor and property participation in its activities. 5. Property and economic activities of the company 5.1. The property and funds of the society are formed through: entrance and membership fees; voluntary monetary and other contributions and donations, including from intended purpose, for the implementation of specific programs of the company; income from economic activities carried out in accordance with the statutory goals of the company; proceeds from charitable events, auctions, lotteries and other events held by the company or other organizations; other income. 5.2. The Company is the owner of the property transferred to it by the founders, members, other citizens and legal entities to carry out the activities provided for by its Charter, as well as property acquired or created by it at the expense of its own funds, including income from business activities. 5.3. The company may own buildings, structures, housing stock, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and health purposes, cash, shares and other securities and other property necessary to ensure the activities provided for by its Charter. 5.4. The company may engage in entrepreneurial activity, create and acquire enterprises and other property to carry out this activity, if this is necessary for it to fulfill its statutory tasks. Enterprises and institutions created or acquired by the company as legal entities have the right of full economic management or the right of operational management of the property assigned to them. 5.5. Income from the economic activities of the company cannot be redistributed among members of the company and is used only to fulfill the statutory tasks. 5.6. Foreign economic activity of the company is carried out in the manner prescribed by current legislation. 6. The procedure for making changes and additions to the Charter 6.1. Changes and additions to the Charter are made by the board with subsequent approval at the general meeting and are subject to registration in the same manner and within the same time frame as registration of the Charter. VII. Procedure for terminating the company 7.1. Termination of a company can be carried out through reorganization (merger, accession, division) or liquidation. 7.2. Liquidation or reorganization of a company is carried out by decision of the highest management body of the company or by a court decision in cases provided for by current legislation. Liquidation of the company is carried out by a liquidation commission formed by the bodies listed above. The liquidation commission establishes the procedure and timing of liquidation, as well as the deadline for filing creditor claims. 7.3. During the reorganization and liquidation of the company, dismissed employees are guaranteed respect for their rights and interests in accordance with current legislation. 7.4. The property and funds of the company after settlements with the state, other legal entities and individuals cannot be distributed among members and are directed to the implementation of statutory goals in accordance with the instructions of the liquidation commission. After the termination of the company’s activities, property provided for its use by a state, public or other organization, as well as by private individuals, is returned to its previous owner. 7.5. In the event of liquidation of a company, all organizations created by it that have the rights of a legal entity suspend their activities until the liquidation commission makes a decision on their further activities. 7.6. The company is considered liquidated from the moment it is removed from the state registration register. COMMENTS: ------------ When creating regional (local) branches of a public organization, the following changes and additions are made to the Charter: In clause 1.1. it is necessary to indicate who the founder is. For example: The Moscow Society "Children of the Earth" is the city branch of the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth". The Moscow Society operates on the territory of Moscow. The founder of the Moscow Society "Children of the Earth" is the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth" (registration number No.___ from "__"_________ 20__. Location of the governing body: __________________________. Clause 3.1. should be replaced with the following wording: The structure of the society is formed by scientific, creative, production and other organizations included in its composition. The Company has the right to create its branches with the right of a legal entity in any administrative district Moscow. Relations with these branches and organizations that are part of it are built on a contractual basis. Section 3.2. add the following words: Governing bodies (board, president) are elected from members of the local society with subsequent approval of the candidates by the founder. Section 5.1. add the words: Founding contribution of the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth". Include clause 5.2. as follows: The Moscow Society "Children of the Earth" has the property transferred to it with the right of full economic management (the right of operational management). The owner of the property assigned to the Moscow Society is the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth". Section 7.4. should be changed to: The property and funds of the Moscow Society after settlements with the state, other legal entities and individuals cannot be distributed among members and must be transferred to the founder - the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth" ... (hereinafter in the text).



Constituent Assembly

"___" ______________ G.


Regional (local) public organization


city ​​____________


1. General Provisions

1.1. Regional (local) public organization “________________”, hereinafter referred to as the Organization, is a membership-based public association created on the basis of joint activities to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of united citizens and legal entities - public associations.

1.2. Full name of the Organization in Russian: Regional (local) public organization "_____________________________________".

Abbreviated name in Russian: ROO "____________________".

1.3. The organization operates within ______________


1.4. Location of the Organization: ___________________________________.

1.5. An organization is considered created as a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in the manner prescribed by federal laws.

1.6. An organization is created without a limitation on the period of activity.

1.7. The Organization can be a plaintiff and defendant in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, on its own behalf acquire and exercise property and non-property rights in accordance with the goals of the Organization’s activities, provided for by the Charter of the Organization, and bears the responsibilities associated with these activities.

1.8. The Organization has a round seal with the full name of the Organization in Russian, stamps and forms with its name.

1.9. An organization may have flags, emblems, pennants and other symbols. The symbols of the Organization should not coincide with the state symbols of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as with the symbols of foreign states. The symbols of the Organization should not violate the rights of citizens to intellectual property or offend their national and religious feelings. The symbols of the Organization are subject to state registration and accounting in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.10. The organization has the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to open settlement, currency and other bank accounts on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

1.11. The requirements of the Charter of the Organization are mandatory for fulfillment by all bodies of the Organization and its members.

1.12. The organization is not responsible for the obligations of its members. Members of the Organization are not responsible for the obligations of the Organization. The Organization is not liable for the obligations of the state and its bodies, and the state and its bodies are not liable for the obligations of the Organization.

1.13. The organization is liable for its obligations with its property, which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be foreclosed on.

2. Goals, objectives, main activities, rights and responsibilities of the Organization

2.1. The purpose(s) of creating the Organization is _____________________.

2.2. The subject of the Organization's activities is ______________________.

The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on the types of activities that the Organization has the right to engage in.

2.3. To achieve these goals, the Organization sets itself the following tasks: __________________________________________________________.

2.4. To achieve its statutory goals, the Organization has the right:

Freely disseminate information about your activities;

Annually publish a report on the use of your property or make the said report accessible;

Annually inform the body that made the decision on state registration of the public association about the continuation of its activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about the leaders of the public association in the amount of information included in the unified state register of legal entities;

Submit, at the request of the body making decisions on state registration of public associations, decisions of the governing bodies and officials of the public association, as well as annual and quarterly reports on its activities to the extent of information submitted to the tax authorities;

Allow representatives of the body that makes decisions on state registration of public associations to events held by the public association;

Provide assistance to representatives of the body making decisions on state registration of public associations in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the public association in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Inform the federal state registration body about the amount of funds and other property received by the public association from international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons, about the purposes of their expenditure or use and about their actual expenditure or use in the form and within the time limits established by the authorized federal executive body;

Inform the body that made the decision on state registration of this association about changes in the information specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs,” with the exception of information about received licenses, within three days from the date of such changes.

3. Members of the Organization, conditions and procedure for admission to membership of the Organization and withdrawal from it

3.1. Members of the Organization may be individuals and legal entities:

Legal entities - public associations;

Citizens who have reached the age of 18, whose interest in jointly achieving the goals and solving the problems of the Organization in accordance with this charter are formalized by individual written statements.

The founders of the Organization are its members.

3.2. Grounds for withdrawal (exclusion) from the Organization or loss of membership: _______________________________________________________________.

4. Rights and obligations of members of the Organization

4.1. Members of the Organization have the right:

Participate in the management of the affairs of the Organization in the manner established by the Charter and other regulations of the Organization;

Elect and be elected to the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization;

In the prescribed manner, receive information about the activities of the Organization;

Transfer property or rights to use property, intangible rights to the Organization.

4.2. A member of the Organization has the right to resign from the Organization at his own discretion.

Upon leaving, a member of the Organization (does not) have the right to demand the return of the property contributed by him, the termination of the rights to use property and (or) intangible rights granted to him, as well as the transfer of part of the property to him

In relation to an expelled member or who has lost membership of the Organization, the rules relating to withdrawal from the Organization apply.

4.3. The entry into the Organization of a new member cannot be conditioned by his responsibility for the obligations of the Organization that arose before his entry.

4.4. Members of the Organization are obliged to:

Comply with the provisions of the Charter of the Organization, other regulations of the Organization, comply with the decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization;

Take part in the activities of the Organization;

Timely and fully fulfill the obligations undertaken towards the Organization;

Provide information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Organization;

Provide assistance to the Organization in its activities.

4.5. Members of the Organization may also have other rights and bear other obligations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory documents of the Organization, as well as agreements concluded with the Organization.

5. The procedure for managing the activities of the Organization. Governing Bodies of the Organization

5.1. The highest governing body of the Organization is the general meeting of members of the Organization. The main function of the general meeting is to ensure that the Organization adheres to the purposes for which it was created.

5.2. The competence of the general meeting includes resolving the following issues:

1) changing the charter of the Organization;

2) determination of priority areas of activity of the Organization, principles of formation and use of its property;

3) formation of the board of the Organization and early termination of its powers;

4) approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet;

5) approval of the financial plan of the Organization and amendments to it;

6) creation of branches and opening representative offices of the Organization;

7) participation in other organizations;

8) reorganization and liquidation of the Organization;

The issues provided for in paragraphs one, three and eight fall within the exclusive competence of the general meeting.

5.3. The general meeting meets as needed, but at least ______ times every ______.

5.4. Each member of the Organization is obliged to attend the general meeting and take part in its work. Each member of the Organization has 1 (one) vote when voting.

5.5. The general meeting of members of the Organization is valid if more than half of its members are present (represented) at the said meeting.

5.6. The decision of the general meeting is made by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

5.7. The decision of the general meeting on issues of the exclusive competence of the general meeting is adopted unanimously (by a qualified majority).

5.8. The permanent governing collegial governing body of the Organization is the board, elected by the general meeting for a _______ term and reporting to it. The competence of the board includes the resolution of all issues that do not constitute the exclusive competence of other management bodies of the Organization. The composition of the Board is formed from members of the Organization in an amount of at least _____ people.

The Board regularly informs the members of the Organization about the activities of the Organization.

5.9. The work of the board is organized by the chairman of the board elected at the board meeting. Minutes are kept at board meetings.

5.10. Chairman of the Board:

Acts on behalf of the Organization without a power of attorney;

Convenes the Board and conducts its meetings;

Signs decisions, regulations, statements, appeals adopted by the Board;

Ensures the implementation of the Organization's activity programs;

Issues powers of attorney on behalf of the Organization;

Performs other functions as assigned by the Organization's Board.

6. Documentation. Control over the activities of the Organization

6.1. The organization maintains accounting records and statistical reporting in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The Organization provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies and tax authorities, members of the Organization and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3. The management board is responsible for the organization, condition and reliability of accounting in the Organization, timely submission of the annual report and other financial statements to the relevant authorities, as well as information about the activities of the Organization presented to members of the Organization, creditors and the media.

6.4. The organization stores the following documents:

Agreement on the establishment of the Organization;

Charter of the Organization, changes and additions made to the charter of the Organization, registered in the prescribed manner, decision to create the Organization, document on state registration of the Organization;

Documents confirming the Organization’s rights to property on its balance sheet;

Internal documents of the Organization;

Regulations on the branch or representative office of the Organization;

Dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;

Income received from the Organization's property;

Other income and receipts not prohibited by law.

Laws may establish restrictions on the Organization's sources of income.

7.3. The procedure for regular and one-time receipts from members of the Organization is established by the general meeting of the Organization

7.4. Income from the business activities of the Organization cannot be redistributed among the members of the Organization and must be used only to achieve the statutory goals.

7.5. The amount and procedure for payment of targeted contributions by members are established by the general meeting of the Organization.

7.6. The Organization may use its funds for charitable purposes.

8. Suspension of activities, reorganization and liquidation of the Organization

8.1. The activities of the Organization may be suspended in accordance with the Federal Law “On Public Associations”.

8.2. The organization may be reorganized or liquidated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the Organization are transferred to it. The Board of Directors ceases its activities.

8.4. When the Organization is liquidated, the property remaining after satisfaction of the creditors' claims, unless otherwise established by federal legislation, is directed to the purposes for which it was created and (or) to charitable purposes in the manner determined by the general meeting of the Organization (such a procedure may be established in the charter) .

8.5. If the use of the property of the liquidated Organization in accordance with its constituent documents is not possible, it turns into state income.

10. The procedure for making changes and additions to the charter

10.1. The issue of introducing amendments and additions to the charter of the Organization is submitted to the general meeting for consideration on the initiative of the board or on the initiative of at least one third of the members of the Organization.

10.2. Changes and additions to the charter approved by the general meeting are subject to state registration.

10.3. State registration of changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization is carried out in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.4. Changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization come into force from the moment of their state registration.

Chairman of the Board ______________________ ________________________

(signature) (full name)

In accordance with Article 28 of the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations,” the official name of a public association must contain an indication of its organizational and legal form and territorial scope of activity. In accordance with Article 14 of this law, all-Russian, interregional, regional and local public associations are created and operate in the Russian Federation.

CHARTER OF A NON-PROFIT PUBLIC ORGANIZATION (REGIONAL (LOCAL) BRANCH OF A PUBLIC ORGANIZATION) CHARTER OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN SOCIETY "EARTH AND CHILDREN" Registered Approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation by the Constituent Assembly "__" ___________ 20__ of the All-Russian Society Certificate of registration No.815 "Children of the Earth" Head registration department Protocol No.___________ of public and religious "__"___________ 20__ associations ________________ Signature M.P. 1. General provisions 1.1. The All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth" (hereinafter referred to as the "society") is a non-profit public organization that arose as a result of the free expression of the will of citizens united in the field of education, healthcare, social protection of childhood, rehabilitation and adaptation of disabled children. 1.2. The Company operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the Law of the RSFSR "On Property in the RSFSR", the current legislation throughout the Russian Federation. 1.3. The company is a legal entity, has separate property, has fixed and working capital, an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in bank institutions, can acquire property and personal non-property rights in its own name, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration courts. 1.4. The company is liable for its obligations with its own funds and property, which may be subject to foreclosure. The state and members of society are not liable for the obligations of the society. The Company is not liable for the obligations of the state, its members and legal entities created by it. 1.5. The society has a round seal and a corner stamp with its name, emblem, its own symbols and other details. 1.6. The location of the company is _________________. 2. Goals of the society 2.1. The All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth" is created to solve pressing and complex problems: social protection of childhood; revival in children of the peasant spirit, the feeling of a competent, zealous and independent owner on the earth; promoting the formation of creative initiatives aimed at improving the structures of education, healthcare, and social protection; provision of educational, information, intermediary and other services to the population, enterprises and organizations; promoting the introduction of corrective and compensatory medical and psychological systems and methods to provide assistance to disabled children and children who have suffered injuries; conducting research and development of new environmental, agricultural, medical and educational technologies; carrying out advertising, publishing and other information activities in the Russian Federation and abroad; creating trust funds to support small alternative programs; holding charity events; carrying out other types of activities related to the achievement of statutory goals that are not prohibited by current legislation. 2.2. The society can exchange experience on advanced methods of upbringing, education, healthcare and social protection with all organizations in the Russian Federation and abroad in the UNICEF and UNESCO systems, and solve a wide variety of problems in the upbringing, development and protection of children from birth to adulthood. 3. Structure and management of the company 3.1. The structure of the society is formed by its regional (local) branches, as well as scientific, creative production and other organizations that are part of it. Relations with regional (local) branches are built on a contractual basis. 3.2. The management of the company is carried out by: the general meeting, the president, and the board. 3.3. The general meeting of members of the company is the highest governing body authorized to make decisions on all issues of the company's activities. The general meeting of members of the company is convened as necessary, but at least once every five years. Extraordinary meetings are held at the proposal of the president or the board to resolve urgent issues. Decisions of the general meeting may be made by written survey of members. The competence of the general meeting includes: approval of the Charter and other constituent documents; approval of the procedure and norms of representation at the next meeting; election of the board of the company, president, audit commission; determination of the main directions of the company’s activities; approval of reports on the work of the president, board and audit commission; resolving issues of reorganization and termination of the company's activities. At the initiative of the president and the board, other issues of the company’s activities may be submitted to the general meeting for consideration. 3.4. The general meeting has the authority to resolve issues submitted for its consideration if at least half of the votes of the company's members participate in it. Decisions of the general meeting are made by a qualified majority of 2/3 votes. Any citizens who are not members of society can take part in the work of the general meeting with the right of an advisory vote. 3.5. The board is the body that manages the activities of the company during the period between general meetings. The Board carries out general management of the company's activities. The board is elected by the general meeting for a period of 5 years from among the participants of the general meeting consisting of 15 people. The board of the company: determines the priority of projects and programs of the company; approves vice-presidents on the recommendation of the President; appoints an acting president for the period necessary to convene an extraordinary general meeting; determines the size of entrance and membership fees; resolves issues of exempting members of the society from paying entrance and membership fees; establishes the types, amounts and directions of use of funds and property of the company; makes changes and additions to the Charter of the company with subsequent approval at the general meeting; adopts regulations on remuneration and other internal regulations governing the activities of the company; hears annual reports from the President; approves target programs of the society; financing the current activities of the company; annual reports, balance sheets and cost estimates of structural divisions of project and program managers of the company. Meetings of the board are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. Board decisions are valid if at least 3 board members participate in the meeting. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. 3.6. The President is elected by the general meeting from among the members of the society by direct secret ballot for a period of 5 years. The number of candidates for the post of president is not limited. Presidential elections are considered valid if at least 2/3 of society members took part in them. A candidate who receives more than half of the votes of the society members who took part in the voting is considered elected. The president can be early dismissed from his position only by a decision of the general meeting of members if it is established that his activities are illegal, contrary to the statutory goals or may cause harm to society. 3.7. President of the company: resolves issues related to the conclusion of contracts and other transactions by the company; acts on behalf of the company without a power of attorney; represents the company in relations with Russian and foreign legal entities and individuals; issues powers of attorney; opens current and other company accounts in banks; issues orders, instructions, instructions and other acts; hires and dismisses employees of the company's apparatus; takes measures to encourage employees and impose penalties on them; distributes responsibilities among the company's employees, determines their powers; makes decisions on filing claims and lawsuits against legal entities and citizens on behalf of the company; approves the charters (regulations) of enterprises, organizations and structural divisions created by the company. 3.8. The Audit Commission is a body that exercises control over the legality and efficiency of the use of the company's funds, over the financial and economic activities of the company. 3.9. The Audit Commission is elected by the general meeting from among the members of the company for a period of 5 years. Its composition cannot include members of the management board, board of trustees, or persons employed by the company. 3.10. The activities of the audit commission are determined by the Regulations on the audit commission of the company, approved by the general meeting. The board of the company and all structural divisions ensure the submission of all materials necessary for the audit to the audit commission. 3.11. To monitor the use of funds received by the company through targeted deposits, as well as to assist the board of the company in the prompt search for funds to solve priority problems, a board of trustees is created. The Board of Trustees is formed from members of the company who have made the greatest material contribution that contributes to achieving the statutory goals and solving the problems of the company. The Board of Trustees may include people who are not members of the company, as well as representatives of enterprises and organizations that provide significant assistance to the company in achieving its statutory goals. The Board of Trustees elects a chairman from among its members for a period of 1 year, who convenes the board as necessary. Members of the Board of Trustees who are not members of the company may take part in meetings of the general meeting and the board with the right of an advisory vote. The Board of Trustees approves the order of implementation of programs and the procedure for the most effective use of funds, considers other issues, decisions on which are advisory in nature. 4. Membership in the society 4.1. Members of the society can be any citizens - both Russian and foreign, who take part in its activities through personal labor or through contributions, as well as those who finance the activities of the society and are interested in the society achieving its statutory goals. Admission to membership in the society is carried out at a general meeting of society members in the presence of those who submitted an application. 4.2. Members of the company have the right: to participate in the management of the company in accordance with this Charter; be a member of the board, audit commission and Board of Trustees of the company; elect and be elected to elective positions; participate in events and programs of the society and its structural divisions; use attributes and symbols of the company with the permission of the board; submit proposals on issues of the company’s activities for consideration by the governing bodies of the company; receive the necessary information about the activities of the company; take part in the economic activities of the company, use its material and technical base. 4.3. Members of the society are obliged to: comply with this Charter; carry out decisions of the general meeting, board and president of the company; pay entrance and membership fees; actively contribute to solving the problems facing society with our technical, intellectual and financial resources; refrain from actions that may harm the legitimate interests of society and its members. 4.4. Expulsion from members of the company is carried out by decision of the general meeting in the following cases: non-compliance with the Charter of the company; failure to comply with decisions of management and control bodies; failure to fulfill their obligations related to labor and property participation in its activities. 5. Property and economic activities of the company 5.1. The property and funds of the society are formed through: entrance and membership fees; voluntary monetary and other contributions and donations, including those with specific purposes, for the implementation of specific programs of the company; income from economic activities carried out in accordance with the statutory goals of the company; proceeds from charitable events, auctions, lotteries and other events held by the company or other organizations; other income. 5.2. The Company is the owner of the property transferred to it by the founders, members, other citizens and legal entities to carry out the activities provided for by its Charter, as well as property acquired or created by it at the expense of its own funds, including income from business activities. 5.3. The company may own buildings, structures, housing stock, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and health purposes, cash, shares and other securities and other property necessary to ensure the activities provided for by its Charter. 5.4. The company may engage in entrepreneurial activity, create and acquire enterprises and other property to carry out this activity, if this is necessary for it to fulfill its statutory tasks. Enterprises and institutions created or acquired by the company as legal entities have the right of full economic management or the right of operational management of the property assigned to them. 5.5. Income from the economic activities of the company cannot be redistributed among members of the company and is used only to fulfill the statutory tasks. 5.6. The foreign economic activities of the company are carried out in the manner prescribed by current legislation. 6. The procedure for making changes and additions to the Charter 6.1. Changes and additions to the Charter are made by the board with subsequent approval at the general meeting and are subject to registration in the same manner and within the same time frame as registration of the Charter. VII. Procedure for terminating the company 7.1. Termination of a company can be carried out through reorganization (merger, accession, division) or liquidation. 7.2. Liquidation or reorganization of a company is carried out by decision of the highest management body of the company or by a court decision in cases provided for by current legislation. Liquidation of the company is carried out by a liquidation commission formed by the bodies listed above. The liquidation commission establishes the procedure and timing of liquidation, as well as the deadline for filing creditor claims. 7.3. During the reorganization and liquidation of the company, dismissed employees are guaranteed respect for their rights and interests in accordance with current legislation. 7.4. The property and funds of the company after settlements with the state, other legal entities and individuals cannot be distributed among members and are directed to the implementation of statutory goals in accordance with the instructions of the liquidation commission. After the termination of the company’s activities, property provided for its use by a state, public or other organization, as well as by private individuals, is returned to its previous owner. 7.5. In the event of liquidation of a company, all organizations created by it that have the rights of a legal entity suspend their activities until the liquidation commission makes a decision on their further activities. 7.6. The company is considered liquidated from the moment it is removed from the state registration register. COMMENTS: ------------ When creating regional (local) branches of a public organization, the following changes and additions are made to the Charter: In clause 1.1. it is necessary to indicate who the founder is. For example: The Moscow Society "Children of the Earth" is the city branch of the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth". The Moscow Society operates on the territory of Moscow. The founder of the Moscow Society "Children of the Earth" is the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth" (registration number No.___ from "__"_________ 20__. Location of the governing body: __________________________. Clause 3.1. should be replaced with the following wording: The structure of the society is formed by scientific, creative, production and other organizations included in its composition. The Company has the right to create its branches with the right of a legal entity in any administrative district of Moscow. Relations with these branches and organizations included in its composition are built on a contractual basis. Clause 3.2. add with the following words: The governing bodies (board, president) are elected from the members of the local society with subsequent approval of the candidates by the founder. Clause 5.1. be supplemented with the words: Founding contribution of the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth". Include clause 5.2. in the following wording: Moscow Society " Children of the Earth" has the property transferred to it with the right of full economic management (the right of operational management). The owner of the property assigned to the Moscow Society is the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth". Section 7.4. should be changed to: The property and funds of the Moscow Society after settlements with the state, other legal entities and individuals cannot be distributed among members and must be transferred to the founder - the All-Russian Society "Children of the Earth" ... (hereinafter in the text).