Teaser networks where they pay more. Teasers, teaser advertising, affiliate programs and networks - what they are and how you can make money from it. How much does a click cost in teaser networks?

The first step to making money on your website is to get traffic. But when users are already visiting the site, how can you start monetizing the project? There are many ways. Today we will talk about teaser advertising and making money from teasers.

Teaser advertising- this is one of the easiest ways to get your first clients. This type of advertising involves displaying teasers (advertising blocks with a title, picture and text) on various thematic platforms.

What does a teaser advertisement look like?

Teaser advertising can look different. The standard view is a static or animated square image with a title and description next to it to grab attention. Teasers are located in horizontal or vertical blocks, one after another. Sometimes the height of the location depends on the bid per click. Format, number of advertising cells, color, background and other parameters allow you to customize teaser networks.

How to make money on your website?

In order to monetize your website using teaser advertising, you first need to register in a suitable teaser affiliate program as a webmaster. After which you will need to add your site to the system. Moderating the site will not take much time.

The next stage will be the creation of teaser blocks, the generation of code that you will place on your website in the most viewed and effective place for advertising. Payment will be made for clicks, but in statistics you will be able to track the number of views of teasers.

How much can you earn from teaser advertising?

The main factors that influence earnings are resource traffic and topics. For example, the cost of 1 click in gaming topics is ~0.50-1.5 rubles, and medicine and business - ~1.5-3 rubles. The location of the advertisement itself is also of great importance here. And it is worth noting that this method of monetizing a site is one of the simplest, but not highly profitable. The big plus is that all you need to do is install the ad code and the money will start rolling in. Do not forget that ad blockers are common among users, which significantly reduce earnings. We managed to earn at least 2000 rubles a month from the gaming theme with site traffic of ~ 600-800 people per day, which on average is 0.1 rubles for each person who visits the site. In addition, you can throw a banner from the BestChange affiliate program, this is also a proven way to make money online.

This monetization method is perfect for young sites with weak themes. Also, teaser advertising can be combined with other methods of earning money on the site, which will generally increase your income. Many affiliate programs have a referral program that makes it possible to receive a percentage of the earnings of the invited guys.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today’s topic of the article will be: is it possible to make money on teaser advertising, how stable is this one, which sites are more suitable for this type, and the eternal question - which teaser affiliate program to choose?

Moreover, I don’t so much want to talk about this type of monetization of sites, blogs and forums, as I want to hear your opinion about the teaser networks on which you tried to make money (or bought or exchanged traffic), hear your recommendations, instructions, warnings and any others statements on the topic of teasers.

When thoughts about teaser advertising appear

Actually, I turned my attention to teasers and teaser affiliate programs after I had already studied in some detail and put into practice all aspects. True, for this I only used and .

Several of my other resources were either not accepted into the Yandex Advertising Network, or were accepted, but bring in very little income, sometimes not even exceeding the cost of hosting. A way out in this situation could be to install Google AdSense on these projects, but, unfortunately, I have not learned all the nuances and subtleties of making money in this system, and it is possible that the subject matter of those resources does not allow me to seriously count on any significant earnings from any contextual advertising.

Well, actually, it was precisely for such projects that I decided to try a monetization method such as teaser advertising or simply teasers. The truth turned out to be that choosing an affiliate program not such a simple task, perhaps even comparable to such a mega-complicated task as choosing the optimal hosting or . The more I delved into studying the problem of making money on teaser advertising, the more I was at a loss as to which network to choose.

There is a lot of information on the RuNet about various teaser affiliate programs, the number of which seems to be growing exponentially lately. But mostly I came across materials that were written simply for, well, or purchased articles and reviews. There were very few really objective reviews, and many of them have already lost their relevance.

In general, as usually happens, the deeper you dive into the problem, the more questions you face. About a year ago I had some experience with teaser advertising.

Then I decided to try the effectiveness of this type of earnings on my blog site and placed a couple of blocks of teaser advertising on it from networks such as MarketGid (teasers on various mega popular gadgets) and Adlabs(they showed teasers similar to tabloid headlines, although their themes, in my opinion, could have been adjusted).

The teasers of these networks did not hang on my blog for long, because I was not at all impressed by the level of earnings on them. Still, affiliate programs, in my opinion, must strictly correspond to the audience of the site on which they are located, and only then will they be able to generate quite tangible income.

Let's just say that on a news portal, news teaser affiliate programs will look very organic, and I think that the earnings from them will be many times more than from contextual advertising. As they say, to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to the mechanic what is mechanic's.

By the way, advertising blocks of the MarketGid teaser network hung on Mikhail Shakin’s blog for quite a long time and, in my opinion, it was precisely because of this that I decided to test their effectiveness on my project. But, as they say, it didn’t work out. Well, okay, context is more suitable for a website, and teasers are worth trying where contextual advertising is ineffective.

What are teasers, teaser networks and affiliate programs, what to choose

So, I jumped into something right away and forgot to tell you what teaser advertising is. I am sure that many of you already have an idea about this, but still, novice webmasters may find this information necessary and, to some extent, interesting.

The concept of a teaser itself, although close to what we are used to thinking of as them (an advertisement that differs from a contextual one in that in addition to text, it also contains a picture), is still somewhat different from it.

All in all teaser- this is such an enticement that should awaken interest in those who see it. It seems that the first teaser was successfully used at the beginning of the twentieth century, when advertising posters with only one word, for example, “Why,” were hung on the roads. The answer to this question was given in other posters that appeared a little later. You've probably encountered it yourself, including on television.

Teasers in the modern Internet sense are advertisements, almost always accompanied by images that are designed to intrigue the person viewing it and encourage him to follow the link from this advertisement in order to find out the outcome of the intrigue that has arisen in his soul. Quite often, teaser advertisements have a yellow press flavor or are frivolous in nature.

Not every self-respecting webmaster will agree to place such teasers on his website, even if they bring him decent income. But there are a lot of affiliate programs in which yellow and frivolous ads are either completely absent or can be successfully filtered out. So, in terms of ethical standards, you don’t always have to compromise your conscience by installing teaser advertising blocks on your site.

In general, teasers vary in their purpose. You can highlight teasers that are used for the internal needs of the site. Thus, some webmasters design a block of links to the most interesting materials on their resource, choosing a catchy picture and giving them catchy headlines.

I myself have not tried to attract attention to my articles in this way, but judging by the fairly large distribution of internal teasers.

Probably like this domestic teasers are able to improve, which now has a significant impact on website promotion in search engines, and, obviously, they only benefit from such advertising of their own publications. True, you will probably have to spend a lot of time creating them.

There are teaser networks that are focused not on buying and selling traffic, but on exchanging traffic. In essence, these are the same internal teasers, but they will only be shown not on your own website, but on the resources of other participants in exchange networks. To be honest, I have never worked with such networks, but it seems that Novoteka has now become just such a teaser exchange network. Maybe I'm wrong.

True, I know that the 2leep exchange network is now quite popular on the Internet, advertisements in which are called informers, but in essence they are not much different from teasers in the usual sense. You create your own informers and they begin to appear on the resources of other participants in the 2leep exchange network, and their informers (ala teasers) appear on your website. You can see an example of this method of exchanging traffic on the same blog of Mikhail Shakin (in the sidebar closest to the text of the articles).

And finally, there are the so-called teaser affiliate programs, the essence of which is mediation between partners who want to buy traffic to their resource and partners who want to monetize the traffic available on their sites. Roughly speaking, these are actually exchanges similar to (RotaBan) or exchanges for selling links (GoGetLinks or GetGoodLinks).

It is teaser affiliate programs that will allow you to make money by displaying teasers on your website. In fact, you will be selling traffic or, in other words, visitors to your resource, redirecting them to the resources of teaser network advertisers.

There are more than a lot of affiliate programs, but I will try to give here a list of the most notable of them, and you can, if you wish, choose the most suitable one in terms of the topic and terms of earnings. You should also take into account the reliability of the affiliate program, but this will be discussed below.

Teaser affiliate programs may differ in the conditions for accepting sites (usually there is a lower threshold for resource traffic), in the payment method (per clicks or for the number of teaser impressions), in the method and minimum amount that can be withdrawn to your wallet (usually WebMoney), and so on. according to the amount that you can earn in this particular affiliate program.

Well, actually, myself list of teaser networks and affiliate programs(the most famous, although this does not mean that they are the best):

By the way, the teaser network script is installed similarly to the code for contextual advertising blocks, about which I have already written quite a lot. There is nothing complicated about this; it is much more difficult to choose the teaser affiliate program that is most suitable for your topic and level of earnings. Yes, and on top of everything else, the fact of the network’s reliability is considered very important, because in RuNet there are a large number of complaints about certain affiliate programs.

Most of the complaints relate to the fact of poor or completely absent technical support, as well as numerous complaints about unjustified excommunication from the teaser network, allegedly for violating the rules for using it. Often, users are blocked immediately before the moment of payment of earned money.

Stability of earnings on teaser affiliate programs and reviews about them

It turns out that the stability of earnings in affiliate programs will most likely not be very high. In this market there are no such large players as Yandex and Google, who are present in the contextual advertising market and who, valuing their reputation, are unlikely to descend en masse to outright scammers of their partners. In the teaser advertising market it seems complete anarchy reigns.


But nevertheless, you can clarify something for yourself about how white and fluffy the numerous teaser networks are. Although, perhaps, this cannot be done without the machinations of competitors who deliberately denigrate the good name of individual teaser affiliate programs, but I seriously doubt this, there is too much negativity slipping through.

What pleased me most was the feedback from users on WebMoney Advisor about the Moneychanger, through which I exchanged dollars from Perfect Money to Yandex Money at one of the most favorable rates at that time. In general, I consider the WebMoney Advisor service to be quite useful for such cases when you need to try to objectively assess the reliability of your future business partner.

Basically, a year ago, when I was just trying out teaser advertising, I liked one affiliate program called Novoteka, but at the moment they have news on their website. Well, I decided to try to get involved in making money from teasers, starting with the brainchild of a new library called Direct/ADVERT .

An attempt to make money on teaser advertising in Direct/ADVERT from Novotek

On the WebMoney Advisor resource about the Direct/ADVERT teaser affiliate program, no negativity has yet been observed, which prompted me to do this experiment. I registered on this network quite quickly - a couple of hours later I received an email with a password to log into my account and they also asked me to indicate a WebMoney wallet, which I did not indicate during registration.

The admin panel of this affiliate program makes it quite easy to create blocks with teaser advertising and very easy to configure them. You can either choose from available teaser blocks standardized in size, or manually select the number of teaser blocks horizontally and vertically, select the type, size, color and placement of text relative to the teaser image, and select the size of the images in the block from the drop-down list.

Here you can see a preview of the teaser advertising block you created for the Direct/ADVERT network and copy two parts of its code to paste onto your website. They, similar to Google AdSense contextual advertising blocks, will appear on the site only ten minutes after they are created and the code is installed. In the same way, the changes you make in the teaser block settings will take effect only after ten or fifteen minutes.

In principle, I have no complaints about working in the Direct/ADVERT admin panel, although at first the minimalism of the possible settings is somewhat intimidating. By default, your site will mostly display teasers of frivolous and yellow-press themes, but this is quite easy to fix.

To insert a block of teaser advertising, we are advised to write the script calling code at the very end of the Html code of the pages of your resource, before the closing Html Head tag. This is done in case the teaser network server from which the script will be loaded freezes. With this method of placing the script code, the loading of your site pages will not be blocked.

You need to look for the closing Html Head tag in one of the template or theme files of your project. For example, for Joomla this will be the index.php file from the folder with the template you are using: /templates/folder_with_the_design_template used/ .

For WordPress, the closing Html Head tag must be looked for in the header.php file from the folder with the WordPress theme you are using: wp-content/themes/Folder_with_your_theme.

And for a forum on SMF, the teaser network script code will need to be inserted before the closing Head tag in the index.template.php file from the folder with the SMF theme you are using. If you have a default theme on the SMF forum, then the path to the folder will be as follows: Themes/default.

To position the teaser block, you can enclose it in a Div container with a specific CSS class, for which you can specify the appropriate properties in the CSS style file that specify the indentation or alignment of the block with teasers.

True, I don’t quite understand what exactly they pay for in this teaser network - for clicks or for showing teasers. Judging by the statistics of the affiliate program, which does not indicate the number of transitions, they pay for impressions, but it’s possible that I’m wrong.

In general, this is not so important, because the earnings from this affiliate program are comparable to the earnings from Google AdSense contextual advertising, and since the context and teasers rotate at the same time, it turns out to be a good increase in the site’s income (approximately twice as much) .

For now, the teasers remain, and then let’s look at the attitude of Direct/ADVERT admins towards their partners. It is possible that you, dear readers, will recommend to me in the comments something more attractive from teaser affiliate programs or some other method of monetization other than contextual advertising.

Advertising network MediaTarget - teasers or context?

Oh, by the way, I remembered that I recently tried installing MediaTarget contextual advertising blocks on my blog site. I grabbed this link from a banner in . There, on the right and left, MediaTarget advertising blocks are shown, and at the top there is a call to become a partner of this advertising network.

It’s true that calling MediaTarget advertising units in their pure form contextual advertising is somehow hard to come by. Often these are much more like teasers (an image and text next to them), but most likely they are something between regular contextual and teaser advertising.

Although the conditions for accepting sites in MediaTarget clearly state the required level of attendance, it seems that the limit on 10,000 visitors per day is no longer in effect and they accepted me with just over 5,000 (site), they sent me the code for the ad block of the size I needed .

Only now, after hanging for about a day, the MediaTarget teaser or contextual advertising block was removed due to its extremely low efficiency. For some reason, practically no one clicked on these ads.

By the way, in the admin panel of your account you could configure the type of ads displayed - whether they would be pure contextual advertising ads or whether they would be something close to teasers.

True, again, I did not notice the effect of these changes. Well, the most interesting change that has occurred in MediaTarget’s policy is that they now pay not for the number of views, but for specific clicks on advertisements.

But somehow I didn’t get along with them, it’s possible that again the topic was not entirely suitable, or I was very wrong with the placement of the MediaTarget advertising unit. Well, oh well - it was just interesting to try and form your own opinion about these unusual blocks of teaser-contextual advertising.

With that, allow me to take my leave and thank you for your attention. Please drop a few lines on the topic of teasers and their effectiveness on your projects. Thank you.

Hello friends!

Roman Chueshov again and today we will talk about a way to make money on teaser advertising from your blog. You will learn what type of advertising this is, how to place it on the site, and I will show you by my own example where and in which services you need to register.

In general, read it, it will be interesting and informative.

An example can be seen below. It resembles banner advertising, i.e. picture with inscriptions.

Today there are a huge number of teasers, as they are also called, on the Internet. Just go to Yandex and enter the query “teaser network”. It would seem that it couldn’t be easier, choose any one you like, register and start earning money. But that’s not the case; showing teasers on your website may not be suitable for any topic.

Of course, you can install it on any blog, but the profit will be completely different in different topics.

For example, teasers are great for medicine, cooking, a beauty site, a health blog. But, for example, making money on the Internet, information business, personal growth and development, or some very narrow areas - not really.

In addition, not all teaser networks are suitable for the same site. For example, there are teasers with a focus on a specific topic: beauty, health, etc., and there are universal ones that are suitable for absolutely any blogs - for example, http://teasernet.com, http://teaserbest.ru, and others.

Principle of operation

It's quite simple, friends. We are looking for a teaser network. Let's register in it. Go to your account, add yours. Next, we create the type of display of teaser ads, in other words, the design, the size of the images and the ad block itself, the color when hovering the mouse cursor, etc.

Some systems have quite flexible settings, so you can customize the design of your blog, which is very good for us – webmasters and optimizers. Next, the service generates a code for us, which we paste onto the blog and after some time (literally a few minutes) advertisements begin to display.

Now look, the more traffic your Internet resource has and the more competently you place teaser advertising blocks on it, the more you will earn. Of course, everything here also depends on the CTR of your ads.

CTR is the click-through rate of ads. It is calculated as the ratio of the number of impressions to the number of clicks multiplied by 100%.

For example, 1000 people visited your site per day, 100 of them clicked on the advertisement, then CTR=0.1 is a small indicator. A CTR of 0.3-0.4 and above is considered good. The higher the click-through rate, the more earnings.

Personally, I have only used 2 teaser networks so far - teasernet.com and teaserbest.ru. These are the two, in my opinion, the most worthy and universal systems.

Reviews about these networks can be found on the Internet. I will just say that for me the advantages of these systems include the automatic withdrawal of earned funds to your electronic wallet, as well as the flexibility and variety of settings for the ads themselves.

Let's now tell you how to register in the systems and set up the display of your advertising campaigns for further earnings.

Registration and setup in Teasernet

Step-by-step registration steps in the system.

  1. The first thing we need to do is register in the service; to do this, follow the link http://teasernet.com and click “Register” in the upper right corner.
  2. In the window that opens, the system prompts us to go through a simple procedure.
  3. In the “register as” field, select: Advertiser– if you want to advertise your product or service on the service’s website. Or Webmaster– if you want to make money on your website and place the code provided by the teaser network there. Of course, we choose the second “Webmaster”.
  4. We fill out all the fields and check the box “I agree with the rules”, having read them first and then “Register”.
  5. You will receive this letter in your mail with your account activation code, which you must enter in the appropriate field or follow the link in the letter. Follow the link. So we all registered. A welcome window opens before us and recommendations for further configuration.
  6. In the upper right corner, select “Webmaster” and add a new site on the new page. Enter the name of the site and the address of the site on which the advertisement will be displayed.
    We leave the site aliases unchanged. Topics prohibited for display: check the boxes as in the screenshot.
    Sites prohibited from displaying: enter the addresses of sites whose advertising you do not like. Specify access parameters to Yandex Metrics statistics: address, login and password. Next, check the boxes as in the screenshot.
    Enter the text from the image and click the “Add site” button. After checking your site, the site has been added, now you need to create and add a block of teasers.
  7. Click on the link with the plus sign “Add block”.
  8. The “Block Settings” window opens in front of us. By default, the “Standard” menu opens; you can also create a flash banner, clicker, mobile banner, etc. Let's consider the most popular method - Standard. There are quite a lot of settings here that are not difficult to figure out, because... everything is signed what and where to change. At the bottom of the screen you can see how your teaser will look with these settings.
  9. By customizing the block: size, quantity, background color, font, etc. Click “Save and get code”.
  10. We paste the resulting code into the place where the teaser advertisement should be displayed: header, article, footer, etc. After 5-7 minutes the teaser will be shown and you will start earning money.

Of course, this is just the beginning. You need to constantly test different locations of teasers on your blog and place them where they get the most clicks.

You can view the statistics of clicks and earnings in the admin panel, in the “Statistics” menu.

How to set up automatic payments

That's all! Now the money earned for 1 week will be automatically transferred to your WM wallet every Thursday.

When you follow links on the Internet, you have already encountered teaser advertising more than once. These are typically small banners with a very brief description that are mostly unskippable. For example, you can give a picture that teases with its title and appeals to you, if you want to lose weight just like her, come to us.

What are advertising teasers?

Translated from English, teaser means tease, enticement. Therefore, a teaser is an advertisement constructed in the form of a riddle, containing only a small part of information about a product, but not naming this product.

They became widespread when file sharing services emerged. In this regard, a huge number of sites created for entertainment have appeared. And it was there that you could download anything, from small videos to archives of TV series and other information. This is what attracted a lot of users, and therefore site traffic increased significantly, but at the same time, monetization was a bit difficult.

Thousands of teasers were created on teaser networks, which helped attract potential customers. There are many examples of such teasers. Here are some of them: if you want to make capital - come here, if you want to seduce women - come, if you want to lose weight quickly - come to us, etc. Webmasters made money on clicks, and users received instant information.

The first are pay-per-view teasers. Basically, payment is made in fixed prices per 1000 impressions. Therefore, it doesn’t matter at all how many transitions are made on the teasers you installed, only the number of page impressions exceeds 1000 and you will automatically receive your money.

The second are pay-per-click teasers. Here, accruals occur only based on the number of transitions from your site. Accordingly, the more site visitors click on the teaser, the more profit you will receive. The cost per click for each site is different. Here, the specifics of the site, its subject matter and the advertisement that is posted on it are mainly taken into account.

How to make money from teasers?

There are a huge number of teaser networks on the Internet, the most popular of which are LadyCash, Adlabs, Teasemet, Smi2.ru. Let's look at each of them in more detail:

1. LadyCash. This teaser network is ideal specifically for sites with women's themes. At the same time, it also works well on sites that specialize in entertainment topics. They advertise mainly telephone SMS services. The system uses moderation in its work and for the site to receive a teaser you need at least more than 300 visits per day. In addition, it is necessary to show the moderators recent site statistics. And even if you were accepted into the system, it still doesn’t mean anything. It is necessary to place advertisements so that they are viewed from any page of the site. Therefore, teasers are most often placed in the sidebar. In addition, thanks to the code constructor, you can adjust the ad to your site, from the number of placements to the color scheme.

In general, it doesn’t make sense to hang more than two blocks of teaser advertising on a website because the advertising will interfere with itself. It’s much easier to register in several systems, and if you just want to earn money, you can post a teaser from several networks at the same time.

2. Adlabs is a very stable teaser. To display teasers on the site, the first thing that is required is mandatory registration. During registration, you immediately indicate the site on which you will post the teaser and give the moderator full access to the full statistics of your site. The system can accept sites with traffic from 100 people per day.

After your site has been moderated, you will be provided with various teaser blocks for placement. It is important to ensure that the teaser blends harmoniously with the design of your site. To do this, you need to select the color of the text and links, and also change the color scheme to match the color of your resource. In short, teaser blocks should fit organically as if there was a regular menu on the site, or it was just a continuation of a page or article. And the number of clicks on the teaser greatly depends on this. In short, the less advertising stands out from the background of the site, the more clicks you will get.

The next stage of work is to set up filtering topics for ads. You must immediately make it clear that you will not allow teasers on the site that contain advertisements of erotic content, propaganda of violence, advertising of intimate products, sex dating, various yellow news, etc. Such advertisements can only ruin your project, and I doubt that you will earn anything from them. The cost of clicks varies depending on the topic of the site.

3. Teasemet, com, the most popular teaser network on the Internet. The principle of its operation is no different from the principle of operation of previous networks. Registration, moderation and adding a site to the system are the same. There is nothing complicated at all.

The advantages of the system include:

  • fast moderation that all sites without exception undergo;
  • a large number of advertisers who are constantly online;
  • high cost of both clicks and impressions.

The disadvantages include:

  • a very large number of erotic advertisements - erotica, porn, SMS tests, intimate dating;
  • insufficient filtration. Even with the ban on erotica, it still slips into teasers.
  • ">

4. Smi2.ru is a news teaser network. It can be confidently classified as a special type of teaser network.

What are the advantages of news teaser networks?

It consists in the fact that they do not contain advertisements of an erotic nature. Another undeniable advantage is the high CTR of ads. In addition, news information is very interesting to people, and therefore the rating of such advertising is very high.

The main disadvantage of news teasers is very strict moderation. And only sites with a very wide and large audience are included in its display.

So we looked at the main teaser networks. Let us now dwell on several main points that arise when working with them. Today, a huge number of sites are hung with teaser advertising, like Christmas trees, and thanks to this they have a stable income. At the same time, teaser advertising is not suitable for all sites. Big profits can be made from entertainment resources and news portals.

At the same time, topics such as construction, business, and real estate are practically not in demand online. That is why, if you really want to make money from teaser advertising, you must immediately choose an entertainment or news theme for the site. If your site relates to serious topics, then on such sites it is much better and more profitable to use Yandex or Google Adsens contextual advertising.

Let's summarize.

You can independently compare teaser and contextual advertising and choose those that are most suitable for your resource. It is impossible to predict in advance which advertising will bring the most profit. Therefore, constantly experiment and always give preference to the advertising that is more profitable for your resource.

In addition, you can always choose from a variety of earnings exactly those that suit you and no one else. It’s good that there are not so few types of earnings on the Internet. Therefore, I wish you good luck and a good journey on your way to mastering the Internet business.

Teaser networks are an effective way to promote a product/service for advertisers, as well as another method of earning money for website owners. The intrigue created by teaser advertising provokes increased interest in the product. Webmasters make money from clicks and impressions, advertisers make money from conversions.

Making money on teaser networks is most relevant for entertainment traffic, which is easy (or not very difficult) to collect from search engines. In addition, teasers are often used on sites where contextual advertising cannot be placed due to restrictions and system rules. For example, on resources with free distribution of paid content or on adult sites.

What are teaser networks?

First, let's figure out what a “teaser” is. The name of this type of advertising comes from the English “teaser” - enticement, teaser. The principle of operation is very simple - information about the product is presented in the form of a riddle (picture plus text), often ambiguous or ambiguous. The product itself is not named in the message.

Teaser networks are exchanges for placing teaser advertising. At the start, it is enough to register in one of these networks and, through its mediation, offer traffic to your site for posting advertising teasers. The higher the website traffic, the more you can get for teaser traffic.

There are several types of teaser networks:

  • General topical – you can buy or sell traffic for teasers on any topic.
  • Commodity – these networks are designed for trading teasers of real goods.
  • Women's - in such networks, traffic is bought and sold only on sites whose target audience is women.
  • News – these networks are used mainly by news sites and portals.

You should choose a teaser network based on its topic, traffic costs, reception conditions and other factors. For example, some networks only accept sites with traffic from a thousand hosts per day, however, there are also networks with less stringent requirements.

Advantages and disadvantages

The “advantages” of teaser networks include the following:

  • The specific format of advertising blocks (bright pictures and enticing text) has a positive effect on the number of transitions.
  • Ability to customize teasers by geographic, time, demographic parameters, devices used when viewing the site, etc. This allows you to increase the targeting of advertising.
  • Wide coverage of advertisers - various networks can “buy” from your resources from one to several tens of millions of visitors per month.
  • Teaser networks can be used simultaneously with other monetization methods.
  • Teasers do not have such an annoying effect as regular advertising, but are perceived rather as “announcements”.

Teaser networks also have some disadvantages:

  • The effectiveness of teasers is only valid for news, content, consumer goods and services. Highly specialized areas are not suitable for teaser advertising.
  • The low cost attracts advertisers with dubious content, which provoked a loss of trust in teasers on the part of site visitors.
  • Overloading pages with teasers makes it difficult for users to perceive information
  • In some cases, teaser advertising can provoke sanctions from search engines.

I would like to dwell on the last point in a little more detail. In 2014, Yandex officially announced that sites with “shocking advertising” would be pessimized in search results. Shock content is erotica, images of illness, tragedies, yellow news and everything that is often found in teasers. All the details of the algorithm, of course, are not disclosed, but one thing is clear - before posting the code of a particular network, you need to make proper settings in order to exclude or minimize “shock” ads.

What determines the effectiveness of teaser advertising?

The effectiveness of teaser traffic, and therefore your earnings, depends on the proper placement of teasers. The tips from the previous article about increasing income from contextual advertising partially or fully work with teaser networks.

  • It is best to collaborate with not one, but two or three networks at the same time. Moreover, teaser blocks should change with each page update. This will make the likelihood of clicking on teasers higher and the advertising itself less annoying.
  • Also, blocks with teasers should be placed in the part of the page that is most often viewed by visitors. This approach will increase the likelihood of clicking on links, both intentional and accidental.
  • Finally, the final condition for the effectiveness of teaser traffic is moderation. Too many advertisements will turn off visitors and lower the “reputation” of your site.

Which teaser networks should you contact?

Each teaser network has its own characteristics, pros and cons. Therefore, before you start working with one of them, you should carefully study all the rules.

Among the most popular teaser networks are:

  • Teasernet. This is one of the oldest and most stable Russian-language networks. Adult traffic is accepted, and users are provided with ample opportunities to analyze advertising campaigns.
  • Redtram. Includes advertising and news networks. Sites with more than 3 thousand visitors per day are accepted for advertising. Users can receive detailed statistics and manage their advertising campaign independently.
  • Bodyclick. General thematic network. Entry conditions are very flexible - 50 or more hosts per day. A convenient tool for traffic analysis is noted. Competition among advertisers is quite high.
  • Adlabs. The network has an excellent, time-tested reputation. Recently, the quality of traffic has dropped somewhat, but it is compensated by stable solvency.

Among the female teaser networks we can highlight:

  • Ladycash. The requirements for accepted sites are quite high, but the conditions for webmasters are extremely favorable. The cost of clicks in Ladycash is one of the highest among women's networks.
  • The more popular (more authoritative) the teaser service is, the greater the likelihood of receiving a decent profit. Before you start, carefully study the reviews and network statistics.
  • The design and dimensions of teasers should fit harmoniously into your website.
  • The placement area should generate the most clicks - this could be the footer, sidebars, or other clickable areas.
  • The percentage of advertising relative to content should be moderate.
  • Set settings that exclude the display of irrelevant teasers that are unlikely to be of interest to your audience.
  • Experiment – ​​if one method doesn’t bring results, try other ways.


Teaser networks are a good tool with which website owners can make money. For “teasers”, projects of an information and entertainment nature are best suited, which for various reasons cannot be monetized using Adsense or YAN.

The choice of a specific teaser network depends on many factors; there is no universal advice here. Your task is to analyze several of the most popular options and choose the best one(s) for a specific site, that is, for your website.