Company traditions. Unwritten traditions. Fundamental principles for the formation of corporate culture

The surest way is to just get married and earn everything together. Doesn't fit?
Well, let's try to go from the opposite.
Remember one small detail, the rich marry the rich, the poor marry the poor!
Of course there are exceptions, but that’s why they are exceptions!
As they say in Odessa, listen here!

I will give you some simple advice, following which you will arrange your life perfectly!
(Oh, just don’t give classic examples about Vodianova, she already had a fortune when she met Portman, so let’s dance from the realities of life)

You can meet wealthy people, but where? Here's the question...

Look around, do you see a lot of wealthy people and what do you understand by this question?
There is no need to count on the fact that all the rich Buratinos are around, many now already know what a marriage contract is.
There is an option to get married abroad, but it is also doubtful.

So the first thing you need to remember is yourself.

Who are you friends with? What are you wearing? Where do you live?

Let's consider simple options:

You live in an ordinary apartment, say in Moscow, work or study. You live with your parents.
There are few chances to marry a rich man; take a look around if you are surrounded by serious, ambitious young men.
What is he learning?
Don’t take his parents into account; often children from wealthy families do not achieve anything in life.
If you notice that a guy looks at life soberly, he says that he wants to achieve something thanks to his profession, even if he is not a Muscovite. He doesn’t criticize the government every day, but is busy making his way in life, he has decent parents in the city where he came from, and he himself still manages to earn extra money somewhere, and does not amuse himself by clinging to Metro cars, mind you. pay attention to him.
It doesn’t matter that he’s wearing unfashionable trousers, they can be changed.
Such young people are usually very promising.
Pay special attention to those who were born under the constellation Capricorn; believe it or not, these are real careerists. I have a brother like that!

So now you are.
The first is your appearance.

False nails, miniskirts, terrible baroque makeup, T-shirts with a belly button, off with it all!
Do you want a serious relationship with a wealthy man? You need to look decent. You can’t buy Chanel yet, but you need to choose your clothes seriously.
Buy even a little, but expensive things. Check out my material about stylish living.
Everything from a handbag to lipstick should be decent, albeit not very expensive, but not flashy.
Avoid a brown wardrobe in general, men absolutely don’t like it!
Use minimal cosmetics, because men only want to marry modest girls.
If you smoke, quit immediately, even if he is a smoker himself, but he is not ready to marry a serious smoker.
Never swear, and if you invite him to your home, put both your home and your parents in order.
So that it’s not like Little Vera’s.
When you first meet, never talk about your family’s problems; on the contrary, always say that everything is fine at home.
Buy your parents some decent clothes if they wear old clothes.
Never talk too much when trying to reveal your knowledge of French wine varieties. Remember, you are a non-drinker, you want to have a normal family, so carry on.

Of course, places to meet people are different; we used to go to the Lenin Library, but now it’s more difficult; of course, there are millionaires like Perelman there, but alas, they are not interested in you.
It is best to meet someone at a fitness center or somewhere in a sports club such as a bowling alley.
That is, if you also took part there, and did not get sick, it brings you closer together.
If you go to the pool, be sure to wear only a one-piece swimsuit, men really like them.
Of course, you can do it in a restaurant or a club, but be careful!
More a good option it's through friends that usually works out better than you hoped.

Make a lot of friends and maintain relationships with everyone. That is, your net should be extensive, then a lot of fish will get there.
And no matter how they tell me that I’m behind fashion, I don’t need to go straight to bed, waiting ennobles a man.
Don’t overwhelm him with knowledge of new products in the auto industry; men like it more when a girl talks about the sublime at the beginning of their acquaintance. In general, listen more, but don’t be completely silent, because wise men often guess that a silent woman may turn out to be just a fool.

Say straightforward things simply, for example: I don’t know how to dance, or I’ve never been to the theater, or these were my last savings. But never admit that you want to marry him, if he puts the question bluntly, you can say that you just want to be with him, that’s enough.

Avoid rich married men. Too much hassle usually. Often this is just a waste of time.
As if by chance, open your purse, which is in complete order. Men with serious intentions are usually very attentive to detail.
If you can, get your own living space!
This is almost always the key to success. Men love to meet on foreign territory. I don't know why, but they love it.
You shouldn’t be dreaming about a fur coat; according to polls by sociologists, men prefer it when a girl wears a simple coat or sheepskin coat in winter. The skins scare them.
For example, warm patterned mittens look touching on a winter evening. Guys love manicures, but only slightly longer ones and not acrylic ones.
The best perfumes are Chanel5, Estée Lauder, Fiji, Dior, Cleo (from Yves Rocher), it is proven that these perfumes use ferromones, which helps against the impossible.
Dress casually, but wear dresses and skirts. Remember that men like things in women that they don’t have.
Men don’t like silicone tits; in general, all synthetics are disgusting to them.
They are just crazy about high heels and stockings! Especially black ones.
Men love lipstick, but don't worry, it's not red! I like it most when girls wear light lip gloss.
In order to marry a wealthy man, remember one thing, you yourself must look like a wealthy girl. Alert!

Therefore, here are several types by which you can immediately determine whether a person is wealthy or not, but you can also imitate this.
First, the skin must be in excellent condition, this is the biggest expense item for the rich, masks, masks, skin care, the skin must be white and clean.
Solariums have long been out of fashion. Only the arbeider class is guilty of this in the West.
Washed and well-groomed hair, hairdresser at least once every two months. Money is short, make a friend who knows how to cut hair.
Teeth are more important than clothes, go to the dentist on time, remove plaque, look on the Internet how to brush your teeth correctly, if they are not straight, consult an orthodontist.
Well-groomed hands and pedicure. The legs are also always smooth and glossy.
Good linen, maybe not expensive, but new.
Clothes, if you don’t have a lot of money, something black and lightly trimmed with white or bright green (Google Monica Bellucci, and Madonna for Dolce and Habana) Senora Prada’s clothes are interesting.

Inès Fressange, I have an article about her: The Emblem of Parisian Chic. Check out Princess Maxima of the Netherlands. Unfortunately, in Russia I cannot name women who could be considered stylish; I don’t know them. Keep in mind, everything that is told in the fairy tale about Cinderella is true! I swear, I know a lot of girls who really ended up in a fairy tale thanks not only to beauty, but mainly to intelligence and hard work.

Good luck to you in your search for a rich betrothed, but don’t miss out on REAL LOVE. it happens too...

Is it true that you can forgive a man anything if he is fabulously rich? Nothing makes a man look better than a million-dollar bank account. Who among women does not dream of marrying a rich man?

Today, there are official dating clubs where not the most wealthy, but chic girls are given the opportunity to meet and, with a successful combination of circumstances, marry a rich man (naturally for a “low” percentage of the winning deal).

What's bad? Who wants to count pennies next to a seemingly beloved husband, for whom respect gradually disappears, just as his salary evaporates in the first week after payday. Is it a sin to want everything and get everything at once and now, closing your eyes a little in disgust? A nobler reason: my children will be provided for by my sacrifice.

Unfortunately, many of our ladies are genetically accustomed to thinking that marriage is a strong wall that will hide them from adversity and problems. And who hasn’t dreamed of a prince of heaven?

However, the reality turns out to be as prosaic as possible. When marrying a rich man, a girl thinks that everything will be divided in half, and at the first meetings, the generous future husband will remain so forever.

Unfortunately, wealthy men view marriage as an investment. If the future wife is not rich, then she should at least be beautiful and maintain his status. He will provide a wrapper for his status item, but will limit, as far as possible, its freedom.

Personal funds are limited, travel is also limited (preferably no more than two permanent routes) and most entertainment is separate (you need to take a break from each other).

Most Slavic women do not understand that they will cost a man dearly when they represent something of themselves. Therefore, you need to gain independence, and then look for a millionaire, as ladies do in the West. And it won’t be so financially painful if something doesn’t work out.

The main problem of the wives of rich husbands is total loneliness. Neither great love nor children will encourage such a man to break away from business and his own independence.

We thought about it and decided to look. Where to find a rich husband? Where they most often live. IN closed clubs and at expensive resorts. Of course, a billionaire can go to a supermarket, but such an opportunity will have to wait for, oh, how long.

It is useful to remember that no self-respecting man would look at an unkempt, problem-filled woman. You should radiate well-being and self-confidence, gloss and luxury. If you can’t afford it, stick to the classic style of clothing and buy at least 2 pairs of expensive shoes and bags. This catches your eye immediately.

Never let a man understand that you have a lot of financial problems and complexes. Otherwise, your meeting will be regarded as one-time mutual assistance.

Today you can often hear stories of modern “Cinderellas” who managed to find their prince. Successfully marrying a wealthy and handsome man is probably the dream of many girls. There are even schools for brides, where, at a professional level, with the help of trainings and psychology lessons, girls are taught the correct behavior with rich men. But not all cities have such schools, so the site will tell you the intricacies of a man and where to look for him.

Before you start looking for the man of your dreams, you need to understand some points:

  • Rich husbands, in fact, very often turn out to be not as affectionate and fluffy as when they first met. And you will have to endure bad character and habits and much more.
  • The search for a rich husband itself is a long and rather tedious process; you need to be patient, and often financially. Relaxing in front of the TV and dreaming about how to marry a rich prince will not get you anything.

If this doesn't scare you and you're willing to put in a lot of effort, then go ahead!

You need to start with a clear plan of your actions. Chaotically walking around the streets in a short dress is no longer for you. And you shouldn’t hope that you can meet such a man in a nightclub. Ask yourself a question: what kind of girl would a rich man want as his wife? Certainly, in his future wife he will not want to see a girl who sits in clubs all night long. Of course there are exceptions...

And yet, how to marry a rich man?

In order to attract a wealthy man, you need to look perfect. The beauty of a woman is a terrible force, and it can also repel the stronger sex. Even a rich man may be afraid to approach an overly glamorous girl, lest he be rejected. Therefore, add openness, kindness and friendliness to your 100% appearance. It hasn't let anyone down yet. Please note that men, regardless of the state of their wallet and age, are usually conservative and most often will not pay attention to a girl dyed orange and cut like a boy.

There is another secret in how to marry a rich man: for a man, in a woman’s perception, it is not the individual details of her wardrobe that are important, but the image as a whole. Therefore, the main thing is not what you put on yourself, but that you look beautiful and harmonious in this outfit.

We won’t even talk about the perfect manicure, hairstyle, shoes and impeccable tights or stockings. On the website you will find many recommendations on how to choose the right wardrobe and many other useful tips.

When you have figured out yourself and your appearance, you can proceed to the following steps.

Where to look for a rich groom?

Leave aside the stereotype that rich people marry models or beauties from their circle. In deciding how to marry a rich man, you need to solve the problem of “different worlds” - wealthy people, as a rule, live, work and relax on slightly different planes. And therefore, in order to marry a very rich man, you at least need to get close to this world.

Unfortunately, in small towns, such grooms are almost never found, you will need to make an effort and go to the capital.

Big cities provide great opportunities. And where in the capital to look for this other world?

To begin with, make it a habit to drink tea or good coffee during your lunch break in an expensive restaurant. Yes, expensive! But the goal will justify your expenses if successful.

Sign up for a fashionable fitness club; rich men most often work out there to shed extra pounds. This could be a swimming pool or a gym with treadmills. It is better to visit the establishment without girlfriends, and there is no need to look at the men present with lust and interest, this can only scare them. This option is also not cheap, but in the question of how to marry a very rich man, this will play into your hands and will do at least slimmer.

There are many people who want to marry a rich man, but you shouldn’t be afraid of your “predatory” competitors if you differ from them for the better!

It must be remembered that a rich man sees in almost every woman a predator who is after his money. To prevent you from falling into this category, you need to convince yourself that you are rich, confident, and your “object” is an ordinary guy and he can’t help but like you. Casually ask him for help: setting up the simulator, etc. The next time you meet in the gym, he will already know you and perhaps invite you for a cup of green tea after training. The main thing is not to show your interest right away, a man must conquer you.

Theater premieres are a good opportunity to take a closer look; as a rule, people go there with their wives. Social receptions and openings of major exhibitions should not pass you by. You should be aware of all the major events in the city, and especially those that are difficult to get to. Here your imagination and ingenuity will help you.

This is roughly how the solution to the problem appears: how to marry a rich man.

- your heart will tell you this. Even millionaires dream of sincere relationships. Rich men have to hide, they don't want to be perceived as an addition to money, so avoid talking about money and don't focus on the fact that you live in a small apartment with all your relatives and things like that. Try to touch upon neutral topics at the beginning of your acquaintance; this will benefit both you and your chosen one.

Don't force things!

Litvinova Yulia - especially for - a site for those in love... with themselves!

Sometimes you watch films about rich people’s weddings, and you get so angry: they have problems! What color and shade of plates should be placed for guests, how many layers should the cake be, how many roses should be curled on the altar. And everything is so serious, they say, put olive-colored plates instead of light green ones, and all the guests will laugh and leave!

The rich, of course, have their own problems - global and important ones. But I want to think about the color of plates for a wedding exactly like the powers that be. And about a luxurious celebration with gold and diamonds. And about the bedroom in peach tones on their wedding night. And about the yacht on the honeymoon. So how can you marry a rich man so that you can think seriously only about trifles?

What do your chances depend on?

Cinderella is the very character whom, it would seem, one should emulate. But Cinderella didn’t just rent a carriage and rent a dress to charm the prince. Before this, she had hard work with humiliation. Have you ever had this?

But it’s not always the poorest girls who want to marry a wealthy man! They had to be wise as children to understand the limits of what was possible when they grew up. Their goal is simply a good and reliable person, even if not an oil tycoon, but to provide them with the necessary income. They don't believe in fairy tales.

If we draw your portrait, then you are most likely a middle-income provincial girl who did not grieve as a child without parental attention and, in general, you were pampered and invested in you. But you always wanted something bigger and better for yourself.

Well, you have a lot of chances if you are not bad-looking and your parents also spoil you financially. Yes, such a thing as an arranged marriage requires an investment, don’t you want to make a profit from the marriage? Then you need money, work on yourself and patience.

What can you expect from marriage to a rich man?

First of all, consider that if for you the main objective get married, then don’t think that after the wedding your husband will carry you in his arms, blowing away specks of dust. If he made his fortune himself, then he knows the value of money, and he is also a very busy person. So don't be surprised if:

    He will pamper you as much as is reasonable. In the movies, the rich man’s wife has a card with an unlimited amount, in life everything can be different. Your husband will turn out to be such a miser that he will control your expenses himself.

    You might get bored. Do you know the phrase about the golden cage? So you can become a bird in a cage where you will have to know your flock. Freedom will be limited and often controlled.

    You will never put your husband under your thumb. Although modern women love it. Life and work have taught a wealthy man to be tough and selfish. Therefore, he will be demanding of you too.

But it also happens that these rules do not apply. A man can fall in love to such an extent that he throws the whole world at his wife’s feet.

This especially happens among gray-haired sensualists who take young bitches as wives, and then go bankrupt because of them. They begin to cheat their business partners, go into debt in order to please the young woman, and therefore become bankrupt. So being the wife of a rich man is also a constant stress.

Work on yourself

What does a rich husband need most of all when choosing a bride? Of course, the cover. As in everything that confirms its success. He needs to show his wife to his businessman friends, to get high next to her, so he certainly doesn’t need a dumb gray mouse.


The most important emphasis is on appearance in order to attract attention. If grooming and hygiene are an empty phrase for you, then get yourself 20 cats and remain an old maid. And the figure is of great importance, it needs to be improved.

What you need for all this:

    Fitness, exercise equipment and diets. If your fat is creeping out somewhere, then you need to do something about it.

    Beauty Salons. They must become a habit. Your husband should be visually high next to you.

    Choice of style. Change, improve yourself in everything: in your hair, in clothes and some ladies' accessories.


First of all, education is for you. Having received it, it is still important for you not to lose your qualifications and gain experience, and for this you need time, which is not enough - time is running out, the rich love the young, and they step on their heels.

But being completely uneducated is also “no ice”. Diploma purchased in transit higher education is very doubtful if you are twenty years old. But it’s also somehow awkward to show off a vocational school diploma from a student from Mukhozosaransk in front of a rich man.

Therefore, as an option, there are courses that you are not ashamed to talk about. A manicurist, a fitness trainer or a photographer - it would seem that they already have a specialty. Improve yourself on them as much as you want, and you don’t have to be a professor. And you don’t have to work for your uncle.


It is just as important when meeting someone as appearance. Here are some tips for you:

    Don't behave in a provocative manner. Even if you have drunk too much and know yourself in this state, it is better to go home, leaving your phone number to the man you are interested in. Or agree to let him walk you home.

    Don't be bitchy. There is some kind of stereotype that all the wives of rich men are rare bitches. It is in public that they sometimes wear such a mask, but at home, if the husband is not a masochist, they are ordinary. Wealthy men don't like female commanders.

    Don't try to show yourself better than you are. If you don’t have a voice, don’t bother singing karaoke so that the “object” will pay attention to you. There is no need to sing to that girl whose ears are already growing legs. Otherwise, you will ruin your entire impression of yourself.

When meeting him, be simpler: laugh at his jokes, listen more, insert phrases into the topic, do not brag undeservedly. Even if you don’t understand the conversation, then remember the phrase from Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog”:

Put on a smart face, fool!

Where can you meet a wealthy groom?

In order to marry a rich man, you need to find him somewhere and meet him. It is unlikely that you will find it somewhere in the outback; normal rich people live in big cities. Where are their habitats?

    His job. This is the main pastime of businessmen. You can get a job with him, and then follow the instructions.

    Sport complexes. Where they work out their muscles and take care of their body: fitness centers, swimming pools, gyms. And the most beneficial for health.

    Expensive cafes and restaurants. Yes, sometimes you have to fork out for a cup of coffee to get to know one of the oligarchs. Especially if you already have someone planned for the hunt.

    Night clubs. There, of course, the food is questionable, more suitable for moths. Well, what’s wrong with this if you were sitting at a table with your girlfriends, celebrating a bachelorette party?

    Resorts. Most often, “moneybags” go there with their wives, but not always. Respectable groups of single men also live there.

In any case, don’t make the hunter’s hungry eyes when you meet her. Men who know how to count money don’t like it when someone encroaches on them to scam them. Try to pretend to be an independent woman.

How to proceed

In general, if you have already established some kind of relationship with the desired “object” and started dating, then you need to “hook and hook” the fish. This article will help you with this. There's a treasure trove of advice there.

The main thing is not to even show that you are only interested in his wallet. Admire his intelligence and determination, occasionally pamper him with culinary masterpieces, in general, prove to him that he certainly cannot find a better bride!

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You could get any man and have an ideal relationship, and you would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls find ideal relationships and feel loved.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.

Corporate culture is an enterprise resource whose importance is difficult to assess. It acts simultaneously as an indicator of the image and an element of its formation, the formation of the company’s brand. This resource is not only a marketing tool, but also a tool for personnel management in general.

Modern realities dictate their conditions for doing business, which is increasingly becoming customer-oriented. In this regard, corporate culture in companies plays a key role and allows them to achieve success in promoting a brand and making it recognizable.

This resource can be generated:

  • Spontaneously - without the participation of company management, based on communication models chosen by company employees.
  • Purposefully - when the general model of corporate culture is formed by the company’s management and makes changes to it as necessary.

You should not rely on the spontaneous formation of this resource, since at any moment the entire system can go downhill. Therefore, great attention must be paid to control over the formation and development of corporate culture.

Concept and elements of corporate culture

The concept of corporate culture implies a certain behavioral model that all company personnel adhere to in the process of execution job responsibilities. It contains norms and rules, traditions and values ​​accepted at a particular company.

The basis of the behavioral model is the general philosophy of the enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its activities. When developing it, management focuses on plans for the further development of the company and relationships.

If we summarize all of the above, we can highlight the main elements of corporate culture:

  • General direction of enterprise development;
  • Core Values;
  • Traditions and rituals that have developed at the enterprise during its operation;
  • Standards of behavior are rules prescribed by management or spontaneously formed rules, Business Etiquette, which determines how an employee should behave in a given situation;
  • Company style - dress code provided for employees, external design of premises, symbols inherent in this company;
  • Internal communications – rules of relationships between various departments, as well as all employees of the enterprise;
  • Team unity in achieving common goals;
  • Rules business negotiations, contacts with clients, competitors;
  • The employees themselves, who are both subjects and objects of the application of corporate culture.

Main functions

Corporate culture performs several important functions that contribute to the development of the company and promotion of the brand. Among them:

  • Motivational – helps improve labor productivity, inspires employees to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles.
  • Image - competent internal culture of the company has a positive impact on the external image of the enterprise, attracts new partners and clients, and sets the company apart from its competitors.
  • Adaptation – allows new team members to effectively and quickly enter the team and get involved in work.
  • Involving - stimulates the active participation of all employees in solving collective problems and the life of the enterprise as a whole.
  • Identifying – employees realize their own importance in the team and at the same time belong to it.
  • Management – ​​determines the norms and rules for organizing the work of departments and managing employees.
  • System-forming - allows you to systematically organize the work and interaction of departments, making them more efficient and orderly.
  • Marketing – corporate culture is taken into account when developing a strategy for promoting a company in the market.

Corporate culture is also divided into 3 main levels: external, internal and hidden. The first represents how the company is seen by clients, partners, competitors, and its general image. The second is manifested in the form of norms and values ​​reflected in the actions of the enterprise’s employees. The third is expressed in the form of beliefs shared by all employees of the company.

Types of corporate cultures

The development of corporate culture and the active implementation of this concept began in the twentieth century. Since that moment, a lot of time has passed, approaches to this technique have constantly changed and improved. Some of the classical elements on which they were previously based have lost their relevance today.

The following corporate cultures are actively used in the modern business sphere:

  1. “Role” model - this type is based on a clear division of responsibilities between all employees of the company. Each employee acts as a cog in a large mechanism that works smoothly to achieve common goals. Distinctive feature This corporate culture is the presence of a strict hierarchy, job descriptions,

Control at all stages of the labor process and a thorough workflow scheme ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise. Most often, this model is used in large companies with a large staff.

The cornerstones of this type of corporate culture are reliability, stability and rationality. Due to the strict hierarchy and rules, this company model is not flexible enough, which makes it difficult for it to adapt to work under unstable market conditions.

  1. “Dream Team” is the complete opposite of the previous model. There are no strict restrictions, as well as a strict division of responsibilities and, as a result, job descriptions. The horizontal hierarchy inherent in this corporate culture assumes that all employees are equal participants in the process. The atmosphere in such companies is friendly, and communication is informal.

All emerging issues are resolved jointly by employees interested in completing the task. At the same time, division of areas of responsibility between employees is allowed. The responsibility of a manager is assumed by the person who has accepted the solution to a specific task and is responsible for it.

The main values ​​of this model are openness, freedom, creativity and team spirit. The main idea of ​​this corporate culture is teamwork, which allows us to solve even the most complex problems. It is typical for startups and progressive companies.

  1. “Family” is a kind of mixture of the first two models. There is a vertical hierarchy, but managers do not act as bosses, but as mentors to whom any employee can turn for help. The model is characterized by a friendly atmosphere, devotion to “family” traditions, unity of work and customer focus.

People are at the forefront of this model. The company's employees and its consumers have the highest value; all work is focused on them. With a strong emphasis on staff comfort and rewards, this type of corporate culture is distinguished high level motivation. Due to this, the productivity of workers increases significantly.

Family model companies are supported by loyal customers and dedicated employees.

  1. “Market” is a type of corporate culture focused on profit. In it, each employee fights with everyone else to receive preferences. This model is aimed at ambitious, purposeful employees, each of whom is a separate and independent unit. Personnel have value only as long as they bring profit to the company.

This model has a clear hierarchy that is flexible enough to change depending on the market situation. Leadership skills employees play a key role in enabling them to readily make decisions, take risks and take responsibility.

The main values ​​of the market model are leadership, profit, competitiveness, and determination. This type of corporate culture is characteristic of business “sharks”, it is quite cynical and in many ways has signs of despotic management.

  1. “Result-oriented” is a fairly flexible model, distinctive feature which is focusing on development and achieving goals. All work of companies operating according to this type is focused on achieving certain goals.

In this model, there is a vertical hierarchy of power, but managers are determined based on their qualifications and performance, and are not appointed “from above”, and therefore the composition can often change. Job Descriptions are present, but do not delimit the company’s personnel, since employees have opportunities for development and active participation in solving strategic problems.

The main values ​​of this model are result-oriented, freedom in work and decision labor issues, corporate spirit.

In some cases, enterprises may exhibit signs of several patterns at the same time. This is common in fast-growing companies that frequently change leaders, change directions, or are acquired.