Requirements for organizing workplaces with personal computers. Requirements for workplace organization. Requirements for organizing the work and rest regime when working with high-voltage turbines and personal computers

Currently, almost every engineering workplace is equipped with computers and other equipment, so the correct placement of the workplace of the employee using the computer is of particular importance.

When placing workstations with PCs, the distance between desktops with video monitors (toward the rear surface of one video monitor and the screen of another video monitor) must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors must be at least 1.2 m.

Workplaces with PCs in rooms with sources of harmful production factors must be located in isolated cabins with organized air exchange.

Workstations with PC when performing creative work, requiring significant mental stress or high concentration of attention, it is recommended to isolate from each other with partitions 1.5 - 2.0 m high.

The video monitor screen should be located at a distance of 600-700 mm from the user’s eyes, but not closer than 500 mm, taking into account the size of alphanumeric characters and symbols.

The placement of displays and assistive devices in the workplace should enable individuals to achieve optimal working postures. In this case, one should proceed from the position that the most negative effect on the body is not so much the pose itself, but the time during which the person is in it.

Workstations with displays should be designed in such a way that the parameters of the main equipment are adjustable. Workplaces without adjustable keyboard height, screen height and distance are not suitable for long and continuous work. It is optimal when it is possible to adjust the height and inclination of the working surface, the height, tilt, rotation and distance of the display:

keyboard height (middle row above the floor) 70-85 cm;

the center of the monitor screen above the floor is 90-115 cm;

tilt of the screen back relative to the horizontal plane 88-105 degrees;

the distance between the screen and the edge of the table is 50-75 cm. To reduce the risk of reflections on the surface of the display screen, it should be at right angles to the window.

Windows should not be located either behind or in front of operators. The depth of the legroom should be: from the edge of the table at least 60 cm at knee level and 80 cm at foot level.

The design of the work table should ensure optimal placement of the equipment used on the working surface, taking into account its quantity and design features, and the nature of the work performed. At the same time, it is possible to use work tables of various designs that meet modern ergonomic requirements. The surface of the desktop should have a reflection coefficient of 0.5-0.7. It is necessary that it be possible to adjust the height of the work chair, the position of the backrest, armrests, and their angles. The design of the work chair (chair) should ensure the maintenance of a rational working posture when working on a PC, allow you to change the posture in order to reduce the static tension of the muscles of the cervical-shoulder region and back to prevent the development of fatigue. The type of work chair (chair) should be selected taking into account the height of the user, the nature and duration of work with the PC.

The work chair (chair) must be lift-and-swivel, adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter must be independent, easy to carry out and have a reliable fixation. The surface of the seat, back and other elements of the chair (armchair) should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, slightly electrified and breathable coating, ensuring easy cleaning from dirt.

Requirements for the production environment when working on a PC. IN production premises, in which work using a PC is auxiliary, the temperature, relative humidity and speed of air movement in the workplace must comply with the current sanitary standards for the microclimate of production premises.

In industrial premises in which work using a PC is the main one (control rooms, operator rooms, control rooms, cabins and control stations, computer rooms, etc.) and is associated with nervous and emotional stress, optimal microclimate parameters must be ensured for work categories 1a and 16 in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards for the microclimate of production premises. At other workplaces, microclimate parameters should be maintained at an acceptable level that meets the requirements of the above standards.

In rooms equipped with a PC, daily wet cleaning and systematic ventilation should be carried out after each hour of work on the PC. The levels of positive and negative air ions in the air of premises where PCs are located must comply with current sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Levels of positive and negative air ions in rooms using a PC

Permissible concentrations of pollutants in premises for using PCs

H 2 S, mg/m 3

NO 2, mg/m 3

In production premises, when performing main or auxiliary work using a PC, noise levels at workplaces should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​​​​established for these types of work, in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards. Noisy equipment (printing devices, servers, etc.), the noise levels of which exceed the standard ones, must be located outside the premises with a personal computer.

Permissible values ​​of sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands and the equivalent sound level created by a PC

Acceptable values ​​of sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands and the equivalent sound level created by a PC with a printer

When performing work using a PC in industrial premises, the vibration level should not exceed the permissible vibration values ​​for workplaces (category 3, type B) in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Requirements for lighting at workplaces equipped with PCs. Desktops should be placed so that the video display terminals are oriented with their sides facing the light openings, so that natural light falls predominantly from the left.

Artificial lighting in rooms for PC operation should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting. In production and administrative and public premises, in cases where work is primarily done with documents, combined lighting systems should be used (additional lamps are installed in addition to general lighting local lighting designed to illuminate the area where documents are located).

The illumination on the table surface in the area where the working document is placed should be 300-500 lux. Lighting should not create glare on the surface of the screen. The illumination of the screen surface should not be more than 300 lux. Direct glare from light sources should be limited, and the brightness of luminous surfaces (windows, lamps, etc.) in the field of view should be no more than 200 cd/m2. Reflected glare on work surfaces (screen, table, keyboard, etc.) should be limited by the right choice types of lamps and location of workplaces in relation to sources of natural and artificial lighting, while the brightness of glare on the PC screen should not exceed 40 cd/m 2 and the brightness of the ceiling should not exceed 200 cd/m 2.

The glare index for sources of general artificial lighting in industrial premises should be no more than 20. The discomfort index in administrative and public premises should be no more than 40, in preschool and educational premises no more than 15.

The brightness of general lighting lamps in the area of ​​radiation angles from 50 to 90 degrees with the vertical in the longitudinal and transverse planes should be no more than 200 cd/m2, the protective angle of the lamps should be at least 40 degrees. Local lighting fixtures must have a non-translucent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40 degrees. The uneven distribution of brightness in the field of view of the PC user should be limited, and the brightness ratio between working surfaces should not exceed 3: 1-5: 1, and between working surfaces and the surfaces of walls and equipment 10: 1.

As light sources for artificial lighting, predominantly LB-type fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) should be used. When installing indirect lighting in industrial and administrative and public premises, the use of metal halide lamps is allowed. In local lighting fixtures, the use of incandescent lamps, including halogen ones, is allowed.

To illuminate rooms with PCs, luminaires with mirror parabolic grilles, equipped with electronic ballasts (EPGs), should be used. It is allowed to use multi-lamp luminaires with electronic ballasts, consisting of an equal number of leading and lagging branches. The use of luminaires without diffusers and shielding grilles is not permitted.

General lighting when using fluorescent lamps should be provided in the form of continuous or intermittent lines of lamps located on the side of the workstations, parallel to the user’s line of sight when video display terminals are arranged in a row. When computers are located perimeterally, the lines of lamps should be located locally above the desktop closer to its front edge, facing the operator. The safety factor (Кз) for general lighting installations should be taken equal to 1.4. The ripple factor should not exceed 5%.

To ensure standardized illumination values ​​in rooms for the use of PCs, the glass of window frames and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year and burnt-out lamps should be replaced in a timely manner.

Artificial lighting in rooms for PC operation should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting. In production and administrative and public premises, in cases where work is primarily done with documents, combined lighting systems should be used (in addition to general lighting, local lighting lamps are additionally installed to illuminate the area where documents are located).

As light sources When using artificial lighting, predominantly LB-type fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) should be used. When installing indirect lighting in industrial and administrative public premises, the use of metal halide lamps is allowed. Local lighting fixtures use incandescent lamps, including halogen ones.

To ensure standardized illumination values ​​in rooms for the use of PCs, the glass of window frames and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year and burnt-out lamps should be replaced in a timely manner. Windows in rooms where computer equipment is used should predominantly be oriented to the north and northeast. Window openings must be equipped with adjustable devices such as blinds, curtains, external canopies, etc.

Area per workplace for PC users with a VDT based on a cathode ray tube (CRT) should be at least 6 m2, in the premises of cultural and entertainment institutions and with a VDT based on flat discrete screens (liquid crystal, plasma) - 4.5 m2.

When using a PC with a VDT based on a CRT (without auxiliary devices - printer, scanner, etc.) that meet the requirements of international computer safety standards, with a duration of less than four hours a day, a minimum area of ​​4.5 m2 is allowed per user workstation.

Premises where PC workstations are located must be equipped protective grounding(zeroing). Workplaces with PCs should not be placed near power cables and inputs, high-voltage transformers, or technological equipment that interferes with the operation of the PC.

In production premises in which work using a PC is auxiliary, the temperature, relative humidity and speed of air movement in the workplace must comply with the current sanitary standards for the microclimate of production premises. In industrial premises in which work using a PC is the main one (control rooms, operator rooms, control rooms, cabins and control stations, computer rooms, etc.) and is associated with nervous and emotional stress, optimal microclimate parameters for work category I a and I b in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards for the microclimate of industrial premises. At other workplaces, microclimate parameters should be maintained at an acceptable level that meets the requirements of the above standards.

In rooms equipped with a PC, daily wet cleaning and systematic ventilation after each hour of work on a PC.

To decorate the interior of the premises, pastel-colored materials with a matte texture should be used; the floor covering should be made of smooth, non-slip materials with antistatic properties. All materials used for finishing premises must meet hygienic requirements and be approved for use by authorities and institutions of sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

Premises with VDT and PC must be equipped with heating systems. There should be a first aid kit in the premises medical care and fire extinguishing means.

Requirements for organizing workplaces for PC users

When placing workstations with PCs, the distance between desktops with video monitors (toward the rear surface of one video monitor and the screen of another video monitor) must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors must be at least 1.2 m.

Desktops should be placed so that the video display terminals are oriented with their sides facing the light openings and natural light falls predominantly from the left.

Workplaces when performing creative work that requires significant mental effort or high concentration of attention, it is recommended to isolate from each other with partitions 1.5-2.0 m high.

Video monitor screen should be located at a distance of 600-700 mm from the user’s eyes, but no closer than 500 mm, taking into account the size of alphanumeric characters and symbols.

Keyboard should be placed on the table surface at a distance of 100-300 mm from the edge facing the user, or on a special, height-adjustable work surface separated from the main tabletop.

For ease of reading documents, movable stands (lecterns) should be used, which should be placed in the same plane and at the same height as the screen.

The design of the work chair (chair) should ensure the maintenance of a rational working posture when working with a PC, allow you to change the posture in order to reduce the static tension of the muscles of the cervical-shoulder region and back to prevent the development of fatigue. The type of work chair (chair) should be selected taking into account the height of the user, the nature and duration of work with the PC.

Work chair(the chair) must be lift-and-swivel, adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and backrest, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat. In this case, the adjustment of each parameter must be independent, easy to carry out and have a reliable fixation.

Seat surfaces, backrest and other elements of the chair (armchair) should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, slightly electrified and breathable coating, ensuring easy cleaning from dirt.

The PC user should be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment up to 150 mm and an inclination angle of the supporting surface of the stand up to 20 degrees. The surface of the stand should be corrugated and have a rim 10 mm high along the front edge.

Requirements for the microclimate of workplaces

Users' workplaces must be provided with optimal microclimate parameters. For work performed while sitting and not requiring physical stress, the air temperature should be in the cold period of the year from 22 to 24 °C, in the warm period of the year - from 23 to 25 °C. Relative air humidity at permanent workplaces should be 40-60%, air movement speed should be 0.1 m/s. Humidifiers should be used to increase indoor air humidity.

Workplace lighting requirements

The illumination on the table surface in the area where the working document is placed should be 300-500 lux. Lighting should not create glare on the surface of the screen. The illumination of the screen surface should not be more than 300 lux.

The uneven distribution of brightness in the field of view of the PC user should be limited; the brightness ratio between working surfaces should not exceed 3:1-5:1, and between working surfaces and the surfaces of walls and equipment - 10:1.

Ripple factor should not exceed 5%.

To avoid glare from reflections in the screen of general lighting lamps, the desktop with a PC should be placed between the rows of lamps. In this case, the lamps should be located parallel to the horizontal line of sight of the worker. To reduce glare, it is recommended to use an on-screen protective filter for video monitors.

When placing desktops in a row, display screens should not be positioned towards each other due to their mutual reflection; otherwise, partitions should be installed between the tables.

Requirements for noise and vibration levels in workplaces

In production premises, when performing main or auxiliary work using a PC, levels at workplaces should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​​established for these types of work in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Printing equipment that is a source of noise should be installed on a sound-absorbing surface of an autonomous user workstation. If noise levels from printing equipment exceed standard limits, it should be located outside the PC room. Rooms for performing basic work with a PC should not be located next to (adjacent) to production premises with high noise levels (workshops, production departments, etc.).

When performing basic work on monitors and PCs (control rooms, operator rooms, computer rooms, etc.), where engineers and technical workers work, the noise level should not exceed 60 dBA, in the premises of computer operators (without displays) - 65 dBA, at workplaces in rooms where noisy computer units are located - 75 dBA.

When performing work using a PC in industrial premises, the level should not exceed the permissible vibration values ​​for workplaces (category 3, type “c”) in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Requirements for electromagnetic field levels in workplaces

A personal computer is source of alternating electric and magnetic fields. It is generally accepted that the main source of EMF that determines the electromagnetic environment are the components of the PC, primarily the video monitor. As numerous studies have shown, in addition to the EMF sources of the display (batteries, high-voltage elements, vertical and horizontal scanning units), there is another source of alternating electric field in displays on cathode ray tubes - the display screen itself. When the nature of the image on the display screen changes, the levels of their electromagnetic fields may change, including upward in relation to the values ​​recorded during test tests. Until now, monitors have only been tested with a text picture, and in this operating mode the level of EMF from the computer being turned on remains normal. In particular, a sharp increase in field strength occurs while working with graphic information , especially when increasing the clarity of the image on the monitor screen.

As practice shows, in some cases the intensity of EMF is created by external sources, i.e. elements of the building's power supply system, transformers, overhead power lines, etc. Therefore, when installing a PC at the workplace, it must be correctly connected to the power supply and reliably grounded.

During operation, the protective filter must be tightly installed on the display screen and reliably grounded. It should be cleaned of dust daily, just like the display screen.

To protect workers at adjacent workplaces, it is recommended to install special protective screens between work tables that have a coating that absorbs low-frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Requirements for the content of air ions in the air at workplaces

The ionic composition of the air should contain the following amount negative and positive air ions: minimum required level of 600 and 400 ions per 1 cm3 of air; the optimal level is 3,000-5,000 and 1,500-3,000 per 1 cm3 of air; the maximum permissible is 50,000 ions per 1 cm3 of air.

Monitoring the aeroionic composition of indoor air should be carried out directly at workplaces in the breathing zones of personnel. If, as a result of monitoring the aeroionic composition of the air, it is revealed that it does not comply with the standardized indicators, it is recommended that it be normalized.

Organization of work and rest regime when working with VDTs and PCs

To ensure optimal performance and health of professional users, equipment must be installed throughout the work shift. regulated breaks.

To prevent premature fatigue in those working with VDTs and PCs, visual discomfort and other unfavorable subjective sensations, despite compliance with sanitary, hygienic, ergonomic requirements, work and rest regimes, an individual approach should be used in limiting the time spent working with VDTs and PCs, and correcting the duration of breaks for rest or change activities to another, not related to the use of VDT and PC.

In cases where the nature of the work requires constant interaction with VDT (typing texts or data entry, etc.) and is associated with strained attention and concentration, with the exception of the possibility periodically switching to other types, not associated with a PC, it is recommended to organize breaks for 10-15 minutes every 45-60 minutes of operation. During regulated breaks, in order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, fatigue of the visual analyzer, eliminate the influence of physical inactivity and hypokinesia, and prevent the development of postural fatigue, it is advisable to perform sets of exercises. Working on VDT ​​and PC with high level tension during regulated breaks and at the end of the working day, psychological relief is indicated in specially equipped rooms (psychological relief room).

In accordance with the List of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, during the implementation of which preliminary and periodic medical examinations(examinations), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated August 16, 2004 and SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4. 1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work”, mandatory preliminary upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations must be carried out by persons working with a PC for more than 50% of the working time (professionally related to the operation of a PC), which must be carried out at the expense of the employer. Persons who do not have medical contraindications are allowed to work with a personal computer (PC).

In accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical regulations for admission to the profession” dated March 14, 1996 No. 90, periodic medical examinations of PC users must be carried out annually.

From the time pregnancy is established, women should be transferred to jobs that do not involve the use of a PC, or their time working with a PC should be limited (no more than 3 hours per work shift), subject to the hygiene requirements established by SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4-1340- 03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization.”

Sanitary rules determine the sanitary and epidemiological requirements: · for the design, manufacture and operation of domestic PCs used in production, education, everyday life, and gaming machines based on PCs; · to the operation of imported PCs used in production, education, everyday life and gaming complexes (machines) based on PCs; · to the design, construction and reconstruction of premises intended for the operation of all types of personal computers, production equipment and PC-based gaming complexes (machines); · to organize workplaces with PCs, production equipment and gaming complexes (machines) based on PCs. The requirements of sanitary rules apply to: · the conditions and organization of work with a PC; · for personal and portable electronic digital computers; peripheral devices of computing systems (printers, scanners, keyboards, external modems, electrical computer network devices, information storage devices, uninterruptible power supplies, etc.), information display devices (video display terminals (VDT) of all types) and PC-based gaming systems. The requirements of sanitary rules do not apply to the design, manufacture and operation of: household televisions and game consoles; · means of visual display of information from microcontrollers built into technological equipment; · PC Vehicle; · PCs moving during operation.

Designation: SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03
Russian name: Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization
Status: partially canceled
Replaces: SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization”
Replaced by: SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for physical factors in the workplace”
Date of text update: 05.05.2017
Date added to the database: 01.09.2013
Effective date: 01.01.2017
Approved: 06/03/2003 Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation Chief Public Health Officer 118)
Published: Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Ministry of Health (2003)
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1.4. These Sanitary Rules define the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for:

Design, manufacture and operation of domestic PCs used in production, education, everyday life, and in gaming machines based on PCs;

Operation of imported PCs used in production, training, everyday life and in gaming complexes (machines) based on PCs;

Design, construction and reconstruction of premises intended for the operation of all types of PCs, production equipment and gaming complexes (machines) based on PCs;

Organization of workplaces with PCs, production equipment and gaming complexes (machines) based on PCs.

1.5. Requirements Sanitary rules distributed:

On the conditions and organization of work with a PC;

For personal, portable electronic digital computers; peripheral devices of computing systems (printers, scanners, keyboards, external modems, electrical computer network devices, information storage devices, uninterruptible power supplies, etc.), information display devices (video display terminals (VDT) of all types) and PC-based gaming systems.

1.6. The requirements of the Sanitary Rules do not apply to the design, manufacture and operation of:

Household televisions and television game consoles;

Means for visually displaying information from microcontrollers built into technological equipment;

PC of vehicles;

PCs moving during operation.

1.7. Responsibility for compliance with these Sanitary Rules rests with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out:

Development, production and operation of PCs, production equipment and gaming complexes based on PCs;

Design, construction and reconstruction of premises intended for the operation of PCs in industrial, administrative public buildings, as well as in educational, cultural and entertainment institutions.

1.8. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the process of production and operation of PCs must exercise production control over compliance with these Sanitary Rules.

1.9. Workplaces using PCs must comply with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

. Requirements for PC

2.1. PCs must comply with the requirements of these sanitary rules and each type is subject to sanitary and epidemiological examination with an assessment of testing laboratories accredited in accordance with the established procedure.

2.2. List of products and controlled hygienic parameters of harmful and hazardous factors presented in Appendix 1 (table).

2.3. Permissible levels of sound pressure and sound levels created by a PC must not exceed the values ​​​​presented in Appendix 1 (table).

2.4. Temporary permissible levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) created by PCs should not exceed the values ​​​​presented in Appendix 1 (table).

2.5. Acceptable visual parameters of information display devices are presented in Appendix 1 (table).

2.6. Concentrations harmful substances emitted by PCs into indoor air should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) established for atmospheric air.

2.7. The exposure dose rate of soft X-ray radiation at any point at a distance of 0.05 m from the screen and the VDT body (on a cathode ray tube) at any position of the control devices should not exceed 1 μSv/hour (100 μR/hour).

2.8. The design of the PC must provide the ability to rotate the housing in the horizontal and vertical plane with fixation in a given position to ensure frontal observation of the VDT screen. The design of the PC should include painting the body in calm, soft colors with diffuse light dispersion. The PC case, keyboard and other PC blocks and devices must have a matte surface with a reflection coefficient of 0.4 - 0.6 and not have shiny parts that can create glare.

2.9. The design of the RCCB must provide for brightness and contrast control.

2.10. Documentation for the design, manufacture and operation of PCs should not contradict the requirements of these sanitary rules.

III. Requirements for premises for working with PCs

3.1. The operation of PCs in rooms without natural light is permitted only if there are calculations that justify compliance with natural lighting standards and the safety of their activities for the health of workers.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

3.2. Natural and artificial lighting must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documentation. Windows in rooms where computer equipment is used should predominantly be oriented to the north and northeast.

Window openings must be equipped with adjustable devices such as blinds, curtains, external canopies, etc.

3.3. It is not allowed to place PC user seats in all educational, cultural and entertainment institutions for children and adolescents in basements and basements.

3.4. The area per workstation of PC users with a VDT based on a cathode ray tube (CRT) must be at least 6 m2, in the premises of cultural and entertainment institutions and with a VDT based on flat discrete screens (liquid crystal, plasma) - 4.5 m2.

When using a PVEM with a CRT-based VDT (without auxiliary devices - printer, scanner, etc.) that meet the requirements of international computer safety standards, with an operating duration of less than 4 hours per day, a minimum area of ​​4.5 m 2 per workstation is allowed user (adult and student of higher professional education).

3.5. For interior decoration of rooms where PCs are located, diffusely reflective materials with a reflection coefficient for the ceiling of 0.7 - 0.8 should be used; for walls - 0.5 - 0.6; for the floor - 0.3 - 0.5.

3.6. Polymer materials are used for interior decoration of premises with PCs in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

3.7. Premises where workstations with PCs are located must be equipped with protective grounding (grounding) in accordance with the technical requirements for operation.

3.8. Workplaces with PCs should not be placed near power cables and inputs, high-voltage transformers, or technological equipment that interferes with the operation of the PC.

IV. Requirements for the microclimate, the content of air ions and harmful chemicals in the air at workplaces equipped with PCs

4.1. In production premises in which work using a PC is auxiliary, the temperature, relative humidity and speed of air movement in the workplace must comply with the current sanitary standards for the microclimate of production premises.

4.2. In industrial premises in which work using a PC is the main one (control rooms, operator rooms, control rooms, cabins and control stations, computer rooms, etc.) and is associated with nervous and emotional stress, optimal microclimate parameters must be ensured for work categories 1a and 1b in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards for the microclimate of production premises. At other workplaces, microclimate parameters should be maintained at an acceptable level that meets the requirements of the above standards.

4.3. In premises of all types of educational, cultural and entertainment institutions for children and adolescents, where PCs are located, optimal microclimate parameters must be ensured (Appendix).

4.4. In rooms equipped with a PC, daily wet cleaning and systematic ventilation are carried out after each hour of work on the PC.

4.5. The levels of positive and negative air ions in the air of premises where PCs are located must comply with current sanitary and epidemiological standards.

4.7. The content of harmful chemicals in industrial premises in which work using a PC is the main activity (control rooms, operator rooms, control rooms, cabins and control stations, computer rooms, etc.) should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas in in accordance with current hygienic standards.

V. Requirements for noise and vibration levels at workplaces equipped with PCs

5.1. In production premises, when performing main or auxiliary work using a PC, noise levels at workplaces should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​​​​established for these types of work in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards.

5.2. In the premises of all educational, cultural and entertainment institutions for children and adolescents, where PCs are located, noise levels should not exceed the permissible values ​​​​established for residential and public buildings.

5.3. When performing work using a PC in industrial premises, the vibration level should not exceed the permissible vibration values ​​for workplaces (category 3, type “b”) in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards.

In premises of all types of educational, cultural and entertainment institutions in which PCs are operated, the level of vibration should not exceed the permissible values ​​for residential and public buildings in accordance with current sanitary and epidemiological standards.

5.4. Noisy equipment (printing devices, servers, etc.), the noise levels of which exceed the standard ones, must be located outside the premises with a personal computer.

VI. Requirements for lighting at workplaces equipped with PCs

6.1. Work desks should be positioned so that video display terminals are oriented with their sides facing the light openings, so that natural light falls predominantly from the left.

6.2. Artificial lighting in rooms for PC operation should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting. In production and administrative and public premises, in cases where work is primarily done with documents, combined lighting systems should be used (in addition to general lighting, local lighting lamps are additionally installed to illuminate the area where documents are located).

6.3. The illumination on the table surface in the area where the working document is placed should be 300 - 500 lux. Lighting should not create glare on the surface of the screen. The illumination of the screen surface should not be more than 300 lux.

6.4. Direct glare from light sources should be limited, and the brightness of luminous surfaces (windows, lamps, etc.) in the field of view should be no more than 200 cd/m2.

6.5. Reflected glare on work surfaces (screen, table, keyboard, etc.) should be limited by correct selection of types of lamps and location of workstations in relation to sources of natural and artificial lighting, while the brightness of glare on the PC screen should not exceed 40 cd/m 2 and the brightness of the ceiling should not exceed 200 cd/m2.

6.6. The glare index for sources of general artificial lighting in industrial premises should be no more than 20. The discomfort index in administrative and public premises should be no more than 40, in preschool and educational premises no more than 15.

6.7. The brightness of general lighting lamps in the area of ​​radiation angles from 50 to 90 degrees with the vertical in the longitudinal and transverse planes should be no more than 200 cd/m2, the protective angle of the lamps should be at least 40 degrees.

6.8. Local lighting fixtures must have a non-translucent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40 degrees.

6.9. The uneven distribution of brightness in the field of view of the PC user should be limited, and the brightness ratio between working surfaces should not exceed 3:1 - 5:1, and between working surfaces and the surfaces of walls and equipment 10:1.

6.10. (Excluded. Amendment No. 3)

6.11. It is allowed to use multi-lamp luminaires with electromagnetic ballasts (EPGs), consisting of an equal number of leading and lagging branches.

(New edition. Change No. 3)

6.12. General lighting when using fluorescent lamps should be provided in the form of continuous or broken lines of lamps located to the side of the workstations, parallel to the user’s line of sight when video display terminals are arranged in a row. When computers are located perimeterally, the lines of lamps should be located locally above the desktop closer to its front edge, facing the operator.

6.13. Safety factor ( TO h) for general lighting lighting installations should be taken equal to 1.4.

6.14. The ripple factor should not exceed 5%.

6.15. To ensure standardized illumination values ​​in rooms for the use of PCs, the glass of window frames and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year and burnt-out lamps should be replaced in a timely manner.

VII. Requirements for the levels of electromagnetic fields at workplaces equipped with PCs

7.1. Temporary permissible levels of EMF generated by PCs at user workplaces, as well as in the premises of educational, preschool and cultural and entertainment institutions, are presented in Appendix 2 (table).

7.2. The methodology for conducting instrumental monitoring of EMF levels at the workplaces of PC users is presented in the Appendix.

VIII. Requirements for visual parameters of RCCBs monitored at workplaces

8.1. The maximum permissible values ​​of visual parameters of VDTs monitored at workplaces are presented in Appendix 2 (table).

IX. General requirements to the organization of workplaces for PC users

9.1. When placing workstations with PCs, the distance between desktops with video monitors (toward the rear surface of one video monitor and the screen of another video monitor) must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors must be at least 1.2 m.

9.2. Workstations with PCs in rooms with sources of harmful production factors should be located in isolated booths with organized air exchange.

9.3. When performing creative work that requires significant mental stress or high concentration of attention, workstations with PCs are recommended to be isolated from each other by partitions 1.5 - 2.0 m high.

9.4. The video monitor screen should be located at a distance of 600 - 700 mm from the user’s eyes, but not closer than 500 mm, taking into account the size of alphanumeric characters and symbols.

9.5. The design of the work table should ensure optimal placement of the equipment used on the working surface, taking into account its quantity and design features, and the nature of the work performed. At the same time, it is possible to use work tables of various designs that meet modern ergonomic requirements. The desktop surface must have a reflectance of 0.5 - 0.7.

9.6. The design of the work chair (chair) should ensure the maintenance of a rational working posture when working on a PC and allow changing the posture in order to reduce the static tension of the muscles of the cervical-shoulder region and back to prevent the development of fatigue. The type of work chair (chair) should be selected taking into account the height of the user, the nature and duration of work with the PC.

The work chair (chair) must be lift-and-swivel, adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter must be independent, easy to carry out and have a reliable fixation.

9.7. The surface of the seat, back and other elements of the chair (armchair) should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, slightly electrified and breathable coating, ensuring easy cleaning from dirt.

Requirements for the organization and equipment of PC workstations for adult users

10.1. The height of the working surface of the table for adult users should be adjusted within 680 - 800 mm; If this is not possible, the height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm.

10.2. The modular dimensions of the working surface of a PC table, on the basis of which the design dimensions should be calculated, should be considered: width 800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 mm, depth 800 and 1000 mm with a non-adjustable height of 725 mm.

10.3. The work desk must have legroom of at least 600 mm high, at least 500 mm wide, at least 450 mm deep at knee level and at least 650 mm deep at leg level.

10.4. The design of the work chair should ensure:

The width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm;

Seat surface with rounded front edge;

Adjustment of the height of the seat surface within the range of 400 - 550 mm and tilt angles forward up to 15 degrees, and backwards up to 5 degrees;

The height of the back support surface is 300 ± 20 mm, the width is at least 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm;

The tilt angle of the backrest in the vertical plane is within ±30 degrees;

Adjustment of the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat within 260 - 400 mm;

Stationary or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50 - 70 mm;

Adjustment of armrests in height above the seat within 230 ± 30 mm and internal distance between armrests within 350 - 500 mm.

10.5. Workplace The PC user should be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment up to 150 mm and an inclination angle of the support surface of the stand up to 20°. The surface of the stand should be corrugated and have a rim 10 mm high along the front edge.

10.6. The keyboard should be placed on the table surface at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from the edge facing the user or on a special, height-adjustable work surface separated from the main table top.

XI. Requirements for the organization and equipment of workstations with PCs for students in general education institutions and institutions of primary and higher vocational education

11.1. Classrooms are equipped with single tables designed for working with PCs.

11.2. The design of a single table for working with a PC should include:

Two separate surfaces: one horizontal for placing a PC with smooth height adjustment within the range of 520 - 760 mm and the second for a keyboard with smooth height and tilt adjustment from 0 to 15 degrees with reliable fixation in the optimal working position (12 - 15 degrees );

The width of the surfaces for the VDT and the keyboard is at least 750 mm (the width of both surfaces must be the same) and the depth is at least 550 mm;

Supporting the surfaces for the PC or VDT and for the keyboard on a riser in which the power supply wires and the local network cable should be located. The base of the riser should be combined with the footrest;

No drawers;

Increasing the width of surfaces up to 1200 mm when equipping the workplace with a printer.

11.3. The height of the edge of the table facing the person working with the PC and the height of the legroom must correspond to the height of students wearing shoes (Appendix).

11.4. If you have a high table and a chair that does not match the height of the students, you should use a height-adjustable footrest.

11.5. The line of sight should be perpendicular to the center of the screen and its optimal deviation from the perpendicular passing through the center of the screen in the vertical plane should not exceed ±5 degrees, acceptable ±10 degrees.

11.6. A workstation with a PC is equipped with a chair, the main dimensions of which must correspond to the height of students wearing shoes (Appendix).

XII. Requirements for equipment and organization of rooms with PCs for children up to school age

12.1. Classrooms are equipped with single tables designed for working with PCs.

12.2. The design of a single table should consist of two parts or tables connected together: the VDT is located on one surface of the table, and the keyboard is located on the other.

The design of the table for placing a PC should include:

Smooth and easy height adjustment with reliable fixation of the horizontal surface for the video monitor within the range of 460 - 520 mm with a depth of at least 550 mm and a width of at least 600 mm;

The ability to smoothly and easily change the angle of the keyboard surface from 0 to 10 degrees, with reliable fixation;

The width and depth of the surface under the keyboard must be at least 600 mm;

A smooth, groove-free surface for the keyboard;

No drawers;

The legroom under the table above the floor is at least 400 mm.

The width is determined by the design of the table.

12.3. Dimensions of chairs for classes are given in the Appendix. Replacing chairs with stools or benches is not permitted.

12.4. The surface of the chair seat should be easy to disinfect.

XIII. Requirements for the organization of medical care for PC users

13.1. Persons who work with a PC more than 50% of the working time (professionally associated with the operation of a PC) must undergo mandatory pre-employment and periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner.

13.2. From the time pregnancy is established, women are transferred to jobs that do not involve the use of a PC, or their time working with a PC is limited (no more than 3 hours per work shift), subject to the hygiene requirements established by these Sanitary Rules. Employment of pregnant women should be carried out in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

13.3. Medical examination of higher education students educational institutions, students of secondary specialized educational institutions, children of preschool and school age to establish contraindications to working with PCs is carried out in the prescribed manner.

XIV. Requirements for state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and production control

14.1. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the production and operation of personal computers is carried out in accordance with these Sanitary Rules.

14.2. The sale and operation on the territory of the Russian Federation of types of PCs that do not have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate are not allowed.

14.3. Instrumental control over compliance with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules is carried out in accordance with current regulatory documentation.

14.4. Production control over compliance with Sanitary Rules is carried out by the manufacturer and supplier of PCs, as well as by enterprises and organizations operating PCs in the prescribed manner, in accordance with the current sanitary rules and other regulatory documents.

Annex 1

Product type

OKP code

Controlled hygiene parameters

Electronic digital computing machines, electronic digital personal computing machines (including portable computers)


Levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF), acoustic noise, concentration of harmful substances in the air, visual indicators of VDT, soft x-ray radiation



Peripheral devices: printers, scanners, modems, network devices, uninterruptible power supplies, etc.


Levels of EMF, acoustic noise, concentration of harmful substances in the air

Information display devices (video display terminals)


EMF levels, visual indicators, concentration of harmful substances in the air, soft x-rays *

Slot machines using PC


Levels of EMF, acoustic noise, concentration of harmful substances in the air, visual indicators of VDT, soft x-ray radiation *

* Soft X-ray monitoring is only carried out for video display terminals using cathode ray tubes.

Acceptable values ​​of sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands and sound levels generated by a PC

Sound pressure levels in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies

Sound levels in dBA

31.5 Hz

63 Hz

125 Hz

250 Hz

500 Hz

1000 Hz

2000 Hz

4000 Hz

8000 Hz

86 dB

71 dB

61 dB

54 dB

49 dB

45 dB

42 dB

40 dB

38 dB

Measurement of sound levels and sound pressure levels is carried out at a distance of 50 cm from the surface of the equipment and at the height of the sound source(s).

Temporary levels of EMF generated by PC

Name of parameters


25 V/m

2.5 V/m

Magnetic flux density

in the frequency range 5 Hz - 2 kHz

250 nT

in the frequency range 2 kHz - 400 kHz

25 nT

Electrostatic potential of a video monitor screen

500 V

Acceptable visual parameters of information display devices


Valid values

White field brightness

Not less than 35 cd/m2

No more than ±20%

Not less than 3:1

Temporary image instability (unintentional change in the brightness of the image on the display screen over time)

Should not be fixed

Spatial image instability (unintentional changes in the position of image fragments on the screen)

No more than 2 × 10(-4 L), Where L

For CRT displays, the image refresh rate must be at least 75 Hz in all screen resolution modes guaranteed by the regulatory documentation for a specific type of display and at least 60 Hz for displays on flat discrete screens (liquid crystal, plasma, etc.).

Appendix 2

Name of parameters


Electric field strength

in the frequency range 5 Hz - 2 kHz

25 V/m

in the frequency range 2 kHz - 400 kHz

2.5 V/m

Magnetic flux density

in the frequency range 5 Hz - 2 kHz

250 nT

in the frequency range 2 kHz - 400 kHz

25 nT

Electrostatic field strength

15 kV/m

Optimal microclimate parameters in all types of educational and preschool premises using a PC

Temperature, C°

Relative humidity, %

Absolute humidity, g/m 3

Air speed, m/s

< 0,1

< 0,1

< 0,1

Visual parameters of VDTs monitored at workplaces


Valid values

White field brightness

Not less than 35 cd/m2

Uneven brightness of the working field

No more than ±20%

Contrast (for monochrome mode)

Not less than 3:1

Temporary image instability (flickering)

Should not be fixed

Spatial image instability (judder)

No more than 2 × 10(-4 L), Where L- design observation distance, mm

Appendix 3

1. General provisions

1.1. Instrumental monitoring of the electromagnetic environment at the workplaces of PC users is carried out:

When putting PCs into operation and organizing new and reorganizing jobs;

After carrying out organizational and technical measures aimed at normalizing the electromagnetic situation;

When certifying workplaces for working conditions;

At the request of enterprises and organizations;

When carrying out production control.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 2)

1.2. Instrumental control is carried out by the bodies of the SSES and (or) testing laboratories(centers) accredited in accordance with the established procedure.

2. Requirements for measuring instruments

2.1. Instrumental monitoring of EMF levels should be carried out by instruments with a permissible basic relative measurement error of ±20%, included in State Register measuring instruments and having valid certificates of passing State verification.

2.2. Preference should be given to meters with isotropic transducer antennas.

2.3. When conducting instrumental monitoring of EMF from PCs in rooms with a high background level of electric (EF) and magnetic fields (MF) of industrial frequency (50 Hz), in which the field strength levels in the frequency range 5 Hz - 2 kHz exceed the values ​​​​given in the Appendix table 2 to the Rules, it is recommended to use a measuring instrument (MI) that provides the ability to separately measure EF and MF in the frequency range 45 Hz - 55 Hz and in the frequency range 5 Hz - 2 kHz with a cut-out frequency band of 45 Hz - 55 Hz.

3. Preparation for instrumental control

3.1. Draw up a plan (sketch) for the placement of workstations for PC users in the room.

3.2. Enter into the protocol information about the equipment of the workplace - names of PC devices, manufacturers, models and serial (serial) numbers.

3.4. Enter into the protocol information about the presence of a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on the PC and on-screen filters (if any).

3.5. Set on the VDT screen an image typical for this type of work (text, graphics, etc.).

3.6. When carrying out measurements, all computer equipment, VDTs and other electrical equipment used for work, located in this room, must be turned on.

3.7. Measurements of electrostatic field parameters should be carried out no earlier than 20 minutes after turning on the PC.

4. Taking measurements

4.1. Measurement of the levels of alternating electric and magnetic fields, static electric fields at a workplace equipped with a PC is carried out at a distance of 50 cm from the screen at three levels at a height of 0.5 m, 1.0 m and 1.5 m.

4.2. EMF measurements are direct measurements with multiple observations, and measurement uncertainty (uncertainty) is taken into account in accordance with current national standards. For hygienic assessment, the maximum of the average values ​​measured at various heights is selected.

(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 2)

5. Hygienic assessment of EMF levels in workplaces

5.1. Hygienic assessment of exposure to electromagnetic fields of various frequencies must be carried out for compliance with standards (Appendix Table 2) for the corresponding frequency range.

(New edition. Change No. 2)

5.2. Hygienic assessment of the levels of electromagnetic fields should be carried out taking into account the error of the measuring instrument (MI). In this case, the measurement result is compared with the standard value, to which the absolute error of the measuring instrument is added.

(New edition. Change No. 2)

5.3. When carrying out instrumental monitoring of EMF from PC VDTs in rooms with a high level of background EMF industrial frequency 50 Hz, in which EMF levels in the range 5 Hz - 2 kHz exceed the values ​​​​given in the table of Appendix 2, measurements in this range are recommended to be carried out by SI according to paragraph of this Appendix 3 to the Rules.

The levels of electric and magnetic fields at the workplaces of PC users should be considered acceptable if in the frequency band 45 Hz - 55 Hz they do not exceed those permissible for the population: EF strength 500 V/m and MF induction 5 μT, and in the remaining part of the frequency range 5 Hz - 2 kHz given in the table

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization” were in force from 01/01/1997 to 06/30/2003. During this period they were the main normative document By safe work on the computer. Currently, they are replaced by SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work.”

SanPiN were developed based on the standards: GOST R 50948-96 "Means for displaying information for individual use. General ergonomic and safety requirements" and GOST R 50949-96 "Means for displaying information for individual use. Methods for measuring and assessing ergonomic parameters and security settings."

SanPiN contained sanitary and hygienic requirements for PCs in general and for displays in particular, requirements for the premises where PCs are operated, microclimate, acoustic noise and vibrations, lighting, organization and equipment of workplaces with VDTs and PCs as for adults users and for children.

You can easily find the full text of this document on the Internet by typing “SanPiN” in any search engine. We bring to your attention the most important, in our opinion, provisions of this document with our comments (in italics).

Sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN
"Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization"
(approved by resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 1996 No. 14)
(excerpts and comments)

1. General provisions and scope

1.1. These Sanitary Rules and Standards (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules) are intended to prevent adverse effects on humans harmful factors, accompanying work with video display terminals (hereinafter - VDT) and personal electronic computers (hereinafter - PCs) and determine sanitary and hygienic requirements for:
- design and manufacture of domestic, and operation of domestic and imported VDTs based on cathode ray tubes (hereinafter referred to as CRTs), used in all types of electronic computers, in production equipment and gaming complexes based on PCs;
- design, manufacture of domestic and operation of domestic and imported VDTs and PCs;
- design, construction and reconstruction of premises intended for the operation of all types of computers, personal computers, production equipment and gaming complexes based on personal computers.
- ensuring safe conditions labor of VDT and PC users.

1.7. Managers of enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership and subordination... are obliged to bring the workplaces of VDT and PC users into compliance with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.
Pay attention to this! Managers of all enterprises, including private owners, are obliged to provide you with proper working conditions.

1.8. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision and control over the implementation of these Sanitary Rules is carried out by bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, and departmental sanitary and epidemiological supervision and control is carried out by bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological profile of the relevant ministries and departments.
That is, if your boss does not want to provide you with proper working conditions, complain to the local (district, city) SES. They have the right to fine your director a very substantial amount. Usually this is enough - few managers will want to bring the matter to complaints to higher authorities, much less to trial.

3. Requirement for video display terminals
and personal electronic computers

3.1. ... All RCCBs must have a hygienic certificate...

3.3. ... The design of the VDT should include painting the body in calm, soft colors with diffuse light scattering. The VDT and PC housing, keyboard and other PC blocks and devices must have a matte surface of the same color... and not have shiny parts that can create glare...

3.6. The design of the VDT must include knobs for adjusting brightness and contrast, providing the ability to adjust these parameters from minimum to maximum values.

3.9. The design of the VDT and PC must ensure that the exposure dose rate of X-ray radiation at any point at a distance of 0.05 m from the screen and the VDT body at any position of the control devices must not exceed 7.74x10 A/kg, which corresponds to an equivalent dose of 0.1 mrem/hour (100 µR/hour).

4. Requirements for premises for operating VDTs and PCs

4.1. Premises with VDTs and PCs must have natural and artificial lighting.

4.3. The location of workplaces with VDTs and PCs for adult users in basements is not permitted. Placement of workstations with VDT and PC in all educational institutions and preschool institutions not allowed in basements and basements.
In cases of production necessity, the operation of VDTs and PCs in rooms without natural light can only be carried out in agreement with the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

4.4. The area per workplace with a VDT or PC for adult users must be at least 6.0 sq.m., and the volume must be at least 20.0 cubic meters.
This and the next point are violated very often - computers are placed literally close to each other.

4.5. The area per workplace with VDT and PC in all educational and preschool institutions must be at least 6.0 sq.m., and the volume - at least 24.0 cubic meters.

4.9. Sound insulation of the enclosing structures of rooms with high-speed wind turbines and personal computers must meet hygienic requirements and provide standardized noise parameters in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of these Sanitary Rules.

4.16. The floor surface in the operating rooms of VDTs and PCs must be smooth, without potholes, non-slip, easy to clean and wet, and have antistatic properties.

5. Requirements for the microclimate, the content of air ions and harmful chemicals in the air of the operating rooms of VDTs and PCs

5.5. Rooms with VDTs and PCs must be ventilated before and after each academic hour of classes, before and after each lesson in a preschool institution, which ensures an improvement in the quality of the air, including the aeroionic regime.

5.6. The levels of positive and negative air ions in the air of rooms with VDTs and PCs must comply with the standards given in Appendix 6.

5.10. It is prohibited to carry out repairs of VDTs and PCs directly in work, educational and preschool premises.

6. Noise and vibration requirements

6.1. In industrial premises in which work on VDTs and PCs is auxiliary, noise levels at workplaces should not exceed the values ​​​​established for these types of work by the “Sanitary Standards for Permissible Noise Levels at Workplaces”.

6.2. When performing the main work on VDTs and PCs (control rooms, operator rooms, control cabins and control stations, computer rooms, etc.), in all educational and preschool rooms with VDTs and PCs, the noise level at the workplace should not exceed 50 dBA.
In rooms where engineering and technical workers carrying out laboratory, analytical or measurement control work, the noise level should not exceed 60 dBA.
In the premises of computer operators (without displays), the noise level should not exceed 65 dBA.
At workplaces in rooms housing noisy computer units (ADCs, printers, etc.), the noise level should not exceed 75 dBA.

6.4. Noisy equipment (ADC, printers, etc.), the noise levels of which exceed the standardized ones, must be located outside the room with VDTs and PCs.

6.5. The noise level in rooms with VDTs and PCs can be reduced by using sound-absorbing materials...

7. Requirements for lighting of rooms and workplaces with VDTs and PCs

7.2. Artificial lighting in the operating rooms of VDTs and PCs should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting. In production and administrative and public premises, in cases where work is primarily done with documents, it is allowed to use a combined lighting system (in addition to general lighting, local lighting lamps are additionally installed to illuminate the area where documents are located).

7.3. The illumination on the table surface in the area where the working document is placed should be 300 - 500 lux. It is allowed to install local lighting fixtures to illuminate documents. Local lighting should not create glare on the surface of the screen and increase the screen illumination to more than 300 lux.

7.8. As light sources for artificial lighting, predominantly LB type fluorescent lamps should be used. When installing indirect lighting in industrial and administrative and public premises, the use of metal halide lamps with a power of up to 250 W is allowed. It is allowed to use incandescent lamps in local lighting fixtures.

7.9. General lighting should be provided in the form of continuous or broken lines of lamps located on the side of the workstations, parallel to the user’s line of sight with VDTs and PCs arranged in a row. When computers are located perimeterally, the lines of lamps should be located locally above the desktop closer to its front edge, facing the operator.

7.15. To ensure standardized illumination values ​​in rooms where VDTs and PCs are used, the glass of window frames and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year and burnt-out lamps should be replaced in a timely manner.

8. Requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces with VDT and PC

8.1. General requirements

8.1.1. Workplaces with VDT and PC in relation to the light openings should be located so that natural light falls from the side, mainly from the left.

8.1.2. ... the distance between desktops with video monitors (toward the rear surface of one video monitor and the screen of another video monitor) must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors must be at least 1.2 m.
And very often computers are located literally close to each other...

8.1.4. Window openings in rooms where VDTs and PCs are used must be equipped with adjustable devices such as: blinds, curtains, external canopies, etc.

8.1.5. Workplaces with VDT and PC when performing creative work that requires significant mental stress or high concentration of attention should be isolated from each other by partitions 1.5 - 2.0 m high.

8.1.11. The work chair (chair) must be lift-swivel and adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter must be independent, easy to carry out and have a reliable fixation.

8.1.12. The surface of the seat, back and other elements of the chair (armchair) should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, non-electrifying and breathable coating, ensuring easy cleaning from dirt.

8.1.13. The video monitor screen should be located from the user’s eyes at an optimal distance of 600 - 700 mm, but no closer than 500 mm, taking into account the size of alphanumeric characters and symbols.

8.1.14. In rooms with VDTs and PCs, wet cleaning should be carried out daily.

8.1.15. Premises with VDTs and PCs must be equipped with a first aid kit and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

8.2. Requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces with VDTs and PCs for adult users

8.2.1. The height of the working surface of the table for adult users should be adjusted within 680 - 800 mm; If this is not possible, the height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm.

8.2.3. The work desk must have legroom of at least 600 mm high, at least 500 mm wide, at least 450 mm deep at knee level and at least 650 mm deep at leg level.

8.2.4. The work chair (chair) must be lift-swivel and adjustable in height and angles of the seat and backrest, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat. Its design should provide:
- the width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm;
- seat surface with a rounded front edge;
- adjustment of the height of the seat surface within the range of 400 - 550 mm and forward tilt angles up to 15 degrees. and back up to 5 degrees;
- the height of the back support surface is 300 ± 20 mm, the width is at least 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm;
- the angle of inclination of the backrest in the vertical plane is within ±30 degrees;
- adjusting the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat within 260 - 400 mm;
- stationary or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50 - 70 mm;
- adjustment of the armrests in height above the seat within 230 ± 30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350 - 500 mm.

8.2.5. The workplace must be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment up to 150 mm and an inclination angle of the supporting surface of the stand up to 20 degrees. The surface of the stand should be corrugated and have a rim 10 mm high along the front edge.

8.2.6. A workstation with a VDT and a PC must be equipped with an easily movable document rest.

8.2.8. The keyboard should be placed on the table surface at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from the edge facing the user or on a special, height-adjustable work surface separated from the main table top.

8.3. Requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces with VDT and PC for students of secondary and higher educational institutions

8.3.1. Rooms for classes using PCs and VDTs in secondary and higher educational institutions must be equipped with single tables designed for working on PCs and VDTs.

8.3.5. The height of the edge of the table facing the person working with the PC and VDT, and the height of the legroom should correspond to the height of the students or students wearing shoes.

8.3.6. If you have a high table and chair that does not correspond to the height of students, it is necessary to use a height-adjustable footrest (see clause 8.2.5).

8.3.7. With a vertically positioned VDT screen, eye level should be at the center or 2/3 of the height of the screen. The line of sight should be perpendicular to the center of the screen and its optimal deviation from the perpendicular passing through the center of the screen in the vertical plane should not exceed ±5 degrees, acceptable ±10 degrees.

8.3.8. A workplace with a PC and VDT must be equipped with a chair, the main dimensions of which must correspond to the height of students or students wearing shoes (Appendix 13).

8.4. Requirements for equipment and organization of premises with PC-based play complexes for preschool children

8.4.1. The premises where gaming complexes are installed must be equipped with single tables.

8.4.5. It is not allowed to use cubes, stools, or benches without back support instead of chairs.

9. Requirements for organizing the work and rest regime when working with VDTs and PCs

9.1. General requirements for organizing the work and rest regime when working with VDTs and PCs

9.1.1. Work and rest regimes when working with PCs and VDTs should be organized depending on the type and category labor activity.

9.1.2. Types of work activities are divided into 3 groups:
group A - work on reading information from the screen of a VDT or PC with a preliminary request;
group B - work on entering information;
Group B - creative work in dialogue mode with a computer.
When performing work related to the different types labor activity, the main work with a PC and VDT should be taken to be that which takes up at least 50% of the time during a work shift or working day.

9.1.3. For types of work activities, 3 categories of severity and intensity of work with VDTs and PCs are established (Appendix 15), which are determined: for group A - by the total number of characters read per work shift, but not more than 60,000 characters per shift; for group B - according to the total number of characters read or entered per work shift, but not more than 40,000 characters per shift; for group B - based on the total time of direct work with VDTs and PCs per work shift, but not more than 6 hours per shift.

9.1.4. For teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, teachers secondary schools The duration of work in display classes and computer science classrooms is set to no more than 4 hours a day.

9.1.5. For engineers serving the educational process in classrooms (auditoriums) with VDTs and PCs, the duration of work should not exceed 6 hours a day.

9.1.7. To ensure optimal performance and health of professional users, regulated breaks must be established throughout the work shift.

9.1.9. The duration of continuous work with VDT without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

9.1.10. When working with VDTs and PCs on the night shift (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), regardless of the category and type of work activity, the duration of regulated breaks should increase by 60 minutes.

9.1.11. With an 8-hour work shift and work on VDT ​​and PC, regulated breaks should be established:
- for category I work, 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 2 hours after a lunch break of 15 minutes each;
- for category II work, 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 1.5 - 2.0 hours after a lunch break lasting 15 minutes each or lasting 10 minutes every hour of work;
- for category III work, 1.5 - 2.0 hours from the start of the work shift and 1.5 - 2 hours after a lunch break of 20 minutes each or 15 minutes every hour of work.

9.1.12. With a 12-hour work shift, regulated breaks should be established in the first 8 hours of work, similar to breaks during an 8-hour work shift, and during the last 4 hours of work, regardless of the category and type of work, every hour lasting 15 minutes.

9.1.14. In order to reduce the negative impact of monotony, it is advisable to use alternating operations of meaningful text and numerical data (changing the content of work), alternating editing texts and entering data (changing the content of work).

9.2. Requirements for organizing the work regime with VDTs and PCs for students of higher educational institutions

9.2.2. For first-year students, the optimal time for training sessions when working with a VDT or PC is 1 hour, for senior students - 2 hours, with a mandatory break of 15 - 20 minutes between two academic hours of classes. It is allowed to increase the time of training sessions with VDT and PC for first-year students to 2 hours, and for senior students up to 3 academic hours, provided that the duration of training sessions in the display classroom (auditorium) does not exceed 50% of the time of direct work on VDT ​​or PC and subject to compliance with preventive measures: eye exercises, physical education and physical education breaks.

9.3 Requirements for organizing the work regime with VDT or PC for students of secondary specialized educational institutions.

9.3.1. In secondary specialized educational institutions (vocational schools, technical schools, etc.), the duration of work on a VDT or PC during training sessions, subject to hygienic requirements for conditions and organization of workplaces, should be:
- for first-year students no more than 30 minutes a day;
- for second and third year students no more than 1 hour per day with double lessons: 30 minutes in the first lesson and 30 minutes in the second with an interval of at least 20 minutes in working on a VDT or PC, including recess, explanation educational material, student survey, etc.
- for third-year students, the duration of training sessions with VDT and PC may be increased to 3 academic hours with the total time of direct work on VDT ​​or PC not exceeding 50% of the total time of study sessions.

9.3.2. After each academic hour of classes with VDT or PC, breaks should be arranged lasting 15 - 20 minutes with the obligatory exit of students from the classroom (office) and the organization of cross-ventilation.

9.4. Requirements for organizing educational and extracurricular activities with VDTs and PCs for school-age children and activities with play complexes based on PCs for preschool children

9.4.1. For students in grades X - XI on the basics of computer science and computer technology there should be no more than 2 lessons per week, and for other classes - 1 lesson per week using VDT and PC.

9.4.2. The continuous duration of classes directly with a VDT or PC should not exceed:
- for 1st grade students (6 years old) - 10 minutes;
- for students of grades II - V - 15 minutes;
- for students of grades VI - VII - 20 minutes;
- for students of grades VIII - IX -25 minutes;
- for students of grades X - XI, the first hour of classes is 30 minutes, the second - 20 minutes;

9.4.5. The duration of breaks between lessons should be at least 10 minutes, during which through ventilation should be carried out with the obligatory exit of students from the classroom (office).

9.4.15. In preschool institutions, the duration of classes using educational computers game programs for children 5 years old should not exceed 7 minutes and for children 6 years old - 10 minutes.

9.4.16. Computer gaming classes in preschool institutions should be conducted no more than twice a week on the busiest days. high performance children: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After classes, you should do eye exercises.

9.4.17. It is not allowed to conduct classes with PCs and VDTs in preschool institutions at the expense of time allocated for sleep, daytime walks and other recreational activities.

10. Requirements for the organization of medical care for users of VDT and PC

10.1. Professional users of VDTs and PCs must undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations in the manner and within the time limits established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia and the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia.

10.2. Persons who do not have medical contraindications are allowed to directly work with VDTs and PCs.

10.3. Women from the time of pregnancy and during breastfeeding are not allowed to perform all types of work related to the use of VDT and PC. The employment of pregnant women should be carried out in accordance with the “Hygienic Recommendations for the Rational Employment of Pregnant Women”.

10.4. Medical examination of students of higher educational institutions, students of secondary specialized educational institutions, children of preschool and school age is carried out in the manner and within the time limits established respectively by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia, the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Requirements for lighting at workplaces equipped with PCs

1. Work desks should be positioned so that video display terminals are oriented with their sides facing the light openings, so that natural light falls predominantly from the left.

2. Artificial lighting in rooms for PC operation should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting. In production and administrative and public premises, in cases where work is primarily done with documents, combined lighting systems should be used (in addition to general lighting, local lighting lamps are additionally installed to illuminate the area where documents are located).

3. The illumination on the table surface in the area where the working document is placed should be 300 - 500 lux. Lighting should not create glare on the surface of the screen. The illumination of the screen surface should not be more than 300 lux.

4. Direct glare from lighting sources should be limited, and the brightness of luminous surfaces (windows, lamps, etc.) in the field of view should be no more than 200 cd/m2.

5. Reflected glare on work surfaces (screen, table, keyboard, etc.) should be limited due to the correct choice of types of lamps and the location of workstations in relation to sources of natural and artificial lighting, while the brightness of glare on the PC screen should not exceed 40 cd /m2 and the brightness of the ceiling should not exceed 200 cd/m2.

6. The glare index for sources of general artificial lighting in industrial premises should be no more than 20.
The discomfort index in administrative and public premises is no more than 40, in preschool and educational premises no more than 15.

7. The brightness of general lighting lamps in the area of ​​radiation angles from 50 to 90 degrees with the vertical in the longitudinal and transverse planes should be no more than 200 cd/m2, the protective angle of the lamps should be at least 40 degrees.

8. Local lighting fixtures must have a non-translucent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40 degrees.

9. The uneven distribution of brightness in the field of view of the PC user should be limited, and the brightness ratio between working surfaces should not exceed 3:1 - 5:1, and between working surfaces and the surfaces of walls and equipment 10:1.

10. As light sources for artificial lighting, predominantly LB-type fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) should be used. When installing indirect lighting in industrial and administrative and public premises, the use of metal halide lamps is allowed. In local lighting fixtures, the use of incandescent lamps, including halogen lamps, is allowed.

11. To illuminate rooms with PCs, luminaires with mirror parabolic grilles, equipped with electronic ballasts, should be used. It is allowed to use multi-lamp luminaires with electromagnetic ballasts (ECGs), consisting of an equal number of leading and lagging branches.
The use of luminaires without diffusers and shielding grilles is not permitted.
In the absence of luminaires with electronic ballasts, lamps of multi-lamp luminaires or nearby general lighting luminaires should be switched on to different phases of a three-phase network.

12. General lighting when using fluorescent lamps should be provided in the form of continuous or broken lines of lamps located on the side of the workstations, parallel to the user’s line of sight when video display terminals are arranged in a row. When computers are located perimeterally, the lines of lamps should be located locally above the desktop closer to its front edge, facing the operator.

13. The safety factor (Kz) for general lighting lighting installations should be taken equal to 1.4.

14. The ripple factor should not exceed 5%.

15. To ensure standardized illumination values ​​in rooms for the use of PCs, the glass of window frames and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year and burnt-out lamps should be replaced in a timely manner.

General requirements for the organization of workstations for PC users

1. When placing workstations with PCs, the distance between desktops with video monitors (toward the rear surface of one video monitor and the screen of another video monitor) must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors must be at least 1.2 m.

2. Workstations with PCs in rooms with sources of harmful production factors must be located in isolated booths with organized air exchange.

3. Workplaces with PCs when performing creative work that requires significant mental stress or high concentration of attention are recommended to be isolated from each other by partitions 1.5 - 2.0 m high.

4. The video monitor screen should be located from the user’s eyes at a distance of 600 - 700 mm, but not closer than 500 mm, taking into account the size of alphanumeric characters and symbols.

5. The design of the work table must ensure optimal placement of the equipment used on the working surface, taking into account its quantity and design features, and the nature of the work performed. At the same time, it is possible to use work tables of various designs that meet modern ergonomic requirements. The desktop surface must have a reflectance of 0.5 - 0.7.

6. The design of the work chair (chair) should ensure the maintenance of a rational working posture when working on a PC and allow changing the posture in order to reduce the static tension of the muscles of the cervico-brachial region and back to prevent the development of fatigue. The type of work chair (chair) should be selected taking into account the height of the user, the nature and duration of work with the PC.
The work chair (chair) must be lift-and-swivel, adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter must be independent, easy to carry out and have a reliable fixation.

7. The surface of the seat, back and other elements of the chair (chair) should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, slightly electrified and breathable coating, ensuring easy cleaning from dirt.

Requirements for the organization and equipment of PC workstations for adult users

1. The height of the working surface of the table for adult users should be adjusted within the range of 680 - 800 mm; If this is not possible, the height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm.

2. The modular dimensions of the working surface of a PC table, on the basis of which the design dimensions should be calculated, should be considered: width 800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 mm, depth 800 and 1000 mm with a non-adjustable height of 725 mm.

3. The work desk must have legroom with a height of at least 600 mm, a width of at least 500 mm, a depth at knee level of at least 450 mm and at the level of outstretched legs no less than 650 mm.

4. The design of the work chair must ensure:

  • the width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm;
  • seat surface with rounded front edge;
  • adjustment of the height of the seat surface within the range of 400 - 550 mm and tilt angles forward up to 15 degrees, and backwards up to 5 degrees;
  • the height of the back support surface is 300 +-20 mm, the width is at least 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm;
  • the angle of inclination of the backrest in the vertical plane is within +-30 degrees;
  • adjustment of the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat within 260 - 400 mm;
  • stationary or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50 - 70 mm;
  • adjustment of the armrests in height above the seat within 230 + -30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350 -500 mm.

5. The personal workstation of the PC user should be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment within a range of up to 150 mm and an inclination angle of the support surface of the stand up to 20°. The surface of the stand should be corrugated and have a rim 10 mm high along the front edge.

6. The keyboard should be placed on the table surface at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from the edge facing the user or on a special, height-adjustable work surface separated from the main table top.

Requirements for the organization and equipment of workstations with PCs for students in general education institutions and institutions of primary and higher vocational education

2. The design of a single table for working with a PC should include:

  • two separate surfaces: one horizontal for placing a PC with smooth height adjustment within 520 - 760 mm and the second for a keyboard with smooth height and tilt adjustment from 0 to 15 degrees with reliable fixation in the optimal working position (12 - 15 degrees );
  • the width of the surfaces for the VDT and the keyboard is at least 750 mm (the width of both surfaces must be the same) and the depth is at least 550 mm;
  • support of the surfaces for the PC or VDT and for the keyboard on the riser, in which the power supply wires and the local network cable should be located.
  • the base of the riser should be combined with the footrest;
  • no drawers;
  • increasing the width of surfaces up to 1200 mm when equipping the workplace with a printer.

3. The height of the edge of the table facing the person working with the PC and the height of the legroom must correspond to the height of students wearing shoes (Appendix 4).

4. If you have a high table and a chair that does not match the height of the students, you should use a height-adjustable footrest.

5. The line of sight should be perpendicular to the center of the screen and its optimal deviation from the perpendicular passing through the center of the screen in the vertical plane should not exceed +-5 degrees, acceptable +-10 degrees.

6. The workstation with a PC is equipped with a chair, the main dimensions of which must correspond to the height of students wearing shoes (Appendix 5).

Requirements for equipment and organization of premises with PCs for preschool children

1. Classrooms are equipped with single tables designed for working with PCs.

2. The design of a single table should consist of two parts or tables connected together: the VDT is located on one surface of the table, and the keyboard is located on the other.
The design of the table for placing a PC should include:

  • smooth and easy height adjustment with reliable fixation of the horizontal surface for a video monitor within the range of 460 - 520 mm with a depth of at least 550 mm and a width of at least 600 mm;
  • the ability to smoothly and easily change the angle of the keyboard surface from 0 to 10 degrees, with reliable fixation;
  • the width and depth of the surface under the keyboard must be at least 600 mm;
  • a flat surface without indentations for the keyboard;
  • no drawers;
  • legroom under the table above the floor is at least 400 mm.

The width is determined by the design of the table.

3. The dimensions of chairs for classes are given in Appendix 5. Replacing chairs with stools or benches is not allowed.

4. The surface of the chair seat should be easy to disinfect.

Requirements for the organization of medical care for PC users

1. Persons who work with a PC more than 50% of the working time (professionally associated with the operation of a PC) must undergo mandatory preliminary upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner.

2. From the time pregnancy is established, women are transferred to jobs that do not involve the use of a PC, or the time they work with a PC is limited (no more than 3 hours per work shift), subject to the hygiene requirements established by these sanitary rules. Employment of pregnant women should be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Medical examination of students of higher educational institutions, students of secondary specialized educational institutions, children of preschool and school age to determine contraindications to working with PCs is carried out in accordance with the established rules.