The Three Little Pigs remade. Scenario of the fairy tale The Three Little Pigs in a new way. Lyrics of the Three Little Pigs Song

Description: Scenario of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" new way for youth or adults. In a comic form, for KVN, corporate events, parties, New Year, April 1st, Valentine's Day.


The stage is decorated like a hut. The hut should be small, with posters and the inscription “Tickets for football.” There is a small well nearby. The sounds of forest and nature can be heard in the background.

Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening...

Three girls in overalls and men's shirts appear on the stage.

Three pumped-up men (you can dress them up as football players) appear on stage and stand in front of the house, puzzled. It reaches their shoulders.

Three little pigs appear on stage in overalls and checkered men's shirts. The house is just the right size for them.

Nif-Nif: You, dear father, bent over with the tender.

Naf-Naf: We rejoice.

Nuf-Nuf: What is a tender for a summer cottage?

Naf-Naf: Thank you, at least I didn’t have a mortgage.

Music from the "House 2" screensaver is playing.

Lyrics of the song of the three little pigs:


Let the foundation be strong and steep,
So that descendants would find a house like this.
Let them wonder: who built the house?
We will take all troubles outside the gates.

Even children want to build houses since childhood,
After all, everyone’s roof should be strong.
Happiness is when everyone is gathered at home,
Even if suddenly there were wolves in the area.

Bad weather hits the stage. The wind rises, the sun hides.

Nif-Nif: What is this? Leader upstairs, tell me what you can see from there?

Nif-Nif: Alone and without weapons?

The piglets run away squealing.

A wolf appears.

Song of the wolf, to the music of Pavel Volya’s song, “Everything will be awesome”:

I gurgled in shock.
Buzzed uncontrollably
Europe? Fuck her,
So that the wolves are mega-respectable
They were circling next to me,
A healthy black bear in a raincoat,
I want a personal driver in general,
And a bigger car
And the most important thing…

Everything will be awesome

Big changes are ahead
In the forest, I know for sure everything will be awesome,
Everything will definitely be awesome,
There are big changes ahead,
And everything will be awesome ahead for the wolf.

I want to spend the summer on the open sea,
I want the wolves to know neither rain nor grief,
I want money in an envelope
I want our forest to flourish, I want it to be like in childhood,
I want to give big armfuls of flowers,

He sees a booth in front of him.

Wolf: So. What is the structure of the unknown dimension? Who lives in the booth?


End of introductory fragment. To purchase the full version of the scene, go to cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for downloading via the link on the website and from the letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

You will also like a fairy tale for adults based on:

Price: 149 R ub.

Characters: narrator, Hrundel, Piggy, Piggy, builders, wolf.

1 scene

Narrator: In the white world lived and lived three little pigs. Their names were according to their age: Hryundel ( senior), Piggy ( average) and Piggy ( Jr). In the summer they went on vacation to overseas islands. They lay on the golden beach, were covered in succulent salt, and returned home to their native land. And in my homeland, autumn has arrived.

Hrundel: Well, damn, it would be better not to come back!

Pig: The wind is so cold, and the leaves are falling from the trees...

Piggy: Never mind! Look what a puddle I found!

(Piggy falls to the floor of the stage and grunts with pleasure)

Hrundel: You should keep splashing around in puddles! We need to build a house, otherwise we won’t survive the winter!

Pig: Yes, it’s still early, there’s time to go for a walk!

Piggy: Oink-oink.

(Piggy joins Piggy and they begin to paddle dance)

Hrundel: Well, go for a walk! And I’ll go build myself a house!

(Hrundel leaves the stage)

Narrator: Every day of autumn brought new colds, more severe and merciless. But the piglets Piggy and Piggy were in no hurry. They played in a muddy puddle and danced the day away.

(Hrundel goes on stage with a group of builders)

Hrundel: Guys, let's build a house after all! Look what builders I found! They charge inexpensively for their work, but build to last!

Pig: Where did you get them! Look, Piggy, how dirty they are!

Piggy: Oink-oink.

(Hryundel, sighing sadly, disappears from the stage with a group of workers.)

Narrator: Hrundel approached his brothers several times to build a house, but each time he heard a refusal. Only when the large dirty puddle was covered with a crust of ice did Piggy and Piggy think.


I'll build a house out of straw

Alone, without the help of others.

I'll cover myself for the winter,

It will be cooler than theirs!

(Piggy finishes building a straw house and goes into it)


What a cozy home!

Bright house! Marvelous house!

It was made by his own labor!

Sweet home! Cool house!

(Suddenly a wolf runs onto the stage)


Well, open the door,

Treat yourself to your own salsa!


I won't open the door for you,

I take care of my sides!

(The wolf begins to blow on the house with all his might. The house can't stand it and falls. Piggy runs out of fear, and the wolf follows him. The curtain closes)

Scene 2

(The curtain opens. On the stage there is a house made of brushwood. Piggy looks out of the window of the house)


I have a wonderful home!

Warm house! Cozy home!

It is made of brushwood, and in it -

Clean house! Cool house!

(Piggy runs out onto the stage, sees Piggy's house and hides in it. A wolf jumps out after him)


Quickly unlock the doors!

Treat me to meat!

You have become doubly tastier,

I'll be full for many days!

Piggy and Piggy sing:

You are not afraid of us, little top!

Take a bite out of your barrel!

In this house we are not afraid

Even a menacing rhinoceros!

Wolf: Well, now I’ll ask you!

(The wolf begins to sneeze so loudly that Piggy's brushwood house is destroyed. The piglets run out of it and hide in the forest. A wolf runs after them. The curtain closes)

Scene 3

(The curtain opens. On the stage there is a stone house. Hryundel settles accounts with the builders with a satisfied look)


Oh, how timely and on time!

My house is strong and tall!

The house is turnkey – and that’s it!

Oh, I'll be happy!

(Suddenly Piglet and Piggy run out onto the stage. They are hiding in Hrundel's house. A wolf is on his heels)


I didn’t think, I didn’t guess,

Apparently, God sent you to me!

So much meat, so much fat!

I'm getting my grill!


Clean up your grill

Leave quickly!

No matter how you fry it

Your own bone!

(The wolf begins to blow with all his might and sneeze out of anger)

Narrator: But no matter how hard the wolf tried, all his efforts were in vain: not a single pebble fell from the stone house. He noticed a pipe on the roof of the house.


Now I'll climb onto the roof,

There's a pipe there, I'll go down it!

I'll eat you guys anyway

Naughty piglets!

(The wolf climbs onto the roof and disappears into the chimney)

Wolf: Oh, how hot!

(The wolf, as if scalded, runs onto the stage and hides in the forest)

Narrator: What happened to the wolf? Hryundel took and tore the lid off the cauldron of boiling water, and the wolf from the pipe fell straight into him.


Oh, what a wonderful house!

House with a boiler! House with fire!

He will cover the three of us!

Solid home! Warm house!

The curtain closes.

Characters: Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, Wolf-policeman, Hedgehog-sage, 3 Bunnies-boys, 2 Fox-sisters, 2 leaders.

Musical arrangement (songs with words):

    m/f “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” song “We are Bandito”

    m/f "Bremen Town Musicians" song "They say we are baki-buki...",

    m/f “Dog in Boots” song “We are poor sheep, no one will herd us”

    film "The investigation is being conducted by experts" song "If someone here and there sometimes..." film "Brigade" soundtrack,

    m/f “Little Raccoon” song “Smile”

Progress of the event

Scene 1.

1st Presenter:

Somehow in some kingdom,
In a distant country
Once upon a time there were piglets,
The boys were bullies.

(Piglets run out, imitating hooligans, to the song “We are bandits...” from the film "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel")

2nd Presenter:

Here they are walking along the forest,
Get rid of stress:
Here Nif-Nif picked flowers,
And then he trampled them,
Here's Naf-Naf for the hare boys
Shchelbanov pointed with his finger,
And Nuf-Nuf of sister foxes
I pulled my pigtails for a long time.

(The piglets imitate the words of the leaders with their actions)

And in the end all three together,
The song was sung like a howl.

Dancing to p Song of the Atamansha from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”

Scene 2.

1st Presenter:

It's been a year now
The forest people are suffering.
From such piglets
The animals moan and cry:

Bunnies boys:

Help, for God's sake!
We can't live so poorly.

Fox sisters:

No peace for anyone
In our nice little house.

Little bunnies:

Oh, we are tired of rudeness!
Will the ordeal end soon?!

Foxes and bunnies dance in a circle to

P Song of the sheep from the film “Dog in Boots” “We are poor sheep, no one is shepherding us..”

Scene 3.

2nd Presenter:

Suddenly, out of nowhere,
The hedgehog sneaks like a lynx.
He was reputed to be wise, no matter what!
He has tons of advice.

Hedgehog sage:

I heard a rumor
Why can't you bear the torment?
That the three brothers got you
No one was allowed to live.
I'll give you some advice, little animals:
They are too tough for you.
The wolf is our policeman -
This is who will give them an example here.
He'll calm them down right away
And it will set you in a peaceful mood.
Call him together -
In an instant he will be here, on the spot.

1st Presenter:

The animals were silent for a bit
And everyone shouted together:

Hares, Chanterelles, Hedgehog:

Uncle Wolf is a policeman!
Come, give them an example!

Scene 4.

2nd Presenter:

And to that heart-rending cry
The wolf appeared straight away.

(The Wolf Policeman marches out to the song from the movie “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts” . )

Wolf policeman:

Are there bullies here in the forest?
I'll blow their heads off!
Even if the Brigade itself
He'll ambush me here!
Come on, where are the piglets?!
Call them, little animals!

(Piglets run onto the stage to a song from the film “Brigada”)

Nif-Nif: Who called us?

Nuf-Nuf: Who can't sleep?

Naf-Naf: Who wants Shchelbanov?

Wolf policeman:

I called you, Wolf - the guardian of order.
Are you the Brigade here?!
Are you being a bully or making a fuss?
Oh guys, look
How will I take you under arrest?
You'll get tired of fighting in no time.
This is necessary, for the area
The little thing scared me!
Come on, come forward.
Promise that people
You don't hit in the forest anymore,
You're being quiet here.
Well, I'll take care of it for you:
I'll visit you at school!

Nif-Nif: Oh, sorry, sorry.

Nuf-Nuf: Don't come to our school.


We promise not to be rude,
Be friends with the beast with everything.

Wolf policeman:

Well, look, I'll give you a deadline.
If you fulfill your vow,
I won't go to school with you,
But I won't take my eyes off you.

Scene 5.

1st Presenter:

Since then there has been peace in the forest,
Robbery is not a concern here.
The piglets calmed down
The word was justified in action:
They don’t be rude, they don’t offend,
And they help the animals.

2nd Presenter:

Spectator, spectator, old and small,
Haven't you dozed off yet?
Are you tired yet?
The finale is approaching.
Don't look beyond the distance!
You've seen this forest,
This fairy tale about Russia -
And about us in it - that’s the moral!

(All participants go on stage and perform the song “Smile” from the film “Little Raccoon”)

OUR New fairy tale“The Three Little Pigs” in a NEW WAY!

My daughter really loves the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”. So I decided to give her this fairy tale for her second birthday. I sewed a fairy tale house handbag. So, let's begin our journey into a fairy tale...

Somewhere in the fairy-tale expanses: in hollows, perhaps, or in holes, lived three little meat animals - three ruddy piglets. The eldest of them was Naf-Naf , very smart - that's a fact. The middle one was called Nuf-Nuf - not smart, but not stupid either. Junior, with a nickname Nif-Nifa , they had “Sifa” instead. And that pig did not come out with the mind, and the figure was not Schiffer. Having no goals in life, they devour from the ground, warming their plump sides under the sun, in general, three homeless boars spend their idle days - life was easy for them. But time passes, and after a very warm summer, autumn immediately comes. It's too bad to lie on the ground - we should build a house.


In addition to the three pig friends, the forest at that time was inhabited by many other animals. Among them was gray wolf , who knew a lot about piglets. (The wolf's legs are all spinning and detachable, with buttons) .

The first page of the book is "magic carousel" . Assignment: place the piglets and the wolf in the pockets of the carousel according to the colors of their pants or according to their shapes.

The second page of the book “NIF-NIFA House”
Your house made of straw
The younger one did it under a pine tree.
I folded the roof lightly,
I decided to spend the winter under it.

So, let's look into the house......
(The house has a bath, a towel, a toothbrush, a locker with a robe)

A wolf came to the clearing,
I found a house made of straw.
He blew hard - and near the house
All the straw flew away.

(Roof of the house with Velcro)

The third page of the book "Gorka"
A little fun - ride the piglets down the slide

The fourth page of the book “House of NUF-NUFA”

The middle brother did not sleep:
I assembled a house from branches.
Thought in a hut in winter
Living in cold times.

So, let's look into the house......

Home decoration: two chairs, a table with a cake, a refrigerator with food, cabinets with dishes, a window, a flower.

The younger one soon came running
To the hut where the middle one slept.
The wolf decided to break the hut...
I had to run to the elder.

The fifth page of the book “Swing”
Another fun activity for piglets is riding on a swing.

The sixth page of the book “NAF-NAFA House”

Well, the older brother worked
And, of course, he was not lazy.
He built a house from stones,
To live peacefully in it.
I spent a long time selecting stones,
I assembled strong walls.
Made windows, roof, door,
The house will be warm now.

So, let's look into NAF-NAF's house.
Here, there are three cribs, a shelf with toys and, of course, a fireplace.

The wolf saw the third house
And climbed into the pipe on it.
He fell into the cauldron with boiling water,
He ran into the forest out of fear.
The piglets laughed.
Three brothers began to live together.
The wolf didn't come again
He avoided them.

last page

Photos of my beloved daughter from 1 year 1 month to 2 years

P.S. . Not only I, but also my daughter was pleased with the “stitched” fairy tale. You can take this handbag on the road, to the hospital, or for a walk. I know for sure with such a toy, we definitely won’t be bored!!!