Creative self-presentation I am a health teacher. Creative presentation “I am a health teacher. “For a happy and healthy childhood”

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Creative presentation of a competition participant on the topic: “I am a health teacher” Teachers physical culture MBOU Laishevskaya main secondary school No. 3 Garipov Radis Nurutdinovich

“Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical factors” - (the definition of health given by World Organization health)

The relevance of this topic is due to the need of individuals, society and the state for health-preserving education, the need to form a positive attitude towards health and an attitude towards maintaining, strengthening and developing their own health among schoolchildren. Objectives: 1. To promote in students the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle 2. To teach how to use the acquired knowledge of health conservation in everyday life

To develop successfully, you need to play sports

Maintain physical activity in all activities

Running is a very simple activity. It does not require large expenditures. And the health benefits are great. And everything in life goes well. One of the most popular exercises recommended for prevention and recovery is running and walking. Health running is the simplest and most accessible (in technical terms), and therefore the most widespread.

Skiing is not an easy job. Or to be more precise, hard work. Well, whoever likes it, wants to do it, then he’s cool. Oh, winter, winter...

We start exercising in the morning. Let illnesses be afraid of us, Let them not come to us. People say: “Whoever misses exercise for a day is a day older.”

While we are burning with freedom, While our hearts are alive for honor, My friend, let us dedicate our Souls to beautiful impulses to the fatherland!

Sport is the path to health. Our school traditionally celebrates World Health Day with sports competitions.

Our successes in sports

Personal health and health-saving behavior

Healthy children – healthy Russia! Conclusion I am a health teacher. My goal is to teach children to be healthy and worthy citizens of Russia.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

A healthy teacher is a healthy student.

Studying is hard work, during which schoolchildren become very tired, so a competent teacher must structure the educational process in such a way that work brings students the joy of new discoveries....

A healthy teacher means healthy children.

Today the state needs healthy citizens. The country poses very serious, sometimes difficult tasks for teachers. To successfully solve the assigned tasks, it is necessary for the teacher to be healthy...

Presentation "Healthy teacher - healthy children"

Health is the most important thing in a person’s life. To successfully solve the assigned tasks, it is necessary for the teacher to be healthy, because modern conditions life puts great demands on the teacher...

Olga Mandrigela
Presentation by physical education teacher “I am a health teacher”

Health-saving Technology forms the basis of my work activity.

I implement it in a sporty way - wellness direction in the middle and senior levels of education as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The problem I am working on is improving the development of coordination of motor activity. Dyspraxia is a disorder of motor coordination that affects approximately 10% of schoolchildren. It manifests itself in inconsistency in the movement of children; timely therapy helps improve the child’s condition.

Dyspraxia negatively affects school performance.

Sports and physical labor help improve coordination, but these activities should not tire you, but bring joy and pleasure. Through my work I shape health-saving behavior with parents, conduct sports and public events together with children, individual conversations, consultations and surveys. Only personal example gives rise to personal interest in children...

Using the example of a teacher, when a child sees in front of him a smart, competent, successful, optimistic, athletic teacher who loves his job, there is a chance of success.

Publications on the topic:

Presentation “The Health Path is the Key to Health” Health track in kindergarten Designed for a variety of effects on children's feet. As you know, there is a huge one on them.

Essay by a primary school teacher “I am a teacher, or Understanding one’s own “I”: a view from the outside and from the depths of a teacher’s soul” COMPETITION TASK “ESSAY” Teachers primary classes Municipal educational institution "School Zato Mikhailovsky" Tatyana Alekseevna Garkova I am a teacher, or Understanding.

Features of physical education teacher training in the inclusive education system Recently, the number of children with mental and mental disorders has increased significantly physical development. It is increasingly realized that...

I have six servants, agile and daring. And everything that I see around me, I know everything from them. At my sign they appear in need. Name:

DEAR VISITORS! I am glad to welcome you to my personal website. Here you will get to know me, the kindergarten I belong to.

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Elena Fedosenko
Presentation “Health Teacher”

Health at all times was considered the highest value, the basis of an active creative life, happiness, joy and well-being of a person. IN modern society it also becomes a condition for survival. Preservation and strengthening health Children today is a priority area of ​​activity for the entire society. The Federal State Educational Standard is also aimed at protecting and strengthening physical and mental children's health, including their emotional well-being. To become the master of your health, necessary learn this art. Learn to manage your health necessary from the moment of birth. Every minute of a child’s life in kindergarten works to strengthen him health.

I consider the most pressing task in my work to be the preservation and strengthening

children's health. To create a complete system health saving For children, the organization of a motor development environment in a group is very important. To improve the skills acquired in physical education classes, a sports corner has been created in the group. For exercises in walking, running, jumping, and balance, various paths, braids, and snakes are used; there are massage mats for the prevention of flat feet, for outdoor games and general developmental exercises. The most effective forms of interaction are: morning exercises; gymnastics after a nap with hardening procedures; classes, walks.

I believe that the ability to ask questions is directly related to health-saving educational technologies.

Asking questions – This:

The manifestation and training of cognitive activity, and it is closely related to the adaptive ability, ability and willingness to find optimal options decisions in various situations, including those that pose a risk to health.

An indicator of the child’s involvement in the problem under discussion and, therefore, a good level of his performance (in a state of fatigue, indifference, etc., children do not ask questions).

Indicator of adequately developed communication skills skills: shy, "complex", a child who is afraid of the teacher will not ask questions, as a result, the baggage of the incomprehensible increases educational material, which leads to overwork and decreased interest in learning.

Thus, we can conclude that the quantity and quality of questions asked by a child serves as one of the indicators of his psychophysical state, psychological health, and also trains him for success in educational activities.

Publications on the topic:

Presentation “Non-traditional forms of promoting the health of preschool children” Non-traditional forms of promoting children's health preschool age Goal and objectives Goal: Search for new forms and methods of using health-saving products.

Presentation “Cleanliness is the key to health!” Cleanliness is the key to health! Slide 1 Instructor: Hello, dear guys! Let's talk today about cleanliness, about our hygiene. How are you.

Presentation for the competition “Teacher of the Year” Presentation for the “Teacher of the Year” competition Slide 2 My teaching vocation began in childhood, when I started swimming and skiing.

Presentation for the project “Proper nutrition is the key to health” Introduction. Topic: “Proper nutrition is the key to health.” Relevance: according to statistics, gastrointestinal diseases are the most common.

Presentation “Health Week” in the middle group of preschool educational institutions This presentation served as a photo report of the “Health Week” in middle group DOO. We set the following tasks: 1.

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Creative presentation

"I am a health teacher"

Hello, I am health teacher Elena Borisovna Filippova.

Health, like talent, a person receives from “nature”, some more, some less. It is considered natural that a healthy person will first of all apply his own efforts to maintain his health. It is not without reason that they say that a person is the architect of his own happiness, and it is a great happiness to simply be healthy.

The purpose of my work is to create the need for a healthy lifestyle, to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, to develop in him necessary knowledge in everyday life.


1) Learn to appreciate, protect and strengthen your health

2) To promote mastery of the skills to organize health-saving life activities.

3) Foster a culture of health.

Working to maintain health junior schoolchildren is very important. In our school there is a problem of maintaining the health of schoolchildren. Every year the number of children with visual impairment and poor posture increases, children who are often ill, children with poor health, with reduced mental abilities, with a low level of speech development, which undoubtedly affects the quality of children’s education. Therefore, the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of children arises urgently.

Based on this problem, the school has developed a “Health” program that implements various areas of health-preserving activities. I build work in my class on the basis of the “Planet of Childhood” program, in the “Country of Health” block of which special attention is paid to the issue of preserving and strengthening health.

I begin any work by diagnosing the mental states of each child: attention, memory, thinking, I study the processes of fatigue, and in the future I try to select a differentiated approach to each child, knowing the characteristics of each. In the lessons, I introduce the integration of the educational content of the educational complex “Harmony” with the content of the program “Conversation about health and proper nutrition”, I try to introduce elements of the health-saving technology of Bazarny. In my lessons I create an atmosphere of goodwill, the most comfortable psychological environment. In order to prevent children from becoming fatigued, I pay special attention to changing types of activities in the lesson, elements of situational learning, mandatory physical exercises, rest breaks, special minutes “ Have a good mood"to create psychological comfort. I correct relationships between students through the Microclimate “My Class” diagnostic technique.

I pay great attention to both the physical, mental and social health of my children. I conduct “health lessons” cool watch. “Health Days” and “Fun Starts” have become traditional. Together with the children as a whole class, we organize collective sledding from the mountains; back in 2004, I was the initiator family competition At our school “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”, together with parents we organize collective hikes in the outskirts of the village.

I am a Health teacher, so it is very important for me to be a model for my children, for my students. By my personal example, I convey to my children an example of a healthy lifestyle. I try to take an active life position. She worked as the leader of the “School Newspaper” club, in the content of which she paid great attention to a healthy lifestyle, took part in a school newspaper competition, where she took 2nd place. I believe that a child’s mental health depends on my work. For several years she worked as the head of a dance club, where she tracked the influence of music and dance on the development of children, the head of the “School Design - Nature and Fantasy”, “Masterilka” club, headed the environmental camp “Gravilat”, the camp “Solnyshko”, where I raise issues of health improvement for schoolchildren to first place. Last season we made “Health Tracks”, on which we worked on posture, prevention of flat feet, carried out hardening health procedures, themed “Health Days”

I can show the effectiveness of my work in the following results:

In the Regional video competition “The Beauty of Life” in 2014 as part of the “Nebolit” Olympiad, the guys and I took 1st place in the region and 3rd place in the region;

Regional video competition “Sport - alternative” bad habits in 2014 - 1st place in the region, 3rd place in the region

Regional competition of school newspapers “Healthy youth - a landmark of the 21st century within the framework of the year of teenagers - the generation of the future” - 2nd place

In 2015-2016, we took an active part in family photography competitions and the children’s project competition “Writing a cookbook” and in the competition of teaching materials as part of the competition “Talk about healthy nutrition.

In 2016, she took part in the webinars “Design of educational work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle”, “Use of health-saving technologies in the process of training and education”

I am a health teacher, - to educate and educate children, introducing them to creativity, aesthetics, sports, a healthy lifestyle, creating
harmony of mind, will and feelings - this is the main principle of my work.

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Creative presentation “I am a health teacher” by the physical education teacher of the Tatar-English Gymnasium No. 16, Roza Rafailovna Lotfullina Kazan 2017

Lotfullina Roza Rafailovna Teacher of physical education at the Tatar-English gymnasium No. 16 Graduated from the Volgograd State Institute of Physical Culture in 1987. Since then I have been working in the field of physical education and sports. Teaching experience 30 years. I worked as an academic rowing coach, taught at a college, and now I enjoy working at a school. I am glad that at one time I chose the right path in life - the work of a teacher.

Pedagogical credo - “Move with pleasure” Life credo - “Treat people the way you want to be treated”

When working with children, you need to be on the crest of the wave, keep up with the times, constantly improve, learn something new and improve your skills.

Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life. Hippocrates Life requires movement Aristotle

Preserving and promoting health are the most important components of the work of a physical education teacher. Currently, children's health is deteriorating. This became not only a medical, but also a pedagogical problem.