We're throwing a party for friends. Throwing a party for friends Be attentive, but don't forget to enjoy

The most common misconception about parties is that if you bring together incredibly cool people, add cocktails and loud music, you will automatically be a success. And even a more elaborate version of the same thing - with light refreshments, in a rented space and with a guest DJ - does not guarantee stunning success. What does it take to throw a good party?

Keep in mind: the most important part of a good party is you and your talent for picking people. You can gather a group of your coolest friends, all of whom are wonderfully interesting and would like each other terribly if they had the opportunity to meet, but without a catalyst, a crossroads, a mutual friend to connect them, they will all stick close to those who they came with or who they know. They can have a good time, but the magic of making new acquaintances, general conversation between different people, adventure - all this will not happen at the party.

For a party to be a success, you need to be a good hostess whose etiquette is so impeccable that the guests don't even notice that you are running the whole show.

What should a good housewife do?

Firstly (and most importantly), a good hostess has fun at her party. If you are comfortable and fun with both two and two hundred guests, the rest will catch the same from you. In addition, the following is characteristic of a good housewife.

Introduce everyone you don't know to each other: “Dima is a photographer, and Dasha works in a photographic agency.” This is very important. One of the best things about parties is the opportunity to meet new people.

Don't leave anyone to prop up the wall, smiling stupidly while everyone around is having fun. Do you see that poor guy who was abandoned by his friends? A good housewife will talk to him and introduce him to one of her friendliest friends, who will involve him in the general fun.

A good housewife will make sure that everyone's glasses are not empty. Of course, for those who don't drink, you can stock up on soft drinks. AND a good housewife will call a taxi to an over-done guest.

The theory of supply preponderance in practice in party planning: always err on the large side - ice, food, cups and spare drinks. Nothing kills the atmosphere like when the booze runs out and people leave for pizza.

Never Do not force guests to take part in dubious “entertainment”. If everyone spontaneously agreed that now is the time to fool around, then pseudo-infantile drunken games can begin, but when the hostess proclaims: “Now let’s play “Crocodile”!” - This best way clear the room of guests unless everyone has agreed in advance.

Don't get drunk to the point of intoxication so as not to spend a fair part of the evening in an embrace with a former friend, saying goodbye to the eaten snacks. This will ruin all your efforts to become a good housewife. A good housewife drinks a couple of glasses, makes sure her lipstick doesn't smear, and has a good time herself - in moderation.

A good hostess will take care not only of drinks, but also of snacks. Offer as high-end an appetizer as your budget allows. This could include cheese and crackers or French bread, sauces and vegetables. Sushi and rolls always sell out quickly, large pitted olives (stuffed with all sorts of interesting things like almonds, orange, sun-dried tomatoes and whatever else if you want complexity) and grapes. Firm salami works well for a crowded crowd - even if no one admits to eating meat, the salami is always the first to go. The main thing is to cut everything into such pieces that you don’t need to bite off

If you, as a hostess, received a bottle of wine or cake as a gift, unless the gift is clearly intended for later or does not match what you gave, put it on the table. Your guests will enjoy it, the giver will feel appreciated, and you won't look like you're saving the best for yourself.

A good hostess won't clean everything up herself after a party., otherwise the whole atmosphere of the evening will spoil. Make sure your mom or a girl from the agency helps you with cleaning. You should not involve the remaining few guests in cleaning, even if they themselves offer their help. Let everyone at the party have pleasant memories.

Now you know the secrets of a good party. Use them and your friends will always happily respond to your invitations.

Electro & House 2013 Summer Dance Mix

A house party is a great way to spend time with friends and make new connections. For a party to be a success, you must plan it carefully and prepare the house before the first guests arrive on the doorstep. There are many nuances that you must take into account in order for the party to be fun and for the guests to remember it for a long time.


Part 1

Decide on the theme of the holiday

    Organize a themed party. This is the most in a simple way make it unforgettable. While creating the right atmosphere, you will need to choose decorations, food, music and entertainment that will help bring the team together. The theme can be anything from a specific time period, such as the 50s, to a red and black party. You can choose a specific holiday as the theme, such as Valentine's Day or New Year's Day.

    Invite your friends to a specific event. One of the options for organizing a wonderful party could be a specific event on which all its participants are focused. Invite your friends to watch TV together or throw a party for someone's birthday. It's much easier to think about a theme when you're throwing a house party dedicated to a specific event.

    • Throw a party code-named "Super Bowl" where you can watch this year's Super Bowl game. Style the decorations and food with a football theme or the colors of the teams participating in the Super Bowl.
    • Throw a party in honor of a friend's birthday or a holiday such as New Year.
    • Invite your friends to watch the Academy Awards. Add elegance to your party with black, white and gold colors.
  1. Throw a party that focuses on a specific type of entertainment. You can organize get-togethers based on a specific activity so that all your guests can have fun in one friendly group. Karaoke and dancing will be an excellent reason for a party. Organize a role-playing secret party where each guest gets a role and tries to get the answer to the mystery.

Part 4

Choose music

    Make a playlist or choose a suitable CD. You need enough for continuous play throughout the party. musical compositions, so it's important to think about the length of playtime when putting together a playlist. The musical accompaniment should begin with melodic compositions that give a feeling of relaxation to newly arrived guests. As the evening progresses, the music should become faster, thereby encouraging those invited to dance. You can end the evening with slow and soothing music.

    • Try using internet radio, create your own radio station and stream music all night long.
    • You can also encourage guests to create their own playlists and take turns playing them at the party.
  1. Choose music to suit the style of your party. It is very important to take into account the theme of the party and choose the right music to go with it. If you want to get your guests dancing, play music that is upbeat and positive, or songs that have their own dance, such as Silento's “Watch Me.” On small ones closed parties, turn on soft music in the background.

    Consider bringing in a DJ or hosting live music. If you're planning a big party, having your own DJ or live band is a good idea. The DJ will play music continuously to maintain the mood throughout the event. Live music will be a great addition to home party and will give guests the feeling of being at the concert. This will help create an atmosphere where all guests will have fun.

Part 5

Coordinate entertainment

    Organize games for guests. You can make the party fun by preparing games for your guests in advance. Lawn games such as cornhole, croquet and volleyball are great options for parties. Ping pong, table football or billiards will also be a good addition to a home party. There are many games available for these types of events to help guests enjoy the entertainment.

    Install a karaoke system for a night of karaoke-style entertainment. This great fun for home parties. Guests will have fun singing songs and dancing to the music. The best thing about karaoke is that it provides both music and entertainment! You can rent a karaoke machine from a party planning agency or use an app on your phone for this purpose.

    Designate specific areas for each activity. When hosting multiple types of entertainment at the same time, you should make sure there is a separate space for each of them. You need enough space to ensure guests feel comfortable while enjoying the entertainment. Some events can be held outdoors, on the porch or in the yard, while others can be held in the living room or basement.

Part 6

Plan food and drinks Snacks or finger foods are a great way to serve treats at a house party. Guests will be able to have a snack at any time during the holiday, which will help maintain great mood throughout the night. Prepare snacks ahead of time so you don't have to spend all night at the stove. Prepare enough food so you can stock up on snacks that will get eaten quickly.
  • Make sure to have plenty of finger foods, both as main courses and as accompaniments to snacks. You must be sure that your guests will not go hungry. Appetizers like meatballs, sausage rolls, bean dip and chicken wings are great options.
  • You can give your finger food a fun look by laying it out in an unusual way. For example, serve cupcakes in plastic martini glasses or use small pickle sticks instead of appetizer skewers.

Consider hiring a wait staff or bartender. If you want to enjoy the party but don't want to worry about food, you can order a catering service, which allows you to delegate the catering and serving of refreshments to someone else. Despite the financial expense of choosing this option, it will give you the opportunity to participate in the general fun. Another interesting idea is to hire a bartender who will mix and serve drinks. A professional bartender will make your guests feel special and give them the opportunity to order any drinks.

  • Designate a place where your guests can store coats and bags. Make sure all their belongings are secure and only you can enter the area.
  • Arrange guest sleeping areas so that invitees can stay overnight if necessary.
  • Warnings

    • Invitations via social media spread very quickly. Directly ask your invitees not to tell everyone about your party if you are only going to have a certain number of guests.
    • Many cities have restrictions on the maximum noise level after a certain time of day, forcing you to lower the decibel level at the party. If you are making too much noise, your neighbors may call the police to calm you down.
    • To participate in an alcoholic party, everyone involved must be 21 years of age or older. You are responsible for underage drinking. You could be charged with a crime if one of the underage participants is seen drinking alcohol at your party.

    House parties are very popular because the relaxed atmosphere promotes relaxation, which leads to fun and enjoyable communication. When friends gather spontaneously, this does not require special preparations; events develop according to the flow. Everything changes if you decide to invite a group of young people in advance. And for the party to turn out really cool, the owner of the situation must think through a lot of nuances. First of all, weigh the pros and cons, including your organizational abilities.

    Pros and cons of a house party

    The undoubted advantages of home parties are that:

    • you are not tied in time to the work schedule of a public establishment, and the last toast can be made whenever the guests want;
    • only people you like and need can be invited;
    • the whole evening proceeds according to your own scenario;
    • you are the master of the situation, you have the opportunity to regulate and control the entire course of the event.

    But there are no advantages without a disadvantage, which must be taken into account at the stage of deciding to hold a party.

    • In order for guests to feel comfortable, you may have to sacrifice the area of ​​the entire apartment;
    • preparing snacks is a very troublesome and responsible task;
    • cleaning up after fun and washing huge amount dishes will take a lot of effort and time;
    • a cool party without loud music is impossible, but the consequence may be trouble with the neighbors;
    • The hostess bears the lion's share of organizational concerns, and the celebration itself will have to be constantly kept under control so that it doesn't just turn out to be a drunken feast.

    Have you weighed everything and are determined? Then get started organizational issues. Perhaps you will become a pioneer if none of your friends have organized such gatherings before. Decide how you imagine future fun. Maybe it will be a classic pastime for a noisy company or a stylized masquerade ball with a specific theme and appropriate costumes?

    Theme parties

    You can decide the theme of the upcoming party yourself or consult with the guests so that all invitees feel comfortable. Be sure to consider their age. And there are many options. If there is no official reason, imagine: the first snow or the next rain, read a new book that suggested the idea of ​​a costume party, or just good mood, conducive to noisy fun. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is to gather friends in an informal setting. Share your suggestions with them and listen to their ideas.

    You can take the currently most popular types of costume parties as a basis, and the play of your imagination will suggest the further course of events.

    1. Homemade masquerade ball in anime style. The number of anime fans is growing rapidly, so this option will appeal to adults and children. The thematic competition will also be exciting. The presenter shows one of the episodes of the film, and the participants turn away at this time. Whoever guessed first wins a prize.
    2. Party in the style of nostalgia for the past. Ideal for people who have known each other for more than one year. Warn your guests to bring mementos that will not only be a topic of discussion and memories, but also a reason for fun. It will not be difficult to find the music that was played at discos back then, and the surviving wardrobe items will serve as themed costumes. Bright accessories from past years will add color. The Monopoly game will be part of the entertainment program.
    3. The impromptu beauty contest will appeal to both the female participants and the male judges. It is advisable that the program correspond to the real show, just discuss the swimsuit fashion show in advance. Diversify the holiday with musical and humorous performances. This theme party will be remembered for a long time.

    Plus, the style from one of the eras brought to the party is a great option for at-home fun.

    Themed celebrations promise from the first moment a feeling of celebration and positive mood.

    The design of the apartment should also correspond to the chosen theme: select or make attributes to decorate the walls, furniture, and table.

    An integral part and prerequisite Such a holiday includes costumes that match the theme. When this is not possible, there is no need to run around looking for a full set of clothes. Some symbolism or a few accessories related to the theme are enough. One of the proposed competitions may be called “The Most Attractive Costume.”

    Table setting

    Don’t panic, even when you’re expecting a big company – use all your imagination. It is not at all necessary to make enormous purchases and cut mountains of salads. A fun party will not suffer if, as an option, you take a buffet table as a basis. Various canapés, sandwiches, cold cuts, and light salads will be an alternative to hot appetizers. Fruits go perfectly with champagne and wine. For dessert, buy a portioned version, such as small cakes. If this is not a special party to celebrate a birthday or other event, but a gathering of friends for a fun time, then you can safely distribute the responsibilities and preparation of snacks.

    When choosing alcohol, consider the preferences of all guests. You can't do without diversity here. Along with strong drinks, various light cocktails should also be present. If the party is organized in a themed style, try to work in this direction as well. For example, for a Mexican carnival, prepare tequila, and a Japanese evening implies the presence of sake and, by the way, sushi. Likewise, an Italian theme cannot exist without pizza, which is best ordered for home delivery.

    When setting the table, try to deviate from the classical rules. Bright disposable plates, which can be thrown away when finished, will replace ordinary dishes, and choose beautiful napkins according to the theme. The youth company will certainly appreciate your ingenuity. But this only applies to plates. Champagne and other alcoholic drinks will retain their taste in glass glasses. The situation is similar with forks and knives; give preference to the classics.

    For a party at home, consider lighting. In the dance area, the atmosphere should be close to club style. If possible, arrange a disco light with glare and colored lights. Or leave a minimum of lamps or sconces to create comfort and warm communication. Bright light will be needed in that part of the room where intellectual entertainment is expected, interesting competition or noisy games.

    Entertainment options

    The dance evening is only part of the event. Think of other exciting entertainment to captivate everyone present. Fun games, everyone's favorite karaoke will help maintain the festive atmosphere. And small prizes for the winner will be a nice addition. The program should provide variety, then your friends will mark the evening spent at your home as one of the best.

    1. Competition-entertainment “question-answer”. Take two vessels, place pieces of paper with questions in one, and random answers in the other. One participant asks a question, the second answers.
    2. The classic version of “Guess the melody” in a noisy company will become new meaning and at the same time reveal the musical abilities of those present. The analogue will be “Guess the soundtrack”.
    3. Any party where the forfeits are not forgotten is considered a success.

    A more comprehensive list of party entertainment ideas can be found online. You just need to prepare in advance everything you need to hold competitions or games. Make sure that the music is not deafening and at the same time does not interrupt.

    And don’t forget to capture the holiday events with a camera or video. Each of the guests will want to see themselves in an unusual image years later. Everyone should remember a great party.

    Holding such an event at home places a huge responsibility on the owners. The key to a festive atmosphere is their good mood and ability to plan everything.

    When you start organizing a cool party at home, remember that the main thing is relaxed communication and a cheerful mood for all those invited. So arrange a holiday of the soul for yourself and your friends.

    Video: how to throw a party

    Topic 1. Lunch at fresh air.
    Idea: An elegant summer lunch (dinner) with a touch of rustic chic.
    Decorations: Decorate tables with white linen tablecloths or yarn-dyed gingham, vintage cutlery and delicate little lanterns. Wrap the napkins in fringed ribbons and fill the vases with wildflowers. Hang garlands with small lights on the trees, and use kerosene lamps to illuminate the paths.

    Food and Drink: Serve simple fire-roasted food and colorful salads, an abundance of fresh fruit, and sweets for dessert. Champagne or chilled white wine will go well with this table, as will a strong, aromatic, sweetened elderflower drink as a non-alcoholic option.

    Topic 2. Arabian Nights.
    The idea: deserts, sand dunes, rich materials and soft oriental music are all that should inspire you. This is ideal for a summer evening celebration.
    Decorations: Decorate the party venue like a harem with plenty of pillows and drapery. Well, if you want to bring the real spirit of the East, you can even put up a beautiful Bedouin Tent, at the entrance to which you can place real torches. After sunset, only candles should illuminate your holiday. And ask all the women and girls at the festival to dress up as belly dancers (even if they don’t know how to dance!)
    Food and Drink: Serve delicious meat dishes with spices and rice, as well as a variety of thick cocktails. Of course, Turkish delight on the table will not be out of place!

    Topic 3. Large company in swing style.
    Idea: This is a real party in the full sense of the word, only music and dancing.
    Decorations: Of course, the most important thing at such a party is to have a good dance floor. If you want to really rock it, then you should order a music group. You can also decorate your walls with silhouettes of jazz musicians playing the saxophone and photographs of jazz musicians. Place small tables around the perimeter of the hall, light candles, this will be an ideal place to take a break between dances.
    Food and drinks: A variety of cocktails from Martinis to Cosmopolitans. To keep your guests full of energy, treat them to a variety of large canapés.

    Topic 4. Night on the Caribbean islands.
    Idea: Who needs sunshine when you can bring it into your home!
    Decorations: Of course, you are unlikely to be able to create a real beach at home, but you can throw an outdoor party, wear colorful clothes and even order a palm tree for a while. Invite a noise orchestra or play music in the style of Bob Marley. And entertainment for guests will be to walk to the music under a stick (which is held by two people), with each circle the stick drops lower and lower, and you are not allowed to fall or touch the ground.
    Food and Drink: Serve colorful cocktails in large tall glasses, fish in coconut milk and plenty of fresh fruit.

    Topic 5. Casablanca.
    Idea: a party in the style of a classic 40s movie, pure romance. This type of party can be suitable for Valentine's Day celebrations.
    Decorations: Create your own Rick's Cafe with palm trees and cocktails. You can even hire a pianist to entertain you and your guests with tunes from the 1940s throughout the evening. And of course, guests must dress in period clothing from the likes of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.
    Food and drinks: champagne only!

    Topic 6. Children's party for adults.
    Idea: We all remember our childhood years with joy, so why not have fun like children?
    Decorations: School uniforms are the dress code for this party, and the room should be decorated with simple, fun decorations like helium balloons and lots of confetti poppers. Entertainment for guests: hide and seek, tag, spin the bottle and charades!
    Food and Drinks: Serve the foods you and your guests loved as children - pies, ice cream, candy, etc.

    Topic 7. Cocktail party.
    Idea: It's James Bond style - time to dress up in your best suit and indulge in sophisticated elegance.
    Jewelry: Anything goes as long as it looks stylish! Candles and classical music. You can even hire several waiters to serve your guests.
    Food and Drinks: Cocktails, naturally! Take some time and create your own cocktail for this party! The food should take the form of delicious, sophisticated little canapés.

    Topic 8. Rural holiday with village dances in country style.
    Idea: E-ha! Get your hands on cowboy hats, plaid shirts and snakeskin boots. Find country music and the old wild west and start dancing!
    Decorations: The ideal location for this type of party would be a barn or stable, but outdoors will make this party a special occasion. Add a few bales of hay for decoration. And invitations can be printed on flyers with huge letters: WANTED!
    Food and drink: sausage rolls and fried chops, cold beer and carafes of lemonade.

    Topic 9. Party in the style of Eurovision.
    Idea: We all like it at least a little international competition Eurovision. It’s best to hold such a party on the night of the competition itself, because you can arrange your own vote and choose your winner!
    Decoration: Assign each guest a country to represent, or let guests choose! In accordance with the culture and history of the chosen country, guests should dress up and bring something to decorate the interior.
    Food and Drink: As with the decorations, guests must bring one small dish from the national cuisine of the chosen country. OR you can cook food from different nations and countries yourself, and guests must guess which country this or that treat belongs to.

    Topic 10. Ron and roll of the fifties.
    Idea: Celebrating the fifties - the party begins!!!
    Decorations: Watch the movie “Grease” for inspiration - this is how your guests should dress up and this is how the hall where you throw the most fun party should look like! If possible, rent a jukebox for the duration of the party and play the most famous tunes of the 50s. Organize a dance competition, a competition “Who can spin the hula hoop the longest” or “Who can blow the most soap bubbles.”
    Food and Drink: Serve cheeseburgers, fries and milkshakes.

    Topic 11. Grand Casino.
    Idea: Time for some harmless Vegas-style games.
    Decorations: Buy or borrow poker and roulette tables. It would be a good idea to purchase counterfeit money and also hire a croupier. This is a glamorous party, so there should be a certain dress code for guests.
    Food and drink: Elegant cocktails and canapés. You can even make your own cocktails and name them after games: Black Jack, Baccarat, etc.

    Topic 12. Hawaiian party.
    Idea: Everything about the Hawaiian Islands, grass skirts, flower garlands and dancing.
    Decorations: If you can find an inflatable pool, you can't beat the decorations. If a pool doesn't work, throw an outdoor party, decorating everything with shells, sand and palm trees. Choose Hawaiian music to play in the background throughout the evening.
    Food and Drink: If you want to throw a traditional Hawaiian party, it is best to order traditional Hawaiian dishes from a specialty store, or find recipes on the Internet. But in general, fish, sweet potatoes, pineapples, rice, etc. are fine if you serve them with beer and tropical drinks.

    Topic 13. Masquerade.
    Idea: A glamorous evening dress ball with an unusual twist - all guests must wear masks.
    Decorations: The decoration of the hall and the entire party should be simple but tasteful, and let the masks speak for themselves!
    Food and drinks: only dancing and cocktails, no food!

    Topic 14. New York, New York.
    Idea: Get some inspiration from the Big City!
    Decorations: Black and silver colors will turn your room into Manhattan; Breakfast at Tiffany's will help you get even more ideas.
    Food and Drink: Hot dogs, pretzels, cheesecake. And you can make a skyscraper out of donuts, of which there are many in New York.

    Topic 15. Treat Yourself Party.
    Idea: This party is only for girls, because they will watch teary romantic movies and gossip all night.
    Decorations: optional. You may need a professional masseuse and manicurist, so hire them in advance and make arrangements.
    Food and Drink: Chocolate, chocolate and only chocolate... and maybe some popcorn and champagne.

    Topic 16. Sports match.
    Idea: This party is for guys, although if girls are into sports and don't mind cheering for their favorite team, they can come too.
    Decorations: optional. All you need is a TV and a comfortable sofa that can accommodate everyone. As for outfits, all your guests, most likely without your prompting, will come wearing T-shirts of your favorite team, with fan scarves and funny hats with bells.
    Food and drinks: at your discretion, light snacks, sandwiches, chips, beer, juices, etc.

    Theme 17. Party in the style of the 70s.
    Idea: Were you born in the era of movies like Saturday Night Fever and the music of the Bee Gees? Then this evening is for you.
    Decorations: Multi-colored ribbons, disco balls, old roller skates, gel lamps, glitter and clothes in bright poisonous shades.
    Food and Drink: Make a fondue for the perfect '70s appetizer.

    Topic 18. After the shipwreck.
    Idea: What were you wearing when the ship sank?
    Decorations: If you're hosting an outdoor party, try to find a location that resembles a desert island. There should be a big fire in the center, guests come in rags, or in what they managed to save.
    Food and drinks: kebabs, coconuts and pineapples.

    Topic 19. Dinner on the road.
    Idea: Ideal party for 4 couples - you visit 3 times and be the host, everyone takes turns hosting in their own house, and the trip ends at the final fourth house.
    Decorations: optional, the most important thing at a party like this is the food!
    Food and drinks: Be sure to agree in advance what you will treat your guests to so that you don’t end up with 4 identical tables.

    Theme 20. Party in the style of the 20s.
    Idea: Feathers, long beads and tuxedos.
    Decorations: simple and elegant. Charleston-style music, girls in dresses with long fringes.
    Food and drink: Elegant cocktails and canapés.

    By throwing a student party, you can make new acquaintances, strengthen relationships with your friends and just have a good time. No matter why you want to throw a party, it is important to devote enough time and attention to planning the event and making the party amazing! You have a much better chance of making your party magical if you choose a theme, choose decorations and prepare food and drinks.


    Part 1

    Select a topic

      Think about a specific topic. What occasion do you want to have a party for? Are you going to celebrate reaching the semi-finals? Just a Halloween party? Or celebrating a friend's 21st birthday? Think about why you are throwing a party - this will help you decide what you are going to do at the party, who to invite, and what drinks and food to prepare.

      • For example, if you want to throw a party to congratulate close friend happy birthday, first you need to decide whether this party will be a surprise for him, what birthday cake is best to order, what drinks your friend likes, what kind of music he prefers, who should be invited to the party.
    1. Pay attention to the time of year. To think through the party in more detail and prepare for it, you need to take into account the time of year. You can arrange themed winter, spring, summer and autumn parties.

      • In addition, the time of year will help you choose the most suitable outfit for the party. For example, if it's winter, you could have a winter themed party and ask all the guests to wear white. If it's spring, you can throw a spring themed party and ask guests to dress up in pastel colors.
    2. Choose a topic that suits your interests. If there is something you absolutely love, you can make that passion the theme of your party. Maybe you really like cooking, football, movies or politics - these could all be great ideas for a theme party.

      • Can be arranged match viewing party. If there's a big game on the weekend, invite your friends and make the game the theme of the party. Ask everyone to wear the colors of the team they support and bring something to eat and drink.
      • Cooking party. If you love to cook, you can throw a party of new recipes. Ask each guest to cook something and take the recipe with them. Think about what your dish will be paired with (beer or wine) and enjoy the evening!
      • Movie marathon party. Pick a few favorite movies (or a few movies you've never seen before) and invite your friends over for a movie night. Buy popcorn and cocktails, enjoy watching a movie and chatting with friends.
      • Debate Party. Invite friends to watch political debates together. Order a pizza and buy a case of beer. Many people like to play various drinking games while watching political programs.
    3. Choose a theme for your outfits. There are many dress code ideas that you can use to make your party truly grand. The most popular dress code topics:

      Ask your friends. Since you are inviting your friends to this party, it is worth asking their opinions and finding out what kind of pastime they would like. If you are confused about what kind of party to throw, just discuss it with your close friends. Most likely they have interesting ideas!

      Give yourself enough space. You may need to make some changes to the furnishings of the apartment to prepare it for the arrival of guests. Try to prepare everything you need an hour before your guests arrive.

    4. If you live in a house, prepare the entire area for the party. If you have a backyard where you plan to host a party, take the time to prepare the yard for the party.

      • Place several chairs and low tables there.
      • Arrange lanterns, small lanterns or solar garden lights to create the right ambience.
      • Try installing sprinklers.
      • Leave a variety of games in the yard ahead of time, such as frisbee and cornhole.