What contains lead? Where to get lead: all available methods. Among the main industrial methods for producing lead are:

Lead is purchased by the Metal-Snab company at the best price in Moscow. We provide appropriate documentary support, technical equipment for dismantling structures of any type of complexity, competent personnel, as well as specialized transport. As a result, you get rid of unnecessary metal landfills, and in return you receive a financial reward.

Price per kg for lead scrap

Acceptance of lead at a price favorable to the client takes place in Moscow. Thanks to a wide range of services, there is no need to spend a lot of time looking for transport or movers; we will do everything for you. On your part, you just need to contact the manager and leave him a request for the removal of scrap metal. Prices for lead scrap in Moscow are the most favorable. To make sure of this, just study the price list on the website or consult a company specialist.

How to get lead?

Lead refers to scrap iron ore or its alloys with carbon, steel, cast iron or other ferroalloys. The quality and cost of scrap lead directly depends on the amount of impurities.

Today, on store shelves there is a huge assortment of all kinds of weights and fractions. But at the same time, most people, for example, fishermen, give preference to products that they have made with their own hands. In this case we mean lead weights. Since the products have small size, they may get lost. Therefore, consumers are concerned about where to get the material to make the casting.

Lead belongs to the category of non-ferrous metals. It is characterized by good anti-corrosion properties. It's no surprise that lead is used in shipbuilding. The material is absolutely not susceptible to the effects of x-rays, as well as radioactive radiation. Due to these characteristics, special protective sheets are made from lead, which provide a person with protection from intense radiation. There is a known case when, after the Chernobyl accident, nuclear power plant helicopters were equipped with containers filled with lead.

Now lead is used in fishing and hunting, in repair and construction work. It is inexpensive and is always available. Lead is soft, so it will not be difficult to attach it to a fishing line without using any special devices.

Getting lead is not difficult if you know where and how to get it:

  • From the battery. You can get it from landfills or scrap metal collection points. Often, old batteries lie in their own garages. If you know car owners, ask them for an old battery, they will be happy to get rid of unnecessary junk, and you will get the necessary lead. In batteries, lead is presented in the form of special plates. Since any non-ferrous metal can be easily melted, this feature can be used when working with lead. First you need to disassemble the battery and remove the lead plates. Since these elements are in acid, it is recommended to dry them before heating and melting. According to the advice of experts, drying of parts should not be less than six hours. Melting the lead plates takes about one hour. As a result, you can get about one kilogram of raw materials. Is it worth spending time on this type work, everyone decides for themselves;
  • From sinkers intended for fishing. If there are no fishing enthusiasts among your friends, and there is no battery at the nearest scrap metal collection point, then experienced specialists recommend using non-ferrous metal, which can be purchased in the fishing products department. In this case, the purchased lead sinkers will have to be melted for quite a long time. If you evaluate this method in price equivalent, then for one kilogram of lead you will have to pay about 200-250 rubles;
  • From car wheels. Yes, that's right, lead can be obtained from car wheels. The products are equipped with special balancing weights, which, if necessary, can be dismantled and used for purposes other than their intended purpose. One weight weighs about 50-60g, so one kilogram of lead will cost about 50 rubles. This option is widely used by beginners who still have no idea where to get lead and how to work with it. Lead with various additives is also widely used. As a rule, babbitt impurities are added to lead; it is a low-melting anti-friction alloy. It contains components such as tin and antimony;
  • From the counter. If you have friends who are employees of a water utility or energy network, then there will be no problems finding a meter. Products are made of lead. In a meter that has already been dismantled, it does not represent any value, so you can safely take it from there.

In fact, there are quite a few options for lead mining; you just need to choose the one that is less labor-intensive and has little financial cost.

Lead is used in industry (mechanical engineering, instrument making, electrical engineering, metallurgy). But there are often cases when raw materials are formed as a result of non-production activities, for example, deformed products, worn-out metal construction kits, broken equipment, old batteries, accumulators, or others. Such household scrap is a common item for delivery to company collection points.

Many enterprises in our country devote their activities to the processing of lead and scrap metal. The demand for raw material processing is explained by the following reasons:

  • metal waste contains a number of chemical elements that have a negative impact on environment. By handing over scrap to specialized points, you make the world cleaner, really helping nature;
  • To melt scrap metal, you need to use electricity, coal, and human labor. By processing scrap metal, enterprises obtain finished rolled products, pipes of various diameters, metal profiles of various types, fittings, cast iron and much more. Many civilized countries have already switched to reusable use of natural resources;
  • the social side of the issue is the elimination of metal waste.

The Metal-Snab company has been working in this industry for many years. There are numerous collection points for metal waste of all sizes in Moscow. We interact with all clients.

Lead is a metal that has a silvery-white color and a bluish tint. IN periodic table chemical elements it is assigned the number 82. The metal has quite wide popularity. Not a shortage. Easy to extract and process.

Table 1. Characteristics of lead
Properties of the atom
Name, symbol, number Lead / Plumbum (Pb), 82
Atomic mass(molar mass) 207.2(1) a. e.m. (g/mol)
Electronic configuration 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p2
Atomic radius 175 pm
Chemical properties
Covalent radius 147 pm
Ion radius (+4e) 84 (+2e) 120 pm
Electronegativity 2.33 (Pauling scale)
Electrode potential Pb←Pb2+ −0.126 VPb←Pb4+ 0.80 V
Oxidation states 4, 2, 0
Ionization energy(first electron) 715.2 (7.41) kJ/mol (eV)
Thermodynamic properties of a simple substance
Density (at normal conditions) 11.3415 g/cm³
Melting temperature 600.61 K (327.46 °C, 621.43 °F)
Boiling temperature 2022 K (1749 °C, 3180 °F)
Ud. heat of fusion 4.77 kJ/mol
Ud. heat of vaporization 177.8 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity 26.65 J/(K mol)
Molar volume 18.3 cm³/mol
Crystal lattice of a simple substance
Lattice structure cubic face-centered
Lattice parameters 4.950 Å
Debye temperature 88.00 K
Other characteristics
Thermal conductivity (300 K) 35.3 W/(mK)

Based on the content of various impurities, the following types of lead are distinguished:

  1. C1 - primary lead, containing in its composition an amount of impurities equal to 0.015%. It is considered the highest quality product, resistant to aggressive environments and corrosion.
  2. C2 - somewhat similar to the previous type, but has a little more percentage impurities - 0.05%. Its cost differs from the cost of C1 to a lesser extent.
  3. C3 is primary lead, which contains a maximum amount of impurities equal to 0.1%. This type of lead is the main raw material for the production of ingots and pigs.

It is worth noting that humanity has been familiar with lead since ancient times. Evidence of this are archaeological finds, including lead beads from 6400 BC, a figurine of a standing young lady in a long skirt, which dates back to the first dynasty of Egypt, and many other items. The figurine dates back to 3100 - 2900. BC. Currently it can be seen on display at the British Museum. Thus, scientists came to the conclusion that lead smelting was one of the first metallurgical processes mastered by people. In those distant times, the lead in lead production belonged to Ancient Rome, which produced about 80 thousand tons of material per year.

Native lead is quite difficult to find in nature. However, the number of rocks in which lead has been found is vast, ranging from sedimentary to ultramafic intrusive. In such formations, it usually forms intermetallic compounds and alloys with other elements. Lead is an integral element in the composition of 80 different minerals, the main ones being galena, cerussite, anglesite, tillite, betechninite, jamesonite, and boulangerite. Also, its content in uranium and thorium ores is constant.

Lead mining

As already mentioned, lead is a fairly common element. Its deposits are found in many countries, including Russia, Australia, Kazakhstan and many others.

Lead is produced mainly by smelting from polymetallic ores: lead-zinc, copper-lead-zinc. As a rule, they also contain other components, for example, gold, silver, bismuth, arsenic.

Lead production is carried out according to a certain scheme, which consists of the extraction of raw materials, preparation of the charge, agglomerating roasting, shaft smelting, and fire refining of rough material.

In order to obtain a self-melting final product, during the calculation of the charge, whenever possible, calculations of its contents are made. This avoids the introduction of fluxes during melting.

Of all the minerals in the production of metal, galena - lead sulfide, cerussite - carbon salt, and anglesite - sulfate are preferred. The maximum metal content in the ore is 8-9%. This indicator indicates that the extraction of the product is economically unprofitable. In this regard, the ore is enriched before extracting lead from it. different ways, after which lead is obtained from it. However, it is much more rational to use richer ore for lead mining - sulfide.

About 40% of the metal is obtained in the process of processing secondary raw materials. It is worth noting that lead has a very high toxicity, and therefore absolutely every finished product containing lead in its composition is subject to special disposal. In this regard, today there are technologies that make it possible not to dispose of heavy metal, but to recycle a dangerous product. Recycled materials are usually used for the manufacture of various alloys.

Getting Lead

Due to the fact that the ore from which lead is extracted has sufficient complex structure, it is carefully processed over a long period and only then sent for smelting. So, the entire process of producing lead from ore consists of the following stages:

  • ore grinding;
  • ore flotation. It is worth saying that it has different implementation options, depending on the nature of the ore. There are two main flotation methods: collective and direct selective. The latter method is used many times more often. It involves the sequential release of lead, copper and zinc concentrates through the use of various chemical reagents.

Among the main industrial methods for producing lead are:

  1. Pyrometallurgical. In this case, absolutely all components of the material melt. This method is the most common in metallurgy.
  2. Hydrometallurgical. When using this method, the concentrates are decomposed, for which solvents are used, after which the lead is restored by chemical methods.
The first method involves different kinds swimming trunks:
  • reduction smelting, which is a universal method used for ore that contains any amount of substance and any additives;
  • shaft smelting, in which the melting of the product occurs in a reducing atmosphere;
  • reflective melting. Currently not in use;
  • furnace melting. Like reflective, not used;
  • precipitation smelting. Thanks to its use, it is possible to obtain a substance from ore without pre-roasting;
  • alkaline melting. Used for smelting lead concentrate, which is heated to 850 0 C with alkaline soda. The output is enough pure metal and alkali alloy.

Lead Applications

The scope of metal use is quite wide. Its connections are used:

  • for the production of mixed explosives(lead nitrate);
  • as a detonator (lead azide);
  • for the production of flotation liquid (lead perchlorate);
  • as a cathode material in chemical current sources (lead fluoride alone or along with bismuth, copper, silver fluoride);
  • as a cathode material in lithium batteries (lead bismuthate, lead sulfide);
  • as a thermoelectric material (lead telluride);
  • putty, cement, and lead carbonate paper are made with lead white;
  • V agriculture to combat insects and other various pests (arsenate and lead arsenate);
  • V artistic arts. With the help of lead borate, which is an insoluble white powder, paintings and varnishes are dried;
  • for coating glass and porcelain;
  • in the production of ointments that are intended for the treatment of tumors (lead chloride);
  • in the paint and varnish industry as a pigment in the production of paints (lead chromate, giving a yellow color);
  • in the production of matches (lead nitrate);
  • and also in nuclear reactors, as an additive for gasoline;
  • as solder, for figure casting of bearings;
  • in medicine and geology.

It is worth noting that this is not a complete list of possible uses of lead, its alloys and compounds.

Available on the shelves of specialized stores a wide range of various weights and fractions. However, judging by numerous reviews, most avid fishermen and hunters prefer to use home-made products rather than factory-made ones. Due to the fact that the fraction is consumables, and sinkers are often lost, hunters and fishermen have a constant need for this raw material.

It is this category of consumers who is interested in where to get lead for casting? According to experts, there are several effective ways lead mining. You will find information on where to get lead for sinkers and shot in this article.

Getting to know the material

Lead is and has excellent anti-corrosion properties, thanks to which this chemical element used in the manufacture of protective coatings in shipbuilding.

Lead is immune to x-rays and radioactive radiation. For this reason, special protective sheets are made from this metal, the task of which is to protect a person from intense radiation.

After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, when transported by helicopter, reactive substances were contained in containers surrounded by lead ingots.

The most common uses of this metal are fishing and hunting. Due to the fact that lead is inexpensive and easily melts, it is easy to make a projectile for a firearm or a sinker for fishing tackle from it.

Due to the softness of lead, such a weight can be easily crimped and will be easy to attach to a fishing line without additional equipment. If difficulties with melting usually do not arise, then the question of where to get lead is very relevant. Below are several popular lead mining methods.

From battery

For those who are interested in where to get lead, experienced fishermen and hunters recommend paying attention to the battery. It won't be possible to find him special labor. All you have to do is go to a scrap metal collection point. In this case, you will have to spend a little money. Those who want to save money can be advised to look for it in a landfill. Old batteries often gather dust in car enthusiasts' garages. If you know car enthusiasts, you're in luck. The owner will be only too happy to get rid of such rubbish. Judging by numerous reviews, batteries are considered the most common source for the extraction of lead, which is presented in the form of special plates. Non-ferrous metal is easy to melt.

How to extract?

Having obtained a battery, beginners often ask the question of what to do next. Experts recommend performing a complete disassembly. Only in this case will it be possible to remove the lead plates. Since they are in acid, they must dry out before melting. Judging by the reviews, disassembly will take at least six hours. The plates dry within 24 hours. Melting will take one hour. In general, you will have to work on one battery for at least a day and a half. As a result, after melting the plates, up to two kilograms of lead can be extracted. Whether it is worth spending time on this, everyone decides for themselves.

From fishing weights

If there are no car enthusiasts you know, and there is not a single battery found at the scrap metal point and the person does not know where to get lead, experienced craftsmen recommend purchasing this non-ferrous metal in the fishing products department. However, this method is less effective, since you will first have to buy lead weights and only then melt them. 1 kg of lead costs approximately 200 - 250 rubles. However, already with the necessary raw materials in a makeshift way You can make some good shot for ammunition.

From car wheels

Another option where to get lead is a car service. Since the car wheel is equipped with special balancing weights, if necessary, they can be dismantled and used for other purposes.

According to experts, one such weight weighs 50-60 g. Judging by numerous reviews, 1 kg will cost no more than 50 rubles. For beginners and those who have no idea where to get lead, experts recommend using car weights.

But today lead is not used in its pure form as a material for their manufacture. Often this is zinc with impurities of babbitt - low-melting. The composition may include antimony and tin. In addition to weights for wheels, lead is also extracted from sliding bearings, and less often from sealing gaskets.

From the counter

This method is suitable for those who have friends who work in the water utility and power grid. Employees of these services quite often have to deal with meters, install or break seals. They are made of lead and, when dismantled, are no longer valuable, so it is possible to agree on regular supplies of this non-ferrous metal.

Where can I get a lot of lead?

According to experts, you can use a communication cable with a lead sheath. To make the coating, lead is used, which, judging by reviews, is very soft and can be easily removed with a regular knife. Depending on the brand of cable, the thickness of its protective layer can vary from 1 to 2 mm. Due to the fact that bitumen is applied on top of the lead coating, and the product itself is wrapped with steel tape, those who want to extract a low-melting non-ferrous metal will have to do a fair amount of tinkering.

Experienced professionals recommend that beginners perform this procedure at sub-zero temperatures. In this case, it is much easier to separate the bitumen. Bituminous substances melt well. It is enough just to hold the cable over the fire for a while. The bitumen will flare up and it will be much easier to remove. According to experts, it is lead shells that provide greatest number required metal. Compared to lead extracted from a battery, cable lead is much cleaner.

In addition, during the melting of battery plates, a lot of debris remains, which is often more than the non-ferrous metal itself. For this reason, before starting melting, the plates are carefully tapped. The main purpose of these actions is to get rid of the filler. Otherwise, there will be a lot of unnecessary slag in the container with molten lead.

Can be ordered from the supplier

For those who have already tried all the methods and no longer know where to get lead, we can recommend ordering non-ferrous metal from the manufacturer. Judging by numerous reviews, in this case you will have to pay about 170 rubles for 1 kg of a fusible substance. Much cheaper, about three times, you can buy lead at a non-ferrous metal collection point.


Regardless of the method used to extract lead, when working with it, you must adhere to safety precautions. Lead is a very toxic substance; it must be melted in a room with good ventilation or exhaust hood. Many home craftsmen prefer to work with it on fresh air. If this recommendation is neglected, the released electrolyte vapors can cause irreparable harm to human health. In addition, to avoid getting burned, you should be as careful as possible with molten lead.

The article discusses where to get lead for shot, making sinkers, and more. There are several options, everyone can choose something for themselves.