What is the job of police officers? Service on the brink: how a police officer works. Who can work in the police?

Today in Russia representatives of both the male and female half of humanity can work as a police officer. The first requirement is the age range from 18 to 35 years. If you meet it and want to learn how to become a police officer, then you need to carefully study all the criteria by which future defenders of the country are selected. In addition to meeting the required qualities, you should be prepared for the fact that you need to prepare certain materials and undergo a serious medical, psychological and professional commission.

Where are future police officers trained?

Like any other, it requires special education. If the decision about future work is made before graduation, it is possible to choose the right educational institution. In our country there are three universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which have branches in all regions of Russia and 5 academies. In addition, there are many institutes, schools and Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In each of them you can get an appropriate education.

However, if you are an educational institution under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but you have a diploma of higher legal education from any university in the country, this will greatly help you in the question of how to become a police officer. Even if you have a different education, if you want to get this profession. You will be sent to accelerated courses, after which you can apply. In this case, it is desirable that your education is not lower than secondary specialized education.

Documents required for employment

If the first two requirements (age and education) suit you, then you should next determine the documents that are necessary to apply for a job. So, the third step of the question of how to become a police officer in Russia requires the following actions:

Requirements for candidates for service

The next step is to confirm your eligibility. How can you become a police officer? First of all, you need an excellent one. To check your compliance with this point, you will have to undergo a serious medical commission, which consists of doctors of almost all specializations. Typically this verification takes at least 3 days. The list of doctors you need to go through varies, depending on the specific position you are applying for. A standard medical examination includes consultation with the following specialists:

This list may vary depending on the gender of the candidate. For example, women need to undergo an additional examination by a gynecologist and mammologist.

In addition, you must undergo blood and urine tests, as well as a drug test. Then you need to do fluorography and an ECG. You also need to obtain certificates from dispensaries confirming that you do not have any mental disorders, tuberculosis or sexually transmitted diseases.

Psychological testing and sports training

It is impossible to answer the question of how to become a police officer without diagnosing the candidate. To pass this test, you need to fill out various questionnaires and answer many questions in writing, including some that reveal the degree of truthfulness of the answers. This commission may in some cases include a lie detector test. After the written part, you need to undergo an oral interview with a psychologist and answer a number of his questions.

After passing the commissions, you should confirm your physical fitness. It is usually tested by such exercises as push-ups, pull-ups, etc. In terms of passing these tests, military service will be your advantage.

In addition to health, the biography of both yours and your immediate family will also be carefully checked. The presence of a criminal record on you or one of them is a guaranteed refusal to hire.

Passing an interview

If all the above steps are successfully completed, you will be invited for an interview. The questions that will be asked can be absolutely anything. They may relate to your childhood, hobbies, personal life and plans for the future. Do not forget that your goal at the moment is the answer to the question of how to become a police officer.

The interview is a very important part of the hiring decision, so you need to carefully prepare for it. First of all, you need to have a neat appearance. Jeans, sneakers and other attributes sporty style in this case are inappropriate. Men just need to put on a suit or at least dress pants and a shirt, shave and get a haircut. Women can be advised to wear a business suit with a skirt no higher than the knee, comfortable shoes, preferably with heels, a modest hairstyle, a minimum of jewelry and cosmetics.

During the interview, you need to remember the basic rules of communication psychology:

  • look your interlocutor in the eyes;
  • do not cross your arms or hide them under the table;
  • do not cross your legs;
  • behave naturally and kindly.

The more nervous you are, the more questions your interlocutor will have.

Beginning of work

If you successfully passed the interview, you may soon be invited to work. However, it is a mistake to think that this is the last stage of the question of how to become a police officer. After successfully completing all of the above steps, you will have an internship, which can last from one to three months. During this time, the police officer assigned to you will be responsible for you. If the internship is successful, you will be offered to start working at probation. And only after it is over can we say that your career as a police officer has begun.

Women on guard

Recently, more and more representatives of the fair sex have expressed a desire to work in law enforcement agencies. That is why the question of how a girl can become a police officer is quite relevant. It should be noted that when admitting both to educational institutions and directly to work, no special concessions are made to the female gender. Passing commissions and confirming physical fitness are mandatory items for them.

According to statistics, in last years the number of girls entering educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has increased significantly. However, after finishing their studies and starting a career, representatives of the fair sex are faced with a choice: family or work. More than 70% decide the issue in favor of their husband and children, and this is why girls are so reluctant to be hired both to study and to work.

How to become a police officer after 9th grade

Many schoolchildren who firmly decide to become a police officer in the future begin specialized training after 9th grade. To do this, you can enroll in a police school, which accepts students from this age, or a cadet corps. You can also go to college to major in law.

If you decide to study in a cadet corps, you must confirm your compliance with the requirements of the educational institution. This includes passing psychological testing, a medical examination and a physical fitness test. You also need to pass an exam in history in oral form and in the Russian language in the form of a dictation, essay or presentation. After graduation, further admission to a higher educational institution is necessary to obtain a rank higher than junior lieutenant.

Our service is both dangerous and difficult...

Thus, the requirements for a candidate to work in law enforcement agencies are quite high. However, if you want to be not just an employee, but are interested in a police officer, then first of all you must love your profession and imagine all future difficulties.

It's daily exposure own life risk, a minimum amount of free time, daily duty, urgent calls to work and many other difficulties. And only dedication to one’s work can help one become a truly good professional and reach the heights of the career ladder.

Some time ago the attitude towards employees law enforcement left much to be desired. Now the attitude is changing better side. Many associate this with the reform, thanks to which the prestige of law enforcement agencies has increased and many have become interested in how to become a police officer.

In addition to a number of visible changes, including the uniform and wearing of badges, the government is trying to increase the prestige of police service by increasing pay.

The requirements for candidates have also become more stringent, so becoming a police officer is not easy, but it is possible. The main thing is compliance with the put forward requirements, successful completion of the medical commission and psychological tests.

Some are attracted by the power vested in the police, others want to serve in the police out of the highest duty of honor and justice, for some, service in the police is the business and meaning of life, contrary to popular opinions about law enforcement officers.

To become a police officer, desire alone is not enough; you will definitely need a higher specialized education, no criminal record, and physical health. Serving in the armed forces when entering a job, in some cases, provides a number of advantages.

What do you need to do to become a police officer?

Before applying to the police personnel department for a job, decide in which department you want to work. Each has individual requirements for candidates.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, only citizens of the Russian Federation without a criminal record can work in the police, regardless of gender, nationality and religion. Age restrictions for employment are from 18 to 35 years, this is one of the most stringent requirements for candidates.

Women are subject to the same strict requirements as men; there are no benefits or concessions when joining the police. It is more difficult for women to achieve the right to serve in law enforcement agencies, but if there is a strong desire and physical training, the goal is quite achievable.

The simplest thing awaiting an applicant is an interview.. If a person behaves adequately during an interview and answers the questions asked correctly, the candidate receives the go-ahead from the committee members.

The next step is to collect documents for getting a job. You will need:

  1. questionnaire
  2. biography
  3. diploma
  4. passport

An application for employment in the police, a questionnaire and an autobiography are filled out. The biography is checked especially carefully; not only an expunged criminal record is unacceptable, but also administrative punishments. Relatives are also checked along this line. A diploma or diplomas confirming education and a passport are provided.

In addition to the listed documents, you will need:

  1. Recommendations. At least 2 police officers with a positive reputation for years of work in the police (at least 3 years).
  2. Employment history. Required if you have worked before.
  3. TIN certificate.
  4. Documents on military registration for those liable for military service.

Basic documents will require information about the income and property of the applicant, spouses and children under 18 years of age. In addition, consent is given to the verification and processing of data.

The next stage is a medical examination. It will take patience as medical commission takes up to 5 days. The medical commission is one of the difficult stages, here many candidates for work in the police are rejected. Some joke bitterly, saying that it is more difficult to pass a medical examination to become a police officer than to become an astronaut.

It will take a lot of time to obtain certificates from dispensaries about the absence of diseases that interfere with the work of a police officer (tuberculosis, mental illness, drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases). Candidates are screened for dependence or predisposition to alcohol.

The tightening is associated with the fact that a police officer must act as a model and show resistance to the stresses and temptations of life. This will give you confidence that non-standard situation the policeman will show himself competently, adequately and will not get confused.

Another difficult stage is psychological examination. This is not a simple compatibility test, but a test of 600 questions, plus a lie detector is connected. After the examination, a number of rooms pass through:

  1. psychiatrist
  2. surgeon
  3. ophthalmologist
  4. therapist

Don’t forget about fluorography, cardiac cardiograms and ultrasound; you may need head shots to make sure there were no injuries.

When the medical commission is completed, you will have to face the financial papers. They will ask you to fill out tax return, indicate information about bank accounts, income and property, securities and shares.

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The last event is passing physical fitness standards. The standards include: push-ups, abs, long-distance running. Only the strongest and most resilient work in the police.

The challenges and rewards of being a police officer

No matter how the attitude towards police officers changes for the better, one will have to deal with the prejudiced attitude of the population, even if the police officer risks his health or life. Many see this as self-interest. But such is life, it is impossible to please everyone.

Some relatives, and even friends, for selfish purposes hide behind working in the police, firmly believing that they can get away with a lot. This can seriously damage a police officer's reputation and result in his being deprived of his position if cover-up is proven. The law is binding on everyone, and the court can punish any person, whether he is an archaeologist, a doctor or a police officer.

The policeman has irregular working hours and can be called back to work at any time. On weekdays, a policeman must maintain order and keep everything under control.

A decent salary and early retirement due to length of service compensate for a number of work difficulties. According to the new legislation, after a 10-year service period, the state provides a one-time allowance for the purchase of housing for law enforcement officers. Housing can also be purchased under a preferential program at 7% per annum.

If the experience is 15 years, with all calculations the vacation will be up to 2 months. Police officers and their family members can take advantage of medical care and spa treatment.

There is a good opportunity to climb career ladder. It all depends on the personality of the police officer, diligence in work and self-improvement. Receiving a higher rank and awards will affect your pension.

If the checks and psychological tests are successfully completed and the medical commission gives the go-ahead, those wishing to work in the police are given the opportunity to undergo a probationary period of 3 to 6 months. During the internship, the mentor officer must teach and vouch for the newcomer to serve in the authorities that he will strictly observe the prohibitions and restrictions that are imposed on police officers, according to Federal law RF.

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During your internship, prove yourself and show best qualities. After successfully completing the internship, you will receive the position and title you applied for. The internship period is included in the work experience.

Becoming a police officer is not so easy, so if working in law enforcement is your calling, show firmness in decision-making, perseverance and perseverance. If you don't succeed in realizing your dream, don't be discouraged. Can

Policeman, a profession that was once considered “male”, is becoming more and more popular among girls. The specialties of the state structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are varied, there are “paper”, administrative, operational . Police work for women is not only a romantic image of a brave heroine from a movie, it attracts with the opportunity for self-realization and being useful to people. Contrary to the myth that a girl can do exclusively desk work, there are many female investigators, dog handlers, and operatives.

Work in the police before its reorganization was unprofitable, difficult, and time-consuming. The combination of a small salary and a lot of responsibility forced people to look for another place. Only the most ideological employees remained, those who saw service as their calling. Now the conditions have changed a little, the profession of a policeman has again become prestigious.

Joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very important step for a girl. You need to analyze your options before making a decision. In addition to the difficulties of entering the government agency and training, female police officers face many problems at work.

Disadvantages of working for women in the police

  • The main difficulty is constant emotional stress. Working, for example, as an operative, involves constant danger. Such conditions, as well as the lack of time for rest (irregular schedule), the need to constantly obey the regulations, makes the service very difficult.
  • For girls in the police, constant employment at work results in problems with family and lack of personal life. The percentage of divorces is high due to the unpreparedness of husbands for the constant employment of their wives.
  • Many women are put off by the need to constantly obey the instructions and orders of their superiors. Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not imply initiative; everything is strictly according to regulations, instructions, and statutes. This immediately removes the romantic aura from the profession.
  • Compliance with the dress code and the need to constantly correspond to the positive moral character of a police officer.
  • Reporting. Filling out a lot of paperwork that seems useless, constant checks are very exhausting.
  • Condescending attitude from male colleagues and management. Alas, the consciousness of some is still somewhere at the level of the Middle Ages.

Pros of being a police officer

  • Not a bad salary.
  • Benefits of a police officer (travel, free medical care).
  • Pension after 20 years of work.
  • Benefits for purchasing housing (improved mortgage conditions and provision of a lump sum payment).
  • Longer vacation as compensation for overtime and irregular work hours.
  • Providing uniforms and work shoes.
  • An opportunity for a woman to make a good career if she has a specialized higher education.
  • Testing your own abilities, physical, intellectual, psychological. Some girls like this kind of challenge.

Who can work in the police

To work in internal organs Any girl with complete secondary, special or higher education. Studying at a specialized educational institution will be an advantage.

There are significant restrictions - the girl must have impeccable health and biography. People with a criminal record, as well as anyone who has relatives in prison, are not accepted into law enforcement agencies.

Sometimes the leadership, contrary to Russian laws, sets its own restrictions and hires only men. This is facilitated by the widespread myth about the “weaker sex”. The male boss unfairly thinks that the girl is physically unable to cope with her work responsibilities. In reality, physical condition does not depend on gender at all. There are now enough women with decent sports training.

Required personal qualities:

  • Responsibility and determination;
  • Organization, punctuality and decency;
  • Ability to work in teams;
  • Energy;
  • Fast reaction;
  • Call of Duty;
  • Ability to keep secrets;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Logical thinking, literacy;
  • Multitasking;
  • Observation;
  • Self-control;
  • Endurance.

Passing the medical examination is a serious test. Health is one of mandatory requirements. During the examinations, hidden illnesses or mental disorders may be revealed, which are prohibited from working as a law enforcement officer. At the stage of passing the commission, the level of physical fitness is revealed and a series of psychological tests are carried out to determine professional suitability.

Conditions for admission to service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • Age only up to 35 years. Older women are not accepted for service.
  • Passing physical training standards.
  • Absence of criminal records and problems with the law of the candidate for the position and immediate relatives.
  • Physical and mental health.
  • Polygraph test.
  • Profile education for obtaining high positions.

How to join the police

The decision to join the police for a young girl usually leads first to a specialized school or university. This makes it possible to enter a more prestigious, interesting specialty and freely receive high positions, officer ranks. Universities and colleges provide theoretical knowledge and the necessary sports training.

Before studying or looking for vacancies, a woman should carefully decide on the direction of work. The Ministry of Internal Affairs needs specialists in various fields - lawyers, doctors, veterinarians, programmers, psychologists, etc.

Job search

When looking for a job, you should take the following steps:

  • You can search for a list of in-demand specialties on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; sometimes vacancies, including those without educational requirements, are posted on popular advertising resources.
  • Compose your resume and send it.
  • Contact the human resources department of the police department to find out the list and number of available places for women or personally talk with a potential boss. Employees will suggest a suitable position in accordance with your level of education, work experience or preferences.
  • Pass a medical examination, psychological testing, fill out an autobiography. The information received is then carefully checked to identify possible problems.
  • Get a response from the HR department. If you decide positively to undergo an internship.
  • In case of refusal, when it seems unfair, does not comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, you can file a complaint with the Department of Internal Affairs to the head of the department for work with personnel.

Documents required when joining the police:

  • Completed application form;
  • Civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Diploma or certificate;
  • Autobiography;
  • Employment history;
  • Income information.

After approval of the candidacy, you will need to collect a number of more papers, depending on the chosen specialty in the police.


After a civilian university or after 11th grade, women are also hired to work in the police. Before receiving the corresponding position or title, a girl who has not undergone training educational institutions Ministry of Internal Affairs, undergoing a probationary period. The duration of the internship depends on the specialty and education of the applicant. The salary during the course is minimal.

Usually a new employee is assigned to a more experienced employee. This way you can get to know the work of the police from the inside and decide exactly how suitable this activity is. After completing the internship, a uniform is issued, and the employee is sent to a training center for training.

Training for future police officers

After the internship, the woman will have to take a course in training center where they will teach the basics new profession– shooting, hand-to-hand combat, forensics, documentation, first aid medical care and prepare you psychologically. This will allow you to gain initial skills, which will make it much easier to get used to the profession.

List of some specialties in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for women

The list of options for a girl to work as a police officer is very large, and choosing a job to your liking is quite easy. Knowledge and skills in a variety of areas from programming to veterinary medicine can be useful. Some of the girls prefer the peace of offices, but there are also restless individuals who like operational and security specialties.


This specialty involves conducting investigative examinations. Arriving at a crime scene, a criminologist takes fingerprints and inspects the premises or area for possible evidence. The department works with material evidence, conducts examinations or studies of obtained evidence. Very interesting profession, requiring accuracy, precision, logical thinking and attentiveness. To get a job you need a higher education.

Police officer

Working as an operative or a local police officer will require communication skills, multitasking, great stress tolerance and endurance. This profession is associated with a huge risk to life, has a very busy schedule, and requires responsibility and physical training. Skills in working with documentation and handling firearms are also required. Constant work with the public and people under investigation, the need to obey superiors, and a large volume of reporting often leads to professional burnout.


It will require a girl to have great self-discipline, determination, observation, and the ability to compare facts. A clear knowledge of the law is also required. To apply for a position you need a higher legal education.

Communications and information security specialist

Domain knowledge required high technology, programming skills, work experience and higher education in the specialty. Logical thinking and perseverance will definitely come in handy. The importance of this work is difficult to underestimate - without technology, successful activities in any field are now impossible.

Dog handler

A service related to training and accompanying dogs during investigative or search activities.

You need a love for animals, knowledge of animal psychology, patience and firmness. During investigative activities, dogs often help find a criminal, protect an accompanying person from injury, or participate in the protection of an object. Four-legged employees are used to search for drugs and explosives, and they help in rescue operations. The profession of a dog handler requires constant self-development and the desire to devote all your time to dogs.

Inspector for work with minors

The position is related to problem children. Women often perform this difficult work. Responsibilities include monitoring teenagers involved in crimes, identifying street children, and conducting educational conversations with “difficult” teenagers. People in this difficult position must ensure that the fundamental rights of the child as enshrined in the constitution are fulfilled. The work will require a significant investment of emotional strength. Seeing unhappy children every day is not an easy task. Attentiveness, ability to get along with teenagers, sensitivity, firmness - necessary qualities for a woman in the police at this job.


In women's prisons, many types of activities (searches, for example) have the right to be carried out only by females.

To apply for a position, special education is required.

The work involves risk and constant stress.

You will need weapon ownership, physical fitness, balance, self-control, and moral stability.


There are more and more women working in the police. Despite the obvious difficulties that accompany service in the police, girls are attracted by the opportunity to make a career, to succeed as a citizen and a good salary. Before taking on such a serious and responsible work, you need to soberly assess your qualities and accurately determine your specialization.

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The police are the order of any country. In the films, they chase the most inveterate criminals, conduct intense interrogations and, of course, save people. But is all this true? And how does everything really happen?

website I have collected for you the most interesting nuances in dangerous work police officers that most people don’t even know about, and if they do, they don’t know for sure.

1. The police know everything about you

When receiving a biometric passport or in situations where we have to leave fingerprints, we enter the police database. Of course, she helps in investigations, but sometimes law enforcement officials use her for personal gain. If you have a friend in the police, rest assured that he knows everything you tell him about you. And perhaps a little more. And in some US states, police cars are equipped so that they read information from a satellite dish, and in this case it is much easier to find out information about the necessary police people.

2. Belts for supermen

8. Different sirens for different situations

Has everyone heard the sound of a police siren? So, the sound of a siren can be change. But the police use only one mode. This is due to the fact that everyone knows what this siren sounds like. However, there are times when other modes are used for different situations.

9. First kill, then check

There is a term in the USA “swatting”, which means a false call to the 911 rescue service. American special forces arrive at a possible crime scene, take out the doors and, without understanding, burst into the room. The US police work on the principle of “first we work, then we figure it out.” Unfortunately, some of these cases are too harsh and more like pranks. So, a certain person was offended by his friend computer game made a false house call that resulted in the murder of an innocent person.

10. Hand on the trunk

The police are thus speeding up the progress of the case related to this vehicle. If the driver of this car becomes involved in any crime or accident, the fingerprints left on the trunk or headlight by a law enforcement officer will be significant evidence. Plus, find this vehicle it will be much easier. Another reason for touching the trunk with your finger or hand is to check for a person in it.

11. Self-defense comes first

The policeman is one of the most dangerous professions, because the likelihood of a police officer returning home from his shift is significantly lower than that of ordinary people. This is why shooting in self-defense in the face of existing danger is a common occurrence in American police. Moreover, the level of threat is determined by the officer himself.

December 16 The chairman of the coordination council of the trade union of Moscow police officers answered the questions of AiF.ru readers - Mikhail Pashkin. During the online conference, we talked about how easy it is to be a police officer in Russia, what problems law enforcement officers have to face, why society often has a negative attitude toward defenders of order, and how bribery can be stopped and crime growing.

Participants in the conference:

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich


Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Moscow Police Trade Union


Guest's word

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 17.12 09:05
Conference presenter: Friends, good evening. Today, the chairman of the coordination council of the Moscow police union, Mikhail Pashkin, will answer your questions. Hello, Mikhail Petrovich.

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich: Good evening.

Conference presenter: Let's move straight to the readers' questions.

Smoking room / 12.12 17:02
Tell me, who comes to the police service today? What is the level of training of today's employees?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:02
Today, young guys are joining the police, and old officers are returning. Those who are under 50 years old are invited, because there are practically no professionals. But mostly these are young guys who have not yet smelled gunpowder. Unfortunately, their level of training is weak, although they study at the Police School in Klyazma or Ivanteevka.
As for the level of training, if previously everyone who entered the police service was assigned a mentor, now this mentoring is only on paper. And then, who will be a mentor if everyone is young?
When I came to work at Petrovka, 38, I immediately got into the OBKhSS and was given Colonel Rudakov as a mentor. It was an experienced bison. On the very first day he taught me a lesson that I remembered for the rest of my life. I left the keys to the safe on the table and he hid them. I searched all day, I no longer knew what to do, I was going to write a report addressed to the head of the department that I had lost the keys to the safe with secret documents. Of course, he gave them to me, but I remembered that the keys should not be left anywhere. And not only these moments. We went to operations together, he told me how it was done, why it was this way. And now they’re sending you to the PPS crew, well, go and watch. Previously, they paid for mentoring, badges they did, but now I haven’t even heard about it.

Conference presenter / 16.12 21:07
You said that they are now bringing back experienced employees. It turns out there is a shortage professional personnel. How attractive is the profession of a police officer today?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:07
In Moscow, there is currently a shortage of approximately 5% of personnel. If you look at the services, then in one, maybe 20% is missing, in another - 1%. Usually there are not enough people in those departments where the bosses behave rudely. They see that people are overworked, but they are not given time off, they are punished for failure to comply with some documents, although there are so many of these documents that no one can ever comply with them. That is, where employees are not treated humanely, there is a high staff turnover. These are the Southern, South-Eastern, North-Eastern districts.
There is one more trick. If your department is short-staffed, money is still allocated, and you end up saving the fund wages. The boss divides this savings at the end of the quarter or reporting period as he wishes. For some it’s 50 thousand, for others it’s 0. But you can give your loved one 200 thousand. It turns out that this is beneficial for the boss.
I spoke on this topic with Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin at the end of last year. He issued an order. Very good. This should be published for all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Bonus money due to savings in the wage fund should be distributed publicly at officer meetings or general meetings of the team. It must be indicated why someone was deducted a bonus and someone was given it. Protocol general meeting must be attached to the promotion order.
Now there have been many complaints to the Main Directorate that meetings are not being held. People found out about this, we posted this order on our website, and began to ask why they didn’t have a meeting. This is where the trade union has a role to play. We inform the heads of the Main Directorate about all cases of violation of this order.
But again, an interesting thing turns out. An inspector arrived at the Butyrsky Department of Internal Affairs. There the trade union official officially wrote that the meeting was not held. I gave this statement to trade union leader A.I. Yakunin. So the inspector first asked what incriminating materials were available on this senior trade union sergeant. Everyone is silent because he serves honestly. "How old is he? 47? Why isn’t he retired yet?” And this inspector didn’t even mention why there was no meeting. I also told Yakunin about this. As far as I understand, the inspector was punished very harshly. I don't think he will behave like that again.
Feedback from management and ordinary employees should not only be through personnel inspection or management own safety, and and through public organizations union type employees. Unscrupulous managers are afraid of the union because their dealings can be immediately exposed to the public, either to the press, or to higher management, who will punish them, and harshly. Some bosses, especially in the traffic police, even say: “If you join the trade union, we’ll fire you right away.” In places where there is the most corruption, they are afraid of a trade union. But in Zelenograd, about 40 people from the traffic police are in the trade union. Well done. The bandits are detained. We want them to be encouraged.
A year ago, guys from the Ostankino Department of Internal Affairs detained bandits - Chechens who robbed an exchange office. There was a shootout, they shot one bandit, one employee was also wounded. For a year they weren’t even rewarded with anything. This is the North-Eastern district. The trade union wrote to Yakunin, and he gave a bonus of 100 thousand rubles to each and punished the management for the fact that people risked their lives, detained seasoned criminals, and did not reward them in any way.
Everything comes from the leadership. Where there is a normal boss, there is no staff turnover. But, unfortunately, there are very few such bosses, because the system is eliminating them. He is required to fulfill the plan and indicators, and he is forced to demand the same from people. As a result, people work overtime, there are no days off, there are no days off, because they need to go to football, then to hockey, then to rallies, or some kind of barrier. They have no opportunity to rest. And all because Nurgaliev reduced his personnel by 20%. There are simply not enough people physically, but there is just as much work left, even more.

Serravalli / 12.12 10:16
How do you feel about Kudrin’s proposals for further reform of the police? And what, in your opinion, should be the further steps towards reform?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:11
I have a good attitude towards Kudrin’s proposal, but it is necessary to create not 3 levels, but 2: a regional level of police, as in the States, with an elected sheriff, and a federal level. And there will be no problems.
We used to have municipal police. People with a height of less than 1.8 m were not taken there, only officers, each group of 3 people had a car, the people had a higher education. They were very serious competition for our students. Then it was liquidated. I think it’s in vain. Where a region can support such a police force, let it do so. It will work for the citizens, because they will choose its leaders.
Kudrin was included in the Public Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Kolokoltsev met with him and had a long conversation on this topic. Kudrin stated what we have been saying for ten years now - there must be a feedback between the results of the work of the internal affairs bodies and the population, because they work for the population. The Police Law clearly states that the main criterion for police activity should be the opinion of the population. The law says it, but there are no evaluation criteria. How to take into account the opinion of the population? Polls? This is nonsense. In theory, during any elections, another ballot box should be placed, which will receive feedback on the work of the police at a given polling station. And let people vote, evaluate the work of the police chief positively or negatively. If this police chief receives more than 50% or 60% of negative votes, he must be immediately dismissed from the internal affairs bodies without the right of reinstatement. This is how the question should be posed. Then he will think about who to protect - citizens or his place.
An inspection is currently being carried out on one unit of the South-Eastern District at the Vykhino Department of Internal Affairs. There are about 800 overdue applications from citizens. To make a decision on citizens' appeals, 10 days, or a maximum of a month, are given. And there have been more than 800 requests over the past month. It turns out that they are not engaged in citizens, but are minding their own business. Although, there is a market there, and a lot of other interesting things, there is something to do, but in one’s own, perhaps, selfish interests. And the citizens will be killed. So the head of the district, General Pishchulin, sent a letter to the trade union in which he characterizes the leaders of the Vykhino Department of Internal Affairs as honest, professional, disciplined employees. Apparently, they have professionally learned not to deal with citizens’ appeals.
If such a poll is conducted in Vykhino during the elections, even more people will go to the polling stations if such a ballot box is available. It's very important for people to speak out about this.
In fact, Kudrin proposed organizing this feedback. This can be done in Kudrin’s way, it can be implemented by the police, but for now the authorities are apparently afraid of feedback. Although Putin said in his recent speech that more power needs to be transferred “down.” Those at the top are no longer able to cope with the amount of power they have taken for themselves. Let's give some of the powers to the people here too.

Hey um policeman :) / 12.12 17:15
Can the American police serve as an example for the Russian police? Is it possible to create in Russian realities the system of benefits and guarantees that exists there?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:13
If all offshore companies are closed, money will not be cashed out and transferred abroad, it will be possible to create similar benefits and guarantees not only for police officers, but also for doctors and teachers. Basically, it's all because of corruption. There, if you touch a policeman, he will shoot you and he will be right. There, the testimony of one policeman is equal to the testimony of two citizens. The testimony of two police officers is equal to the testimony of 4-5 citizens. And three policemen - even if the crowd talks, they will believe them, unless there is a video recording. They earned this honesty with blood and sweat. In our country, unfortunately, if we introduce such a practice now, half the country will be imprisoned.
Why do Americans have such a system? Because it depends on people, that is, they have feedback. He knows that if he has now deceived, imprisoned someone, then journalists or citizens will achieve the truth, and he himself will be imprisoned, or the chief of police will not be elected. There is feedback - there is cleanliness in the ranks. There is no feedback - no OSB, no personnel commissions will help, because they all report to one boss.

Conference presenter / 16.12 21:14
Do you like it American system?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:14
As the chairman of the trade union, I like it because there is a policeman’s contract (they brought it to me from New York) 1 cm thick, 60 sheets. Our contract is on 2 sheets. They have everything written down in the contract, right down to how much you will get if you are 5 minutes late. What you should do, how to do it, what benefits you have, everything is spelled out there. Our police officers can only dream of such contracts.

Igorevich / 12.12 17:16
Regularly, police kill someone, shoot themselves, and get into accidents while drunk. Why do only potential criminals end up in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:16
Now we have a shortage of personnel, this is the first thing. I talked to employees who work on the polygraph and ask about 300 questions when entering the service. They say that if there is a piece of paper “Accept”, then they accept, even though the person is inadequate. Because this whole system is subordinate to the authorities. And somehow they reached the authorities, and that’s it, they hire this person. This is how they get in. Then, even if the employee is normal, but ends up in a unit where everything is criminalized, where if you don’t drink, that means you’re “knocking,” then the person becomes an alcoholic. And such a person can do anything. Drunkenness is madness, as Aristotle said. And a crazy person can go to bed, or maybe...

From Moscow / 12.12 17:12
Mikhail, what changes have occurred in the Russian police with the arrival of Kolokoltsev? Has your work become easier or more difficult?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:17
It became easier for the trade union to work with the arrival of Kolokoltsev. And it’s harder for employees, because wages have increased by one and a half times, and work has become 2-3 times more due to the fact that the number has been greatly reduced. Instead of his normal work, the district police officer works 80% of the time as typewriter. But he has to meet people, walk around the site. If earlier the area had 3.5 thousand people, now these restrictions have been lifted, they can give 10 thousand. That is, they canceled the presidential decree that regulated the number, canceled order No. 900, which established the number of people in the area no more than 3.5 thousand people in the city and 2.5 thousand in rural areas.
Therefore, it is necessary either to restore the number, but this is impossible to do, because the state does not have money, or to increase the time frame for reviewing materials and not punish employees for delays. But at the same time, it is categorically prohibited to use district police officers for other purposes. At the commission on reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs we were directly told that we would consider any proposals except those that require Money. This means that the number will not increase and the plan is only to intensify labor, as they say in the trade union.

Conference presenter / 16.12 21:19
Why did it become easier for you to work as a trade union representative?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:19
Because the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Main Directorate finally realized that the trade union is not the enemy. On the contrary, the trade union helps to identify shortcomings. This is how we do it. We first talk about the shortcomings to the immediate supervisor on the ground. If he doesn't understand, we tell a superior. If he doesn’t understand, we give the information to the press. And the managers began to understand that it was better to immediately resolve all issues with the union and protect a specific employee who was illegally punished or did something else than to quarrel with the union, and the press might find out about this story.

Leonov DV / 12.12 17:01
Data from sociologists indicate that in Moscow and St. Petersburg in recent years the number of people who have confidence in the police has increased. Is this a consequence of reforms?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:20
I think this is because there is more transparency in police work. People saw that the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs really want to improve the situation and punish the guilty, despite their ranks and titles. I think this is partly why trust in the police increases. The main thing is that this process does not stop.

Skeptic 33 / 12.12 17:06
Mikhail, I'm afraid of the police. How to learn to trust them?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:21
If a person has ever encountered the police and has some negative emotions, that’s one thing. If a person has never encountered the police and is afraid, then, perhaps, if she is a woman, she should choose some nice policeman and get to know him. Maybe then the reader will stop being afraid.

Romanov K / 12.12 14:30
What position do you take regarding the so-called “Igor Antonov case”? Is there a problem with the fact that the investigation has its own understanding of the Law “On Police”?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:24
We are defending Antonov. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs wrote a collective appeal to the trade union with a request to provide him with legal assistance. I am now signing a letter to the president on this topic. I will read you part of the letter to Vladimir Vladimirovich: “Under such circumstances, Moscow police officers and the trade union rightly believe that sole consideration by the courts of cases related to the use of service firearms by employees in the performance of their duty official duties, does not ensure objectivity when making court decisions and full protection of their constitutional rights. And he considers it necessary for courts to consider these categories of cases with the participation of jurors.”
We want to introduce this proposal as an amendment to the police law. How many cases have we had where employees used weapons? A battalion employee killed a bandit special purpose The traffic policeman, who had previously tried to run over the employee’s partner in a Mercedes. He barely managed to jump into the snow. This officer fired at a car rushing at high speed and killed the driver with the first shot. They found a gun in his glove compartment. The car was stolen. The killed driver himself was a member of a gangster group. The use of weapons was recognized as lawful. 7 years after this case, the Lyubertsy court convicted this police officer. And if there had been a jury, he would probably have been acquitted.
I think they would have done the same with Antonov, because they chased the criminal for 50 minutes and lost the muffler at the stop where the driver jumped out. People barely dodged. That is, in fact, this criminal created a threat to the life and health of citizens. If a case is brought against a police officer who used a weapon, then let the jury consider this case. The union believes that then there will be an objective assessment of its actions. Therefore, we believe that such an amendment should be made to the relevant laws.

Moishe / 12.12 17:06
Do the Department of Internal Security and the special investigative department of the Investigative Committee help cleanse the police of scoundrels or ruin the lives of honest people? How often do you have to deal with those who have become victims of the arbitrariness of the CSS?

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:27
I have not heard of a single high-profile case against superiors that would be investigated by the Internal Security Service or the investigative committee, at least in Moscow and the Moscow region. There are many such cases in relation to ordinary police officers and sergeants; you can fight them “without fear or reproach.” Actually, we have almost overcome it. Police officers no longer prefer to contact Tajiks and others.
Before the OSB begins to develop any department head, he must report this to the district chief. And this district chief appointed this department head to this position a month ago. They tell him that this man is a swindler, and he replies: “Yes, but this is my swindler, so don’t touch him, have a preventive conversation with him.” The hand washes the hand. Special officers in the army do not report to the division commander; they report directly to their head of the special department of the district. So here, too, it is necessary to ensure that CSS employees do not submit to and report to the head of the district, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, but only to the head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate. Then it will be cleaner, although this is also not a panacea, because it is still the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. And if they were withdrawn, as before, the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs was supervised by the Third Department of the KGB, which worked only according to the chiefs. Let the bosses themselves work for the rank and file. And they were afraid of him.
In Southern Medvedkovo, very serious materials about corruption of leaders have been under investigation for almost a year. If you watch the film “How to Fight Corruption,” which we posted on the union’s website, you will understand a lot about the system of receiving money for exemption from criminal liability. It shows how a criminal commits a crime, they take his money and release him from criminal liability, and the information center is given a message that there was, say, Gutin, became Gushchin, or there was Trofimov, became Trokimov (that is, in fact, another person who is not exists) and they say that it is he. According to the report, everything is fine. A crime has been committed, we have sent the case materials to court against this person. But the real criminal is walking around. And the case was allegedly sent to court against a non-existent person. And everything comes together. 100% disclosure. And they also get money for it. 150 thousand – 1 million rubles. People openly say in this film how much they paid for it.
That is why the president created an anti-corruption department under the presidential administration. I think in order to control the investigations of such high-profile cases, so that they are not hidden or put on hold.

Loginov KV / 12.12 17:17
Will your union ever receive legal status? Now it looks more like a semi-underground organization

Pashkin Mikhail Petrovich / 16.12 21:28
We have legal status. We are registered. Signed the registration certificate former boss Ministry of Justice of Moscow Mr. Buksman, he is now the First Deputy Prosecutor General. We have normal relations with the leadership of the Main Directorate and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. How much more legal can it be? I am included in the commission for reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as the chairman of the police union.

Conference presenter / 16.12 21:29
Mikhail Petrovich, thank you very much. Friends, thank you for asking your questions and being with us. All the best.