What are the characteristic features of human labor? Human activity and its main types. Features and functions of work activity

Topic 2. Basic concepts about work

Labor and its main characteristics

Work- this is the purposeful activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values. Labor is the basis and an indispensable condition for human life. By influencing the natural environment, changing and adapting it to their needs, people not only ensure their existence, but also create conditions for the development and progress of society.

In any type of human activity, two components can be distinguished. The first of them characterizes work performed according to a given technology, instruction, scheme, when the performer of the work does not introduce into it any elements of novelty or his own creativity. We will call such labor initial, regulated or a-labor. The second component characterizes work aimed at creating new spiritual or material benefits, as well as new production methods. We will call this type of labor innovative, creative, or b-labor.

A typical example of an activity in which a-labor predominates is the execution of a production operation by an assembler on a conveyor belt with a regulated rhythm. It is significant that in this case we're talking about not about the employee’s abilities, but about the objective possibilities of their implementation. Not only low-skilled physical labor can be regulated. a-work can be both physical and mental.

The work of inventors, innovators, scientists, teachers, doctors, engineers, production organizers, entrepreneurs, etc. is predominantly creative. Art is rightly considered the highest manifestation of creativity, because in it not only, as in invention, repetition (copying) is excluded, but, In addition, the product of creativity in this area is also individual, being a reflection of the personality of the author. There are known cases when identical inventions and scientific discoveries were made independently and almost simultaneously by different people in different countries. In art, such situations are fundamentally impossible.

Both of these types of labor participate in economic processes in two forms: living (functioning) labor and its results (past labor). At the same time, the products of b-labor are transmitted not only in the form of things (including information carriers), but also through the education and upbringing system. Typically, the utility of the outputs of b-labor lasts much longer than the outputs of a-labor, and in many cases increases over time.

The direct labor of people is called a - labor or living labor. But at each stage of production, only part of the labor costs acts as a - labor, the other part is represented by the means of production - raw materials, energy, tools, tools, production premises. This part of labor is called materialized, or past labor.

Objects of labor- this is everything that labor is aimed at, that undergoes changes in order to acquire useful properties and thereby satisfy human needs.

Means of labor- this is what a person uses to influence objects of labor. These include machines, mechanisms, tools, devices and other instruments of labor, as well as buildings and structures that create the necessary conditions for effective use these guns.

Technology- this is a way of influencing objects of labor, the order of using tools.

As a result of the completion of the labor process, labor products are formed - substances, objects or other objects that have the necessary properties and are adapted to human needs. Signs characterizing the labor process.

The labor process is characterized by the following features:

1. Cost of human energy. This is the psychophysiological side labor activity, expressed in the expenditure of energy from the muscles, brain, nerves, and sensory organs of a person, are determined by the degree of severity, the level of neuropsychological tension, and can cause conditions such as fatigue and tiredness. From costs

human energy depends on the performance and health of a person and his development.

2. Interaction of the employee with the means of production and objects of labor. This is the organizational and technological aspect of work activity. It is determined by the level technical equipment labor, the degree of mechanization and automation, the perfection of technology and automation of the workplace, the qualifications of the worker, the techniques and methods he uses. Organizational and technological parameters of activity impose requirements for the special training of workers and their qualification level.

3. The production interaction of workers with each other both horizontally (the relationship of participation in a single technological process) and vertically (the relationship between the manager and the subordinate) determines the organizational side of work activity. It depends on the level of division and cooperation of labor, on the forms of labor organization - individual or collective, on the workers, on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise (institution).

Objects of labor activity serve as the object of study in many scientific disciplines: physiology and psychology, labor statistics, labor law etc. The diverse role of labor in the development of man and society is manifested to a great extent. In the process of labor, not only material values ​​are created that are intended to satisfy people’s needs, but also the workers themselves develop, acquire new skills, reveal their skills, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor finds its expression in the birth of new ideas, the emergence of progressive technologies, more advanced and highly productive tools, new types of products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs.

Thus, the consequence of labor activity is, on the one hand, the saturation of the market with goods, services, and cultural values, and on the other, the progress of production, the emergence of new needs and their subsequent satisfaction.

Exist different kinds labor, all their diversity is classified according to the following criteria: by the content of labor, by the nature of labor, by the results of labor, by methods of attracting people to work.

Depending on the content of the work, they distinguish its following types:

1) mental and physical labor;

2) simple and complex work. Simple labor is the work of a worker who does not have vocational training and qualifications. Difficult work is work qualified worker having a certain profession;

3) functional and professional work. Functional work is characterized by a certain set of labor functions, characteristic of a particular type of work activity. Professional work is an instantiation functional labor, forming a wide professional structure;

4) reproductive and creative labor. Reproductive labor is distinguished by the standardization of reproduced labor functions; its result is known in advance and does not contain anything new. Creative work is not characteristic of every employee; it is determined both by the level of education and qualifications of the employee, and by the ability to innovate.

Depending on the nature of the work, there are:

1) concrete and abstract work. Specific labor is the work of a specific worker who transforms an object of nature in order to give it a certain utility and creates use value. Abstract labor is commensurable concrete work, it abstracts from the qualitative heterogeneity of various functional types of labor, and creates the value of the product;

2) individual and collective work. Individual work– this is the work of an individual worker or an independent producer. Collective labor is the work of a team, a division of an enterprise, it characterizes the form of cooperation of workers’ labor;

3) private and public labor. Private labor is always part of social labor, since it is of a social nature and its results are equal in value;

4) hired labor and self-employment. Wage labor occurs when a person is hired for employment contract to the owner of the means of production to perform a certain set of labor functions in exchange for wages. Self-hire presupposes a situation where the owner of the means of production creates for himself workplace.

Depending on the results of labor, the following types are distinguished:

1) living and past work. Living labor is the labor of a worker that is expended by him at a given moment in time. Past labor is embodied in such elements of the labor process as objects of labor and means of labor;

2) productive and unproductive labor. The result of productive labor is natural and material benefits, and the result of unproductive labor is social and spiritual benefits, which have no less value and usefulness for society.

According to working conditions with varying degrees of regulation, the following are distinguished:

1) stationary and mobile work;

2) light, medium and hard work;

3) free and regulated labor.

According to the methods of attracting people to work, there are:

1) labor under non-economic coercion, when a person is included in the labor process under direct coercion (slavery);

2) labor under economic compulsion, namely, to earn the necessary means of subsistence;

3) voluntary, free labor is a person’s need to realize his own labor potential for the benefit of society, regardless of remuneration.

The means of labor also predetermine the division of labor into various types: manual, mechanized, automated, machine labor.

The basis of human life is purposeful professional activity. It is at work that a person spends most of his time. Some people do this for their own satisfaction and pleasure, others do it to provide financial support for themselves and their family.

Theory: basic terms, definition of “labor”

Labor is a direction of human activity, the signs of which are expediency and creation.

The nature of labor is the qualitative characteristics of work activity that combine several types of labor into a group according to certain characteristics.

Forms of labor activity - a set of types of labor operations, the implementation of which requires energy costs, the use of mechanized or automated equipment and machines.

Labor classification and labor characteristics

In fact, there are a huge number of labor classifications. This is explained by the fact that labor is a complex multidimensional socio-economic phenomenon.

Depending on the content, work is divided into:

Depending on the nature, the following types of work are distinguished:

  • Concrete and abstract labor activity. Concrete labor is the work of an individual worker who transforms an object of nature in order to give it utility and create consumer value. Allows you to determine labor productivity at the enterprise level, compare individual industries and Abstract labor - commensurate concrete labor, where the qualitative diversity of many functional types of labor activity fades into the background. Creates the value of marketable products.
  • Independent work and self-employment include absolutely all types of labor activity carried out by a specific person-worker or a specific enterprise. Collective work is the work of a group of workers, personnel of an enterprise, or a separate department.
  • Private and public work activities. Social work always consists of the private, since the latter is characterized by a public character.
  • Hired and self-employed types of labor. Hired labor activity is carried out on the basis of a contract between the employer and employee. Self-employed labor involves self-creation enterprises and organization production process when the owner of production provides himself with a workplace.

Depending on the results of work activity, it happens:

  • Living and past work. Living labor is the work a person does at a given moment in time. The results of past labor activity are reflected in objects and means of labor that were previously created by other workers and represent products for production purposes.
  • Productive and unproductive labor. The main difference is the form of the good created. As a result of productive labor activity, natural and material benefits are created, and as a result of unproductive labor, social and spiritual benefits are created that are valuable and useful to the public.

Depending on the means of labor used in work activities, the following are distinguished:

Depending on working conditions, it happens:

  • Stationary and mobile work. Includes all types of labor that are determined by the specifics of the technological process and the types of goods produced.
  • Light, medium and heavy work activities. Depends on the level of physical activity that the employee receives when performing certain functions.
  • Free labor and regulated. It depends on the specific working conditions and the style of enterprise management.

Depending on the methods used to attract people, the following are distinguished:

Basic forms of labor

Features of mental work

Mental work is an activity that requires the reception and processing of information data, the implementation of which occurs due to the activation of the thinking process. Mental work activity is characterized by strong tension in the activity of the central nervous system. It is also possible that physical activity is necessary for the successful implementation of mental work.

Workers Who are they?

Mental workers include managers, operators, creative workers, medical workers, pupils and students.

Managerial work is performed by heads of organizations, enterprises, and teachers. Feature: minimum amount of time for processing information.

Creative professions include actors, painters, writers, composers, and designers. Creative work is the most difficult type mental work.

Medical personnel are also considered intellectual, but only those specialties that involve constant contact with people - patients, and performing work requires increased responsibility, where decisions must be made in as soon as possible, there is a shortage of time factor.

The scientific work of school and university students requires the activation of memory, attention and perception.

Physical labor activity

Physical labor is carried out through certain physical activities. A characteristic feature is the interaction of a human worker with the means of labor. During physical labor activity, a person is part of the technological process and the performer of certain functions in the labor process.

Mental and physical work activity: physiological differences

Mental and physical work activities are interconnected and interdependent. Any mental work requires certain energy costs, just as physical work is impossible without activating the information component. For example, all types of manual labor require a person to activate both mental processes and physical activity. The difference is that during physical labor activity, energy consumption dominates, and during intellectual work, the work of the brain dominates.

Mental activity activates a larger number of nervous elements than physical activity, since mental work is complex, skilled, extensive and multifaceted.

Physical fatigue is more noticeable from physical activity than from mental labor. In addition, when fatigue sets in, physical work can be stopped, but mental activity cannot be stopped.

Physical labor professions

Today, physical labor is more in demand, and it is much easier for skilled workers to find employment than for “intellectuals.” The labor shortage results in relatively high rates for work that requires physical effort. In addition, if heavy physical work is performed in conditions unfavorable to human health, increased pay is provided at the legislative level.

Doing light physical labor: production workers, managers of the automated process, service personnel, seamstresses, agronomists, veterinarians, nurses, orderlies, sellers of industrial goods, physical education instructors, sports section coaches, etc.

Professions with moderate physical activity include: machine operator in the woodworking and metalworking industries, mechanic, service technician, surgeon, chemist, textile worker, driver, worker Food Industry, service personnel in the public utility sector and in the field Catering, seller of industrial goods, railway worker, hoisting transport operator.

Professions with heavy physical activity include: builder, almost all types of agricultural labor, machine operator, surface miner, oil, gas, pulp and paper, woodworking industry worker, metallurgist, foundry worker, etc.

Professions with physical labor of increased severity include: underground miner, steelmaker, wood cutter, bricklayer, concrete worker, excavator, loader of non-mechanized labor, worker in the production of building materials (non-mechanized labor).

Functions of labor

Labor performs the following functions:

  • participates in the reproduction of goods (is one of production factors), aimed at satisfying human needs;
  • creates social wealth;
  • contributes to the development of society;
  • determines the development of scientific and technological progress and culture;
  • participates in the formation of a person;
  • acts as a way of self-realization and self-expression of the individual.

The role of work in human life

“Labor made a man out of a monkey” is a familiar phrase, isn’t it? It is in this phrase that there is a deep meaning that reflects the greatest role of work in the life of each of us.

Labor activity allows a person to become an individual, and an individual to realize himself. Labor is the guarantor of development, acquisition of new knowledge, skills and experience.

What happens next? A person improves himself, acquires knowledge, experience, based on which he creates new goods, services, cultural values, provoking scientific and technological progress, causing new needs and fully satisfying them.

Work- this is an objectively inherent sphere of human activity in transforming the natural, material and intellectual resources at his disposal into a product necessary for personal and social consumption.

Labor is the basis and indispensable condition of human life.

Any labor process presupposes the presence of a subject of labor, means of labor,

technology and labor itself as an activity of imparting to the subject of labor

properties necessary for a person.

Worker labor process represents a combination of production elements: people, objects of labor, means of labor, technology, product of labor - product, service.

Labor process of management personnel- this is a combination of elements of the management process - people, information (the subject of management work), management technology, product of labor - solution.

The labor process should be considered in various aspects:

· from the psychophysiological side - as the expenditure of human energy: the energy of muscles, brain, nerves, sensory organs, which are determined by the degree of severity of work, the level of neuropsychological tension;

· from the perspective of the organizational and technological aspect labor activity - as the interaction of a worker with the means of production, which is determined by the level of technical equipment of labor, the degree of automation and mechanization, technology, worker qualifications, etc.;

· from the organizational and economic side - as the production interaction of workers with each other, both horizontally and vertically, which depends on the level of division and cooperation of labor, on the forms of labor organization, on the number of employees, on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise.

At classification of types of labor four groups should be distinguished distinctive features:

1) the nature and content of work;

2) subject and product of labor;

3) means and methods of labor;

4) working conditions.

By nature and content labor we can distinguish labor:

1) hired and private;

2) individual and collective;

3) at will, necessity and compulsion;

4) physical and mental;

5) reproductive and creative;

6) varying degrees of complexity. .

Classification of types of labor by its subject and product involves separation according to professional characteristics of work:

1) scientific,

2) engineering,

3) managerial,

4) production, etc.;

5) entrepreneurial

6) innovative.

By industry:

1) industrial,

2) agricultural,

3) transport

4) communication.

Classification of types of labor according to the means and methods of work used allows you to allocate labor:

· manual,

· mechanized,

· automated,

· low-, medium- and high-tech, with varying degrees of human participation.

Depending on the degree and level of favorability and unfavorability working conditions can be distinguished:

· stationary and mobile,

· above-ground and underground,

light, medium and heavy,

attractive and unattractive

Working conditions- a set of socio-economic, technical and organizational, socio-hygienic and socio-psychological factors that affect a person’s health and performance, his attitude towards work, the degree of satisfaction with it, production efficiency, standard of living and personal development.

Socio-economic W.T. directly determined by the totality of production relations, and indirectly by the level of development of the productive forces. At the level of empirical research, socio-economic conditions include: opportunity for career advancement, opportunity for advanced training, opportunity for advancement wages. It is under the influence of these conditions that workers develop a disposition (or aversion) to one or another type of work, positive or negative value orientations towards work. Opportunities for career advancement, advanced training and higher wages most strongly influence both the attitude towards work and its productivity. Thus, socio-economic W.T., creating a feeling of job prospects, actively form a set of value orientations towards this prospect and creative aspects of work. Technical and organizational W.T. (level of labor mechanization, labor structure by type of labor functions, level of labor organization and management) are directly determined level of productive forces, and indirectly - industrial relations . The uniform distribution of this indicator indicates uniform technical and information support for all workers and reveals its practical independence from the level of mechanization of workers’ labor and little dependence on the level of qualifications and education. With increasing skills and education of workers, the degree of their technologically necessary communication increases by 1.2 times. An in-depth study using factor analysis techniques showed that in conditions of insufficiently high organization of work, its culture-forming impact on the employee is significantly reduced.

Social and hygienic W.T. due to the specifics of production and the production process; the severity and intensity of work; influence external environment on the employee’s body and his ability to work; work and rest regime. Although they are diverse, they are united by the fact that they are external to the employee, depend little on him, but at the same time predetermine his entire life activity during work. The state of social and hygienic U.T. affects the employee’s health, his socio-psychological mood and, consequently, the absence of job dissatisfaction. Within the framework of empirical studies, social and hygienic U.T. include: comfort of the working environment, degree of physical stress, variety of physical activity, degree of nervous tension, degree of mental tension, intense pace of work, labor safety, convenient working hours . According to the said study, the discrepancy (to varying degrees) with the desired social and hygienic U.T. their actual state reduces job satisfaction. An in-depth study using factor analysis revealed the inhibitory influence of social and hygienic U.T. on attitude towards work and, in particular, on the state labor discipline. The trend of a decrease in the level of labor discipline depending on the deterioration of social and hygienic U.T. was visible quite clearly. We can say that the state of social and hygienic U.T. does not yet stimulate the social activity of workers and their attitude towards work. Socio-psychological W.T. conditioned by the state of the primary production team. In the field of social and psychological U.T. The social effect is more complete the more deeply a person is involved in various types of activities within the team as a performer of specific labor functions and as an individual. Approximate correspondence of the desired state of socio-psychological U.T. their real state, reflects the atmosphere favorable psychological climate . However, an in-depth study using factor analysis techniques showed that a favorable moral and psychological climate in a team “works” as if for itself, without affecting labor productivity. The fact is that technical and organizational U.T. form a certain nature of labor discipline (from “stick” to conscious); labor discipline forms, in turn, a certain socio-psychological climate, and the latter should contribute social efficiency labor. In the same study, unsatisfactory technical and organizational U.T. poorly form the state of labor and technological discipline; the state of labor discipline in these conditions has almost no effect on labor activity; the latter, not being sufficiently stimulated by the conscious nature of labor discipline, has little connection with the socio-psychological climate in the team. It turns out that the socio-psychological climate in the team manifests itself in the form of camaraderie, but has little to do with the efficiency and results of work. This means that collectivism in these conditions is largely based on good relations, partnership, and to a lesser extent - on high labor organization and conscious labor discipline. It has been statistically established that the level of labor organization determines the state of labor and technological discipline by 80%, and the self-discipline of workers - only by 20%. In turn, the state of labor discipline in conditions of low organization has little effect on the labor activity of workers, almost without affecting the quality indicators of their work. Meanwhile, only the harmonious unity of the entire set of relations integrated into the labor system, and the active involvement of the employee in them, can ensure collectivism as a community of socially significant goals.

Work culture- a system of extra-biologically developed mechanisms (and, accordingly, the “ability” to actualize them), thanks to which the activities of labor subjects are stimulated, programmed, coordinated and implemented. Functioning and development of K.T. provides a certain social quality of the labor process - the main condition for the realization of the essential powers of man. The latter are implemented the more actively, the deeper and more multifaceted the technical and technological standards and social values ​​of labor, the work collective, and society are reflected in individual and collective labor activity. Objective characteristics of K.T. represent technical, technological and social standards, determined by the achievements of technology, technology and production organization and representing a hierarchy of requirements for a person as a performer production functions and as individuals. Subjective characteristics of K.T. are the sociocultural needs of workers, which in their totality form a type of value attitude towards work. The culture-forming effect of labor is determined by its content to the extent that it enriches, in the process of appropriating the existing totality of productive forces, knowledge and human abilities, and the nature of labor to the extent that it contributes to the full disclosure of personality and its self-expression in the process of creative labor. At the same time Professional Development, associated with the complication of equipment and technology, is often hampered by restrictions on the social and spiritual development of workers, despite the possibilities of scientific and technological progress. K.T. develops in the interrelation and mutual reinforcement of its external and internal regulatory mechanisms. If the external ones are associated with the control influence on a person (by bringing his socio-professional characteristics and sociocultural needs in line with the increasing requirements of technology, labor organization and production), then the internal ones are with the knowledge and organization of a person’s own essential forces as social ones. It is due to the effectiveness of internal mechanisms that social reserves for improving work culture are formed. IN modern conditions The interaction between a person’s appropriation of the existing set of productive forces and the implementation of this experience in work activity is characterized by a certain inconsistency. On the one hand, this manifests itself in insufficiently rapid growth in quality work force capable of mastering existing means of labor and technological processes, on the other hand, in the far from full use of the available abilities of the workforce, its intellectual reserve.

The set of socio-economic and technical-organizational contradictions that cause the disharmony of these processes is resolved with the help of external and internal regulatory mechanisms of the computer system, revealing the reserves of its functioning and development.

Topic 2 Labor adaptation and social control in the world of work.

Lesson plan

Essence social control in the sphere of labor. Types of social control: group mutual control, administrative control, self-control. System of indicators of labor activity. The role of social norms and social sanctions in the workforce.

Maintaining labor discipline, types and methods of strengthening it. The importance of discipline in the activities of work collectives.

Concept, types and structure of labor adaptation. The main stages of employee adaptation in the workforce. Factors of labor adaptation, their classification. Indicators of the level of employee adaptation.

Labor adaptation of personnel- mutual adaptation of the worker and the organization, based on the gradual inclusion of the worker in the production process in new professional, psychophysiological, socio-psychological, organizational-administrative, economic, sanitary-hygienic and living conditions of work and rest.

In the context of the functioning of the labor market, the role of adaptation increases. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully study the experience of foreign companies that pay increased attention to the adaptation of young workers. This category of personnel requires special care from the administration of organizations.

Most often, professional adaptation is considered as the process of introducing a person to work within a certain profession, including him in production activities, their assimilation of conditions and achievement of labor efficiency standards. However, adaptation cannot be considered only as mastery of a specialty. It also provides for the adaptation of the newcomer to the social norms of behavior operating in the team, the establishment of such cooperative relations between the employee and the team that best ensure effective work and satisfaction of the material, everyday and spiritual needs of both parties.

Personnel adaptation goals:

· reduction of start-up costs, since so far new employee does not know his workplace well, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs;

During life, at every moment a person is in one of two states - activity or inaction. Activity (as well as activities, actions as part of activity) is one of the forms of human existence, an active process in which the physical and mental forces of a person are realized, aimed at satisfying any needs. Inaction is a passive process associated with periods of recovery (sleep, passive rest), as well as periods of forced (time of illness, etc.) or voluntary inaction.

Work is a type of human activity. But not every activity is work. What is the difference between these concepts?

Activity can be divided into conscious and instinctive parts. The overwhelming majority of human activity is conscious (conscious), i.e. carried out on the basis of internally reasoned motives. Instinctive activity is determined by unconditioned reflexes transmitted at the genetic level by inheritance. The instinctive behavior of humans and animals is of the same nature and is not labor.

The conscious part of activity can be divided into labor and non-labor part. The main criteria distinguishing labor from non-labor activities will be:

  1. connection with the creation of benefits,
  2. connection with purposefulness,
  3. attitude towards legitimacy
  4. demand.

Consider the four points noted:

  • labor is creation, i.e. creation and expansion of material, spiritual, household goods or restoration of lost ones. This is the work of a worker, farmer, engineer, artist, doctor, cleaner, etc. Let us note here that transportation and storage of goods are necessary parts of the process of bringing them from producer to consumer, and therefore these processes belong to the sphere of material production. Activities not related to creation are not labor. For example, games as a means of entertainment, traveling and walking as a means of relaxation, taking medical procedures, eating. Activities performed by a person during rest, entertainment, treatment, nutrition, in contrast to work, are associated with the consumption of goods to restore their working capacity, development, and reproduction of life;
  • labor can only be purposeful activity; aimless activity has no relation to work, because this is a waste of human energy that has no positive consequences;
  • only legitimate (not prohibited) activities are classified as labor; prohibited, illegitimate, criminal activity cannot be labor, since it is destructive, aimed, as a rule, at the illegal appropriation of the results of someone else’s labor and is punishable by law;
  • labor is a demanded activity. If a person spent time and effort on producing a product that turned out to be of no use to anyone, then such activity also cannot be considered labor, for example, spending working time on producing irreparably defective products due to the fault of the employee.

Only the presence of all these qualities of activity at the same time will characterize labor activity - labor.

Thus work- this is the conscious, purposeful and legitimate activity of a person (people) for the production (creation) of material or spiritual goods (things, goods, services, works of science, culture, art, etc.) capable of satisfying certain human needs and in demand by people.

The labor process requires the presence of the following components:

  1. subject of labor - a substance of nature or an object that has already undergone the influence of labor, or an object for the provision of services to which the worker’s labor activity is directed in order to give them new properties useful to humans;
  2. means of labor - everything with the help of which the worker influences the object of labor and what creates for him the necessary conditions for work. The means of labor include: tools (tools, machines, machines, mechanisms, devices and other technological equipment); buildings and premises in which the labor process is carried out; structures necessary to support labor (roads, bridges, overpasses, tanks, etc.);
  3. technology of activity, or method of influencing the object of labor. Purposefulness of activity presupposes the presence of knowledge and (or) skills to perform a particular job. Strict sequential execution of actions, a set of methods of influencing the object of labor to change or give it new properties, shape, relative arrangement of parts, location in space constitutes the content of the technology of activity;
  4. organization of labor - a certain order of construction and implementation of the labor process, which consists of the system of interaction of the worker with objects and tools of labor and the production interaction of people with each other in the labor process;
  5. meaningful human impact on the subject of labor using necessary funds, technology and labor organization to give it (the object) properties that satisfy certain needs.

There are different aspects to the idea of ​​work:

  • economic (labor market, employment population, labor productivity, its price, organization and regulation, payment and material incentives, planning, analysis and labor accounting);
  • social (content, attractiveness, prestige and motivation of work, social partnership, etc.);
  • psychophysiological (severity, tension, occupational hygiene, etc.);
  • technical and technological (technical and technological equipment, power supply and labor safety, etc.);
  • legal ( legislative regulation labor relations, relations in the labor market, etc.).

In many cases, such a division is very arbitrary, since labor problems combine different aspects at the same time, appear in unity or are in very close dependence.

For example, a rational division of labor in an enterprise can only be achieved by taking into account economic, psycho-physiological and social criteria; social partnership involves solving social and economic problems based on their clear legal regulation; wages decide economic and social objectives, relying on labor legislation etc.