Types of social guarantees. Social guarantees. It includes

Social protection of the population- this is one of the most important directions of the state’s social policy, which consists in establishing and maintaining the socially necessary material and social status of all members of society.

Sometimes social protection is interpreted more narrowly: as providing a certain level of income for those segments of the population who, for some reason, cannot provide for their own existence: the unemployed, the disabled, the sick, orphans, the elderly, single mothers, large families.

Basic principles of social protection:

  • humanity;
  • targeting;
  • complexity;
  • ensuring individual rights and freedoms.

The system of social protection of the population and its structure

The social protection system is a set of legislative acts, measures, as well as organizations that ensure the implementation of social protection measures for the population and support for socially vulnerable segments of the population.

It includes:

Social Security— arose in Russia in the 20s of the twentieth century. and meant creation state system material support and services for elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children at the expense of the so-called public consumption funds. This category is essentially identical to the category of social protection, but the latter applies to a market economy.

In addition to pensions (for old age, disability, etc.), social security included benefits for temporary disability and childbirth, for caring for a child under one year of age, assistance to families in maintaining and raising children (free or on preferential terms, nurseries, kindergartens, boarding schools , pioneer camps, etc.), family benefits, maintenance of the disabled in special organizations(nursing homes, etc.), free or preferential prosthetic care, provision of mobility aids to disabled people, vocational training for disabled people, various benefits for families of disabled people. When moving to the market, the system social security largely ceased to perform its functions, but some of its elements became part of modern system social protection of the population.

Social guarantees provision of social benefits and services to citizens without taking into account labor contribution and means testing based on the principle of distributing these benefits according to the needs of available public resources.

In our country, social guarantees include:

  • guaranteed free medical care;
  • accessibility and free education;
  • minimum size wages;
  • minimum pension, scholarship;
  • social pensions (disabled children since childhood; disabled children; disabled people with no work experience; children who have lost one or both parents; persons over 65 (men) and 60 (women) years with no work experience);
  • benefits at the birth of a child, for the period of caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, up to 16 years;
  • ritual benefit for burial and some others.

Since January 1, 2002, the amount of benefits associated with the birth of a child has been increased. Thus, the amount of a one-time benefit for the birth of a child increased from 1.5 thousand rubles to 4.5 thousand rubles and in 2006 - to 8,000 rubles, the monthly benefit for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years from 200 up to 500 rubles, and in 2006 - up to 700 rubles. This benefit provided 25% of the subsistence level of an able-bodied person. The monthly benefit for a child under 16 years of age has not been revised and is 70 rubles. Its ratio to the child's subsistence level was 3.0% in 2004. In Moscow and some other regions, this benefit increased to 150 rubles in 2006.

A type of social guarantees are social benefits. They represent a system of public guarantees provided to certain groups of the population (disabled people, war veterans, labor veterans, etc.). In 2005, in-kind benefits for these categories of the population were replaced with monetary compensation. Since January 1, 2005, the preferential category of citizens has the right to use the social package and the right to receive monthly cash payments. Price social package is set at 450 rubles. It includes travel on suburban transport, free medicine, sanatorium-resort treatment and travel to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment. The law provides that from January 2006, beneficiaries will be able to choose between a social package and receiving the corresponding amount of money.

Since January 1, 2006, monthly cash payments in accordance with the law were established in the following amounts: disabled people of the Great Patriotic War— 2000 rubles; WWII participants - 1500 rubles; combat veterans and a number of other categories of beneficiaries - 1,100 rubles.

Persons who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities, the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities, family members of deceased or deceased disabled war veterans, World War II participants and combat veterans will receive 600 rubles monthly.

Disabled people with third degree restrictions labor activity, 1400 rubles are paid monthly; second degree - 1000 rubles; first degree - 800 rubles; Disabled children will be paid 1,000 rubles. Disabled people who do not have restrictions on their ability to work, with the exception of disabled children, receive 500 rubles monthly.

Social insurance— economic protection active population from social risks based on collective solidarity in compensation for damage. The main social risks associated with loss of ability to work, work and, accordingly, income are illness, old age, unemployment, motherhood, accident, work injury, Occupational Illness, death of the breadwinner. The social insurance system is financed from special extra-budgetary funds formed from contributions from employers and employees, as well as state subsidies.

There are two forms of social insurance - compulsory (with state support of its funds) and voluntary (in the absence of state aid). Support for citizens is provided primarily through cash payments (pensions and benefits for illness, old age, unemployment, loss of a breadwinner, etc.), as well as through financing the services of health care organizations, vocational training and others related to the restoration of working capacity.

Social support (assistance) is provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population who, for one reason or another, are unable to secure an income for themselves. Assistance is provided through both cash and in-kind payments (free lunches, clothing) and is financed from general tax revenues. For getting social assistance means testing is usually required. Assistance is provided to those people whose incomes are below minimum living standards, and is an essential element of the anti-poverty policy, ensuring a minimum guaranteed income, as the realization of the right to life.

Social support is not limited to financial assistance. It also includes measures in the form of assistance and services provided individuals or groups of the population with social services to overcome life difficulties, maintain social status, and adapt to society.

Activities of social services in social support, provision social and household, medical, pedagogical, legal services and financial assistance, carrying out social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations has formed into a separate branch of the social sphere - social services.

Work aimed at providing assistance, support and protection to people, and especially to the socially weaker sections of society, is called social work.

Object of social work are people who need outside help: the elderly, pensioners, disabled people, seriously ill people, children; people caught in
desired life situation: unemployed, drug addicts, teenagers who have fallen into bad company, single-parent families, convicts and those who have served their sentences, refugees and displaced persons, etc.

Subjects of social work— those organizations and people who carry out this work. This is the state as a whole, implementing social policy through government bodies social protection. This public organizations: Russian Association social services, Association of social educators and social workers etc. These are charitable organizations and charitable societies such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The main subjects of social work are people engaged in it professionally or on a voluntary basis. There are about half a million professional social workers (that is, people with appropriate education and diplomas) all over the world (several tens of thousands in Russia). The bulk of social work is carried out by non-professionals, either as a result of circumstances or out of conviction and a sense of duty.

Society is interested in increasing the effectiveness of social work. However, it is quite difficult to define and measure it. Efficiency is understood as the ratio of the results of activities and the costs required to achieve this result. Efficiency in social sphere is a complex category that consists of goals, results, costs and conditions social activities. The result is the final result of any activity in relation to its goal. It can be positive or negative.

In social work, the result is the satisfaction of the needs of its objects, clients of social services, and on this basis a general improvement in the social situation in society. Criteria for the effectiveness of social work at the macro level can be indicators of the financial situation of the family (person), life expectancy, level and structure of morbidity, homelessness, drug addiction, crime, etc.

Closely related to the criterion of efficiency is the problem of the limits of social assistance to citizens. As with the implementation of income policy, it is necessary to take into account the possible negative consequences of massive social support: the appearance of dependency, passivity, reluctance to make decisions and solve one’s problems. Negative phenomena may arise in the social sphere (for example, active support for single mothers may result in a decrease in the marriage rate and, ultimately, the birth rate).

material and legal means ensuring the implementation of the socio-economic rights of citizens - the right to work, to rest, to housing, to free education and free medical care, to material support in old age and in case of disability, etc. Social guarantees are provided by social policy, the material basis of which is the social funds of the state and enterprises, from which targeted payments for social security are made.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Social guarantees

a system of socio-economic and legal means that ensure the living conditions of members of society, social groups, realization of their interests, various connections and relationships, functioning and development social system generally. The main social rights include the right to choose a profession, sphere of application of labor, forms economic activity, getting general and vocational education, the human right to realize his labor potential, abilities and adequate remuneration in accordance with the quantity and quality of work, the equal equivalence of this remuneration to a set of consumer goods and services. An integral part The implementation of the national economy is to maintain optimal compliance in meeting social and individual needs, which is carried out through the distribution of the share of national income for consumption and accumulation. The part of national income allocated for consumption is realized through wages and public consumption funds. Implementation of self-government in the sphere of consumption means ensuring the minimum acceptable level of satisfaction of needs for housing, health care, education, income (in the scale of well-being and level of economic development achieved by society), and ensuring an acceptable standard of living. For this purpose, a system of socio-economic standards is being developed that defines the lower limits of the minimum level of living goods to satisfy individual and social needs. These include at least wages, pensions, scholarships, level of education expenses, children's preschool institutions, standards for housing, health care, education, and a range of goods and services to meet vital needs. The minimum level of satisfaction of needs guaranteed by society for citizens must be linked to the achieved average standard of living. The function of social protection is performed by public consumption funds. They are designed to provide a guaranteed income for those who cannot earn a living (pensioners, disabled people, orphans), as well as an equal right for all members of society to receive free education, healthcare and housing. If these opportunities are not distributed to everyone, then the principle of freeness is deprived of its social meaning, since in this case the right of all members of society to an equal share of national income from public consumption funds is not realized. The main social rights include the right to a minimum of living goods (a guarantee of a partially maintained salary) of mothers engaged in work that provides optimal conditions for raising and maintaining the health of children in the first years of life after birth. The implementation of social security depends largely on the quantity and quality of consumer goods and social services provided to the population at the expense of society or in exchange for earned money. In conditions of a shortage of goods and services, and as a consequence of the lack of freedom of choice, as well as in the conditions of the dominance of departments and monopolies of producers, self-government of the population cannot be implemented sufficiently fully. Ensuring the living conditions of individuals and social groups includes the right to choose consumer goods and services, housing, places of residence, health care institutions, culture, methods of organizing recreation, and satisfying material and spiritual needs.

In Part 1 of Art. 164 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, guarantees are defined as the means, methods and conditions by which the implementation of the rights granted to employees in the field of social and social security is ensured. labor relations. Thus, as a purpose of application established by law guarantees indicate the exercise of rights available to employees. Consequently, guarantees perform a security function in relation to the rights established for employees.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation divides guarantees and compensation into general (for hiring, transfers, remuneration, termination of an employment contract, etc.) and special Kolobova S.V. Russian labor law: Tutorial for universities. - M: Justitsinform, 2005, p. 264..

The source of financing guarantees and compensation can be both the employer’s funds and the funds of bodies and organizations in whose interests the employee performs state or public duties (jurors, donors, etc.).

Legal regulation of the conditions for providing guarantees and compensation is not the prerogative of labor legislation and is carried out using federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

In accordance with Art. 165 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to general guarantees, for example, when hiring, transferring to another job, on remuneration, employees are provided with certain guarantees in the following cases: 1) referral to business trips; 2) moving to work in another area; 3) performance of state or public duties; 4) combining work with training; 5) forced termination of work through no fault of the employee; 6) provision of annual paid leave; 7) termination of an employment contract on certain grounds; 8) delays due to the fault of the employer in issuing it to the employee work book upon dismissal.

Naturally, this list of guarantees is not exhaustive, since the establishment of additional guarantees in agreements, collective agreements, etc. local acts organizations, employment contract improves the position of the employee compared to current legislation. Therefore, their establishment does not conflict with the law.

The basic rights of an employee include: 1) provision of work according to the function specified in the employment contract; 2) the right to working conditions that comply with current standards; 3) receiving remuneration for work performed. Accordingly, the guarantees are designed to ensure the implementation of the listed rights. For example, an employee may be absent from work for reasons established by law. In this case, he is guaranteed to retain his job and average earnings.

Employee rights can be of a property or non-property nature.

Existing guarantees for the exercise of these rights may also be of a property or non-property nature. In particular, if an employee is absent from work due to a violation of the terms of payment of wages, he is guaranteed the preservation of his job, previous working conditions, and non-dissemination of personal data. The listed guarantees can be considered non-property, since they do not have a specific value for the employee. Commentary on the Labor Code Russian Federation. / Rep. ed. Yu.P. Orlovsky. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 1500 pp. Lebedev V. Interaction of labor law systems and labor legislation // Russian justice. - 2003. - No. 11. P. 24..

During the period of absence of an employee from work due to non-payment of wages, he is guaranteed the preservation of the average wage. This guarantee is of a property nature, since it is associated with the provision of movable property to the employee in the form Money in a certain size.

Distinctive feature non-property guarantees are their direct connection with the employee’s place of work; they are designed to ensure that the employee, in cases established by law, retains the same working conditions, including workplace. In connection with this, the main non-property guarantee is to provide the employee with his previous place of work after absence good reasons recognized as such by law, for example, in case of violation of the terms of payment of wages.

Property guarantees are directly related to the employee’s right to receive monetary remuneration for his work, that is, wages. Therefore, they are always related to the average salary received by the employee. Therefore, the provision of property guarantees has a direct connection with the average employee’s earnings.

In connection with the above, we can highlight the following legally significant circumstances that characterize legal concept labor guarantees. Firstly, the establishment in legislation, agreements, collective agreements, and other local legal acts organization, employment contract. Secondly, the direct provision of labor rights provided for in legislation. Thirdly, ensuring the implementation of both non-property and property rights workers in the world of work. At the same time, non-material guarantees are designed to ensure the preservation of the previous conditions of employment, in particular the place of work. Property guarantees are always related to what the employee receives wages Lebedev V. Interaction of labor law systems and labor legislation // Russian justice. - 2003. - No. 11. P. 24..

The provision of non-property guarantees is associated with ensuring the rights that arise for employees in labor relations. By general rule such guarantees cease to apply upon termination of the employment relationship. However, the employer is obliged to ensure that the employee stores and transfers his personal data in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation even after his dismissal. Thus, this guarantee is valid even after the termination of the employment relationship. However, failure by the employer to comply with this guarantee entails the possibility that the employee may receive damages caused by the rules of civil law after the termination of his employment relationship. In this case, the person with whom the employment relationship has been terminated may demand not only compensation for losses incurred in connection with the employer’s refusal to comply with non-property guarantees, but also compensation moral damage Mironov V.I. Labor law of Russia. - M., 2006. P. 354..

Property guarantees also operate in parallel with labor relations. However, certain guarantees are also provided after dismissal from work. These include severance pay paid to dismissed persons. However, the presence of this guarantee does not affect the fate of the employment relationship that is terminated.

In connection with the foregoing, we can conclude that guarantees are related to ensuring rights arising in labor relations. The provision of these guarantees after the termination of employment relations does not affect their fate, but such provision also serves to ensure the labor rights of employees, which can continue after the termination of employment relations, for example, the right to compensation for losses caused by the employer and to compensation for moral damage due to non-compliance with established legislation rules of conduct.

Today we will try to find out what social guarantees for employees are in a legal context and which ones specifically can be provided to the population in a particular case. This issue is not only relevant now, because previously, for all employees when finding employment, there was a need to understand this concept and all the aspects accompanying it.

Concept and types of social guarantees

When you are looking for a job and, reading one of the advertisements, you pay attention to the presence of a social package, an unknowing person is certainly captivated by this. But you need to understand that the presence of such a package is mandatory and in any case is provided to the employee, as it is prescribed by law.

The main guarantees that must be provided, as required by the state, include the following:

  • social insurance (medical insurance, social insurance, contributions to Pension Fund, payment of travel tax);
  • vacation pay;
  • payment of sick leave;
  • travel allowances;
  • compensation for transport expenses.

For more detailed study For a list of all possible guarantees, please refer to labor code. It contains a lot of descriptions, responsibilities and laws on this matter for certain enterprises and different areas of their activity.

The above items are mandatory to be provided by the employer, and not additional services to lure people to work.

Of course, some warranties may be offered that are not listed above. Such items, the so-called additional social guarantees, are also called compensation and motivational.

All clauses of the provided guarantees must meet the following requirements:

  • territorial features;
  • sufficient amount;
  • financial and material sufficiency;
  • procedure for communicating to the employee.

Social guarantees can be divided into:

  • regional;
  • industry;
  • nationwide.

The main task to which it strives general system social guarantees, consists in the formation of a protective mechanism for all elements included in the structures of society, including individual individuals, from destructive processes that take place at any stage of development.

Sources of financing

Regulations on social support for the population are formed by the administration of a particular locality in the country. And the main sources of financing for this system can be the following formations:

  • state budget;
  • budget of local structures;
  • insurance funds;
  • health insurance fund;
  • State and non-state Pension funds.

The budgets of the above and other social insurance funds are replenished from incoming mandatory payments in the form of a single social tax, subsidies, insurance contributions and funds from the federal budget and other budgets provided for by law. The sources of these formations can be the following:

  1. Penalties and fines.
  2. Reimbursement of money by the insured in the event of claims made due to harm to the insured person.
  3. Profit from the placement of temporarily released compulsory social insurance funds.
  4. Mandatory payment as social support for personnel from persons who voluntarily joined the compulsory social insurance system.
  5. Other income corresponding labor law and legislation.

This or that amount of the above and other similar contributions is established by the Russian tax code and laws on social insurance. These documents also indicate which categories a particular contribution applies to.

The funds allocated for each employee must be spent strictly for the intended purpose, which is established by the law on certain types of compulsory social insurance and on fund budgets for the current financial period.

Social protection of employees and organizations

The interest of employees in any organization and its successful economic development depends on how much more services and benefits are provided to each person during employment and how much the amount differs from the legally established amount.

Under these circumstances, it is possible to reduce staff turnover in an organization, because the employee will not have the desire to lose numerous benefits when leaving. In addition, this policy makes it possible to ensure the existence of employees subject to low wages, for example, as in government institutions, or offered in the interests of attracting and retaining good work force, which can be observed in large corporations.

Social guarantees for employees, the development of their personality, and health are the main conditions for the successful functioning of any organization. As a management motivation personnel policy institutions and related social services contribute to meeting the needs of workers, their values ​​and interests. The main goals of social protection include the following:

  1. Comparing the employee with his company (satisfying his needs for involvement in the organization).
  2. Coincidence of the goals of employees and the enterprise.
  3. Height labor productivity and increased desire to work.
  4. Providing a favorable moral atmosphere.
  5. Formation of a favorable social and psychological climate for employees.
  6. Improving the company's image in the eyes of workers.

As modern practice shows, when applying for a job, it is necessary to pay attention to the social guarantees that the institution where you are going to work promises to provide. In this case, it is necessary to select those forms of social protection that are most consistent with meeting needs and interests.

The company's management should pay attention to this issue and conduct various studies in order to be able to implement comfortable conditions for quality and efficient work.

In the market socially oriented model of the economy, the role of social function states. The government and the state are responsible for providing citizens with social protection and ensuring equal access to basic needs. The poverty level can be considered as a significant indicator of the effectiveness of social protection policies.

Social Security is a combination of a retirement savings program, an insurance program, and a National Income Redistribution program.

Social protection is a set of legally established social norms that the state guarantees to certain segments of the population, as well as, under certain economic conditions, to all members of society (during rising inflation, declining production, economic crisis, unemployment, etc.)

Forms and methods of social protection of the population must ensure the satisfaction of the vital needs of each citizen at a level not lower than the subsistence level.

Target test work- learn more about social guarantees, their types and the procedure for their implementation.

Main tasks of the test:

  • 1. Study the types of social guarantees.
  • 2. Consider the principles of social protection.
  • 3. Determine the objects of social protection.
  • 4. Study the organizational and legal forms of social protection of the population.
  • 5. Complete a practical task.



Social and economic guarantees are a method of ensuring that the state meets the various needs of citizens at the level of socially recognized norms and standards. Machulskaya E.E. Social security law [Text]: textbook for bachelors / E.E. Machulskaya. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurayt Publishing House; Publishing House Jurayt, 2014. - P. 154.

Rice. 1.

Consumption standards are the amounts of consumption in physical terms of food, non-food goods of current consumption and some services for a certain period of time (per day, month, year).

Provision standards - a certain amount of durable items that are for personal consumption of the population, as well as the provision of a certain territory with a network of educational institutions, health care, household, transport services, etc. Income standards - the amount of income of family citizens, which guarantees them satisfaction of needs at the level standards of consumption and provision.

Rational consumption standards are the level of consumption of goods and services for current and long-term use, which guarantees optimal satisfaction of needs.

Minimum consumption standards are a socially accepted level of consumption of food, non-food goods and services, determined according to the norms of social physiological needs. Statistical standards are standards determined on the basis of indicators of actual consumption of security for the entire population of individual social groups.

State standards in the field of housing and communal services include: Guseva T.S. Social security law in Russia [Text]: Textbook. -M.: YURKOMPANI, 2009. - P.127.

  • - the maximum rate of payment for services for the maintenance of housing, housing and communal services, depending on the income received;
  • - indicators of the quality of provision of public services.

State social standards in the field of transport services and communications include:

  • - standards for providing public transport;
  • - indicators of the quality of transport services;
  • - standards for providing the population with communication services;

State social standards in the field of health protection include:

  • - list and volume of guaranteed medical care citizens;
  • - indicators of the quality of medical care;
  • - standards for preferential provision of certain categories of the population medicines and other special means;
  • - standards for providing food in state and municipal health care institutions, etc.

State special standards in the field of education include:

  • - list and scope of services provided by state and municipal institutions of preschool, secondary, vocational and higher education;
  • - standards for maximum occupancy of classes and groups;
  • - standards for the ratio of pupils, students and teaching staff;
  • - material support standards educational institutions and etc.

The volume and level of provision with socio-economic guarantees is an indicator of the civility of the country. Main directions of implementation of social guarantees: Kholostova E.I. Social work[Text]: Textbook for bachelors / E.I. Kholostova. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and K", 2012. - P.321.

  • 1. The state must guarantee to everyone employed in the production process:
    • a) a normal level of well-being through the minimum wage and its indexation;
    • b) moderate taxes;
    • c) non-interference in business activities.
  • 2. The state must guarantee the satisfaction of the priority needs of citizens and society, which it cannot entrust to each citizen independently:
    • a) acquisition of general education;
    • b) raising children and adolescents;
    • c) personnel training;
    • d) organization of health protection and development physical culture and etc.
  • 3. The state must help increase the incomes of certain segments of the population who cannot provide a standard of living for themselves and their families at the level of minimum social standards, regardless of their participation in the production process in the following forms:
    • a) pensions;
    • b) different kinds help;
    • c) scholarships;
    • d) cash payments and their indexation;
    • d) tax benefits.

The state legally guarantees the satisfaction of priority needs from the budget in minimally sufficient amounts in the form of free services.

Organs local government when developing and implementing local socio-economic programs, they may provide for additional social guarantees at the expense of local budgets.

The development and implementation of State and local budgets is carried out on the basis of the priority of financing social guarantees and the social sphere.

State targeted support for local self-government is carried out with the aim of equalizing the capabilities of individual territorial societies in relation to the provision of social guarantees at a legally recognized level.

The total amount of goods and services consumed by the population during the corresponding period constitutes the consumption fund.

An unjustified increase in funds allocated for social protection of the population in the total volume of the consumption fund requires additional withdrawal of funds from the wage fund, which ultimately only expands the scale of redistribution, reduces the stimulating role of wages and does not increase the volume of total consumption.

The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of social support for citizens is formed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 7 of the Constitution “The Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. (Article 7., paragraph 1.). And also in the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, governmental support family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens, a system of social services is being developed, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are being established (Article 7.p.2.). Constitution of the Russian Federation. [ Electronic resource]: - Access from the information and legal portal “Garant”. - Access mode: http://base.garant.ru

The Constitution of the Russian Federation also establishes that coordination of issues of family protection, motherhood, paternity and childhood. Social protection, including social security, is under the joint authority of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Thus, all of the above guarantees are implemented through the social protection system. The basis of state social guarantees are minimum social standards, that is established by laws of the Russian Federation or by decisions of representative bodies of state power for a certain period of time, the minimum levels of social guarantees, expressed through social norms and standards reflecting the most important human needs for material goods, publicly available and free services, guaranteeing an appropriate level of their consumption and intended to determine the mandatory minimum budget expenditures for these purposes.

Social protection is a system of distribution relations, in the process of which, at the expense of a part of the national income, public funds of funds for material support and services for citizens are formed and used; this is the state’s concern for a person who has lost completely or partially the ability to work; the activities of the state to implement the goals and priority tasks of social policy, to implement a set of legally established economic, legal and social guarantees that ensure each member of society respects social rights, including to a “decent” standard of living.

Social protection of the population is a practical activity to implement the main directions of social policy.

When developing and implementing social policy, the question of social priorities necessarily arises, that is, social tasks that are recognized by society at at this stage its development are the most pressing and urgent, requiring priority solutions. At the same time, it is necessary not only to support, but also to develop public relations, skillfully combining interests various categories population, as well as public associations and groups.

In a broad general sociological sense, the term “social protection” first appeared in the United States in the 1930s. and gradually became widespread in Western sociology to designate a system of measures that protect any citizen from economic and social disadvantage due to unemployment, loss or sharp reduction in income due to illness, birth of a child, work injury or occupational diseases, disability, old age, loss of a breadwinner, etc., and has also become the main attribute of the social policy of any civilized state. Guseva T.S. Social security law in Russia [Text]: Textbook. -M.: YURKOMPANI, 2009. - P. 118.

Social protection of the population is considered by Russian social law as a system of legal guarantees and protective measures that protect members of society from economic, social and physical degradation. It acts as a process of provision by state and municipal bodies of existing guarantees and rights that protect the individual, his economic, socio-political, social needs and interests.

In practical terms, social protection is represented by a complex of legal, economic, social guarantees, enshrined in legislation and in by-laws at the state level using a two-tier system of legal acts - federal and regional legislation.

At the same time, social protection also acts as a process of ensuring by state or other bodies the guarantees and rights existing in society that protect the individual, his economic, socio-political, social needs and interests in all spheres of society. In its action it extends to all members of society, but its functional manifestation in relation to different groups is not the same.

economic social pension partnership